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Fandom Marvel Universe: Earth 17371

MY BOY! I think I'm gonna like working with you
I had this idea to make a superhero who uses supercharged wrestling moves to incapacitate his enemies. Like dropping a flying elbow onto a guy from ten feet in the air or suplexing them into the pavement. But I could never find a suitable face claim.
I had this idea to make a superhero who uses supercharged wrestling moves to incapacitate his enemies. Like dropping a flying elbow onto a guy from ten feet in the air or suplexing them into the pavement. But I could never find a suitable face claim.
See, I don't really wanna touch El Santo since he's basically the God of Luchadore Wrestling.
That's fair. I think it could be worked to be like a Bloodstone thing where it's the latest luchador in a long line of them to fight monsters.

Also I just wanted an excuse to show pictures of that old photo comic.
Here he is fighting the literal actual Biblical Four Horsemen.
That's fair. I think it could be worked to be like a Bloodstone thing where it's the latest luchador in a long line of them to fight monsters.

Also I just wanted an excuse to show pictures of that old photo comic.
Here he is fighting the literal actual Biblical Four Horsemen.
That's fair. I think it could be worked to be like a Bloodstone thing where it's the latest luchador in a long line of them to fight monsters.

Also I just wanted an excuse to show pictures of that old photo comic.
Here he is fighting the literal actual Biblical Four Horsemen.

Name: Durmad Nishat

Alias: Geo(Old X-Men Name)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 23

Race(Species): Mutant

Affiliations: X-Men

Relationship/Friendships: None

M.O/Motivation: To get humanity to treat mutant kind as their own or to wipe out humanity entirely.

Power Class: Beta

| Intelligence: 4/7
| Strength: 3/7
| Durability: 3/7
| Energy projection: 4/7
| Combat Skill efficiency: 3/7

Personality: Generally keeps to himself unless approached by someone or if he sees someone he knows. He is generally quiet around people unless he warmed up to them, then he will show his true colors. He enjoys joking around and talking with the people he warmed up to. Is somewhat of a leader if he has to be. If something he doesn't agree with is about to happen and he or the people he warmed up to are asked to cooperate, he will immediately deny the individual as he doesn't give in to peer pressure. He will try to advise the people he warmed up to deny the invitation as well. If they don't take his advice he'll simply accept it and they will go their separate paths. Is prideful and if he is losing badly and is asked to give up or surrender, he will keep trying until his pride eventually gets him killed. Is not scared of death as he knows it awaits everyone and it is unavoidable. He only fears the way of how he will perish.

History: Durmad's mutant abilities were recognized by his parents when he was five years old. They entered the room when they saw the energy leaving his body and breaking down his bed in his sleep. He was immediately found by the X-Men when his parents realized he was a mutant. Durmad spent eleven years trying to hone his mutant abilities. During his times he witnessed multiple deaths of mutants by the hands of humans. He wanted to fight back and make the humans pay for what they did to his kind, but the X-Men would not allow it. When he finally turned sixteen he left the X-Men and set out on his own once he realized staying with them was a waste of his time. He spent seven years alone isolated to improve upon his mutant abilities so that he can finally wipe out humanity.

Powers/Abilities: Durmad's body is filled with unstable potential energy. If he doesn't release this unstable energy it will eventually eat break his body down either turning him into pure unstable energy or kill him. To avoid this he releases his energy onto items or catalysts. When he releases this energy it enhances the catalyst, making the catalyst much stronger than before. Even though the catalyst gets stronger it will eventually break down as well, only lasting mere minutes. Because of this he keeps a backpack with multiple items within it. If the energy is used on a firearm it will increase the destructive capabilities of the firearm, if it is used on a blade the blade will be able to send out energy waves that are able to travel at least 10 feet, if the energy is released on clothing it will increase the amount of damage the wearer can take.

Origins of Powers/Abilities: Durmad gained his mutant abilities at the age of five and improved upon them when he was with the X-Men.

Equipment: Backpack containing a handgun and a blade.

Weaknesses: Carelessness, Unstable mutant abilities, and restraining him long enough so that he can't release his unstable energy that will eventually break his body down.


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Accessing Fury File #1960206: Cosmos Stalker
Name: Vera Ken
Nicknames: The Green Butcher, dog
Alias: Vilikh
Species: Inhuman
Age: 50s
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual


Her face and body are covered in battle-scars. There is a notable scar on her left cheek in the form of claw-marks.

Personality: Vera is a cold woman with her view on the cosmos being cynical and unkind. She treats every contract as a sport, like hunting common deer through a forest rather than sentient beings across the known universe. Despite taking great pride in her hunting, to say she enjoys inflicting pain is simply false in most cases. She "takes her time" when it comes to people who have betrayed her and when it comes to both Shi'ar and the Skrull, simply due to her time within the Kree Empire. Although originally born on Earth, it's an alien world to her now as she is always on the move, never finding a planet to settle on and simply waiting for the next contract to come through or for valuable prey to show itself.
She respects the humans, seeing a fighting spirit in them that reminds her of herself.

