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Fantasy Mess Hall (OOC)

WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian

Working on my Orivae post, and cleaning up the general lore stuff in the near future

  • Putting in the Lore entry for Coprini. Long overdue
  • Putting in the Lore entry for Diederick. Long overdue
  • Copy/Pasting Lore entries between Pirate and Orivae that are consistent. Example, the God and magic stuff, but NOT the specific RP stuff like locations and story information
  • Deleting the useless entries


I'm gonna change up the terminology for referring to the Gods. Instead of going Daedric Lord to Daedric King to Daedric Emperor, I'm gonna keep it consistent with how the Holy Gods do it. They'll ALL go by Daedric Lords and I'll just attach High/Elder/Ancient. So Diederick will go from Daedric King of Pride to High Lord of Pride. It's easier to remember. I will apply this to the Draconian side as well so Elewynn's title will change a bit. Or I'll just promote her since she is literally the ruler of the Dragons of Avalon. Might play it out in a brief side thing with Demi attending and wanting to bring Nancy, Ves, and Sebas. It COULD be one of few times Nancy can see Nellie without consequence. I'll debate about it because
I might use it to show how favored Nancy is and how scorned the Goddess is right now. I can also use it to create more lore entries about the Pantheons

Regardless, as I flesh things out more while lowering the scale of magic in general, I want to make them more consistent across Divinity Law while keeping them different in terms of culture

So much to write out
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Yeah, that's quite a lot! Sorry for not getting on that Coprini ref. Looking at my WIPs it doesn't look like I've written anything extra from what I've shared already. But I'll try to have her in the forefront to give suggestions.
Still have to do Vlad and Nellie's ref... eh. I think I'm overthinking stuff in them. I should put in the basic stuff and flesh it out as needed over time.

Might play it out in a brief side thing with Demi attending and wanting to bring Nancy, Ves, and Sebas. It COULD be one of few times Nancy can see Nellie without consequence. I'll debate about it because
I might use it to show how favored Nancy is and how scorned the Goddess is right now. I can also use it to create more lore entries about the Pantheons

Oh yes yes, I love this idea. Just the general idea of attending a fancy God party because I've wondered what that might look like. Also because Nancy deserves the special treatment, he's a special boy (Ves too).

A note for the Orivae post:
Right after the Goddess's appearance, Nellie spent all night building an ice castle over the old castle ruins. It's... very crude, and more a "castle" in idea than anything. But it was something for Nellie to take her anger out in a constructive way. Vlad will be the first to visit her there the morning after, which I'll play out in my post.

Anyways, you got plenty of time. I was already going to let you know, but I'm still having a bit of difficulty writing. Stretched out in a lot of places right now. Also my work SUCKS ASS SO BAD right now, to the point of looking for a new job. That's fun!
So I might trim down my posts in general so things can progress. Still quality, but less beefy.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
I know you said you were just debating the promotion thing, but I'm completely obsessed with the idea and haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I'd love to see Avalon (assuming it would take place there) and get more lore on Demi's upbringing. I'd love to see more of how Divinity interacts with each other when not in a court case or at each others throats in some way. Nancy and Nellie having the chance to see each other would be very healing for both of them, to meet in better circumstances rather than the last time they saw each other being the literal worst day of their lives. They would have the reassurance that they ARE as okay as they said they'd be.

Who tf would invite Nellie though, lmao, she knows nobody. Unless it's the Goddess. In that case, why would there be no consequences for them meeting, is it the special occasion?
Regardless, Nancy and Goddess meeting would be UNBEARABLY awkward and I want it. I know exactly what Nancy would say to her too. Rubbing my grubby hands together like an evil plotting fly while thinking about it.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
I know you said you were just debating the promotion thing, but I'm completely obsessed with the idea and haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I'd love to see Avalon (assuming it would take place there) and get more lore on Demi's upbringing. I'd love to see more of how Divinity interacts with each other when not in a court case or at each others throats in some way. Nancy and Nellie having the chance to see each other would be very healing for both of them, to meet in better circumstances rather than the last time they saw each other being the literal worst day of their lives. They would have the reassurance that they ARE as okay as they said they'd be.

