Mind Games

Ava felt at a loss as everything she had ever known seemed to collapse around her. "Am I the only person who realized that someone just DIED? A little boy. What the **** are we doing arguing amongst ourselves?!" she hissed angrily throwing her hands up in the air frustrated with the drama that had unfolded. "I don't CARE about your problems. I don't. I care about the fact that some kid that I don't even know the name of was killed as easily as someone squishing a grape. I care about living. After watching that we should be happy that we're alive and we should work together. I don't want us divided when we could wind up like that poor kid!" she howled furiously feeling herself becoming angry and volatile. She was frustrated with everyone right now, that boy's death would be an image that she would never be able to unsee and that if she returned to her normal life then she would never stop seeing the boy's face and the monster Cin's sunken face.

"My name is Ava." she replied to Lily's request for names although her voice came out harshly. The anger she felt for these people was so palpable that she had difficulty keeping herself from storming away but only a cold unfeeling voice in her head telling her that she would die kept her rooted to the spot. Despite her anger she wasn't sure if she wanted Heather in this group. Abdel seemed to be a little rough around the edges but she didn't seem to be a raging psychopath like she suspected of Heather. But after her plea for unity she couldn't exactly ostracize Heather. She wasn't that furious yet.

Jake shook his head disagreeing with Ava vehemently however and unlike her, he was unafraid to speak uninhibited, "Send the crazy one off on her own. I'm going with these guys. We can't have a loose cannon like her with us... she'd stab one of us in the back to use our corpse as a ladder." he nodded at Ria and Jase and he immediately moved towards them. While he couldn't blame Heather for losing her mind after the experience with Cin in the other room, he didn't trust her. She seemed so volatile and strangely vulnerable. Her moodswings were giving him whiplash and unfortunately he was frightened that he actually felt sympathy for the girl. Maybe she was struggling to figure out how to act right now because she was as damaged as he was. But again... he wasn't going to let himself think about that awful black thought brimming in the back of his mind.

Reluctantly he added, "Apology accepted." hoping that it would convey that while he was unwilling to risk being in her vicinity that he did feel strongly sympathetic towards her. It was a confusing state of mind for Jake to attempt to understand so he slowly moved placing his back against a wall to wait and see if anyone (especially Heather) would have any response to say to his words and essentially his request that they alienate Heather.
((I don't even know how Ava and Jake got to them, the last I knew from them was that they entered the second room.))
((Because Jonah and Ria and friggin awesome!...))

((Very long post time... Damn))

Kristen's breathing slowed as Jason hepled her out... if that was his definition. Her heart stopped pounding, her shivers remained. The movie, the cracking, the screeches remained, also, although they were all started to fade. She knew she had to get out, even if she were starting to recover. "Thanks," she said quietly, bolting towards the door. "It seems we must go in teams..." she said quietly.

"You, me. I have survival skills, but we have to leave now!" he ran in front of him, grasping his arm. She sighed and touched the door, joining most of the others in the centre. "Where are we going to go?" she asked, the 'Cin Movie' finally faded. It was something she'd never remember nevertheless. She stretched her fingers and cracked her knuckles. She had a head-ache from the thing's soprano screaming. She had a sore throat from crying and screaming and... coughing.

She felt... weird. Why was she trusting this guy so easily? Some random dude happened to calm her down, and now they're acting like best friends? What the ****? Seriously. Kristen scowled. "So, so brutal. I hate this place." she murmured. She shivered. Why was it so cold in here? She never got cold before. She'd barely shivered at -26○C before, what was happening? She closed her eyes, trying to block it and her head felt heavy again. She shook her head, focusing on her life. "We gotta get outta here quick..." she drew a sharp breath.

(([MENTION=2728]asduskfalls[/MENTION], are we in another room, or are we still in the big room with Cin and stuff?))

(([MENTION=2492]Jason Thorn[/MENTION], hello. :3))
((Jase grabbed Kristen and ducked into one of the hallways branching off from the second room. Check out the new info thread, it summarizes. Though it would be more detailed review to just go back and read Jason's last couple posts.))
Wyatt decided it best to meet with the group in the middle, making sure that his sister remained by his side this time. When they made it, there seemed to be a major conflict between parties going on. Eyeing the different hallways and all the doors that stood before them just begging to be tried.

