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Fandom Marvel Universe (Closed)

"Just chill out, Sheldon. You can pick the movie alright?" Andy suggested. Sheldon still didn't appear pleased but he found that this was probably going to be his only option, so he couldn't really be picky. "Fine," he said with a sigh before moving back into the house so that Ned and Peter could come inside. They called in pizza before setting up Andy's living room so that each of them had a place to sit on the floor as Sheldon went through the movie selection.

It was clear that her mother was starting to get angry with her but Hailey didn't care. She was getting annoyed with the blame always being put on her. "Just leave me alone," she said as she looked back at her phone and texted Peter back. *That's ok! :) No big deal. I'll try to see what Brooke and everyone else are doing.* She ignored her mother when she started ranting her as she started texting Brooke.
Loki rolled his eyes slightly. Either way he didn't like the idea of a mortal especially a kid fighting by his side. He couldn't trust that this kid knew what he or she was doing. He knew Maeve had already made up her mind but even so he thought she was wrong to do so. "Where am I going?" he asked reluctantly as he started to weave through the tall buildings of the city.

He knew that most of the Avengers hid their identities sometimes even from each other. Did Maeve even know who they were let alone where they lived? He wouldn't be surprised should she have said no.
As they got closer to the city, Maeve motioned for him to stop "We might want to get off the transport and hide it for now. After all, we don't really want to attract too much attention to ourselves. And this...is pretty eye catching, especially in a city. She commented, helping him find a spot they could hide and keep the transport.

Once doing that, she walked through the city streets with Loki "I heard the two talking to each other about their school they go to. So I'm sure they live in this area. Now it's just a matter of finding them" she spoke with a sigh, this being the part she wasn't looking forward too. Thankfully, they eventually found where the girl, Hailey, lived. Hopefully the girl would recognize and remember her, and, would know where Peter was, so it would be easier to find him.


As Peter pulled his attention back onto the conversation with his friends, he pocketed his phone for the moment "Yeah, Sheldon. It's not that big of a deal we game all the time anyways. Think of your payment for giving in to a movie now, is that when Andy's arm his better you might be able to beat him with his recovering injury" he joked lightly as he helped set up the living room to make it comfortable for all of them.

As he sat down, he heard his phone go off again, smiling as usual every time he saw a text from Hailey, though it faltered a moment seeing she was going to hang out with Brooke and 'everyone else'. Meaning the people she would party and get drunk with. Which he didn't have a problem with her doing that stuff, it was just....he was worried about her drinking to excess.
"Beat him with his recov...I can beat him without his recovery time. And he wouldn't need recovery time if he would have not tried to impress a girl who was clearly out of his league," Sheldon said as he crossed his arms. "Hey," Andy said rather offended, "Peter got Hailey so I have a chance too." Sheldon quickly shook his head. "Doubtful. The likelihood of that ever happening to the rest of us is very low."

Hailey texted Brooke who said there was a party at Flash's tonight. "I can't talk to you about this right now," she said to her mother as she got up and went through her closet. "Hailey so help me if you come back with a drug problem or you're pregnant," her mother started before Hailey cut her off, "Oh please don't act like you actually care about what happens to me." She slipped a shirt and a pair of jean shorts on and as her mother was scolding her she headed out the door and into the city.
Loki didn't really want to leave their transport behind in case the Asgardians caught up with them but he figured they could keep it close by enough so they could make a run for it should they need to. He walked through the city with Maeve as they did their best to stay out of the public eye which was quite difficult because there were so many people everywhere.

They finally found where the girl lived and they waited around an ally outside her house. "So wait a minute what's your plan? We can't exactly go up to her house, walk past her family, take their daughter and leave," he said before thinking about it, "Can we?" Suddenly he saw the girl with her mother yelling from the front door. The girl just continued walking not paying her angry mother any attention as she headed down the street. "Well that worked out," he said.
As they found where Hailey was in her house, she stopped and looked to Loki when he brought up how they were going to get her out and talk to her about things that her parents clearly were unaware of. She shrugged a bit "I was just going to get her attention from her window where she is..." she commented, glancing back to the window of Hailey's room, only to see it seemed like she was no longer there, and a few moments later, she was walking out the front door and down the street.

