
Luke had smiled when she had kissed him on the cheek. He had changed his clothes into a more formal outfit not something he'd usually wear but kept his Cloak on top. Luke was sitting in the dinning Hall as Amelia entered he gave off a smile to her. He stood up out of her chair. "You look fantastic" He said looking at her hair and the dress she was in."Do you need anything?" He asked genuinely.
Lite followed sluggishly. He was covered in hay and people looked at him like he was a fool. He felt like a fool. People more looked at him because they recognized him from posters. Lite tried to hurry along behind Doll. and cover his face from any people who seemed to be interested in figuring out what they saw.
Doll stopped suddenly in front of him to stop him when they reached the main street. She peeked around the corner and saw that since she was here last, the two guards had returned to the gate. She rubbed her face, trying to think of a way around them. She looked to their side to see that there was a Lite poster. She pulled it from the wall. "Wait," she said to Lite. She motioned towards the guards, showing him that in a moment they wouldn't be there anymore. "Then run." she smiled and hugged him before walking towards the guards, the poster in her hand. She wanted Lite to escape the town while she led the guards away. She showed the poster to the guards and said she saw this man. They asked where and she led them away from the gates so Lite could escape.
Lite understood her plan but he didn't like it. He went over to the gate and waited a moment. Looking back at Doll. He let out a heavy sigh and left the city gates. Of course he wouldn't leave her. He would save her soon enough, but first he would have to lay low enough to not get caught once again.
Dahlia led them to the busiest part of the market. Soon enough she was lost in the crowds and the two guards were unable to keep up with her. She pushed her way through the people and eventually found the edge of the seemingly endless mob. She wandered through the streets, looking for the one that would take her back to the gate. She overheard someone talking about her and turned to look at them. It was the two guards, talking to one of the townspeople. One of the townspeople who just HAPPENED to see her with Lite earlier that day. Her ears perked up and she ran. She didn't look back, since that would only slow her down. It was hard enough running in a knee length Lolita dress and boots, much less having to worry about other distractions.

There it is! She thought. She could see the gate in the distance and ran harder, not stopping until she was through it and into the woods. She climbed a tree- thank goodness for her catlike reflexes- and remained silent. She couldn't see Lite from here and assumed he was safe. However the guards were getting closer. She buried herself in a leafy branch, keeping her eyes trained on the two armed men. "Damn, she got away..." one said, scratching his head in confusion. "That's 2 wanted criminals in one day. We're dead for sure." They walked back to the city and disappeared beyond the gates. Doll let out a sigh of relief and dropped out of her hiding spot, landing swiftly on the ground below. Now, to find her Master and get the hell out of here.
((Assumes that he is correct on the random ass castle theory, and acts upon such.))

Vynion had been following a small dirt path; most likely the same path as the Prince, and Princess. He figured where there was a Prince, and a Princess there would then be a castle, and where there was a castle there would be both wealth, and bodies. Upon coming to the height of a small hill he let out a soft huff of warm air, relaxing a bit as he lowered his bloodied sacked to the ground to rest his sore shoulder. The stabbing areas have now been covered; a wrap of linen bandages have been placed over his armor though there has been no attempt to clean the still fresh river of crimson that stained his darkened leather suit.

Vynion looked off in the distance spotting the castle he had only hoped existed, he thus declared to himself. “This is where it shall take place, one at a time Vynion, one at a time...” Vynion then rolled his shoulder before letting out a soft grunt while lifting his equipment bag and tossing it back over his shoulder. He’d then push forward, a soft, merry tune playing his lips as he strolled along towards his destination.
(@ RussianWookie No It's Avalons castle so it wouldn't be in the middle of no where. :D )
((Castle = Castle. Castle + Village = Kingdom. Quite a big difference... Right now, all I understand is there is a singular structure known as a castle in the middle of Avalon's land.))
(( @Lupus Yes, there is a signup sheet in the character section. It also shows the basic plot, area we're in, etc.))
(I posted the character and will wait until approval. Thanks for the info Kait. I look forward to roleplaying with you.)
Princess Amelia smiled and blushed slighty when Luke complimented her.

"Thank you. I was just coming down here to get something to eat. I'm starving." She exclaimed, giggling and tilting her head towards him adorably. She smiled at him, the blue color in her eyes brightened as she walked in front of him.

