Mind Games

((Not a problem! I'm going to refrain from posting for a bit, to give some of the people we haven't heard from in a while a chance to either post or let me know they want out.))
((I am still here!! And sorry for the one liner, I was in a rush to get to school!))

Kristen sighed heavily. She looked up at the big dome ceiling. "This is a big place," she said to herself. She coughed slightly, scratched her head bewilderedly and sighed again. She didn't know how or when she'd gotten there. "Should've brought some cough lollies," she scolded herself. She'd forgotten she'd been sick for a couple of days. And that does seem very, very difficult to forget. She coughed agaibn, a fit almost.

((Sorry again, in a hurry!!))
(( Ooc: its ok.. your the creator of this thread and rp and your the boss.. just wanted to had the experience of someone else wanting to open the door.. also im sorry im always put Jason in front of that im sorry for that its habit my bad lol.. ))

Jason stood up and seeing Jonah asking him that question " i..i. just don't want anyone to get hurt.. plus no one was volunteering.. and like i said it's not a good idea.. hell I'm scared but you know what we all need to face up to fear some day.. " he said in a calm voice but then saw him stand up and head for the door and reached for its brass handle and he would then yell out and quickly run up to him " no!! don't.. " but it was too late he stopped running confused why it was unlocked and opening so easily. His heart began to pound slightly.. then he would see the little girl in the red dress and he would stand there.. then heard her response to Jonah has she yelled and his eyes would go wide has fear itself was going through his body but he stood there..

He would then look around seeing everyone elses reaction and noticed that they too were scared and he would then look at the little girl and would then look at everyone else and would start to think never felt so frightened from a child before he stayed behind then took a huge gulp and started to walk up to Jonah and placed his hand onto his shoulder and whispered to him " just back away okay " he said trying to get him away from the little girl has he was trying so hard to fight the fear inside of him and he would then look up at the little girl trying to get Jonah to back away taking slow steps backwards
Lily grabbed her head with both hands and muttered as quietly as she could, being heard "Anyone have any PainKillers?" she held her head, It felt life she was being stabbed or hit over the head again everytime someone talked or made a sound and she could't talk much louder that that, or it hurt more. She massaged her temples with two fingers and closed her eyes thinking quiet thoughts.

She took a step and started pacing slowly and quietly "?My head is killing me" she said in an equally quiet voice as before, her shoes were starting to make some noise so she took them of and walked around barefoot. The cold wood felt good against her aching feet.
((Don't worry about that Jason, you've got a dynamic character. That's something to be proud of.

[MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION] Are you sure you're at the same place we are? Either way, thanks for the post. :)

[MENTION=2482]Lily[/MENTION] Same to you, I'm not sure if you've read up on everything. Unless the headache is a result of the scream.))
((I know what you mean, I pretty much poured myself into Ria, and Jonah's a lot like my brother. Only difference is, Ria's more talkative than me and my brother's more talkative than Jonah. X3))
(Apologies for not posting, it's been a really busy week. :/ )

Listening intently to the group gathered on stage followed by the spat with who wanted to open the door, Lilianna and Wyatt thought it best - safer - to stand on the sidelines and wait to see what would happen. They figured that keeping a somewhat level-head amongst all the chaos would be a virtue later on.

Watching a guy not too much younger than themselves swing the door open with little effort, Wyatt felt Lilianna jump beside him when the door revealed a young girl in a red dress. He didn't blame her either; everything about her screamed that she was inhuman, or something. Her skin was dead pale and her eyes almost made him look elsewhere; her kind of eyes were the ones that could burn souls.

When the girl screamed out, Wyatt felt the hair on his back stand on end. Hearing Lilianna's heavy breathing beside him, he stole a very brief glance at his sister, not wanting to take his eyes off the girl for too long. His sister was on the verge of tears, he could tell; her eyes weren't watering, but she had a look of complete and utter dumbfound horror on her face that he only saw once before. The older brunette figured he had a face that was similar.

After the initial shock, the room before the two seemed to fill with panic and chaos so quickly they were close to drowning in it. Everybody was stepping back in fear, obviously afraid of the unknown creature that presented itself before them, calling them all playmates...who was this girl and what was going on?

