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Fantasy MvT: Magic vs Technology

animegirl20 said:

She calmed her powers down and gave a simple smile. "I'm curious do you have a religion? Do you worship anything?"


The old man scoffed. "We have no need. If we can match the gods, following them is an insult. If there's a higher power we can never beat, and they prove to be the best course of action for us as a society, we'll gladly fall to our knees. Your gods view us as playthings. Asking us to fall onto our knees in their narcissistic bullshit. Hercules paved the way for us to match them."
animegirl20 said:

"That's all I wanted to know. Oh by the way those gods you have been fighting might not have been actual gods. Bye" She waved at them and signaled Seer to close the connection.


"Uh huh, of course. Typical religious nuts. If you beat them, they're not gods. If they win, they're our gods. Unfortunately for you, both your gods and your followers are very vocal about their beliefs. We have an entire archive in our library of who's a god and who isn't."

The connection cut off

At the sight of the newcomer, the thieves fled as quickly as they could. Scarlet clenched her teeth. "You cowards!" She hissed under her breath. The mechanic turned back to John. "Crap... An elite..." Scarlet whispered over her shoulder. She was good at thinking on her toes, but this would be difficult. Scarlet put on a sweet expression and put her guns away. "Oh, I'm so glad you came! Those robbers attacked us, and I knew I couldn't defend myself, but..." She looked down, fake tears building in her eyes. "This man is a wanderer and he got lost, so I tried to guide him out, but I wasn't- I wasn't strong enough." Scarlet hicced realistically and put a hand over her eyes.

@Kylesar1 @Inheritance
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Nakata Ozawa It was quite common that Nakata would visit his parents in their home village. Although the visit was short Nakata always had a lovely time with his parents. As he left his parents home he double checked to be sure he had his katana and set out toward the land between the two "factions" as he called them. He took his time as he viewed the gorgeous scenes around him. The trees rustling as a slight breeze kicked in, the flowers as vibrant as ever, the forest animals communicating in a way that made it seem as if they sang melodies of harmony, and the tranquility it all held. It was the perfect setting for a peaceful guy such as himself. Nothing could replace this beauty, well... except maybe a cute girl.

(Anyone who cares in Toron territory)
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Alamar began coughing and wheezing (he was quite adept at this by now). "Aye...I'm sorry I just got lost...I'm a student, you can ask anyone in Toron. I'm not a soldier or even supporting of the war! In fact I just want a quiet place to do my work!" He said as he put his hands behind his back. He had a spell ready...it certainly wouldn't kill him...maybe bruise him a bit...but the knockback should get him away...but then what?
Cordelia Sterling It was just another typical day on her airship. "Hurry up and reload the damn cannons!" She looked to the crew mate who had yelled at his fellow pirates. It was just a normal day. "Arc cannon ready to fire! Awaiting your order captain!" She nodded and walked to the edge of the airship, clambered up onto the edge with a firm grip on a rope. Looking down she saw the ground and smiled. As she looked up she saw the other crew of sky pirates and unsheathed her cutlass with her free hand and pointed the blade at the enemy ship. "Fire."

Whirring noises began as arcs of blue colored beams shot out from several cannons on the airship and blew holes through the other. Her ship was unmatched, a terror in the air, a legend among all sky pirates. She herself was a legend of her own. As the cannons ceased their fire she grabbed hold of another rope and yelled to her crew. "Board their vessel! Take what provisions we need, and leave no survivors! You know the drill!" The swinging pirates landed upon the other ship, and began their bloody assault. By the time the raid was over, the ship began to sink ever so gently until it landed in a burning heap in the fields far below. Cordelia smiled as her crew cheered. "Lets go home boys and girls, we got a bounty to turn in."

(Anyone who cares when her ship docks in Bellward)
Cherrywitch said:
The once-monk seemed puzzled by this. "I have gone through years of training in the monk hood and had to solve many riddles, but none to this extent. Can you clarify at all what you are trying to tell me?"
He stopped once more and turned to face the monk.

"Can I? Yes. Will I? No. Perhaps I will in time. The future is not known to me, only the present and past.

You were once a monk? That is a step on the path that leads to truth. You are no longer a monk. Another step.

You seem to be a good man, but the travelers on the road are beset by robbers and traitors constantly. Knowledge is more precious than gold, and it must be guarded."

Inheritance said:
Alamar began coughing and wheezing (he was quite adept at this by now). "Aye...I'm sorry I just got lost...I'm a student, you can ask anyone in Toron. I'm not a soldier or even supporting of the war! In fact I just want a quiet place to do my work!" He said as he put his hands behind his back. He had a spell ready...it certainly wouldn't kill him...maybe bruise him a bit...but the knockback should get him away...but then what?
"Put your fucking hands in the air," John said. "I swear if you try something funny, I'll strike you down."
Kylesar1 said:
"Put your fucking hands in the air," John said. "I swear if you try something funny, I'll strike you down."
"Sir please." He said without putting his hands up. "I just want to leave. I am simply trying to leave without causing much trouble." His tone gave nothing away.
Logan wakes up a hour from when he tried to go to sleep. “ Why can't I go to sleep” he says looking very groggy. He gets off his bed and decides to go around Whuistan to get some supplies for his projects. I wonder if any shops are still open? Probably not, but it doesn't hurt to try, he thinks as he leaves his shop and starts wonders around Whuistan.