Glancing to Loki, she shrugged "Seems so" she nodded "You might want to wait a minute before she sees you" she commented motioning for Loki to stay there "I don't think I need to warn you about not trying to leave" she said before quickly catching up to Hailey who wasn't far from them "Hey! Hailey, right?" she called as she walked up beside her.


Peter snickered a bit at Sheldon seeming offended at Peter even suggesting that Sheldon needed help in beating Andy in their games, even though Peter was just joking and teasing his friend anyways. He sat down in the living room as pillows and blankets and such were strewn about to make comfortable floor seats. Peter rolled his eyes a bit as him and Hailey were brought into this.

"You know, statistically Sheldon is kind of right with how much of a miracle it was even for Hailey to want to date me. It'd be pretty amazing if you got someone like her too" he commented, before adding "Er....not that it's hopeless or anything" he added, not wanting to make Andy feel bad or anything.
Sheldon looked at Peter, then at the rest of his friends, and then back at Peter. "Kind of right? No I'm most certainly right, and the way Andy fell flat on his face in front of that girl while trying to attract her tells us that he won't be getting any girl any time soon." Andy looked at Sheldon.

"Hey you don't know that," Andy said but Sheldon cut him off, "Well of course I do. It's science. Females are always attracted to the males with something to show. For example, male birds tend to show off their brightly colored feathers to attract a mate. Andy, you're simply a bird with grey, dull, and frankly rather broken feathers." He nodded to his broken arm as he spoke the last part. Ned snickered slightly and shook his head. "He's got a point there," he added with a smirk in Andy's direction.
"Trust me if you already know it then you don't need to dictate it to me," Loki said as he leaned against a wall and watched from a far. I mean come on. He was smarter than a lot of beings. How could Maeve think that she was one step ahead of him? He watched as Maeve approached the young woman. She was very young. Loki couldn't believe he was actually letting Maeve talk him into this. He could barely stand the adult mortals. The kids would probably be unbearable in his mind.

Hailey stomped down the street with a draw-string bag slung over her shoulder. Sure she had a bit of alcohol in it, but as long as she didn't do anything stupid the police weren't allowed to go through her things. She paused though when she heard her name being called. At first she thought it was her mother but when she turned around to scold her for following her she found that instead it was Maeve. "Maeve?" she asked before looking around and raising a brow, "What in the world are you doing here?"
Maeve just rolled her eyes and waved a hand at Loki as she went to catch up with Hailey before she got too far off or anything down the street, stopping her as she called out to her. She smiled a bit happily "Oh good! You remember me" she smiled, since that made things a whole lot easier. It'd be hard to ask someone to help you, well, defend the universe, if they didn't even know who you were or remember you.

"What in the world is right" she said with a casual shrug of her shoulders "Well, you know I was just in the area of Earth and decided to stop by" she joked lightly "Actually....I've got a favor to ask. You know, I figured you seemed to do so well fighting those aliens when they invaded earth and we were all working together, I thought you might perhaps be interested in fighting some more?"


Peter rolled his eyes a bit as Sheldon of course corrected him proudly with how he certainly was right, and then went on to compare Andy to a bird. Peter couldn't help but snicker a bit with Ned at the two who continued to try and correct the other - Andy was certainly losing. "Yeah Andy, maybe try healing up those broken feathers before attempting to impress any more girls" he teased "Although I hear some girls are really into the weak and feeble men that need to be taken care of" he joked.

As they talked, Peter wondered what Hailey was up to, and if she ended up going to hang out with her usual friends in the jock and popular crowds. He only hoped that she wasn't drinking...or at least not too much. Part of him did worry about other guys still hitting on her and everything...Hailey was beautiful, and had a great personality - she was popular, after all - he wouldn't blame guys for it obviously, but at the same time, even though it's not like he and Hailey had really talked about it, or made anything official or anything...he was still jealous at the idea.
Andy rolled his eyes as his friends made fun of him for trying to impress a girl and hurt himself in the process, but Sheldon looked at them and he was far from being done. "Oh don't laugh too hard you two. Ned, you're in the same boat as Andy just without the broken feathers, and Peter, I think your female birdie might have fallen and hit her head and is now seeing your dull feathers as bright and colorful."

