Mind Games

Heather stopped walking abruptly and turned to Abdel. She listened to her words with enthusiasm and interest. Once she was done, Heather walked up yo her and looked at her like she was a God. "I knew I liked you!" Heather liked Abdel a lot in the fact that they were similar and had the same logic. She hugged her and turned to the group, her face full of disdain. "Why cant you guys be more like her?!"

Heather turned back to Abdel. "I'm Heather. You are?" She didn't wait for an answer. "This girl is obviously right. Ive been telling you guys this but no! We've got to open another creepy door!" She put her hands to her hips and waited for everyone to respond to her abruptness. Maybe she might have an ally in this hell-hole.
Jonah didn't notice the tall girl who had started the fighting approach them until she answered Heather's first question with words that were eerily similar to what he'd been thinking. That similarity ended when the girl opened her mouth again.

Ria had noticed, but didn't want to distract Jonah and didn't particularly feel like chatting it up with the other blonde anyway. Her feelings were less than fond. It didn't help that the girl wasn't worried about the identity of their captor. The way Ria saw it, whoever Lucy was, she had done it once and could do it again. That concerned her. Would every time she slept be a recurring nightmare, waking up over and over again in this cold, dismal place? She winced at the girl's later words.

"'Mister I Want My Mommy?'" she half-gasped. "How can you say that?"

Jonah was equally disgusted, and answered the girl's questions only reluctantly. The twins ignored Heather; at this point, they didn't at all value what she had to say. In Jonah's opinion, they should go as a whole, the better to defend each other. He was hesitant to work with people he trusted so little, but he didn't trust them enough to let them out of his sight now that he thought of it. It wouldn't surprise him if the girl and Heather made some evil blood oath to sell them out if given the chance while they weren't looking. "All together," he said.

Ria shook her head. She was tired. She didn't want to deal with Heather and the other girl. Thinking about it, her dislike for them even melted away; it took too much effort to keep up. She didn't resent them in the least. She knew that if they came in harm's way, she'd either help or never forgive herself. And she didn't want that. She didn't want to care anymore, she just wanted everyone gone so she wouldn't have to want to help them even when she was so scared... But not Jonah, she thought, feeling his presence beside her. He was her strength, her safe zone, the one person she would never let go. "Small groups," she voted in a small voice, surprising Jonah who would have expected Ria to choose the more social of the two options.
As Lily she caught up she noticed the tention, none of them needed that right now. Lily thought about what the girl said and then about escape routes, the building seemed to be old and extravagent, and wouln't be easy to escape "A window." she started in her calm voice "I we find a window, we could walk along the raining, that is if we can't get down. We could tell people what is going on." she thought "It's risky but we relly dont have another way." she said '

She thought about Cin, the monster that had trapped them here and killed as the girl had said, disrespectfully "Mr I want my mummy' and wanted somone to clean it . . . "Oh God" she voiced clutching her head. she looked around again and said "Listen, remember how Cin wanted one of us to clean up? Well, that means she isn't used to cleaning up. therefore people must do it for her." she would say looking Heather in they eye "And cook, and look-after. I think we have gathered, Cin didn't kiddnap us, she had never seen us before we walked into that room. So there must be a parent or somthing." she shuddered "And by the decore and how they act they seem to be stuck in the middle ages, punishment and servents, the more you have the richer you are . . . and the house is this big so . . ." Lily trailed of
Heather felt like shoving her head through a wall. "So what Ria? As long as were not dead, we don't care who dies in the process!" She paused and smiled. "And I can think of a few choice people to go next." She giggled but not a regular giggle of deviation. One of twisted humor and dismal thoughts. Her mind was twisting into an evil cauldron. She smiled at the twins. "Have fun dying." She said it as if was a normal thing to say.

She turned to the other girl who had seemingly been quiet. "I like your thinking. Lets just hope you don't fall to your death when you climb out of your window." She turned to the twins. "I think ill take these two and you two can run along, looking for the mundane exit to your miserable lives."
Ooc (( sorry about that.. I have been sick and not getting enough sleep i feel better today and i will try to stop making those errors.. Oh and can i have a recap please lol i kinda want to catch up ))
Lily snorted "No, I'm going with them, more chance of no deliberate murder." she said stepping over to where the twins are wondering where she got her burst of confiedence from. "I'd rather stay with people I can trust, or seemingly so, it means no slip ups, from nervs" she said "and small groups is better, one group gets out and gets help, if i went with you we wouldn't and you know it." she explained. she didn't feel safe near the girl at all, the twins seemed to think things through, she needed that. Survival was key and good decisions are key to that.

