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Fantasy Mess Hall (OOC)

Kylesar1 Kylesar1

Sorry for being dumb earlier, I'm having a real hard time understanding people today, lmao.

Anyways, in regards to the eventual timeskip: Fergie will get to Triton's Tridents this evening... eventually. First I want to arrange a brief interaction between her and Nancy-- to kick off part of the plot-- and the best way I see it happening is if Nancy shoos Ves away so he can talk with Steven there alone. I imagine Steven will get pretty intense regardless of what Nancy says, and since Fergie is making way to the Commerce District anyway, she'll hear that shit and try to shut it down. I image Steven pisses her off in general because she hates religious bullshittery (her words, not mine).

It doesn't have to happen that way, but that's an easy option assuming Steven reacts the way I expect and Ves actually allows Nancy to talk alone. I just gotta have the two meet in some way that doesn't feel too contrived, and preferably before the timeskip.
You're good. No problem on my end

That works, though due to Jack's words, Steven is gonna back down a bit. Not like he'll just relent, but he's not gonna ream Nancy to hell and back. It isn't worth pissing off Jack. His words were effective to both Ves and Steven

Ves can't be around though, so I can have her go off with Demi, since she's about to attempt meeting up with them
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

Good, because if Fergie heard someone verbally beating the shit out of someone who looks on the verge of tears, they're getting a hearty smack to the back of the head. She's a mean bitch, but she's got her limits. Like Sebas, emotional abuse pisses her off more than physical.
... Just a warning for the future, lol.
Speaking of emotional abuse, I am interested in a continuation of her and Duradel's stint. I have some ideas.

Anyways, nice. Nancy will leave some encouraging words for Ves and pray (in vain) that he doesn't have another panic attack in front of Steven.
Oh shit, I just realized that we passed the 4 year mark. How in the world did we manage to keep this going for so long, I've never been in a RP that consistently kept on as long as this
Oh shit, I just realized that we passed the 4 year mark. How in the world did we manage to keep this going for so long, I've never been in a RP that consistently kept on as long as this
That's how I do it. I like long term. I had one last 3 years right before this one. Novels aren't written in a day. That, and we have lives outside of this lmao. I got document's worth of lore to potentially add in. I just have to make sure I don't fuck up the LORE already established

For example. I have a being called Karma. Intersex, split into 3 part. Male, Female, Ungendered. I'll get a LORE story, but the male and female split apart. Born with both parts, but split. Male became Amark and the female, Krama (Holy and Daedric respectively). The overall? Karma, the Collector (Neutral, higher power than the others, controls them). Ungendered, just justice. Instant Karma, long term karma. When Karma comes to collect, they COLLECT.

Maybe Coprini has a problem with Karma allowing instant injustice to Nancy, but she has to take it up with the duo before she meets the Collector (specifically the Daedric bad karma). The male and female are the same level. The Ungendered is the higher level who simply collects, which is implements the BS. That gives rise to "No good deed goes unpunished" and "Karma comes to collect." and "Silver lining in every grey cloud." Maybe Coprini or Zeltzan can reverse Nancy's fate when they have to get the truly neutral party involved

That is, of course, just a concept

Still. Overall from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate you sticking with it this long. Damn good player, who makes damn good post, contributes to the LORE as well. A player who doesn't fuck up the LORE is pretty rare, given the nature of creative difference. You've upheld it and I would like to think that I've given you that creative space within those bounds to do what you want within the world
That's how I do it. I like long term. I had one last 3 years right before this one. Novels aren't written in a day. That, and we have lives outside of this lmao. I got document's worth of lore to potentially add in. I just have to make sure I don't fuck up the LORE already established

I do like long-form. I suppose I technically have RPs that have lasted very long-- over 10 years for some-- but those are more like RP concepts that me and my friends keep revisiting every once in a while. Before this I haven't had one that has consistently gone on without pause, save for the occasional week or month-long blip.

For example. I have a being called Karma. Intersex, split into 3 part. Male, Female, Ungendered. I'll get a LORE story, but the male and female split apart. Born with both parts, but split. Male became Amark and the female, Krama (Holy and Daedric respectively). The overall? Karma, the Collector (Neutral, higher power than the others, controls them). Ungendered, just justice. Instant Karma, long term karma. When Karma comes to collect, they COLLECT.

