
(Ah okay. I wasnt even sure on that myself :D NOw I know I can make The Enemy as gory as the books were :D )
If I wasn' allowed to gore up the place, I wouldn't be here... I'm infamous for doing just horrific things that arn't all acceptable here... But most you'll all get to experience. :D ))
[QUOTE="♥Lost_In_Paradise♥](Hey, Uhm.. Not trying to be pushy or anything. But Amelia is kinda of in trouble and nobody has really noticed.. Can someone help her please??)

(We're all in the kingdom of Avalon. So you would have to make a post saying they dragged you here :D )
([MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] Should I just Say Luke was Talking to you instead Coinsidering JC wont be on for a while)
[MENTION=2671]AncientPredator[/MENTION] we are all still in the guard tower, no one has responded /:
@KaitWink Wait your in a tower I thought you were on the road? :S I Will make a new post To Involve Lost in Paradise. @LostInParadise Do you mind if they took you to Avalon?
(Yeah lol I'll make a post saying Amelia was dragged into Avalon's forest or something lol :P )

The Princess continued to struggle, trying to break loose of the heavy ropes. She began to get angry, and she gritted her teeth. But her attention was focused on something else.

I'm in.. Avalon. Why are they taking me here? She thought to herself, scanning the dark forest thoroughly. Glancing around again, she noticed she was near a dirt road.. Maybe someone could come and help her..

"Help! Somebody help me!" She screamed again, gasping slightly as one of the thieves picked her up and held a knife to her throat.

"Didn't I tell you to shut it?" He snarled irritably, but she just spit in his face, making him step back a few steps. But he still had a good grip on her.

"Let go of me, you dirty piece of scum!" She continued to yell, spitting at him again. He was getting angry now, and so were the other thieves around her.

"Well, now.. Those are some pretty nasty words for a Princess like you.." He wiped away the spit on his face and held the knife tighter against her throat. She closed her eyes and gulped, prepared to feel the knife slice against her throat.
Vynion, hearing the woman’s screams decided to take a short stop. Surely where there was a woman in distress there was fun to be had. He quickly wandered towards the group, not too far off from his position… After a few long seconds of a quickened waddle he finally reached the top of a small grassy hill, coming to a clear view of a dirt road, some bandits and their female companion. He’d stand still for a moment simply watching the scene with his head tilted to the right in a bit, brows perked in curiosity.

He decided to further his own inquire and shuffled forward, not the least bit stealthy… In fact, if anything he was to obvious. Once he was in ear shot of the group he’d decide to rest, and take a seat; lowering his rear to the ground, and allowing his legs to fall from under him producing a slight ‘plomp’ as he touched the ground. He’d then cross his legs over each other, criss cross apple sauce. He’d then decide to speak, louder than his usual tone to be sure the bandits would hear him. “What’cha guys doing?”
Dahlia looked to the people in their group, wondering what they needed to do. One thing was sure, if there was someone trying to catch Lite, they needed to move. Hopefully the bounty hunter spoke the truth, and that she could really help prove Lite's innocence. After all, he had been attacked while defending others at the bar, and it wasn't his fault that it had gotten messy.
Immediately, Amelia and the thieve's turned toward Vynion, pointing there bows at him.

"What does it look like were doing? We capturing this Princess." One of the thieve's snapped, not realizing what he had said until five seconds later. All of the other thieve's glared at him, spitting threatening words at him and than returning back to the other man sitting by the tree.

"Just back off, mister. This has none of your concern." The leader of the thieve's snarled, tightening his grip on Princess Amelia's throat.

"Please, sir! Help me! There going to kill me!" She screamed as the thief held the knife tighter against her throat angrily.

"You stupid Princess! I told you to shut up, didn't I?" He growled, slicing her throat enough for it to dribble blood.
Vynion ruffled his brows, and pursed his lips as if running the bandits words thoroughly through his head; even adding a soft “Hmmm…” After his long pause of thought he simply nodded, but otherwise retained his potion. “I see… A princess? A Question one has for the group, if they are so kind to oblige; why would one want a princess and not a chest of coin? For a perverse fantasy of yours? Surely you don’t consider that much of a ransom; you’ve already wounded her… And any princess that isn’t guarded enough to allow such… Petty beings; no offense, such as yourselves to steal her away… Isn’t worth much in the first place. I suggest you kill her, or let me. I’d trade some coin, and a map that leads to a real treasure, and not some knave female.” He nodded firmly to his proposal. He’d have his hands resting on his knees, gently rocking himself side to side as he waited for a reply.
The Princess's eyes widened and a silent tear crept down her face. She was going to die. Both of these men were going to kill her whether she liked it or not.

"I can't believe you.." She spat at the man, clenching her fists as the thief threw her down onto the ground. The thief was suspicious, but willing to do it.

"Alright. If your willing to trade her for 30 gold coins. It'll be a deal. But the main reason why we captured her, is because we were willing to make a deal with the King of Harp to see if he would pay us 100 gold coins if we gave him his daughter back." The leader of the thieve's said simply, aiming his arrow down and grinning wickedly.

The Princess squirmed, and managed to get her knife to undo the ropes on her hands, than on her feet when the thieve's weren't looking. She leaped up and quickly strung three arrows into her bow and fired them all. The arrows hit three thieve's directly in the face, including the leader. Mouths agape with shock, the other thieve's stumbled away as soon as she aimed her bow at them. There was not very many thieve's, so it would of been easy for her to wipe all of them out.