Andy snickered at Sheldon's remark now that Ned and Peter were becoming the punchline of his jokes. Ned rolled his eyes slightly. "Please. I had a date to the dance and neither of you two did so my feathers can't be that dull," Ned replied. Sheldon thought about it for a minute and shrugged. "I don't like dances. There's too many people, the air smells like alcohol, and I don't want have to entertain someone for an entire night."
Hailey listened as she made rather awkward small talk before crossing her arms over her chest. "Um no," she said with a shake of her head before she started to walk. She adjusted her bag on her shoulder as she did so. "I barely wanted to go to our last get together so I would prefer to not have to worry about all of this again," she replied, "Besides I'm close to getting an internship at one of the newspapers here and I'm not about to throw that away from some aliens."

Maeve was out of her mind if she thought that she was going to do that again. She wasn't about to put her life on the line again. besides that god or whatever it was was locked up for good. Why would she need to come back and fight again?
Maeve frowned a bit as she was instantly rejected on the idea, and she sighed a bit as she started saying how she didn't want to have to do anything like that again, let alone she didn't want to in the first place. "Look, I don't mean to sound dramatic, but your world's existence pretty much rests on if we are able to stop this guy. It wont just be an alien invasion to one city like what happened with Loki, and it wont be just your world. Maybe you don't care about the other realms, but it quite literally could effect the entire universe" she tried to explain to the girl.

"I get if you don't want to risk your life, and it's a lot to ask for, but could you help us try and convince any of the others of the avenger group?" she asked, trying to convince the girl. But she was young, and Maeve didn't blame her for not wanting to risk her entire life, and wanting to go about living normally.


Peter paused in his laughing when Sheldon suddenly turned the scrutiny and jokes onto Ned and himself. He blinked a bit and frowned "hey, I'm the only one in this group with a girl, how am I being dragged into this?" he sighed a bit with a shake of his head, before looking to Sheldon "Besides Sheldon, it's not like you can be talking. I think you're just jealous that the three of us have recently had some level of interaction with a girl lately. So if anyone's lacking colorful feathers, it's you" he pointed out.
Sheldon tilted his head before shaking his head. "No no you're mistaken. One must show off his colorful feathers in order to attract a mate. I find mating weird and well...icky so really I'm not even in this poll. Therefore, the joke is still on you three," he explained before Andy shook his head and intervened, "To be fair Sheldon procreating is probably a bad idea, so let's just count our blessings." Sheldon nodded slightly. "Plus women enjoy intelligence and I have to say I'm the most intelligent one here," Sheldon added on, "So I do have really colorful feathers."
"What? Maeve no. I've already risked my life once in the past month I don't particularly want to do it again. Besides, I'm 16. They're not going to listen to me. Get Tony to ask around or something. He'll just nag them until they say they're in but it's better than anything I've got," she explained as she walked, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for an important...meeting."

Why was she pushing this so hard? Where had she even learned about this? Loki could see that the talk wasn't going well. This was growing quite boring. If he would have had his way he would have just let the mind stone possess the girl. Then she would do whatever their bidding was. In fact, that was probably what he was going to do if she continued to waste their time.
Maeve sighed a bit as Hailey seemed adamant about not helping and risking her life - which again Maeve couldn't really blame her for. "A meeting? Oh, I didn't know that the humans called drinking alcohol....presumably with friends, a meeting now" she commented as she glanced at the bag on Hailey's shoulders "Alright then. I don't wish to force you. Could you at least tell me perhaps where the other avengers are located then, if you know? It would be a whole lot easier than looking blindly for them" she asked.

As she spoke with Hailey, she spared a glance back over at Loki, seeing he seemed bored and impatient. Maeve's patience was running low as well, and she could see she wasn't about to be convincing Hailey - and she had no intentions to force her either, which, thankfully she was still holding onto the scepter attached to her back so that Loki couldn't go around using it freely.


