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Fantasy Maxwood Highschool for the unique


Leda walked back into the school grounds, a somewhat panicked expression adorning her paler than usual periwinkle blue face. She had been called home for a matter, that was ridiculous, in her opinion. She had just gotten to this school, in hopes that it would help her with her predicament, and now her mother wanted to pull her out. To go to the middle of nowhere, away from any and all social interaction, to attempt something that she had failed countless times while she was growing up. Leda just didn't see the point. Of course that home visit had gone terribly, they had gotten into a explosive fight. Not a metaphor. Leda had lost control of her abilities and almost burnt down the house when she found herself caught in a vortex of blue flames.
But now she was back, and she just wanted to get to her dorm room and go to sleep.
The Teifling dragged herself towards the dorms, the usual skip in her step no where to be found.

template by astraea
"Some powers. I haven't used them since I lost my eye to a dragon I was hunting" She smirked "Maybe I'll start hunting beasts again. The woods around here have to be overrun with them"
She looked at Isabella "So Izzy, where is the nurses office?"
Michelle Leanne Woods
Vivienne stayed with her all night keeping an eye tending to her and cuddling her whenever needed. Getting up to make her favorite soup when she woke up a bit hungry. She kept her very comfortable as all she wanted her was to relax and feel better, to which she would be much by morning. Texangamer Texangamer
((its alright its afterschool now in the RP))

Marina smiled "what ya doing out here late by your self?" she asked taking a set on the steps next to him
(oh ok)

Chris sat back down and said,"Nothing much,i was just sitting here,drawing, after a long day of school,what about you?"
She leans back "I just went for a swim in the lake at the edge of the school grounds...you draw? cool like sketches or like cartoons?" she asked quite curious
Chris says,"Oh theres a lake,i didn't know" He took out the notebook that had his drawings,"Well,i draw everything i see around me,I think you could consider them sketches but i usually finish them." The notebook had hyper realistic drawings of different parts of the school.
AquaMarie AquaMarie
Marins gently nodded "yep...its at the very edge of school grounds...I like the water there more then the pool..." she commented as she leaned ober to look at his drawings "wow! Those are amazing! They look just like the real thing. Your an amazing artist....better then anything I can do..." laughingman12 laughingman12
Lance nodded and smiled, getting up to lace up his shoes and grab his keys. Then Lance looked confused briefly, but coupled with Akira's reaction and his earlier conversation with the nurse, he put two and two together, blushing. "Did I... do the thing again? I'm really trying not to... you've lost too much blood today as it is..." To tell the truth, he was starting to get frustrated. He could hardly touch Akira! This was him holding back so as to not set Akira off, but was even this too much for him? Lance was thoroughly confused. He was happy Akira liked him this much, but he wanted to be able to adore him properly without worrying about his nose busting open like a faucet. This is how you're supposed to treat the one you love, right? It bothered him that he couldn't be as close as he wanted, and it was written on his face.
K KodomoSekai
Isabella just me let the girl follow her as just she gets to the office seeing her friend still asleep she just sat down next to her all worried about her she was wondering her crush was doing she just sat there looking at her hand' man two weeks with this gonna be awful will people pick on me I'll hurt them if they do' she thought Elizabeth Ashreel Elizabeth Ashreel
Michelle Leanne Woods
She just yawns as she woke up as she looked around as she didn't see her mother she just bites her lip she was in her bed as she got up from the bed as she got up from the bed looking for her mom as she breathed in as she was slightly dizzy she just held onto the wall as she went to the the kitchen she wasn't supposed to be out of bed she was supposed to be in bed" momma i'm hungry" she say she just wanted to go outside she hated when she was stuck in bed all day she just held onto the wall as she was feeling dizzy" can we get ice cweam" she asks as she was burning up even though she been in bed all day she still felt the same she just stood there looking at her mother cooking as she yawn since she just woke up from her nap a little better but not better" momma do the nurse have to do the tests can't you do it" she asked coughing a little light headed she just pout to her mother leaning against the door closing her eyes a but she sighed leaning against the wall feeling light headed AquaMarie AquaMarie
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Akira - How Worrisome...! - ( SmallSailboat SmallSailboat )

