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Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

Alrighty, got my post out. I left the people Minerva and Gregarious are interacting with vague so anyone can step in. Or not, no need one way or the other. XD
I'm on now, dunno if you are still. I'm just working out a few logic issues with my character then I'll have my cs up.
What are the rules on technology? Would our characters be allowed to have cell phones?
Z sat before his fellow cultsman, awaiting his monthly questioning.

The ancient man welcomed him as he had many times before, asking him the same redundant questions.

“You may refer to me as Z,” Z answered, not elaborating further. To the next question he answered “My time on this mortal earth is 15 years.”

The man then went on to give his own age, which did not surprise Z. He knew he was one of the younger members of the cult and he wasn’t at all self conscious about it.

“I identify as male, and I myself have no qualms with the nonbinary.”

As the man described himself, Z had a hard time matching the voice to the image.

“I am of average height for my age, not a centimeter shorter. My hair is a rich, natural black that is styled to perfection.” He began, touching his hair lightly. It was styled indeed, which was quite a lot of work when he couldn’t take off his blindfold. His mother had told him it was “perfectly pointy”, so he would have to trust it was right.

“My usual attire consists of dark, long sleeved shirts and stylishly torn jeans, and of course, my favorite black trench coat.”

After his description, he was asked how long he’d been a member.

“I’ve been here five months now, this will be my sixth.”

“I am currently Blue rank, though I suppose I wouldn’t mind moving up to Red.”

For his last question, the man asked how Z was feeling.

“How am I feeling? The great powers within our universe are shifting and shining light onto a new world and shrowding ours in darkness. I dread what will become of us.”

With the assessment complete, the man excused Z and offered him a sweet.

“No thank you, sir. Your offer is kind, but I have no use for such indulgences.” Z said as he walked to the door.

He paused for a moment in the threshold before quickly snatching a treat.

“Twix” he mumbled quickly under his breath before escaping.
I love Z! He's like an edgy version of Greg! A fact that wouldn't be lost on him. Greg would absolutely despise Z! XD I know Minerva would have no problems getting along with Z, as she generally likes everyone, no matter how weird they are. Except Greg. Greg makes her feel bad about herself simply by existing. :P Though I'm not sure how Z would feel about Minerva?

I'm also curious as to what kinds of motivations everyone's characters have for joining the cult.

As for Minerva, she was born and raised there, so she sees it as her family. I'll work on Greg a bit. Perhaps it's because he got to prove how much better than everyone else he really was. He gets to not only compare himself to other blind folk, but also the the seeing when, he, ya know, uh, assist in the removal of their sight, uh, when they mess with the members... :P
I think Z would like Minerva(Minnie?) pretty much right off the bat. Greg he'd probably be secretly scared of lol.

Z's motivation is a little shallow lol. He initially decided to join the cult for the sake of the aesthetic, but got drawn in by the belief system and sense of belonging. He doesn't actually know he's not allowed to leave yet.
Abel's been through a lot of jazz, and at one of his lower points he stumbled across a pamphlet for the organization and thought it would genuinely help him. Plus he was going through an on-again-off-again homeless situation and thought a place offering shelter and food was p' appealing
I think Z would like Minerva(Minnie?) pretty much right off the bat. Greg he'd probably be secretly scared of lol.

Z's motivation is a little shallow lol. He initially decided to join the cult for the sake of the aesthetic, but got drawn in by the belief system and sense of belonging. He doesn't actually know he's not allowed to leave yet.
Wait, are they forbidden from actually leaving the cult? Coca-Cola Coca-Cola I was under the impression they could leave, as in quit, but as part of being part of the cult they couldn't go out unsupervised without a certain rank. Speaking of rank and supervision, maybe Greg can be one of the supervisors for going out? It would give Greg a lot of opportunities to interact with the others.
Abel's been through a lot of jazz, and at one of his lower points he stumbled across a pamphlet for the organization and thought it would genuinely help him. Plus he was going through an on-again-off-again homeless situation and thought a place offering shelter and food was p' appealing
Wait wait wait wait! ... I'm cooking over here... gimme a sec! Okay, so, now hear me out, now, what if Minerva and Abel are actually kin!? Like, full on blood related?! But... BUT... they don't know it yet! :O

If Abel went through a lot of homelessness, it could be reasoned that it was due to bad parents? Or maybe Abel grew up partially/fully in the system? And those same parents literally chucked Minerva in a dumpster near the cult building?! :O

There's several ways they could find out. Perhaps the cult obtains everyone's birth certificates and the one seeing member notices the same names for the parents? OR... perhaps they have an event at the cult at one point where, maybe even just for fun, they do like a 23 and me type thing and find out they're related? :O

Ahem, /endrant.