She turned to the man and aimed an arrow at him.

"How dare you. You were just gonna let me die?" She snarled, but she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, calming herself down. She looked back up with gleaming blue eyes and than sighed.

"You could of at least helped me." She said in a more calmed tone than before.
Vynion rolled his shoulder, and let out a soft huff of warm air from his lungs; obviously sounding disappointed with the displayed results. He bothered to raise his head, intense eyes locked onto the princess sternly. He’d reply to the noble with an added irritated tone. “Well, dear… You see it’s information gathering. By making friends with the bandits I learned who you are, how much you’re worth, among other obvious information. I am blessed with eyes, dear… Meaning I can see. For as long as I can see, I shall make sure I find appropriate victims.”

With that Vynion would roll forward, pushing himself to his knees, and with an added gruff grunt he’d push himself to his feet, again rolling his shoulder. He cocked his head once finished, looking to the princess. “Besides all that I have a strong distaste for petty crimes such as stealing a knave. Real bandits would have taken you as their *****, mated with you to build an army of infants; only to finish their breeding run by cooking you over a nice campfire where they would share details on their civilian lives before, and a the occasional ghost story.”
Princess Amelia listened to him carefully, the sweet side of her coming back to her slowly.

"So.. What your telling me is.. Your here to capture me to?" She raised the bow up at him again she squinted, prepared to shoot the arrow right through his head. But maybe that wasn't what he was trying to tell her. She lowered her bow once again and flicked her brown hair.

"What is it you want, stranger?" She asked, gripping her white bow and arrow tightly, not knowing what he was going to do to her.
Vynion thought about this for a moment, his brows ruffling as he did so. Final after his pause he’d speak in a improved, excited tone. “An army of bandits, a new house, a horse would be a nice… My own butcher, a new jar… Some new shoes too, these have holes in them… Uh, gold comes in handy too considering it can buy all of that.”

He nodded softly to this casually walking forward towards the first downed bandit, kneeling before the fresh corpse only to pick through his pockets and leather satchel, paying little mind to the princess at the moment.
Luke had followed the deer he had been following until he had the sound of an arrow or more being shot off. HE tried to follow the sound. It had definitely been near him. He continued his search until he found two figures. He observed the area more carefully to see 3 bodies on the ground each with an arrow piercing their face and one of the figures searching through their pockets. He drew his sword from his sheath and hid behind the nearest tree. The other figure seemed to be a female. She appeared to be pointing a bow at the other figure. A man? Luke thought to himself.
Princess Amelia sighed, looking away and aiming her bow at someone standing not far from them. Could it be another thief? She strung an arrow and walked towards the figure, her blue eyes glowing fiercely. When she saw who it was, she immediately stopped and aimed her arrow down.

"Prince Luke! What are you doing here?" She exclaimed, not expecting him to be standing there watching them. Her blue eyes flicked back to the man, who seemed to be picking at one of the thieve's corpses.

Sighing, the Princess looked away from Luke and stared off somewhere else, but jumped back as an arrow whizzed by her head and hit a tree.

"Oh great.. Not again." She muttered irritably, aiming an arrow and shooting it off. She heard a yelp and than all was silent. Looking off onto the dirt road, she put her bow and arrows away. She wanted to get back to her kingdom before the thieve's returned, but she didn't have a horse. So she would have to walk.
Luke's eyes widened as the figure got closer it couldn't be. "Princess Amelia? What are you doing here what happened,who is he and why is he searching those bodies pockets?" Luke sheathed his sword and looked at her with concern on his face. "How did you get here all the way from The Harp kingdom and where's your horse?" He asked quickly. He looked over at the other man looting the bodies on the floor. He looked at her wrists noticing the rope burns. He frowned.
Princess Amelia rubbed her wrists and than looked back up at him.

"A band of thieve's captured me and brought me here. They shot my horse, Anabelle, in the leg and than dragged me all the way here." She explained, trying to answer all of his question's at once. She looked at the man and sighed.

"I don't know who he is exactly. He showed up here when the thieve's were about to kill me." She clenched her fists and gave the man a deadly glare, remembering he was just going to let her die.
Luke nods. "Whats the plan then? If you want to leave him you can come back to the castle with me. Rest up and then do want you want whether that be go back to The Harp kingdom or any other business you have to intend to." He waited for her response keeping a trained eye on the man in the distance. He seemed fairly dodgy to Luke. "Just tell me what you want to do and I'll be ready" She seemed pretty roughed up. He hoped she was okay. He had seemed nice the few times he'd met with her unlike most loyalty she wasnt spoiled or stuck up.
Princess Amelia nodded slowly, flashing the man a look again. She knew the man would be angry with her if she left without him, but she had no choice.

"I should probably go back to your castle and rest. My kingdom is too far away, and I don't want to risk getting hurt again." She touched her throat which was slit only a little.

Glancing back at the man, she reached into her dress pocket and pulled out a medium-sized bag.

"Here. Maybe this'll buy you a horse, or maybe even some new shoes." She laughed slightly and threw the bag next to him. It contained at least 200 gold coins. She gave him one last smile and than began walking out towards the dirt road with Luke. She glanced over at Luke and smirked.

"Are you sure your Father won't mind me staying at your castle? I don't want to be a bother." She asked worriedly, her blue eyes glittering slightly.

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