
Luke looked over at her. "I highly doubt he would mind. Being an only child and all the castle has plenty of room and your throat." He looked at it. "We'll have to get that fixed back up when we get to the castle. Also you must be starving" He took the bread out of his pocket and handed it to her. " I'll have to buy Nee-Ko some more later I guess." He looked at Amelia. "How did you get captured may I ask, surely they couldn't have got into the castle?" For some reason he was quite concerned about her even though he had only met her a few times. He smiled to himself as he continued walking down the path.
Princess Amelia nodded slowly than took the bread, nibbling on it. She looked back up at his gaze and than looked away when she remembered why they had captured her in the first place.

"I.. I was running away.. My Father had told me some horrible news.. And I couldn't take it. I ran off on an abandoned path and they ambushed me." She murmured, continuing to nibble on the bread. Tear welled in her eyes, but she managed to hold it back and put a grin on her face. But it quickly faded.

"My Father is going to be very mad at me when I get back.." She groaned, her blue eyes filling with worry as she looked up at his face again. She ignored the stares of a few commoners wandering by on the horses.

"What about you? Were you coming back from the marketplace?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.
"I'm sure your father will understand whatever this news of yours was." He said trying to reassure her. "And me I was just coming back from the market and I saw a deer and decided to follow it I mean I just love wildlife I find it interesting. Its weird I've never felt like a real prince" He laughed slightly. "Come on now not that much longer and will be back and I'll find a room for you to stay in and have you fixed up." He thought to himself a moment and looked around. A smile appeared on his face as two birds flew over blue in colour. He rubbed his hand against his head before looking over at Amelia and then straight ahead. "Not long now"
Vynion’s ears seemed to twitch as he here a very distinct mix of “clunk” and “clink” all mashed into one high pitched noise. He’d turn slowly, eyes locking onto the puffy sack. He’d simply stare at it for a long moment before approaching, grasping the sack and cradling it to his chest as if he had just found a child that he decide he would not devour. He mumbled to himself shortly after being united with his easy gold. “When I become the plague of this world, and spread my disease throughout the lands… I will be sure you, Princess, will have the only antidote.”

Nodded now in agreement with himself before he looked back to the bodies just behind him. He’d tilt his head slowly to the right, blinking as he thought to himself what to do with the body parts. “Hm… Mutilate, and use for terror-tactics. Reasonable, cheap, and effective.” He spoke, barely crossing the line of a whisper. He turned sharply upon his right heel, and headed back to the first corpse; kneeling beside him once more. He removed the arrow from the man’s head with a forceful yank, producing a slight ‘crunch’ as more of his skull cracked in the process. With that Vynion began stabbing into the corpse’s midsection slowly cutting him open with the arrow; if only to let his free hand diving into the man’s slightly warm body to remove some of the most expensive organs such as the heart, kidney, and liver, among other things.

Once done with taking his pick of ripe organs he’d scootch over to the man’s arm. He’d let his fingers slowly wrap around his bicep and wiggle around a bit, obviously filling for something. He’d then lift the arm slightly and spaced his hands equally apart. He’d then lift himself slightly, allowing his knee to hover right between his two hands before he’d bring his weight down; snapping the bone with ease and with little splintering. He’d nod pleased with his results so far, he’d take the head of the arrow and begin sawing away at the area he had just broke to severe the arm from the body. A soft smile playing over his lips as he hummed happily to himself, pleased with the business he had gained in such short time.

… He’d continue this process with each of the bandits, making a pile of arms, legs, and organs as well as some simple treasures he had found among them.

((Is irritated that immature people made the word "c*ck" a bad word.))
Princess Amelia nodded slowly, but she felt her Father would be very displeased with her for being so childish. He would surely punish her. She listened to him calmly, than sort of looked up when she heard the heavy tread of a horse gallop. She seemed to ignore it, but when it came in fast and straight at her, she froze. The person on the horse did not seem to see that he was directing his horse straight for her, and was reluctant to stop. The Princess gasped and closed her eyes, prepared to feel the pain of horse hooves breaking her bones.

The horse was right in front of her now, neighing angrily and prepared to trample her. The person on the horse tried to slow his horse down, but it disobeyed.
Luke turned around and saw the horse. He pushed Amelia out of the way as the horse raised its hooves and bucked out hitting Luke straight into the gut. He doubled over before falling to the ground. He puked up a little on the ground and led there on his back. He looked up at the man who had now got off his horse. He tried getting to his feet but feel straight back down. He shuffled over to the nearest wall and leaned himself against it. He looked over at Amelia and gave off a little smile. (See you guys tomorrow)
Princess Amelia's eyes widened and she immediately was in front of Luke, hugging him gently. She closed her eyes as tears slid down her face.

