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Fandom Marvel Universe (Closed)

She shrugged her shoulders a bit when he said an agreement should be an agreement "You're right. You should have known better" she stated "But still, I did it in everyone's best interest, not to spite you or anything" she rolled her eyes, before briefly summarizing and implying how it essentially had to do with something dangerous - as usual - and that it could be at the cost of all the nine realms, this entire universe.

She frowned a bit as she listened to his excuse though "Maybe I don't know you or the other avengers that well. But I could have sworn you weren't the type of guy to take orders. And since when does Tony Stark 'settle down'. Iron Man, or Stark, you're always up to something new it seems" she pointed out as she grabbed the scepter from where she had it strapped to her back, and now held it at her side "The worlds could really use your help, Tony. Even if Earth doesn't think they need it, they do" she said, before trying to play to his curiosity, which she knew was strong "What have you figured out about the scepter from since before I took it? Anything?"


Peter looked to Ned as he pretty much just confirmed what he had been thinking. He was hoping he had been thinking wrong, but it seemed he wasn't. It wasn't that he didn't want to sleep with her....hell, he was a teenage guy after all. But he wasn't like the other jocks. Maybe he was stupid, but he wanted it to mean something, and not to just sleep with her because he had the chance. And, the more important fact, that she seemed drunk.

He sighed a bit to himself before responding back to her, seeing she was still trying to convince him to come over. It wasn't that he didn't want to see her...he did. But not just to sleep with her, especially if she was drunk. He also didn't want to call her out on that though and possibly upset her, so he chose his wording carefully. *I don't think that's a good idea. I don't need Flash any more reason to pick on me at school than if they find out Brooke complained I came over to her house without her approval. I'll be more than happy to walk you home though if you want me to* he suggested.
Ned could tell Peter was a bit stuck on what to do. He had to admit though that he was rather surprised and thankful when it came to his decision. He had to admit that if a pretty girl like Hailey asked him to sleep with her, he would probably agree before she came to her senses. Peter was different though and he did admire his thought process.

Hailey on the other hand was a little upset with his decision. Well drunk Hailey's as at least. She was used to guys never saying no to her but Peter was different. Wasn't that why she liked him though? *Ok!! Yes come walk me home so I don't do stupid drunk things on my way back* She sent it and waited for him.
Tony crossed his arms and got an annoyed look on his face. "I'm not the type to settle down. Anyone who knows me knows that, but I've also learned that I can't be going around doing stupid things and watching other people get hurt for it. These people have already tried to take my suits from me and I'm not about to let that happen again."

In reality tony was scared. He had had nightmares about New York ever since it happened. He knew he wasn't ready to go back and do all that again on a bigger scale. "Ask Cap or someone like that but I can't go. I'm sorry," he said before sighing, "And no I never got a chance to truly analyze it before you took it. Now may I have it back now?"
Maeve listened to Tony as he explained how he wasn't about to risk the government taking his suits from him or anything, as well as the fact he didn't want to keep getting innocent people involved in his fights. She sighed a bit "Every war comes with casualties, Tony. Which is why I wish there never would have to be any. But unfortunately that is not a reality we live in. The reality we do live in is the same, no matter what realm we live on, and that is that out fighting for the good saves people in the long run. That's why you fight isn't it, to save people? If the avengers were unavailable to fight that last battle, how many more people do you think would have been injured and killed? It could have been catastrophic."

She thought for a moment "I did come here to give it back. Sort of. You don't have to fight....though it would be incredibly helpful if you did. But it seems no one wants to do that and there currently aren't enough people to win with fighting alone.....and by people I mean literally just myself and one other" she sighed in frustration before shaking her head "I'm getting off topic. My point is..." she said as she pointed to the glowing center part of the scepter "There's a stone in here. One of a collection. There is someone who is attempting to collect all of these stones, and with them, he'll have the power to overwhelm all the realms, and eliminate them all for his own control. Since we don't have the manpower to fight him right now, our next best thing is to destroy this stone. Which is why I'm bringing it back to you, in hopes you can figure a way out to do that."


Peter was relieved to have a good response back from Hailey. She didn't seem upset, and had agreed to his help to walk her home and everything. He shifted a bit in his seat as he sat up a bit more since it seemed he was about to be heading out in a bit *Send me the address, I'll head over now* he said before he waited for a response from her, glancing to Ned "I'm going to walk her home" he said as he got up, and adjusted his hoodie that he had been wearing that had gotten all disheveled from lounging and watching movies all night.

