Mind Games

Eighteen? Somehow that surprised her. He certainly looked imposing, but something about his mild mannerisms made her think he was younger. She wasn't sure if he'd take that badly, so she didn't say anything. She instead said, "Of course not! Gosh, I couldn't even hurt a fly!" She smiled. "My name's Ria." She wasn't quite sure what to make of him yet, but he didn't seem the bad sort. In a way he even seemed vulnerable. Introductions aside, she turned to face everyone. "So what now? Waking everyone up sounds good, but you'd think they'd be up already what with the racket."

((EDIT: It seems everyone's taking a break thank goodness. Where I am it's kinda 1:13 AM... and I've been up since 5:30. AM. So... I'm gonna go fall into bed. If I suddenly disappear from RpNation tomorrow, you'll know why.))
Last night Josh had not really wanted to go to the fireworks party, but his parents forced him. So he was surrounded by so many people it drove him crazy. He liked the fire works of course. He just hated the atmosphere of the party. When he was eventually allowed to go back home. He instantly went into his room and slumped down on the bed.

Now, he had awoken to be found lying on a wooden floor. His bed room floor was carpet though. He yawned and got up. It was very dark in the room. "Mum!" Josh called out. "Dad!". He started walking around and bumped into someone (Mark). He fell over and landed on his butt. "Mum!" He called out again.
Seeing that confusion was pretty much the theme for the entire room, Wyatt turned to Lilianna with visible frustration in his eyes. None of this made any sense to him, and bundled with fear the agitation didn't mix well. But when he saw Lilianna's expression, he knew that she was holding back a major meltdown; The reality that they were in some foreign place seemed to finally crash down on the young girl and her mental state.

"Damn it Wyatt, what happened? Were we slipped something last night?" Lilianna turned towards her brother again and pressed a hand to her forehead. "What is this place?!"

Wyatt spoke quietly, trying to curb his sister's anger before it got out of hand. "Anna, if I knew I would tell you. Can't you see that none of these people know how they got here?"

"But there has to be a reason!" Grabbing at her head and raising her voice, Lilianna broke free of her brother's grip. "Like a pattern, or something!"

"And there probably is!" Trying his best to keep his emotions in check, he sighed deeply. "Listen, we'll all figure this out. Right now, let's just try and get familiar with everyone-"

Hearing the sound of a boy's voice nearby, Wyatt followed his sister's gaze to the distressed young man on the ground. Meeting her stare again, the brunette shrugged his shoulders as Lilianna was already on her way over to the boy. They had to start somewhere with getting to know these people.

Unsure of what she was supposed to say to someone this young in a situation like this, when she herself didn't have a good grip on her emotions to begin with, she took a deep breath before crouching down by the kid. She was grateful to find Wyatt had followed her, she needed the help so she wouldn't crumble.

"Calm down, okay?" She said slowly, in a non-threatening manner. "I don't think your parents are here, but please try to stay calm. We don't know what's going on either."
Kristen lugged her violin case over her shoulders. "I hate 4th of July, I always have to perform!" she said to herself, "Mum! I'm home!! Mum?! Dad?...Any...body?" she yelled, sinking into oblivion. Or so it seemed. She landed on the floor. "Ouch," she whispered. She saw a stage. "Beautiful stage," she walked up to it slowly, she didn't exactly know where she was. She hopped on the stage, sitting on the edge. She got out her violin again, even though she had blisters. She started playing "Somewhere OVer The Rainbow," on her violin.
Heather's head began hurting. "Well there's a door. Anyone try that?" She walked around looking at everyone. She saw the violin girl. How odd. Did she know what was happening? She began getting frustrated again. "We cant just sit here! We need to get out!" She bit her lip as tears came again. She breathed heavily. "I'm so not good at this kind of stuff." She started to do a strange hyper venalation mixed with a whine and it grew louder until she broke out sobbing. "Why is this happening? Its not fair..." she went into feetal position and closed her eyes. "It'll all be over soon, it'll all be over soon." She didn't like crying like a little girl but she didn't cry often and when she did it wasn't pretty. Her entire life had been 100% normal and this was to much.
Jason would smile calmly at Ria and nodded " i know that same here Ria..." his head quickly turned seeing Heather start to hyperventilate and he would then start to calmly walk up to her and crouched on to his knee and placed his hand calmly on her shoulder and told her looking at her " Don't worry.. your with friends stay calm.. im scared too..we won't allow anyone including yourself to get hurt.. " smiles calmly trying to make sure she was okay seeing the tears in her eyes made him even worry more but stayed calm " please be strong.."
Lily would groan and wake up, after she had passed out from being hit at the new years party, she had been sleeping. Her head pounded and she held it as she sat up and looked around but she couldn't see, as she had a conucssion. "Where am i?" she spoke out loud and felt the ground
"I don't believe anyone has tried the door, but if you must know, if we ARE stuck here, we might as well make the most of it. Okay girl?" she asked, hopping off the stage.
Lily nodded and said "Mmmhmm, that'll sink in later, i think i have a concussion" she said rubbing her head and standing up, they shouldn't have let me sleep she though to herself.
((Read the Rules section in the 1st post on the Sign-up thread. Thanks so much for not writing one-liners you guys, but know that at least a paragraph, or 5+ sentences, is expected of you. The occasional 4 sentences can be overlooked just fine, but it isn't hard to meet that 5-line minimum. Just flesh out more on what you've been doing. :) ))

