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Fantasy MvT: Magic vs Technology

Whuistan (Who-ee-ston)- AKA Steam Country. This is the capital of Whuistan, the very busy city of Bellward, where the operations are ran by a group simply known as the Bureaucracy, a strong group of men and women who's job is to advance technology to make life much easier. They aim to make education and knowledge in general accessible to all with equal opportunity for all. They have the belief that they don't need god's help and that we are our own sentient beings, not god-worshipping drones. The Government here calls the final shots and sets their parameters, but otherwise lets the cities do their own thing. Here, creation is king. Your imagination can change everything. The spark. That AHA! moment, when that thing you've been tinkering with finally works out. In the country of Whuistan, your only limitation is yourself


Kotrocor (coh-troh-cor)- AKA Magic Country. Open aired, quiet and pleasant. This is capital city of Toron. The people here are a lot more primitive. However, it doesn't mean they're any less happy. Here, things are done quite a bit differently. Here, they don't believe in theory or general knowledge. There's a path for that. Everyone has choices, but it ultimately paves their own single path through life. In Toron, the castle, Castle Scarwood, the Monarchy is strong. Here, everything answers to the Monarch. It takes quite the mind to run an entire country almost completely alone. The people here know loyalty like nothing else. From age 5 children start training for whatever their parents feel they should do, mostly shown by what the child is most interested in. At age 13, they choose their own path. The people here believe that, with the help of the gods, they make life better


Ishrion: The Society of Technomancy- AKA the Technocracy, It's a secret place hidden insanely deep underground. Its headquarters is deep in no-man's land between the countries at war, and as a result, no outsider knows it exists. The place is called Ishrion, named by the people. They keep their place a secret, entrances only accessed by those invited. Down here, a completely hidden civilization has formed, ran by a few who call the shots. Here, they thrive on both perspectives under the belief that neither side is completely right but neither are completely wrong. However, neither side would agree to that sentiment, so very strict rules are enforced and secrecy is upheld and must be taken to the grave. The people love their peace too much to give it all up. A lot of people live here and a lot of people are born here. Most don't leave, as they know a full war could be waged any day. Generations of people have lived and died in this place. It aims to bring both countries together in a middle ground. The firm belief is that any and all beliefs are valid and no one ideology can possibly speak for everyone.


@The Endergod @animegirl20 @Tayy @Magadude @NightSky @Karlore
No-Man's Land


An explosion could be heard. Alarms set off everywhere in Whuistan, Kotrocor, and Ishrion. Everyone was alerted. There was a skirmish in No-man's land. NML, as its name suggests was the place where nothing living went. It was an expansive land, now ruined by war. Anything in NML was free to die. It was a neutral hostility zone. With constant war between magic and technology, there was no wildlife life there. Only bones, picked apart by buzzards, blood stains, and dirt. No animals, no grass. Just some dead trees, ramparts, and a couple of trenches. It was a war zone, the only place where neither side could gain or lose ground

Right at the border of NML and their respective countries lie turrets, drones, ghosts, and undead. Anything seen by them will die by them. Enter at your own peril. Right now, there seemed to be a fight between the NML guards and alerts went off everywhere

Soldiers and guards from both sides charged into NML in order to intercept the enemy forces. Knights, Infantrymen, Gears, Brutes, Rangers, and Bowmen. Hopefully this skirmish didn't start bringing in the big guns like the Berserkers, Juggernauts and, if things get really bad, the Gods and the Mechs


Sitting right in the middle of NML, but 35 feet underground was Reynard Linares. The sudden alarm broke his concentration, which ended in him breaking his clockwork spider drone, which would function as a moving spy camera. "Damn," he cursed as the poor bot fell apart. Some men barged into his study. "Sir! We have a problem!"

"I have alarms in here, so I know there's a fight. What's happening though?" He turned on his TV to see the action. The eyes of the spy drones were sort of buggy, so there was some static on the screen, but through straining his eyes, he could see. Mines and Rune traps blew up. Drones flew. Knights slew infantry. Infantry shooting down knights. Bullets and magic bolts flew

@The Endergod @animegirl20 @Tayy @Magadude @NightSky @Karlore
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While Logan is thinking about one of his projects, he gets interrupted by a explosion. He jumps a little at the noise while saying “what the hell”. After he calms down, he goes to his armor and puts it on. “Better see what happened ” he says as he walks out of his shop with one of his guns, I think this is the stun gun.
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"I heard the alarms........Is the fighting getting worse?"