After leaving Ned, the other two already being asleep, Peter headed out of Andy's house and towards Brooke's after Hailey had sent him the address *Don't fall asleep now before I get there * he teased her as he made his way to Brooke's house. Once there, he texted Hailey again *I'm outside*, since he didn't want to ring the bell or anything since Hailey said Brooke was already sleeping and he didn't want to wake her up or anything.
Ned watched as Peter got up. He was a little skeptical that all he was going to do was walk Hailey back but it wasn't his place to try and argue with Peter. "Be careful Peter," he said as he watched his best friend leave. The streets of New York were dangerous at night so he always feared when people went out late.

Hailey smiled when he responded and she texted him the address. She made sure to stay awake but it was hard. She giggled when Peter said he was at the front door and she grabbed her things before stumbling outside. "Peter!" she said as she giggled drunkenly before hugging him, "You're here. Brooke said you wouldn't actually come for me but here you are. So I was right and she was wrong."
Tony listened to her and shook his head. There was nothing in this world that would compel him to fight. He couldn't handle it right now though being his normal, arrogant self he couldn't tell anyone that so it was time to dish out some lame excuses.

He didn't however become interested when she began to talk to him about the scepter and the stone it contained. He tilted his head slightly when she pointed to the scepter. A collection of stones? He had read about those in his father's works. The Tesseract was a stone like this one. Unfortunately his father hadn't found a way to destroy the stones and ended up trying to hide it, obviously not very well since someone had found it. "My father already tried to destroy one of these stones and couldn't do it. They may not be able to be destroyed," he explained to her.
As Maeve finished briefly explaining what she had learned from Loki about the scepter and the stone inside of it, she looked to Tony, smiling a bit since she could tell she clearly had his interest now. When he seemed to instantly disregard the possibility of destroying the stone, simply because his father was unable to, she raised an eyebrow "Well the difficult part is you can't touch the stone directly, it's too dangerous. But basically what I'm hearing from you is that... you saying you're unable to?" she asked with a raised brow, as if challenging him.

"Well, I guess I'll have to keep it with me then until I figure a way out, if you're unwilling to try. I mean, you are a genius aren't you? I figured if anyone could figure it out it would be you" she shrugged her shoulders, deciding to feed his ego a bit knowing that he certainly didn't need it, but it would also certainly entice him "Oh well, I guess that ends my business here then..."


Peter just nodded his head and waved over his shoulder at Ned when he told him to be careful "I'll text you when I'm heading back - or I might just go back home since I'm out anyways. I'll let you know either way, but go ahead and go to sleep" he told his friend, knowing he was worried about him and just being out on the streets alone this late anyways. Realistically, Peter didn't look like he could protect himself...but if push came to shove he very well could. He wouldn't be Spider-man if he couldn't now, could he.

As he had arrived at the house and let Hailey know he was there, it was a few moments later he heard stumbling on the other side of the door, before it opened and Hailey came fumbling out and into his arms, where Peter was quick to catch her and make sure she didn't fall over "Hey" he greeted with a small smile, before looking to her curiously "Brooke did? I thought she was asleep" he commented as he helped her get steady on her feet, and grabbed any of her things to help carry them for her.
Hailey giggled at his comment and shook her head. "No she is. She said it before she went to sleep," she said with a smile before tapping on his forehead, "Use that big brain of your's." Hailey was quite a chatty drunk. If it came to her mind she was probably going to say it. She kept hugging Peter for a minute before taking his hand and starting to walk with him.

"She was telling me that you were good enough for me and I told her that wasn't true. Then she asked me why I even liked you, and I said because Peter's so smart," she explained as she walked with him, "But you probably think I'm dumb. You probably think that I can't even spell my own name, but I can. And I can spell your name too. And I know chemistry but I just lied and told you I didn't, because I wanted you to help me."
Tony crossed his arms and shook his head. "My father handled the Tesseract and while he was studying it, he realized how powerful it was and tried to get rid of it. He couldn't figure out how to do it so he decided to hide it where he hoped no one would ever find it, but obviously that wasn't the case. We should have left it at the bottom of the ocean it seems," Tony explained before he began listening to Maeve again.

"Ok woah woah woah," Tony started as he could feel his ego being questioned, "First of all that was my father not me. Second of all, if there are many stones out there, perhaps the stones can only destroy each other. The only problem is if they are as powerful as I think they are they may release a lot of energy and could potentially cause a lot of harm to the planet. I don't know, I just speculating, but that might be our key to figuring out how to destroy these things."
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As Maeve taunted that she would leave if Tony thought himself incapable of such a task, she smirked a bit when he spoke up again, stopping her. She looked to him as he explained a possibility of how only another stone of such a powerful caliber could destroy another. She thought about it for a moment, and it did seem to make sense, but it wasn't like she just had a collection of them herself to give away.