Vaguely overhearing that Heather wanted to lead Cin back to the group, Wyatt's ears pricked up and led his sister closer to the group. Clearly the girl was losing her marbles before everyone, and because of the unfolding drama they were left to stand out in the open, where anything and anyone could come out of one of the doors and take them out. They were really that easy.

Hearing the girl nearby blowing up over the stupidity of all this, Wyatt decided to chime in simply because she was right. Somebody just died right in front of their eyes, and the longer they stood there the longer they were vulnerable, willing targets. "If you all want to keep on living, then you'd better start moving because you're only wasting precious time trying to figure this out!" As big an option it was to split the group, Wyatt thought it better if they stuck together. He'd seen horror movies where the group would split and this was basically the same scenario now, come to life in a twisted way.

Lilianna, hearing Lily ask for names, said in a quieter tone as she wiped at the dried tears on her face, "Lilianna...and this is Wyatt." She pointed her thumb over the shoulder in the direction of her brother. Her tone was slow, like she was in shock from the scene before still. Seeing the overall unsettled nature of the group now, she bit her lower lip rather hard. "I heard what you guys said about groups. I think it's better if we split for the sake of the rest of us here."

It was a cold stab at how Heather and the others were acting but really, could anyone blame her? She looked over at the guy who had forwardly alienated Heather, the one who also helped pushed her through the doors. She wondered if that was only just an act to help himself? Or did he see her struggle and genuinely want to assist the matter? Someone who was so easy to alienate a girl who was losing her mind. And when she came to think about it, was it really worth pondering on right then and there? As illogical as it all was, she kept her eyes locked on him as he leaned against the wall.
((We are. X.X

EDIT: Our locations. Though we are less spread out across the hallways. The hallways are wider, not drawn to scale lol.


[MENTION=1704]kikinavi[/MENTION] [MENTION=2482]Lily[/MENTION] [MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION] [MENTION=2146]Aura[/MENTION] [MENTION=2762]Cindy360[/MENTION] [MENTION=2492]Jason Thorn[/MENTION] [MENTION=2258]wichita[/MENTION] [MENTION=2787]Dead Eye[/MENTION] [MENTION=2590]Wingal[/MENTION]))
((Everyone followed Ria and Jonah! And they aren't as spread out as they look either. Still, sure can't all walk abreast.))
(Dusk I have to compliment you on your hard work! With all these diagrams and the updated summery, your really making your rp great! Thank you for your hard work and dedication. I really like this rp.
Jason looked back at Kristen and he would then quickly grab her hand again and make dash to the others running on pure adrenaline. His legs moving faster then they ever moved before and placed Kristen against the wall breathing heavily. His heart still pounding and would start to speak " i don't know what your arguing about.. Just stop.. its not helping the situation.. " Jason would then turn his back and look at Ria " pretty brave to stand up to that little girl " he said completely ignoring the arguments since he only wanted information about how she got away

He took a deep breath " tell me how did you escape.. Was she a ghost or did she have a solid form? " he said not knowing anything about their plans and previous conversations. " if you all are planning to attack and fight back count me in " he said with an evil smirk on his face. His hands gripping tightly into fists has he was not scared anymore just curious about these things that kidnapped everyone. He would stand up and crossed his arms

(( its short right now and im sorry ))
No one seemed to care about Heather and what she had been saying. She knew her apology wouldn't work. It was more of closer thing for her self. She had already burned the bridges she had with everyone. She felt horrible in the fact that normally when someone goes psychotic, then you help that person, not alienate them. That wasn't the case. Everyone was so concerned about Heather turning on them and there own lives, that they didn't realize the fact that Heather was going through a horrible situation in which she couldn't handle it and started to go evil master mind crazy.

"Ok seriously, I think that's enough! Don't tell me that I don't realize someone just died! If anyone gets the picture here, I think its me! I had to clean it up! Me! What don't you people get about that!? Sure I'm a little fuzzy right now but are you kidding me? Listen, if you don't want me here then ill leave. Just don't hate me for acting like anyone else would in my situation."

