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Fantasy MvT: Magic vs Technology

*as i continue to walk down the alleyway, a man suddenly stops me in my path. the man is wearing a large black cloak with mythical designs painted in gold all over it. he was wearing many colored rings and a gold necklace around his neck, dangling from underneath his hood.* excuse me, your in my way *i walk past him and bump his shoulder* *he then fires a large blast of fire at me. i doge it, and turn around* Mages in Bellward? *i think to myself* *i blast a shot of energy from my hands at him, but he seems to block it with another blast of fire* what are you doing in Bellward, scum. *the man then takes off his hood to reveal his face. he was about my age, with long white spiky hair and red eyes. you could notice a small gold earing in his left ear. he smiles as he opens his mouth* you are quite powerful, for a normal human. *i stare at him angerly* answer the question scum. (il refer to the man as fire mage) (fire mage) *giggles* there is something big coming to this city, the side of magic has stayed quiet for far too long. *I run at him with all my speed and try to land a punch to his face, but he doges and i miss. his magics make him fast. however i manage to rip off his hood from his cloak, his necklace from his neck, and one of his rings from his finger, for he was foolish to leave them dangling and exposed. he then looks a me angerly and disappears in a burst of fire* *i look down at my hand to observe my evidence* i need to bring this to the authorities and warn them of this big attack. *i stop and jump up the building next to me. i jump again and again, latching on to building and walls, slowly making it to Bellwards sky level to warn the authorities*
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Ezekiel seemed hesitant. "...the potion takes a few minutes to work." He murmured, but muttered the price quietly. Honestly, he hated giving people potions. If something went wrong, he would be blamed, even though it was most likely an allergic reaction.


Realizing who the pirate was talking about, Scarlet raised her head. She wiped the stains of her tears off on her shoulders before speaking. "...you still wish to recruit me?" Well, she had practically sold herself off like a piece of equipment. But, why would a pirate with the bureaucracy want a half-fast mechanic who knew how to handle a couple of guns? There must have been hundreds of those in town. Was she just convenient?
He pays for it, then puts it into his pocket and leaves the shop. Ok, maybe it's time to visit the barracks for the blueprint of that cool weapon that guy had. What was the name that guy called it? Doesn't matter. So, he starts to head off to the barracks very excited.


The man frowned as he watched the other leave, worrying. Usually Ezekiel didn't care what others used his potions for, but... Why would he need a potion that quickly healed burns specifically? He couldn't be... No. Why would a soldier go to a small little shop like his? It didn't make sense. Ezekiel chuckled to himself and flipped the sign to say "closed." He would still be in his shop experimenting, but he felt as though he had enough social interaction for a day.
Kylesar1 said:
"Hypnosis, eh? I'm sure you're lying because she has way too much free-will, but if it's a confession, suit yourself."
"I don't care what you like and dislike. I like drinking, but I don't do it on the job. Time and place. As for those batteries? We have alternate power-sources if you think we're powerless."

John laughed. "A few of my rules? No, these are a few of our rules. Being a pirate doesn't exempt you from the rules of the 37th Brigade. If you break them, you're dealing with the Bureaucracy." The Bureaucracy gives pirates a bit more leniency than the rest, but their rules were still largely the same. The Bureaucracy was the most feared in Whuistan.
@Cherrywitch @ZoroarkGangster (Ain't that right?)
*I jump with all my might, higher and higher to reach the Sky level to warn them of the attack on Bellward, but i was too late. while i was halfway through the City level , i heard a loud explosion and screams of people. it had already begun. i watched from a distance, dangling from an apartment building as a Plasma mage reeked havoc on the streets of the City level. my chance had come, it was time for me to join the fight* *i jumped from that building and landed right in front of that mage. my landing caused the pavement of the streets to crack. my eyes and arms glowed with orange energy as i stared at the Plasma mage with anger. people were shocked of my presence, and ran away in fear as i analyzed this mage. she looked similar to the Fire mage, but different. her cloak was gold and the mythical designs were in silver. she wore the same rings and necklace, but they were silver instead of gold. she took her hood and showed her face. her eyes were a bright blue, her hair was black and she had a silver earring in her right ear.* so you were the one my brother mentioned. you dont look so tough to me *she shot a power burst of electricity at me. i easily donged it, and shot a blast of energy back* *i got a call from Aia from my internal systems* it seems like these attacks arnt just here, but on every level of the city *she then showed me videos of all the different mages attacking. one of them was the Fire mage* theres that #######. ill deal with him after im done with her *i hang up and focus on the fight* i hope others start to help out *i turn to the Plasma mage and shoot another blast of energy and we continue to fight*
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Cherrywitch said:
@Inheritance hmm I'm not sure... I think they would still question her right? Let's just assume that.)
(That's fine we do that)

