Mind Games

((Yep, I'm tempted to send out another round of PMs today before I go to bed. But if I get naggy people will be turned off the role-play. So idk.))

((EDIT: Holy smokes you guys, 9.1? I'm flattered, but seriously. Are you sure you're giving what you think or is it what you think I wanna see? :P ))
(Well I think I speak for everyone when I say that that we already have seen what we want and that's our reward to you! Like a gift for giving us a great rp! Thank you! Lol I feel like I'm writing on a Christmas card!)
((Because we mean it, this RP is great, the summary keeps it pretty organized, anyone who would decide to get out of it would be missing a real good time.))
((Next one might be slice of life. Also, the Info thread has been updated. 7-17 in Summary and in Character Location.))
((But the point is that considering how good this one is, there's a good chance that the next one will be too, I'll be waiting for it too.))
((Dusk, if you come up with great idea like this on a daily basis, you should seriously consider becoming an author! This is the most amazing roleplay I have ever been in!))

Kristen nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Anyway, these things are solid.... " She sighed, thinking of some kind of plan to get out of this place, without being murdered by Cin, or any other abnormal thinga-ma-bob. She didn't like this place... at all. "They're stronger than most things... Maybe we need something that is stronger than her. Or someone that is willing to risk their life to save aeveryone else. If no oen volunteers, I will go in. Anything to get the rest of you safe." She explained. She remembered she had a spare violin string. "This is the best I have, but it might kill her.... or it." she said, mainly to herself.

she just wanted out of this place. She looked around. "Anyone else got a bright idea? This is the best I've got beside whacking her in the head with my violin case." she sunk to the ground, against the narrow wall of the hallway.

She waited, and waited, and waited some more. "We need distractions. We don't need to split up in groups. A plan we can make so we all survive." she pondered, "I'll be a distraction, she'll come after me, someone attacks from the sides, the back, in front and above." she drew a diagram in the air. "It could or could not work. We could give it a try...," she pretended to scrunch it up.
Jake shook his head glancing over at Kristen before he harshly muttered, "Don't waste your life. We can't have human bait. First of all, I couldn't live through more guilt if you got yourself foolishly killed... and who says that any of us are even worth it? I wouldn't sacrifice myself for anyone here and I don't want anyone to do the same for me."

He ran a hand through his hair as he contemplated. He felt as if he was rejecting all possible options that were being thrown out, "At the very least we should keep moving. We're vulnerable all huddled up together in this hallway especially if that monstrosity comes back." he murmured hoping to prod people along by reminding them of what dangers they faced.
Heather rose up from her new friendly Ria and listened, confused at there plans and speeches. Now that she wasn't so concerned with,being so angry with everyone, she realized just how disfunctional this group was. Aside from her, obviously. She realized that the group wasn't working together and was definitely not listening to each other. One person would say something and someone else would say the same thing. Where would that get them? They would talk over each other and not take action. It was like they were all trying to be the hero. Heather felt like the white Tyra Banks with her new sympathetic attitude.

She giggled and looked at everyone with a smile. "Or... we could just see what's down the hallway through the door? Why does someone need to be sacrificed?" She then realized that Jake had said something similar. "Dang it, now I'm doing it!" She said, yelling at herself. She looked at Ria and back to the others. "Why don't we let Ria lead us? She knows what's going on and she obviously has a great sense of judgement to forgive and protect someone like me."

She sat down next to Ria again and looked at her with a pleading face. Her body language said, please say yes! She leaned her head back, thinking of what it would be like if she didn't take lead on the group. Chaos pretty much. It would be a shame if she didn't use her leader like skills.
He would cross his arms and turned facing Lily, and nodded reaching into his pockets. He pulled out loose change that he had and he would jokingly say " well i have enough for a soda.. " he said jokingly and would then look back up at everyone else, and would turn facing the end of the hallway where kristen for a bit making sure that little girl wasn't heading the down the hallway he would then peak over the wall just a bit and didn't see anything and he let out a sigh of relief