Obviously nobody wanted to make themselves known to the little girl, but the longer the door stayed open the more intense the panic in the room got. Lilianna grabbed Wyatt's wrist firmly out of fear and said so quietly it was almost lost in the crowd, "Who is she, bro? Who..."

Wyatt, who was just as terrified as everybody else, knew he was about to throw himself into the lions den before him. But it wasn't something he could help; nobody else was doing anything, and his sister was beginning to lose herself like the others. He wasn't a hero. Far from it, and he didn't plan on getting anywhere near that door. However, if he could help the others - motivate them in some way - maybe someone else could stop the unfolding madness before them.

Noticing vaguely that the guy who originally opened the door wasn't standing too far from his original position, Wyatt felt himself numbly take a few steps forward. Fear threatening to enclose on him, what with the darkness that surrounded him and the ghost before them that suddenly came out of the woodwork, he was genuinely surprised to hear his voice rise above the others. "What are you waiting for?! Shut the damn door, quick!"

Lilianna quickly grabbed at her older brother's wrist and tugged hard, wanting to blend him back into the crowd as best they could. "Wyatt, stop!" Her tugs got more desperate as Wyatt resisted his younger sibling, and she succeeded in pulling him back two steps, but after that it was as if his feet were nailed to the floor. She continued to pull and Wyatt's heart hammered harder and harder, the voice in his head screaming to do what his younger sister said, something so stupidly simple, but his legs refused to move themselves.
Heather was obviously scared out of her mind and she dropped to all fours from fear but something about the girl seamed hypnotic. She slowly rose again, replaying the noise in her head. Heather could hit whistle register but she had never heard anything so high. Almost in audible. She looked at everyone else, waiting for them to do something. In her mind she was replaying horror movies, trying to think of something.

"Well? Shut the door. Let her in for tea. Do something!" She realized how hypocryticle she sounded as she just stood there, yelling quietly. She felt so alone. She had burned all her bridges with pleasure and now realized she shouldn't have. Now she was pretty much alone. Luckily it was something she was used to.
Abdel was truly shocked to see her few words had caused such a conflict. It just wasn't her to take part in conflict, let alone start one. Gosh, it didn't sound that bad in my head. I should have just kept my stupid mouth shut. As the conflict continued, she remained quiet, carefully inching herself as close to the wall as possible and away from the group. She observed them, hoping that this little tiff wouldn't have any lasting affects. It seemed that we'd all see a good deal of each other for a bit. I wonder, though, how long 'a bit' is...

She was broken out of her thoughts by someone finally opening the door. Her eyes widened slightly as she noticed a girl there, clothed in silky crimson as wispy as the rest of her. The shock of the color made her skin look pale. Really pale... It was then that Abdel realized that this girl was... abnormal. Or at least not human. Her words seemed to echo in the enclosed space, and the high dome ceiling only carried the echo further. Each of the little girl's sentences held an ethereal quality that no professionally train soprono could obtain while singing.

Of course that would be a problem for Abdel. She was a girl that was easily swayed by the unknown, be it religion, the supernatural, or the theories of reality. She loved that stuff, and easily believed it. This is why she took a few steps forward, entranced by the site. She looked as if she had found a hidden wealth of diamonds after several years of mining. She didn't care about how unbelievable all this was as she continued forward. Because of her easy belief of things, she didn't have that easy grasp of reality; of how dangerous this situation could be.

What had snapped her out of it was the shrill scolding of the girl. She remembered the darkness. All her fantasies rooted from fear. Deep down, her biggest fear was the unknown and fear itself. She hated how fear got to her, how no matter how much of a grasp of reality you had, you still didn't know it all. She had a flash of memory, of when she was a little girl, contemplating what death was. She had had a mini panic attack and she felt one approaching.

The air around her seemed to grow terribly cold as her breaths became quicker. She, as difficult as it was, forced herself to not contemplate, not think, to open her eyes and not think of what was to come and instead what was in front of her. As she did this, her breaths slowed, deeper and longer than her hyperventalative ones. Finally all that was left was the mixing she felt deep within her, an uneasiness. She was glad that she had been able to pull herself out of it, and even happier to see that not a large amount of time had passed since she was trapt within her own fear.