(( Ooc: There is a link on the previos page")
((Jason, the Uncategorized Storylines and Info subforum has a Mind Games Info thread now. It recaps everything that hasn't happened today. (Not much happened today, everything that did is on page ten and this page.) Glad you're feeling better!))

Heather was becoming so ridiculous that Ria, so horrified just a moment ago, almost wanted to laugh. She was going to stop herself but then thought, To hell with it! And she laughed, and it felt dirty, and it felt good. She had never been so condescending before, but she couldn't possible take Heather seriously anymore. Death threats after being saved? The girl clearly had some issues. Ria couldn't stop the laughter rolling out of her belly; it wasn't a giggle, or a harsh chortle. If she hadn't been laughing at Heather she could have described it as a warm, good-natured chuckle. But it wouldn't stop for around a full 30 seconds. "I'm sorry," she said to the new girl and to the tall girl, wiping her eyes as the laughing died down. "That's actually a really good idea, a very smart one," Ria continued, talking about the windows. "Wonder how we could get to one. We'll have to go looking I suppose. If only we knew where we started. Are we in the middle of the castle now? Would the closest windows be to the left, to the right, straight ahead, somewhere behind?" Ria leaned into the wall, looking thoughtful. "I don't know about there being other people though," she added. "That girl wasn't human. It was something out of hell. We don't know if Cin has the same needs we do. But it is a possibility."

Jonah grew a little concerned as Ria was laughing and talking to the other two, wondering if Heather would feel provoked enough to go berserk. But then he relaxed a little, remembering that Heather was the same self-serving, illogical girl as she had been. There'd be nothing in it for Heather to get mad about something like that.
Heather looked at Ria with daggers in her eyes. "Well I'm glad your laughing because when you die you'll be screaming and ill be laughing at you!" I was safe to say that Heather was already way passed the edge. It was a matter of time. "I hope you die! All three of you! I have half a mind to lead cin straight to you." She was starting to shake and she wanted to hit someone so hard. To refrain from doing it, she bit her lip so hard, it started to bleed. She started to tear and eventually she couldn't take it. She let out a scream and stomped on Jonah's foot. "Die in a hole!"

She turned to Abdel and grabbed her arm, yanking her in the other direction. "We'll go through another door!" She didn't look back or anywhere really. She just walked forward with anger coursing through her feet.
Abdel raised an eyebrow when the girl gasped at her comment. She got the point once another girl seemed affected by this. Okay, maybe that was a bit unneeded... She'd explain later, if she has the time, but it actually was just a fleeting thought, though carefully locked away until later. When we get out of this mess... Outwardly she just rolled her eyes. What, however, was on her mind was that a girl, appearantly named Heather, agreed with her. Even after she just said the almost opposite Heather did. Her eyes had widened when the girl had jumped on her, hugging her. She was not really a physically affectionate type with people she hardly knew. Let's get to know each other for at least an hour first before you latch onto me, please. Abdel didn't know why she was acting so bitter. No, strike that, she knew exactly why. I'm hungry, trying not to think about death, was abducted, and too damn cold. "Stupid Florida attuned body heat," she muttered to herself as she shivered for a second.

As the newcomer gave about an idea, she was skeptical of it but didn't say anything. She didn't want to say anything unintentionally offending. She'd talked enough. But she couldn't help but wonder if the plan would actually work. I can name three good reasons why it won't work. 1) We only know of two rooms in this place, and I doubt our captor put us in a place with windows. We could be underground for all we know. Which brings me to 2) We don't know what floor we're on. We could be in a high tower if this place really is a castle or something. I'm pretty against splatting 3) Cin could just be a spoilt child. We don't know how old she is. As in how long she's been dead. Not the physical age of six.

But she didn't say anything. Whatever she says seems to offend these people. People were not that offendable in my hometown. Whatever. She'd go along with these people. She'd see where it takes her. With her luck, it'd probably be the way out. She was about to speak when she heard Heahter's outburst... I'm not exactly sure I want this girl on my 'team'.... Her face showed a vague sense of, 'Help Me!' But it turned concerned once the twin started going into slight hysterics.

So when she finally opened her mouth, she said, "It's worth a try... And I vote big group..." She didn't care for the people, as in she'd rather be trapped in a mansion with other people given a chance, facing all of them is almost unbarable. But if one small group did find a way out, would they even come back to find the others? Would they risk their chance at freedom? Would the others still be alive? She didn't voice her thoughts, but she would if the vote came to a stalement, or didn't go in her favor. It's not like things had to go her way, she usually chose the path of least resistance, but she knew that smaller groups would not be a good idea. So far, two votes for big group, three for small... She wasn't liking those odds...

