
(They are allready in the Avalon Kingdom.... just not the Castle.)

Raven gave a nod to acknowledge the woman's gratitude. Ofcourse, as the fire side caught her face a small bit of recognition dawned on Raven. Is that really Princess Amelia? What could she possibly be doing here?

(I'm going to to the layout of the tournament of Games in the OOC board.)
(Yeah that's what I meant lol.)

The Princess slipped onto the back of the beautiful black and white horse, and than gripped the reins tightly. Her soft blue eyes looked back at the woman who had treated her wound, and she saw a bit of curiosity on her face.

"If you're wondering who I am, I'm Princess Amelia of the Harp Kingdom." She said, nodding her head and than flashing her a sweet smile.

(Ok it's up on the OOC board now.)

Raven looked at the Princess. She had confirmed Raven's thoughts about who she was. But it was still strange with her being in the Avalon Kingdom. Especially with the Tournament of Games starting tomorrow. Raven knew that information important and her master would scorn her for not finding out. Ofcourse, Raven normally found these things out by spying on people but this time it'd most likely be easier to ask.

"Why are you here in Avalon?" Raven asked.
"I was captured by thieves and they dragged me all the way here to Avalon. Prince Luke found me and took me back to his castle." She said simply. She had a few suspicions about telling this woman why she was here, but she eventually got over it. She looked over at Luke and smiled before glancing back down at the woman.

"We should probably be on our way. Thank you for helping me." She grinned and continued to wait for the Prince to get on his horse.

(Alrighty. I'll go look at it:)
Raven gave a nod. She could sense the reluctant in Amelia's voice. But it was only natural. Though if she knew who she was talking to she might be acting a different way towards her. Being the apprentice of a famous Individual tends to give you fame too. Though she has done many things to earn her own fame. But it wasn't like Raven cared about being known though out all the Kingdoms. Though it does help with introductions as well as scarring target's into giving up but not like she needed them to. However, her fame does have some disadvantages so right now she was sort of glad for it being night. Perhaps the Princess couldn't see her that clearly. Then she made note of what she said about Prince Luke. She looked at him and could now see the resemblance he had to the Prince in the dark light. So it was most likely him.
(I think we should just skip to when Amelia gets back to Avalon's castle. I don't think AncientPredator is going to be on until tomorrow.)

The Princess carefully slid off of Anabelle's back, looking up as she noticed Emerald was waiting by the entrance. She nodded towards him and stood up in front of him.

"Should we head towards the Harp Kingdom now, Emerald?" She asked quietly, an edge of sorrow in her voice as she glanced over at Luke.
(OOC: I changed it up a bit. I'm going to keep Les in werewolf form until the time shift. He's going meet up with Raven for a bit...)

Les awoke. He was able to piece together that the guard removed the collar and he transformed. From there it was blank. The stench got to him first. He stood to his feet and took in his surroundings: a solitary alley with trash...lovely. Les found some replacement clothes and but then realized that he was still in werewolf form. He realized that he could walk perfectly on four legs, "must be an instinct type thing." Les stuck his muzzle out of the alleyway to take a look at the streets. He wanted to run around and bask in his freedom, but he knew that he was larger than you average dog or wolf. He decided it best to stick to the alleyways and shadows.

He took several good sniffs with his nose. He smelled water some ways off and headed in the direction, keeping out of people's line of sight. He came to an alley that led to the water, in this case a river. He dashed across and down hill to the bank, almost forgetting to check to see if the coast was clear. He plowed into the water because he forgot that his strength was greatly increased due to being in werewolf form. The river carried him some distance before he was able to paddle out onto the river bank. Rolling his eyes at his clumsiness, he shook the water out of his black fur and began to take his fill from the river. After he licked his chops, he took shelter under a bridge and dozed off.

