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Fantasy MvT: Magic vs Technology

"Magic boy" he grumbled. No saving him now. Damn his judgment. Damn his teachers. Damn the plan. "Damn it all..." He hissed. "Pirate-save me, and I will not only give you free labor but I will fix whatever magic problem you may have. Listen I am not for this war here ok-I came to offer my services so I could help you... tech users." He pulled his arms out of the cop's grasp, but fell to his knees as his injuries took their toll. "Girl...if you can do anything...please..." He sent a mental signal to her...a small message that shows an emotion of the caster. It was very harmless, and it was...well not an amazing ability. All she got from him, was, well in words, "I am afraid".

Her eye twitched again. 'You stupid idiot! What are you doing? She was obviously fine with just one person for free labor. God, you'd be horrible at windling someone down.' Scarlet thought in pure annoyance. The mechanist surveyed the surroundings. Definitely too many to take on... And they were everywhere, even hiding in trees. Even if they were distracted, there was no way out. There were trapped, plain and simple. Truly, their last hope was this pirate. But pirates are sketchy, and can easily turn on you if you were the lowest bidder. Scarlet crossed her fingers and held her breath for the outcome. All the cards were in this pirate's hands. Hopefully she knows how to play...
Inheritance said:
He slammed into the ground, and felt his ribs break like glass. "OOF" he hissed. "Why...they were made of smoke dammit..." He coughed up blood, and saw the guards. "Pirate...if you can save me here, I will give you anything." He wouldn't resist, even if he wanted to. He wasn't one for fist fights. "I have done nothing wrong! Under what charges do you arrest me under?" He was desperate. Hopefully this pirate or the girl could pull something here...
Cherrywitch said:
But Scarlet was personally at a loss. She was going to jump for the weapon when he was distracted, but now... The mechanist took a deep breath. It was way too noisy. How could she think like this?! If she runs or attacks, she's shot. But if she doesn't, she's arrested. Scarlet's eyebrow twitched. 'why does this always happen to meee?' She whined in her inner voice. Scarlet turned to the pirate. This was her best shot. "Captain, do you have a Gunner on your team? I'm a real fast shooter. If you help us out here and distract the elites, I'll work for you. Free." She whispered. It was better than nothing. As far as she knew, pirates took anything, and loved handouts. What's better than free labor?
ZoroarkGangster said:
Cordelia Sterling Cordelia chuckled at the hole spectacle before sheathing her cutlass and jumping into the arena. As she landed she stood between the 'criminals' and the officials. "Oh I forget, not all of your military and police enforcement know me yet. I'm one of you guys. A soldier, I may be a pirate, but I'm not going into any prison, so if you'd like to kill one of the most legendary sky pirates and lose any chance of more ruthless killers to do as your government say... please by all means try to kill me." She smiled as she twirled her dress once, "Although I personally want to see if anyone here is worthy, except magic boy there, my arc cannons are close enough to magic to amuse me. After all, magic is what caused me problems, why would I want it?"
@Kylesar1 @Inheritance @Cherrywitch
A lot of cops and some Elites were there now, pointing their guns at all of them.

"Sir, that's Captain Cordelica Sterling, a sky pirate captain."

John scoffed. �"If you want to take one of these into your crew, come by the barracks." John was one of the highest authorities of the ground forces. This situation was under his jurisdiction, not hers. Hers was in the air. She'd get arrested for accompaniment if she interfered right now.

Scarlet was cuffed. "You're under arrest for working with (harboring) a mage."