Maybe Coprini has a problem with Karma allowing instant injustice to Nancy, but she has to take it up with the duo before she meets the Collector (specifically the Daedric bad karma). The male and female are the same level. The Ungendered is the higher level who simply collects, which is implements the BS. That gives rise to "No good deed goes unpunished" and "Karma comes to collect." and "Silver lining in every grey cloud." Maybe Coprini or Zeltzan can reverse Nancy's fate when they have to get the truly neutral party involved

That is, of course, just a concept

Hm! I like where this is going. I have some thoughts turning over in my head about it. My main question though is if what happened to Nancy is a particularly unusual case. I can't imagine it's unheard of for someone to get fucked over by the system like Nancy did, but it doesn't seem common based off the way you talked about it and how characters IC reacted. Basically, is it a matter worth bringing up with Karma themself? Because A LOT of injustices happen in this messed-up little world, and I wonder what crosses the line as an injustice extreme enough. They seem busy beheading foolish kings who cause Blight epidemics.

Maybe so, or maybe Coprini has an in with them. A favor earned, or some such.

Still. Overall from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate you sticking with it this long. Damn good player, who makes damn good post, contributes to the LORE as well. A player who doesn't fuck up the LORE is pretty rare, given the nature of creative difference. You've upheld it and I would like to think that I've given you that creative space within those bounds to do what you want within the world

This is so incredibly sweet and made my entire day 😭
I worry a lot about my output! Because I worry about everything, but that's neither here nor there. I'm happy to know that I'm good at what I'm doing here, lmao.
And yes, I've never felt my creativity has been stunted here. It honestly helps to have preexisting world rules to follow so I don't get lost in the possibilities.

Honestly, only thing I wished for is that we talked more often. I know you like to keep a professional distance from other players (wise, I've been in plenty of RPs that fell apart because of friend fallouts), and you probably have a way more busier life than me. I just like hearing your insights and I like your vibe. And you've been very kind about sensitive topics I've brought up, which goes a long way for me!
Hm! I like where this is going. I have some thoughts turning over in my head about it. My main question though is if what happened to Nancy is a particularly unusual case. I can't imagine it's unheard of for someone to get fucked over by the system like Nancy did, but it doesn't seem common based off the way you talked about it and how characters IC reacted. Basically, is it a matter worth bringing up with Karma themself? Because A LOT of injustices happen in this messed-up little world, and I wonder what crosses the line as an injustice extreme enough. They seem busy beheading foolish kings who cause Blight epidemics.

Maybe so, or maybe Coprini has an in with them. A favor earned, or some such.
It goes with the 8th Amendment: Cruel and Unusual punishment

You don't need to be a lawyer to see that what happened with Nancy was overboard. There's no solid line for what qualifies as overboard so it's voted on by the Council if it becomes contentious. If Mariana was overcompensating, giving him a harsher punishment to save face in the eyes of the Daedric Council, that's bad karma. She didn't punish him because it's what he deserved. She punished him more than he deserved, and knowingly so for her own sake. Krama (the female, Daedric) calls that her domain (aka bad karma). Krama calls to the Collector, and the Collector does their duty to implement the misfortune (Diederick). It makes perfect sense. Karma originated the [Ordination of Misfortune]

Coprini calls on a favor from Krama to force Karma to collect, and bring about additional misfortune to Mariana

This would, of course, influence the development of Orivae, potentially hurting Nellie, but it can serve as a subtle influence to the outcome. For the sake of ease, I'd reference who is who instead of saying Krama and Karma or Amark and expecting your brain's auto-correct to kick in. It would be along the lines of Krama: Holy God of Good Karma

Honestly, only thing I wished for is that we talked more often. I know you like to keep a professional distance from other players (wise, I've been in plenty of RPs that fell apart because of friend fallouts), and you probably have a way more busier life than me. I just like hearing your insights and I like your vibe. And you've been very kind about sensitive topics I've brought up, which goes a long way for me!
I'm down to talk a bit deeper. I just do the professional distance for most players since we're here for a purpose. I NEVER want this to feel like a chore. After this long, it would be silly to act like there's nothing to me knowing how you write, or at least your mindset. Yeah, I'm busy but after 4 years? I think I'm willing to hear you out. If you got a problem, bring it up. Personaly or otherwise

We're kind of beyond the professional stuff, but I maintain it unless the player has something more personal to bring up. I just let it be known that I'm not a therapist. I can only give my POV to whatever.