Just a thought. No obligations at all. Just some brainstorming.

As for Minerva's motivations, it's because she was essentially born into the cult and sees it as family. So it's not so much a desire to join up, but rather no desire to leave. Greg is rather simple. He wants validation that he's better than everyone else. Being in the cult let's him obtain validation that he's better than anyone who is also deprived vision, as well as validation that he's better than sighted people too, given he "helps" rude people to see the world from the same perspective as other blind people.
Wait, are they forbidden from actually leaving the cult? Coca-Cola Coca-Cola I was under the impression they could leave, as in quit, but as part of being part of the cult they couldn't go out unsupervised without a certain rank. Speaking of rank and supervision, maybe Greg can be one of the supervisors for going out? It would give Greg a lot of opportunities to interact with the others.

Wait wait wait wait! ... I'm cooking over here... gimme a sec! Okay, so, now hear me out, now, what if Minerva and Abel are actually kin!? Like, full on blood related?! But... BUT... they don't know it yet! :O

If Abel went through a lot of homelessness, it could be reasoned that it was due to bad parents? Or maybe Abel grew up partially/fully in the system? And those same parents literally chucked Minerva in a dumpster near the cult building?! :O

There's several ways they could find out. Perhaps the cult obtains everyone's birth certificates and the one seeing member notices the same names for the parents? OR... perhaps they have an event at the cult at one point where, maybe even just for fun, they do like a 23 and me type thing and find out they're related? :O

Ahem, /endrant.

Just a thought. No obligations at all. Just some brainstorming.

As for Minerva's motivations, it's because she was essentially born into the cult and sees it as family. So it's not so much a desire to join up, but rather no desire to leave. Greg is rather simple. He wants validation that he's better than everyone else. Being in the cult let's him obtain validation that he's better than anyone who is also deprived vision, as well as validation that he's better than sighted people too, given he "helps" rude people to see the world from the same perspective as other blind people.
Though it'd be really cool if the two turned out to be related, Abel's homelessness wasn't due to bad parenting persay, but more-so due to a terrible set of events and bad decision-making.

Plus he's Portuguese, not Asian lol

If you think the info would be helpful, here's his in-detail CS. But if you want things to be a surprise later, you probs shouldn't read it. Then again, idk if half of it will ever even be brought up, depending on the circumstance and his mental state atm Abel may never feel comfortable enough to share his past jazz. At least not in detail


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Though I will say I wasn't writing it with the purpose of sharing in mind, so the formating is a bit clumpy xD
Though it'd be really cool if the two turned out to be related, Abel's homelessness wasn't due to bad parenting persay, but more-so due to a terrible set of events and bad decision-making.

Plus he's Portuguese, not Asian lol

If you think the info would be helpful, here's his in-detail CS. But if you want things to be a surprise later, you probs shouldn't read it. Then again, idk if half of it will ever even be brought up, depending on the circumstance and his mental state atm Abel may never feel comfortable enough to share his past jazz. At least not in detail

Though I will say I wasn't writing it with the purpose of sharing in mind, so the formating is a bit clumpy xD
No worries! I don't really think of it as spoilers because this is information that could be useful in the story. For example, I can see in my head a moment when some peeps are poking fun at Abel's accent, saying, "What the hell accent is that?" And Greg casually mentioning it to the bullies that it's Portuguese, since, I mean, it's Greg, of course he'd pick up on that. This suggesting of course that he knew the entire time and never once using it against Abel. Perhaps little moments like that can help Abel, or even the other members, to warm up to him like the good tsundere he is! <3

Hmm. Yeah, their race would be an issue, since we made them before thinking about being related. Ah, well, just a thought anyways. On that note, There's not a whole lot of room for trauma for Minerva. She would have some hangups over being a dumpster baby, but that would also just be a story to her. She wouldn't have any memories of it. Hmm, perhaps I can think of some trauma that happened at the cult. Oh, maybe something to do with some brigands messing with cult members. Yeah! I'm gunna stew on it.

