Mind Games

Kristen covered her mouth, peeking through the door. How did Cin get there? She was in the other room before. Kristen had the sudden urge when someone started to cry, to wipe her tears. "It's okay... it's okay." she said calmly, trying to re-aussure her. Even if she wasn't to sure herself, maybe she was also trying to calm herself down. She had been the most... scared or one of the most scared at the start. She'd built up confidence since then, knowing some one... she looked over at Jase, wasn't going to let anything hurt her. It felt weird, she didn't even know the guy... at all. She didn't know his name, not anything. Her eyes narrowed. "It'll be fine..." she told the girl, rubbing her back in a motherly way. She hadn't been able to this ever. No one in her house-hold ever needed comforting beside Kristen. Nothing bad happened in her house, but then again nothing good did either. Any problems were shunned and swept under the rug with no one caring about it. She hugged the girl slightly. Tears began to well up, but she pushed them away, not letting herself cry. "We'll make it out of here..." she whispered.

She smiled,she found joy in comforting someone. Why didn't anyone want to do this at home? No one. She shook her head to herself. She rubbed the girls' back some more. "You and I will make it through together... I think it might start with an E..." she didn't know the chick's name, but nonetheless she took her hand.
Ria wasn't sure what to make of this girl; she was flattered at her admission of respect, baffled by her rudeness... These thoughts fluttered away as she swung open the door, replaced by anticipation and then by fear.

Ria and Jonah didn't have to be told to run though Heather took it upon herself; they had already bolted down the hallway, flapping their hands to tell everyone to follow. Ria heard the door shut and made a mental note to thank whoever had done it, wishing it had been her idea. Oh well. She could worry about that later.

Jonah sincerely hoped everyone was following. He would not go back to help any of those people, but Ria would for all of them. And then by extension he would have to. It was frustrating. He glanced over his shoulder and saw the trouble-making blonde from earlier - for whom he now had kinder feelings - not running but walking. He shouted out to her, "Hey!" Walking wasn't going to get her away from Cin at all. Another point of worry was Jase. He had gotten it into his head that fighting Cin was a good idea, clearly, and was holding back. He wasn't sure what would happen to the others' opinion of Ria as a leader if he inevitably died trying to fight Cin and Ria hadn't stopped him. He figured it wouldn't be anything good so he grabbed Ria's shoulder and spun her around to see. Comprehending, her eyes widened.

"Jase!" she shouted, trying to draw his yellow eyes. "You don't stand a chance! Wait til we find some sort of weapon. If you do this, you won't help anyone!" Something else shouted for her attention.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Joseph and Mark, Mark trying to pull Joseph along but Joseph wouldn't budge. She wasn't sure what the disagreement was; Mark seemed to want to go back where they came while Joseph wanted to follow the rest. As they argued, the door opened abruptly, and Cin brushed past Jase easily.

"Now now," she said to the two brothers. "Toys don't fight." She narrowed her eyes. "And they don't run away either. You must be broken." She didn't scream, for once; perhaps she grew tired of it.

She lunged at Joseph, who had flattened himself against the wall. Mark threw himself in front of the younger boy and found a hand through his stomach. Joseph had a better time of it; the hand ended him immediately, crushing his head. Cin's arm looked sickly like a skewer, with two pieces of meat speared onto it. She flung them off with a sweeping motion, her arm glistening with a sheen of red almost as shocking as the dress she wore over her pale skin.

Ria had started back to help, Jonah following with an audible groan and shouting protest at her, but it was evident after that that they were lost. She fought back tears and quietly apologized to the two, the first two she had talked to, and turned back to continue running away, with a parting shout to Jase that he'd get killed if he tried to fight with just his hands.
Abdel seemed to snap out of her shocked state due to a warmth on her back. She looked as the person slightly pushing her, telling her she had to hurry. She nodded dumbly, blinking a few times, but she still seemed a bit out of it. Her eyes snapped to Ria's brother, who called out to her, further snapping her out of her daze. She needed no further encouragement to start running when Cin swept past Jase and herself. She started jogging, just until she was safely past Cin without alerting the small thing of her escape. Once she was a few feet past Cin and her tormenting of the two siblings, she started to sprint, catching up with the others, spurred by screams.

