Mind Games

Ooc : they only thing i needed to edit was the deleting of the last paragraph.. of my reply and its fine lol and i know you didnt steal my idea.. its ok.. ))
((Ya sure it's ok Jason? I don't want to be that role-player that hogs all the attention. Last thing I want is for my partners to resent me.

You are special Navi. (Don't feel like typing the whole thing so many times. So I settle for the Zelda-related portion.) ))
Ooc: im not going to resent you for that..its fine.. lol i have no problem with it.. Jason would of done the same thing for anyone..
((Happy again? Wait til the role-playing gets back in swing. >D Now enough with OoC y'all, I think this counts as cheating.))
Jason didn't need to be told more than once, he was beginning to move out of the door when the order was barked. The only thing that surprised him about his move to leave the room was that as he practically leapt forward towards the door he tried to shuffle someone ((any takers?)) forward and out of the door with him. His slight act of chivalry came as a surprise to him because he had only a desire to escape from that monstrous child.

He escaped through the doorway trying to ignore the spasms of his heart thundering loudly in his throat. His mouth felt parched and he wasn't sure that he could even speak. He had just witnessed that... that demon... murder someone so violently and horrifically and Jason was internally struggling. He didn't like the taste of bile in his mouth and the sense of familiarity brimming at the back of his mind. He pushed his mind clear, he didn't want to start thinking.


Ava was finally able to reign in her screaming, but it happened so suddenly that she could still hear her screams ringing in her ears and her throat tickled offensively from the abuse that she had just delivered to her vocal chords. While Ava had stopped screaming she was frozen in place as she watched Cin tear through one of the people standing there and she watched with growing horror as Cin seemed to change and morph. Flaying skin the colour of ash was stretched taut over her skull and cold dark eyes were the most prominent feature of Cin's face.

Cin frightened her more so in this form, but Ava could not seem to scream anymore. The hot tears stinging at her eyes were falling down her face. Her tears seemed scalding as they crawled down her cheeks and Ava was so briefly entranced with horror at the monster. It was the corpse at Cin's feet that finally made Ava stir and the blood that was pooling out around the unknown boy's body. She was finally able to stagger forth and beyond the doorway driven by some primal urge.

((Sorry that it's awful, but at least I finally got some form of interaction in there.))
Heather felt horrible. For the boy, the others, and herself. She had been a total and complete b!tch to these people and yet a poor child was killed and not her. It must of been hard for Jonah to yank Heather off the dead boys body. She screamed and yelled and tried to fight her way off his shoulder but inevadbly she was pryed through the door. She had never felt so disgustid. At this point, life to her was just a game. you gamble and you either win or lose. Nothing was fair. Life was dictated by the ones around you and make disisions based on yours.

Once they were into the dinning room, Heather got the picture that if she wasnt quiet then 'it' would find all three of them. as they clamered into a near hallway, Heather joted herself off of Jonah's shoulder and sat up against the wall. The blood on her hands was now on her face as she had to cover her own mouth so that her crys were not heard. She looked over to Ria and Jonah with a dumbfounded look.

"Why?!" She said in a hushed yell.

She tried peeking around the corner to see what was going on. It seemed as though they were in a mansion, what with the extravegant dinning room. What she didnt get was why a mansin would have an auditorium. She thought no more of it and sat back against the wall.

(I very much apologise for the grammer and spelling. Im a spell check kinda girl. sadly i dont have that right now! Just know that I try.)
Everything was a disorientating, painful blur as the scene had finished unfolding in front of them. Everybody was in a panic to get out the door when the little girl finished the young boy off effortlessly, and Wyatt and Lilianna could only stop and stare at the scene.

Actual tears began to trail down Lilianna's face and felt several shivers up her spine. "Oh my God...Oh my God!" Her voice was considerably higher when she screamed the last bit.

Wyatt, feeling the need to get his sister and himself away from the scene now that the opportunity was there, grabbed her by the arm and started pulling despite the intense fear he himself was feeling. "If you don't wanna end up like that then we gotta go, Anna!"