Who tf would invite Nellie though, lmao, she knows nobody. Unless it's the Goddess. In that case, why would there be no consequences for them meeting, is it the special occasion?
Regardless, Nancy and Goddess meeting would be UNBEARABLY awkward and I want it. I know exactly what Nancy would say to her too. Rubbing my grubby hands together like an evil plotting fly while thinking about it.
I do like the idea as well. I really want to show the Goddess's shame because only through that will I show her remorse. Plus, giving insight to the Fae will be pretty beneficial. Let's make it happen. It's officially on the slate. I'll add Avalon to the slate of things whose Lore I have to write up. I'm pretty damn excited though since I can completely separate the Pirate stuff from the Divine in general

  • Demi- Arnold, Nancy, Ves- Her dad and her two close friends, coordinated with the Goddess to prevent double-dipping
  • Goddess- Nellie, Mariah, Sebas/Girls- Her Scion, her Angel, and her essential experimental trio. Her attempt to show herself as innovative as a Goddess. As scorned as she is, maybe she can bridge the gap between Holy and Daedric as the Fae and Draconic have done

Scenario: The Dragon Elewynn will officially be promoted to the position of Dragao Supremo of the Fae, one step below Draco Ultimata. A party and and Supremo Ritual to take place in Avalon in the Court of the Elder Dragon Elewynn (her retconned title). She wants her followers to provide most of the personnel since she's Ascending to a position most of them will no longer have contact with her so she wants to see as many of them as possible. She's essentially the President of the Dragons at this point, the only thing under her is the ruler of all Dragons, of which there is only one. She is IMPORTANT

Not final, but the draft phase. If you got any ideas, let me know
I really want to show the Goddess's shame because only through that will I show her remorse.

Let's hope that her shame comes across as genuine remorse over hurting her kids and not because she looks bad in front of the cool kids 👍

I can't say if this will be the deciding factor in whether or not Nancy dissents. Tbh, that ship might have already sailed. Goddess will have to do something pretty drastic or significant to show that she's willing to fight for them, and for THEM over what she can get out of them.
As of now though, no amount of genuine love excuses how she treats her followers like assets. It's just taking Nancy a while to see that because his entire worldview has been shattered (Elaina deconvert him now now now now). And tens of other reasons.

... Ves, please don't do anything stupid in front of the Goddess, I know you hate her. As funny as it would be to spill some red drink on her dress-- just saying, not suggesting anything (lying, it would be so fucking funny)

Also, Nellie will want to bring Vlad with her. Dunno if his probation is like a "needs extremely good reason to NOT have him shadow Nellie" thing, but she will insist. She needs her moral support advisor to help make sure she doesn't make any social blunders in front of Divinity.

I'm assuming this scene will take place in the Orivae RP, and Pirate will be having its own thing during?
Dunno if his probation is like a "needs extremely good reason to NOT have him shadow Nellie" thing, but she will insist.
It most definitely is, and this falls into one of those criteria. The Goddess does NOT want Vlad to come and will grant that exception so he doesn't come

Nellie will have to convince the Goddess to allow him since his standing in her eyes is "Nellie is the only reason I haven't killed you yet", but so long as Nellie doesn't make any threats (ie. "I won't go if Vlad can't go") it will be fine. It will require a commune since the invitation will come via Mariah

I'm assuming this scene will take place in the Orivae RP, and Pirate will be having its own thing during?
Yup. Time will be passing so we'll divert Orivae while letting Pirate keep going the course to Kaer Lyon. We'll pull our Coronation cast into Orivae right after the Basenjis set sail.
Nellie won't make those kinds of threats here, especially if she knew Nancy would be there. Nellie will give up anything if it means a chance to see Nancy without any consequences. More so she'd want Vlad to come so he can see Nancy too. But her reasoning to the Goddess would be the want of an advisor because she's so lost in Divine affairs. Mariah can't be trailing behind her the whole time to make sure she doesn't fuck up.
... and Nellie wouldn't heed much of what Mariah says anyway. Reasons (that I'm trying not to spill yet)

We'll pull our Coronation cast into Orivae right after the Basenjis set sail.

So soon? Like, this day IC, or somewhere at the start of the Basenjis trip?