"Well, I can't really get the tesseract for you to test that theory out. Asgard isn't very fond of me at the moment, and I don't currently know where any other stones are. So I guess your genius self will just have to try and find another way" she said as she handed the scepter over to him to take "No one said saving the realms would be easy" she said as she let him take the scepter "I'm sure I don't need to tell you this...but if I haven't already implied as such, someone is looking to reclaim that stone, so make sure you have it secure."


Peter tried to adjust to how Hailey was when drunk, shifting her bag and anything to carry over one shoulder while he helped her to steady her feet, listening to her tease him lightly about how Brooke of course was still asleep "I see...well, let's get you home then, so you can sleep too" he said, letting her take his hand and walking with her down the street in the direction of her house.

As Hailey started commenting on how she liked him because he was smart, and then going on about how he thought she wasn't and how she was just faking about Chemistry so that he could help her with it, he looked to her a bit confused, and not entirely buying it. He of course thought she was smart...but not particularly with chemistry "But when you first brought up your grades about chemistry, it was after we barely started talking, when we were with the avengers and I offered to help tutor you, you tried to decline the offer at first" he spoke in confusion.
Hailey giggled when Peter spoke and walked with him towards her house. They weren't too far away. "Peter I promise I'm smart," she said with a shake of her head, "Ok maybe I'm not smart in Chemistry but I promise I'm smart in everything else. But you're smart in everything which isn't really fair. I mean you can't be smart, nice, and cute at the same time. It's not really fair." She didn't need too much help walking though it did take a bit of concentration to make sure she didn't mis-step.

They wandered back to her house and she stopped at the door step before messing with her keys and unlocking the front door. "You should come inside with me," she said with a smile, "Plus its kind of late and you shouldn't be walking around New York by yourself even though you're Spider-Man. Oh ya and you're Spider-Man. Peter, stop being so perfect. It's not fair toe everyone else."
Tony sighed slightly as he took the scepter from her. He wasn't sure how he was going to destroy this thing. Who knew if it was even possible? Or even if it was, he had no idea what would happen should these things be destroyed. He had learned that not all of these things operated utilizing the laws of physics and science. Magic could be involved and magic didn't operate on any logic.

He paused in thought though as he thought about what she said. "Wait why doesn't Asgard like you?" Tony asked with a raise of his brow. Thor had told him that Maeve had helped throw Loki in jail so he figured she would be considered some kind of hero over there. Why all of a sudden were they not being friendly with her? "What the hell did you do to get the Asgardians pissed off with you?" he asked with a tilt of his head.
Maeve was glad when Tony had taken the scepter and didn't seem to argue. Although he still seemed to have plenty of complaints about how he was going to destroy the stone or if it was even possible though. She knew though that Tony was one of the best that stood a good chance of figuring out how to destroy it, if anyone could figure it out. Loki and Thanos were probably the only other two that knew anything about it to be able to attempt it, but she still didn't entirely trust Loki with the scepter, and Thanos....well, there were obvious reasons why they weren't about to hand it over to him.

"Thank you Tony. As dramatic as it sounds, you probably are the best chance we've got right now to figuring out how to destroy it" she spoke, before he seemed curious about why Asgard doesn't like her anymore, and she hesitated a moment. If she told him, it might turn out like with Hailey, and he might not help at all, and also, make sure she couldn't get the scepter again, thinking her dangerous or something. If she didn't tell him, and he found out later from someone else, he still might not trust her because he'd think she'd be up to no good with Loki for hiding the fact from her. She sighed a bit, running a hand through her hair "Lets just say Thor and I have very different views about some things. But do believe me Tony, I don't mean anyone harm."


Peter smiled a bit at her "I never thought you weren't smart, Hailey, I promise" he spoke as she was assuring him again she was smart "most people have a subject they struggle in. That doesn't mean you're not smart or anything" he assured her as they kept walking in the direction of her house. Soon she was going on about how perfect he was, and he found himself blushing a bit awkwardly as she was saying all these nice things about him. He wondered if she was just saying them because she was drunk and didn't think they were true...or, again she was saying them because she was drunk, and everything she honestly thought just came off her tongue.

"I'm far from perfect, Hailey" he told her as they had reached up to her house, and he watched her fumble a bit with her keys before finally getting the door open. As she spoke of him coming inside and implying staying the night, he shifted awkwardly. It wasn't that he didn't want to...but he really respected Hailey as a person, and she was drunk. "That's alright, Hailey. The guys are expecting me back anyways" he tried to excuse, not wanting to outright deny the offer and have her get upset or anything "I'll see you tomorrow or something" he said with a smile, as he leaned forward and kissed her cheek "Go get some rest."
Hailey shook her head slightly. "Yes you are, Peter, don't lie," she said when he noted that he wasn't perfect. He was good at everything. She even found herself to be a bit jealous of him at times. "Besides you're good at every subject," she said with a shake of her head, "Flash says you're too smart for me. He's probably right though. One day you're just going to be like 'Hailey, why are you so stupid?' and then leave."

