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Fantasy Miss Ravenwood's Gifted Acadmey

(@IkutoForever if your charac uses a Warpstrike, I may as well faint. <3 lol) Cadence grabs a few chemicals and mixes them together and hears the sizzling sounds. "Ooh.. More.."
Vincent felt woozy. Things were moving way too fast for him, and he needed to look after himself. Once the EKG was done checking his heart rate, he pulled the readings and the blood vial over to the counter. Well, it wasn't ideal, but it seemed that he was in good condition. For now. With practiced ease, the young man examined the blood with one of the rather expensive microscopes that lined the walls. He frowned. His cells were still deteriorating, though not as quickly as they were six months ago.

Things would have gone much easier if he knew exactly what the problem was. The current theory was that his ability stressed the neurons in his brain, forcing him to think and move faster than any normal human. Vee sighed and pulled away from the microscope. He didn't even know where to start.

Forcing himself to remain calm, he decided to try and make a cocktail of chems. Maybe he could make some sort of medicine that would help. First, however, he needed a control to test the results against. Hooking himself up to the EKG again, he prepared to overclock. Well, at least that was the plan until another of the students (Caddy? Can-dance?) walked it. "Well this is a little awkward," he said.
"And hey, you don't need to protect me! I can fare perfectly on my own!"

*creates force field around herself, blowing away swords*

*eyes turn purple*

*uses magic to fight*
"The army knows about me and my "gift" .....they know im a threat so they are trying to destroy me without touching me....by my crystal" *he sighed. A guy swung a sword and cut Noctis's cheek. He turned and roundhouse kicked him in the face*

He does! xD thats his specialty <3 <3 <3 )
Cadence backs up a bit. "I'm sorry Vincent.." Puts the chemical down and smiles awkwardly. "I'm sorry to bother you." @kaito9049
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IkutoForever said:
"The army knows about me and my "gift" .....they know im a threat so they are trying to destroy me without touching me....by my crystal" *he sighed. A guy swung a sword and cut Noctis's cheek. He turned and roundhouse kicked him in the face*
He does! xD thats his specialty <3 <3 <3 )
( xD I know. <3 <3 Ima swoon though. He is one of my favorites from the Final Fantasy franchise. I like it how you are portraying him, good character choice. Thumbs up!)
*makes a flaming purple sword*

*swings it at the closest enemy*

"Crystal? So now you have a crystal?"
MissJessiRaven said:
( xD I know. <3 <3 Ima swoon though. He is one of my favorites from the Final Fantasy franchise. I like it how you are portraying him, good character choice. Thumbs up!)
thanks! i dont knwo his personality and the game comes out Sept 30...so im just coming up with it <3 not bad eh? )
(Not bad.. not bad at all. So glad there is someone out there that is like me, Woo! I can't wait for the game, I hope I have the money to buy it, lol)
"i wouldnt tell random people about the thing that keeps me alive! are you crazy! It was on me when i was "born"....a tiny little crystal....now it is VERY large....it is compacted with power....if it breaks.....so do i" *He continued to fight till the were all demolished and ended up collapsing from exhaustion*
MissJessiRaven said:
(Not bad.. not bad at all. So glad there is someone out there that is like me, Woo! I can't wait for the game, I hope I have the money to buy it, lol)
haha SAME! I have ff 12 and 13...i dont are for 13-2 or lightning returns....i want ff 14 though <3 )
Amelia Diaboli


(sorry for late response)

The girl is silent for a long moment before turning to look at Cadence, still with blank expression.

"I'm sure there's something Tia doesn't know about you. Amelia Diaboli, or just Amy,"she responds, we're just going to assume that when she is talking casually, she sounds bored.

"No, no," Vincent said quickly, a little embarrassed that the student had remembered his name. "But, ah, I'd be a little careful with those chemicals. If you pour a strong acid or base on yourself, it'll hurt. Like a lot. As in, you'll probably be on the ground screaming in pain and, well, I'm sure you get the picture." He quickly set up the machine that he was strapped to. "Hey, do me a favor and make sure nothing weird happens. Like, if I start foaming at the mouth or something, shut it off." He had never actually experienced such a severe complication, but that didn't mean it wasn't possible.

Taking a deep breath, Vincent closed his eyes. When he reopened them, it was if the worldhad stopped.Hecouldfeel everything the quiethumoftheairconditioningCadence's/yesthatwashername/breathinghisheartrateincreasingNOthatwasn'tgoodhehadtokeepsteady...

The young man quickly took a breath, struggling to control his power. After a few tense seconds, he had it. It was always a weird experience, seeing everything move in slow-motion. Though, he supposed, it was really just the fact that his mind was moving far to quickly for the world to catch up. He could run to the other end of the room and back in less than a second, but it would strain his body too much. Besides, he hadn't entered overclock mode to show off.

Vincent suddenly gasped for breath, releasing his hold on the ability. The EKG beeped, signalling that it had recorded his heart rate. "Ok, I think everything's good," he said, mostly to himself.
*he lays there out cold and a person around the same age as him comes and picks him up* "who the hell are you?" *He looked at Tia*

Cadence watched carefully, making sure that Vincent was perfectly fine. When he replied that everything was okay, she grinned. "Mind explaining what was all that?" She raised a curious eyebrow, intrigued. She sat down at the counter, not paying attention to the dripping chemicals about to touch her arm as she stared at him with awe.
*her eyes are still fushia*

"My name is Tia Bloodstone. I know him from the school."

*She stands*

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