Heather was lucky enough that her bi polar craziness had two sides. The regular, fun loving one and the evil biotch. Her evil was turned off and the niceness was coming back out. Over time the evil would wash away but she just needed people to be sympathetic towards her and she would be fine. Sadly that wasn't happening. She crossed her arms and looked at everyone with her eyebrow raised.

"Well... its disision time. What's it gonna be?"
Jason would turn his head has they all ganged up on heather and shook his head looking at her " listen i don't care how you all feel about the choices and our point of views.. none of that is going to change our situation.. and Heather you said something very negative to me inside that room but i don't care.. about that your life and including everyone else is more important than stupid arguments " he calmly said has he crossed his arms " but i will not allow you to go on your own..

He glared at everyone and shook his head " if you want to split up fine do it, but no one is going alone hell maybe one of the groups can find out a way to kill these things and get us the hell out of here..." he said looking at them knowing he was against splitting up but now it just seemed inevitable to happen. He would look at everyone wondering which group he was going to go with has he turned around and faced Kristen making sure she was okay " are you Okay? remember.. i won't allow anything or anyone to hurt you..
((I want to respectfully abstain from posting, but Ria and Jonah are begging to get in on the action a little bit. Short bit coming up.))

Ria felt a pang in her heart as she watched Heather break down. Wouldn't she have done the same if she had gone through everything Heather did? It was stabbing her in the back to carry her away, save her, albeit against her will, and then be so cold to her. Ria told herself that compassion was the last thing she needed now but after hearing Heather's speech, and her culmination into "decision time," Ria couldn't help but be herself. She dropped to her knees where Heather had sunk to the ground and wrapped her arms around her. "My decision is to keep Heather by me. If you want to follow me, like some of you said, you follow her too." Looking up at Jase who put a question to her, she answered, "She's solid, thank goodness. She can be fought off. But like we all saw back there, it'd be a bad idea to get in her hands. She touches you, game over."

Then she blinked. Jase had been on the other side of the room, in an entirely different hallway.

"Shit Jase, did Cin see you when you came here? Tell me right now, you ran across that room, did you see her? And more importantly, did she see you?"

((NO MORE FROM ME. NO MORE. There are still a lot of people who have to catch up. And wow all 14 together now.))
((Enter an angsty Abdel... Oh yeah... Feel bad for her... You can't fight it... *evil laugh*))

Abdel let out a small genuine smile when she was released. She didn't smile often, but people say she's so expressive when she does, as if all of her was smiling instead of just her lips. She scampered to the wall, hoping to blend in and go unnoticed. She was surprised when Heather's persona seemed to change, as if she was another timid person hiding behind a tough mask. It seemed... familiar... That's you idiot... She felt a spark of anger and sympathy as Heather's apology went unnoticed. Okay, maybe she went a little psyco. Everyone deals with things in their own way... If the group split, it seemed as if Heather would only have one person with her. It was better than going alone. But not by much... She felt a strong need to defend this girl, not for her benefit, but because it felt like such an attack on herself. Maybe we do think alike... If only a little... Abdel hoped that it would further help the others decide to join together with Heather since they seemed to take an uneasy pause as Ria finish speaking.So she stepped forward, her voice filled with a gentle scolding.

"Guys, don't pick on Heather so much, kay? I mean she may have snapped a bit," she took a quick glance at Heather, knowing it was more than a bit, "But I understand her point of view. I feel the same way she does... A little bit... I mean, about that kid in there, I know I can only do two things. I could completely break down, sad for his life, and scared for my own. But then I'd be stuck in the corner, a sitting duck, vulnerable. The second option is to act like a complete biotch and shut the f'in world out! I don't know how it is for Heather, but I'd rather not think about the scary stuff. I'd rather not take the reality check. Because I'd rather not end up like a damn baby. No matter how much I want to act like the reason that boy got killed. I may have called him 'Mr. I Want My Mommy' but I'm the King, Queen, and whole f'in royal court of wanting my mommy!" She was talking rather loudly at this point, almost yelling.