Hailey paused when she heard him say that he was going back to Andy's. He didn't want to stay with her? "But...what if I get abducted on my way to my room? Then you'll have to come save me again and I don't want to do that again. That was so scary. So you should just come in and stay with me," she said as she seemingly reasoned it out as she was talking, "Pleeeeease, Peter?"
"Oh please I'm always the best choice," Tony said cockily as he examined the scepter. Yet it was possible that perhaps he wasn't the best choice for this. He didn't know what he was doing. It was going to be a guess and check type of scenario. He was hoping he could simulate some experiments with JARVIS before actually having to turn an experiment to try and take this thing out. Though Maeve didn't want to explain herself, he knew this was something that needed to be taken care of as soon as possible.

He was a little perplexed as to why she and Thor had a falling out as it was clear that she didn't want to really talk about it. He wanted to press her for answers as he was quite a nosy person, but he resisted. He knew Maeve wouldn't cough up the answers he wanted easily so he just shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever you say," he said as he inspected the scepter, "I'll try to figure out what to do with this hunk of junk and I'll keep you posted."
Maeve rolled her eyes a bit at Tony's response, but even though he was just putting up a front, she knew he had a lot of uncertainties regarding the stone and destroying it. She had hope he could find a way though. He had to. Because as of right now destroying the stones was the best possibility they had, since they hadn't really the manpower to fight and defeat Thanos themselves.

She knew Tony was still curious about what exactly happened, but she also knew he was the more logical and realistic of the group. She rolled her eyes a bit as he called it a hunk of junk. Oh Loki would love to hear that. She didn't comment on it though and just nodded her head "Thank you Tony, I'll check in when I can. If I learn anything more of it I'll let you know" she said before dismissing herself, waving over her shoulder as she then headed out of the building.


He listened to her talk about how smart he was still, and it started to make him feel a little uncomfortable. These were things he got picked on every day for at school, for being a nerd, brainiac, whatever the name of choice would be that day. So with Hailey going on about it he felt a bit awkward and uncomfortable, but knew that it was mostly just because she was drunk. "I'm not going to say that ever Hailey, I can promise you that now. I'm not too smart for you. If anything, I think you'll realize you're way too good for me, and end up with someone that's not as below your league as I am" he sighed softly.

As they had arrived at her house and stood at her unlocked door now, Peter was trying to politely decline and get his way out of it, but as she continued to plead with him about staying, he sighed a bit "Trust me Hailey, it's not that I don't want to. But you're not entirely sober, and so you should just focus on getting a good nights sleep. I'm sure you'll be alright on the trip inside your house to your room" he said with a soft smile.
Hailey listened to him and pouted a bit. She wasn't used to getting denied like this. She finally let out a sigh and gave in. She was too tired to argue. "Gosh you're right Peter," she said as she thought about getting a good night's sleep, "You're so smart. Make sure to come see me tomorrow." She gingerly kissed his cheek. "Good night," she said with a smile before heading inside. She looked around actually trying to make sure she wouldn't get kidnapped on her way to her room.

Hailey showered off and got into her pajamas before climbing into bed. She was used to going to bed drunk since she had unfortunately done it so many times. Before long she was fast asleep and she didn't awake until late the next morning where she was forced to welcome a full blown hangover.
Tony nodded slightly. "I'll see what I can do," he admitted as he looked at the scepter, "If I find out anything I'll make sure to do the same and contact you though it may take me a while." He wasn't even really sure where to begin. He guessed he would just start letting JARVIS run a few tests to ensure that destroying the thing wouldn't blow up the planet or anything obsessive like that. "Anyway, see ya later," he called after her as she walked out of the Tower.

Loki waited for what seemed like ever. How long could she chat with Tony? Actually it was probably more like Tony talking about himself and Maeve trying to squeeze in details about the scepter and the stone. That's what was probably taking so long. Finally, she walked out and Loki let out a sigh as she walked over. "Well that certainly took long enough. Where's the scepter? Did you destroy the gem?"
As Maeve headed out of the building, she headed back over to where she had last left Loki, hearing his questions instantly and she raised a brow "Destroy it...? That quickly? If it was that easy I don't think we'd have to be as worried about all of this as we are" she sighed a bit with a shake of her head "I left it back with Tony. If anyone can figure out how to destroy it, it'll be him. He'll keep me updated. In the meantime though, we need to come up with a plan of action...we don't have the manpower to fight Thanos ourselves right now, so we should try and figure out something else we can do."