Greg on the other hand... He's ripe for trauma! Of course, he's way too cool to let it bother him! Or rather, to let anyone know/see that it bothers him! :D I'll stew on him too. Oh yeah, I'm gunna fuck Greg up real good! >:D
No worries! I don't really think of it as spoilers because this is information that could be useful in the story. For example, I can see in my head a moment when some peeps are poking fun at Abel's accent, saying, "What the hell accent is that?" And Greg casually mentioning it to the bullies that it's Portuguese, since, I mean, it's Greg, of course he'd pick up on that. This suggesting of course that he knew the entire time and never once using it against Abel. Perhaps little moments like that can help Abel, or even the other members, to warm up to him like the good tsundere he is! <3

Hmm. Yeah, their race would be an issue, since we made them before thinking about being related. Ah, well, just a thought anyways. On that note, There's not a whole lot of room for trauma for Minerva. She would have some hangups over being a dumpster baby, but that would also just be a story to her. She wouldn't have any memories of it. Hmm, perhaps I can think of some trauma that happened at the cult. Oh, maybe something to do with some brigands messing with cult members. Yeah! I'm gunna stew on it.

Greg on the other hand... He's ripe for trauma! Of course, he's way too cool to let it bother him! Or rather, to let anyone know/see that it bothers him! :D I'll stew on him too. Oh yeah, I'm gunna fuck Greg up real good! >:D
I keep trying to make a mental note to illude more to Abel's accent when I write him, but keep forgetting XD. He covers it p' well, so it would only show more if he was taking really fast, or got surprised, or something like that. Kinda missed an opportunity to have it slip a bit when he was caught off guard after stepping on Greg's coat. We'll just have'ta pretend I wrote that his initial "S-sorry!" had a bit of an odd pronunciation to it. I can edit it in actually! Gosh, this site is so snazzy.

But I really like that idea with Greg XD, I ADORE the types of characters that are all 'I'm above all this garbage' and then behind the scenes we glimpse them being bothered by all the garbage.

And oof, can't wait to see what you decide for Minerva!!
Okay, now that the rp is officially starting, I do have some questions I just wanna get cleared up, Coca-Cola Coca-Cola . They aren't super important for my character or anything, but knowing can help me lead my character in a certain direction to help forward the plot or something so he doesn't get too left behind XD.

1: Is there a set-in-stone direction you're planning on taking the story? Or an end goal of some kind?
1.5: If so, does it at all involve police or law enforcement? If it does, are we allowed to play some law enforcement characters, or will that make forwarding the plot too difficult?
1.6: If there isn't an end goal, or it's something that's just an idea and not concrete just yet- did you want our help brainstorming key points and storyline ideas? Or would you rather keep that to yourself and just tell us to do certain things here and there to keep us from straying too far from the point?
1.7: Would you mind sharing some of the key points you want to get to, if you have any?
2: At any point in the rp, will the supernatural be involved?
3: Will there be a high risk of character death at some point?
4: If a member of the cult tried to leave without supervision, would they be greatly admonished? Kicked out?
5: This was asked earlier, but I have yet to see the reply so imma ask too, are the members allowed to simply quit the cult? Like, without any repercussions? Or would they simply be hunted down later and killed? Especially the higher ranks that would have important details on the cult's various *ahems* activities, would they be allowed to simply... leave?
6: Do all higher-ranked members go on their little excursions, or is it just a select few that're picked by Granddad?

There's no rush to answer them all, it's not anything time-sensitive or anything that's going to happen in the immediate future. I'm just a bit curious :)
I keep trying to make a mental note to illude more to Abel's accent when I write him, but keep forgetting XD. He covers it p' well, so it would only show more if he was taking really fast, or got surprised, or something like that. Kinda missed an opportunity to have it slip a bit when he was caught off guard after stepping on Greg's coat. We'll just have'ta pretend I wrote that his initial "S-sorry!" had a bit of an odd pronunciation to it. I can edit it in actually! Gosh, this site is so snazzy.

