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Fantasy MvT: Magic vs Technology

Inheritance said:
"Act of kindness. I don't know usually a 16 year old is less mature then a grown man, but if you have sharing issues that is fine. Listen there's no need to be rude or negative. You think all magi are like the ones you fight? Honestly just one bottle please? I'll pay for it myself. "
"I'm well aware that not all magi aren't the same. You have that issue with tech-users, seeing your usual word-choice on the subject....... I don't fight on some personal vendetta like most people in this war, whichever their side. I'm just here following orders."

Then he mentioned the white wine again. John sighed and poured him a glass, but withheld it. "Pay up."
Kylesar1 said:
"I'm well aware that not all magi aren't the same. You have that issue with tech-users, seeing your usual word-choice on the subject....... I don't fight on some personal vendetta like most people in this war, whichever their side. I'm just here following orders."
Then he mentioned the white wine again. John sighed and poured him a glass, but withheld it. "Pay up."
"How much do you need? And you take Silver and gold I assume?"
Cherrywitch said:
Scarlet didn't sit down, mostly because if she had to sit still any longer she'd go nuts. The redhead twitched at the sarcasm, not particularly liking the taste of her own medicine. "My name is Naomi Scarlet, but I go by my last name. I'm a mechanic who works on motorcycles, cars, and AIs. I am a duel-gun sharp shooter and trained myself in close combat, both with and without blades." Gold eyes turned on the pirate. "That answer everything?"

Cordelia Sterling "Not yet, no." Cordelia stood up and tossed two of her several pistols to the girl, "They're loaded already." Taking out two coins she held each in her two hands. "Lets see how good you claim to be Scarlet dear." Tossing the coins straight up she waited for Scarlet to shoot at them. She'd probably have to explain it later, but Cordelia wasn't concerned with that yet. Right now was try outs.

The girl looked shocked, and before the guns were even in her hands the coins were in the air. Scarlet shot off two shots simultaneously, each one hitting the edges of the coins to make them spin. She then used one gun to send out another two bullets to hit them square on. "Geez, a little warning next time!" The redhead huffed, but immediately became entranced with the guns. They were of much better quality than hers...

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ZoroarkGangster said:
Cordelia Sterling "Not yet, no." Cordelia stood up and tossed two of her several pistols to the girl, "They're loaded already." Taking out two coins she held each in her two hands. "Lets see how good you claim to be Scarlet dear." Tossing the coins straight up she waited for Scarlet to shoot at them. She'd probably have to explain it later, but Cordelia wasn't concerned with that yet. Right now was try outs.
(I'll make you regret Givin me that medallion lol. Jk...maybe)
Cherrywitch said:
The girl looked shocked, and before the guns were even in her hands the coins were in the air. Scarlet shot off two shots simultaneously, each one hitting the edges of the coins to make them spin. She then used one gun to send out another two bullets to hit them square on. "Geez, a little warning next time!" The redhead huffed, but immediately became entranced with the guns. They were of much better quality than hers...
Cordelia Sterling "If you become a pirate there is no warning when hell knocks on our doors. One minute you'll be sleeping and the next you'll be wide awake, almost killed by a cannon blast." Cordelia smiled. "You passed the first half Scarlet. I'll be right back." As she walked to the door the clicks of her heels could be heard as she opened the door to a crowd of angry guards. "Calm down, everything's fine. Any of you touch the girl you will be interfering upon my permissions, back off." As she finished speaking her lackey closed the door behind her and Cordelia went to the nearest phone, calling her CO.

"Sir, I found a possible candidate for my crew... yes sir... thank you... consider it done." Hanging up the phone she walked to the girl and motioned her to leave the room. "C'mon, and give me my guns back please. It's time for part two."

Scarlet blinked in surprise as she left, ignoring the guards who ran towards the gun shots like a pack of bloodhounds. "I passed...? Wait, part one?" The redhead muttered quietly in confusion, but as the woman returned she pouted and regretfully returned the two guns. They were very comfortable in her hands.

"Well, what's part two?" The gold eyes seemed curious.
Cherrywitch said:
Scarlet blinked in surprise as she left, ignoring the guards who ran towards the gun shots like a pack of bloodhounds. "I passed...? Wait, part one?" The redhead muttered quietly in confusion, but as the woman returned she pouted and regretfully returned the two guns. They were very comfortable in her hands.

