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Fantasy MvT: Magic vs Technology

John grabbed his hammer and stood up. He was pissed off and about to strike him down. "I told you I don't like l-"

"Here's your breakfast, Captain John!" A woman came in and an extremely appealing plate of breakfast was placed in front of him.

John sat down swiftly and started to scoff the food, saying nothing to either of them


The woman just looked at him

(Pbfft, OMG Natsu xD )


That word again. Each time it was mentioned it made her cringe. Scarlet glanced up at John expectantly, waiting for the strike and squeezed her eyes tight until the woman interrupted. Saved by the breakfast bell it seemed. The redhead's eye twitched in slight disgust at the Elite. What a slob...
Cordelia Sterling When the door opened Cordelia took the chance to slip in and watch John scarf down all the food. Chuckling she walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Settle down there hammer head. You're almost eating worse than half the pirates in my crew." She looked between the two suspects and spoke, "Magic boy... still got that medallion right? Keep a hold of it." Turning her gaze to the girl Cordelia spoke to John. "You done with her hammer head? If so I got a few questions for her myself, if not stop twiddling your thumbs and get yappin. We both know everyone's got something better to do." It wasn't that she was growing impatient, she just didn't want to be away from her ship much longer.
@Inheritance @Cherrywitch @Kylesar1
ZoroarkGangster said:
Cordelia Sterling When the door opened Cordelia took the chance to slip in and watch John scarf down all the food. Chuckling she walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Settle down there hammer head. You're almost eating worse than half the pirates in my crew." She looked between the two suspects and spoke, "Magic boy... still got that medallion right? Keep a hold of it." Turning her gaze to the girl Cordelia spoke to John. "You done with her hammer head? If so I got a few questions for her myself, if not stop twiddling your thumbs and get yappin. We both know everyone's got something better to do." It wasn't that she was growing impatient, she just didn't want to be away from her ship much longer.
@Inheritance @Cherrywitch @Kylesar1
"Not going to matter. This guy is already trying to kill me. Unless you'll save me." He sighed. "Not lying. Why else would I be hanging around a macanic shop? Think about it. I didn't get the piece, but I was out of shit to eat and drink. Don't be calling me on things that are true. " @Kylesar1 @Cherrywitch @ZoroarkGangster
ZoroarkGangster said:
Cordelia Sterling When the door opened Cordelia took the chance to slip in and watch John scarf down all the food. Chuckling she walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Settle down there hammer head. You're almost eating worse than half the pirates in my crew." She looked between the two suspects and spoke, "Magic boy... still got that medallion right? Keep a hold of it." Turning her gaze to the girl Cordelia spoke to John. "You done with her hammer head? If so I got a few questions for her myself, if not stop twiddling your thumbs and get yappin. We both know everyone's got something better to do." It wasn't that she was growing impatient, she just didn't want to be away from her ship much longer.
@Inheritance @Cherrywitch @Kylesar1
John let out a burp. With the hammer vibrating, it amplified the sound 100x and shook the ground.

John looked at her and laughed. "You got better things to do? Get the hell out then," he said. "Otherwise, sit your ass down and be patient." The last thing John liked was someone with no authority over him telling him what to do. In fact, he had authority over her in this situation, unless of course, she abandoned her plans to recruit, in which case she couldn't do a thing.

Inheritance said:
"Not going to matter. This guy is already trying to kill me. Unless you'll save me." He sighed. "Not lying. Why else would I be hanging around a macanic shop? Think about it. I didn't get the piece, but I was out of shit to eat and drink. Don't be calling me on things that are true. " @Kylesar1 @Cherrywitch @ZoroarkGangster
"Shut up, liar. Consider yourself lucky that door opened with breakfast. Otherwise, you'd be laying with your face smashed in. You don't get another one of those until lunch, so don't think it'll happen again." John always got a lot more patience when food came around, so even though he still seemed pissed, his temper wasn't at breaking point anymore. Lies would still wear it out immediately though

Cherrywitch said:
(Pbfft, OMG Natsu xD )

That word again. Each time it was mentioned it made her cringe. Scarlet glanced up at John expectantly, waiting for the strike and squeezed her eyes tight until the woman interrupted. Saved by the breakfast bell it seemed. The redhead's eye twitched in slight disgust at the Elite. What a slob...
"Now lassie. Did this guy use any spells before we showed up? Did you take him somewhere? Do anything for him?"

"What exactly are you implying?" Scarlet was starting to get annoyed herself. "No, as I said, I immediately took him from my shop towards Toron until you stopped us. He didn't use any spells." She answered. Scarlet was getting impatient and it can be seen in her eyes. She tapped her leg anxiously, wanting to get up and do something. Sitting still was making her nervous.
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Cherrywitch said:
"What exactly are you implying?" Scarlet was starting to get annoyed herself. "No, as I said, I immediately took him from my shop towards Toron until you stopped us. He didn't use any spells." She answered.
John studied her reaction. Defensive.