After a second or two she followed her brother's order and moved quickly towards the door. Even though Wyatt had an iron grip, his sister was falling behind with the rest of the people moving and was losing her hand in the process.

Before he lost the grip completely however, a guy behind Lilianna appeared and seemed to assist the matter in helping her along. Wyatt blinked in surprise through the fear etched on his face and when his sister returned to his side due to the act, he made a mental note to thank the guy later, after they were hopefully given a break from all this hell.

From there on out it wasn't a difficult thing at all for the two to run.
((I don't know if Cin is pronounced Sin or Kin but in my head I have it as sin... You know, demon, sin... yeah... Just a random thought))

Abdel nodded slowly, almost hesitantly, acknowledging the little thing's name, or at least substitute name. They way the name sounded left a bad feeling in her, as if this ghost child could be cruelly malicious given the chance. The sound of the name gave her a strange thought. When they mentioned the seven deathly sins, they forgot to mention the witch that came after you for them... Am I in hell? She wouldn't know for sure but the thought seemed to solidify as the ghost thing turned out to be not so ghostly after all. I wish in that case that I meant this thing was really just a little girl offering us a room to rest and maybe a game... Like scrabble... The skin, as wispy and barely there as it was, seemed to slowly fade away leaving in its place an ancient skeleton.

Abdel felt her breathing quicken, but pushed down the fear, taking a step back. She knew her body still felt the fear, she just locked the emotional part away until it was safer to break down. Now she need to think. That became increasingly difficult, however, once she saw the skeleton ghost thing snap a boy's neck at a ninty degree angle. She winced, feeling a second of pain, almost as if it was her head being torn off from its body. She felt a slow curtain of sorrow fall on her body, but it was light and detached.

She never really let death affect her, never cried at funerals, and was horrible at comforting people because she never really understood their pain. To her, the death of others was like a good friend moving away to where you might never see them again. She actually felt more sympathy for the girl having to clean up the boy's blood. She understood why she had to do it. It was like when you were mad at your parents, imagined saying terrible things to them, but in the end always had to follow their orders. The supernatural freak, as small as it may be, lived longer than us, was stronger than us, and scared you into a reluctant obedience.

She decided to run with the others, thinking that even if the demon thing caught them, it was better than playing her creul games. Despite this decision, she was shocked in place as the girl who had not wanted to open the door in the first place, chose to risk her life for people she hardly knew. She was jolted out of it as the girl yelled at the fellow paralzed to run. She half sprinted, half jogged out the door. She wasn't that far away from it and her long legs were not just for showing off. As she passed the door into the 'safe zone,' and how safe could that really be, she started to worry about the other girl.

I shouldn't have suggested to open that stupid door. And here this girl is saving us, from the monster that only got to us because of me. She even saved me. Even if the girl was just trying to save them all, Abdel knew that she would have cursed herself and left herself to die had the roles been reversed. She felt a burning at the back of eyes, but held the tears in. She liked to cry, she didn't do it often and it was always a relief, but it wasn't the time and there were other people around.

She smiled slightly when she saw that the girl had faught the demon child off and just missed being ran over as the girl barreled through the door in the evil thing's confusion at being defeated; at even a small victory against her. As the girl passed her, Abdel found her voice as she stared at the creature, speaking clearly and with a slight smugness, yet only audible enough if you payed attention.

"Sorry Cin, but it's time to go. We've liked your game, but it looks like you lose." As she said this, the constant uneasiness in her grew tenfold. Something told her that this 'game' was far from over.

((I didn't mention closing the door because not all of us are through it yet and I don't remember if it had already been closed. If we didn't we're in big trouble ;) ))
((Not closed, and I wouldn't say the dining room is safe. Cin can still see you. And yeah, I think there are 4 (I'll check this in a sec and edit it if it's wrong) people who've yet to get out.))((

((EDIT: Yep, 4. Also, y'all may be interested to see this:


It's a map of the setting as described in-character so far. The halls will have doors here and there fyi.))
((How in the world did you get that map? O_o Did you draw it?))