Peter rolled his eyes a bit as Sheldon continued on how he didn't count and still argued he was the most 'colorful' anyways. He shook his head a bit with his friend, honestly no longer knowing how to argue with the man. Sheldon always had something to say back in his own favor "Whatever. Will you just pick a movie already? Or are we going to be discussing birds all night?" he asked as he momentarily turned his attention back to his phone, deciding to send Hailey a text *Did Brooke ever respond to you? What are you up to for the night?*
Sheldon looked at him and shrugged slightly before looking through a few movies. "Why is the Star Trek: Into Darkness DVD in the Star Trek Beyond case?" he asked Andy but Andy shook his head, "That's it. We're watching Star Trek: Into Darkness. Sheldon took too long. He has lost his privileges." Sheldon watched as the DVD was taken from him and put into the DVD player. "You have very poor organization skills," he said before sitting down in his spot that he had made up.
"Maybe it is," Hailey said back as she crossed her arms, "Who are you? My mother? And I would assume Tony is in Stark Tower I don't really know where everyone is. Peter's here in Queens too at a friend's house but I doubt he'll be looking to fight aliens either. We just want to get back to our lives for a little bit. Besides, if Nick Fury thought this was such a life-threatening matter, I'm sure he would have let us know."

Nick had been the one to speak to her about the Avenger's Initiative. She didn't really want to think back to it as she had originally said no. She wasn't quite sure what persuaded her to go but it didn't matter anymore. That was done and over with and she was ready to get back to her life. "How did you find out about all of this anyway?"
Maeve tilted her head in confusion "I meant that as a serious observation. I do not wish to be yours, or anyone elses mother" she spoke with a huff before she was further continuing on about how they all just mostly wanted to live normal lives. "Well, you're not going to have much of a normal life to look forward to when everything is destroyed" she commented with a raised brow.

When she brought up Fury, and how she knew all this information, she hesitated a moment "Fury does not know yet. I haven't explained to him in detail really...." she trailed off before waving her hand "Nevermind, Loki was right children are too annoying to deal with" she mumbled lightly as she started to walk away waving to her "Have a good night then" she said as she headed back to where she had left Loki.


After sending his text, Peter looked back up to see Sheldon complaining about yet another thing. He rolled his eyes a bit as Andy took the DVD from him and put it into the player so they could finally get on with watching something. He leaned back against his backrest of pillows and couch cushions he had made, the movie finally starting. Peter enjoyed his friends' company of course, but sometimes Sheldon could be a little annoying.
The boy watched the movie in peace. Sheldon was finally engrossed in the scenes like the rest of them were so he didn't have much to say. The 4 ate pizza and did their best to relax for the time being.
Hailey rolled her eyes slightly when Maeve began speaking to her again. "That's what they said last time and I think you guys would have been just fine without me. He wasn't even that powerful...for a god," she added with a shrug of her shoulders. Loki heard that and he just rolled his eyes alright perhaps this brat was going to need to learn more about him if that's what she thought.

Hailey did overhear what she had said under her breath. Her eyes widened as her back before she created a force field in front of Maeve so she would hit it before she walked away. "What...in the hell...did you do?" she asked but before she could make her other hand glow she felt some grab her other wrist. "Now now let's not do that," Loki started but before he could say anymore he was punched in the jaw by the little 16 year old before she managed to move away from him.
As Maeve was walking away, she suddenly hit something and winced a bit as she put a hand to her face, rubbing her nose that she'd walked into the invisible force field. She turned back around to face Hailey, but Loki was already there. She sighed a bit, rubbing her nose "Okay that was unnecessary. Both of you" she spoke, referring to Hailey and her force-field, and Loki grabbing her.

Looking to Hailey she sighed softly "What happened to going to your meeting?" she asked with a raised brow "and for your information I didn't do anything" she spoke, before realizing how blatant of a lie that was, seeing as she had freed a criminal "Oh, okay maybe I did. But in retrospect it's not that bad - I need his help, the nine realms need his help, if there is any hope of saving this universe" she stated, having a feeling the girl wasn't quite going to understand.