That's best done by professionals. I don't want to influence someone's life decisions. Let me know though. I do have a care beyond your posts on a forum site lol. The "dear player" is beyond a social media post or Insta saying how supportive I am of LGBT. I do what to know what it is you think.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Sorry I'm late, I left out of state to visit my mom.
Speaking of Mother's Day, the award does NOT go to Mariana because she didn't even comment on Nancy's boutonniere :xFmad:

It goes with the 8th Amendment: Cruel and Unusual punishment

You don't need to be a lawyer to see that what happened with Nancy was overboard. There's no solid line for what qualifies as overboard so it's voted on by the Council if it becomes contentious. If Mariana was overcompensating, giving him a harsher punishment to save face in the eyes of the Daedric Council, that's bad karma. She didn't punish him because it's what he deserved. She punished him more than he deserved, and knowingly so for her own sake. Krama (the female, Daedric) calls that her domain (aka bad karma). Krama calls to the Collector, and the Collector does their duty to implement the misfortune (Diederick). It makes perfect sense. Karma originated the [Ordination of Misfortune]

Coprini calls on a favor from Krama to force Karma to collect, and bring about additional misfortune to Mariana

This would, of course, influence the development of Orivae, potentially hurting Nellie, but it can serve as a subtle influence to the outcome. For the sake of ease, I'd reference who is who instead of saying Krama and Karma or Amark and expecting your brain's auto-correct to kick in. It would be along the lines of Krama: Holy God of Good Karma

I see. I was thinking too narrow of a scope. I forget that these aren't just mortal people with schedules, they're powers and principalities altering the world.
Anyways, I will keep this in mind! I see there might be an assist Nancy vs. grief Mariana route. Coprini only has access to Bad Karma by the looks of it, though what Zeltzan has in mind is more direct to Nancy.
Though there might be incentive to bring misfortune to Mariana AND Nellie. I was going to include this in Zeltzan's excerpt before deciding it was irrelevant, but despite wanting to help Nellie she's not pleased with her actions that pretty much led to manslaughter. She'd be less pleased to find out Nellie's not getting any sort of punishment for it.
Many thoughts, head full.

I'm down to talk a bit deeper. I just do the professional distance for most players since we're here for a purpose. I NEVER want this to feel like a chore. After this long, it would be silly to act like there's nothing to me knowing how you write, or at least your mindset. Yeah, I'm busy but after 4 years? I think I'm willing to hear you out. If you got a problem, bring it up. Personaly or otherwise

We're kind of beyond the professional stuff, but I maintain it unless the player has something more personal to bring up. I just let it be known that I'm not a therapist. I can only give my POV to whatever.

That's best done by professionals. I don't want to influence someone's life decisions. Let me know though. I do have a care beyond your posts on a forum site lol. The "dear player" is beyond a social media post or Insta saying how supportive I am of LGBT. I do what to know what it is you think.

Nice, nice. Know that it goes both ways, too. I'll always make time for you if you need advice or to just vent or anything. I like being there for folks.
But yes, I don't intend to drop any heavy stuff on you unless it's relevant to RP stuff. Or, like, I'm at wit's end and need a stranger's perspective, but I'll always ask first, lol.

And speaking of personal stuff: if Steven goes on a tirade about how "life is hard so suck it up", Nancy's clapback is gonna be SO fucking personal. Because every time someone treats me like a sheltered damsel just because I'm anxious 24/7, I lose 50 braincells.
/jk... mostly lmao. Tbh I kinda hope he does because it'll give Nancy the chance to show that he's NOT to be fucked with despite sweating bullets everywhere he goes. Narrative shit and such
I'm gonna attempt to lock Steven behind a wall. Steven is too tough love of a person, which is fine but not for everyone. It probably isn't the choice for Nancy. Out of Ves and Steven, who both come on too strong for their own reasons, Jack is kind of the go to's to keep Nancy as much NANCY as he is.

