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"They have to be able to hear it right?" Ben asked. "I won't give you a chance." He slammed on the Omnitrix. "Echo Echo!"
"what you think you can actually stop me?...what are you even supposed to be?...you all can try to stop me, but this town will be the first to meet their reaper as I cleance this world of all the fool who dont know how to apresiate the rights they have" Erigor said chrouching on the loud speakers
"what you think you can actually stop me?...what are you even supposed to be?...you all can try to stop me, but this town will be the first to meet their reaper as I cleance this world of all the fool who dont know how to apresiate the rights they have" Erigor said chrouching on the loud speakers
Echo Echo split into multiples roared a very loud high pitched noise. Destroying the microphone and all signals the speakers can recieve.
Echo Echo split into multiples roared a very loud high pitched noise. Destroying the microphone and all signals the speakers can recieve.
Erigor jumped of the loud speaker tower as the loud pitched noise destroyed them. The noise causing everyone to wince and cover their ears. The noise knocking Natsu out of the sick daze he was in.
"How did you?!.....ahhh!" He yelled in frustration "no matter....there is always more then one way to cleanse a city....boys I leave them to you" he said as he floated up to the sky and disappeared
Erigor jumped of the loud speaker tower as the loud pitched noise destroyed them. The noise causing everyone to wince and cover their ears. The noise knocking Natsu out of the sick daze he was in.
"How did you?!.....ahhh!" He yelled in frustration "no matter....there is always more then one way to cleanse a city....boys I leave them to you" he said as he floated up to the sky and disappeared
The Echo echoes turned into one being again. He looked at them. "We don't have time for this." He tapped the Omnitrix. "Ultimate Echo Echo."
The Echo echoes turned into one being again. He looked at them. "We don't have time for this." He tapped the Omnitrix. "Ultimate Echo Echo."
Erza summond her sword and went in for the attack of a group of badies running towards her.
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Erza summond her sword and went in for the attack of a group of babies running towards her.
Ultimate Echo Echo sent out disks that surrounded the villains. They all let out a very loud noise that disabled the baddies leaving only the few that were left with the bug bad.
Ultimate Echo Echo sent out disks that surrounded the villains. They all let out a very loud noise that disabled the baddies leaving only the few that were left with the bug bad.
Erza easily cut down a whole crowd of the men with a simple swipe of her sword. Turning over to Echo Echo "your fighting skills are quite impresive"
Erza easily cut down a whole crowd of the men with a simple swipe of her sword. Turning over to Echo Echo "your fighting skills are quite impresive"
"You too. But we should focus on the escaping before we pay ourselves on the back." Ultimate Echo Echo said turning back into Ben.
"You too. But we should focus on the escaping before we pay ourselves on the back." Ultimate Echo Echo said turning back into Ben.
"you are right, my apologies..." she said bowing her head as her sward disapears "now we should seprate into groups and look for Erigor and thoses that ran off with him
Ben walked right up to the entrance. "So uh... Anyone notice the giant wall of wind?"
Erza gasped seeing the wall of wind, the high winds had traped them within the station. "Why would they just trap the station and not the whe city?..." guessing and hoping the citizens had ran away.
Erza gasped seeing the wall of wind, the high winds had traped them within the station. "Why would they just trap the station and not the whe city?..." guessing and hoping the citizens had ran away.
"Don't know. Don't care." Ben said. He transformed. "Cannonbolt!"

He rolled into a ball and shot at the window all pushing it against for several seconds before being forced back.
"Don't know. Don't care." Ben said. He transformed. "Cannonbolt!"

He rolled into a ball and shot at the window all pushing it against for several seconds before being forced back.
Erza moved out of the way as cannonbolt got pushed back from the wall of wind back to the wall of the station. Erza made her sword appeared and attacked the Wind wall getting g the same result as Ben and was thrown back.
Erza moved out of the way as cannonbolt got pushed back from the wall of wind back to the wall of the station. Erza made her sword appeared and attacked the Wind wall getting g the same result as Ben and was thrown back.
"How do we get through?" Ben asked. "Can this help?" Happy held up a key.
"How do we get through?" Ben asked. "Can this help?" Happy held up a key.
"how is that suppose to help us get out?!" Erza said looking at the key Happy heled up
"WAIT! were did you get that key?! You stupid cat you can't just steal keys from other people!" Lucy shouted
"how is that suppose to help us get out?!" Erza said looking at the key Happy heled up
"WAIT! were did you get that key?! You stupid cat you can't just steal keys from other people!" Lucy shouted
"Hey! I don't remember you grabbing it!" Happy huffed.
"I won't be able to use it if Virgo still has a contact with the weirdo" Lucy said
"Well can't you find out? We really don't have time for all of this arguing" Erza said frustrated
"I agree with red." Ben said. "Checking to see if it will work is better than than doing nothing." Ben said. An idea came to mind. "I have better than nothing." He slammed on the Omnitrix. "ARMODRILLO!" The alien yelled. "You see if that key works. I'll get started on the digging."
"I agree with red." Ben said. "Checking to see if it will work is better than than doing nothing." Ben said. An idea came to mind. "I have better than nothing." He slammed on the Omnitrix. "ARMODRILLO!" The alien yelled. "You see if that key works. I'll get started on the digging."
Erza smiled hearing that someone agreed as she took a step back watching Lucy take the key from Happy as Ben transformed and started to did, which was a perfect idea for them to escape.

Lucy held out the key infront of her taking a breath and talking in a serious and confident tone. "I call upone the in the world of the celastial spirits, and now I beconed you to my side at once! Pass through the gate! OPEN GATE OF THE MAIDEN! VERGO!"

Out from under the ground poped a young looking woman with short pink hair, chains on her wrists and in a maid outfit. " you summon misstress?" she bowed leving Lucy suprised

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