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Fantasy MvT: Magic vs Technology

animegirl20 said:

"Haha are you kidding.There are witches that could cast a spell on ever last one of you and you would not be able to remove it with your technology. Oh and Guess what everything you do with your technology we were doing it first!" The tone in her voice became angry but powerful and her eyes glowed red and gave off a very intimidating presence . "Listen to me and listen to me good. Your technology is nothing but second rate it can never match the power that we have. Technology fails and can get broken. But guess what you can't break magic. Magic was here first and it will always be here until end of time. By the way do you really believe that you can beat out a god? Do you? Cause if you do you are more arrogant then I thought. I mean who do you think created your sorry ass?" "Oh by the way y magic can touch your lands. You don't know this but I've been watching you but I put a protection spell around the object I've been watching you from so now you can never locate it. Idiots."


A man laughed, completely unaffected by her anger. "Getting a little angry, are we? Seems we struck a nerve." He grinned. "We've researched magic and we've researched how to counter it. Unfortunately for you, technology is blasphemy, so all you know about us is what you see on the battlefield. Our mechs have killed your gods before. If you get eyes on the battlefield, you'll see how easy our technology is knocking out your precious magic as we speak." He took on a mocking tone. "Such a flawless art, developed since the beginning of time, matched and surpassed by the human mind alone. Look right into the memories of your seer and you'll see nation-wide grief as your precious gods are shot down. If your flawless gods and flawless magic can be matched and taken down by human error, no force on the planet will touch us when we perfect it."

The old man spoke up again. "As for your little toy, we have anti-magic, so if it manages to survive, it won't be in any useful place to gain any valuable info. At best, you'll see our basic forces. We have the advantage of numbers, and we have the advantage of fast improvement. If one drone falls, it's replaced by 10 more. Your witches can't even make it past our ground forces, let alone to Bellward. We can never match your power, but we've somehow managed to match it point for point."

Scarlet scratched at the back of her neck with a big sigh, obviously annoyed. "...look, I won't do anything as long as you get the hell out of here. I already had to deal with one magic-lover today, I don't need another one. Can't you find your own way back?" She questioned impatiently.

The battle seemed to be dispersing. John managed to distract the Dwarf back to him. They did a few more clashes then knew the battle was over.

"We should go get a drink at one of your taverns. Less noise, I'm sure."

"We would've become friends had we not been given the orders to take you down. You're strong."

They both dropped their stances and walked back towards their respective sides. John called out to Logan. "Oi! You survived the battlefield. Made mistakes but you somehow lived. Nice work, soldier." No-Man's Land was good for another 12 hours or so before all the security on both sides were back up. This was the time to get the dead off the field and grieve.

Alamar grinned a bit too pleased he was going to live. "Perfect perfect. Well I can explain everything now in a short version, or you can hide me somewhere and I can tell you the full version. EITHER Way, the bottom line is there are dampers from just teleporting in here. If any mage could teleport around in your lands whenever they wanted, do you really think you'd still be allowed to worship the metal gods you worship?" He did a pretty good job hiding the magical equipment...that is when he wasn't sprawled on the ground like a moron. @Cherrywitch


"That's what you think and by the way my toy can see more then you think trust me this isn't something your technology can't block this. It's quite an amazing toy really. But believe what yo uwant to believe because the fact is I'm closer to my goal then you think. Step by step I'm getting closer and closer. The best part is you don't even realize it. You know what I think? I think your afraid of our magic." She slowly walked closer to the screen. Her voice had haunting tone to it. "Your afraid of the unknown the supernatural because no matter how you try it can't be explained." Her face was very close to the screen it almost look like she could walk right through. Her eye were still red and there was a black aura around her body. She tilited her head and gave him an evil smile, "Is something wrong you look a little pale?"



"Yeah fine fine come into the shop.." The redhead turned and opened the back door for the man to go in. "Don't trip." Scarlet said sarcastically before following him in and sitting down in her chair. The shop was full of cars and bikes she was working on, seemingly pretty busy. "Alright talk."
“ Yeah, thanks. I am not going to fight anymore. There seems to be something off about all of this and until I find out what, I'm not going to fight. But, you still owe me the blueprint for your weapon” he says with a smile and starts to walk back to Whuistan.