Ves will seek to make him Anti-Goddess and get him to the Seyres Aristocracy territory. Steven will attempt to make him hardened. Jack? Jack doesn't give a damn as long as he's alive. He's that uncle happy to see him alive and well but won't influence him to walk ANY path

Then there's Elaina who WILL encourage him to walk a path, but won't tell him WHICH PATH because she's just interested in seeing where he ends up. So in a way, Ves is the opposite of Steven, and Elaina is the opposite of Jack. All of them have appeals, and all of them downsides in line with their personalities. Steven is BY FAR the strongest and will make Nancy strong and ruthless. Ves will make Nancy more dependent on his own strength at the cost of everything else. Elaina will make him more analytical and logical, but cynical. Jack will make Nancy more Nancy through and through. For both better and worse

Elaina, Jack, and Steven are the nodes into the Pirate crew as time goes on. Steven is the most optional but the strongest by far. Jack is the most balanced. Elaina is the hardest since she's the most controlling. Ves is like Jack, but she wants to lead Nancy away from the Pirates

I kind of like that dynamic. Just a list of what Nancy stands to lose.

Jack, Steven, Ves, Elaina (Authenticity, Strength, Determination, Logic)
PersonJack (A)Steven (S)Ves (D)Elaina (L)
Jack (A)I am me. Damn everything else!I know me enough to know my limitsBe me to where I can help peopleBe the most realistic me
Steven (S)Confidentially take on what I knowYou WILL be defeated, by God do I promise!I KNOW I can take this onCAN I take this on? Let's see.......
Ves (D)We WILL beat thisI BELIEVE I can take it!WE WILL CONQUER THE WORLDI can win, but I have to be certain!
Elaina (L)Can I learn more? Teach me!I'll learn it and defeat it!I know I can tell you how to defeat it!There is nothing you won't know......
This is kind of the table I envision Nancy working with. Of course it's not on me to put you in a box. He can choose to align with no one. That's on you! I just want to give a little bit of shape to where Nancy ends up in MY vision. Sebas can give advice, but he's not trying to align him period
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian
  • Jack Burned= Steven not available
  • Steven Burned= Jack not available
  • Ves Burned= No Seyres Aristocracy; Join the Pirates for any sense of ease
  • Elaina Burned= Impossible; She'll just make your life harder, spitefully so

Sebas- Doesn't know. Doesn't care. Mix of all, influenced by the girls, but never to lead astray
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Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Ooh nice, you really put some thought into this!

Yeah, it seems like Steven is better suited for whiners in need of a kick in the ass over mentally ill folk with self-worth issues. But it's not so much the tough love as much as Nancy doubting the "love" part. Nancy can take some harsh criticism, but that criticism needs to come from someone he knows DOUBTLESSLY that they have good intentions towards him.

So far, Steven has ticked off a lot of boxes that Nancy associates with people who have hurt him before. Pulling Mariah away from comforting him (isolation and abandonment), never asking how he's doing (callousness), only bringing up things Steven is displeased with (disdain). Not that any of those things are objective and true, that's just how Nancy perceives them. His mentors in the past (not including Zeltzan) have used and abused him, to the point where now he'll start to project those qualities onto people he doesn't know based on small triggers. It's more a trauma response than an innate personality trait, also influenced by his lack of confidence.
I could add Abandonment Issues and Trust Issues to his Weaknesses, but it's already bloated enough, lmao. I could fill those slots forever on my characters tbh.

To Nancy, Steven comes across as someone who cares more about Nancy BEING better than GETTING better. Too locked into his method of approach at best, or just wanting the satisfaction of making Nancy his version of "better" at worst. He doesn't feel like his own person around Steven, or even a person at all. Just something to fix to someone else's liking.
  • As a sidenote, this is also why he currently hates Elaina. In his mind, she's done good but with ill intentions. Also she's a bitch, LOL
Anyways, Steven doesn't have to give "hugs and kisses and shit" to assure Nancy of his good intentions. He just has to prove that he actually does care about him and isn't hiding behind a farce to use him as a punching bag. The "I love you" before "but you're being a dumbass" goes a long way for Nancy, though it will need to be more than just in words. Alternatively, Jack can try to convince Nancy since he's closer to Steven.

ANYWAYS ANYWAYS, I'm gonna stop here before I write a whole book. Nancy could seek alignment with any or all of who you listed, it really all depends on how they interact with him and Nancy's willingness to listen. He's in a very malleable state, so really anything could happen at this point.
Speaking of walls though, remember that Fergie is there to shoo Steven away if he can't take no for an answer. Stalking them like a FREAK!

