
[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] i like to continue i just have been a little busy. seems this is going to close for a little though.
(OOC: Because Les has no clue where he is, I'm making it that I have no clue where he is or which castle he's in. First come first serve on who take responsibility for the kill)

Les rolled his eyes with a huff as he made his way back to the room where his master and him were staying in the castle. Almost every Neko that he had met in his pitiful existence loved being a servant to their masters. Les abhorred every moment of it. He tried to escape many times. Unsuccessfully. He grimaced and shook his head as he recounted them all; he bumped into a table due to his lack of concentration. Two things happened simultaneously: the expensive vase on the table crashed to the stone floor and some of the food on the tray dropped to the floor. Les allowed himself a small smile.

There was a time where he would have been afraid at his punishment for these sorts of happenings. But when he saw that it also had an effect on how his master status and reputation, he quickly lost care for it. His silvery eyes shimmered in mirth as he remember how he even went out of his way to cause his master grief. His eyes turned one of the windows he was passing and paused.

It was going to be a full moon tonight. To all Nekos, this would have been just another sight of beauty. To Les, it was something more. One of is failed escape attempts cause him to be confronted by a pack of wolves. Given that he had no desire to live, he didn’t even try to fight back. He remembered his surprise when he woke up that next afternoon in his crummy cot alive without much a scratch or scar. The wolves were actually werewolves. He tore his gaze from the night sky as he next memories begun to play.

When he discovered what he became, he did his best to hone that curse. His master eventually found out due to a blabbermouth slave. It wasn’t even several hours later when the magical control color was snapped onto his neck. It robbed him of his newfound strength and heightened senses. It robbed him of some control: speech unless spoken to and free movement unless told to do something within reason. Les allowed himself a chuckle as he thought of all the loopholes he found. But it also robbed him of his ability to transform. It became excruciatingly painful during nights such as these because his body was torn between transforming and the control of the collar. Even as he approached the door he could already feel the first parts of the pain coming.

He was greeted by a morbid sight. His master…was laying on the floor in pieces. He stood there in shock as the tray of food clattered to the floor. Body parts, both internal and external, were strewn across the floor with blood splottering the room. He backed out of the room as the smell of drying blood assaulted his senses. But he paused and quickly scanned the room. He quickly found one of the dead man’s cloaks as well as the money bag. As much as he tried he could not find the key to the blasted collar. He would have to live with the effects of the collar unless he found someone who’d take it off. He resigned himself to the pain of that night and quietly left the room and shut the door behind him. He went to search out a place where he could bear his pain in peace.
Luke smiled has she brushed her hand against his. He smiled and frowned when she turned away. "Whats the matter?" Luke Questioned "You seem down" He hugged her to try cheer her up and mainly just to hug her for the comfort of her body. "Right..Now come this way" He said blushing and leading her down a few hallways and into the dinning hall. "There is some chicken and vegetables on the table pick and eat what you wish" He smiled
Les had been looking for a solitary place in the castle without avail. He would either run into some guards or servants. It was at this point he was thankful to be a lowly neko, as being one did not draw much if any attention. But if he kept roaming the halls, suspicions would ensue. The only place he could think of would be in the nearby forest.

“I’m gonna have to be careful,” he thought as he passed by another few servants who were taking laundry to different rooms of the castle,” If I’m seen outside the walls, let alone the castle, it’s going to be a long night.”

He paced himself down the steps, “The kitchen has the closest exit to the forest,” he stumbled down the last few steps as a short spasm hit his leg, “blasted collar. To get there I’d have to go through the dining room. As long as I don’t run into anyone in the room, I should be fine.”

He looked down hallway and noticed 2 guards conversing. He walked to the door without being seen and opened the door as calmly as his hand allowed.
Princess Amelia looked down at the marble floor, but when he wrapped her in a hug, she blushed madly. She in no way, shape, or form would think of him hugging her like that.

He must of seen that look on my face.. She thought, her heart beginning to beat faster and faster as she replayed his words in her head. Snapping out of the trance and looking up, she noticed he was blushing too. A small, but gleeful smile crept onto her face, but it disappeared before Luke had the time to see it.

She followed the Prince down the hallway, the soft fabric of her blue dress rippling with every footstep she took. As soon as the food came into her gaze, her mouth watered. She hadn't eaten in about 6 hours, and she was starving. Desperate to eat something, she took a step towards the table, but hesitated.