But I really like that idea with Greg XD, I ADORE the types of characters that are all 'I'm above all this garbage' and then behind the scenes we glimpse them being bothered by all the garbage.

And oof, can't wait to see what you decide for Minerva!!
Ah, no worries. Even if it's hidden well, Greg is just that good. Normally I stick clear from sorta all-powerful characters, but the whole point of Greg is to be so good that it creates anxiety for Minerva, who is otherwise doing peachy. His excellence directly undermines Minerva's confidence. So you don't even need to have it slip out much, if at all. Greg can tell the difference between someone who's only ever had one accent, and one that's transitioned.
Okay, now that the rp is officially starting, I do have some questions I just wanna get cleared up, Coca-Cola Coca-Cola . They aren't super important for my character or anything, but knowing can help me lead my character in a certain direction to help forward the plot or something so he doesn't get too left behind XD.

1: Is there a set-in-stone direction you're planning on taking the story? Or an end goal of some kind?
1.5: If so, does it at all involve police or law enforcement? If it does, are we allowed to play some law enforcement characters, or will that make forwarding the plot too difficult?
1.6: If there isn't an end goal, or it's something that's just an idea and not concrete just yet- did you want our help brainstorming key points and storyline ideas? Or would you rather keep that to yourself and just tell us to do certain things here and there to keep us from straying too far from the point?
1.7: Would you mind sharing some of the key points you want to get to, if you have any?
2: At any point in the rp, will the supernatural be involved?
3: Will there be a high risk of character death at some point?
4: If a member of the cult tried to leave without supervision, would they be greatly admonished? Kicked out?
5: This was asked earlier, but I have yet to see the reply so imma ask too, are the members allowed to simply quit the cult? Like, without any repercussions? Or would they simply be hunted down later and killed? Especially the higher ranks that would have important details on the cult's various *ahems* activities, would they be allowed to simply... leave?
6: Do all higher-ranked members go on their little excursions, or is it just a select few that're picked by Granddad?

There's no rush to answer them all, it's not anything time-sensitive or anything that's going to happen in the immediate future. I'm just a bit curious :)
Excellent questions! I second these.
Ah, no worries. Even if it's hidden well, Greg is just that good. Normally I stick clear from sorta all-powerful characters, but the whole point of Greg is to be so good that it creates anxiety for Minerva, who is otherwise doing peachy. His excellence directly undermines Minerva's confidence. So you don't even need to have it slip out much, if at all. Greg can tell the difference between someone who's only ever had one accent, and one that's transitioned.

Excellent questions! I second these.
Honesty, I think having characters like Greg, who're good at everything/are naturally talented are good to have! It'd be different if everyone decided they wanted to play a character like that, because then the point of their initial existence is kinda dulled, but having just one or two makes the story more interesting and versatile!

Like, if it was a type of story where all the characters struggled with external things like studying, fighting, exercising it would be easy for everyone to end up focusing exclusively on those things. But with a character like Greg, we'd experience the things the others struggle with through the lense of someone who simply see's them as chores. Leaving room for the player to expand on what their other priorities may be and potentially creating future turn points simply by their characters presence.

Plus you write both your characters p' well so I don't think you'll take him in a direction that he'll become annoying narritivaly rather than just personally. XD
Honesty, I think having characters like Greg, who're good at everything/are naturally talented are good to have! It'd be different if everyone decided they wanted to play a character like that, because then the point of their initial existence is kinda dulled, but having just one or two makes the story more interesting and versatile!

Like, if it was a type of story where all the characters struggled with external things like studying, fighting, exercising it would be easy for everyone to end up focusing exclusively on those things. But with a character like Greg, we'd experience the things the others struggle with through the lense of someone who simply see's them as chores. Leaving room for the player to expand on what their other priorities may be and potentially creating future turn points simply by their characters presence.