Peter was a bit relieved when Sheldon seemed to finally shut up for a bit and pay attention to the movie, which he'd seen a bunch of times before anyways, but he was still just as interested in. Peter occasionally glanced to his phone, wondering if he'd missed a text from Hailey, and only to be disappointed when he found he hadn't. He worried, on several reasons, one being he worried she wasn't really that interested in keeping up talking with him, and the other worry being about her partying that night and drinking too much.
Ned looked to Peter and noticed that he was checking his phone a lot. Probably wondering what Hailey was doing. He was a bit worried though. It was obvious he wasn't getting any messages back and he was definitely disappointed by the look on his face. Oh gosh was this it? Did she go off and meet someone else? Ned certainly hoped not. Peter had been so optimistic about his date.
"You freed a criminal mastermind! What the hell do you mean you didn't do anything? Here's what you're going to do: you're going put him and handcuffs, walk him back to Asgard, and give him to Thor because he's criminally insane! You saw what he did here. How dare you bring him back," she paused as she looked at Loki, "Oh...oh no you didn't get this from him did you?"

Loki rubbed his jaw before crossing his arms. "I'm not insane," he snapped at her, "And yes she did get this information from be because I'm the only one who knows what's going on here. These realms are going to be wiped out if we aren't careful." Hailey just shook her head as she looked at her. "Take. Him. Home," she said simply and clearly before starting to walk away. She couldn't believe this. Maeve had betrayed all of them. How could she?
Maeve sighed as Hailey started reacting as she pretty much expected her to when she had found out she had freed Loki and been helping her. Maeve was already a criminal though now by freeing Loki, there wasn't really anything she could do about that. She'd accepted those consequences and everything that came along with her actions. But if it saved the universe, maybe then it would prove to Thor, Hailey, to everyone, that Loki had been right for once, and they hadn't been lying. But even then, even if they still condemned them as criminals afterwards, it would still be worth it.

"Well, you see I don't fancy being locked up, especially by Odin, so, I can't really do that" she casually shrugged her shoulders when Hailey demanded Loki be brought back. She watched as Hailey just turned and left "...So I take it you still don't want to help us?" she called after the woman anyways who just left. She glanced to Loki, before shrugging "I supposed that could have gone better."


Peter wasn't aware of how often he had actually been checking his phone. It was a subconscious action he hadn't been aware of. He supposed he was doing it more so not only for his unfamiliarity with girls and relationships, but specifically, with a girl like Hailey, who everyone wanted to be with. He was tempted to text her again, and he'd stopped himself from doing so several times, before finally sending her another text and quickly hitting send before he could change his mind and back out for the seventh time. *Hope everythings okay =) * he quickly sent before turning his attention back to the movie.
Ned watched as Peter went ahead and checked his phone another dozen times before finally sending a text. He didn't know what it said though. He looked at Peter carefully before sighing slightly. "Are you sure you want to get involved with her?" Ned whispered to Peter as he looked at him. He just felt like all of this was a bad idea.
Hailey walked quickly until she got to Brooke's house. She couldn't bare to even think about Loki being free. She didn't want to do all of this again. Once was enough. She wanted to be normal. She had never been normal before and she wasn't about going to miss this rare opportunity She walked into Brooke's house and walked inside before checking her phone and seeing Peter had texted her. *Hey ya I'm fine I just got to Brooke's. Everything's fine :) What are you up to?"

Loki shook his head slightly as he watched the young girl go. "And she definitely has a punch," Loki said still feeling his jaw, "She's too young anyway. She would have hardly been an element against Thanos. This is ridiculous. We need someone who is going to actually help us. Not just some kid that you worked with once before. Isn't there...someone worthy of helping us?
Maeve just looked to Loki as he still complained about the punch and she smirked a bit in amusement "Well, it's not like you don't deserve it" she shrugged her shoulders "But yeah, don't let it go to that pretty-boy head of yours, but you were right. Kids are too annoying to deal with" she agreed with a slight sigh before hearing him asking about anyone else that was a better choice.