"Can you show me where the dining hall is?" She asked, her hand brushing against his. Her heart raced from that small touch.

'Maybe I am in love with him..' She thought in her head, but pushed the thought out of her mind and grinned at him

Even if she did feel that way about him, she was pretty sure he didn't feel the same way about her. The thought of it made her eyes glitter with sorrow. She looked away, not wanting him to see the sad look on her face.
[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION] if you are no longer interested in this RP please let me know so I can drop it or not
(ok, i've decided. due to seemingly disintrest and how i'm getting left behind and such and because i'm not able to get on like an hour an 30 minutes a week. i'm just gonna close this role play. maybe if i get things situated then i can open it back up.)
Vynion smirked as he dragged his knife through the man’s arm starting from his hand and ending at his elbow; once finished he’d shove his own hand into the wound grabbing a hold of the forearm bone and with a single, mighty yank he’d retrieve it for himself as another prize. He ruffled his blood splattered brows, and frowned slightly at the screaming man, it was very hard to work under such noise. “Come now, perhaps you’re not an expert in the medical field but it is very hard to remove important bones from a living being, and continue to make sure that they are living after you are finished it. It doesn’t help that you’re screaming in my ear…” Regardless, the man obviously did not seem to care for Vynion’s works… How rude. “Very well, I shall shut you up then.” Vynion took his newly acquired crimson stained bone, snapping it in half. He tossed one half over his shoulder and then grasped the man’s hair slamming his head against the tree trunk he was resting against causing him to yell out louder with a new, added pain. With this, Vynion took the bone and crammed it into his mouth effectively muffling the noise. “Much better, and you have something to nibble on now.” He smiled, tilting his head to the right and patting the unlucky fellow’s head softly.

Vynion retrieved his knife once more and moved it now to the man’s mid section; cutting thoroughly just below his rib cage causing a tide of crimson to rush out of the man along with a violent shake of what one could only assume to be pain, and the obvious fear of death… Luckily, the well prepared madman, Vynion has had enough practice to know this and had broken his knee caps to prevent any escape. Vynion hummed softly to himself as he reached into the man’s body, squeezing at random organs to feel for their size, and a predicted weight. Vynion, now elbow deep in the squirming man’s body finally reached the lungs; he nodded and smiled, taking a hold of the left lung end gave it a strong yank with little effect; causing him to scowl at this. “Hm, lungs are a bit more secure than the other organs… Hm… “He withdrew his arm only for a short second to retrieve his knife; diving right back into the man’s body. Once back at the lung he began to cut at the primary bronchi causing another stream of blood to flow through the man’s wounds. Vynion grunted and huffed as he cut at the resilient cartilage finally having the lung come loose. He dropped the knife, and began tugging on the lung again; with a harsh yank he finally retrieved his prize.

Pulling it from the man’s body to view only to cause his smile to convert into a disappointed frown; “Oh, that’s what a lung is? I already have one of those… Silly me.” He simply tossed the organ over his shoulder, speaking to the man now.”Now what to do with-- .. Oh, you stopped breathing. Well, that’s disappointing.” He reached up to grasp the segment of the forearm bone only to slam it forward, smashing through the back of the man’s throat; he’d then return to his midsection removing the organs one by one and tossing them aside. “This was a waste of time now… Off to the next victim!” He quickly stood, brushing himself off with little effect on the deeply blood stained leather. He shrugged, retrieving his knife and giving the man a final pat on the head before going about his way.
(Russian Rps closed now D: also the amount of gore in your posts is just distrubing for me :S )
Why? I've followed the rules. I've talked with several senior members and an admin asking if gore is allowed. Gore is allowed to the highest degree just as long sex is not involved. If you don't like gore don't read the post.))
( HIs posts say its Closed. Not that hes quit and I never said I didnt want you to post gore I enjoy reading your posts because its distrubing)
Again, that doesn't make sense... Becuase one person can't get on enough; he has to close the roleplay for the rest of us?

(And im not just refering to you for the gore thing; i've recieved several PMs about it... Very irritating. Im about to start putting a parental guide on my post so they know what's going to be in it.
Wait.. He closed the RP??? What the freak.. O.o I wanted this RP to stay.. That's not fair. Just because he can't RP, doesn't mean we can't too..

And I agree with you about JCKane closing it.. :/
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