"Now, you're aware that we have some cameras at key points in the city, right? If I go ask for camera records and I see him using a spell on those recordings, you're back in hot water for accompaniment, harboring, and now giving false information..........So I'll ask one more time to make sure. Did he use any spells while you were with him before we arrived?"

She thought of her shop, and the wall busted through. Yeah, there had to be a camera somewhere that could capture that could capture his little skeleton trick. "He tried to scare me with an illusionary spell, like the smoke dragon you saw, except they were skeletons. They couldn't have hurt me." Scarlet explained. The camera couldn't argue against that.
Kylesar1 said:
John studied her reaction. Defensive.
"Now, you're aware that we have some cameras at key points in the city, right? If I go ask for camera records and I see him using a spell on those recordings, you're back in hot water for accompaniment, harboring, and now giving false information..........So I'll ask one more time to make sure. Did he use any spells while you were with him before we arrived?"
Cordelia Sterling "Don't waste your temper with the girl. She ain't going to be able to lie very well with me around... I can tell. After all pirates are great liars when they need to be, and she ain't a good liar." Cordelia sighed as she leaned against the wall. "I don't care how much you doubt me, but when it comes to being a good liar, I'm the one to ask."
@Cherrywitch @Inheritance
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"You are really convinced that we're lying here...did you have trust issues as a boy? I joke sir-but honestly we are telling the truth. I mean check your...cameras or whatever" he leaned back and glared. @Cherrywitch

@Kylesar1 @ZoroarkGangster
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Hey! How dare she! I'm a great liar! Scarlet thought childishly, successfully holding back a pout to accompany it. Anyway, whatever the pirate says is hearsay. She isn't a reliable source, and the elite knew that. He can't just simply take her word for it. Scarlet kept a poker face. There was no concrete evidence against her.
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Why didn't I bring food with me? Answer, because I'm a idiot, he thinks as he continues to walk through NML. Good news is, I won't truly starve until tomorrow. I think I should be at Toron by tomorrow afternoon, hopefully. He sighs a little and continues to walk.
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Inheritance said:
"You are really convinced that we're lying here...did you have trust issues as a boy? I joke sir-but honestly we are telling the truth. I mean check your...cameras or whatever" he leaned back and glared. @Cherrywitch
@Kylesar1 @ZoroarkGangster
"The girl just lied, dumbass. If I didn't gave her the chance to come clean, she'd rot after I check the cameras. You're sitting right beside her. Pay the fuck attention."

Cherrywitch said:
Hey! How dare she! I'm a great liar! Scarlet thought childishly, successfully holding back a pout to accompany it. Anyway, whatever the pirate says is hearsay. She isn't a reliable source, and the elite knew that. He can't just simply take her word for it. Scarlet kept a poker face. There was no concrete evidence against her.
"I have to say, Sterling is right. You're not a good liar........or I'm that good in getting the truth out." John looked at his papers. "You're free to go." John had to check the cameras. If she were lying about anything important, it was a life sentence. He gave her the chance to come clean with any info.

He looked over to the mage. He was grabbed and cuffed again. "As for you, You're going away for a while until I'm done checking the cameras. Pray that dragon and those skeletons were illusions like you say. If they were authentic, you die." Of all the illegal magic, necromancy was one of the worst. Raising a corpse to do your bidding was death on the spot. The ultimate crime against humanity

The redhead didn't look frightened in the least, but was getting annoyed about then calling her a bad liar. She was on the spot! Scarlet turned to look at Alamar in worry, but turned her eyes away quietly. She could have just admitted he tried to attack her and she wouldn't have to worry about a damned thing. Why does she even try to save that manipulating bastard? Scarlet was unsure. She raised her eyes to the pirate, expecting another round of questions to be thrown at her by said swashbuckler.
Kylesar1 said:
"The girl just lied, dumbass. If I didn't gave her the chance to come clean, she'd rot after I check the cameras. You're sitting right beside her. Pay the fuck attention."
"I have to say, Sterling is right. You're not a good liar........or I'm that good in getting the truth out." John looked at his papers. "You're free to go." John had to check the cameras. If she were lying about anything important, it was a life sentence. He gave her the chance to come clean with any info.