However, it seemed no one heard her as Heather pulled Abdel away in her blind rage. Abdel began to struggle but she could tell Heather was hardly feeling it in her state. She looked over at the group, pleading all over her face. If before was a vague look of 'Help Me', now was a definate look of 'Get Me Away From This Nutcase Dammit!!' She stopped struggling by this time, knowing it was useless. They were only a quarter way across the room but at this rate, she'd disappear with Heather in no time. Heather didn't even seem to be affected by the dead weight she was pulling along in her rage.

((I love a big stir... But now I feel a little concerned for Abdel... *shrug* oh well, that's what happens when people snap and lose their minds...))
As the girl running with Ethan suggested going barefoot, he couldn't speak so he continued running, eventually both caught up with the twins and two other girls, the four of them were talking about the situation the 14 were in and Lily also joined the conversation, while listening to them having nothing useful to say he heard Heather saying she didn't cared who died as long as she wasn't dead, she said it in plural but Ethan didn't understand who she meant as it was an extremely selfish point of view.

"I vote for small groups, also, can I go with you?" Ethan asked the twins and Lily, "I don't understand your sudden changes of attitude Heather, I'm sure they'll get someone killed." he said instinctively.

He looked at Lily "You suggested going barefoot a moment ago right? It's a good idea, at least if we need to be stealthy." Ethan said now that he felt able to speak properly.
Jonah stumbled back a little, but the pain in his foot was nearly as bad as most everything he could think of that Cin or something similar could do. Actually, the pain faded after a moment. All in all, he was pretty much unflapped. Ria was a little more angered, but she didn't say anything to Heather because she knew she'd been asking for it. So instead she turned to Jonah and said, "Are you ok? I'm sorry she got so pissed off..." He just shrugged.

Their attention was turned back to Heather as she began to practically abduct the tall girl, who was clearly wearing an expression of alarm and mild fear. The girl was struggling but in Heather's rage she had an iron grip.

"Uh, Heather?" Ria called out to her. "Don't you think you should at least get her name first? Or where she wants to go...?" She wasn't sure if any of it was getting through to Heather.

"You owe us!"

It was Jonah. He'd figured that even though Heather was a selfish brat, she wasn't a thief. Most people didn't like feeling in debt.

"Whether you wanted it or not, liked it or not, we saved your life. You owe us."

In the crisis-feeling of the moment Ethan went largely unnoticed, but Jonah nodded towards him discretely, a sign that he could indeed come along.
Lily nodded at the boy who adressed her

"Yes, I did, it also goves us a weapon, a kind usless one but shoes hurt. Can I please have everyones names?, I was passed out for that." she said sheepishly.

It wasn't her fault but she still felt guilty she looked around and saw in the hall they were in some paintings and what sheemed to be a bag rack. She walked over to it and looked through the bags "Hey guys, there are bags of things here, Some look like handbags others like pre-made backpacks. She picked one up and tossed it to the boy "For the shoes" she said rufling through the other bags.
((I'm going to wait for some of the other users to post for now, so there may not be another post from me for a while. Gonna let Jase and Kristen and Wyatt and Ava and Lilianna and Jake and Mark and Joseph get some fun time lol. ))
((Fine with me... Abdel won't be doing anything for a while, and I know how it feels when you come on and it looks like you have 30 massive book-sized posts to read through. I'll hop in later tomarrow. If something interesting happens and I'm let go, feel free to move Abdel about... Just don't make her seem like more of a biotch than she already does... Or do anything too embarrassing.))

((EDIT:Hehe, you beat my reply by seconds. So if everyone agrees to not post for a bit and let the others play catch up, there's really no use for this post...))
Heather turned around just as quick as she tried to leave. She threw Abdel's hand away from her and she marched right up to Jonah, her finger pointed and her voice more hostile than it had ever been during her stay there. Tears steamed down her face but her expression didn't reflect crying.

"You... you have no idea what its like to be me in this situation. NOT A CLUE! Why don't you have Cin kill a mear child in front of you... and tell you to clean it up." Her voice was slowly fading into a whispy thread of air. "You may have saved my life but that was YOUR choice. YOURS! Not once did I say help. I owe you nothing!"

Her face alternated back and fourth at every face near her. Slowly her face morphed into sorrow. She could barely breathe and at her own expense, she wished she would die, then and there. Not caring what waited on the other side. She held her head and let the words slip out of her mouth

"I am so sorry..."

(I do have plans for Heather to escape though. And ya, ill let others post as well. See ya later!)
((I know how you feel. I had to restrain myself, almost brought out some duck tape to control my hands... Metaphorically... Mostly...))
(Lol, my posts are so influential! This is why everyone needs a psychotic friend! Ok I'm now officially taking a break. Love ya ;)

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