"You didn't have to do that.." She whispered, gritting her teeth. This was all her fault. If she had moved, Luke would've of never gotten hurt, and everything would of been fine. But she was clumsy, and instead Luke got hurt for her mistakes.

"I'm so sorry.. This is all my fault.. I should of moved when I had the chance. But now your hurt because of me.." She murmured, pulling away and wiping a few tears away. She looked him up and down and than gently pushed on his rib-cage.

"Does that hurt?" She asked, looking up at him.
[QUOTE="Russian Wookie]Vynion wanders from the neighboring forest besides the city of Avalon; standing at the edge of the tree line he looks ahead to the large bubbling city. A dark, ebon brow lofted skyward, his head slowly cocking to the right, his practically black eyes danced over the sight, seemingly scanning over the area with a trained perception; It had almost been a full year now since he had counted himself among the humans. Trading, eating, socializing, and even fighting alongside them… At that time he was human. However, in his mind he knew now that he was much more and that there was even more than him.
He rolled his broad shoulders, causing his chain-based pauldrons to rattle in a fit of noise; he’d then slowly slide his lithe arms, crossing them over his heaving chest, his digits slowly began to dig into the opposing biceps to retain his desired position. He’d let his head return to a normal, vertical position before nodding slowly, and then speaking to himself: “What to do first?” He pondered.

Darkened eyes drifted to his right hip where there’d be a small leather strap attached to his scrapped-together belt. He’d drop his arms, allowing his right hand to grasp the jar, and lift it slightly as he stared at the contents, though highly invisible with the murky liquid inside. He’d shrug, letting out a soft sigh before his left hand joined the right, removing the lid that he simply set down beside him. He’d then reach within the jar grasping an item, and removed it from his jar. Lifting it to his face, it was clearly a small, unborn child, just above a fetal stage. “I’ve only three of you left; I should collect more less I starve.” He’d nod in agreement with his own statement opening his mouth and taking half of the being out in a single bite. There’d be a subtle crunch mixed in with all the squishiness of his chosen meal; being that it was mostly undeveloped, organs and very little bone.

Once done chewing, he’d naturally swallow, moving in to take a final bite only to repeat the process. Once finished with his meal, he’d kneel to retrieve the jar’s lid and replace it back to its normal position; he’d then stand and let the jar swing back to his side as he lost his grip. With that he began to wander forward in a slow, lazed stride. Onwards to the city of Avalon!

(Discusting... what he just ate... getting caught up so sorry for the OOC post.)
JCKane said:
(Discusting... what he just ate... getting caught up so sorry for the OOC post.)
((Get use to it. :3))

Vynion would suddenly be standing behind the princess; leaning forward to hover over her slightly. He’d have a darkened brow perked, and his arms would be crossed over his chest; assuming his regular pose. He’d speak softly, considering he was so close. “You see to travel hand in hand with bad luck, my royal knave… Hm… R.K…. That is what I shall call you, yes I enjoy this name.” Nodded slowly, eyes lowering to his half filled musky jar; he’d blink at said jar and then glance back to the princess. “You hungry?”
(All be using the following format from now on. mainly the titles. since i have multiple characters.)

AC-Avalon Kingdom

"Well," AC began, "while it's true if I was just some run of the mill bounty hunter it wouldn't help you. But I can get Sir Percival on our side. After all I saved him once and he completely trusts me." Sir Percival was one of the Knights of the Round table and was in King Arther's closest's advisors. This being said that if you had one of them on your side no guard or anyone besides the Kind himself could stop you from being innocent or condemned.

Emerald-Harp KingdomEmerald, one of the highest ranking knights was called into the throne room. King Chareles Masion had just found out that his oldest daughter, Amelia, had taken off. The King had a hunch that after their confersation she would try to run. The King then informed Emerald of the conversation. In the conversation the King had informed Amelia that both she and (continue later)
Princess Amelia jumped slightly when the man from earlier appeared behind her. She glanced back slightly, wincing because he was so close. She backed up from him, helping Luke up.

"No.. I'm not hungry." She said firmly, wrapping her arm around Luke to support him. Looking back at the man, she sighed.

"I have to take Luke back to his castle. Farewell, stranger." She slowly walked Luke away, questions popping into her mind.