Kristen scrambled to her feet, hyperventilating as hard as she ever has before. She'd never had an asthma attack in years, but this was going to top them all. Stupid her, she was sick and forgot to bring medicine or cough lollies or something, and know she was having an asthma/panic attack and she didn't have her puffer. Kristen skidded out of her hiding stop, tumbling over. She didn't want to end up being trapped here with Cin ((Clever by the way! *Claps)).

She flipped up, running towards the door with fear, well, everywhere. Kristen tried to get the shrill screech out of her head before the next one came. A mixture of DON'T TAKE AWAY MY TOYS! and another ear-piercing scream from before that, she could quite understand the first one. It had faded mostly, but now it seemed as if the two voices were fighting for a prize, over taking each other over and over. She closed her eyes, Cin replaying that awful scene from the little boy, she had to bolt. She leap-ran towards the door, leaving a trail of tears behind her. She didn't know anyone here, and yet she was crying over the death of someone murdered so brutally.

A sharp pain grew in Kristen's head as soon as she ran through the door. She knew she was trapped in an abnormal place, with an abnormal girl who's a hatred-filled murderer that kkills people for not following orders. Kristen doesn't hate many things. But she absolutely despised this. She needed to get out, she had an urge to stay with Cin, just so everyone else would be safe. But, that's suicide. She shook her head as the movie repeated, thhe sound was audible of his neck cracking, and that sound began fighting for the prize as well; trying to make Kristen go absolutely bonkers.
Jason would then quickly run towards the door not wanting to be then next victim he would see Kristen in front of him has he slowly reached for her arm able to out run if he wanted to being like every one for themselves but he wasn't like that he grabbed her arm after reaching for the door and would then start to run down the hall with her so she could get away from the little girl as quick and possible.. his heart pounding has he ran into the room with the four hall ways.. he was caught by surprise to see such a wonderful interior this mansion was being in the dining room he would quickly choose the hallway hiding in it being across from Jonah and Ria

Jason would look behind him keeping his hand softly on Kristen arm and would look back at her and whispered to her " i won't let anything bad happen you Kristen.. Stay strong " he said to calm her down so she could start to breathe normally.. but he understood the fear in her heart.. he was scared but was able to handle it a little better and he would look across seeing Jonah and ria hiding the opposite Hallway.. his heart pounding.. he would then slightly peak down the hallway towards the room they use to be in and would keep a watch out seeing some of the people that were in that room run out and he would wait making sure nothing bad happened to girl behind him.
((Creative: made it on Paint. X3

Jason: Something I noticed. You seem to write well, but all your sentences are long bunches of sentences mushed together. Throw some periods in there. :P If you've got a run-on sentence, it can get confusing and a role-player might not understand what your character said or did.))

As they ran down the hallway, Ria thought about going back to make sure everyone got out safely, but then she realized she likely couldn't trick Cin twice. If she went back there and engaged Cin again, she was a goner. She felt guilty about letting the others fend for themselves, but she reminded herself that she had done more than was expected of her, with Jonah's help. She knew that later the magnitude of the encounter would overcome her, but for now she focused on running.

Jonah looked back, past Ria, and Ria, noticing, also glanced behind her. They saw Jase and violin-girl safely out of the room. Ria felt slightly more at ease knowing there were two more people safe.

Jonah, for his part, had never thought he could have let Ria do what she did, but in this situation he realized now that he couldn't always protect her, and he had to trust her. In his eyes she was his better half, the kinder, braver person, and he couldn't bear to lose her. But if protecting her meant stifling what made her beautiful, he wasn't sure he could. Her stunt had left him with adrenaline coursing through his veins as if he had done it himself, and as he uneasily shifted the sobbing Heather on his shoulders he made it a to-do to talk to Ria later about their new companion. He still didn't trust Heather but could easily see why Ria might. He didn't know if Heather had acted out of fear or servitude; Ria seemed to think the earlier. He hadn't even considered that possibility until Ria went back to rescue the girl, but now that he had he was more confused then ever.