All the others would have been able to see during her discomfort were her eyes screwed tight, her muscles locked, and her fists clenched. She didn't worry too much about that because she was a few feet behind Jonah from her previous quest to meet the little girl. The only one who had probably seen her moment of panic was the girl that had previously been on the stage and was currently a little bit behind her and briefly wondered if they were related.

As for the little girl, which she started to wonder if she should refer to her as something so human, Abdel bacame more wary of her, though she wasn't as visablly frightened as the others. Her brain pushed all that fear aside, a coping mechanism of sorts. So with her earned confidence, she steped out to the side in order to be in the line of vision of the little thing and still behind Jonah. I may be brave, but I'm not suicidal... She looked the girl in what her brain called eyes but was clearly not. "Okay, so can we call you by a name?" Better not to anger the thing instead of letting the others scream at it.
Kristen blinked. She looked at the door blankly. She didn't know what had happened, just someone screamed shut the door. But she was curious as to what this girl is, who this girl is and why she's here. But more importantly, why everyone else is here. She scratched her head, looking at the opened doors. Kristen hyperventilated slightly and twirled a bit of her hair around her finger, a nervous habit from when she was older. She shuffled closer, the strange girls words still echoing on her mind. The words wouldn't go away, so much that it seemed like they were trapped inside her brain forever. Her voice was like a slow motion sound of grass cracking mixed with feed-back from a microphone. A high-pitched whine that made her shudder.

She didn't want to get closer, but there was an urge in her body that said she had to. It was almost like she was being pulled by an imaginary fishing line, reeling her in to see what this girl was. She seemed ghostly, the crimson red over her porcelain skin made it seem that way, anyway. She shuffled forward slightly, little by little see came closer to the girl. She seemed to have a mysterious aura about her. A strange one, one that tells you to stay away. But Kristen couldn't fight coming towards her. The girl was pulling her in, making her feet move, like Kristen was a puppet, and the girl was the puppeteer. She was few feet behind a girl. The one who had had that panic attack.

She looked over the shoulder of someone. She still had the words trapped in her mind. This girl was scary. She was supernatural. Something from another world. The scolding was slowly, but surely fading from her mind. Possibly refraining her from going absolutely crazy. Although, this had to be a dream. She pinch herself and clenched her teeth to stop her from yelping. She was fully awake. She didn't even seem tired. Kristen's eyes widened at the girl. Her facial structure was so beautiful. But hauntingly beautiful, she couldn't help but think she was about to collapse, her head felt heavy on her shoulders. She couldn't move it or else it would fall to one side.

Kristen wiped sweat off her forehead. She was getting dizzy. She stayed still behind the girl, waiting for the response to her question. At least that would clear up who she is. This girl was an abnormality. One like she'd never seen before, but yet, the girl seemed slightly familiar. It seemed like the memories were pounding in the back of her head of another time she'd met this girl. Kristen didn't want to think she'd known this alien girl. It was goose-bump worthy, the empty seeming eyes of the girl, boring into everyone elses. They were scarily hypnotising.

((This post is to make up for not being here, and the rest of you guys are in the dome room, right? It's just the door is open.))
(([MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION] Correct! An excellent post. Big one coming up soon from me, but I have to go put on make up and take the family photos atm. Soon!))
Jonah was never one to put himself under authority, but after starting a little at the hand at his shoulder, Jase's words made sense. Screaming drew the little girl's attention away from him, and Jonah moved himself slowly away, trying to get close to Ria. If he'd known what was lurking across the mahogany, he would never have left her side. He would have been right up on that stage with her. He would have cut into the arguing. Hell, he wouldn't have opened the door in the first place. He couldn't control his heavy breathing; his eyes had gone so wide things were beginning to look faintly blurry. Adrenaline was making him shake, unsteady feet trying to tread lightly.