Jason looked over at Jake and an slight smirk came across his face " no one is sacrificing themselves..for anyone.. but there is no problem trying to protect someone from the danger... we all face death everyday, and this is something we all must face when we enter that door " he said pointing at the door his eyes glaring straight ahead." who ever opens that door.. i have their back.. no matter what happens.. I'm tired of being scared.. its them that should be scared of us. " he looked at Ria and smiled calmly at her " i agree with Heather...your more like a leader then all of us, and you know whats happening more. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm following you. Not to be in a group just to make sure we all get out of here alive..
Once again, Ethan was speechless, nothing he could bring into the conversation, he noticed Heather changing mood again, fortunately this time it was in a good way, she apologized and made clear that she was the one who was suffering the most, Ethan realized that what he had said earlier to her has sounded very rude, he needed to apologize too, but the conversation had continued so fast.

He preferred to wait until decisions had been done, then he heard Lily who had found something in her pockets, Ethan checked too but there was nothing, "I emptied my pockets before sleeping." he said, "Also, Heather, I'm sorry for what I said before, instead of treating you how we did, you deserved to be understood by everyone." he said with a smile on his face.

((I promise not to be so absent from now on :P ))
Lily Also turned to heather "I'm sorry too, It's just I was pushed around by people like that, and I guess I'm sick of it." she said looking down she turned to they guy who pulled out the money "Keep it, we might actually need it later." she said referring to if they get out of here. "And can we please just so somewhere? Cin could come at any time." she shuddered and looked around, just to be sure Cin wasn't there but she knew it was useless, Cin could be there or could pop up at anytime and it was unnerving/
((OK y'all, we've given everyone several days to catch up. If they haven't then they should know that at least we tried. PS, I have confirmed that I will indeed have internet access at the creative writing residency.))

Jonah was a little surprised that the girl Heather had practically kidnapped was supporting her, but then he realized that they were probably the most similar out of all 14 of them. Both had caused a huge stir, though the tall blonde didn't seem determined to do so, unlike Heather until now. Ria, though, had already seen this, largely because the focus was usually more on her than on Jonah.

As for Jase, Ria was truly worried about his destructive behavior. Jonah admired his bravery, but Ria was less focused on fighting back and more focused on escaping. Now that she thought about it though, his suggestion made sense. The "Lucy" woman that Cin had mentioned would take them again if she could take them once. She had to be stopped, somehow.

Ria attention was drawn back to Heather when she grabbed her hands and thanked her. Ria smiled. "Any time. It isn't in my nature to serve myself first." Jonah sighed inwardly; wasn't that the truth. He was worried about his sister's trusting nature, mostly because he himself still didn't trust Heather. He didn't doubt that she had suffered more than any of them, didn't doubt that it wasn't her fault that she had acted so horribly. He even pitied her. But he hadn't forgotten how quickly she changed moods, and he was sure that one wrong move could tip her back over the edge. Ria's promise to keep her with them wouldn't do much good in that case. However, for Ria's benefit he smiled in response to Heather's question and answered, "Not so bad." He didn't smile often, so it felt strange on his face.

Both were a little startled when Jake barked. He seemed the cynical sort; Jonah liked him. Ria didn't, but she couldn't help but agree with what he said. Who said they couldn't get on the move while they talked?

Then Lily made the suggestion to check pockets. Jonah searched through his and wasn't surprised to find his Swiss army knife. He smiled faintly, this time a real smile, as he realized just how useful it could be. He flipped it around in his hands and held it up for others to see before pocketing it again. Then he looked to Ria, who was now checking her singular pocket. She was lucky she had one at all; she had worn a dress for the party, which had one pocket on her left hip. All she found in it though was a ponytail holder. She shrugged and put her hair up, following Lily's example. As she did so she couldn't help but giggle at Jase's joke, despite the solemnity of the moment.

Perhaps it was more than coincience that Jase had aided Kristen, because Ria found herself equally worried about the girl, who also seemed to have plans to combat Cin. She was relieved when Jake stepped in, though she didn't quite like his logic. He was a very rational individual, almost lacking empathy but for his mention of guilt. Jonah was glad that Jake was voicing thoughts similar to his own. This way Jake became the bad guy, not Jonah. Again he mentioned moving on; Ria was inclined to agree and would have said so but the conversation moved on too quickly, til Heather mentioned, again, making Ria leader.