Ria felt a little overwhelmed by all the commotion. More people were waking up and she wasn't sure how to talk to them all. The boy they had been about to approach earlier showed no inclination of joining the group, and one of the girls seemed out-of-sorts still. At this point she couldn't see very well, but she thought there were no more people sleeping.

Suddenly she heard a sweet, trembling noise. Her line of sight gravitated towards the stage, where a girl with long, dark hair stood with poise, playing her violin. Ria, though she didn't really know much about playing an instrument, could tell that the girl was very talented. The tune didn't last long, but she felt soothed by it. As the girl - strangely nonchalant, all things considered, and not even seeming surprised. Ria marked her as a suspect - hopped off the stage, talking to Heather, at least she thought it was Heather, Ria got an idea. She clambered onto the stage herself and shouted, louder than the rest of the commotion, "EVERYONE!"

Jonah, who had been telling a recently-awoken blonde boy to join the group to get the down-low on what was going on, shrugged and said "Never mind." He walked over to the stage to be near his sister, but didn't go on-stage. He'd much rather not have the focus on him- it was such a hassle. So he settled instead for sitting against the platform she was standing on. Close, but the focus wouldn't be on him. Perfect.

((EDIT: [MENTION=2482]Lily[/MENTION] Isn't your character's name Ava? It's cool if you changed it cause somehow we got two Avas and like 3 Jasons. Just wondering.))
Thoughts were going through her head like crazy. Heather's subconscious was making the situation worse than it should be. Thoughts of death and abduction swarmed in her mind like a swarm of Egyptian locust. Thankfully it all stopped in an instant when a boy came to comfort her. Her head jolted up at him. She looked at him with a forced smile and tears streaming. As long as she didn't think of bad things than in her mind, they wouldn't happen. Strange logic but it worked for her. She looked up at Ria. She was so leader like and strong. Heather wished she could be like that.

"Um... I kinda think Ria should kind of lead us." She said shyly. Everyone was quiet now that Ria said something so she hoped people could hear her. She looked up at Ria and smiled.
Ria was a little shocked at that; she felt like just another person in this situation. Looking around the room, she saw mixed reactions to the sentiment. She smiled and said, "Thank you for the thought, but I don't know if we really need a leader at the moment." Louder, so the whole large room could hear her, she said. "I just want to tell everyone what I know; it's getting crazy what with all the people waking up and freaking out, and I can't talk to them all at once. I think it's safe to say none of us knows what's going on..." She paused a moment to get her thoughts in order, glancing down at Jonah for support. He nodded slightly in approval. Taking comfort in that, she continued, "And I think it's also safe to say that the last thing any of us remembers is falling asleep, but not falling asleep here. I guess the reason no-one's tried the door yet is because they didn't notice it - it's pretty dark in here - or they wanted to know what was going on. Even if we go out that door, we have no way of knowing where to go from there to get home."

And even if we did, who's to say we wouldn't wind up here again? Whoever did this got into our houses and took us, without us knowing. They could do the same to our family members as they've done to us, Ria thought. She didn't want to panic anyone again so she refrained from saying this. What they needed now was level thinking, like Jonah had pointed out to her when he tried to steer them clear of Heather. She wasn't sure she agreed with him, since everyone needed a friend, but she understood the rationalism behind it.

"Anyone have something to say?

Jonah approved of her speech. Ever the minimalist, he appreciated the efficiency with which she spoke to everyone in the room, as well as explaining her reasoning so nobody could stupidly accuse her of knowing more than she let on. He was beginning, however, to feel even more uncomfortable with the situation. If he had been snatched while sleeping - though granted he was a heavy sleeper - so if cat-napper Ria could be whisked off while sleeping, then what would happen to his family? He immediately regretted thinking about it, as he now felt rather like puking.