The mage was cuffed with his hands behind his back. "You just casted a spell. A high level one. Reckless endangerment, illegal use of magic, resisting arrest. I asked you to cooperate. You said you wanted to avoid trouble."
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"High level? And what do you-OW hey man no need to be Mr. Tough guy-you call THAT a high level? Nonono, that is minescule. I want to avoid trouble but you have to bash me in the ribs for no offense other then wanting peace. Too bad. I was rather fond of your...super fast iron horses whatever those are." He cooperated now, nothing he could do about it. "Pirate." He said, as he dropped a few gold coins skillfully. "I know where there is more. I can entertain-you think skeletons are nice wait till you see zombies do it." He turned to the captain. "Do you mind not having the cuffs? Believe me I have no power in close combat. Besides I can't cast any spells with such injuries..." He coughed up blood. @Kylesar1 @Cherrywitch @ZoroarkGangster

The redhead gave a snarl at the officer. "Oi! Hands off! Those things are pinching my skin!" Scarlet wanted to kick him so badly, but she knew it would only solidify her arrest. She knew this was a bad idea, dammit! Why does she always get herself into trouble?! The girl struggled against the cuffs but it was no use, they were firm. "End of the line, it seems..." Scarlet sighed with resentment, and gave up fighting back. It was over. And she knew it.

(Btw sorry if I'm typing too fast...)
"You as well", said Sargon as he turned to leave. A black horse was waiting outside. Sargon carefully loaded his goods into the saddle back and climbed onto the saddle. He gave the horse a slight tap with his heels and went on his way.
Inheritance said:
"High level? And what do you-OW hey man no need to be Mr. Tough guy-you call THAT a high level? Nonono, that is minescule. I want to avoid trouble but you have to bash me in the ribs for no offense other then wanting peace. Too bad. I was rather fond of your...super fast iron horses whatever those are." He cooperated now, nothing he could do about it. "Pirate." He said, as he dropped a few gold coins skillfully. "I know where there is more. I can entertain-you think skeletons are nice wait till you see zombies do it." He turned to the captain. "Do you mind not having the cuffs? Believe me I have no power in close combat. Besides I can't cast any spells with such injuries..." He coughed up blood. @Kylesar1 @Cherrywitch @ZoroarkGangster
The mage was roughly picked up and shoved towards a cop car. The cuffs had powerful Anti-Magic and EMP in them to prevent both sides from escaping if they were arrested.

"I didn't touch you until you summoned that dragon. I asked you time and time again to put your hands up. I was in a good mood and let you explain why you're here. You could've had a peaceful deportation. Now it's out of my hand."

Cherrywitch said:
The redhead gave a snarl at the officer. "Oi! Hands off! Those things are pinching my skin!" Scarlet wanted to kick him so badly, but she knew it would only solidify her arrest. She knew this was a bad idea, dammit! Why does she always get herself into trouble?! The girl struggled against the cuffs but it was no use, they were firm. "End of the line, it seems..." Scarlet sighed with resentment, and gave up fighting back. It was over. And she knew it.

(Btw sorry if I'm typing too fast...)
Scarlet was pushed towards the cars as well. Her treatment was much better than the mage though.

"Helping a mage to escape is a crime. If you had turned him over and not kept trying to call to the pirate to save you, you wouldn't be in this situation. Captain Sterling is under the same rules as we are. If she breaks protocol, especially if it helps a mage, she has to answer to the Bureaucracy."

They were both thrown in the cars

(GTG for tonight)

The girl winced as she landed on her hands and pulled her shoulder in an awkward direction. Scarlet's eyes were narrowed in fury. "He... He didn't do anything! He was just lost..." The redhead turned away, angry beyond belief. If only she wasn't nice, if only she never met that stupid Mage, if only, if only... Scarlet closed her eyes sadly.
@Kylesar1 @Cherrywitch @ZoroarkGangster

Before he was thrown in, he sighed. "She isn't to blame. She is under my control. I release you now girl." He shrugged. "She is not to blame at all. I forced her to say that, she would never have without it. Let her go, do what you will with me. Of course, that would be the right thing to do. Then again, arresting your own kind even though they did nothing wrong is really your style isn't it?" He was shocked at himself for taking the fall. Why he did that? Who knows. Now he would be...probably executed? Who knows. "By the way general, the dragon was false. A party trick I learned from my father before he was killed. Thanks for ruining the one thing I love."
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Cordelia Sterling "Fair enough hammer head, I'll tag along till then." She looked at the coins the boy had dropped and chuckled. "I highly doubt you could do anything to help me, other than bait maybe. We'll see soon enough." Looking to the man she'd been calling hammer head she nodded. "Lead the way elite, I have to follow your rules first don't I? After I've followed a few if your rules I'll do what I need to do, take whomever I see fit for my crew, and leave you with whatever has no use for either of us."
@Kylesar1 @Cherrywitch @Inheritance