Ria felt the same magnitude of fear, so she wrenched her eyes off the little girl and kept them fixed on Jonah. Jase was behind him, and they were both retreating slowly, trying to put distance between himself and the door. She willed him out of danger's way, focusing on the careful movement of his body and his wary stare, focusing on anything but the death-black, the sheet-white, the blood-red of the thing addressing them. She wanted to pretend that Jonah and Jase were instead retreating from the kitchen, trying hard not to wake their parents as they got a mid-night snack. But no; the fear on their faces was too much. She couldn't ignore this.

She felt her eyes fill with tears at the enormity of the seemingly pint-sized "girl" in front of them, everything it meant. One thing was certain; though the creature clearly hadn't taken them, this Lucy woman had. And why? To "play" with this abomination, who may or may not "play" roughly. As if the mental stress wasn't enough, the idea of the child becoming violent seemed plausible in her mind. At this horrifying notion she sank to the floor, squeezing her eyes shut and covering her ears. This couldn't be happening to her, this kind of thing wasn't supposed to happen. She'd thought she was superstitious but here at the moment of truth she realized that til now she had never truly believed there was something so unworldly in existence.

At Heather's outburst, the little girl walked towards the group, and stopped right in front of Heather. She was so close to Ria that Ria almost shrieked, but she instead suppressed it and retreated further towards the stage, away from the spook. The girl looked up, directly into Heather's eyes, and smiled sweetly, clutching her teddy bear tighter. Popping stitches could be heard. "Thank you for the invitation," she told Heather, in the same ethereal, echoing voice. "I was just thinking we should all have a tea party. Hmmm... What should I name you...? I think... Virginia will do quite nicely..."

As Ria looked around she noticed that some of the people were actually entranced by the monster, drawing closer. Ria was shocked and disgusted, but after giving it a little thought she realized that the girl was extremely beautiful by any standards, and her voice was exotic, mesmerizing. Still, to her it only made her even more frightened, and she hunched over a little more.

Jonah was panicking at the thing's proximity to Ria, and was unsure of what to do. He could run over and risk them both being noticed, or he could continue slowly and risk Ria being noticed. He settled for something in-between, moving faster but still slowly and carefully. He looked back to Jase, wondering if he would follow or stay as far away from the monster as possible. He would have expected the latter, as Jase had no real reason to be with the group and had come closer to the terror only with the purpose of getting Jonah further away. Still, Jonah admitted his own weakness to himself in that he realized he would have appreciated the moral support.

The girl who had been so desperate to get the door open in the first place seemed to be one of those mesmerized, at a glance. Once she snapped out of it a bit she asked the girl - No, not a girl, he thought. A... A thing - for her name. He saw the logic in being non-confrontational, but the tall girl seemed rather calm. Usually a good thing. But for him, now, this was a red flag. She seemed rather sympathetic to the little wisp...

"Name?" echoed said wisp, looking confused. She seemed to be thinking hard, frowning, but after a moment she relaxed and murmured, "I don't remember..." She smiled again and said, "Call me Cin."

She turned to the stage. "Let's have tea!" From somewhere above, perhaps the catwalk, a table came crashing to the ground. Two of the legs splintered, causing it to lurch to one side. She frowned again. "Oh, that's no good." She scanned the group.

"You there... Jimsy!" she said to the boy who had earlier been crying for his parents. "Go hold the table straight."

He began shaking and stared at her blankly, mouth open but unable to speak. She locked eyes with him; his shaking ceased, but now he was crying, calling for his parents. "I don't want to! I want to go home!"


That awful shriek again; it reverberated around the room, piercing the ears of all and, like a ghost in and of itself, it haunted the room, echoing as if it came from all directions, hissing on the s far longer than was normal. Most frightening was her face; her eyes became sunken, her skin chapped and frail-looking, and her lips stretching around her teeth til gum showed in both rows. It was the face of a corpse. The twins hadn't noticed it before, too shocked by the sound, but now they noticed and Jonah abandoned caution, running to Ria who was sobbing and grabbing her arm. Til he felt they were safe, he wasn't letting go. She grabbed a fistful of the fabric of his shirt and buried her face, shaking violently.