Don't be rude.. Use your manners, Amelia. She scolded herself silently. She turned back towards Luke and smiled at him sweetly.

"Once again, thank you for your hospitality. I am in your debt." She took a long graceful bow and than returned to her normal stance. Turning away, she walked towards the table full of food and sat down, putting food carefully onto her plate.

She heard commotion and looked up, her eyes widening with surprise.

"King Aurther!" She exclaimed, immediately standing up in her chair and bowing for several seconds, than standing up straight.

"It is very nice to see you again, Your majesty." She murmured, looking up at him, her face serious and stern.

(BTW AncientPredator, since JCKane is gone, you could probably RP King Aurther and I could RP King Masion:)
Found the message. Sorry for the delay. The answer is yes. Check the visitor message for small details. RP with you later.
((OOC Location: The other side of the door Les opened.))

Vynion carefully slid up behind the guard; a hand slowly slithered around the man’s body to cover his mouth as his other hand traced a blade over his unprotected throat; there would be a thick spray of the crimson life force, splattering against the wooden door in front of him. As the guard choked on his last breath Vynion kicked him forward, forcing his corpse to assault who ever might be coming through the door.
(Russian are you now at Les is location instead of the castle or something. And sure Ill rp King Aruther Ill post later)

Luke smiled at Amelia as his father walked out of the dinning hall down some other corridors. He sat down next to her placing some of the vegetables onto his plate. He was bright red sitting next to her. His heart felt like it was trying to burst out of his chest. Her blue eyes and her hair...They were heavenly, even her personality was perfect. He placed his hand on hers and smiled at her.
(I'm reposting this to make it easier to read. cuz it won't let me fix it with an edit)

King Arther-Avalon

King Arther was in a relitive cheerful mood. It was to be expected since the Tournament of games was only 3 days away. He knew that his son Luke would be competing so he was happy to see his young prince in the games. But as he sat down to eat he noticed someone else at the table. It was Princess Amelia of the Harp Kingdom. He was curious as he was not informed that she was on her way to visit as normally when Royalty vistied places they sent messengers ahead of them to let the Royal family know that they were there. "Hello Princess Amelia," King Masion said adressing her cheerfully, "What brings you here?" He noticed how both Amelia and Luke were reacting towards one another. He rose an intrigued eye brow, "Is this a Personal visit?"


AC watched has the two left out of the window. She sighed. She was just going to have to talk with Sir Percival without them. So AC made her way out of the tower using her invisiblity to keep people from seeing her. She made her way to where she knew Sir Percival would be. So after a quick chat with him the whole affair was taken care of. The wanted posters were all taken down and the townsfold were all informed that there was a mistake made and if anyone had a question about it to go see Sir Percival. Once AC knew that it was taken care off she believed word would eventually make it to those two so she made her way to the sign up area where she signed up for the Tournament of Games. (@KaitWink @Original Hylion Sorry i couldn't remember Hylion's character name when writing this.)

Emerald- On the road to Avalon

After being informed of what went on between the King and Princess Amelia. Emerald set off to find her. Emerald was joined by Ruby, a ninja from a near-by ninja village. Ruby had helped Emerald many times in the past and Emerald was glad of her assistence this time for she was an excellent tracker. So they eventually tracked Amelia to where she was taken by the bandits. They found her horse and they sent for someone to come get Anabelle(the horse). Emerald and Ruby followed the bandit's trail as it led them to the Kingdom of Avalon. This was getting stranger and stranger he just hoped that this wasn't some kind of ploy to start a new war between Avalon and Harp. Emerald and Ruby found the place where the bandits were stopped. Ruby found evidence that there had been 2 others who encountered the bandits. One of those that came lead Amelia towards the Avalon Castle area. So Ruby and Emerald continued on as they eventually found there way to the Castle village. Ruby said they signs pointed to the Castle so the two made their way to the castle. It was late but Emerald wanted to make sure that King Masion's oldest daughter was safe first. He could wait til morning to return. So they went up to the castle. After a talk with the guards they were allowed, but Ruby stayed outside for she prefered not to go in. The guard lead Emerald to the main dinning hall where Princess Amelia, Prince Luke, and King Arther where beganing to eat."Excuse me, your majesty," Said the gaurd polietly. The King looked up to see his gaurd and Emerald beside him, "Sir Emerald is here to bring Princess Amelia home.""Right now?" The King asked, "Surely he can wait til the mornining."This time Emerald came forward."That is true your majesty," Emerald said, "I can wait til morn if that's ok with the Princess."
((Don't start something you don't have time for. And no one likes what they've "created" to be taken over, but no one likes the guy that "created" it to not be there either. I came here to roleplay, not to sit around and wait for you to get free. I've a very busy schedule myself but I can still take thirty minutes to write a simple paragraph or two to continue the RP flow. In short you're not in control, the majority is.))