As she tried to think, she glanced to Loki, before smiling a bit and patting his shoulder "I'm really proud of you by the way. As boring as I'm sure it was, you didn't leave" she complimented him, even though she knew she'd probably get some sarcastic and snappy response back from him as usual "Oh, and according to Tony your scepter is a hunk of junk" she teased him lightly, knowing Tony didn't actually think that of course.


When Hailey seemed to finally give in, Peter was a bit relieved, since he really didn't want to have to push too much or anything since he didn't want to upset her. Even if it would just be drunken upsetness, he still didn't want to upset her. So when she had finally given in he felt a bit relieved, and smiled a bit at her, nodding his head "Of course, I'll see you tomorrow then, goodnight" he said, kissing her cheek softly before letting her head inside.

He noticed her carefully look around first before stepping into her house, and smiled a bit "How about you wave down to me from your window, that way I know you made it up there safely without being abducted?" he suggested with a smile, before letting her disappear into the house with the door closed. He waved up to her when he saw her up at her bedroom window, before he let her be for the night and left.
Hailey awoke with a splitting headache the next morning. Oh god how she hated her drunken self. She always drank way too much in such a short amount of time. She looked through her phone to see if she could try to piece together the not before but it didn't help too much. The only thing she had really gotten out of it was that Peter had walked her home.

Oh god that was rather mortifying. Peter had actually seen her drunk. She let out a groan before burying her face in her pillow. "Hate myself," she said before rolling back over to look through their texts. She was even more mortified when she saw that she wanted him to come inside with her. "Apparently he hadn't though as she figured Peter wouldn't be the type of guy to leave without her knowing. She immediately sent him a text. *I'm so sorry for last night. I hope I wasn't too annoying for you. Drunk me and sober me are currently hating each other right now.*
Loki was leaning on the wall as he watched her walk back over to him. "Well I thought you said he was smart?" Loki countered as he crossed his arms, "I would assume a smart person could figure it out quick enough. I probably could have but you don't trust me so I guess we will have to rely on the mortal for answers." He rolled his eyes at that statement. He really had no faith in Tony once or ever.

"He said what?" Loki snapped as he stood up straight, "How dare he. That is a perfect fine scepter. Better than his old, rusty tin can that he flies around in." It had been his scepter. Thanos had just...tweaked it a bit if you could even call it that. "I expect that scepter back I hope he knows that," Loki continued with a displeased shake of his head.
"He is smart. But apparently so are you and you don't know anything about it other than you'll die if you touch the stone directly" she countered back at him while he was trying mock Tony and his intellect. Even though Loki used the argument that he couldn't do it because she didn't trust him enough, they both knew that currently Loki didn't know anything more about how to destroy the stone. "He thinks only another of the stones can destroy each other. But since that isn't really an option to test right now I told him to find another way" she explained, before telling him what Tony said about his scepter.

She couldn't help but snicker a bit in amusement as that clearly got him riled up, much like how she had expected. When he said he expected it back, she shrugged her shoulders "No promises. He actually doesn't know the whole story about me freeing you and everything. I figured it didn't go well with the girl, I wasn't interested in going through that again. But I imagine the scepter itself should be fine, it's the stone we want to destroy, not your scepter."


After walking Hailey back to her house that night, Peter headed back to his friends. He'd already previously told his aunt how he was staying the night at Andy's and so he didn't want her to worry or anything if he accidentally woke her up if he went home or anything. Plus Andy's house was closer from where he walked from Hailey's house anyways. Of course, by the time he got back all of them were passed out sleeping in the same spots he left them in, but that didn't really surprise him.

Once he got comfortable back in his spot he had been in earlier that night, he was quick to fall asleep, it being late in the night, now into the early hours of the morning. He was fast asleep even while the rest of his friends had started waking up. Andy was the first to wake since he had been the first to pass out, and then Sheldon, then Ned. Peter eventually finally woke up as the last one, still feeling tired as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
Hailey got up and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. She was worried that if she got sick she would throw up in her hair and that would be rather disgusting. She went downstairs and made herself her usual protein shake that she drank when she got a hangover. It tasted nasty but it got rid of her symptoms and that was really all that mattered.