The boy had a similar reaction, screaming wordlessly in turn. "It's not working," Cin murmured, beautiful again. She strode quickly to the boy and kicked him. "Why won't you do what I say, playmate?" Getting no answer, she sighed and said, "It's broken."


She grabbed the boy by his throat, forcing him to stand. He struggled, crying and yelling for his parents to come, but they didn't.


With one motion of her hand, the boys head turned at an odd contour; his neck made a 90 degree angle with the rest of his body. With a sound like ripping fabric the flesh tore, exposing his vertebrae. Ria let out a hysterical "Oooh..." and Jonah's grip on her arm became bruising. There was no hope for the boy; he was already gone. The tears, the shaking, the screaming, all had ceased. In a way, he was at peace now.

Cin said, quietly again, "Oh dear, what a mess..." referring to the blood dripping from his body. She dropped the body heavily and turned to Heather. "The tea party we were planning... The guests won't like such a mess. Could you be a dear and clean it up?"

Jonah and Ria had no wits about them any longer. They had just seen what no 17-year-old kid should ever have to see; the death of another kid. It was ugly, it was cruel, it was violent, it was bloody... And the one who had committed the murder was a wisp of a girl who was not, not at all, human, something that had broken him like a doll and tossed the remains aside.

"RUN!" Jonah screamed, beating Ria to the punch. Gripping each others' hands tightly, they made a mad dash for the door, hoping others would follow.

((And the moral of the story is: Don't be a mean girl; karma exists. Also, y'all have homework before posting your response. Google translate "cin" from Azerbaijani to English.))
(Omg! I will never be a mean girl again! Sweet Jesus, I'm shaking!)

Heather slowly turned out of her hypnotic state and turned to look at the boys who were trying to get away from the door. She felt helpless just looking at them. She prayed they would be alright. Sweat dripped from her body. Her once perfect hair was now frizzled and went back to its normal state. She couldn't of possibly guessed what was going to happen to her next.

She was so focused on the boys getting away from the door that she didn't know that the 'creature' was approaching her. She turned her head to look at every one else and that's when she realized it was walking towards her. Her body did something it had never done before. She felt light as air and her body let out a whispy whisk of air. She shook her head back and forth. "No, no, no, please no." She said silently. Her eyes filled with more and more tears as she got closer. What the creature said was unforgettable. Heather would never in her life forget it. As the creature was turning away and focusing on someone else, she dropped to the floor and her eyes almost rolled to the back of her head.

She was just lucky she was still alive. A little boy was not so lucky. The same thoughts that ran through her head about the boys getting away from the door were going through her head for the little boy. She wanted to reach out and snatched him up and save him but she knew that was far from possible. She kicked and screamed as the girl picked up the little boy and wailed when he was murdered. How horrid. She realized if she was to escape, she would have to have some intense therapy.

Her head jolted up at the girl as she asked to clean up the mess. How on earth was Heather to get up off the floor and clean up a dead body. She then realized that if she didn't then the same thing might happen to her. She crawled over to the boy while covering her face, screaming in terror. She brushed her hand over his body and she grabbed his hands and put them on his chest. "You poor child." She said barely audible. She. Took off her over throw and wiped up the blood. She sat there, looking at him. When Jonah yelled to run, she knew she couldn't because she knew her fate would end ul like the poor corpse of a boy. She could only sit and watch.
In a sudden moment, a boy who seemed to be the twin brother of the girl who gave a short speech on the stage earlier was opening the doors, "What? How?" Ethan thought when he noticed the easy that task had been.

Next, a voice was heard, it was a little girl entering the room, she had a voice Ethan hadn't heard before, it was so pure, she referred to everyone in the room as "playmates", Ethan felt a little afraid.

The whole atmosphere changed when the little girl let out a scream that paralyzed everyone, it was unbelievable, a sound like that could't have been made by a human, let alone a little girl, that's when it became clear for Ethan, she was not human, but some kind of monster.

As some people drew closer and others backed away from her, Ethan was frozen and couldn't hear anything, until whatever that monster disguised as a little girl was, screamed again, this time it was worse.

