
The Princess nodded slowly and let go of him, wiping away the remaining tears.

"I know that.. But it's not fair." She muttered, than her eyes widened slightly about the other thing her Father talked to her about.

"Oh yes.. And about the marriage arrangement," She paused and looked up at him with her blue eyes.

"Do you know who he has chosen to marry me?" She asked quietly, becoming embarrassed on asking Emerald this question. But she had to know. She's been wanting to know since she left.
((Sorry to say, but something horriable has happened on my end. I won't have the time to post for atleast another week. So, either pretend Vynion never existed or just use him as your own.))
Luke turned as he heard Amelia ask who she had to marry. Although it made him sound like a jerk and very selfish he hoped it was him. He had contracted some strange feelings towards her and it made his heart feel warm when he was around her. He looked into her deep blue eyes. They sparkled in the light. She was beautiful as a person and in appearance. Whenever he was around her his heart would skip a beat and tried to rip out of his chest.
The princess turned away, knowing Emerald wouldn't tell her even if she begged him. Sighing, she took a step away, than stopped and glanced back.

"Please try to convince my father about the tournament.." She sad in a soft voice, than slowly walked back into the dining hall to look for Luke. Amelia didn't watch where she was going when she turned the corner, and ran straight into Luke. Her blue eyes widened when she realized how close she was. Blushing and taking a step back, she grinned nervously at him.

"Sorry I kept you waiting.. I had to talk to Emerald about a few things." She smiled and took his hand, entwining her fingers with his tightly. Her eyes sparkled as she led him out of the dining hall.

"Should we go somewhere?" She asked tilting her head as her heart began racing from him being so close.
Luke smiled and kissed her holding it for a few seconds before eventually stopping and smiling at her. "Sure. We can go wherever you want to" He said smiling and blushing greatly at the same time, again his heart trying to rip out of his chest and the weird feeling in his stomach making him feel so warm and soft, it was like when he would be in the woods watching the wild life...watching something he loved,Loved? Did he love Amelia, probably so as he has asked himself this question already twice today.
Amelia was surprised and was blushing badly. She couldn't believe he had just kissed her. It was very unexpected to her. But she enjoyed it as well. Staring into his eyes she leaned forward, and softly kissed him back. She held the kiss than pulled away, a grin on her face. About to say something, she stopped and looked behind Luke. A maid stood behind them not to far away, blushing from seeing them kiss.

"Um.. Princess Amelia? Emerald wanted me to tell you that Anabelle is out front if you need her." The maid in a shaky voice, bowing nervously and quickly dashing off.

An embarrassed look came across Amelia's face as she scratched the back of her head.

"Well, since my horse if here, would you care if we went down to the marketplace for a little?" She asked sweetly, a smile forming on her face.
(Lupis just have ur character run from the area. and perhaps run into another character... like AC or someone.)Emerald - Avalon.Emerald nodded to confirm that he wasn't allowed to tell her yet. But he knew she'd be happy in who he had chosen. Emerald waited til she left then he left. Once outside he told Ruby about what had happened and she left to travel back to Harp to let King Mansion where Amelia was. After Ruby left, Emerald went back into the castle and into the dinning area. Once there he saw a plate for him by the King's side."So Emerald, I asume King Mansion told you of his choice for his daughter, Amelia."Emerald nodded."It looks, that he made a good choice," Emerald replied."Exactlt," King Arthur said, "As they do seem to have feeling for each other all ready."Emerald nodded again as he begins to eat his food.
Dahlia looked through the woods for Lite. How far could he have possibly gone in that short amount of time? Her cat ears perked up, listening for the sounds of life somewhere nearby, but she heard nothing. Where was he? Maybe the guards had taken him while she was up in the tree, or maybe he hadn't even made it out of the town... She looked back towards the gates. Finally she heard footsteps and looked around, expecting to see her Master nearby. But she didn't see anything, and the next thing she knew she'd been tackled and blindfolded. A couple seconds later everything went black.

((Sorry it was short. I just wanted to get her away from Lite since [MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION] won't be on much.))
"Sure we can go to the marketplace if you wanted"

He held her hand and walked down to the stables and jumped up onto his horse Thes and watched as she climbed onto hers. He smiled and Thes started to trot slowly away from the castle to the marketplace

(Writers block)
Amelia climbed onto the beautiful black and white and flicked the reins. Anabelle trotte forwrd running in steady pace next to Luke's horse. A wild look flashed across Amelia's eyes as she glanced over to Luke.