Andy's mom had made them breakfast and they all went upstairs as they woke up. Ned waited for Peter and he surprised that he was the last to get up. He went back to the basement and saw that Peter was awake. "What time did you get back last night?" he asked as he saw he was still tired.
"Oh please I could figure it out if I needed to," he said though in reality he wasn't so sure, "I mean please. My magic could probably handle that stone but you're to scared to even hand over my scepter. You let me out of prison but you're afraid to trust me with a weapon. Please my dear I could kill you with a wave of my hand but do I? No. If I wanted to hurt you you'd be dead by now."

He knew that he wouldn't hurt her but it was clear that she was hesitant to trust him. "I do want my scepter back though. And if I don't get it back I'm afraid he'll have to repay me with his life." He was somewhat joking but at the same time he wouldn't have a problem killing tony.
When he argued that he could figure it out if he needed to, she just raised a brow at him "But you do need to. And you still don't know" she huffed before he went on about how he could kill her if he wanted that easily, she rolled her eyes a bit "Please, we both know you adore me too much to kill me" she smirked as she teased him lightly.

"And it's not that I'm scared of you. Please, you hardly scare me" she scoffed with a roll of her eyes before he continued on about wanting his scepter back and he'd kill Tony if it was destroyed "See, this is why no one trusts you. You resort to violence too easily to express your emotions" she huffed "Anyways, we need to come up with a plan. Tony thinks the tesseract is another of the stones in the collection you spoke of. Do you know if that's true? Or where any of the others might be?"


As Peter was finally waking up, he rubbed his face tiredly as he yawned, sitting up from his spot as he glanced back over to Ned when he had come back down and spoken up "Oh...I don't know...2ish?" he mumbled half awake as he moved to get up and fully wake himself up. He glanced back at Ned "Is breakfast ready?" he asked, smelling the cooking and figuring it was.

Grabbing his phone, he noticed he had a few messages, one from his aunt, another from Hailey. He responded to his aunt before opening Hailey's text, and responding. *Not annoying at all, don't worry about it. I'm glad I could be your escort last night so you didn't get abducted again* he joked lightly with her, showing he really didn't mind. He then slipped his phone into his pocket as he followed Ned up the stairs and to the kitchen where Andy and Sheldon were, the food all set out to eat.
Ned smirked and shook his head. "You've got it bad," he said with a smile as he handed Peter a plate of food. He had never known Peter to stay out that late before. He wasn't much of a night owl well at least as far as he knew. "Food was ready a little while ago but it should still be pretty warm," he said as he walked upstairs with Peter, "Andy's mom kept it warm in the oven for you. How did it go with Hailey last night?" He knew she was probably drunk and he wasn't sure if Peter really liked that about her.

Hailey finished her protein shake before putting it down and washing out the cup. She heard her phone buzz and she slowly walked over to it and read through it. She smiled slightly before replying back. *Such a gentleman. It's ok to admit that I was obnoxious though. Brooke and my other friends have already told me I can be a lot to deal with when I'm that intoxicated.*
"Oh I assure you that's definitely not the case. I still have use for you," he said with a shrug, "That's why you aren't dead. And I wouldn't be much of a gentleman if I killed the only person who was willing to help me while I was in prison." He really didn't want to hurt her. He was honestly done trying to hurt people but at the same time he had been taught that respect could only come when you show how manly you really are, and unfortunately, having a large brain didn't count much towards that.

He rolled his eyes as Maeve complained. "You know maybe people don't like you because you complain too much," he insinuated, "Have you ever thought about that? And I don't turn to violence anymore than Thor does, and for some really people trust him. I'm more trustworthy than that idiot."
Maeve rolled her eyes at Loki's response "A gentleman? I find it hard to believe that's possible for you" she scoffed lightly with a shake of her head. When he suggested that she was complaining she just looked at him, crossing her arms over her chest as she waited for him to finish rambling on, complaining about her complaining, and then as usual comparing himself to Thor and as better than his brother.

"Are you done yet?" she huffed in slight annoyance "I don't see how my desire of wanting us to not get killed is complaining. And you didn't answer my questions" she sighed with a shake of her head before she started to walk back in the direction of where they had left the transport "If we can't fight Thanos directly, I suggest we try and collect the stones he doesn't have yet."


Peter wasn't typically a night owl, but due to his recent up-taking of being spider-man sometimes he would be out late at night. It still didn't mean he wasn't twice as exhausted the following morning though, like he was right now from being out late last night to help Hailey walk home. He's glad he could do that though, since he wouldn't have felt comfortable if she had walked home not only alone in the middle of the night, but also drunk.