(( And AncientPredator, I was never -at- the castle, I just had it in my sights. I was still techinicaly on the road/forest on the way to the castle. So, instead Vynion decided to move to the location where Les is, to help him in both OOC and IC terms.... In short, no I am not at the castle, I am by Les.))
(I did have time for it but something came up. and yes I am in control of the roleplay as it has a storyline and not a simple here's a world now do whatever you want. Hopefully that didn't sound rude. But I won't argue with you not that I think that your right but because this is not the place for it.)

(I've got to get off today... )
The Princess blushed slightly at the King's question.

"Is this a personal visit?"

"No, your majesty. This was not a personal visit. I was captured by bandits and Luke found me. He took me here to keep me safe." She murmured, her voice becoming soft as Luke put his hand on hers. She didn't brush his hand away, but instead entwined her fingers with his.

King Aurther looks very intrigued.. Oh goodness.. This isn't good. She thought in her head nervously, managing to put a smile on her face instead of a frown. Sighing slightly, she munched on a carrot for a little bit, until she finally finished it.

She heard multiple footsteps and looked up to see who it was. Her eyes widened and she immediately slipped her hand away from Luke. It was Emerald. She knew if the knight would of saw her and Luke holding hands like that, he would of been suspicious and go to tell her Father about it. Listening to Emerald and King Aurther's conversation, she cleared her throat.

"I would like to stay till morning, if that's okay with my Father." She said, an edge of irritation creeping into her voice when she even mentioned her Father. Her blue eyes burned with fury and she balled up her fists.
Les cried out in astonishment as something drove him to the floor. The pain was magnified tenfold. When the stench of blood came to his nose, he shoved the bleeding corpse off of him. As he sat up he realized two things: 1) there was a figure who was holding a sack splattered with blood who had an insane glint in his eyes 2) footsteps pounded toward where he sat. He looked and saw that those two guards weren’t conversing…they were charging.

The charging guards brought him out of his shock. Grunting in pain and in fear he quickly got to his feet and charged the guards. This surprised the guards. Using his natural abilities, he vaulted over the guards. He stumble on landing due to another tremor in his leg but fought through the pain to sprint down the corridor.

Les grimaced, no longer concealing the pain on his face, “Won’t be able to keep this up for long.”
Vynion smiled madly at the two guards as he casually stood over the fresh corpse, bloodied knife in hand. The guards decided to split up; one with a sword stopped in his tracks quickly turning around to turn and chase Les as a spear-wielding guard continued forward, aiming to impale the murderer (Vynion.) Vynion began to walk slowly towards the closing in guard, waiting for the right moment to—

Vynion ruffled his brows slightly, and frowned as he was suddenly impaled, which was totally part of his plan, yeah… The force of the impact caused the blade to slip deep into his flesh, cutting through his body; the guard pushed his weapon all the way through until his knuckles were pressed against Vynion’s freshly bloodied mid-section. “That wasn’t very nice.” Vynion stated, sighing softly. However he took advantage of the closed proximity of the guard; lashing his knife out to stab several times at the Guard’s exposed throat quickly removing another life as he gasped for his last, blood soaked breath and tumbled over.

Vynion groaned softly as he pushed the shaft of the spear through his body, making a loud “Clank!” as the metal weapon met with the tile floor; he then leaned over for a second to regain his breath having it recently knocked from his lungs with a spear and all. After, Vynion went about his way to casually follow after Les and the other guard; stopping a few steps ahead to glance back at the two corpses “Now, you two stay there. I’ll be right back to gather some things from you both.” Vynion smirked, and chuckled softly to himself continuing on his way.