A girl walked up to look at the screen as well. This was Wendy, his unofficial daughter. Since she uses magic, he could never try to adopt her, so he just took her in in secret. If he did try to go through the government adoption, she'd probably be deported back to Krotrocor, which she knew nothing about, or be killed by some of the technological extremists......or he could be killed for harboring a mage. He saved her life and she's stuck by his side since.

"Aye. NML is as lively as ever. Tensions are running high and more fights make it worse."

"Sir! Our shipment is in!" Their shipment was between them and secret war-hater shops in both countries. They supplied a lot of stuff illegally. Food, supplies, tools, parts, and weapons, as well as some new refugees who wanted to get away from the impending war


Bellward (Whuistan)

John strapped on his armor and grabbed his hammer. He made his way through the streets, pushing through and shoving his way through people. "Outta the way!" he yelled. "We got witches to hunt! Unless you're fighting, you're ordered to stay in your residences!"


Toron (Kotrocor)

Saffron looked around the city, confused as to why there were loud sounds and why soldiers were charging through the gates. She could see explosions in the distance

What was the Queen doing?
“Wait, witches? In that case, I want to help” he says with a smile on his face. He pulls out a orb and a gun. He then says “These should be helpful”. He puts the gun he came out with back in his shop and thinks, those witches might have some magical supplies that could be helpful for one of my projects, and I get to test how effective this orb is at absorbing magic in combat.

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"Then let's move! Look alive, soldier!" John yelled, as he charged.

He made his way to the outskirts of Bellward, to the entrance of NML. "Oi," he said to the new guy. "We're heading on out. Reports indicate that they're bringing in witches. We have to back up our infantry." Normal infantrymen really had no chance against witches. They were fast fliers. They are constantly compared to drones. A couple of witches would wipe out their front-lines.

He gives the soldier a salute with a grin still on his face and thinking, what the hell are infantry going to do. He goes with the soldier to the battlefield while also thinking, why are witches attack in the first place? I have to find out. The whole mindless patriot thing isn't really as much my style. If I'm going to fight, I'm going to find out what the whole fight is about.
Genevieve slowly opened her eyes to the constant cry of a high pitched alarm. She wasn't surprised at the fact she hadn't woken up in her bed. Instead she had fallen asleep on her desk in her workshop. "Damnit." She muttered sitting up in her chair and stretching up her arms. Feeling something on her face she moved her hand to pull off a piece of paper full of sketch ideas off her cheek. Confused by the alarm ringing throughout the city she walked over to the window to look out. Things looked a little more hectic than usual but she still didn't understand what was going on.
Rosana snuck out of her palace room in a purple cloak, black tunic, black pants, and black leather boots. She carefully snuck around the castle and came to the garden. Before any guards could make their rounds she snuck into the city and started to walk around the streets of Toron.
John and his men charged into NML, yelling "For Bellward!"

In NML, a dogfight was going on between drones and witches while knights and infantry fought. The drones were trying to defend the men, but they seemed to be losing the fight. If the drones lost, it was all over. They were one of few things that could keep up with a witch's speed that couldn't get bombed by them

"Let's take them down boys!" These men were all gears, heavier armed men. They were armed with Flamethrowers, Nitrogen guns, Acid Gas. Things that made an Area of Effect.

John's hammer-axe started to vibrate. He couldn't take them down directly, so he had to open the gates for his men to. He slammed it into the ground and sharp spikes of earth started jutting from the ground. Knights flew or were impaled. Witches had fly around the new pillars



Saffron was trying to get out of the way of the people moving. She was whimpering because she couldn't move at all. People were shoving past her and a woman knocked her down. She was trying to get up but every person who bumped into her knocked her down again. "Please, let me up," she whined. Her voice sounded a bit hollow, as if she was missing part of her being, which was her actual body.