Ria was a little surprised at this. She was sure that some of the harsher people in this group would be vehemently against such a suggestion due to her resolution to protect Heather. Jonah made a small noise of something inbetween amusement and dissatisfaction, knowing that not everyone would agree with Heather's reasoning in regards to Ria's "good judgement." He himself didn't, though he agreed that Ria would make a good leader, as long as he was there to keep her in check. "I don't know..." Ria said; she was finding it hard to brush the suggestion away with Heather practically begging and when Jase agreed it didn't make things any easier. She was surprised to see several others actually thinking about it; a couple apologized to Heather for their behavior but hadn't seem to reach any decision.

Finally she decided to go with it. "I'll do it," she said with a degree of finality. Then she added, "But only for those who want that. Even if we all stay together, I'm not going to boss around people who don't want my opinion."

Jonah caught her eye and bowed his head slightly to her, saluting her diplomatic answer. He wondered how this would go.
Heather jumped up, yelping and laughing. "Yay! I knew you'd do it!" She stopped abruptly since she didn't like the drawn attention. She had already had enough of that. Her heart soared as others apologised to her. These people were nicer than she thought. But for her to do something so sinister and for them to forgive her for it was like a gift from heaven. From that point on she vowed to be as nice and sincere as possible.

She wished they would start to get moving. The fact that cin hadn't come yet was even more nerve racking. What was cin doing? It wasn't something she wanted to find out. She started to replay the scene in the auditorium. She thought about everything from the time she woke up to when she was lifted out of there. Cin was able to make a table drop out of no where on the stage so she couldn't be human. But she was solid. It made no sense.

She noticed everyone check there pockets and how she hadn't yet. She was about to reach for her pockets until she realized she was wearing skin tight leather jeans and the pockets were fake. "Dang it!" She said quietly. Her hair was an absolute mess and she was going to as for a hair tie like the other girls had but she realized it wasn't the time for hair styling. Her feet were getting cold since she took her shoes off in the auditorium. The fact that they weren't moving and people started to get antsy as well made her slowly move towards the end of the hall way where they had not ventured. She figured they would follow. She turned away from them and walked a bit faster. Her body got shivers as she was scared to go farther. She just stood and stared out at the distance.
Kristen leaned against a wall, listening to everyone's conversations. She didn't like being labelled an eaves dorpper, although in this case, it was a very apt description. Her head went to one side, the neck making a small crack sound, as one makes when cracking knuckles. She rubbed her neck, it really hurt. She shivered. She hadn't realised how cold it was until now, even her sweat was cold. She coughed slightly again and groaned. She twirled a strand on hair around her finger, her old nervous habit got on her nerves. She coughed again. She didn't want to object to anything anyone said. She looked over to Jason, Lily and Heather. she couldn't shake that feeling she knew Cin from somewhere else. Before this, before she had a horrible ghostly figure and the strength of 5 elephants.
Ava nodded and she smoothed her hands over her dress as if to emphasize that she had no pockets while Jake didn't need to check his pockets to know that there was nothing in there, he seemed to be the only one in his pajamas and not in their attire from the party the night before. He had been taken from his bed and he didn't even have shoes to remove. As if triggered by the thought of his bare feet Jake suddenly realized how cold he felt.

"Only if your leadership involves moving." he interjected still desperate to spur them along. He considered leaving once again. With so many people they had become clogged up by standing here and arguing over things. He didn't care if Heather was now in the group so long as they moved, he didn't trust or particularly like her after what she had done, but he was unnerved by how cold he must be coming off considering he practically asked for her to be thrown aside. Besides, he was more comfortable alone, he was better solitary.

"For someone so keen to move on I don't see you doing anything." Ava remarked dryly at Jake tilting her blue eyes at him and he glared at her coldly.