Ria herself was uncomfortable with the accusation Jonah had made. Heather? Working with Cin? The idea was hard for her to wrap her head around but she could see Jonah's logic. After all, Heather hadn't exactly been cooperative with them... No. Ria shook her head, refusing to continue with such thoughts and uneasy at the atmosphere of suspicion and finger-pointing that had arisen, not just now but earlier among the whole group. Even she, ashamed as she now was, had been wary of some people. If they couldn't trust each other, what would become of them? Would the 14 left of them fall prey to Cin or to each other?
Heather now had no more tears. She replaced all she had felt with anger. The way she walked, her facial expression's, they had all become pompous and brutal. She figured if life was how she depicted it, then she would dictate the rules of her own life. She would win and others would make there decisions on how SHE made hers.

She looked at Jonah with compassion. That is until she shoved her way off his shoulders and strode ahead of him. "I have legs. I can walk on my own." She sort of liked the new her. She liked the way she saw things. She liked the control she felt and the insecurity that others felt about her. At this point all she wanted was a way out. Not friends. Not help. Out. She was now the sly fox and she would bend and twist things so much that you wouldn't be able to tell up or down. As she thought this, a devilish smile crossed her lips and she looked back at the others from the corner of her eye.
Jonah shrugged. "I wasn't the one who wanted to go back for you. Don't waste your breathe getting on me." He didn't expect a thank-you or even for her to soften up. She certainly didn't seem to be that kind of person. In fact, he would be happy if she went her own way; he wouldn't have to worry about trying to analyze her motives. He certainly didn't think very highly of her for the lack of gratitude, and the self-satisfied smile didn't help him feel any less suspicious of her, but he wouldn't have predicted anything else. She was still the same, a self-serving, egocentric baby.

Even Ria shared some portion of his outlook. She hadn't gone back to Heather expecting to get something out of it. Pity Heather though she did, she certainly didn't like her. But to die at the feet of something out of hell, mopping up the blood of its previous victim... Ria wouldn't wish that fate on her worst enemy. And if Heather couldn't have made herself move, Ria would do it for her. Bleakly she wondered how long she'd be able to hold onto her compassion. "Do what you want," Ria said coldly. "I didn't go back so I could get a big hug."

With a shock Ria realized she'd changed; she wasn't the same person she was before. Jonah had always been serious, but she? She was the flighty daydreamer, always bubbly and friendly to everyone. Now she doubted she would ever be that way again. The old her would have cried at this thought, but new Ria contemplated it with nothing more than interest.

Jonah too, was aware of a new bitterness in his heart. What had made them part of this? How could God let this happen? No, Jonah thought, God wouldn't let this happen. There is no God anymore.

((EDIT: @kikinavi I'm so sorry! I just realized that I missed some of your post earlier, I didn't realize that you'd already wrestled away from Jonah. >.> I'll be more careful next time k? Even if I had realized earlier, this post would have covered it pretty much. not much would have changed... I still feel bad though.))
(Oh no, I think you had it right. Or at least that's how I saw it. Jonah saves Heather, Heather jumps off, and then I thought Jonah picked her up again as they kept...oh wait I just realized what happened. Lol don't worry its ok.)
((Lol I'm not sure how you're going to make the love interest part of heather's character form happen. "She'll find one." X3 The rate she's going, she'll kill anyone who tries to flirt with her.

PS: If anyone wants to rate my thread. That'd be awesome. :D ))
Ethan was running as fast as he could not far behind the twins until he saw them turning back, he looked back and lowered his speed to see what they were up to, when he saw Jonah saving a poor girl who had been ordered by Cin to clean the mess it had made with the young boy and Ria distracting it to give everyone else a chance, Ethan stopped running and started worrying about the three of them, mostly about Ria, she was taking a huge risk.

