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Fantasy MvT: Magic vs Technology


Scarlet turned her eyes up to him again, looking shocked. Was he trying to convince the soldiers who were undoubtedly listening or her? She wasn't under a spell... Was she? The redhead looked down at her hands, as if they held the answer. No... She made her own decisions. She wanted to lead him back... "My own actions weren't even my own...?" She whispered to herself. What... A horrible trick. How could she ever, she thought he was nice. Anyone who could possess another being is cruel. She clenched her fists in fury. God, she wanted to knock his teeth out! But Scarlet knew, deep down, she wasn't really angry. She was disappointed.
Cherrywitch said:
Scarlet turned her eyes up to him again, looking shocked. Was he trying to convince the soldiers who were undoubtedly listening or her? She wasn't under a spell... Was she? The redhead looked down at her hands, as if they held the answer. No... She made her own decisions. She wanted to lead him back... "My own actions weren't even my own...?" She whispered to herself. What... A horrible trick. How could she ever, she thought he was nice. Anyone who could possess another being is cruel. She clenched her fists in fury. God, she wanted to knock his teeth out! But Scarlet knew, deep down, she wasn't really angry. She was disappointed.
Alamar wasn't stupid. Of course they were listening...whatever kind of metal magic they used, they had something of the sort. "Indeed. I'm sorry but I needed to escape. And I used you. I'm...well I'm sorry. You are a very nice girl. " he wasn't sure how persuasive he was, but he hoped she'd at least get the idea. @Kylesar1 @Cherrywitch

"...I hate you." The redhead pulled her knees to her chest, glaring down at the scrapes on them as if they were what angered her. Scarlet refused to say anything else to Alamar. Slowly she went from sitting, to reclining, to eventually falling asleep on the floor out of emotional exhaustion. One arm cradled her head like a pillow, while the other lay peacefully before her face, mouth slightly parted to breath. By looking at her face, it would seem as though she were in her own bed, and everything was perfectly fine.
Cherrywitch said:
"...I hate you." The redhead pulled her knees to her chest, glaring down at the scrapes on them as if they were what angered her. Scarlet refused to say anything else to Alamar. Slowly she went from sitting, to reclining, to eventually falling asleep on the floor out of emotional exhaustion. One arm cradled her head like a pillow, while the other lay peacefully before her face, mouth slightly parted to breath. By looking at her face, it would seem as though she were in her own bed, and everything was perfectly fine.
"Good. You need to. For both of our sakes...for the good of us. " Why did he give any shit about this girl? Why had his outlook on all tech users not apply to Scarlet? He was confused with his own thoughts, his own way, which he had never questioned. He got up, and pulled powder out of his bags. Luckily they didn't take his shit. He sprinkled it on her, to give her good dreams. He couldn't normally do that...just a party trick. @Kylesar1 @Cherrywitch
The next morning

Saffron looked up from her reading. She was a spirit, so she didn't need to sleep. She was still nervous about the possibility of being caught with the Queen not knowing about her, so she turned into a wisp and flew outside to wait for the Princess to wake up. She floated by the window and released small bursts of light to signal that something was out there.


John woke up in the barracks. "I guess it's time to interrogate these people." John hated interrogations. Hell, he may just release the girl with a warning on her life if she pulled it again. That was the typical sentence. That or life in prison. As for the mage, there were some options. The typical sentence for him was death on the spot. The Bureaucracy could strip the mage of his magic supply for life or throw him in mage prison for the rest of his life

He got dressed, armed, and went over to the cells. He made his hammer vibrate and touched the cell bars, which would make an incredibly loud sound. "Wakey wakey."


Kylesar1 said:
The next morning
Saffron looked up from her reading. She was a spirit, so she didn't need to sleep. She was still nervous about the possibility of being caught with the Queen not knowing about her, so she turned into a wisp and flew outside to wait for the Princess to wake up. She floated by the window and released small bursts of light to signal that something was out there.


John woke up in the barracks. "I guess it's time to interrogate these people." John hated interrogations. Hell, he may just release the girl with a warning on her life if she pulled it again. That was the typical sentence. That or life in prison. As for the mage, there were some options. The typical sentence for him was death on the spot. The Bureaucracy could strip the mage of his magic supply for life or throw him in mage prison for the rest of his life

He got dressed, armed, and went over to the cells. He made his hammer vibrate and touched the cell bars, which would make an incredibly loud sound. "Wakey wakey."