((EDIT: If at this point you've decided that you don't want to be part of this role-play, now would be a great time to tell me.))
((Yeah it was Ava, but i saw all of the others and changed it to Lily, and i'm sorry, i was on my phone, i would post longer))
Abdel had been sent to her cousins' house over the summer. It wasn't any sort of disiplanary action, just time to spend with her family that had moved away from our sunny home state of Florida. She missed them terribly and had spent the ackward ten minutes of refamiliarizing each other patiently before they, once again, all acted like sisters. It was funny how they all seemed to bond so easily, considering they were oppisites. Abdel was a lazy person. She's a very talented person, or that's what she's been told, but she never tries. She was very quiet and tended to stay in the background, not wanting to make the effort of interacting but always there observing and occasionally commenting.

Many people didn't know she was a party girl, she even surprised her cousins with her enthusiastic reply to going to a party. She didn't care that she didn't know the people, or the place for that matter. As she got ready, a thought swam into her head in a smug voice. If New York was the city that never sleeps, then Miami was the city that never stopped the party. And it was true. Most miami kids, or any kid within an hours drive, learned to party starting at age five. She knew exactly what to wear but changed her mind quickly, realizing that she'd get cold easily, not yet used to the climate. Even in this so called 'summer' she'd get a bit chilly.

So the three cousins went to the party, each bringing their natural charm. Abdel flirted harmlessly, danced noncomittedly, and disappeared into the crowd. She was in her element, one that she would probably never show a person that she knew she would see again. But in the end, she was still that quiet girl, and she ended up going to a sucluded place, laying down to watch the fireworks. She fell asleep there, which wasn't surprising, given she could fall asleep on any flat surface through any noise.

But she was surprised when instead of nodding off for a few minutes, she seemed to had slept a few hours, given the darkness of the room. She wondered if her cousins had found her and brought her home, when realizing she had been woken up by the sound of a violin and it's characteristic high notes. None of her cousins could play like that. None of her extended family could play at all. She wondered if it was a dream, and almost fell back asleep when she was awakened by a loud shout. She slowly rose to a sitting position, half listening to what the girl on stage was saying, half wondering what to do. It was obvious that she didn't know where she was, she wasn't going to ask the others how she had gotten there, her brain was already working on how to get out. As the girl on stage finished her speech, her obvious lack of confidence in the situation annoyed Abdel. So what? Sit here and rot? No thanks doll face, I'd like to take my chances with the door and beyond.

As she rose to her full height, which was actually pretty tall, she raised her hand to gain the girl's attention, ignoring the nervous tention in her stomach of the possiblity of having all eyes on her. "Okay, but then what do we do? What happens if we have to use the bathroom? What happens when we get hungry or thirsty? I don't know about you but I don't really like the thought of cannibalism." She put her hand down as she said this, the other resting on her hip. As she finished she clasped her hands in front of her and looked at the ground. She noticed she had the same shoes on and, consequently, the same outfit. Her cheeks turned a slight pink and she winced at the thought of her subtly reveling outfit, starting to wish she hadn't spoken at all, wondering if people thought she was 'easy' or a biotch or something.

((Sorry for the late reply. It's awefully long though...))
Heather frowned as the new girl stepped in. She listened to what she had to say and loved every bit of it. She looked up at Ria before turning and walking over to Abdel. She smiled at her and stood beside her and looked at everyone else. "Im with the new girl." She said with more confidence than she had. She sort of felt like a traiter but Abdel had a very good point and she didn't want to be there any longer.

"I'm Heather." She said to Abdel. "And you?" She looked at her outfit. She realized it wasn't the right time but she said it anyway. "Nice clothes." She said, trying to uplift the situation.
Jonah shifted a little uneasily, noticing and disliking the new girl's hostility towards his twin but not sure if he should really take it seriously. He knew that Ria could cope with it pretty easily, friendly as she was. Their parents had always said, "Be a duck. Let the water run off your feathers." Jonah of course was the master, but Ria could let most things go as well. She always wanted people to like her, but if they didn't, she could handle it. And in this, when it wasn't even established that the girl actually disliked Ria, he had no doubt she'd recover from the attack quickly. Despite all this, he tended to side with his sister and began to dislike the other girl himself. And as for Heather, he gathered that she was easily impressionable, switching sides with ease. This might be a little bigger blow to Ria, who cherished people's good opinions of her once they were formed.