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Cherrywitch said:
"Yeah fine fine come into the shop.." The redhead turned and opened the back door for the man to go in. "Don't trip." Scarlet said sarcastically before following him in and sitting down in her chair. The shop was full of cars and bikes she was working on, seemingly pretty busy. "Alright talk."
Alamar rolled his eyes as he stepped into the shop. He looked around, quite bored, as he saw no magical supplies or anything of use. Sure he didn't expect it but... "Where to begin...Hm I will spare you the backstory, and skip ahead a bit. You see, I once trained under one of if not the greatest Archmage in the land. He was amazing in his work, and I trained under him for about 8 years. One day I thought I could handle him in a fight...so I tried, and he of course embarrassed me in front of the whole school. It was a good lesson to learn looking back, but I got angry and stormed off after a few months. Then I came to...well that doesn't matter. But bottom line is I followed some companions in here. Sadly I think 3 were caught by guards, and I got split up from the other two. Now I am alone, and trying to get out of here. Honestly I could maybe find my way back, but I am quite low on supplies. I can buy some though, if you guys accept gold.

"So not only are you a punk, but a lying punk." Scarlet stood from her seat, tucking her thumbs in her back pockets. "Do you really think I'm that dumb? Security would have noticed four magic users in a split second, and you know that as well as I. No, you came alone. Why? I don't know. But I'm sure it isn't to be buddies." Scarlet gave a glare and suddenly, a gun was pointed at him, square between the eyes. "You know, some say I'm one of the fastest shooters they know... You want to test that or tell me the real reason you're here."
Cherrywitch said:
"So not only are you a punk, but a lying punk." Scarlet stood from her seat, tucking her thumbs in her back pockets. "Do you really think I'm that dumb? Security would have noticed four magic users in a split second, and you know that as well as I. No, you came alone. Why? I don't know. But I'm sure it isn't to be buddies." Scarlet gave a glare and suddenly, a gun was pointed at him, square between the eyes. "You know, some say I'm one of the fastest shooters they know... You want to test that or tell me the real reason you're here."
Alamar cursed himself for being so trusting. DUH She is still a fucking tech user! She is still like the rest of them! He gulped as he saw that. "Hey listen th-theres no need to..." Growing up fairly rich, he had gotten countless death threats, but typically was smart enough to avoid these kinds of situations. "J-just don't hurt me please I'll tell you everything..."

A condescending smile played on her lips. "There we go. That's what I wanted to hear. Now, Mr. Crybaby, what were you doing here?" Scarlet didn't lower the gun, but seemed less intimidating than before. She was joking around again, after all...
animegirl20 said:


"That's what you think and by the way my toy can see more then you think trust me this isn't something your technology can't block this. It's quite an amazing toy really. But believe what yo uwant to believe because the fact is I'm closer to my goal then you think. Step by step I'm getting closer and closer. The best part is you don't even realize it. You know what I think? I think your afraid of our magic." She slowly walked closer to the screen. Her voice had haunting tone to it. "Your afraid of the unknown the supernatural because no matter how you try it can't be explained." Her face was very close to the screen it almost look like she could walk right through. Her eye were still red and there was a black aura around her body. She tilited her head and gave him an evil smile, "Is something wrong you look a little pale?"


Some of the member had a bit of nervousness, and the child at the old man's feet was straight-up scare. The old man, however, grinned a just as sinister smile. He got close to the screen and matched her eye-for-eye. "Not at all. We're not your subjects. We don't fear you, and we don't fear your magic. Your delusional 'gods' just think magic is the catch-all to the world and you nut-jobs follow them. Sorry, but if we can slay your gods, they're not gods worth following. They don't have dominion over us. Just remember this. The past decades of this war have told us that we don't have to explain it to beat it."

"You have a grand plan?"
The old man laughed and kept his counter-glare. "Then bring it, witch. You'll get hunted like the rest."