(Mentally note: never have your character go to sleep.)
Cherrywitch said:
At the sight of the newcomer, the thieves fled as quickly as they could. Scarlet clenched her teeth. "You cowards!" She hissed under her breath. The mechanic turned back to John. "Crap... An elite..." Scarlet whispered over her shoulder. She was good at thinking on her toes, but this would be difficult. Scarlet put on a sweet expression and put her guns away. "Oh, I'm so glad you came! Those robbers attacked us, and I knew I couldn't defend myself, but..." She looked down, fake tears building in her eyes. "This man is a wanderer and he got lost, so I tried to guide him out, but I wasn't- I wasn't strong enough." Scarlet hicced realistically and put a hand over her eyes.

@Kylesar1 @Inheritance
Inheritance said:
"Sir please." He said without putting his hands up. "I just want to leave. I am simply trying to leave without causing much trouble." His tone gave nothing away.
(Been incredibly busy lately)

John slammed his hammer on the ground. An earth wall shot up and the men ran into it. John touched the men with the hammer and they started convulsing, as if hit with a tazor. They were groaning when they finally stopped, out of commission. "You're all under arrest."

He turned to the other guy. "I'm not gonna tell you again to put your hands up." The wall had sealed off their best way of escape. The only way now was past John. "If you don't want trouble, I suggest you cooperate, because I could kill you now and get praise for it."

LindsMagee said:
Rosana turned to Saffron "well I guess we won then. If the battle went as far as No Man's land one kingdom probably declared all out war"
Saffron shook her head. "I don't think so. I didn't see any dragons or Grand Mages or anything like that. It can still be stopped before the Queen or the blasphemers declare all out war."

The girl looked up, here eyes still pink from her fake tears. "Damn..." Scarlet trailed her gaze to the men, and winced at the thought of what it felt like to be hit with that thing. She then turned her eyes to the hammer. 'If I could just get that away from him...' She held her hands up, keeping an eye on the weapon.


Ezekiel relented, closing his eyes peacefully. So he was just a traveling fortune teller, of sorts... Giving random advice and such to scare others. Ezekiel gently whispered. "Have a good day..." Before returning to the bubbling pot.
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Kylesar1 said:
(Been incredibly busy lately)
John slammed his hammer on the ground. An earth wall shot up and the men ran into it. John touched the men with the hammer and they started convulsing, as if hit with a tazor. They were groaning when they finally stopped, out of commission. "You're all under arrest."

He turned to the other guy. "I'm not gonna tell you again to put your hands up." The wall had sealed off their best way of escape. The only way now was past John. "If you don't want trouble, I suggest you cooperate, because I could kill you now and get praise for it."

Saffron shook her head. "I don't think so. I didn't see any dragons or Grand Mages or anything like that. It can still be stopped before the Queen or the blasphemers declare all out war."
"Will I be killed? I'm scared...I just...listen I will pay you anything-I just want to go home!" He put one hand up. "Listen I don't want trouble sir. I just want to leave. Listen I came because I wanted peace...but this girl told me to leave." Lying came quite easy to him. But he needed to escape. He had quite a bit to think about...

A glare so sharp it could cut a trunk of a tree was shot at the magic user, one that said 'if we make it out of this, I'm killing you.' Scarlet returned her gaze to the weapon. How could she get him to let go...? She could most likely find the power source and destroy it of she got her hands on it, or at least tweak it's functions to make it near useless, but she had to get it away from its weilder.
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Kylesar1 said:
(Been incredibly busy lately)
John slammed his hammer on the ground. An earth wall shot up and the men ran into it. John touched the men with the hammer and they started convulsing, as if hit with a tazor. They were groaning when they finally stopped, out of commission. "You're all under arrest."

He turned to the other guy. "I'm not gonna tell you again to put your hands up." The wall had sealed off their best way of escape. The only way now was past John. "If you don't want trouble, I suggest you cooperate, because I could kill you now and get praise for it."

Saffron shook her head. "I don't think so. I didn't see any dragons or Grand Mages or anything like that. It can still be stopped before the Queen or the blasphemers declare all out war."
Rosana shook her head sadly saying "no one can stop my sister once she has a goal she will stop at nothing to achieve it" she then thought about something. "what do you think would happen if I went to Whuistan and tried to make peace?"
Cordelia Sterling Her ship was docked and her crew were busy tending to damage and restocking the ship. While they did that Cordelia had decided to do her own thing for the time it would take. As she wandered the place she happened to land her ship, she noticed a large wall of stone, a man, and several people who seemed to be trapped. Instead of walking up behind the man she wandered past until she was on the other side. Once she was there a loud boom could be heard and smoke rose up behind her as she landed on the top of the wall with a smile. "Look what we got here, a stone arena and a bunch of poor saps." She giggled and pulled out her cutlass, pointing it at the crowd. "You all have one chance to amuse me! Those who succeed can join my crew, those who don't... well I'm sure hammer head over there had plans for you."