She glanced once over her shoulder, wondering if she was finally in the clear, but then she turned cold, as if the room had suddenly dropped tens of degrees. She saw the gore, the blood flow, and Cin's slow extraction of her arm accompanied by it's sleek wet sound. She knew the boy trying to be protected had met a quick death, his protector, however, was not as lucky. As they were both swept to the side, she knew that even if he were to get medical attention, he would probably die anyway as blood filled his lungs.

Abdel felt sick to her stomach. Before, she had been able to watch the other boy's death with a detached feeling, barely a wince. It had been like a movie, she hadn't let it affect her. But then she had been unsure if this was all a dream, if this was reality. She had purposefully ignored the feelings she would have felt.

Now was different. Before, the boy died in a cowardly way. It was sad, yes, but she had seen many of those kinds of deaths in movies. It made it easier to pretend it was a movie. This time, these boys died with a love and bond for each other. That was something that tv could not replicate. Her walls were already down and she was already feeling vulnerable. This affected her in a way she hadn't felt before. It felt as if Cin's hand had scewered her body, had crushed her skull. This was how she felt sympathy, she felt as if it was her pain.

The growing sickness caused her to clutch her stomach and hold onto the wall as she stumbled forward. She wanted to sit in the fetal position, feel sorry for herself, and throw up the acidic bile she had stored. Despite what she wanted, some deep instinct forced her legs forward as she wondered how she'd face her death. She didn't know if she was going to die but death suddenly seemed closer than it had ever been before.
Jason would continue to run with Abdel seeing that Cin swept through both Abdel and himself. His eyes would widen seeing the gore has he quickly got past Cin with Abdel sprinting next to her once he felt safe away from Cin. He looked at Ria and Jonah shaking his head trying to tell them that they were right he wasn't going to fight her without some form of a weapon. He looked down knowing he was running away but he knew he couldn't stand a chance against her. His heart began to pound has he glared back at Cin his hatred for her and this Lucy began to grow. He wanted them both to pay for the deaths they had caused.

Jason would look up at Ria and Jonah has he got to them safely and looked back his yellow eyes seeming to get darker has he glared at Cin with full hatred. He then quickly turned around running towards Ria and Jonah and said in a soft and quiet voice " we got to go now.. " he would then look up has a few tears went down his eyes but he kept on moving not trying to remove them from his cheeks. He continued to run looking around making sure everyone was out of there.. he ran up to Kristen since he was going to keep his promise to her that he would keep her safe..

He would run up to her seeing her helping another girl and he would smile calmly trying to regain control of his mind that was slowly being consumed by his own rage. " Kristen you okay.. are you both okay " he said in a calm voice. His heart still pounding and would look back at Ria, Jonah, Heather and Abdel.. His eyes looking at them wondering how this was going to end.
Lily nodded a thanks to he girl comforting her and ran faster, after looking back and seeing the fight she hoped that they came out Alive, no one else needed to die.

she remembered the idea she had before, of claiming they were playing hide and seek

She breathed in and out I can do this

and stoped running she looked at Cin in fake confusion "Cin, Why are you doing that? they were the ones who sugested we play, we are playing hide and seek I thought you knew." she lied easily, she was about 10 meters away but she knew Cin could hear her "Didn't you hear us call Your In!? we were looking for a place to hide when you found us, we all ran to hide again." she said hoping for this to work "I was crying because I tripped." she explained sencing the question.