She realized after her rant that it started being more about herself than about Heather, but she needed to release that pent up tension. "Just... Stop fighting... We need to get out of here and not waste our time because we don't know how much of it we have left..." Her tone turned pleading, soft. She took a few deep breaths walking to the wall and leaning against it, her arms crossed, fists clenched, and head turned away from everyone. Her little speech was bringing up emotion she's rather have kept within her and she felt a familiar burning at the back of eyes that she was desprately trying to fight back. She wanted to keep in some semblance of her former bitchiness than face the sadness. It made her feel small and vulnerable.
(Yay! No more psycho *****! Now we can focus on getting the hissle out a here. And like Dusk, I will also take another short break. And p.s. ive read a lot of books but not once have I been so emotional when reading something. I almost teared up!)
Jason would look over at Ria and shook his head "good.. shes solid.. then i won't let them touch me..." he smirked and then he said to answer her quickly before she was about to freak out " no she didn't see us.. i looked down the hall and she wasn't there " he calmly said then heard the girl start talking and nodded his head to her " i have nothing bad against her like i said no amount of negative things said about me is ever going to make me hate someone for it " he breathed a sigh of relief has his heart was starting to calm down.." i know you mean no one harm and were all on edge.. " he said to the girl defending Heather " we all shouldn't be mad at each other even if we don't like each other.. , but the best we can do right now is work together even if we split up into groups..

he would then sigh looking down " im really against us splitting up.. since we are still walking in blind on this " he said scratching the back of his head.. " im not much of a leader and follower.. but i will do what i must to make sure.. we all get out of this alive.. " he said looking back up with a calm smile on his face no longer showing any fear in his eyes.. " plus i still got things to do in my future and i will not let these monsters take that away from me.. " he crosses his arms maintaining his hatred towards the monsters instead of the people he grouped up with..

Ooc: ok im now back in this ))
(I lied! I cant help it! After this ill take a break. I swear!)

Heather's lip began to quiver as a tear went down her face. She smiled, ear to ear and looked at everyone. "Thank you guys so much! You will not regret this!" She didn't know weather to hug Ria or Abdel first. She walked over to Abdel first and hugged her tightly. "Thank you for believing in me," she said in a soft whispy voice.

She turned to Ria and cried a little more. Ria was more emotional than Heather thought and that felt like a million hugs. The fact that Ria would protect her and wouldn't leave her side made Heather feel like she was free. Like she was home in a warm comfy bed with all her good feelings just floating around her.

She knelt down in fronts of Ria and smiled at her with a warm smile. She took Ria's hands and looked at her with shiny eyes. "Thank you for everything. For saving me. For defending me. Everything."

She slowly turned and looked at Jonah. "Hows your foot?" She said with a giggle. "Your right... I do owe you." She turned and looked at everyone in the hall. "Well now that that's over with..." she said as she wiped her tears. "So what's next? How are we getting out of this hell hole?
Ava smiled to herself, Heather seemed to have calmed down enough and although her call for everyone to work together seemed to be ignored she felt as if somehow she had helped to contribute to this almost cliched moment of togetherness. She didn't want to be alone and while Heather scared her, she was past the desire to leave Heather out. She was just a vulnerable person.

Jake was however more hesitant to remain in the group with Heather. He briefly considered leaving but decided that nobody would follow him and that he would be alone simply because the girl seemed unstable. He was naturally suspicious after seeing her threaten to lead Cin to them, but he didn't want to risk anything in the group.

"Are we going to sing Kumbaya or are we going to get moving?" he asked sharply from where he stood. His walls were back in place, he no longer felt sympathy for Heather and he would be unlikely to help someone along. Those moments were fleeting, the walls were eternal.
Lily watched this all unfold from the ground, she nodded to everyone who had said their name and she stood up and somthing fell out of her pocket she picked it up and saw her pepper spray "check your pockets." she said eyeing they spray she doubted it wouls work but it was worth a shot. "I found pepper spray, I don't think it will work though" she said. she reached for a bag and took her shoes of she placed her shoes in the bag and slung it over her sholder, keeping the pepper spray on hand, just in case. she then took of her nacklace and tied her hair up with it.

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