((Want to be clear, since I kinda think I have a wierd typing style. I basicly type as if I were in first, real time and secondly as if I were some little concious mind of Vynion's. For example "Vynion began to walk slowly towards the closing in guard, waiting for the right moment to— " Basicly, Vynion is all like... "Oh, i'm going to be all cocky and easily kill them!" In his mind but that kind of gets intrupted with the whole spear thing in his gut. If that makes sense <.<...Yeah.))
((no worries, Wookie. I get ya.))

Les rounded the corner and took a second to look behind him. One of the guards, specifically the one with the sword, was still chasing him. Several shouts caused him to face forward: several servants quickly got out of the way. Thinking quickly, he grabbed one of the cups that was on the tray that one of the servants carried. He almost allowed himself to laugh when he heard the guard grumble in frustration,"Stop! Don't let him escape!"

"Obviously, he wanted me to crash into those servants. I really need to lose him..." Pain gone from his mind, he jumped. He brought himself into a spin, found the guard, and threw the cup at the guard will all his might. He finished his spin and landed on his feet and looked back. An audible crack sounded from where the cup impacted the guard kneecap. The guards fell to the floor. Whatever joy Les would've felt from this was interrupted: Les ran into a wall, fell to the floor, and remembered why he hated that blasted collar.

Pain returned and shot through his body. He legs and arms felt as if they were in a blender. They wanted to change, but were held back. The Pain spread to his insides. Each organ wanted to move to where they were supposed to be when he was in werewolf wolf form. He didn't even fight the cry of pain. He somehow managed to sit himself on the wall as his body shook and spasmed with pain. He just enough strength the see the guard hobbling toward him.

Luke got out of his chair smiling at Amelia ignoring his fathers eye brow. "Come on Amelia. Let's leave Father and Emerald to have their conversation." He said smiling ushering her to come with him down the hallway. He was still bright red. Was he becoming greatly attracted to Amelia? If he was he certainly enjoyed the feeling of the emotion.
Emerald - Avalon Kingdom

Emerald nodded at Princess Amelia then he took note of the situation with his well trained soldier eye. There was something going on between Princess Amelia and Prince Luke. He could tell. But he knew Amelia wouldn't tell him if he tried to ask her. Amelia, unlike her sister Julia, seemed to only think of Emerald as just another Knight to the King. He was loyal true but he wasn't just some blabber mouth. Infact, he knew something about Princess Julia that he's never told the King or Amelia. He was trust worthy. He knew that prehaps Princess Amelia would trust him as much as Princess Julia did but it'd probally take some more time. So Emerald turned to the King to adress him.

"Allright, we'll stay and leave in the morning," Emerald said, "I'll inform my companion outside and she'll go inform King Masion about what's going on."

"Very well," King Arther said, "The servants can set you up with some diner. Afterwords, they'll show you to where you can spend the night."

Emerald nodded then did a polite bow then he left the dinning hall.
Amelia nodded slowly, her anger seeming to vanish almost immediately. When she saw Emerald turn and leave the dining hall, her eyes widened and immediately began following him. Before she left the dining hall, she flashed an apologetic look to Luke, and than continued to dash after the Knight.

"Wait! Emerald!" She exclaimed, coming up behind him. She stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder and turning him towards her.

"You have to tell my Father to put me in the tournament. I have to be in it." She said, stepping closer to him as her blue eyes burned fiercely. Tears welled in her eyes, but she quickly looked away as they dripped down her cheek. She wiped the tears away and stared down at her feet.

"It's not fair.. I don't understand why my sister is allowed, but not me." She said it so quietly that it was almost a whisper. Looking up at him with tears still in her eyes, she suddenly hugged him tightly. She sobbed loudly and closed her eyes as more tears whisked down her face.

"Please, Emerald.."
Emerald- Avalon Kingdom

Emerald saw the tears in Amelia's eyes. He knew ofcourse why she was forbidden but he truthfully didn't agree with the King's reasoning. After all the King was forbidding her to enter so that she could as the king put it "Be more of a Princess." Emerald knew that he was trying to use this so that he could basically show her off to the different competitors but so that she could have a certain knight be her champion, though which one Emerald wasn't sure. But Emerald still believed that if Amelia wanted to join the games that she shouldn't have to rely on someone else to compete in her honor. Emerald then nodded to Amelia.

"I'll try my hardest to get the King to change his mind," Emerald said, "But you know as well as I do how much tradition means to your father."

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