A young boy whose fear was making him cry, inexplicably for Ethan, had the monster's attention, as he denied what the monster demanded, it easily took the boy's life away and dropped the body to the ground.

The twins who suddenly started dashing towards where the monster had entered the room, Ethan felt able to move again and without thinking about anything ran in the same direction as them, he couldn't even speak.

((I really didn't know how to continue until now, sorry.))
Kristen stayed back, her hyperventalation returned, that echo in her voice pounding against the wall of her skull. "YOU WILL STAY!" she heard in the back-round, kicking her out of her trance. Her head pounded. She started to retreat. She stepped back, all of the time her eyes not ripping away from the heap of a body, he really was like a broken toy and it scared her. She neck cracked as wiped her eyes, she shuddered. How could a girl so, so small, murder a kid like she was snapping a twig?

Kristen felt like she was going to throw up, the gore and blood everywhere against a wall, the boys neck bone peeking out of the skin like a bendy straw through cardboard. It was truly revolting. She felt herself stumbling, whacking into a wall and nearly trip on her own feet. Her eyes never tore from the girl with that sweet little face, the cold-hearted murderer named Cin apparently. She, finally, tore her eyes from the girl and twirled around and ran for the door, following the two people in front.

The image never left her mind, every time she blinked, the victim flashed in her head, like a re-occuring nightmare. She was scared, she wanted to know where she was. She wanted to get out of here and see her family again. That might not happen, though. That girl is a sick little monster she thought to herself, shaking her head to get the brutally murder and mangled body out of her head.
Ooc : if you want me to edit this one just tell me ))

Jason eyes would go wide seeing the little boy head go into a complete 90 degree angle and he would then look at Jonah and whispered to him " go to your sister when you get a chance i got your back okay... " he said after slowly releasing his hand has he looked at the little girl his hand changing into a fist wanting to do something about it but couldn't she could of easily done that to him if she wanted to.. his heart was pounding very hard never seeing anything so cruel and evil in his life before.. he then moved his eyes to the little boy and would then look down since he didn't deserve to die like that..

Jason would then fell to his knee not bowing to her just praying for the little boy.. the anger in his own heart started to rise even more.. but there was nothing he could do about and that just made him even more angry.. he didn't want anyone to get hurt or die..his heart began to pound and then he would let out a sigh a relief has he stood up and looked at the girl his hand releasing the fist and slightly shaking again..
"Ow!!" she screamed as she landed on her back, a pain shooting up her spine. Her breathing was very sharp. She tried to sit up, eventually did, but it caused her great amounts of pain. But not as much pain as the person in the room would go through. She pressed her ear against the door slightly, but not too much or the door would open, she'd tumble in and who knows what would happen next? She shushed the rest of them. She heard a faint, "I guess I will be the one to play with you Cin, what game would you like to play?" she was shocked. This dude was committing suicide. Unless of course he did what she said. But... if she went to save him, she'd be commiting suicide. This was all too confusing, she just wanted to go home.

She layed back onto the ground. "That dude is committing suicide..." she said to herself, she couldn't believe it. Her head feel back and she covered her ears. For the sound of screaming would soon be inevitable. The man inside was facing his imminent death and he didn't seem to care. There of course was a 30/70 chance he'd make it out alive. But she was so worried. She didn't want anyone else to die of a neck cracking or being slammed against a wall by such a murderous, evil little monster with a sweet innocent face.

She shuddered again, with memories pounding at the back of her head again. She sighed heavily. Her breathing back to normal, but the girls screeches still in her mind. She was horrified and wanted to go home now. She wanted out. But she obviously couldn't get out. She ccracked her knuckles as quietly as possible.