The redhead looked surprised, looking at the Mage with large golden eyes, widened from shock. Why... Did he...? She wasn't under any spell! Scarlet had meant what she said... He lied, to try and get her out of it? "Idiot." Scarlet grumbled under her breath. "It won't work anyway..." She ducked her head so her long red bangs hid her face, but they couldn't hide the sparkling droplets that fell from her chin. 'Why am I crying? Am I really... Scared? They won't kill me, will they? No... They wouldn't right?' The girl's body began to tremble.
I wonder if I should visit the magic country to get more magical artifacts, he thinks as he walks through Whuistan trying to find a shop still open. Maybe I could gather more information about what's going on. But if I do, then I need to go without my armor and I don't know how to about that. I would also need to put on a mask and cloak, just in case a certain dwarf is in that area. I guess it's a good thing, that my sword isn't enhanced yet.
The Mage's eyes darkened to black as he saw the girl crying. He didn't know why he cared...but he did. The cuffs prevented magic. For now. He wouldn't let this injustice stand. He shook with rage. "How long will your batteries last?" He hissed before silencing himself. He ignored the pirate. She would be of no help to him. He just hoped the pirate wouldn't sit next to him...they were known for picking pockets.
He keeps on walking until he sees a medicine shop. Not really my style, but hey, it's the only store open. Besides, it won't hurt to have some medical supplies just in cast if any of my projects blows up in my face, he thinks as he enters the shop.


The dark haired man had just finished pouring the concoction he had brewed into a glass bottle and was placing it on a shelf when the man walked in. Ezekiel turned, and approached his counter. "Hello. Were you looking for something?" The calming voice questioned, blue eyes soft as they looked carefully at the man.
“ Oh, nothing much. Um... do you have anything that can heal burns?” he says while looking at the liquid the shop owner just put on the shelf.


(I'm going to sleep, goodnight)
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The shop owner gave a pleasant smile with an "of course" as he turned to collect the potion and other liquids, laying them on the counter gently. "I have both topical and potion forms. Topical is more pointed but heals slower." He explained briefly.
Inheritance said:
@Kylesar1 @Cherrywitch @ZoroarkGangster
Before he was thrown in, he sighed. "She isn't to blame. She is under my control. I release you now girl." He shrugged. "She is not to blame at all. I forced her to say that, she would never have without it. Let her go, do what you will with me. Of course, that would be the right thing to do. Then again, arresting your own kind even though they did nothing wrong is really your style isn't it?" He was shocked at himself for taking the fall. Why he did that? Who knows. Now he would be...probably executed? Who knows. "By the way general, the dragon was false. A party trick I learned from my father before he was killed. Thanks for ruining the one thing I love."
Inheritance said:
The Mage's eyes darkened to black as he saw the girl crying. He didn't know why he cared...but he did. The cuffs prevented magic. For now. He wouldn't let this injustice stand. He shook with rage. "How long will your batteries last?" He hissed before silencing himself. He ignored the pirate. She would be of no help to him. He just hoped the pirate wouldn't sit next to him...they were known for picking pockets.
"Hypnosis, eh? I'm sure you're lying because she has way too much free-will, but if it's a confession, suit yourself."

"I don't care what you like and dislike. I like drinking, but I don't do it on the job. Time and place. As for those batteries? We have alternate power-sources if you think we're powerless."