Plus you write both your characters p' well so I don't think you'll take him in a direction that he'll become annoying narritivaly rather than just personally. XD
Very well said! A problem that arises during rp, especially in groups, more so ones focused on combat, are people creating characters known as Gary Stu and Mary Sue. These are god-like characters. They can't be beat, have an answer for every solution, and are generally one-dimensional. Pretty frowned upon. Greg is pretty close to fitting that description, but he was also created entirely for Minerva and to supplement her as a character, so that's why I allowed myself that.

But you're right, he can also serve a similar purpose for the other characters. Especially for those that struggle with insecurity when comparing themselves to others, since no one can really compete with Greg.

Also, this isn't really a combat focused rp, so it's also not as big a problem. Not that super-powerful god-like characters don't serve their purpose in stories, just that they are generally frowned upon for players to use as their characters for roleplay purposes.
Very well said! A problem that arises during rp, especially in groups, more so ones focused on combat, are people creating characters known as Gary Stu and Mary Sue. These are god-like characters. They can't be beat, have an answer for every solution, and are generally one-dimensional. Pretty frowned upon. Greg is pretty close to fitting that description, but he was also created entirely for Minerva and to supplement her as a character, so that's why I allowed myself that.

But you're right, he can also serve a similar purpose for the other characters. Especially for those that struggle with insecurity when comparing themselves to others, since no one can really compete with Greg.

Also, this isn't really a combat focused rp, so it's also not as big a problem. Not that super-powerful god-like characters don't serve their purpose in stories, just that they are generally frowned upon for players to use as their characters for roleplay purposes.
Yeah, I can see why they'd be looked down upon. But I think it's really about being respectful to the other players. Greg was made for the purpose of support, like you said, so it doesn't feel like godmodding. :)

Also, I'm not really someone who cares much for combat heavy stories. Like, a scene here and there is fine, but after a while it does get kinda boring to me XD. That's not to say I think the genre is bad or anything, it's just not my cup of tea, yaknow?
So you probs won't see me around any arena type rp's in the near future xD
Yeah, I can see why they'd be looked down upon. But I think it's really about being respectful to the other players. Greg was made for the purpose of support, like you said, so it doesn't feel like godmodding. :)

Also, I'm not really someone who cares much for combat heavy stories. Like, a scene here and there is fine, but after a while it does get kinda boring to me XD. That's not to say I think the genre is bad or anything, it's just not my cup of tea, yaknow?
So you probs won't see me around any arena type rp's in the near future xD
I have a thing for superpowered rps. :P It's fun thinking of new and unique powers. They tend to be combat heavy. :P Although, I've done plenty that had little to no combat at all. Kinda fun to create stories for people with powers that doesn't involve combat.
I have a thing for superpowered rps. :P It's fun thinking of new and unique powers. They tend to be combat heavy. :P Although, I've done plenty that had little to no combat at all. Kinda fun to create stories for people with powers that doesn't involve combat.
Yeah, that does sound p' fun!
Can we use this instead of the PM for chatting? It's easier for me to navigate since all the links are at the top. :P

Also, hello everyone! :D
Can we use this instead of the PM for chatting? It's easier for me to navigate since all the links are at the top. :P

Also, hello everyone! :D
Okie, to sum it up
-cupcakes are good
-Cola went to dentist, no cavaties
-I think you should post next in the IC

Also, me and Cola talked in dms and we have a rough idea for how we want the story to go(doesn't have to be followed exactly), if you want the point by point, I'll send it to you in dm's as to not spoil anyone who doesn't want to be :)

Same goes for anyone else who wants it! Just dm me and I'll send it to ya
Okie, to sum it up
-cupcakes are good
-Cola went to dentist, no cavaties
-I think you should post next in the IC

Also, me and Cola talked in dms and we have a rough idea for how we want the story to go(doesn't have to be followed exactly), if you want the point by point, I'll send it to you in dm's as to not spoil anyone who doesn't want to be :)

Same goes for anyone else who wants it! Just dm me and I'll send it to ya
Oh, lol. I got all that already. :P I mean, it's easier for me to come read here and then click on the link above for the ic to post. Otherwise I have to navigate to it by searching through my notifications. D:

And yeah, you can share it! I've also been messaging Cola, but, that's a secret! :D

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