In lieu of that, there's also Fergie (Independence) and Bogrum (Versatility) he could seek later on. Fergie would make him more sure of who he is like Jack, but to the point of resisting change even if for the better. Bogrum would be the opposite, I imagine. Honestly I've put more thought in Fergie because I know she'll be invested in him soon. She will want him to feel confident in being himself, which will give him a safe place. However, her pirate roughness might toughen him up enough to where he can accept Steven's harsh council.
Vlad (Confidence) and Nellie (Ferocity) are unavailable, but were key factors in making him be able to stand up for himself.
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Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Tacking more onto that now that I've thought more about it, maybe you're right and Steven just wouldn't be a good fit at all. Him denying Nancy any consolation or affection is kind of the worst thing you could do to him, lmao. With how much he's been told "you made this decision so your suffering is your own fault", he doesn't need more reinforcement that affection is earned and that he needs to earn being loved.
It is a matter of Nancy trusting his intentions, but they'd probably need to meet somewhere in the middle in general. At the very least, Steven would probably only be helpful later on after Nancy stops believing he's (Nancy) a bad person for what's happened to him. He's hard enough on himself that he doesn't need someone doing the work for him, but everyone benefits from a kick in the ass when we're falling back into bad habits.

It's why I'm pushing so much for him to meet Fergie. She doesn't believe things happen for reasons, and doesn't even believe in karma (but now that Karma is an official Deity, it's probably more like she thinks they do fuck-all to enforce any justice). Shit happens for no reason, often to people who don't deserve it. Partly a coping mechanism for combat her own self-worth issues, but a genuine belief she holds and something Nancy really needs to be exposed to. He DOESN'T know that he shouldn't be apologizing for saving his sister, because too many people have handled this situation so fucking poorly. Note that "too many people" can mean just one if they're important enough, LMAO, so it was unavoidable.
It's so tragic that Goddess realized how she fucked up there AFTER it's too late to properly reassure Nancy, because he has to spend the rest of these years not knowing what Goddess actually thinks of him regarding this whole situation.

Someday I will stop rambling about Nancy and instead ramble about Nellie, because her situation is equally tragic in its own right. She's SO FUCKED, unbelievably so.

Also, I'm disavowing the first paragraph of what I said here. Like, his decisions are his decisions and consequences are consequences, but I felt it was pretty shitty of me to agree with Goddess's "useless act" consensus. He couldn't have known Nellie's actions after he hypothetically let her go, no one could. It was a no-win situation regardless, because there was no way of calming Nellie down. It's honestly kinda fucked on the Goddess's end to think his act was "useless" when it's what saved Nellie, and I don't know why I agreed with it, lol.
I'm working on the post. I agree. Steven ain't the one. Not this early on. Steven isn't gonna try to convince him or push him to the point of bullying thus Fergie's intervention. Jack's words pretty much prevented the conversation from getting that far. He'll part there after saying his peace, accepting the not on speaking terms part of the dialog.

However, the conversation between Ves and Elaina is going to run parallel to Steven x Nancy, so Fergie can come by at the tail end of it to actually meet Nancy, especially since Triton's Trident is in that district. She can also catch some of those final quips or Nancy's aftermath reaction. The longer Fergie x Nancy goes, the longer Ves x Elaina is going to go

There's nothing else my characters would have for Nancy. Not in Andouphe at least. He can talk to Sebas at any time and he should hold off a bit on talking to Jack. I say we finish up the scene and then skip to Crew Shuffle and departure. The scene should be fine to end once Nancy goes to meet Ves

Regarding Fergie getting the information from Triton's Trident (assuming you're still doing that), since it's your arc, you can use the time skip (a section on the next day) to fill in the relevant information that sets up what's to know, either in an IC way (you play out a conversation between Fergie and Saige) or a narrative way (explaining what it is that Fergie learned). I want to avoid throwing something in that can alter the vision in any way. At least right now since this is the literal setup for the arc so it's the time for the lead to set the scene, then I go off of what you set up. This is where we should be learning a few specifics about the Ballasts, stuff that might end up in a LORE post

WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

No rush on the post, summer's that time where everything IRL wants to happen at the same time.
Would Steven mind if I started calling him Stevie Boy? (Disclaimer: I will do it anyway)

I don't see Nancy and Fergie's bit being particularly long. If so, I'll try to limit it to two posts at most. Only other thing Nancy needs to do in Andouphe is give Vespera her gift, which he might want to do as soon as he sees her because she just got her shit rocked and she deserves something nice :c