Mainly because Nancy is falling ill at this time, though maybe that wouldn't matter if the event takes place through a commune.
I did also really want Nellie and Goddess to have their talk sooner, but... then again, maybe the heightening resentment and bitterness could lead to some interesting drama during the event. Nellie is barely hanging on right now, and the longer she's around the Goddess without speaking her mind on what happened to Nancy, the more likely she's gonna explode.
So soon? Like, this day IC, or somewhere at the start of the Basenjis trip?
It will be the next day since they're setting sail today

Mainly because Nancy is falling ill at this time, though maybe that wouldn't matter if the event takes place through a commune.
Oh no, it's not a commune. They're physically going to Avalon for this. They will see the world in person

I did also really want Nellie and Goddess to have their talk sooner, but... then again, maybe the heightening resentment and bitterness could lead to some interesting drama during the event. Nellie is barely hanging on right now, and the longer she's around the Goddess without speaking her mind on what happened to Nancy, the more likely she's gonna explode.
It is best hashed out before the event, because......... If she explodes at the Goddess at the event, in the presence of a bunch of other Gods, execution is on the table and that decision would be made by either Elewynn herself or the highest ranking God present. In other words, it's suicide

They can have that talk when Nellie asks to have Vlad accompany her. It won't be rushed because that talk is pretty important
So the INVITATION is the commune, then? Sorry if I'm misunderstanding.

I don't know if I want Nancy potentially getting Nellie sick. I suppose I could postpone that whole thing, but you already made the setup for it.
Eh... I'll just postpone it. Let the incubation period take longer, but show signs of deteriorating during it. If he gets Nellie sick, it won't be because he knowingly brought sickness with him.

It is best hashed out before the event, because......... If she explodes at the Goddess at the event, in the presence of a bunch of other Gods, execution is on the table and that decision would be made by either Elewynn herself or the highest ranking God present. In other words, it's suicide

They can have that talk when Nellie asks to have Vlad accompany her. It won't be rushed because that talk is pretty important

Jesus. "Have an emotional breakdown in front of important people? Die."

They could have the talk beforehand. Alternatively, getting to be with Nancy would put her in a better mood. Regardless, I won't let her have an outburst at the party. If it's not literal suicide, it would be political suicide anyway with her current standing with the Gods.
Goddess will give Mariah the invitation to give to Nellie. Nellie will have to Commune to ask if Vlad can come. There they can have their talk

I don't know if I want Nancy potentially getting Nellie sick. I suppose I could postpone that whole thing, but you already made the setup for it.
Eh... I'll just postpone it. Let the incubation period take longer, but show signs of deteriorating during it. If he gets Nellie sick, it won't be because he knowingly brought sickness with him.
I can make it a thing where a sickness or disease doesn't progress or spread across different realms unless there's a Spell, Curse, or Ordination that kickstarts it. It effectively represses the illness while in a different realm. Doesn't stop the effects, just the progress/spread. It keeps diseases unique to their realm, and it's honestly a measure that the Gods would probably take to prevent the Black Death x5

"Have an emotional breakdown in front of important people? Die."
It would go something like this:

"How dare you speak like that to the one who gave you your Gift, you ungrateful unworthy wench?! Regret your actions as you watch your body from a bird's eye view."
-Diederick, before he beheads Nellie

If not literal suicide, she would be beaten by palace guards and then legally Stripped of her Divine Favor. That's best case scenario lmao if they don't want to expose Elewynn to gore on her special day. Definitely we need to do it before the event
Goddess will give Mariah the invitation to give to Nellie. Nellie will have to Commune to ask if Vlad can come. There they can have their talk

Ohhh ok lmao, sorry. Brainfart

I can make it a thing where a sickness or disease doesn't progress or spread across different realms unless there's a Spell, Curse, or Ordination that kickstarts it. It effectively represses the illness while in a different realm. Doesn't stop the effects, just the progress/spread. It keeps diseases unique to their realm, and it's honestly a measure that the Gods would probably take to prevent the Black Death x5

This could work. Since the sickness isn't Null, at the very least it should be rendered inactive once it exits his body (preventing spread).
I'll still change it to where he's not feeling the full effects this IC day. He'll still want to talk to Elaina about work, though she'll be able to tell he looks like he's deteriorating. Dr. Laylah will definitely be able to tell.
Mainly because I don't want him looking like complete shit at the party, lmao. Just shit enough.