Alamar had been up all night. He wasn't sure what his fate would be. He wasn't sure why he came here. Shame he had to save the girl. A bit late. His eyes were bloodshot, and he saw the man come in. He was half defeated...he had been thinking of a plan...maybe...something...he was good at speaking in front of a crowd. He had grown up doing just that. The question is, how was he going to convince them to spare his life? He looked up, for he had been sitting in the chairs just staring and thinking. He said nothing.
Logan, looking very tired, continues to walk through No Man's Land. He was up the whole night because he knew that if he went to sleep here, there's a fifty percent chance he would live through the night.
Nakata Ozawa Waking up to the sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling in the breeze was always a comforting noise. As Nakata rose from the tree he had slept beneath that night he looked around for food. Soon enough he had found a meal and headed forward on his journey to the tech country. No man's land was dangerous, yes, however that didn't concern Nakata. Right now he just needed to travel.
((anyone near the Toron/No Man Land borders))

Cordelia Sterling Cordelia had fallen asleep somewhere in the barracks without realizing it. However she was quick to wake and checked to be sure she had all her things before standing and walking to the interrogation rooms. When she passed by the cells she saw a familiar face in one of them. "Oh boy... this again." Walking back to a guard she spoke with utmost fury, yet still calm and requested his release due to who he was. After that was solved she stood by one of the interrogation rooms with her lackey and waited for John and the girl she hoped to possibly recruit.
@Kylesar1 @Cherrywitch @Inheritance
Kylesar1 said:
The next morning
Saffron looked up from her reading. She was a spirit, so she didn't need to sleep. She was still nervous about the possibility of being caught with the Queen not knowing about her, so she turned into a wisp and flew outside to wait for the Princess to wake up. She floated by the window and released small bursts of light to signal that something was out there.


John woke up in the barracks. "I guess it's time to interrogate these people." John hated interrogations. Hell, he may just release the girl with a warning on her life if she pulled it again. That was the typical sentence. That or life in prison. As for the mage, there were some options. The typical sentence for him was death on the spot. The Bureaucracy could strip the mage of his magic supply for life or throw him in mage prison for the rest of his life

He got dressed, armed, and went over to the cells. He made his hammer vibrate and touched the cell bars, which would make an incredibly loud sound. "Wakey wakey."


Rosana woke up and began to pack for the journey. She put on a royal blue cloak, tunic, and black pants and riding boots. She then knocked on the guest room.
Saffron flew back into her room. She opened the door slowly, until she saw Rosana. Then it flung open. "Good morning, Princess," she said with a happy expression.........then in a lower voice, "So what's the plan?"


Inheritance said:
Alamar had been up all night. He wasn't sure what his fate would be. He wasn't sure why he came here. Shame he had to save the girl. A bit late. His eyes were bloodshot, and he saw the man come in. He was half defeated...he had been thinking of a plan...maybe...something...he was good at speaking in front of a crowd. He had grown up doing just that. The question is, how was he going to convince them to spare his life? He looked up, for he had been sitting in the chairs just staring and thinking. He said nothing.
He was grabbed and taken to an interrogation room. There was some breakfast food there to be eaten

Magadude said:
Logan, looking very tired, continues to walk through No Man's Land. He was up the whole night because he knew that if he went to sleep here, there's a fifty percent chance he would live through the night.
ZoroarkGangster said:
Nakata Ozawa Waking up to the sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling in the breeze was always a comforting noise. As Nakata rose from the tree he had slept beneath that night he looked around for food. Soon enough he had found a meal and headed forward on his journey to the tech country. No man's land was dangerous, yes, however that didn't concern Nakata. Right now he just needed to travel.
((anyone near the Toron/No Man Land borders))
Cordelia Sterling Cordelia had fallen asleep somewhere in the barracks without realizing it. However she was quick to wake and checked to be sure she had all her things before standing and walking to the interrogation rooms. When she passed by the cells she saw a familiar face in one of them. "Oh boy... this again." Walking back to a guard she spoke with utmost fury, yet still calm and requested his release due to who he was. After that was solved she stood by one of the interrogation rooms with her lackey and waited for John and the girl she hoped to possibly recruit.
@Kylesar1 @Cherrywitch @Inheritance
(You two are at or near NML)

The golden eyes fluttered open peacefully, Scarlet sitting up and rubbing at them. Surprisingly, she slept well, though she was unsure why. The redhead stood and stretched, looking at John blankly. Now that she slept, her head was clear, and she was no longer scared and tense.
@Kylesar1 wait so they were both taken back at the same time for interrogation? If not ignore this post...)


"My full name is Naomi Scarlet. I work as a mechanic in town." She muttered, unamused. Scarlet was back to her old self, lazy and uncaring. The redhead leaned back in her chair and glanced curiously about the interrogation room.
"Now I want you both to explain your sides of the story. One at a time, no interruptions." His hammer started vibrating. "Let it be known now that I don't like liars. It'll result in a life sentence, or in the mage's case, death."