Ethan knew he couldn't help her at all but he didn't wanted someone else to die, as more people ran towards the next room, he only stood there not knowing what to do, "Please survive" he murmured hoping somehow Ria could hear it and then continued running, when he entered the next room, a smaller one with a table in the center and what seemed to be four hallways in each corner, he leaned against the wall next to the entrance tired of running and shocked about the fact that the first paranormal thing that happened in his life had to be this horrible.

Shortly after Ethan entered the room, he saw the twins and the girl Jonah had saved heading into one of the hallways, inspired by their heroic deeds and also relieved that they were okay, he decided that if he was to follow someone, that was them, he started running, following some distance behind them without looking back fearing to find Cin there.
Lily had made no noise during the scene and had just bolted when all the others did, she had missed introductions but three people were ahead of her and she was gaining spped. Her reason? Cin. That little girl thought of them like toys and to be disposed of as such. she had frozen when she had killed that kid and now her legs wouldn't stop moving, but at the thought that she didn't know what that child, no thing was capable and could apear anywhere, for all they knew, of she slowed down a fraction. They images of the past few hour, or that is what it felt like ran through her mind, like a slideshow, Party, gone, others, child, demon ,dead, mess, run. over and over.

Lily skidded to a stop and looked behind her to see no one but still felt weary she continiued following the others and whispered "Hey, I'm here." she said just to make sure they knew that she wasn't that creature that had killed, and would again, not all of them but they would be punished if they were caught. Oh god she thought to herself I made it sound so normal. she shuddered and looked around still paranoid, she felt like she was in some horror movie, or a novel she had read 16, where all the kids of that age had dissapeared.

She caught up to the boy who was running behing the other three people. I need names She thought but knew now wasn't the time. She kept having little erelivant thoughts, but that was how she delt with the stress, planing keeping her brain of the sunject at least for now. She shook her head, as if to get those thoughts out of her mind and said "Perhaps, bare foot would be best, your footstept would be quieter" she almost beathed that sentace, as not to be found like hide and seek. A very sick game of hide and seek. that gave her an idea! maybey if they were caught they could use that exuse that they were playing hide and seek and Cin was in, then no one would be hurt. She would tell them later for now she focussed on escaping, Alive.
Both Mark and Joseph stood breathlessly as they watched the scene play out. Mark was always used to horror movies but the bloody mess that became of one the 15 had terrified him to his core. He wanted to take a moment as the scene played again in his head of that little girl who could be no less then a demon. He jolted back into reality when he heard Jonah yelling for them to run. Mark wasn't exactly sure what was going on, but he knew they needed to get away from that demon as quickly as possible.

Mark grabbed Joseph's arm jolting him out of his own nightmare as he began running towards the door with the others. Joseph slowly glanced around to see the little girl began chasing after them at an unimaginable pace towards Ria who was surprisingly running just as fast. "Mark" he began timidly before he was quickly cut off. "Shut up and run" Mark snapped at him which was rewarded with both a quickening pace and a cold silence.

Mark was panting as they reached the door "I thought we would never make it" he thought to himself forcing himself to ensure a false sense of security for the time being. He glanced back at Joseph to notice the terrified look on his face along with some of the others. Of course Mark was scared, but how could he let Joseph see it. He quickly regained himself before walking over to the twins keeping Joseph in toll he quickly snatched his hand away after regaining his own composure physical wise. "So whats the plan" he whispered at Jonah seeing him as the thinking type.

(Sorry for not posting I hope this is good enough I'm not the best at this but I'm trying ti keep it longer ^^)
Jonah whirled around and jumped back a little, still on the edge, but seeing that it was only Mark and his little brother whose name Jonah couldn't remember, he relaxed. He was slightly surprised that Mark addressed him, since Ria was the talker, but he thought about the question, feeling Ria's curious eyes on him. She, too, was surprised that Mark had referred to Jonah; though he was a great planner, most didn't really realize he was even there, mostly because he was so quiet. But, she supposed, he had called enough attention to himself in the unique circumstances of the day.