"Now is not the time." he returned slowly, chewing on each syllable purposefully, "What does our leader think?" he responded hoping that they didn't take his words as bitter or resentful. He was going to have a brain aneurism simply sitting here while waiting for Cin to slink out of the shadows like the awful specter that she was.
Abdel was shocked horribly when Heather hugged her. Her eyes had widened and she let out a little squeak. As Heather left Abdel to associate with the group, she decided she liked it like that. She didn't begrudge Heather but rather the feeling of being looked up to or being important. She didn't like those feelings. Even back home she would put on a fake smile and just nod seeming suddenly distant when people thanked her or seriously gave her kind words. If she did kind things, she didn't expect thanks and liked maybe a quiet smile or no aknowledgement at all. She wasn't usually a touchy feely person and prefered sarcasm and a joking meanness that only her friends usually knew was a joke that sometimes she, admittedly, took too far.

So she stayed against the wall, quietly listening in on their conversation. She was lifting her barriers, she knew, but she didn't mind. It felt natural and it was what she was used to. She didn't add anything to the conversation but she still listened. Checking her pockets like everyone else, she found her cell phone. Pressing a button so the screen lit up, she saw that she had no signal. Her cell phone had the automatic comand to change the time like it did when she traveled. They really either were in an unknown place, far from any given phone tower and much more unknown than they originally thought, or in a different timezone. Not wanting to waste the battery, she put the phone back in her pocket after turning it off and kept searching through her pockets. All she found was her favorite vanilla lip gloss which she quickly applied before putting it back.

After a few moments of deliberation, she decided not to tell the others about the cell phone. It probably woudn't provide any use. So instead, she continued to listen to the current conversation, tuning in just as they announced Ria their leader. She chuckled quietly, shaking her head like it was the most stupid thing she had ever heard. It wasn't the fact that Ria was the leader, but the fact that they needed one at all. It was predictable, just like wild animals. We were scared and unsure, huddled together for strength in numbers and then selecting a candidate as the 'leader' to give some semblance of order. A false sense of security.

She stopped laughing for a minute, noticing what no one apparently seemed to. Heather was headed down the hallway. She smirked. So it was the bottom of the pack that had risen up and taken the first action. What a wonderful leader... Admittedly, Ria had lossed a few points in her book and Heather had gained some. She alerted the others so that they could actually start moving instead of taking of moving.

"Okay, so shall we?" she said with a sweeping movment of her arms, as if revealing something great down the hallway. Her smirk was condescending and her eyes filled with cynical amusment. If this is how our 'pack' is going to work, we are definately not going to last long... So tired of waiting and watching, she followed Heather with a sigh. She frowned a little, given this would just be another way in which the two could be associated with one another. But then she smirked. She herself knew that there, however, was one major difference. Abdel was very independant, and prefered to work by herself. Heather was the most dependant person she had yet to see. She held onto the difference, she didn't exactly like being compared with another.

When she reached the door, she looked back at Ria. "So, leader, are you going to be the one to open it?" The way she said leader was condescending. Some might think the she would want to be leader herself, but usually if she did anything first and broke away from the crowd, it was just because she was rather impatient. If they even hint at saying 'open the door' while doing absolutely nothing, I'll open the damn door myself. Screw them. By them she meant the people who wanted to play hero. She didn't give them any credit. They're intentions may be pure, but it's rather easy to 'risk your life for others' when there was no appearant danger. She waited for the others to catch up with Heather and those who had initially followed her, once again leaning against the wall, arms crossed, and a bored expression on her face.
((Oh my bejeebus, Abdel.))

Ria felt extremely uncomfortable with Heather's exuberance; she'd never viewed herself as the leading type. Jonah too was concerned; he could clearly see looks that were against Ria bearing the name of "leader." Singling any one person out was dangerous. It could only mean conflict. No person was perfect; Ria was bound to make mistakes. and the others would resent her for it.

Ria and Jonah noticed Heather inching down the hall and followed. It wasn't that they hadn't thought of moving along. But there were things to get settled and if they came to a door what would they do? Ria probably should open it, but not everyone had agreed to let her lead. Lack of action was not the culprit here; it was indecision. How could you act without deciding what to do? Ria didn't have a large attention san, but both she and her brother were slow-moving individuals.