She raised a brow as she looked at him "I may travel a lot between the realms, but I'm not exactly the most social person. I grew up secluded by ice and snow, quite far from the other light elves. Social isn't really in my nature" she crossed her arms over her chest "I suppose we can focus on trying to destroy the stone. There's got to be a way, even if you don't know of one. That way even if we can't fight Thanos, he can't combine all the stones together to use them" she shrugged her shoulders "Its the best we can do right now. Stark might be able to help with destroying it....but he probably wont be happy to see me since I was the one that took the scepter from his lab. Granted Fury permitted it at the time."


Peter had finally decided to put his phone down and not look at it for a while once finally sending that text to Hailey. He jumped a bit though when Ned was suddenly talking to him, and he knew exactly what he was talking about. He glanced to his best friend, before sighing a bit "Maybe not. But I mean what do I have to lose Ned? I'm already the loser nerd of the school, it's not like I can be any more socially outcast or anything" he sighed as he leaned his head back.

He understood Ned was just trying to look out for him, but he wished Ned wouldn't constantly be so negative about this relationship - or whatever it was, at the moment. The second his phone buzzed he quickly looked back down at it, relieved to see it was Hailey and smiling a bit "See? She responded. Perfectly good idea" he said as his eyes moved to read the text and he responded. *Okay that's good! Have fun* he responded, also wanting to add not to drink too much or anything, but didn't want to seem too nagging or anything after just a single date.
Ned looked at Peter with a bit of uncertainty. It wasn't right that he felt like he had nothing to lose. Sure Peter was a brainac but at the same time, he was still a good person. Ned didn't want to see anything happen to him. "I know but...," he started but suddenly Peter's phone buzzed and cut him off, "I just don't want her to hurt you, Peter." He knew Peter probably wouldn't want to listen but it was still the truth.

Hailey spent a bit of time with her friends. They got some dinner and drank a bit afterwards. Hailey wanted to try and forget that she had just seen Loki wandering around New York, and that was going to take more alcohol than she had in her bag. Brooke gave her a few beers as well as she could tell her friend was a bit on edge. A few of the football guys were over as well and Flash was doing his best to hit on Hailey but she would just giggle and shake her head as if she wasn't interested. Even before she met Peter, she was never interested in Flash. Sure all of the other girls just adored him, but he wasn't really that nice of a person.
Loki looked at her and rolled his eyes. Pretty boy? That was his brother. Not him. "Please I'm always right. I don't know why you act so surprised. Perhaps next time you'll just listen to me. In fact that would make this go a lot faster wouldn't it?" he said with a smirk. He did have to say the kid was tougher than he had given her credit for, but at the same time, he still didn't think she was going to be ready to take on someone like Thanos.

He rolled his eyes slightly. "Really? You seem pretty social around me. Lucky them for not having to deal with you," he commented before thinking about it. He really didn't want to have to deal with Tony. He was like his brother only a mortal and about 10 times more arrogant and self-centered. Who wanted to deal with that? But then again, they didn't have a ton of choices. "Alright fine," he said in a huff before following after her.
Peter noticed the look in Ned's eyes, and just sighed a bit, but smiled a bit at Ned's worry "Really Ned, it's no big deal" he said to his best friend. He knew Ned was just worried about him, and Peter really, genuinely did appreciate it of Ned, but at the same time he felt like Ned was maybe under-estimating Peter a bit, and the chemistry that he and Hailey really seemed to share. No science-related pun intended, but honestly, Peter felt he and Hailey had a good chemistry between them.

He waved his friend off a bit, not wanting Ned to worry too much, though also wanting him to know he appreciated it, and him as a friend. "If anything happens, you'll be the first I tell. You're still my best friend Ned, don't worry" he tried to assure him with a small smile "Now lets just watch the movie" he commented as he turned his face back to the screen, where the movie was getting pretty close to the end.