How did he get behind me so fast? She thought, shaking her head to get the thought out of her mind.
Vynion simply ruffled his brows, and shrugged; his eyes lowering back to his jar. He was hungry considering the fact that a fetus is hardly very filling, but damn were they good. He moved closer to the tree, deciding to lean against it using his shoulder watching the very informative princess leave his presence. “Pretty good way to begin a journey I’d say… Maybe –too- good!” With that being said he’d rapidly move to retrieve a knife attached to his thigh; once unsheathed he’d raise the blade and proceed to stab himself three times between his left set of ribs; each gush of crimson joined with a gruff growl that managed to escape his thin lips. After the stabbing he’d nod slowly, scowling to himself and placed the knife back in his sheath. “There, now it’s not too good.”
Luke walked down the path with Amelia still with a smile on his face. "Sorry if this is a bit intruding and you don't have to answer. But, what did your father exactly tell you?" Luke asked kindly. He out his hand on his gut for a bit. God had that horse gave him a real good kick. He laughed in his head. It would be fine anyways He thought to himself. Probably didn't do any serious damage. He looked over at Amelia to see if she wanted to answer the question. He didnt really mind if she didn't but he was one that always asked about almost everything. One of his lesser great traits. He thought to himself.
The princess could do nothing but sigh sorrowfully. Even bringing up her Father seemed to trouble her. She understood that Luke wanted to know what had happened, but it wasn't something she really wanted to talk about.

"It's not really something I want to talk about right now.. Maybe when I'm not as troubled with the situation. I will tell you." She said and smiled at him lightly.

Princess Amelia looked up, gazing at the castle that stood in front of her.

"Well, I guess were here." She said, her eyes becoming moe lively with every step she took. She sighed in relief and helped Luke until they were at the castle doors.
Luke coughed slightly and shouted up to the people manning the gate and it slowly opened. "After you." Luke said with a smile. He walked in with Amelia still smiling. "Shall I take you to your room? You hungry still? If so Dinner should be set out in the Dining room. He walked down the hallway and turned left and led her to two doors. "This is your one on the left. This one is mine if you need anything just knock on the door opposite yours." He smiled at her.
Ok well it appears that no one from earlier is going to respond to this anymore. I don't want to drop it completely but if there is a response from the characters who are in the tower I'd like to be tagged, since I'm not going to keep checking back on this when no one in that area is on here anymore.
([MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] if they dont reply just make your character leave somehow.)
((Easier said than done, my character is the enslved Neko of [MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION] 's character and isn't able to leave him.))
The Princess smiled at him and curtsied quickly.

"Once again, thank you for letting me stay here. I'm sure my Father will have one of his knight's pick me up in the morning." Her icy blue eyes shimmered softly as she brushed past him, than stopped. Turning back towards him, she quickly kissed him on the cheek, than walked into her room, flashing him a smile as she closed the door behind her.

She sighed, smiling to herself. He really was a nice Prince, unlike the other ones that she had met in the past. Than suddenly, it clicked.

Am I in.. Love with this Prince? She asked herself, her eyes widening slightly. Walking towards her bed and sitting on the edge, she stared at the floor.

Wait.. What am I thinking? She giggled and than headed towards the bathroom, about to take a quick bath. Pushing the thoughts out of her head, she slipped into the heavenly warm water and sunk into the bubbles.

(3 hours later..)

Princess Amelia brushed her now dried hair, staring at herself in the mirror and grinning a bit. She had put on a blue dress that she had found in the wardrobe. It was gorgeous, and it fit her perfectly. Setting the hairbrush, she stood up, flicking her hair over her shoulder. Her brown hair was naturally straight, so she didn't usually have to style it, unless she wanted it curled.

She walked out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind her and padding down the hallway.

(Her dress:) (Also kind of what she looks like in real:P)

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(Sorry, i'm in a bit of trouble right now and wont be able to get on a lot, but i'll try to get on for you, [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] )

Lite found this all to be very boring and unproductive so he looked to Dahlia. "I'd say it's time to leave." He winked. Lite bowed to the others. "I've work to do, I must give my goodbyes." Seeing as the way was blocked they would have to improvise. Lite turned and rushed Doll. He swooped her up into his arms and launched right out the window. He let out a yell of excitement as they fell from the tower. He angled the drop And they we're lucky enough to fall into large pile of hay. Lite let Doll fall atop of him so he would take more of the impact. "Alright, we should start moving to the next kingdom." Lite said slightly breathlessly.
Dahlia noticed that Lite looked bored, and the next thing she knew they were falling out the window. Was he crazy?! Had the wanted posters made him decide it was much better to die of his own accord rather than be executed? They luckily landed in a pile of hay. She was sore, but had landed on top of Lite who had cushioned the fall. He said it was time to move on to the next kingdom, and she nodded as she stood back up. If he thought it was best to leave, she would follow.
Lite pushed himself onto his feet and looked around. They we're more on the look out for him than Doll. "Check the corners, Try to find a open route out of here." Lite commanded Doll as he sunk into the hay stack being sure to stay concealed. As well he was trying to gain some air form the fall.
Doll nodded and quickly scouted out the area. She looked to see where the guards were, and saw that there were none in the area. She found a small alley that would lead them to the main street in the cir

city, and from there they could go straight to the gates. Luckily the gate guards had also left post to search for Lite, so as long as they made it to the gate they could escape into the nearby forest.

Dahlia brought this news back to Lite. She poked around in the hay until she found him and pulled him out, dragging him along behind her as they made their way to the alley.

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