WHAT IN THE WORLD!?!?!? He awoke with a start as he barely heard a woman scream in fright and the sound of something crashing into the water. He leaped into the action and leaped over the river to follow through the field next to the river. He saw his chance but put on the brakes when he saw someone else had rescued the floundering woman. He began to pant to cool himself. But he noticed that the rescuer had an interesting scent. Once the two weren't looking, and once he made sure it was clear, he ran and jumped across the bank and seemingly flew into the alley...crashing into several empty pots. Ouch...that's going to leave a headache. He silently growled in annoyance at his carelessness and peeked his head around the corner to watch the lady with the interesting scent (Raven) and then followed her when she left.
(The werewolf isn't a wolf but a wolf beast... as in like the sterotypical ones. they are on 2 legs but they can travel on all 4s if need be. Also normally it takes a while until one can control themselves in werewolf form but i'll let it slide. Also, Luke saved Amelia. but Raven showed up afterwards and patched her up. Just informing you no edit needed.)

Emerald- Avalon Kingdom.Emerald looked at Amelia seeing her expression. He knew she didn't want to leave."I'm afraid so, princess," he told her, "I just resieved a message from the King. He wants you home so you can travel with him to the Games."


Raven could tell she was being followed not long after it started. But she waited til she was in a clearing away from the others. She stopped and without turning around talked."Why are you following me?" She asked calmly, "Werewolf."
The Princess couldn't help but nod in agreement. She didn't want to leave, because she felt so happy here with Luke. But if it was what she had to do.

"Okay. Let's get going than.." She murmured, suddenly whipping around and pulling Luke into a tight hug. She pulled away, staring into his eyes for a moment, and than whispered:

"See you at the tournament."

She whipped away from Luke and padded slowly over to her horse, slipping onto it's back and looking ahead. She nodded at Emerald, squeezing the sides of Anabelle's stomach and letting her go into a slot trot down the dirt road.

Emerald allready had his horse near-by. So he walked over to it and got up on it. Then with a quick nod to Justin he took off as he came up to the Princess. As he got up he happened to notice the patch work on her head. and the fact that she was wearing wet clothes.

"What happened Princess?" He asked.
Princess Amelia turned her gaze to Justin, and she sighed.

"I accidentally slipped off my horse and fell into the river.." Her fists suddenly clenched until they turned white, and than she released them. The color quickly slipped back into her hands as she looked back over to him.

"Are you participating in the tournament?" She asked him, her blue eyes sparkling slightly.
Emerald-Leaving Avalon Kingdom

Emerald gave a nodd as he noticed her look back at Luke. Obviously it was Luke who had saved her. Then she brought up a a question and Emerald answered. "Indeed I am," Emerald said he didn't quiet like to bring it up since he knew that Amelia wanted to compete in the Tournament as well. The two continued to travel down the road that lead out of Avalon.
(Roger that...but I'm keeping the tail)

After several seconds of trying to form words with a mouth that he was unaccustomed to using, he spoke in a growly mumbled voice, "Different scent than other people. Made curious."
The Princess nodded, training her gaze on the dirt road in front of her. It wasn't long before both of them arrived at the Harp Kingdom. Almost immediately, her eyes flashed with anger. She did not feel like talking to her Father at all right now. But she was going to have to if she wanted to get into the tournament herself.

Something inside her told her not to enter the tournament, but she wanted to be in the games so badly. Sighing in a stressful manner, she moved the reins to the right, leading her horse towards the huge castle that now stood in front of her.

"I'm a vampire," Raven told the werewolf, "If that's what you mean." She studied the wolf creature with a mixture of curiosity. She could tell that this was the first time in a while since he's changed and even perhaps the first time the creature had been in control while in werewolf form. Which would explain his struggling to speak.


Emerald had traveled along with the Princess. He was rather glad she didn't go much farther with the topic. Eventually the pair made it back to the Harp Kingdom and headed towards the castle. Emerald could see it in Amelia's facial expressoin that she wasn't to keen to be home. Or most likely to talk with her father since he had guessed she was wanting to talk with King Masion before going to that night. "You plan on talking with your father about the tournament when we get in don't you?" Emerald asked, "The King's still up or should be since he said in his message that he won't be retiring to his chambers til you've arrived home."
The Princess turned her gaze towards Emerald, and than she nodded.

"I do plan on speaking with my Father about the tournament. But I'm having second thoughts.." She admitted, staring forward once again.