As he suspected, Ria didn't back down, nor did she become confrontational. She knew the last thing she needed was a fight, and she also knew that she didn't want to seem the unreasonable, meek girl that the newly awoken was painting her as. She didn't like the sound of what Heather said; it was too much like picking sides, and what they needed was definitely not division. Before she responded, she got off the stage. Something told her the new girl wouldn't like seeing her singled out as if someone was, as Heather had suggested before changing her mind, a leader. Facing the awoken, she said firmly, "I agree with you. In the confusion we haven't thought enough about our situation. That door's our best bet, but if we go charging through it without a plan we'll pay for it. I just want to hear what everyone has to say and think about this."

She hoped that this smoothed things over; she generally disliked throwing her energy into conflict. She never got anything out of it and sometimes the other person would try spreading rumors about her. Besides, if things escalated into violence Ria would never be able to defend herself; she had to look up to meet the girl's eyes.

((@Cindy360 Don't worry about it, you did excellent. I know a good role-player when she stirs things up a bit as soon as she enters the scene.))
With everything that was happening around him, Ethan began to feel even more afraid to join a conversation, he wouldn't even know what to say, he didn't wanted to ask what had happened, it was clear enough nobody knew nothing, although there was a girl who had a violin and seemed pretty calm in this dark room, that made him suspect about her.

As more people started waking up to find out where they were and a disagreement popped out between some girls, Ethan knew he had to do something or he would start panicking by all the commotion, so he walked closer to the center of the room and said aloud "Wait, let's not start taking sides, everyone wants to get out of here but we're not sure what's behind those doors" trying to ease the situation.
Jason would then see what was all conspiring and he would then look at them and shakes his head crossing his arms and started to walk up to the door and started to look at his eyes scanning it but not touching the door and he would then turn around and look at the corner of the room and he would then head up to the corner and put his back to the wall and lean on it keeping his head down thinking of something to do and he would then look up at them " let me be the first to see if i can open the door " he said knowing it was a bad idea but did not want anyone else to get hurt " i know its a stupid idea.. but its my choice upon the matter..

He started to walk up to both groups and looked at them and said " im not one to follow anyone because choosing sides will always lead to a conflict that can get anyone hurt and we must try to avoid that type of situation, but i am one to make sure everyone is safe and keeps a level head even if my life is on the line... So lets come up with a plan.. when everyone awakes..and lets stick together"
Ria and Jonah looked over in surprise. It was the boy they'd been about to approach before all this started up. Jonah was a bit thankful for his intervention; someone was thinking along the same lines as he was, for once. The boy vaguely reminded him of someone, maybe one of Ria's ex-boyfriends. Actually, he looked a bit like most of her exes. Jonah groaned inwardly and hoped Ria didn't look at him too closely. He was underestimating her, but in his mind she would be rash and pursue him even in this insane situation.

Unfortunately all eyes were on him, Ria's included. She was too scared and serious to be her usual self and flirt with him a little; this was the worst possible situation to become attached to anyone. But she couldn't help it if her pupils dilated and her heart thumped a bit. He was quite attractive. Shaking it off and putting any silly notions out her mind, she said to him, "Thanks." Then she heard Jase. Volunteering himself? That was brave. She wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but they did have to know what was on the other side if they wanted to plan. She looked around the faces of the others in the group; the rest of them had been quiet so far. She wanted to stall on the door a bit longer, long enough for them to say their piece about it. Or maybe somebody wanted to do it instead of Jase. For now, she decided to be quiet.
Heather rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Not surprising for her to do. "Oh so now were on doctor Phil? I'm trying to pick sides, I'm trying to get that door open and if push comes to shove, I will push you and shove you and you wont get up!" Her voice rose in the last bit. She looked at everyone and shook her head. She walked over to the stage and sat on the edge, crossing her legs. Her sudden outburst scared herself and she really have an opinion on any matter rather than to pick one that had already been thought up.

Heather stared intently at the boy who offered to open the door. She doubted his level headed attitude and his heroic stance. "You know the hero always gets killed first." She said with mystery in her voice. She eyed Jason with a devious smile. "Oh well. Rather it be you than me." She put her hands to her hips and eyed him.
Jason would hear her remark and look over at her shaking his head has what he said was going to very cold remark back at her " Yeah your right but I'm no hero and i will never be one.. plus if i do die..then i don't have to listen to people like you talk anymore " knowing what he said he just didn't care he felt protecting people even ones he didn't know personally was what he was good at.. he then turned his back on her and started to walk to the corner and looked at the group with Ria and Jonah " tell me when you need that door open and i will do it if anyone else volunteers shoot them down" he said walking away back to the corner and leaned his back against the wall crossing his arms and putting his head down taking calm deep breathes
Jonah was beginning to question Heather's intelligence, or at least her judgment. Her sanity was already in shabby shape. The conflict was totally unnecessary and it wasn't like they were never going to open the door. He felt bad for Ria, as it seemed people were beginning to turn on her. Sighing, he stood up, getting ready to step in if he had to. Ria was becoming visibly upset. She wasn't truthfully ready, she wasn't ready to open that door, to face the unknown. She needed to collect herself, she need more time. She felt her eyes begin to burn and swallowed a knot in her throat. No, she thought, no way am I gonna start crying after that."That was uncalled for," she said softly to Heather. She didn't feel a need to argue with it; she couldn't see that any particular argument had been provided. Heather didn't seem to be thinking about it very hard. She was more upset about Jase's near-suicidal behavior. Though there couldn't be anything too terrible out there she didn't want him to stick his neck out due to anger. "I don't know Jase, are you sure you want to do that?"