As he headed up to the kitchen as Ned explained breakfast had been ready for a while, he thanked Andy's mom for the food and keeping it warm, before sitting down at the table to eat with the other two who were just about finishing up eating. Andy and Sheldon were having some argument regarding something that happened in one of the star trek movies they watched last night.
"For the last time, Spock shouldn't have gotten with Uhura because he's a Vulcan. He can't really love her," Andy said with a shake of his head. Sheldon rolled his eyes before shaking his head. "And I'm telling you that he's half human so he can. I mean think about it. f he even has half of the goofy juice in his brain that's in your's, he could definitely go after Uhura," Sheldon countered.

"And ya know speaking of all of this we need to start practicing for the Science Bowl this weekend, because I'm not losing again like we did last year to a team that probably can't even do 450 times 23 in their head," Sheldon continued. Ned shook his head as he took a seat. "Well it's hard to practice when you don't have someone to ask you questions, Sheldon," Ned said, "Besides you can't really practice. They just ask you random questions." Sheldon thought about it for a moment before looking at Peter. "I know. Why don't you ask Hailey to help us?" he asked with a tilt of his head before Andy quickly shut him down, "No absolutely not. Sheldon you can't just ask the hottest girl in school to come ask you science questions."
"I have the capacity to be a perfect gentleman but then I ask myself: what kind of fun would that be? I mean sure I would have women all over me because well I'm me, but I wouldn't be able to cause any mischief and well...that's kind of my thing," he reminded her with a smirk, "Besides you would not be nearly as interested in me if I was a goody-two-shoes."

He rose a brow to her as he listened as she spoke. He knew he had ignored her question because he didn't see the point in it. "That is actually the dumbest idea I've ever heard. I don't know about the tesseract but gathering up those stones is basically like gift wrapping them and handing them over to Thanos. You are banking on the fact that should we be able to find them all we can protect them as well."
She rolled her eyes when he said he'd have women all over him "Oh please, like anyone would be remotely attracted to you whether you're nice or not" she scoffed at him and his arrogance. She had to admit though he might be right on the latter part of what he said. It wasn't that she was interested in him because he was a criminal, no, not at all, since she very much didn't approve of his actions at all. However, she did have to admit that if it weren't for him committing such acts, they probably would have gone on not even knowing of each others existence really. Well, she'd know of him still, being a son of Odin and all, but she wouldn't personally know him like she does now - she'd have no reason to.

Hearing his response regarding her suggestion of what they do, she sighed a bit "Well no, obviously I'm not suggesting we collect all the stones and hold onto them. Clearly that's an idiotic idea, having them all in one place. What I was suggesting is that we locate them, so that we know where they are or can better secure them elsewhere if needed. And, if Tony's theory is right, then we can use the stones to destroy each other" she explained as she glanced over at him "Plus, I don't see your genius head coming up with any better ideas."


Peter listened in to the argument that the two of them were having as he sat down at the table. Hadn't they already argued over this topic before? He shook his head a bit in amusement as he took a bite of his food while listening to them give up on that discussion for the time being, before turning it to talk about the science bowl this coming next weekend. When Sheldon causally suggested Hailey to help them, Peter equally shook his head in agreement with Andy.

"He's right, I'm not about to ask her to do something like that. She'll be bored out of her mind, and I don't want to waste whatever luck it is I have going with her right now on that" he agreed. He already thought it was a miracle that Hailey had any bit of interest in him. He wasn't about to ask her to do something that would probably officially ruin whatever miracle that was. Thinking of her though, he realized he hadn't responded to her text, and looked to it as he opened up his phone, responding. * It's alright, don't worry about it *. While he didn't really like being a drunk caretaker, he didn't want Hailey to think she had bothered him or anything like that.
Andy agreed with Peter but Sheldon wasn't giving up on them. "Oh please and you think that her asking us science questions is going to change anything? She already agreed to go out with you and she knows you're a science nerd, so nothing's really changed." Andy shook his head. "She might think we have lives outside of the science stuff, Sheldon. We'd like to preserve that for as long as possible," Andy explained.

Sheldon looked at Andy like he had 3 heads. "She thinks...is she stupid?" Sheldon asked before Andy rolled his eyes. Ned just shook his head. Arguing with Sheldon was like arguing with a wall. You were never going to get anywhere with him. "She's not stupid. She just doesn't know us that well. And we would like to keep it that way," Andy explained and Sheldon rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Well she's going to get to know us anyway if she hangs out with Peter. I don't understand what all the big hoopla is about."
Loki scoffed at her response. "Any woman would be lucky to know me," he said with a roll of his eyes. He never got that much female attention on Asgard though. They all took more of an interest in Thor they did in him simply because Thor was the big brute with the charming smile. It was so annoying. Then again, he probably wouldn't know what to do if he did get attention from a female.