Alamar stayed silent until the pirate spoke. "So pirate, I'm screwed then?" He stared at his lap with dark eyes and an equally dark expression.
*blasts of energy and electricity fire in the streets in the City level of Bellward. our battle is catastrophic, tearing up the street below us* This is not a normal mage *i tell myself*, these people are much more powerful then that. their stronger, faster and have more magical prowess than normal mages. *our fight continues, as we are evenly matched in power, strength and speed. * i stand corrected *The Plasma mage says, while painting* you are pretty strong. you may even be a match for my brother. *the Fire mage. he seemed to be the most powerful of the three* but im going to kill you and destroy this level of Bellward. our plan shall not fail *she fires a continuous bright blue beam of electricity at me, hoping that it would disintegrate me. it did not. i formed an energy shield over my arm and walked towards her, blocking the beam with my arm* your plan will fail. the people of this city shall make sure of that *she gasped and intensified the beam, painting and falling on one knee, but it was no use. i kept blocking it and walking closer and closer to her*
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When Logan gets to the barracks, he sees that no one is there and leaves after a couple of minutes. Then, he sees plasma and fire blast. He starts to rush to his shop and thinks, Now's my opportunity to visit the magic country. He enters his shop, and grabs a cloak and mask. He puts them on and grabs a sword, and hurries to No Man's Land while trying to not be seen.
Inheritance said:
(That's fine we do that)
Alamar stayed silent until the pirate spoke. "So pirate, I'm screwed then?" He stared at his lap with dark eyes and an equally dark expression.
Cordelia Sterling "Yep, I'd rather not break the rules I'm bound to. I have my honor to uphold, and a promise to keep." She smiled as she looked out into the city and chuckled, "However, if you live through all this you'll be able to say you survived a meeting with the queen of sky pirates. Very few have survived my attacks after all. Though you'd be the first to not have to fight for your life."
*after some time, the beam gets harder to deflect. i stop and go down on one knee, just meters away from the Plasma mage.* i cant hold this for long, what do i do? *the Plasma mage grins through her paining* looks like this is the end for you *i start to get pushed back by her beam. no, this is not the end. im not going to die just after i joined the fight.* AAAAAARGG* i gather up all my remaining strength and shoot a powerful concentrated beam of energy* NO, THIS IS THE END FOR YOU *the beam goes straight through her beam and into her chest. her eyes open wide and she stops her beam. my beam then expands and gets bigger as i blast her into oblivion. it was so powerful, it destroyed everything behind her. street, cars, buildings and all*
*i then collapse on the street* (Aia) dont you think that beam was a little over done? *i chuckled* it was necessary. (Aia) well, power is now at 20%. you need time for your internal generators to gather up some power. (Me) better make it quick then Aia, cause we have two other mages to fight. and i dont think their just gonna stand there and wait for us *i then get up and slowly start to make my way down to the Underworld level to defeat my foe, the Fire mage.* i just hope that someone else can take care of the Frost mage on the Sky level or help me with the Fire mage on the Underworld Level.
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Magadude said:
(So wait, you just introduce a strong bad guy, just to kill her off in one fight.)
@Akio Chikara
(if you want i can say that she just teleported at the last second, as demonstrated by the Fire mage. btw these fights are happening in Bellward, so civilians are getting hurt. she was also ment to be killed off soon since she was the weakest of the three. i promise the other fights will be longer, since the other two mages will be much more powerful. but i need more people to join in. also, we might not even kill the other two off. they could leave the city and go back. but their goal is to destroy Bellward, so we'll just see what happens)
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Alamar snickered. "Queen of the Sky Pirates? You didn't attack me you walked in on me being wrongfully arrested! But I guess now I am a hypnotist and was controlling this girl. Which is true of course...anyway you don't threaten me. I mean right now there's nothing I can do...but who cares you won't save me so I have nothing ton say to you. I assume you don't like groveling." He stared out the window. He was scared...and hated this metal thing he was in. It was terrifying. Why couldn't they just teleport like normal people?! It was quite obvious the car unnerved him.