Jonah was mulling over the question in his head. We started in a theater- it almost looked like an opera room, and it was huge. Then we ran away, through a room with a fancy chandelier that uses candles. Clearly this is an old and extravagant building. And big, he thought, looking down the hallway that seemed to go on forever. It'll take a long time to get out of here. We need to find something to eat, somewhere to use the bathroom. We could open the doors we come across til we find someplace with food, or other kinds of supplies. His mind flashed to the last time he opened a door and he shifted uneasily. Look what happened then. But do we have another choice?

In a slow, measured voice, he said, "We need food. Supplies. A bathroom if we can find one. And weapons. We're stuck here for now, so anything we need, we have to get from this castle." Ria nodded in approval; she had come to the same conclusion. He continued, "It won't be fun, but if we come across a door we have to open it, and see if we can find anything in the room."
Heather rolled her eyes. "Ok, and what if that door up there has nothing to offer? What if its another ghost? Then when you try to go back then Cin will be waiting for you." Although Heather didn't like the idea, she figured she would stay with them just in case. If something goes wrong, she could always use there bodies as shields.

She also thought of what had happened to Cin. Was she following? As long as Heather didn't see her, she was ok. She started to notice how hungry she was. Maybe Jonah had a good plan after all. "Who's house do you think this is?" She said, pushing aside the spat they had. "And why did they bring us here?"
Abdel wondered if the others had even noticed her entrance. They didn't address her which was, decidedly, a good thing. Now that she had time to think about it, she wondered if the others even trusted her. She had been the one to suggest the door be open in such a way as to made it seem like the only option, the smart option. And look where that got us... Her exterior had been calm throughout the meeting. No matter how badly I was freaking out on the inside. And the way she leaned against the wall, with her arms across her chest, it seemed as if the account hadn't affected her. She even seemed almost bored. What can I say, I'm a live in the moment kinda gal. If some freaky ghost child isn't attacking me at the moment, I can be as lazy or bored as I want.

Nevertheless, she hoped that these things didn't seem as if she were conspiring with a ghost. Afterall, she knew that if given the chance to chose between all of their lives and her own, she'd gladly conspire against them. Survival of the fittest, baby. She just hoped she didn't look like she'd hand them over in the blink of an eye. Okay, maybe that's a bit mean, but I hardly know these people. Not my loss if they disappear.

Having no where else to go, or the energy to try, she would just follow the siblings who seemed to be the bravest... In an active way... As she thought this, she realized that she hadn't actually done much in the way of helping others. With this in mind, she walked toward the group, wanting to add something in their plans. Yeah because your ideas worked so well last time... Shutting up her inner voice, she spoke.

"Yeah there might be other ghosts behind doors, hell, they may be even scarier than Cin, but what else are we gonna do? We met that thing but we're one step closer to the outside." She stopped for a beat, a little sorry that it seemed they were ganging up on the girl in which she did not know the name of, not like she knew anyone's name having waking up second to last. "And I don't think the question is who brought us here, or why, but how do we get back. The why to that is pretty obvious so it leaves one less question to worry about." She didn't care who took them and she doubted that they would even show up. Kidnapping is a crime and it'd be bad to show your escaping captives your identity.

She then turned to the boy who thought of the plan. "And how are we going to do this? Together or in smaller groups?" She looked away towards the wall, thinking aloud. "A larger group would slow us down, bring more attention." She paused for a beat, then turned back to the boy. "However, a smaller group, would make it easier for whatever ghost want us to end up like mister 'I Want My Mommy' back there in the theater." If that sounded creul, she wouldn't know it. She just spoke her mind and that's how she thought it. But my thoughts do tend to be a bit creul at times... But all in good fun... Besides, if she started thinking of the murdered boy as someone she knew, a person she should care for, a fellow human being, she would actually start caring, would be scared out of her wits and overcome with grief. And then I'd never get out of here! Wow, that was rather selfish... But she dismissed the thought, turning her eyes to the group as a whole and waiting for them to answer.

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