Ria nodded to Jake, a little helplessly. "We're moving along. Not everyone has decided if they want me though."

Jonah noticed the tall blonde - had she even said her name yet? -shaking her head with a wry smile on her face. He felt a shot of annoyance. Did this girl have some kind of vendetta against his sister? She moved along arrogantly, coming to a stop at the door, and then singling Ria, just as she had done right after waking up.

"This is getting ridiculous, you," Ria said with a frown, finally irked. "Have I once forced myself on you? We all want our mommies. But we don't all want me to lead, that's clear to see. Don't call me leader if that's not what you consider me, especially with such a condescending tone. If you have a better way of doing things, you lead, or you act on your own. You're getting ahead of yourself. Maybe I'm overly cautious, but I do know you can't do something if you aren't sure what to do. We haven't reached any small, teeny, tiny semblance of a decision. Make up your minds people! What do you want? Heather's made her point, and so has Jase. Jake too. Why don't you tell us what you think?"

Her face softened. "And I'm sorry for speaking harshly. I don't want to stir up another fight. It's just that I don't want you to look at me like I'm your enemy. That's the last thing on my to-do list."

Sighing, she turned the doorknob. It seemed to be a bedroom, with dingy, moth-eaten furniture. On the bed sat the figure of a young girl with white skin, black hair, and a red dress.

On the bed sat Cin.
"I'm going back." Jake immediately barked and he turned on his heel down the hallway. If Cin was here then he didn't want to be. He didn't care if they called it cowardice, but he was preoccupied with living... and Cin threatened that. His heart thundered loudly in his throat as he tried to think logically through the pulsing fear of seeing that creature once again.

He didn't wait to see what anyone was going to do, but he figured that they would probably all just gape at Cin until they eventually collectively made the decision to flee from her presence. The lack of decision was stifling to him, he was leaving no matter what they thought and even if that made him alone... and that red-headed girl Ava who had snapped at him was screaming again. Maybe he was better off without them. He was getting frustrated with the lot of them.

He quickly found himself back in the previous room and he cautiously edged down a hallway. He wanted to distance himself from that monstrosity, but the looming door at the end of the hallway gave him pause. What if Cin was not the worst thing in this bizarre house? He crept back into the main room slowly and cast a slow look down the hallway where everyone else was pooled to watch what they did.
Heather noticed how uncomfortable Ria was when she hugged her. She figured to not be so touchy and just enjoy the kindness. Ria didn't necessarily like it either. She shrugged it off and kept walking. She was so happy everyone was friendly again. Heather decided that she would stick with Ria and Abdel. They were apposite of each other so heather would get the sweet sensible, Ria AND the funny (in her opinion) hotheaded, adventurous, Abdel.

Her naive smile turned to a confused frown. Her protected and her friend were arguing a bit. Not as much as when she herself started something but it did worry her. Heather found Abdel's sarcasm funny. She may have changed but she still liked the dark humor. Her heart raced when they were going to open the door. It wasn't of fear but of excitement. She had the feeling of freedom. It was as if this was the door to home.

What lay on the other side was much different. There sat the wispy demon, Cin. She wanted to slap her in the face but realized the imminent death that it would lead to. Her face filled with anger and a tear fell. "God damn it!" She wasn't going to stick around. She was going to grab Abdel and Ria but figured they would run just as fast to get away. She pushed the people in front of her, those who were in back of her, yelling and praying.

"Go! go! go!"
((*nods* I know... In her head all her actions are justified... I sometimes want to slap her *shrug* I also havn't mentioned my name on purpose. Ask her *evil giggle*))

Abdel's smirk dropped the second Ria started talking, replaced with a slight frown. Now this I'm not used to... Abdel had never had people go against her. She wasn't exactly accepting of positive feedback, heck, she hadn't even told the group her name, but she was less accepting of confrontation. Her eyes showed that she was startled, but then they narrowed. Being taller than most, she was usually an intimindating figure, especially with her attitude. She knew sometimes she went too far with her sarcasm, but her first reaction was anger. In her head, she knew that it was partly deserved, but she couldn't help it.