Saffron made a noise. It was an incredibly weird noise, but it was a friendly one. "Thank y-" Her eyes widened as she looked up to see who is was. Awe, concern, and fear. "Th-the princess! Why are you walking around during an emergency?" She was talking a little too loudly

Rosana pulled the cloak further on her face to prevent onlookers from seeing. Worry grew in her eyes as she asked "What emergency?" She hadn't heard anything from the castle but that's probably why there was a shortage of guards. @Kylesar1

Isabella come into the room behind Wendy. She looked at the screen as well. She hated this war and she was glad she could help even in a small way. Recently though she had been watching Wendy and keeping a close eye on her. "I hate this." She was in her usual uniform like she always was unless she had to change out of it. she looked over to see someone coming in talking about shipments. "Want me to help bring the things in Mr.Linares?"


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An emergency broadcast was being aired around the city of Bellward.

"Attention! The mages are attempting to cross NML. It is advised for all residences to stay in their homes while our men do what they can to control everything!"

An emergency broadcast was also being aired around Toron

"Attention! The blasphemers are in the NML trying to invade Kotrocor! Everyone keep calm and pave the way for our brave knights to go remedy the situation!"

Saffron looked up, confused. "We're being attacked by blasphemers?"


In Ishrion, they didn't need an emergency broadcast. It was painted all over everyone's screens. Rey sighed. "Let's head out. This fighting is getting worse, but sitting back and watching won't help........." There wasn't much they could do to stop the fighting directly, as they could get discovered. They used more underhanded tactics that were a lot less lethal. Sabotage and theft when they were fighting and stretched thin in the cities. Sabotaging mechs and turrets, disabling mage equipment with anti-magic, stealing weaponry, stunning soldiers on either side.

".........We may just let them fight this one out though without action. We have a shipment. Come Isabella."

Logan get's the biggest smile on his face and rushes over to the guy who just made pillars with a hammer. “ Wow, that was awesome. Could you let me borrow the blueprints after this? I am really interested in what possible projects I could start. It might even help me completed a project I have been working on for awhile now ” he says looking very excited, as if he wasn't on a battlefield at all.

As if answering her question an announcement echoed throughout the city;

"Attention! The mages are attempting to cross NML. It is advised for all residences to stay in their homes while our men do what they can to control everything!"

Genevieve calmly closed her windows and made sure her door was locked. She knew mages were powerful but she had faith. Even some of her drones were out there fighting, she knew she made them to the best of her ability. She walked back into her workshop and sat in her chair before pulling out a notepad and scribbling down some notes about her dream she had while she was asleep.

She continue to watch the screen as she waited for a answer. She turned her turned her attention to Rey when he started speaking. "Coming" When he called her name she started to follow him out she glanced at Wendy before she left and hurried behind Rey.


No-Man's Land

Logan's arm was grabbed and he was thrown into a trench. John jumped in after him. An explosion rocked the position they were just in. "Oi, I'll let you borrow the blueprints after this. Just come to the barracks when this is over. For now, keep your fucking head or you'll lose it out here."



Genevieve's phone rang. The government was calling



There was a knock at the Queen's chambers. "My Queen! The blasphemers are trying to communicate with you!"


Saffron stood up. "I don't think they'll invade. The Royal Army has the best troops in the land." Her eyes were shining in admiration. She was actually blissfully ignorant of the situation. "Do you think it'll keep getting worse until we're all fighting?"



Rey made his way to the ship loading docks. "Careful men. Refugees may be in there." The cargo was unloaded delicately. workers walked around doing inventory to make sure everything they requested was there
"I don't know why we can't just all make peace" Rosana replied before realizing what she had said. 'If my sister heard me she would have me killed' she thought. @Kylesar1
Genevieve was startled by the unexpected ring of her phone, she put down her notepad and pencil mid-sketch. She thought for a moment it may be her Nan but she had no need to call her. The constant beeping noise quietened as Genevieve answered.



Raven was in her room looking out the window, that had the view of the kingdom, in deep thought. When suddenly someone heard a knock at the door. "Oh ?" She walked to the door and opened it. "They want to speak to me?" She said smiling.


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Moments after Red was awoken to the sounds of explosions and alarms, she already had everything packed into her backpack ready to go. She knew that an attack was imminent but did not expect it to come so soon. It doesn't matter to her though, she knew she would be called upon soon and more targets would need to be exterminated. She steps out of her temporary home and vanish into the shadows.

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