"Wanna race to the marketplace?" She asked in a teasing tone, tightening her grip on the reins.
"Sure" He grinned at her and tapped his foot against Thes and he started to gallop off through alleys and streets carefully avoiding the people on the streets. He smiled at Amelia and laughed happily aloud. "This is some great fun, I haven't done this in a while"
Princess Amelia flicked the reins harder, making Anabelle speed ahead of Luke. Looking back, she winked at him teasingly and stuck her tongue out at him. She really was in love with him. Whenever she was around him, her heart raced a thousand times a second. The blueness in her eyes sparkled at him as she laughed and flicked the reins again.

The princess, of course, was not paying attention in front of her, and the reins slipped out of her hands. Horror dawned on her face, and she couldn't help but shatter the silence around her with a deadly scream. They were going over a bridge at the time, and underneath it was harsh rapids and sharp rocks.

Panic swept into the horse's heart, and she immediately reared up on her hind-legs, and neighed loudly. Amelia slipped off the back, and ended up falling off the side of the bride. Her hands tried to react, but instead of grabbing the edge of the wooden bridge like she had planned, her fingers slipped. She ended up falling down to the water below, blood trickling down her forehead.

"LUKE!" She screamed before she fell into the water, creating a loud splash. Her body quickly faded away as she sunk deeper and deeper into the river-bed. Even worse, it was carrying her down with the rapids at a high speed.
(OOC: Sorry for the absence. The past few days have been extremely busy. I'm going to assume that a day has passed. The first part of the post will be the night prior, the second will be the following day.)

Les was in tremendous pain. The guard, thankfully, had not killed him on the spot. But he was yelling for him to get on his feet. The process was repeated several times. The injured guard would roughly pull the pained Neko to his feet. They would walk a few steps until the Les collapsed to the floor. The guard would yell some more and kick Les a few times before not so gently picking Les up. After the fourth collapse, Les was able to say a few words.

"Speak up, vermin!" The guard slapped Les in the back of the head and brought his own head closer to Les's mouth, "Louder, or the pain will be worse than the first."

Les took a deep breath, "Take off the collar, and you won't have to tell me again."

The guard, already exasperated, pushed Les on his stomach and put his good knee onto the Neko's back. He removed the collar. Les's pain disintegrated: the dam holding back the transforming force cascaded through his body and Les lost conscious thought.
Luke jumped off of his horse and ran down the river bank. He eventually caught up with Amelia and jumped into the river grabbing her and pulling her back to the river bank. He began to press on her chest until she coughed up blood. He put his hand on her head and pulled it back it was cover in the red crimson that was blood. He grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around her head. He didn't have any stitches or needle and neither the skills to stitch it up.
[QUOTE="Lupus Verum](OOC: Sorry for the absence. The past few days have been extremely busy. I'm going to assume that a day has passed. The first part of the post will be the night prior, the second will be the following day.)
Les was in tremendous pain. The guard, thankfully, had not killed him on the spot. But he was yelling for him to get on his feet. The process was repeated several times. The injured guard would roughly pull the pained Neko to his feet. They would walk a few steps until the Les collapsed to the floor. The guard would yell some more and kick Les a few times before not so gently picking Les up. After the fourth collapse, Les was able to say a few words.

"Speak up, vermin!" The guard slapped Les in the back of the head and brought his own head closer to Les's mouth, "Louder, or the pain will be worse than the first."

Les took a deep breath, "Take off the collar, and you won't have to tell me again."

The guard, already exasperated, pushed Les on his stomach and put his good knee onto the Neko's back. He removed the collar. Les's pain disintegrated: the dam holding back the transforming force cascaded through his body and Les lost conscious thought.

Les awoke. He was able to piece together that the guard removed the collar and he transformed. From there it was blank. The stench got to him first. He stood to his feet and took in his surroundings: a solitary alley with trash...lovely. Les found some replacement clothes and put them on, deciding that he could bear the stench until he could get it washed. It would repel people and keep prying eyes away. As he exited the alley he looked both ways, and started down the streets.

Les body was at war with himself: His body wanted to fall into slumber while his mind wanted to explore his freedom, "I refuse to go back as being a slave. Never again."

With that resolve he made a right at next road that took him by a river. To get rid of the stench, he made his way to the bank, took off his shirt, and washed himself. His head snapped up as he hear a cry of desperation.

(A day hasn't pasted yet. It's still the night of the same day.)

Raven - Avalon Kingdom.