Magadude said:
“ Yeah, thanks. I am not going to fight anymore. There seems to be something off about all of this and until I find out what, I'm not going to fight. But, you still owe me the blueprint for your weapon” he says with a smile and starts to walk back to Whuistan.
"As I said, come by the barracks. Remember my shit is copyrighted though, so don't think you can just make one and get rich quick off it."
“I'm not. I have a little more class than that" he says walking away. When he gets back to his shop, he starts to tinker with some of his projects and thinks to himself. What's going on here? The solider saw me. He saw the orb glow. He figured out what the orb does in the first place, so all he has to really has to do is connect the dots and he will know that I can use magic. I need to be really careful what I say tomorrow or I might be deported, and considering the fact that I killed one of the knights, they might not really except me in with open arms. What will I do? So I kill him, no that would only make me look even more suspicious. And what if I fail at killing him in the first place? Whatever. After 5 hours, he stops tinkering and goes to bed for the night.
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Cherrywitch said:
A condescending smile played on her lips. "There we go. That's what I wanted to hear. Now, Mr. Crybaby, what were you doing here?" Scarlet didn't lower the gun, but seemed less intimidating than before. She was joking around again, after all...
Alamar clenched and unclenched his fists, preparing a spell. He could kill her easily...but not at close range. He would need to be farther back. "Please...lower your...item..." He stammered before coughing. "I am here to...find the secrets of...your technology-yes. We are smart, if we can figure out ways to stop it, then...well...easy victory for us!" If one was a good detector of lying, they could tell he was still leaving out a major part.

Scarlet seemed untrusting but was thrown off balance by the sudden entrance. "Gah!" She pointed the gun at him out of instinct before noticing the break in the wall. "You stupid scientist! Look what you did! That'll cost a fortune!" The redhead went to step on his head out of anger, grinding her heel furiously. "Honestly- oh..." She turned back to Alamar, forgetting he was there for a moment. "...well, this may be bad."
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"Oooow. . ."

*He stood up. He looked decent, even though he had just hit his face on the ground.*

"I can pay for tha- OH MY GOD! IS THAT A MAGIC USER?"

*He rushed over.*

"Hmm. Interesting! What are you doing here?"

*He walked around him, examining him.*

"Maybe I won't need to go to No-Mans-Land after all!"

"I was getting that information when you broke my wall down!" The redhead growled, grabbing the scientist by the collar. "He was just leaving and so are you, before either of you destroy something important. Out, out!" Scarlet shooed the scientist like a cat.
"Ania zukar" he muttered as soon as the girl was distracted. 5 skeletons rose to defend him, and 3 of such tossed the scientist away. "Be warned! You threaten me again I'll blow this whole place sky high!" He was bluffing, while once again he could do it, it would kill him as well.

The girl's eye twitched. "Dumb scientist... If he hadn't..." Scarlet raised two fingers to her mouth, in between them something similar to a whistle. Blowing on it made a high pitched noise and a light on the front lit up, as Black Lightning zoomed in from the side beside her, revved and ready to go. "Alright, crybaby, now I'm warning you. You can kill me, or whatever. But touch one of my clients' vehicles and you'll be walking home with tire marks over your face, capiche?" Scarlet stood straight, a deathly look in her eye. "I hate magic users, I do. But I'm lazy, and I don't like getting involved with this crap. So just leave peacefully with your little skeleton friends and we'll both be peachy."
"You little shit-you don't know what I've gone through! I don't know my way out damnit, you're the one who pointed a gun at my head. " he sighed, "arla" the skeletons vanished. He sat back down. "I need help in escaping. I can't tell you anything more then that. @Cherrywitch

"Im not little! I'm eighteen! And I only pointed a gun at you because you lied and I didn't feel safe." Scarlet huffed, put flipped the gun around her index before sticking it into the hold in a western fashion. "So, another thing you lied about? You don't know your way home?" The redhead crouched down to his level.
"18" he snickered. Guess he'd have to keep his age, YOUNGER than hers, a secret as well. "Not lying...more like, I don't tell you everything because I have no reason to trust you. " The tiredness was gone, back to his defiant tone.

The girl twitched. "If anyone is a little shit it's you." Scarlet stood, pulling the elastic from her short braid and fixing it absently. "So? What? I want you out of my country. I have two choices, I can send you to authorities or I can guide you at least to the border of your land. But why should I put myself out of the way? So I can have more time with a crybaby as company." She muttered childishly.

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