"Not... that thing-" Akira sat up, trying his hardest not to think of Lance with only his boxers on, trying being the key word. It was hard not to! If Akira read any of those teen magazines, he could totally picture Lance shirtless being on the cover. He wasn't sure if that was a testament to how blind love is, or to how genuinely hot his Lance was, but it was one of the two. Akira shook his head as if trying to get the thought out of his mind by sheer force. "W-what you did wasn't enough to make me lose blood." Akira quickly tried to clear up, he really did love Lance's affection. He hadn't had any cases of Lance's affection being the cause of one of his insane nosebleeds, just the partial nudity incidents. "I just wanted to see if you knew." Akira said plainly as he studied the look on Lance's face.
He didn't like seeing Lance bothered, it wasn't a good look on him. Lance really was the most innocent man on this planet, no, scratch that, in this universe. He really didn't seem to get what Akira was insinuating with his question. Akira had no idea how to follow this up though, he knew he should say something comforting but what? How was he supposed to explain to the most innocent person to have ever existed what the insinuation behind his words were? There was no possible way! "Er... Uh..." Akira tried to find the words, but he had nothing to explain that, "We should get shopping before the store crowds." Akira got up and quickly tried to switch the topic.
Adney took a seat on the edge of one of the beds as the nurse approached her and began to run through the basic tests. She reached up with careful hands and removed the pink-haired girl's eyepatch.
She took some notes on how the scar and eye were healing.
Adney could faintly make out light and dark from her scarred eye but it was a struggle. She snatched the eyepatch back and replaced it
Isabella just looked at her friend than to the girl she just sit in her chair looking at her bandages on her hand she just pout a bit' man 2 weeks with this on ugh it's gonna be awful' she thought looking at her sleeping friend
Vivienne Woods
"Michelle....dear what are you doing out of bed?" she said with a worried look as she walked over to help the dizzy girl back to bed "I am made you your favorite soup ...now come back to bed...want to watch a movie?" she asked helping her daughter back into bed and tucking her in. "we can see how you are feeling a bit later...and then we will see about going out for icecream.," she replied before going off to get a bowl of soup. She gave her some medicine to help with the fever seeing that it had returned not as bad as before but it was still there. She sat next to her daughter as she eats her soup "well it is her job dear...but don't worry about that right now...we just have to worry about you getting better first" Texangamer Texangamer
Michelle Leanne Woods
Michelle just looked at her mother as she smiled a little leaning against the wall" I uh was hungry I didn't know where you went" she say as she felt like she was getting carried into the room she was put back into the bed as she was tucked in bed" you made my favorite soup yay" she say happily as she was happy she didn't know she had to take her medicine" momma do I have to it looks nasty" she say whining as she just sighed coughing a real bad cough her chess hurting as she just cover herself with the blanket she didn't like being sick sometimes when she sock she couldn't breathe in right" movies yes please I'm bored" she say " can momma choice the movie" she coughed having her face on the pillow she felt awful she didn't like the medicine she refused to take the medicine" momma can you choice the movie" she asked coughing a bad cough AquaMarie AquaMarie Bunny Hop Bunny Hop
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|~*~|The sun had it's warm glow over the world. Darkness hadn't fallen over them quite yet but those who desired afternoon activities had this as a reminder to get them done. It was around four o'clock and darkness usually set around seven, the perfect amout of time left in the day.|~*~|
Isabella just was bored as she got up she didn't know when her friend will wake up she just had her headphones in her ears humming' darron what you doing your big sister is okay I went to see hers she's sleeping right now she took me to see the nurse so she's sleeping at the nurse sleeping" she say
Darron was now on his way back to campus as he walks through the forest. He planned on taking isabella there since he had a big...surprise, planned just for her. He has a smile on his face as he places his hands in his pockets. A few minutes later he texts Isabella,'Hey I'm on my way back, how's danny?'
Isabella just looked at her as she touched Danny to check she's okay seeing her breathing' she's okay she's sleeping I'm still here in the nurse officd' she texted him as she smjmdd' back from where's she texted' I made Danny smile a few timss’ she wrote on her cell as she just watched her sleeping
'Good, she's already getting back to normal. Thank you for watching over her bella, I'll be right over ok?'He texts as he exits the forest and onto the campus without being spotted.
Isabella just smiled as she looked at the text' no prob she is alright no need to worry about' she wrote smiling as she wait for darron she was excited to see him she just started to blush
Darron walks inti the office with his hands in his pockets."Here, sorry it took me so long Bella I had a few things ti take care of."He says smiling as he sits down next to her.

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