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(Ok, thanks for clearing that up. It makes a little more sense now) As Logan is sneaking out, he hears a lot of destruction coming from inside Bellward. He pulls out a map and starts to walk towards Toron. Solider guy can handle that, right, he thinks as he starts walking to Toron.
(btw everyone, please look at this for what i mean when i mention the Sky, City and Underworld levels of Bellward. Bellward consists of three levels. the fist level (Sky level) is where all the business and progress happens and where most of the wealth is made. its for the rich, intelligent, and talented. it consists of science facilities, factories, and luxury condos. the level is located high above the surface of the ground. The second level (City level) is below the sky level, but still off the ground. this is where most of the people live and connect. its for small time inventors, engineers and mechanics trying to use their skills to make a living. however, most of the level is used for residence, with Thousands of condos and apartment buildings. its the most populated level. The Third and final level (Underworld level) is at ground level. most of the criminal activity in Bellward happens here. it mostly consists of dirty slums, sewers, power stations, and alley ways. its the roughest part of Bellward, but also one of the most valuable. if your friends with the Bellward mafia and big crime bosses, you can make a lot of money. you can disappear and hide here, and no one would come looking for you. reputation is vital here, as it gives you respect and resources. this is where i come in. i live in a secret base, hidden in the slums. this is because i have connections with the big crime bosses and the Bellward mafia (my assets i mentioned). i have these connections because of my reputation and what ive done for them. this gives me their support, and access to their vast resources. (this is kind of my CS continued). give me some feedback and tell me if this is good)
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Inheritance said:
Alamar snickered. "Queen of the Sky Pirates? You didn't attack me you walked in on me being wrongfully arrested! But I guess now I am a hypnotist and was controlling this girl. Which is true of course...anyway you don't threaten me. I mean right now there's nothing I can do...but who cares you won't save me so I have nothing ton say to you. I assume you don't like groveling.
Cordelia Sterling "Oh hun, every pirate enjoys a bit of groveling." Cordelia chuckled and leaned forward, "However I suggest you take the street cred kid. If you do survive this... you're gonna need it if I ever run into you again." As she said this she glared at the mage and showed him a special silver medallion with the same crest of a crown with swords that was on her eyepatch before stuffing it in a random pocket of his. "You'll need this too if you survive. Trust me on that."
*as i slowly walk to the stairs that lead down to the Underworld level, i think to myslef* these mages are different than what ive heard that fight on the battle field. these mages are stronger, faster and more powerful. i dont think my next battle is going to be so easy. *i then speak aloud* Aia, whats the status on the other two mages. (Aia) The Frost mage is reeking havoc on the Sky level, freezing everything in sight. it almost has been turned into a frozen wasteland. *i close my eyes and sigh* and the Fire mage?. (Aia) he seems to be reeking havoc as well. however, hes calling you out and saying that if you dont face him, he'll destroy the Underworld level. hes giving you 3 hours to comply. *i open my eyes and look at the clouded sky* i need help. do you know of anyone. (Aia) no. no one has been reported to be fighting any of them. im afraid we are on our own sir. *i look at the stairs going down to the Underworld level and take a deep breath* then as of right now, im the only thing in their way. whats the status on the power. (Aia) seeming that we have been walking for the past hour, we are at full power sir. (Me) then lets go, we have a Fire mage to battle. *i then in a flash, run down the stairs to meet my foe* *i just hope someone comes and helps me*
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