Jonah crossed his arms as a thought occurred to him. Talk was cheap, and he was getting sick of it.

He drew himself up to his full height- average, but he had a large presence - and strode over to the door, not sparing a second glance to any of the others except Ria. Ria realized his intentions and began to protest, but Jonah was already pulling on the thick brass handle, ornate and shined to a polish.

To his surprise, the door swung open easily, possibly hollow.

On the other side stood a little girl, maybe six, who seemed to have been staring at the door. She was white, white, so white. Jonah was shocked to see her, and Ria let out a small squawk.

She stepped forward, entering the room a little. She had a red dress on, and the gauziness of it floated around her as she stood, as if moved by some draft. Her night-black hair, too, fluttered a little; part of it was pulled back while the bottom layer lay loose. It blended in with the darkness of the room, and the room behind her, which was as empty as the one they were in. The whites of her eyes seemed to blend in with her skin, and her irises were black, like caves. She clutched her ragged teddy bear by its throat. She looked like a ghost.

"Are you my new playmates?" she asked them in a wispy, echoing voice. "Lucy said there would be more soon." Smiling, she turned to Jonah. "Thank you for letting me in, Georgie."

Jonah swallowed, unsettled. "My name isn't-"

"IT IS NOW!" screamed the little girl in a shrill and piercing voice that could not have possibly come from her body. That noise was other-worldly; the hiss on th s lingered well after she had spoken. Jonah could not move; never had he been so frightened in his life. Ria, too, stood immobile. Neither could tear their eyes off whatever creature was in front of them. A seal had been broken surely, some ancient curse brought upon them.

What had they done to deserve this?

((I just freaked myself out. Sorry Jason about having Jonah do it, but I wanted to be the one to open the door. :3))
Heather's head swung to Ria's direction. She wore the same devilish smile. "What's wrong doll face, cant take it?" She giggled and hoped off the stage she had a cocky swing in her step. She looked at Jonah and the door trying to imagine and anticipate what was going to reveal. As if her day wasn't bad enough. Her cocky mean girl self vanished like a flash of lighting. Her eyes filled with water again and she stared at the wisp of a girl who stood at the door. The little girls aggressiveness added to heather's fear. Oh and that sound. Ungodly. Like a siren of the sea mixed with a dilog whistle. It was horrid. She backed into the crowd of people hoping if the girl was to do something, that it didn't involve her.
((Is it okay if I change Jason's name to Jake? I'd like to avoid confusion.))

Ava watched as the drama unfolded around her and she considered inserting herself, but uncharacteristically she formed no opinion on the two girls and she was surprised to note that she was actually indifferent in this argument. Let the girls have their squabble, but she wasn't interested in involving herself in the drama just yet. She was still frightened beyond belief in waking up in such an environment... what a crazy dream she must be having.

The drama seemed to culminate to the point where the door was opened. Ava edged towards it hoping it would lead to the outside world and to her home or at least to somewhere else that would confirm this whole experience as a dream, but instead there was a haunting child who terrified Ava.

"Shut the door! SHUT THE DOOR!" she screamed fanatically as she leaped backwards away from the scene. The scene had jarred her so much that she felt hot tears stinging at the corner of her eyes, this was some sort of nightmare. She couldn't stop screaming.


Jake watched the drama unfolding from the girls with mild disinterest and he was about to cast his vote for opening the door when the decision had been reached and a guy that he distantly recognized moved towards the door. Upon its opening a terrifying child could be seen.

His heart thundered noisily as he had not anticipated seeing such a horror and through his haze of fear he could hear the shrill shriek of a woman begging for the door to be shut. Jake stepped forward hesitantly and he immediately stopped once he realized that he was actually moving towards that child and he shook his head grimly. He wasn't a hero and he was certainly terrified of that monster although he wasn't screaming like the poor red-headed girl.

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