Kristen rubbed her temples, trying to relax herself in this situation. Maybe she didn't pinch herself hard enough. She like a small mark with a tid bit of blood coming out. She backed up against the wall of the room, heart pounding rapidly. She fanned herself, looking at the situation. She blinked and felt her head. Kristen was feverish and feeling horrible. This is a weird place. But that still didn't answer her query from the very start. Where in the world was she? A new query Kristen thought, Was she even in her own world anymore? Or was she in a super natural world where tiny wisps of girls are black-souled murderers? She was so confused. She shook her head. She was getting reoccuring thoughts... Ones that scared her.
((Jase; you're locking other people in there too. X.X Those last few posts may need to be edited. @Jason Thorn+, @kikinavi, [MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION]

Here's what I had been about to post. Thank goodness I refreshed it; it's easy to overlook characters whose roleplayers aren't online atm, but don't forget they're still there! There are 14 captives now and only 4 have run so far. Here's what I had planned to post; let's delete those last few and start from here.))

((I hate scary stuff, but I love being scary. >) How many of you translated Cin's name?))

Ria and Jonah were very nearly out the door when Ria chanced to look behind her. People were following her, in a flurry, but she noticed something unusual, and her running slowed. It was Heather. The girl had lost all her poise and confidence, and was following Cin's orders, if clumsily. Jonah, noticing Ria's drop in speed, looked back and saw the same. But it was one of those rare occasions where the two interpreted one thing very differently.

Jonah saw servility. He saw conspiracy. So Heather had been Cin's "playmate" all along. She was quite the actress then, wasn't she? Hatred began to fill his mind, flushing his head with pounding anger. She'd gone from hysterics to haughtiness and back in the blink of an eye, and had a strangely threatening position. She'd been one of the ones entranced by Cin. Everything was falling into place.

Ria saw guilt. She saw fear. She didn't miss the the trembling, the clamminess, the thin lips and pale, sick-looking skin. And yet why did Heather not choose to run? By the same logic that most ran, Heather was trying to appease Cin. Well, appeasement didn't work in World War II and it sure wasn't going to work now. Ria stopped and look at Jonah, who was still looking back.

He saw the look in her eyes; it was unmistakeably an apology. "Ria, no! She could be working with Cin! You could be killed! You - oh, damn you!"

Ria ran back the way she came, Jonah right on her heels. Cin looked towards them, and her faced morphed again into that corpse. "DON'T TAKE MY TOYS!"

"Shitshitshitshitshit!" Jonah said under his breath as Cin came running at them, her feet making no noise; the twins had no idea what they were doing. Ria looked to Jonah and jerked her head in Heather's direction. He seemed to understand. As he made a beeline for Heather, Ria had to think fast.

"Hey, Cin!" she shouted as loud as she could, drawing the thing's attention. It veered its head to look at her; it seemed to be in full-time corpse mode for the time being, but Ria turned off some part of her mind that controlled fear. She felt adrenaline take over, making her hypersensitive. She didn't have the strength to engage this seemingly 6-year-old, she realized; she had no choice but to run. She ran along the edge, away from the door but also not obstructing anyone's path to it. Cin gave chase, terribly fast but Ria, on her hormone rush, was just able to stay ahead. "What're you all waiting for?!" she screamed at those remaining. "Get lost!"

Seeing Jonah pry Heather from the young boy's body and throw her over his shoulder, Ria faced another dilemma. What would she do now? She couldn't follow Jonah; she had Cin on her back. She was beginning to fear the worst, but as Cin began to close in, her instinct kicked in; she spun around, dropped, and allowed Cin to throw herself onto Ria's raised feet, toes bent to dig under the ribcage. Ria half-expected her to go through, like a ghost, but at feeling solid impact she swung her feet overhead, sending Cin flying away. Ria got up and, without stopping to be surprised at herself, ran along side Jonah and his new burden. They were out of the room by the time Cin collected herself, and, entering what appeared to be a dining room, having a large, unlit candle-holding chandelier, looked around. At each corner there was a hallway branching off; they ducked behind the nearest one just before Cin was composed enough to look around for them.
((It's fine; if you go to edit your posts, you have the option of deleting them. it'd be great if you could do so to avoid confusion. And sorry for rescuing Heather... I had had the idea and you stole it from meh. X3 Just kidding, but I really didn't steal the idea from you. Hope you don't mind, kikinavi))
(Got it! I will wait for others as well. Oh and yes I did look up cin. Very clever. I feel so special with all this heather saving. Lol)

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