Back home, Lily had baby sat, she knew just how to deal with kids, even this one, that scared her.
((I hate to talk here, but I'm leaving for Regina this weekend so internet is... unlikely. I'll be posting regularly on the 30th))
Kristen laughed in her mind and ran, "Yeah I'm fine," she whispered to Jase. "Yeah Cin, you're it, you have to find us again!" she smiled and grabbed Jase's and Lily's hand and ran. She wasn't going to die, nor were Lily and Jase. They were going to escape. All 3 and they would be happy. "We gotta hurry, she's coming." her smile was fading. She absolutely despised it here, she wanted to wake up. That's was she wanted to do, she pretended it was a horrible, horrible nightmare. She smirked behind her and felt a pang of relief. She was running for her absolute life. She, and Jase and Lily. They'd be unstoppable. Her cockey smirk grew wider as she snickered to herself. She always figured this would happen. Not exactly being chased by a homicidal... thing was the only way to describe Cin. Demon? Ghost? Zombie? Something like that. She was a very classic beauty, Cin. Kristen knew she knew Cin from somewhere. She remembered slightly. She sighed and ran on. "Hurry guys..." Kristen's smirk turned into a genuine smile. She hadn't smiled like this in years, tears were welling up, though they were tears of joy. Jase was going to protect her. She was going to protect Lily. She knew it. She'd find at least two friends. That hopefully wouldn't stab her in the back like all her other, 'friends' she'd had over the years.
Ethan froze as the door at the end of the hallway was opened, Ria had been named leader by a few people, Ethan didn't think it was necessary to name someone leader but the truth is he would follow Jonah and Ria as well, when he saw Cin sitting there his first thought was that she could teleport, maybe when she had chased Ria before she was only giving her a fighting chance, they were all toys for her anyways, maybe she just wanted to play around.

As everyone started to run towards the center of the room, Ethan only leaned against the wall when Cin came out of the room really fast towards two boys who were arguing and suddenly, Cin had cruelly killed once more, the older boy's intention to save the younger made them both die in a bloody way, such a sacrifice for nothing.

Ethan heard a girl tell Cin that they were in the middle of a hide and seek game, as he heard this, Ethan moved slowly towards everyone else, trying not to look hostile trough Cin's eyes, when he had walked past her he said "Turn around and give us some time to hide, and no cheating now." If Cin fell on the trick, the plan was probably to run into another hallway towards another room.
((I'm horribly, horribly sorry for this, but for reasons I can't go into I'll be on hiatus... I know you guys have enjoyed this role play so I'd like to turn control of it over to one of you and let Ria and Jonah's fates rest in those hands. I really hate to single people out as it's totally not in my nature but under these circumstances I'd really rather some of the more practised and experienced and dedicated writers take over for plot purposes. These are [MENTION=2762]Cindy360[/MENTION] [MENTION=1704]kikinavi[/MENTION] & [MENTION=2146]Aura[/MENTION] , in that order by my personal preference. If none of you want to take over that's all fine and dandy, someone else can. Now, [MENTION=2258]wichita[/MENTION] hasn't posted in over two weeks so I'm assuming those characters are forfeited to Cin. Whoever takes over is free to take this any direction they want. I had some basic ideas but the nice thing about mystery is you can surprise people. One thing I will say. No-one is supposed to role-play their character as if this is the case, but at some point I was going to ask someone to participate in a plot twist in which their character is aiding Cin. This isn't supposed to show in the role-playing besides maybe some vague hints. Now that's just an idea and even if you go with it, which character it is will be a mystery. No need to go with it either. Ria and Jonah can be taken by someone or some people who wish to role-play him/her/them so as long as it's believable have fun with it. Hey, you could even kill them off. That would be interesting.

I'm proud to have been involved in this and I'm sorry to toss it up in the air. When I get off hiatus I'm sure I'll be proud of what I find. The information thread obviously can't be updated by anyone but me but you can create a new thread using what I've already typed and update it, whomever chooses to take over.

Thank you all, goodbye.))
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((I'm happy you think that I could lead this roleplay (which is admittedly something I've never attempted to do) but I can't. People just aren't posting. We could throw in the president and mutant powers and people still might not post. Whenever posting slows, the roleplay gets quieter and quieter until it's just forgotten. No one has posted in two weeks, even the people who were so crazy about it before (me included). I'm not saying it's anyone's fault but this thing can't keep going with just three or four people who probably have already stopped checking this because there characters couldn't move forward while waiting for others. This thread could have gone places though. Maybe you could start a fresh new one with stricter requirements (then you'd get some dedicated players who'd stay with it longer) but I doubt this one could be saved. If this gets going again I'll still post (if someone mentions me so I know) but I doubt it will.))

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