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Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

so I will also be making Grand-dad meeting May

"HELP!!!!" a young woman screamed, her voice echoing through the house. Hearing the urgent cry, Grand-dad swiftly rushed over, his heart pounding with concern. As he entered the room, a distinct smell of blood filled the air, instantly alerting him to the fact that a precious life was about to enter the world. Without hesitation, he positioned himself at the young woman's side, ready to provide the support she desperately needed.

With a gentle smile on his face, Grand-dad tightly held the young woman's hand, offering her reassurance amidst the chaos. "It's going to be okay," he whispered, his voice brimming with love and encouragement. In the midst of her intense contractions, he silently offered a prayer to the gods, specifically the god of the bind, earnestly asking for the well-being and perfect health of the coming child, even if the child would inevitably be blind.

As the young woman's pain intensified, her screams grew louder, echoing through the small room. Then, amidst the symphony of agony and anticipation, the sound of a baby's cry pierced the air. Grand-dad wasted no time in taking action. Swiftly, he retrieved a sterile knife, his hands steady and skilled. With utmost care, he cut the umbilical cord, symbolically severing the physical connection between mother and child. It was a bittersweet moment, for while he celebrated the arrival of a beautiful baby girl, he knew that she would face unique challenges on her journey through life.

Cradling the newborn in his weathered hands, Grand-dad's heart swelled with both joy and a profound sense of responsibility. He gently placed the tiny bundle in the young mother's arms, her awe-struck eyes filled with tears of overwhelming love and adoration. "My beautiful baby... May," she whispered softly, her voice a mixture of awe and pure maternal affection. The name was chosen with great intent, symbolizing the beauty and strength that would blossom from this child's unique circumstances. Grand-dad, too, cherished the significance of the chosen name and recognized the immense potential within this infant.

The news of the baby's arrival spread like wildfire through the family and the community. The next day, Grand-dad gathered everyone together, his voice filled with pride and happiness. With an eager smile, he announced the arrival of the newest member of their family. In that moment, the room erupted in joyous celebration, each person reveling in the miracle of life and the boundless opportunities that lay ahead for this beloved child.

See No Evil, notorious for its dark and sinister reputation, now harbored a flicker of hope and unexpected joy. With the birth of a blind baby girl, the community was confronted with a newfound perspective, a reminder of the power of resilience and the unbreakable bonds that exist within a family.
StaleBread StaleBread I love Kyelee! Also, fun fact, legally blind is 20/200 corrected vision. I have 20/200 vision myself, but am not even close to being considered legally blind because it is corrected to 20/20 with glasses. Fun fact, you can become a pilot with 20/20 corrected vision, even if your vision without corrective lenses is horrid, like mine. Common misconception. :P

I also love the little scene between Abel and Kylee. I also imagine that Kylee and Minerva would be incredible friends! Also, I know, a lot of alsos, but also, Greg is actually secretly super based, so would have no issues with Kylee's transition. Also, it wouldn't even matter if she told Greg or not, he would know. Subtle hints in the voice, the way their body moved, the sounds they made, etc. Greg probably doesn't care much for Kylee, but as far as ranking people, Kylee is probably one of the people Greg likes the most. Or rather, dislikes the least.

so I will also be making Grand-dad meeting May

"HELP!!!!" a young woman screamed, her voice echoing through the house. Hearing the urgent cry, Grand-dad swiftly rushed over, his heart pounding with concern. As he entered the room, a distinct smell of blood filled the air, instantly alerting him to the fact that a precious life was about to enter the world. Without hesitation, he positioned himself at the young woman's side, ready to provide the support she desperately needed.

With a gentle smile on his face, Grand-dad tightly held the young woman's hand, offering her reassurance amidst the chaos. "It's going to be okay," he whispered, his voice brimming with love and encouragement. In the midst of her intense contractions, he silently offered a prayer to the gods, specifically the god of the bind, earnestly asking for the well-being and perfect health of the coming child, even if the child would inevitably be blind.