Scarlet winced at the mention of death. How cruel... In any case he was still innocent, he hadn't done anything to deserve such a punishment. She began to speak. "I found him in the alleyway. He said he had run out of supplies and was in town looking for them when he got lost. I simply agreed to take him back to Toron so he would leave the country and he promised to never return. That's it." The story was twisted ever so slightly, but nothing she said was untrue.
Kylesar1 said:
Saffron flew back into her room. She opened the door slowly, until she saw Rosana. Then it flung open. "Good morning, Princess," she said with a happy expression.........then in a lower voice, "So what's the plan?"

He was grabbed and taken to an interrogation room. There was some breakfast food there to be eaten

(You two are at or near NML)
"We are going to get as close to the border as we can without crossing and hopefully find someone who knows about technology. I just don't know what form of transportation we should use. I'm going to leave a note for my sister saying I wanted to stay in town for a couple of days" Rosana said.
"Well if you're doing that, why not take a maid/butler or a guard? Your most trusted, so they won't tell her what you're really up to. It'll also relieve suspicion." A princess going out to the city with no protection is nothing to joke about. It may not even work, as the Queen knew as well as they did how important her life is and what it meant if she were captured, but it was worth a shot

Kylesar1 said:
"Now I want you both to explain your sides of the story. One at a time, no interruptions." His hammer started vibrating. "Let it be known now that I don't like liars. It'll result in a life sentence, or in the mage's case, death."

Alamar head what she had said. He would go with the truth, but if it got her into any trouble, then he would...take the fall. "Aye. That is how it happened. You are probably wondering how I even got here in the first place? Well...to be honest, I have...don't laugh-ok I have been called young and foolish, but I found your technology quite invigorating! I was there to take a look at your technology...like that metal horse that went really fast! That is so much fun and Dragons don't listen to me so that is the coolest thing I have ever done! I don't have a standpoint on the war...if nothing else I think Toron needs to calm down with what they are doing. But don't tell them that...please" @Cherrywitch @Kylesar1
Kylesar1 said:
"Well if you're doing that, why not take a maid/butler or a guard? Your most trusted, so they won't tell her what you're really up to. It'll also relieve suspicion." A princess going out to the city with no protection is nothing to joke about. It may not even work, as the Queen knew as well as they did how important her life is and what it meant if she were captured, but it was worth a shot
"I just don't know who I would take" Rosana said, thinking.
Cherrywitch said:
Scarlet winced at the mention of death. How cruel... In any case he was still innocent, he hadn't done anything to deserve such a punishment. She began to speak. "I found him in the alleyway. He said he had run out of supplies and was in town looking for them when he got lost. I simply agreed to take him back to Toron so he would leave the country and he promised to never return. That's it." The story was twisted ever so slightly, but nothing she said was untrue.
Inheritance said:
Alamar head what she had said. He would go with the truth, but if it got her into any trouble, then he would...take the fall. "Aye. That is how it happened. You are probably wondering how I even got here in the first place? Well...to be honest, I have...don't laugh-ok I have been called young and foolish, but I found your technology quite invigorating! I was there to take a look at your technology...like that metal horse that went really fast! That is so much fun and Dragons don't listen to me so that is the coolest thing I have ever done! I don't have a standpoint on the war...if nothing else I think Toron needs to calm down with what they are doing. But don't tell them that...please" @Cherrywitch @Kylesar1
John sat back in his chair. He believed the girl's story. "I don't believe for 1 second that you're just here to admire the technology. Even if I disregard that you're a magic-user, Everything you said and did during our little encounter goes against that. Who sent you here?" John may be a brute, but he's not dumb. The mage's word-choice when it came to technology was always insulting. He was also very keen on using the magic he knew he could (and would've if John was in a bad mood at the time) die for using. Even if he did do some things with technology that it turned out he enjoyed, there was no way in fuck he came as a simple tourist.
LindsMagee said:
"I just don't know who I would take" Rosana said, thinking.
Saffron shrugged. "I've never been in this castle before last night. You can't just go alone, or the Queen may put her most trusted on you to monitor everything you're doing."
Kylesar1 said:
John sat back in his chair. He believed the girl's story. "I don't believe for 1 second that you're just here to admire the technology. Even if I disregard that you're a magic-user, Everything you said and did during our little encounter goes against that. Who sent you here?" John may be a brute, but he's not dumb. The mage's word-choice when it came to technology was always insulting. He was also very keen on using the magic he knew he could (and would've if John was in a bad mood at the time) die for using. Even if he did do some things with technology that it turned out he enjoyed, there was no way in fuck he came as a simple tourist.
"Shame. Thought we could get off scot free. Ok fine here is the deal-I was banished by my master and the only way I was allowed to return was to grab some item of technology from you. He wanted to see if I was strong enough to stay in the school so I had to go here and back-then I had to prove it." He looked a little more defeated now. "So now what? Death?"

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