Loki rolled his eyes though as she continued to talk. "Yes and what happens to your brilliant plan when he talks to my brother and finds out what you've done? You really think he's going to continue trying to destroy that infinity stone for you? Please your plan has so many holes in it, if it wasn't pitiful, it would comical. We could have kept it and tried to destroy it ourselves after taking the mortal's advice. We may never see that stone again."
She rolled her eyes as he claimed any woman to be lucky to know him "Is that so? Then why do I feel so unlucky" she scoffed back. Of course she didn't actually, but it was fun to tease him and knock that arrogance of his down a little bit. He knew half of it was mostly just more of an act than anything, but it was still fun to taunt him. Just like it seemed he often did with her.

She shrugged her shoulders a bit when he asked what happened when Tony found everything out "Well, we don't very well have control over every little thing, now do we Loki?" she shrugged casually, not seeming all that worried by it "Plus, maybe Tony will side against us then. But maybe he wont. Tony is that kind of guy that wont believe whatever someone just tells him to. He wants all the facts. Also, like I said before. I have yet to hear a single decent plan to come out of your mouth."


Peter sighed a bit when he shook his head a bit as Sheldon continued to not get it and argue why it didn't make any sense for her to be bothered by doing science stuff with them already. Sheldon was incredibly intelligent, but in subjects like girls he was incredibly lacking. Or any form of social interaction for that matter - more than Peter himself was. Peter at least understood the concepts and normality of social interactions - which didn't help make him any less awkward though sometimes.

"Sheldon are you forgetting I'm tutoring her in chemistry? I really don't want to give any more of my time that I spend with her outside of tutoring to more science stuff. Not only do I doubt she'd enjoy it, but I'd also prefer he not know me for only science" he sighed with a shake of his head "It doesn't matter if you don't understand. I'm not dragging her into something she doesn't want to do" he said definitively.
Sheldon paused and looked at them a bit more. "Well fine," he said rather awkwardly, "I'm going home then because you guys are nothing but a bunch party poopers." Andy smirked slightly and shook his head. Sheldon was so weird sometimes. Ok well all the time. "And for the record if she wanted chemistry help from the best she would have come to me," he said as he walked out the door, "Poor girl doesn't know what she's missing out on."

Ned smiled slightly and shook his head. "If she would have asked Sheldon to help her, she would have never spoken to any of us again," he said with a slight smirk, "Though he does raise a good point. I'm probably going to head home too. I have some homework to get done before school tomorrow morning." He looked to Peter for a moment. "Do you want to walk home with me or are you going to hang out here for a while?"
"Because I have a funny feeling that you're unable to embrace how wonderful I really am," he commented with a smirk on his face, "Don't worry once you get to know me better that luck will flip right around. You'll see." Loki was of course only joking because though he did think highly of himself that was really only from a cognitive standpoint. He was smarter than just about everyone else but in all the other areas he was severely lacking.

Loki scoffed slightly at her naivety though. "Please the facts are right there. I'm no longer in my cell and you're the only one dumb enough to pull me out of there. Or at least you are in his mind. He isn't going to trust you nor is he going to trust me. I did almost kill him after all. People who are as narcissistic as he is don't tend to take that very well," he explained to her.
Maeve scoffed a bit with a roll of her eyes "You're far from wonderful. You're more unpleasant and annoying than anything" she said as he said how once she knew him better she'd know she was lucky "I find that hard to believe" she smirked at him with a shake of her head "And about Tony, I'm not so sure. Perhaps there's a strong likelihood he'll side with Thor, since, well, we are the criminal ones here, but he also might not once he realizes what's at stake, and why I freed you."

"Worst case, I'm sure you and I can figure out a way to steal your scepter back if he doesn't want to give it back freely" she said with a shrug of her shoulders "Also, since you're the one who keeps denying every possible suggestion or idea I have, it's your turn now to come up with something. Unless you'd rather sit back here on Midgard and wait for Thor to capture you and lock you back up."


Peter rolled his eyes a bit as Sheldon was his usual dramatic self about them being no fun and not making sense, as well as claiming himself the better tutor option. While, as far as intelligence went, perhaps that was true, Peter agreed with Ned, nodding his head "Yeah, plus the fact she already was familiar with me so obviously I was the better choice. And when she struggles with it I'm less likely to make her feel like an idiot" he pointed out, since Sheldon had a habit of feeling superior intelligence.

As they were all deciding to disperse and head home, Peter nodded to Ned a bit "I'll head home too. I have some homework I need to finish up too, and Aunt May probably would prefer me being home as much as possible. Kind of like an unspoken grounding" he shrugged his shoulders before waving to Andy as they all headed out and dispersed back to their own homes.

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