As the young woman's pain intensified, her screams grew louder, echoing through the small room. Then, amidst the symphony of agony and anticipation, the sound of a baby's cry pierced the air. Grand-dad wasted no time in taking action. Swiftly, he retrieved a sterile knife, his hands steady and skilled. With utmost care, he cut the umbilical cord, symbolically severing the physical connection between mother and child. It was a bittersweet moment, for while he celebrated the arrival of a beautiful baby girl, he knew that she would face unique challenges on her journey through life.

Cradling the newborn in his weathered hands, Grand-dad's heart swelled with both joy and a profound sense of responsibility. He gently placed the tiny bundle in the young mother's arms, her awe-struck eyes filled with tears of overwhelming love and adoration. "My beautiful baby... May," she whispered softly, her voice a mixture of awe and pure maternal affection. The name was chosen with great intent, symbolizing the beauty and strength that would blossom from this child's unique circumstances. Grand-dad, too, cherished the significance of the chosen name and recognized the immense potential within this infant.

The news of the baby's arrival spread like wildfire through the family and the community. The next day, Grand-dad gathered everyone together, his voice filled with pride and happiness. With an eager smile, he announced the arrival of the newest member of their family. In that moment, the room erupted in joyous celebration, each person reveling in the miracle of life and the boundless opportunities that lay ahead for this beloved child.

See No Evil, notorious for its dark and sinister reputation, now harbored a flicker of hope and unexpected joy. With the birth of a blind baby girl, the community was confronted with a newfound perspective, a reminder of the power of resilience and the unbreakable bonds that exist within a family.
Aww! <3
I'd imagine Greg would be able to figure it out. It'd be hard to fake being blind around him. Unless you somehow kept them separate from Greg the whole time.
I'd imagine Greg would be able to figure it out. It'd be hard to fake being blind around him. Unless you somehow kept them separate from Greg the whole time.
just Imagining Greg being like "I KNOW YOUR SECRET" then Leopold (The faker) is like "What secret"
just imagining the confrontation lol
I mean, if Grand-dad is OK with it, Greg wouldn't really care. It's just another person he gets to prove he's better than. Another chance for vindication. But I imagine he would figure it out quite quickly. Given that sighted people would move differently from the blind. Greg would likely hear the confidence of their movements. A lack of brushing against objects, more sure steps, etc. I'd imagine there's a million different ways Greg would be able to figure it out.

Unless Leo is, like, a master assassin or ninja or something with specialized training to mimic the blind. Though that seems out of place, since Greg is a bit of an abnormality and not something I'd imagine most people would even think to prepare for. I'd imagine that any form of espionage would be difficult with Greg around.
Then I don't think it works out that he's been there for three years. Even though Greg's only been there a year, he would've figured it out fairly quickly. D:
I think he would try to avoid him like he had COVID but maybe they would bump into each other and think he wouldn't notice/care
I think he would try to avoid him like he had COVID but maybe they would bump into each other and think he wouldn't notice/care
Up to you how you want to handle it. But I feel like if they have too much interaction, then Greg would notice and he would tell Grand-dad. If he's been there for three years, almost four, then perhaps he just managed to avoid Greg the whole time? It's not like Greg is very stealthy. He likes for his presence to be known. And although he can gather a lot of information, sight still does have the advantage of distance. It wouldn't be easy for Greg to determine the finer details of things across the room like you can with sight.
maybe in a social gathering he bumps into him (no really physically bumping into him) and apologizes and talks to him for a bit and walks away and that kinda gives it away. but he is trying not to judge too quickly
maybe in a social gathering he bumps into him (no really physically bumping into him) and apologizes and talks to him for a bit and walks away and that kinda gives it away. but he is trying not to judge too quickly
Who's trying not to judge? Greg? Greg judges very fast. His whole persona is judgey. He judges others because he wants to compare himself to others so he can prove himself superior.

On top of that, there is still one sighted member of the cult who would have to be fooled.

I'm not so sure having a sighted mole works out very well.
Who's trying not to judge? Greg? Greg judges very fast. His whole persona is judgey. He judges others because he wants to compare himself to others so he can prove himself superior.

On top of that, there is still one sighted member of the cult who would have to be fooled.