ZoroarkGangster said:
Cordelia Sterling "Fair enough hammer head, I'll tag along till then." She looked at the coins the boy had dropped and chuckled. "I highly doubt you could do anything to help me, other than bait maybe. We'll see soon enough." Looking to the man she'd been calling hammer head she nodded. "Lead the way elite, I have to follow your rules first don't I? After I've followed a few if your rules I'll do what I need to do, take whomever I see fit for my crew, and leave you with whatever has no use for either of us."
@Kylesar1 @Cherrywitch @Inheritance
John laughed. "A few of my rules? No, these are a few of our rules. Being a pirate doesn't exempt you from the rules of the 37th Brigade. If you break them, you're dealing with the Bureaucracy." The Bureaucracy gives pirates a bit more leniency than the rest, but their rules were still largely the same. The Bureaucracy was the most feared in Whuistan.
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Alamar said nothing. Why he had done that, he never knew. But he asked anyway "so what's my fate? Torture? Execution? Life in prison? Slavery?" There was no defeat in his tone, but he shuddered. "Got anything to drink? Like...something strong...part of hypnosis is making sure nobody figures it out young one. " despite him being 16...@Kylesar1 @Cherrywitch
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"Alright so what's next?"




"Haha they have a library well I do to and I'm the one who has been sending out those "gods" they have been fighting. They think I don't know what's happening. I know exactly what's happening. Which reminds me I need to see my sister fetch her now." She said in a commanding voice.

*after a long and dreamless sleep, i wake up to the sound of my internal systems beeping and buzzing. its sounds like a broken alarm clock. i get out of bed and walk over to my desk* Aia (the name of my AI assistant) any news on the outside world. (Aia) looks like the Sky labs made a breakthrough in suit tech. *i sigh* anything else. (Aia) the war seems to be going harder then ever. *i close my eyes, and cross my arms*. *this war has been going on for far to long*. well, better get started with the day.
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* i get from my desk chair and walk past the kitchen. no use of eating breakfast when you cant digest your food. i dont get hungry or thirsty anyways. i go to my closet and put on my hoodie* i just need and opening. then i can make myself known to the world. *i walk out the door into the rusty and dirty streets of Bellwards underworld. this is no place for anyone to live, but some people do. its a place for all those who fail to live their dream in Bellward, and they end up in a slum like this. its perfect for me. no one cares who you are or what you do down here, no one comes looking for you. since im a miracle of battle and intelligence tech, its the perfect place for me to be, since no one can find me* *i put my hands in my pokets as i walk down a dark alleyway to meet my assets*
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"I don't know. That's on the judge to decide, but pray for simple deportation." The car doors were shut and they drove away


Another alert sounded. "Sir, apparently a mage has been found in Bellward. He's been taken in along with a woman who is suspected of harboring him."

"Well there we go. We may have found new recruits. Let's head up to Bellward. Make sure you have your weapons on you." Rey started walking back to the office to get his stuff together and get Wendy ready. He hadn't been in Bellward in years. He had a little pull, but by name only, considering he made the best enhancement equipment in the business, but his face never seen.

Cherrywitch said:
The shop owner gave a pleasant smile with an "of course" as he turned to collect the potion and other liquids, laying them on the counter gently. "I have both topical and potion forms. Topical is more pointed but heals slower." He explained briefly.
“I think I will take the potion" I want to be healed as fast as possible if there's a explosion, he thinks as he talks to the man.
Cordelia Sterling "If you say so hun." Cordelia smiled and got into the car, sitting on the edge of the unrolled window and letting the rush of the wind go by her face. She may be part of thier law, but nobody knew how she had done it, nor how special of a case she was. Hell, only the bureaucracy knew of the curse she had, the only reason she wasn't locked up was because she managed to make deals with them. The poor man here didn't realize the kind of leash she had, and he sure as hell didn't know the rules she was commanded to follow. "When we do the few things you need to, I want to speak to the girl. Alone. I have my own ways of recruitment." Looking to the mage and girl she smiled with a subtle glare. "Also, kids, I ain't the kind of pirate for coin so bribe me all you want with your life savings, I'm already living the high life."
@Inheritance @Cherrywitch @Kylesar1

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