"How dare you speak like that to the one who gave you your Gift, you ungrateful unworthy wench?! Regret your actions as you watch your body from a bird's eye view."
-Diederick, before he beheads Nellie

I see, I see. It's less having a meltdown in front of important people, and more so it being Nellie.
On a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being the Goddess and 10 being Nancy, how little is Nellie favored atm?

Anyways, I'm not sure if Nellie will want to talk about EVERYTHING before the party. At the very least, she wants to know why tf she hasn't been given a punishment for Sloth yet (she suspects why). But I promise she won't explode during it, lol. She has the sense to not make a fool of herself at something so important.

If anything, she'll excuse herself away for a moment to deal with her emotions privately. I actually have an idea for this if it comes to pass.

I'm almost a third of the way done with my post. It's taking a while because this past week had a lot going on, bleh
I see, I see. It's less having a meltdown in front of important people, and more so it being Nellie.
On a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being the Goddess and 10 being Nancy, how little is Nellie favored atm?
Nellie is sitting at like a 4. The Gods don't dislike her, but she is both Illegitimate and pending Punishment. They are more wary of her since she's not exactly a faithful devoted. She is doing what she is assigned due to what happened with Nancy, not because she is devoted to her Goddess. Nellie would have to prove herself to the Gods to actually gain their favor. Plus, since she hasn't done her punishment for Sloth yet, that is taken into consideration.

They feel like bad actions from the Goddess will result in bad actions from Nellie, BUT there are some Daedric Lords who would be willing to lend an ear. Most notably Darcel the Daedric Lord of the New Moon, Qaran (pronounced Karen), the Daedric Lady of Independence, and "The Frostbitten" Isulder (EE-Suul-Duur), High Lord of the Arctic. There's also Barret the Bold, Elder Lord of Defiance

For the Draconic and Fae, the options are Chillspike the Ice Dragon (Unseated), Seat #6 Tindra of the Glacia Realm (Fae equivalent of a High God), and Amphorn the Free, Neutral Dragon (Unseated). Unseated is the equivalent of a God like Mariana)
I'm almost a third of the way done with my post. It's taking a while because this past week had a lot going on, bleh
No rush
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
I felt like it'd be at worst a negative neutral, yeah. Nothing she did was malicious, just showing her ignorance on how things work. It's good to see that she might have other options should she prove herself, I was a little concerned that she might have completely blown her chances. I wouldn't wanna be stuck serving someone who fucked me over (and pushed blame on the person who tried to rectify said fuck-up).
Not that Nellie can't leave at any time, but if I'm understanding correctly, it would be better if she had the option to convert. She absolutely CAN prove herself if she plays her cards right, and can be just as devoted as Nancy is (was?). But it can't be the Goddess. Nellie will never forgive Her, and any trust she had is gone. Oops!
Oh yeah, Nellie can most definitely convert after she proves herself. However, she is bound to serve the Goddess at least until Cordelia is complete. The reasons why, if you don't know, should be asked IC. Either to a NOT Mariana God at the Coronation or to the Witch herself through Josephine.

The Coronation is a good time for Nellie to try her hand at networking, especially since she is inexperienced. The more honest and social she is, the better. Same with Nancy. Sebas will also be given the option since he is kind of in the same boat as Nellie, as in pulled in against his will, but he won't be leaving the Goddess unless she fucks up enough to make Orabelle Dissent, which.......... If the Goddess does that, she would deserve to lose her Godhood

Inter-Pantheon events don't happen often. There is the potential for quite a lot to happen (and a FUCK TON of lore in general). I dove down a Dryad rabbit hole in the lore section which I might bring into play since I dove into that rabbit hole. Regardless, there will be a few new characters. For Pirate or Orivae, I don't know yet. This can absolutely change the trajectory of the RP if you do the correct things
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian

P.S. If you want to test the waters of the Goddess's devotion to the Twins out of nowhere, feel free. I just can't guarantee an outcome either way. Mariana knows fully that she can potentially lose the Twins. While it's not a desired outcome, it is a fathomable outcome to her. I'll give you a warning if they did something that treaded on some hot coals (Danger or otherwise). Just know, she IS an authority figure to both the twins besides Parental (Nellie because Scion, Nancy because Punishment)
Last edited:
Yeah. Networking for the twins is another big reason why I wanted to do this. Also the huge lore potential, but I think I already said that. I am curious to see what your characters will get out of this too (Arnold, Sebas, Ves especially).
Options are the best thing the twins can get right now. But we will see how it all plays out.