Affiliations: The Kree Empire: She's worked for them on multiple occasions.

Thanos: To cut a long story short, a contract for the Mad Titan's head landed on Vera's doorstep. Instead of taking a suicide mission, she delivered the head of the employer and the other bounty hunters to Thanos. Since then, she's sworn to take out anyone dumb enough to put a hit out on The Mad Titan she comes across and in return the Black Order and Thanos' other children will leave her to her other hunting. She's well aware that to betray Thanos is suicide.

Relationships/Friendships: An ageing Kree General named Rie-Bok. Although the two haven't spoken in ten years, she still considers him the closest thing to family she's ever had. Bok took Vera and half a dozen other children from Earth as children, seeing the Inhuman genes in their DNA and wanting to shape them into gladiators to sell to the highest bidder. However, Vera impressed him and instead took her on as his personal bodyguard/assassin.

M.O or Motivations: Seeking out satisfying prey, and the trophies she obtains from said prey. Her other big motivation would be wealth, as she uses that to get by as well as improving her equipment.

Power Class: Alpha
Intelligence: 4/7
Strength: 6/7
Speed: 3/7 but 4/7 in suit
Durability: 6/7
Energy Projection: 1/7 but 3/7 in suit
Combat Skill Efficiency: 6/7
Courtesy of Power Grid

Origin of Powers/Abilities: Terrigenesis and via Kree experiments.

Powers/Abilities: When first exposed to the Terrigen Mist, Vera only gained slight superhuman strength and durability. However, this was changed when Rie-Bok started to experiment on her and her abilities were greatly enhanced (see grid). In laboratory conditions, she was able to lift the equivalent of a commercial airplane (before being loaded, a commercial airplane weights between 100-125 tonnes) and throw it at least several meters.
In terms of durability she survived a Skrull dreadnought annihilating the small ship she was on with only a few minor injuries and some broken bones.

Skills: Speaks fluent Kree, has studied half a dozen martial arts styles across the galaxy.

Weaknesses: Arrogant to a fault, her lack of understanding of Earth customs could land her in hot water too. Furthermore, her immunity to damage does not extend as far when it comes to magic. Also, her Warsuit still has metal in it, making it vulnerable to characters like Magneto and Polaris. A well-placed EMP would probably disable it too.
While out of the suit her skin may possess her enhanced durability, but underneath it she is vulnerable. Cutting off her ability to breathe or poisoning her are sheer ways to bring Vera down.

Equipment (Applies to costumes/supersuits too)
Warsuit: Initially bought for her by Rie-Bok, Vera has made improvements and modifications to the suit, taking parts from kills. Vera's Warsuit is equipped with a life-support system, which allows her to survive in hostile environments like underwater and in the cold vacuum of space. This life-support goes further, allowing the suit to endure both high and low temperatures.
The suit's weaponry comes from multiple blades attached to it, composed of a Kree material that can slice through military tanks. These can be fired at the speed of bullets, should Vera require it and slotted back into the suit with ease. As well as the blades, the suit is capable of firing energy blasts from the eyes and hands. These are akin to a blast from a high-powered energy rifle at their strongest.

The suit stands at eight feet tall, offering an extra layer of protection over Vera and comes equipped with a translator, allowing her to speak and understand alien languages (in her eyes, this does include Earth-based languages as well).
While not possessing thrusters, the suit does increase her running speed and allows her to jump long distances (see power grid).

  • Hobbies: Hunting both big and small game, stargazing
  • Habits: Rarely smiles, so when she does it is a little unsettling. While out of the suit she has a tendency to stand up as straight as possible to seem more intimidating, and often has her hands behind her back (Kree Military)
  • Likes: Fresh meat, other warriors/hunters
  • Dislikes: Being talked down to, boring prey (they don't fight or run, and instead beg or simply give up)
  • Fears: That Thanos and/or The Black Order will betray her. There is nowhere in the cosmos she can hide if the Mad Titan has it out for her. The destruction of the Kree Empire (especially at the hands of the Skrull or Shi'ar).
  • Hopes/Dreams: To be respected and feared throughout the galaxy, and to have Thanos show her respect.
  • Etc
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Accessing Fury File #2100: Socrpion
Peter W
Human Mutate
Sexual Orientation:
Before Mutation

Peter is always looking for a good fight; all he really cares for is a good brawl and he doesn't care if anyone gets hurt in the progress. He is entirely self-centered and likes to get his own way. This means he doesn't fight fair, however, using dirty handed tricks while the ref aren't looking to win most of his matches. He cares so much for fighting that he went as far as to go to Alchemax to get an 'upgrade' in order to continue wrestling.
M.O or Motivations:
To keep winning fights.
Power Class:
Intelligence: 2/7
Strength: 5/7
Speed: 3/7
Durability: 5/7
Energy Projection: 3/7
Combat Skill Efficiency: 5/7
Courtesy of Power Grid
Origin of Powers/Abilities:
Alchemax crossed-spliced Peter's DNA with that of a venomous scorpion after he searched for help due to losing to the Young Bucks in a match and being injured, forcing him to retire.
Super Strength
Venom spit
Enhance Durability
Enhanced speed
Wall Crawling
Skilled fighter- being a professional wrestler ensured that Peter has mastered a form of martial arts and is learning a few.
He can't ditch what he was taught and therefore has to sell every move
Prone to long speeches and makes promos
Changes morality frequently
Equipment (Applies to costumes/supersuits too)
Champion Belt