Raven was enjoying the peaceful night as she traveled through the Kingdom Village. The fresh air was good as she and her Master Noir had just got back from a Bounty Hunt in the western desert. Ofcourse, this hunt made it hard on Raven due to the fact that she was a vampire. Though she made sure to stay out of the sun's direct rays just the heat of the sun was enough to drain her a little. But now that she was out of the desert sun she had wanted to go for a stroll before turning in for the night. Her master had let her know that they would be staying here til the Tournament of Games would begin. While it was true that they weren't going to be representing the Avalon Kingdom, but it was the closet Kingdom from where they were and there wasn't any point in traveling to one of the other Kingdom's because they would of had to pack up and leave as soon as they got there. Ofcourse, this brought up another strange thing as Raven found it odd that Noir was wanting to enter the Tournament of Games this year. She still wasn't sure why but she had this feeling that there was some reason behind it due to the fact that Noir had never entered before.

Raven's thoughts were then interrupted by the sound of a splash and a cry for help. Raven made her way to the river and saw that who ever it was they had been fished out. Raven walked closer to the pair using her expert abilities of stealth to get closer without being noticed. It was a little hard to tell who they were in the dark. Her night vision wasn't as much help since they were right by a street torch. As she watched she noticed the one who looked like a male resisitate the female. The female seemed to be injured and by the male's body language, he didn't seem to know how to fix her. Being a Bounty Hunter, Raven was trained in basic medicence. But she wasn't sure if she should help yet. But after a scan around the area she decided that it was ok to help. She then stood up and walked over to them. If they had been looking at her it may have seemed she just appeared out of no where.

"Excuse me," She stared allways best to be polite when trying to be friendly after all it was dark, "But does your friend require assistance?"

@Ancient Predator

(Oh and @Lupis Verum just say that the moon was covered that way he'd be transformed back.)
(I'm not trying to blaim anybody. Just ugh I hate it when I'm on for a good amount of time and no one else is )
((Ok well no one is replying or even free to reply and Original hasn't been on in forever so I'm going to go ahead and drop this. Sorry, but I don't want to have to keep checking back every time there's an update to see that it's not for me :P ))
The princess coughed up large amounts of blood, but was still lying unconscious. Her breathing was abnormal and ragged, and it was getting slower and slower every second.

Eventually, her eyes opened. She glanced over at Luke, than to the other person next to him.

"What-" She coughed, blood splattering on the grass. Sighing, she tried to speak again.

"What happened?" She muttered in a extremely weak voice.
([MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] All right. sorry for the no replies.)

Raven heard as the female spluttered and coughed. She turned to look at her. She seemed ok. except for the gash on her forhead.

"I was hoping you could tell me," Raven said.
(Heyy, You should probably start up the tournament soon. Since nothings really happened on the RP yet lol)

Amelia looked up at the girl and managed to sit up just a little.

"I think.. I fell in the river.. On accident. The reins I had in my hands.. slipped.." She murmured, remembering it all now. She glanced over at Luke and gave him a grateful smile for helping her.
(@?Lost_In_Paradise? It was surposed to be in like 3 days rp time. but I can adjust it to make it the next day. So Emerald and Amelia will have to leave for home the next morning, then get prepared and head towards the Tournament grounds. Also, Raven's a women as in she's an adult.)

Raven gave a nod as she heard the girl's explaination. Perhaps this girl was a poor rider. None the less that cut on her forhead would need to be tended too. She took a few paces forward.

"You should let me tend to that cut," Raven said, "You don't want it to get infected."
(Alright. We should probably fast forward it to the next morning after Raven has treated her cut and brought her back to the Avalon Kingdom.)

The Princess nodded, managing to rise to her feet. She stumbled a bit, but that was only because she was extremely dizzy. She wiped the back of her hand across her forehead, her eyes widening when she saw scarlet blood glistening on her skin. The sight of the red liquid made her twice as dizzy, making her drop to her knees.

"I'm sorry.. But I can't seem to stand up because of how dizzy I am.." She muttered, looking up at the woman with her blue eyes.
(Emerald is bringing her back to avalon not Raven. But yeah ok.)

"Just sit down," Raven told her as she awaiting for the women to do so. Once she did Raven pulled out her medical kit and began to patch up her cut. She worked in silent. Finally, she finished the work as she got back up.

"There," Raven said, "You should go back to your home now."

(Do you want to wait for [MENTION=2671]AncientPredator[/MENTION] before we time skip?)
(Ohh okay lol.)

The Princess winced when the woman began treating her head wound. When she was finished, she stood up, without stumbling this time. She bowed slowly, and than returned to her normal stance.

"Thank you. I'm very grateful.." She murmured, flashing her a small smile before walking towards her horse and calming Anabelle down. She led the horse towards the Avalon Kingdom, waiting patiently.

"Luke. We should probably get back to the castle now.." She said, sadness swirling into her blue eyes.

(Yeah. I probably should wait. I don't know when AncientPredator is going to get back online though..)

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