"Well, what's part two?" The gold eyes seemed curious.
Cordelia Sterling "You'll see." Cordelia walked out the door of the barracks with her lackey closed behind. She began whispering to him as she reholstered her guns in who knows where. Her lackey nodded and gave a crooked smile to the girl as he walked several meters away from Cordelia who stopped. He took out a sword and pistol and waited.

Cordelia turned to Scarlet and smiled. "If you pass this, you're a sky pirate. If not, you go back to whatever boring life you used to live and I give you one of my personal medallions, which you'll want to keep I might add." Taking out a sword and different looking pistol from her dress of seemingly endless weapons she held them to the girl. "Kick his ass. You win, you're with me. Lose... you go home with a few injuries and get a medallion." ***When the girl would grab the two weapons the other pirate would run up, firing three shots with his pistol, which looked the same as the one Cordelia was giving Scarlet.***
***doesn't happen until you grab the weapons***

"Eh?! I'm not going to beat up some guy I don't know! He hasn't even pissed me off!" The redhead looked at the guy and placed a hand on her hip, frowning deeply. "I could kill him by accident or something..." Scarlet muttered. "No... I won't use the gun. I don't want to kill anyone." She took the sword and gasped at the gunshots, reflecting the first with the sword and dodging to the side for the others, one scraping through the bare skin on her side. A cut leaked crimson droplets down her hip. "Oi! What's the deal, you creep?!" Scarlet skidded back, pressing her feet up on the sturdy wall and launching herself off it. She made it seem as though she would attack head on, but in a split second she went to the side and slashed at his back.

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Cherrywitch said:
"Eh?! I'm not going to beat up some guy I don't know! He hasn't even pissed me off!" The redhead looked at the guy and placed a hand on her hip, frowning deeply. "I could kill him by accident or something..." Scarlet muttered. "No... I won't use the gun. I don't want to kill anyone." She took the sword and gasped at the gunshots, reflecting the first with the sword and dodging to the side for the others, one scraping through the bare skin on her side. A cut leaked crimson droplets down her hip. "Oi! What's the deal, you creep?!" Scarlet skidded back, pressing her feet up on the sturdy wall and launching herself off it. She made it seem as though she would attack head on, but in a split second she went to the side and slashed at his back.
Cordelia Sterling Cordelia chuckled, "Scarlet dear, he's a pirate. Besides neither of your guns can actually kill. They'll tear through flesh if they nick you but otherwise they stun you and that's it. The blades however... not so much." The pirate arched his back in pain and turned on the girl swinging his blade and shooting. "You're going to want this love!" Cordelia tossed the gun to Scarlet and waited to see how she handled the situation. Guards came rushing out but we're quickly stopped as a cutlass blocked their path. "Right now she's under my jurisdiction. You touch, I shoot a limb."

With much hesitance, the redhead grabbed the gun. She slid to a stop and huffed. "God, you can't aim. Let me show you how to properly shoot." Scarlet darted forward, dodging most of the shells and getting one in the upper arm and thigh. She went with her sword again, but just to distract him. Suddenly, her leg pulled up under his knees and two rounds were unloaded from the opposite direction at both his hands. The hands were softer skin so the bullets should cut through them easier, and she didn't want to seriously damage him, just make it so he couldn't fight back. That way she won without causing any real injuries.
Cherrywitch said:
With much hesitance, the redhead grabbed the gun. She slid to a stop and huffed. "God, you can't aim. Let me show you how to properly shoot." Scarlet darted forward, dodging most of the shells and getting one in the upper arm and thigh. She went with her sword again, but just to distract him. Suddenly, her leg pulled up under his knees and two rounds were unloaded from the opposite direction at both his hands. The hands were softer skin so the bullets should cut through them easier, and she didn't want to seriously damage him, just make it so he couldn't fight back. That way she won without causing any real injuries.
Cordelia Sterling The pirate went down within moments and Cordelia sighed. "He's such an idiot..." Sheathing her cutlass she walked to Scarlet and the defeated pirate and smiled. "Welcome to the crew Scarlet." The other pirate slowly got up before walking off, most likely in the direction of the airship and Cordelia took the mock pistol and sword from Scarlet. "Now let's get whatever they confiscated and I'll let my boss and hammer head know that you're mine now."