I'm not so sure having a sighted mole works out very well.
I would've been a good idea before Greg was introduced. He could've filled the role of causing anxiety for Minerva by being good at doing things. But with Greg around it just makes it too difficult to have a regular sighted mole in the cult. At least, those are my thoughts on the matter.
I would've been a good idea before Greg was introduced. He could've filled the role of causing anxiety for Minerva by being good at doing things. But with Greg around it just makes it too difficult to have a regular sighted mole in the cult. At least, those are my thoughts on the matter.
I really like him maybe I'll find a way
StaleBread StaleBread I love Kyelee! Also, fun fact, legally blind is 20/200 corrected vision. I have 20/200 vision myself, but am not even close to being considered legally blind because it is corrected to 20/20 with glasses. Fun fact, you can become a pilot with 20/20 corrected vision, even if your vision without corrective lenses is horrid, like mine. Common misconception. :P

I also love the little scene between Abel and Kylee. I also imagine that Kylee and Minerva would be incredible friends! Also, I know, a lot of alsos, but also, Greg is actually secretly super based, so would have no issues with Kylee's transition. Also, it wouldn't even matter if she told Greg or not, he would know. Subtle hints in the voice, the way their body moved, the sounds they made, etc. Greg probably doesn't care much for Kylee, but as far as ranking people, Kylee is probably one of the people Greg likes the most. Or rather, dislikes the least.

Aww! <3
Really? Dang, that's actually p' cool though! To be in See No Evil you'd def. wouldn't be allowed with corrected vision, so it might still work- how bad is your vision without glasses(if you don't mind me asking)? I envisioned it as basically just seeing a bunch of blotches of whatever colors the things around you were, but if you're still able to see more than the shape and main color of something that'd prolly be too much vision for the cult lol

I am the freaking harbinger of 'also's' XD, I swear I've said also in nearly every interaction I've made on this site lol.
I also love the little scene between Abel and Kylee.
Thank you <3. I was gonna make it super story-esk by describing the receptionist and room more, since it's rare to get the chance to get Abel's perspective on what things look like, and what his impressions of being around a couple of willingly blind people were. But I kinda randomly decided I wanted to make Kylee's character sheet at like 2 am, and by the time I finished writing the two's interaction, it was approaching 5:30 am XD. So I decided against it lol
I also imagine that Kylee and Minerva would be incredible friends!
Yaay! I'm glad you think so too! Because with the way I plan on writing her, Kylee has the potential to become really annoying- but I didn't want her to be friendless, yaknow? I think she'll have her close-knit circle of people who truly enjoy her company(Minerva would be one of these ppl) while everyone else is a bit iffy or straight-up dislikes her. But that's okay, cause Kylee is used to haters and it rarely affects her. She couldn't give less of a crap about anything negative others have to say, which also includes well-intentioned constructive criticism. But awell XD
Also, it wouldn't even matter if she told Greg or not, he would know.
Kylee's not super secretive about herself, she's one of the types who considers nothing too personal. It's not something she'd randomly say in an introduction, but if asked, she'd have no qualms in sharing her deepest darkest moments in her life- even to a complete stranger. However, the way she'd talk about it may differ a bit between talking to a friend, stranger, or person she doesn't like. So, depending on how Minerva usually talks to people, it wouldn't be unlikely that she knows literally everything there is to know about Kylee, subtract what she ate for breakfast or something lol. And while she wouldn't feel uncomfortable with Greg knowing, she wouldn't go out of her way to give him more details.
Greg probably doesn't care much for Kylee, but as far as ranking people, Kylee is probably one of the people Greg likes the most. Or rather, dislikes the least.
Aww, how sweet! XD. Then there's a lil bit of role reversal here because Kylee hates Greg. If they've interacted a lot, in my mind it'd probably play out like passive jabs and passive-aggressive comments. Probably p' short convo's whenever they have them lol. Although she's grateful for all the help he gives to Granddad, she can't help but find his attitude upsetting and despises his seeming lack of interest in properly worshiping their Lord, despite his claim to be a follower in their faith. But depending on how the story goes, I can def. see her warming up to him and forcefully making him one of her own, prodding at him to take his devotion more seriously and such XD

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