He looked over to the mage. He was grabbed and cuffed again. "As for you, You're going away for a while until I'm done checking the cameras. Pray that dragon and those skeletons were illusions like you say. If they were authentic, you die." Of all the illegal magic, necromancy was one of the worst. Raising a corpse to do your bidding was death on the spot. The ultimate crime against humanity
"Illusions can be real if you believe them. Don't worry, I am a very pathetic necromancer. I usually go with more...blast blast ya know? " He refused to meet the girl's gaze. "Ok so...how long. I am not convinced your food isn't drugged. Will I be there for less then 3 days?" He had amusement in his eyes.
Cherrywitch said:
The redhead didn't look frightened in the least, but was getting annoyed about then calling her a bad liar. She was on the spot! Scarlet turned to look at Alamar in worry, but turned her eyes away quietly. She could have just admitted he tried to attack her and she wouldn't have to worry about a damned thing. Why does she even try to save that manipulating bastard? Scarlet was unsure. She raised her eyes to the pirate, expecting another round of questions to be thrown at her by said swashbuckler.
Cordelia Sterling Clapping her hands she opened the door behind them and motioned for the girl to follow. "Come along little red. It's my turn with ya." Without waiting she left while her lackey held the door open, nodding to the captain as she waited by the door of another room. Now it was time to see if the girl had what it took to join her crew.

"Who's she calling Little Red?" Scarlet muttered angrily, but she still followed obediently, barely glancing at the lackey. The redhead entered the new room and immediately scanned the interior before turning to look at Sterling.
Inheritance said:
"Illusions can be real if you believe them. Don't worry, I am a very pathetic necromancer. I usually go with more...blast blast ya know? " He refused to meet the girl's gaze. "Ok so...how long. I am not convinced your food isn't drugged. Will I be there for less then 3 days?" He had amusement in his eyes.
John shrugged. "You're not gaining any priorities on my list. You could be here for a week for all I care. I'll do it when I feel like it." In all honesty, John had a bunch of shit to do and not much break-time during that time. His only way out was another mage attack
Kylesar1 said:
John shrugged. "You're not gaining any priorities on my list. You could be here for a week for all I care. I'll do it when I feel like it." In all honesty, John had a bunch of shit to do and not much break-time during that time. His only way out was another mage attack
"Bah. Well do you have a place I can detect anything that neutralizes magic? You cab watch me I don't care but I'm quite famished and parched." He looked up at Scarlet as she left... @Cherrywitch
Cherrywitch said:
"Who's she calling Little Red?" Scarlet muttered angrily, but she still followed obediently, barely glancing at the lackey. The redhead entered the new room and immediately scanned the interior before turning to look at Sterling.
Cordelia Sterling Cordelia was sitting in one of the chairs, legs crossed and boots on the table, propping her chair on two legs. "Alright. First off what's your name? Unless you like being called 'Little Red' in which case makes my life easier. Second... what's your skills." Cordelia had a completely relaxed expression, waiting for an answer to her questions, her lackey outside the door had a worried expression and she waved him away. "Don't worry, this conversation is just between us. Nothing we say leaves this room."
Inheritance said:
"Bah. Well do you have a place I can detect anything that neutralizes magic? You cab watch me I don't care but I'm quite famished and parched." He looked up at Scarlet as she left... @Cherrywitch
"Your ass is going back in the cell. There's food and drink here in this room. If I wanted to kill you, poison is for cowards. I'd cave your skull in. You either eat here now or you starve. I don't care either way."
Kylesar1 said:
"Your ass is going back in the cell. There's food and drink here in this room. If I wanted to kill you, poison is for cowards. I'd cave your skull in. You either eat here now or you starve. I don't care either way."
"Don't be so tough. If this thing didn't have magic neutralization I would whip you. But I mean...no poison or added ingredients at all? And eh...is there wine? White wine only-but wine. Don't worry I won't get drunk but ya know..." he shrugged. "By the by, that hammer of yours, how do you get lightning in that? "
Inheritance said:
"Don't be so tough. If this thing didn't have magic neutralization I would whip you. But I mean...no poison or added ingredients at all? And eh...is there wine? White wine only-but wine. Don't worry I won't get drunk but ya know..." he shrugged. "By the by, that hammer of yours, how do you get lightning in that? "
John spat. "As if you could ever take me on. You don't have enough space. Why the hell would I give you our wine?" John ignored the question about the hammer. The mechanics of his weapon and equipment was one of few subjects he would never touch, especially to an enemy.
Kylesar1 said:
John spat. "As if you could ever take me on. You don't have enough space. Why the hell would I give you our wine?" John ignored the question about the hammer. The mechanics of his weapon and equipment was one of few subjects he would never touch, especially to an enemy.
"Act of kindness. I don't know usually a 16 year old is less mature then a grown man, but if you have sharing issues that is fine. Listen there's no need to be rude or negative. You think all magi are like the ones you fight? Honestly just one bottle please? I'll pay for it myself. "

Scarlet didn't sit down, mostly because if she had to sit still any longer she'd go nuts. The redhead twitched at the sarcasm, not particularly liking the taste of her own medicine. "My name is Naomi Scarlet, but I go by my last name. I'm a mechanic who works on motorcycles, cars, and AIs. I am a duel-gun sharp shooter and trained myself in close combat, both with and without blades." Gold eyes turned on the pirate. "That answer everything?"


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