@Kylesar1 @Cherrywitch @Inheritance
"Gods damn GIRL how many people are going to be joining us today?! First this imperial scum and now a pirate?! Oh my Gods..." He pulled out a pipe and began smoking. The smoke rings turned into dragons that flew around in circles. "Alright 'MATEY' here's a bit of entertainment." He pulled out his other hand, and a dark orb escaped his hand and into the ground. 5 skeletons arose, and they began tap dancing before the pirate. "Enough? Or more?"@Kylesar1 @Cherrywitch @ZoroarkGangster
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Inheritance said:
"Will I be killed? I'm scared...I just...listen I will pay you anything-I just want to go home!" He put one hand up. "Listen I don't want trouble sir. I just want to leave. Listen I came because I wanted peace...but this girl told me to leave." Lying came quite easy to him. But he needed to escape. He had quite a bit to think about...
Cherrywitch said:
A glare so sharp it could cut a trunk of a tree was shot at the magic user, one that said 'if we make it out of this, I'm killing you.' Scarlet returned her gaze to the weapon. How could she get him to let go...? She could most likely find the power source and destroy it of she got her hands on it, or at least tweak it's functions to make it near useless, but she had to get it away from its weilder.
ZoroarkGangster said:
Cordelia Sterling Her ship was docked and her crew were busy tending to damage and restocking the ship. While they did that Cordelia had decided to do her own thing for the time it would take. As she wandered the place she happened to land her ship, she noticed a large wall of stone, a man, and several people who seemed to be trapped. Instead of walking up behind the man she wandered past until she was on the other side. Once she was there a loud boom could be heard and smoke rose up behind her as she landed on the top of the wall with a smile. "Look what we got here, a stone arena and a bunch of poor saps." She giggled and pulled out her cutlass, pointing it at the crowd. "You all have one chance to amuse me! Those who succeed can join my crew, those who don't... well I'm sure hammer head over there had plans for you."

@Kylesar1 @Cherrywitch @Inheritance
A bunch of lasers pointed at her. Snipers. This entire spectacle had attracted an audience. "Oi, I don't know who you are, but you're gonna get all these people killed and yourself arrested for interfering." Unless this girl was a pirate in the 37th brigade, she was interfering with an official, thus a felony

The guy summoned some dragons. John charged forward and busted him full force with the hammer, sending him flying. For a mage, it'd bust some ribs if not kill him instantly. Its vibrations rattled his bones

More police came in, armed with powerful guns. The dragons were in the middle of Bellward, which was strong in Anti-Magic. The dragons were extinguished with ease. If they were normal dragons, it'd be a problem, but it wasn't.

The guards surrounded him and pointed their guns and weapons at him, poised to strike. "Shall we take him down, sir?!"

"Let's take him in alive."

If he tried to resist, he'd be killed

LindsMagee said:
Rosana shook her head sadly saying "no one can stop my sister once she has a goal she will stop at nothing to achieve it" she then thought about something. "what do you think would happen if I went to Whuistan and tried to make peace?"
"I don't think the blasphemers would take kindly to your presence. You're the princess. You getting captured will either put Kotrocor in their mercy, or start the war. Do you have another idea?"
He slammed into the ground, and felt his ribs break like glass. "OOF" he hissed. "Why...they were made of smoke dammit..." He coughed up blood, and saw the guards. "Pirate...if you can save me here, I will give you anything." He wouldn't resist, even if he wanted to. He wasn't one for fist fights. "I have done nothing wrong! Under what charges do you arrest me under?" He was desperate. Hopefully this pirate or the girl could pull something here...
"We could at least try to get in contact with someone on their side? Maybe meet close to the border? I also have been hearing things about a secret city." Rosana suggested

But Scarlet was personally at a loss. She was going to jump for the weapon when he was distracted, but now... The mechanist took a deep breath. It was way too noisy. How could she think like this?! If she runs or attacks, she's shot. But if she doesn't, she's arrested. Scarlet's eyebrow twitched. 'why does this always happen to meee?' She whined in her inner voice. Scarlet turned to the pirate. This was her best shot. "Captain, do you have a Gunner on your team? I'm a real fast shooter. If you help us out here and distract the elites, I'll work for you. Free." She whispered. It was better than nothing. As far as she knew, pirates took anything, and loved handouts. What's better than free labor?
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Cordelia Sterling Cordelia chuckled at the hole spectacle before sheathing her cutlass and jumping into the arena. As she landed she stood between the 'criminals' and the officials. "Oh I forget, not all of your military and police enforcement know me yet. I'm one of you guys. A soldier, I may be a pirate, but I'm not going into any prison, so if you'd like to kill one of the most legendary sky pirates and lose any chance of more ruthless killers to do as your government say... please by all means try to kill me." She smiled as she twirled her dress once, "Although I personally want to see if anyone here is worthy, except magic boy there, my arc cannons are close enough to magic to amuse me. After all, magic is what caused me problems, why would I want it?"
@Kylesar1 @Inheritance @Cherrywitch

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