Oh yeah, Coprini will bring someone... special. Maybe several special someones, still figuring it out. It relates to Zeltzin wanting to give assistance to the twins.
(It's not Zeltzin attending, 'cause she's dead as dicks)

P.S. If you want to test the waters of the Goddess's devotion to the Twins out of nowhere, feel free. I just can't guarantee an outcome either way. Mariana knows fully that she can potentially lose the Twins. While it's not a desired outcome, it is a fathomable outcome to her. I'll give you a warning if they did something that treaded on some hot coals (Danger or otherwise). Just know, she IS an authority figure to both the twins besides Parental (Nellie because Scion, Nancy because Punishment)

Oh yeah I will, lmao. I'm happy to continue griefing her. She needs to get her head straight and figure out what she wants, too.
I do appreciate warnings though. I helps me figure out what I want (narratively) and not get too jumpscared by a particularly harsh consequence I didn't intend for.
The whole "being trapped under an authority figure who can and will abuse you" is a pretty touchy subject for me. Especially when it involves religion + parental authority, with the added complication of the person having genuine love but being so fucking bad at loving.

Not to get hyperspecific about my trauma, lmao. Obviously I don't want to avoid these themes entirely, but I do still get a raw reaction from it. So the ample warning of "hey, this really bad shit might happen if your character does this/continues to do this" would help a ton
But anyways, I don't have any expectations for Mariana. I have several outcomes planned for whatever she ends up doing. And whether the twins dissent or not hangs ENTIRELY on her actions going forward. Other characters can influence them, but it won't make or break their choice in the end.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
I was gonna write a lot more, but shiiiit I just wanted it done at that point. I'll give more on what Fergie and Bogrum did (and are doing) my next post.

I dunno if the Padtoles stuff is still happening since the guy hasn't been online since May, it looks like. But I thought I'd just set it up so it can happen in tandem if it does happen at all.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Despite how quickly I banged out that post, I haven't typed a word for the Orivae one, lmao. Despite knowing exactly what I want to write, I'm intimidated by writing another three-parter, so I've been procrastinating.
Regardless, it should be done by the end of this week since I'm getting my flow back.
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian
I know the feeling. I had to take a rest after writing out that time skip post, then another after the Orivae one

Luckily since they were time skips, I don't have to write any more walls of text any time soon....... Until I have to start world-building Avalon
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
I've been helping my partner out with some health issues that've cropped up, so that post is gonna have to wait a little longer than expected 😬
Do your thing. Hope your partner comes out well on the other end of things, so you don't got much to think through when you come back. As always, real life comes first. This is a fun thing that hopefully doesn't become a chore
Do your thing. Hope your partner comes out well on the other end of things, so you don't got much to think through when you come back. As always, real life comes first. This is a fun thing that hopefully doesn't become a chore
Thank you, but they'll be alright! The recovery is just obstructive to daily life so they need a helping hand. I'll keep chipping away at that post when I got the time tho.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
I realized that I know almost nothing about Mariana's doctrine or teachings, and how followers should conduct their lives. Which is kinda important for Nancy, lmao, since that will have dictated a lot of his actions and even "personality" to a degree. I only really need to know what her doctrine was pre-Void, as what's changed will reveal itself as we RP anyway.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

Egh, torn between leaving Nancy's dialogue in or cutting it out because I realized he doesn't want to draw attention to himself, like, period. I guess if you had something written/planned out already I don't wanna make you discard that
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian

I'm still in the beginning stage of writing the post so you can still edit at your leisure. Sebas's dialog was going to be along the lines of "You counted barrels, Nancy. Settle down." Just with a demeanor NOT irritated because Nancy actually did something right
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian

I'm still in the beginning stage of writing the post so you can still edit at your leisure. Sebas's dialog was going to be along the lines of "You counted barrels, Nancy. Settle down." Just with a demeanor NOT irritated because Nancy actually did something right

I'll leave it in. It shows Nancy regressing into old habits. Also I get amusement from making Sebas deal with this tangled bundle of nerves

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