Narrowing her eyes further, she started talking in a low icy tone. "I havn't exactly forced myself on you. I've might have said some comments here and there but if they offended you, I'm sorry. There, is that what you want? An appology? They don't matter much to me 'cuz words will always be just words. And no, I don't want to be a leader. Hell, I know you probably don't want to be it either, but if it bothers you so much, I really don't care if you're leader or not. I'll open the doors. I'll make the half-baked decisions. I know we have not semblance of decision because they are f'in hard to make. So go with the obvious desicion. If you being leader gets us along, then go ahead. I could honestly care less." By this time her voice had risen but had not reached the level of yelling yet.

Abdel sighed as Ria apologized. She didn't have much energy for fighting. "You know, the only reason I may seem mean is because I'd rather be anywhere else but here. If you hadn't noticed, you're the only one I've talked to here." Her voice got quieter and she suddenly seemed shy, smaller in a way. "It's probably because I kind of respect you. Yeah, I know, odd way of showing it right? But seriously, you stepped up to the plate for others and risked your life when you owed these people nothing. Could I be able to do that? I don't know, probably not, but you didn't even have to think..." She shrugged, a slight blush on her cheeks. Again she felt small and vulnerable and she didn't like it, but she liked conflict less, as suprising as it may seem to others.

She stayed quiet as they opened the door, her eyes widened by what was inside. People where yelling at others to run, but she wasn't exactly scared enough to run. She was more of in a surprised state of shock. She knew she need to move so she spun around with widened eyes and just walked away. She wondered if anyone closed the door, but she didn't dwell on it for long, too shaken to care.
Jason eyes would look over at Lily and a slight smirk came across his face " yeah your right it could be really useful " he said not trying to joke around. He would then sigh turning back looking straight down the hallway at everyone.. the door still closed and then would start to scan towards Heather, Jake, Ria, and Abdel deep down in his true feelings he was enjoying this but not showing it to the others. The constant being in danger was giving him the ultimate adrenaline rush hes been waiting for a long time, but it would be better if no one else was involved in it. He didn't want anyone to die since he also cared for them and felt happy to finally have human interaction with them since he was always a loner.

Jason's gaze would stop at Ria and Abdel they both went on how they both felt. Though he did like all the points Abdel made, but he also liked how Ria was handling the situation. He knew that with Jonah by her side she would make a good leader for the group, but kept that same thought in the back of his mind that he would rather not follow anyone, but knew they all had a better chance of getting out of alive if they stick together. He would then slowly turn his head towards Kristen and smiled calmly " if anything happens behind that door.. i will make sure your safe Kristen " he paused for a second " i will make sure everyone is safe ". He turn his head slowly back and glare at the door ahead. He would then start to walk slowly up towards the door has their conversation was finished. Being true to his word who ever opened that door he was going to back them up no matter what. His heart started to beat a little faster then got even faster has he felt adrenaline going through his body. Curiosity began to flood his mind wondering what was behind that door..

Has he started to get closer and closer to the door she began to open it seeing the room, the bed, and Cin sitting on the bed his eyes got wide and would move to the side seeing Heather yelling go go go. He would then run up quickly to the door and grab it by the doorknob slam it shut knowing that Cin knew we were in the hallway the whole time..he quickly ran and stop at Abdel walking away " you need to move quicker.. come on " he said has he softly placed his hand on to her upper back, and stayed behind her to make sure she starts to run.. he would then look up at Kristen and yelled at her to run " Everyone Run!!" he said not ready to fight until everyone got into a safe location.
Lily would feel terror and adrenilin run trough her in a shockwave, her feet would kick into mation, while her mind felt like breaking down, from all the stress and terror she wanted to cry herself to sleep, but she had to run her life depended on it. She knew the questions were wons=dering the same thing 'how did she get there?" and her suspisions had been right, since no one had seen Cin walk into the room she could 'teleport' either that or secret passages, which could be but who know what she was capable as she saw the look on everyones faces she ran and knew they would soon follow.

She found herself tearing up, but that didn't stop her, even as the tears made glittering tracks down her face she kept running.


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