As Cordelia walked into the barracks she spoke to a guard, requesting Scarlet's things to be returned to her and walked to the phones. After a few moments of silence she spoke. "I've done my evaluation and I'm taking Scarlet into my crew... mhmm... got it." Hanging up she turned around after a moment and held her hands out, "You're part of the family Scarlet! Welcome to the crew of the Arc Pirates!" Opening the door with the mage and John she gave him a smile. "The girl is mine hammer head. Just talked to my boss about it and did my evaluation. She's my jurisdiction now. Seeya, have fun with the mage!" Slamming the door behind her she took a deep breath and began walking back to the entrance before waiting for Scarlet. "Next stop, the Arcship."
@Inheritance @Kylesar1

I really didn't expect him to go down so easily... Scarlet winced and touched the bleeding scrapes on her legs. "Damn... He did do a bit of a number on me. I swear I'm what keeps bandage companies afloat..." The redhead muttered to herself, limping slightly. The guards looked at her as if she had just been through war, most likely due to all the blood, and she just smiled sheepishly back.

Hearing the captain's words, Scarlet felt very excited beyond herself. "I really made it! Haha, wow, I really thought I was no match." The girl grinned brightly, winking at 'hammer head' childishly as he was told of the news. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the Mage just before the door slammed shut, and suddenly all her excitement had hit rock bottom. Would he be alright? Scarlet shook it off. What did she care? He was just a stupid Mage anyway...

"Ah, coming, sorry!" Scarlet jogged to catch up, realizing her thinking had let her get behind. She glanced over her shoulder one last time, whispering. "Maybe we will meet again..." The redhead turned back and continued to chase after the captain.
Cherrywitch said:
I really didn't expect him to go down so easily... Scarlet winced and touched the bleeding scrapes on her legs. "Damn... He did do a bit of a number on me. I swear I'm what keeps bandage companies afloat..." The redhead muttered to herself, limping slightly. The guards looked at her as if she had just been through war, most likely due to all the blood, and she just smiled sheepishly back.

Hearing the captain's words, Scarlet felt very excited beyond herself. "I really made it! Haha, wow, I really thought I was no match." The girl grinned brightly, winking at 'hammer head' childishly as he was told of the news. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the Mage just before the door slammed shut, and suddenly all her excitement had hit rock bottom. Would he be alright? Scarlet shook it off. What did she care? He was just a stupid Mage anyway...

"Ah, coming, sorry!" Scarlet jogged to catch up, realizing her thinking had let her get behind. She glanced over her shoulder one last time, whispering. "Maybe we will meet again..." The redhead turned back and continued to chase after the captain.
Cordelia Sterling "Don't worry hun, you'll have plenty of time to rest on the ship. Although you're going to bunk with me in my quarters for several reasons until I can figure out other arrangements." As she walked forward she continued speaking. "Since you say you're a mechanic you will learn from my other mechanics how to run and maintain the Arc cannons and you will do as I say when I say. No sooner, no later. If you disregard my orders when in battle with another airship there is a very high chance that you will get yourself, and many others killed. Granted I can catch most people's mistakes before they happen that does not mean I see everything. Also don't piss me off, otherwise... well you'll see what I mean when it happens."

"Eh? Oh I don't mind bunking with others." The redhead shrugged but then beamed at the idea of seeing new technology, and even better, technology from the capital! "You're really going to let me fix them? Oh that's awesome!" Scarlet cheered. She raised a hand to her head and saluted playfully. "Don't worry boss. I may seem pretty childish, but I can be a real hard worker if I want to! I'll follow your commands." She gave a grin, still excited about the thought of the cannons.
Cherrywitch said:
"Eh? Oh I don't mind bunking with others." The redhead shrugged but then beamed at the idea of seeing new technology, and even better, technology from the capital! "You're really going to let me fix them? Oh that's awesome!" Scarlet cheered. She raised a hand to her head and saluted playfully. "Don't worry boss. I may seem pretty childish, but I can be a real hard worker if I want to! I'll follow your commands." She gave a grin, still excited about the thought of the cannons.
Cordelia Sterling "Trust me hun. There's only one woman on the ship and that's me. Unlike me the rest of them have little respect toward anyone except me. Until you know the rest of the crew better it's better you stick with me." Cordelia smiled and grabbed out one of the two pistols from the coin toss. "Here, a gift from captain to new crew mate. Consider it a symbol of my welcoming. As for the cannons, yes you'll be firing them and working with them. I don't have many mechanics available so they're always valuable. If you prove useful enough I'll let you help with the construction of the matrix shielding. It's been a work in progress mostly because the mechanics on staff can't figure out how to get it functioning without almost blowing a hole through the hull."