"I feel as if I shouldn't be entering the tournament. Like I should rather keep the tradition and do what my Father says." Her blues eyes were slightly stern, and a little frustrated. Sighing, she looked up at the castle, hoping this was the right thing to do.

Emerald noted Amelia's attitude. She seemed to be struggling with deciding rather she should join the tournament or keep with the tradition of having a champion fight for her, since she's come of age. Emerald did think of one thing that might cheer her up. "Do you know who your champion is going to be?" Emerald asked, "If you decide have one and not enter the tournament." Emerald knew that the Princess was allowed to choose her champion and if the champion does well enough in the games, it would have an effect on the King's decision on who he'd choose for her. However, if Princess Amelia choose to participate in the games or got her father to allow her too. He may even take away her champion since she, herself, would be her own champion. But that jsut ment that Princess Amelia was agreeing with who ever King Masion had chosen for her. Though she doesn't know yet who that person is nor is Emerald allowed to tell her. If was the King's place to tell her, not him.
(I'm keeping with it until it dies or is closed)

([MENTION=3139]JCKane[/MENTION]: lol)

"I've heard of vampires...but they have all been stories." Les scratched the back of his head as he didn't want to believe what his former masters had told him, "What is a vampire?"

Les' stomach gurgled and he realized that he hadn't eaten since the scraps he was given by his now deceased master the morning before.
(@Lupis Verum: The role play will keep on unless @Lost_In_Paradise quits as I've allready explained. Well unless someone else joins before she quits.)

Raven heard the werewolf's stomach growl. She didn't have any food on her and the only place to get food this late at night would be in a Inn. But with him being in werewolf form it would not be wise to have him go into the inn. She knew that she'd have to address his hunger soon because she knew that if left unchecked the hunger could cause the werewolf to loose himself to it. She wasn't scared as she knew that if need be she could easily kill the him. But her master did not approve of killing something when there was an alternative.

"A Vampire is one who has enhanced abilities, " Raven said answering his question first, "Like speed and strength." Raven deemed it wise not to point out the one major weakness of a vampire, "Some vampires give in to their craving for blood and act as hunters. Some even work in packs." She figured that was sufficient enough information to answer the werewolf's question. So now she felt it best to address his hunger. "You need to get something to eat." Raven told him changing subjects almost aburtly, "If you don't then you may loose yourself to the hunger. There's an inn not far from here, if you follow me I can get you some food, but it'd be best if you didn't go in. Because if you did it'd only cause panic.
Les understood what the vampire was saying and was a touch surprised at her kindness. Anyone that was aroundhim in the past always poked fun or punished him for no reason. This same train of thought made him wary of the sudden kindness as well, "Alright. Lead the way."

Raven gave a nod as she lead him to the close by Inn. Once they arrived she gave him a hand signal that meant wait right here, "I'll be right back with the food, " Raven said, "Try to keep your hunger in check before then." Raven then left as she went into the Inn. The inn keeper was inside at the bar. Raven then gave him her order. The bar tender raised his eyebrows at what all she order thinking that it was a lot of meat for one lady. But he kept his thoughts to himself as he went to prepare the food. Raven just sat there as she glanced at the door.
The werewolf kept to the deep shadows while trying to remain still. He was impatient and anxious to explore. He wanted to test his abilities as he couldn't test them while under slavery. But Les was also realistic. From what he heard, Neko were looked down upon as garbage. And werewolves were hunted by various other species. He was combination of the two: an anomaly. He couldn't think of the consequences if he were to be found out. He took a breath through his nose and smelled various things: garbage, people, sweat, and food. Food sounded extremely satisfying: Les licked his chops in anticipation. He was barely able to restrain himself from taking to the rooftops to see what was taking the kind vampire so long.
Raven-Avalon:Finally, the bar tender finish preparing the food and gave it to her. Raven acepted the food as she headed back outside. The bar tender glanced at her curiously but shrugged and went back to his buiness. Raven now headed to where she had the werewolf wait. She could tell he was still there so once she was there she sat down the food, which was on a wooden tray.

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