As for Triton's Tridents, the easiest thing for me to do is just give a summary of what happens. Buuuut where's the fun in that? I'll probably play out the scene between her and Saige since you offered. I need to drop hints and show how the Ballasts currently run anyway, because that's stayed ambiguous for long enough.
So expect a lot of longer scenes in general for the next few posts. But like with last time skip, I will give summary of the particularly long ones so you don't feel obligated to read all that shit.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

Well shiiiit. I don't think I really made it clear either way IC, but Nancy hasn't literally been laying in bed crying all day and night, oops. This can work though, I think. Nancy is a recluse working or not, so I can see him having taken on tasks where he's out of sight, so it wouldn't look any different than if he was just wasting away in his room. Kitchen work, cleaning after hours, that sort of thing. Steven would be none the wiser if Nancy's paranoia of him stalking him was simply that.

If it was just a two-way misunderstanding, then this has the potential to end on a more positive note between Nancy and Steven.
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Unless you figured all that, and Steven assuming Nancy did jack shit is just narrative stuff. In which case, they're both presumptuous dickheads! 👍
It wasn't made clear which is why Steven took that route, BUT it does work. A giant fish dude working isn't something that can be kept secret. The only way for Nancy to be a recluse is through Elaina. I would say Steven is right which lean towards Nancy kind of addressing the point of him being protected by those in his life. That's the preserving the Steven route through and through, but it's up to you

But yes, Steven is a dickhead. The dude is NOT nice nor will he ever be. He's more of the tough love mentor role Goes to show that Favor is not just for the Mariahs of the world.
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

That's my bad, sorry. The wording I used in places probably didn't help.
When you say through Elaina, do you mean working for her? I suppose that could work if he knows Vespera is also doing so. He'd just be reluctant to work under someone he really doesn't like, but an offer to make sure he's left alone by people would entice him.
Or am I misunderstanding and you mean Elaina would cloak him? Somehow, in her special Elaina way?

I would have just gone with the route you're presenting because I do like the idea of Nancy having to confront people overprotecting him (and Nancy himself allowing it to happen if he knew). But it would just be really out of character for him to not work even when severely depressed. Tasks keep his mind from spiraling, which will become Very Bad in these circumstances. He knows himself too well to let himself be idle (ties into him relying on his alchemy as an emotional crutch).

And yeah, lol. "Hey don't use me as a punching bag or I don't want to talk anymore." "Fine, bye." Bitch?? Asking for basic respect isn't coddling, what. Maybe they're just misunderstanding each other though, they operate on very different wavelengths.
Tbf, Nancy is also a dickhead. Not the asshole variety, the idiot variety. Someone was vaguely angry in his vicinity, which means they must hate him! Surely!
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Ves isn't just out here trying to swab the deck, but she WOULD if Nancy's place on the ship were at stake. The only person who has a similar level of loss to Nancy would be Demi. Nancy lost both his home and the Goddess abandoned him essentially. Demi lost both her home and the crew she holds dear. Steven simply doesn't know the level of loss and grief that comes with it since Nancy chose to gambit his place in life on saving his sister. That CHOICE dampens the level of loss in Steven's mind

Yes, he'd have to work under Elaina, but........she kinda doesn't care. She has interest in Nancy's memories, but until she exhausts Ves's memories, Nancy can be put on the backburner, which is why she would accept Ves working in Nancy's place. It's why Nancy having grieved over the last few days works. Yeah, he was initially warned that he'd have to work, but if such warnings never reach his ear after the fact, courtesy of the people in his life, he's given the space to sort it all out in his head. Work is work, but it's not like swabbing the deck is ANY sort of urgency in anyone's mind
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

I see what you're saying. There's still the issue of Nancy wanting to work just to keep his mind from dwelling on everything, but maybe if Ves convinced him to take it easy I can see this working. Like I said, it's out of character for him to let anyone pick up the slack for him, he'd feel too guilty especially with his mental state now. But if Ves saw him deteriorating to the point where he couldn't work, perhaps he could be convinced to let her take care of him for a bit.
I can edit the post if that's just too out of character. I mean, the main thing (Steven accepting the not on talking terms) is still gonna stand, so editing the post isn't gonna be a big deal
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian

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