Scarlet practically exploded with joy as she took the gun, a huge grin on her face. "This is every mechanic's dream!" The redhead laughed, slipping the gun into an extra holds tee in her belt. "I'll definitely work my hardest, Captain." The girl promised, ignoring the fact that she and the captain were the only women on the ship. At the moment, that didn't interest her, the pros outweighed the cons. Scarlet had a jump in her step as she followed the captain to the ship.

(Falling asleep, sorry. Night. @ZoroarkGangster )
Cherrywitch said:
Scarlet practically exploded with joy as she took the gun, a huge grin on her face. "This is every mechanic's dream!" The redhead laughed, slipping the gun into an extra holds tee in her belt. "I'll definitely work my hardest, Captain." The girl promised, ignoring the fact that she and the captain were the only women on the ship. At the moment, that didn't interest her, the pros outweighed the cons. Scarlet had a jump in her step as she followed the captain to the ship.

(Falling asleep, sorry. Night. @ZoroarkGangster )
(Same. Night, I'll make a better post tomorrow.)
"Give me 3 silver and 3 gold. Hurry too, because you have to get back in the cell."

Sterling came in and informed him she was taking the girl who he already released, as if he was supposed to care. He just shrugged and waved her off, saying nothing to her. As long as she didn't commit any crimes, he wouldn't have to blow that ship to pieces

Cherrywitch said:
Scarlet practically exploded with joy as she took the gun, a huge grin on her face. "This is every mechanic's dream!" The redhead laughed, slipping the gun into an extra holds tee in her belt. "I'll definitely work my hardest, Captain." The girl promised, ignoring the fact that she and the captain were the only women on the ship. At the moment, that didn't interest her, the pros outweighed the cons. Scarlet had a jump in her step as she followed the captain to the ship.

(Falling asleep, sorry. Night. @ZoroarkGangster )
Cordelia Sterling "Well I'm glad you've got some enthusiasm. Now then... ready to see the crew?" Looking up there was a large airship high above them, the ship had undocked, which is what Sterling had told the defeated pirate to do. A rope was dropped down to them and Cordelia held one arm around Scarlet while holding the rope firmly. Tugging on it the pair rocketed up until the we're sent flying up onto the deck of the ship with pirates everywhere. Some working, others staring, and one who seemed to be one of the mechanics. "Aye captain... is she tha tinker I been hearin from Jones abou?" Cordelia smiled with a light laugh. "Yes Gregory. This is Scarlet. She'll be starting her duties tomorrow however, I still have much to tell her about."
Kylesar1 said:
"Give me 3 silver and 3 gold. Hurry too, because you have to get back in the cell."
Sterling came in and informed him she was taking the girl who he already released, as if he was supposed to care. He just shrugged and waved her off, saying nothing to her. As long as she didn't commit any crimes, he wouldn't have to blow that ship to pieces

"By the Gods for 1 glass? Wow your economy must....here" he pulled a leather bag full of gold and silver and brought out what he had asked. Can I give you 10 of each for a bottle?" He would begin walking back to the cell when asked.

As she went flying, Scarlet laughed happily, landing gently on the deck. "That was awesome!" The redhead cheered to herself, looking about at the crew. There really wasn't another girl in sight... Scarlet jumped slightly at the voice, turning to the mechanic. Tinker? She tried not to look too annoyed by the name. "Nice to meet you." Scarlet said politely out of repetition, looking about for the pirate she had injured. She knew she didn't hurt him too badly, but she still wanted to see his condition.
Cherrywitch said:
As she went flying, Scarlet laughed happily, landing gently on the deck. "That was awesome!" The redhead cheered to herself, looking about at the crew. There really wasn't another girl in sight... Scarlet jumped slightly at the voice, turning to the mechanic. Tinker? She tried not to look too annoyed by the name. "Nice to meet you." Scarlet said politely out of repetition, looking about for the pirate she had injured. She knew she didn't hurt him too badly, but she still wanted to see his condition.
Cordelia Sterling The man nodded before walking off, yelling at crew mates as he retreated into the ship. "Don't mind him. He calls all mechanics tinkers, even himself. Anyway, we might as well get to my quarters so I can finish telling you all you need to know about my crew and I. As well as your duties and other responsibilities." Cordelia wasn't one to miss any information and the sooner Scarlet knew, the better."

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