  • Hobbies Making speeches and promos, wrestling
  • Habits: Selling every move
  • Likes: The buzz you feel from a crowd cheering for you
  • Dislikes: The Young Bucks, Kenny Omega
  • Fears: Losing again
I'm going to finish my Inhuman character on Monday. I have a thing this weekend, followed by another thing so in terms of the RP right now it's really just trying to reply when I can.
Accessing Fury File #(00851): [Shadow]


Name: Cedric Riley

Nicknames: None

Alias: Shadow

Species: Mutant

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearance: Picture applied.

Personality: Due to the overwhelming amount of dark energy in Cedric because of his mutant abilities, his personality is also a bit dark. He keeps to himself a lot. Doesn’t really have a place in the world as of yet. He has jumped around from home to home when he was young and as he got older, he finally just decided that he didn’t need a family to survive in the world. He doesn’t talk much, especially not to people he doesn’t know. The most difficult part of himself though, is his anger. The more he gets angry with something or loses his cool that is when the darkness inside of him really starts to take control...

Affiliations: None

Relationships/Friendships: None

M.O or Motivations: To survive.


Power Class: Alpha

Intelligence: 3/7

Strength: 4/7

Speed: 2/7

Durability: 4/7

Energy Projection: 5/7

Combat Skill Efficiency: 5/7

Origin of Powers/Abilities: Cedric was abandon when he was a baby. Left on the door steps of a local church. When he was born, his eyes had a tint of blackness to them that terrified them. They were very religious people and had assumed the devil possessed there baby. Hence why they left him at a church.

The church took care of him for the better part of his childhood. Teaching him everything of what a child should learn. Once he became 12, Cedric decided to leave the church. He was never sure why he left, it wasn’t as if they were treating him poorly there. Something inside of him was just telling him he needed to leave. He didn’t make it very far though as he was eventually picked up by child services. A couple months later, Cedric was placed in a home. The mother was nice and seemed to have a gently spirit, the father however, was different. Cedric could feel something off about him but the father had not shown it. One day, as Cedric was playing in his room, he heard an argument between his foster parents. He left his room and walked to the living room where he heard the shouting. As soon as he came within eyes view of them, he saw his foster mother falling to the ground with the father standing over her, with a clenched fist. To this day, this memory is still fuzzy to Cedric but that was the day his mutant power finally took over. A dark aura was leaking out of him. Surrounding him in a type of armor. The small tint of black in his eyes had now completely filled his sockets are were brighter than normal. The last thing Cedric remembers, was seeing his foster father being thrown through the walls of the house.

Cedric awoke not in his house, but in a different state completely. He didn’t know how or where he was, but he was now away of what he was. He had watched the news a few times with his foster mother and saw frequently the reports about “mutants.” He assumed that is what he was now. Always hunted, always afraid to be caught or killed, never resting, never being able to have a normal life with a family. He would now have to survive on his own. So that is what he did.

Cedric is now 22 years of age. He has picked up all his survival skills on his own. He found a mutant community that was living in hiding. He has been with them for about 5 years. He learned a lot from them. Also, he developed a very, strong dislike for the non-mutant community. Now he is trying to find his own path, keep his powers in check, and is strongly hoping to find a family again to call home…

Powers/Abilities: Cedric has the power of the Darkness. When he allows it, it possess him and becomes a whole new person. He can shift into a shadow on the ground and move quickly around. He can also shift into anything with a shadow as well not just his own. He can use dark aura blast, create shields, invade the dreams of people that are sleeping, and other untapped powers Cedric has been too afraid to explore. The darker the area is, the stronger his powers become. He does have to be careful of how high is temper and anger gets as that is when the darkness inside him takes over and could really go on a bad rampage.

Skills: survivor, adapt fighter, great instincts, great reflexes, sometimes plays well with others.

Weaknesses: Light. The lighter the area, the weaker he is. He tries to avoid fighting in the daytime at all cost as he is barely able to bring out the Shadow, let alone have a fight using his powers. He typically sleeps during the day to avoid this and fights/roams around at night.



Likes: pizza, dark places, girls, video games

Dislikes: Non-mutant
Personality: Due to the overwhelming amount of dark energy in Cedric because of his mutant abilities, his personality is also a bit dark. He keeps to himself a lot. Doesn’t really have a place in the world as of yet. He has jumped around from home to home when he was young and as he got older, he finally just decided that he didn’t need a family to survive in the world. He doesn’t talk much, especially not to people he doesn’t know. The most difficult part of himself though, is his anger. The more he gets angry with something or loses his cool that is when the darkness inside of him really starts to take control...

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