Maeve just rolled her eyes as he commented how he was always right and it shouldn't be a surprise "Whatever. Just don't let it go to your head" she crossed her arms over her chest as she looked to him. "Anyways, looks like you got hit pretty good" she commented with a slight smirk, teasing him slightly since she noticed how he was rubbing his chin a bit, even with Hailey already long gone by now.

Hearing his remark about her seeming social with him she shrugged her shoulders a bit "I only really bother with people I find interesting and worth the time of a decent conversation. It's hard to come by nowadays, you know" she pointed out. Loki was one of the rare few she enjoyed socializing with. He knew how to hold up an intelligent conversation and discussion. Even if he could be incredibly annoying. Hearing him give in to agreeing to see Stark, she nodded a bit as she started to make way towards Stark tower. At least he was easy to find and locate.
Hailey partied for a while with Brooke and her friends. They played a few drinking games before finally people started leaving whether it be to go home or go cause trouble out on the town. She laid back on Brooke's bed giggling as she texted Peter. "Hailey you could do so much better," Brooke said before snickering but Hailey quickly patted her leg, "Shhhhh he's really smart and I think he's cute."

*Hey are you still up?* She managed to text him but she had to write it a few times before she finally got it right. "He's not even hot, Hails," Brooke said but Hailey was quick to reply, "I like him so just shhh." She giggled after quietly and sent him another text. *if you are you should come over.*
Loki rolled his eyes. "She doesn't hit too bad for a mortal. I will say though if you ever tell anyone I got punched by a mortal teenage girl, I swear to Odin," he started but trailed off. He wouldn't hurt her. He knew it and she knew it. She was the only one who actually believed in what he was saying. "Oh just come on," he said with a roll of his eyes.

They started towards Stark Tower and before long they had arrived. It wasn't difficult to find. Plus Loki had been there before. He hid himself away in an ally as Maeve knocked on the door. She waited for a few moments before the door clicked open. "Welcome Maeve of Alfheim. What can I get for you?" JARVIS said.
Maeve just looked at Loki with an amused look as he tried threatening her to not tell anyone he'd gotten hit by a young mortal "Oh? What, will you kill me?" she asked in amusement, knowing he wouldn't. She then headed off towards Stark tower, where she arrived at the door. She paused a moment, just looking up at the tall sky-scraping building and then around the street they were on, momentarily recalling the fight that happened here - as a result of Loki's doing, too.

She shook her head a bit as she snapped out of it when she heard Jarvis' voice greet her and speak out as she now stood in the lobby-like area "Hello Jarvis. Is Tony in?" she asked as she looked around curiously "If he tells you to tell me he's busy or something, tell him I've got a toy to return to him" she explained, knowing that Tony had a habit of just ignoring visitors and people in general, especially if he was doing something more amusing, or was with Pepper or something. She knew that the scepter would likely make him interested enough though.


They ended up watching a second Star Trek movie, and by the time that one had finished, it was after midnight, and the guys were debating on just crashing at Andy's since it was late, and no one really wanted to walk back to their own places, even though they all lived pretty close to each other and in the same neighborhood. Peter himself was feeling pretty tired when his phone was going off again with a text.

Seeing it was from Hailey, he was about to reply to her that he was, when he got a second text from her, saying he should....go over? He paused a moment in his typing, and glanced at the time again. Why would she want him to come over this late? *I'm still up. It's pretty late though, aren't you probably going to sleep soon?* After he sent the text, a thought occurred to him. Was this...no....it wasn't a 'booty call', was it?
Ned had almost fallen asleep during the movie but the end credits sent him blinking awake. The boys decided to just stay at Andy's. He texted his mom saying that he would call her in the morning to let her know when he was coming home. He noticed Peter was texting again. "What'd she say?" he asked with a tilt of his head.

Hailey giggled with Brooke as they talked about stupid things. That's basically what they did when they were drunk. *Psh nooooo going to bed is lame. Besides I'm still at Brooke's house. Come hang out with me!*
"Oh I can assure you I will," Loki hissed after her as he watched her go to the tower. He figured Tony would snub her but he could be wrong. He didn't know the mortal very well, but then again he didn't really want to get to know him. He leaned on the wall as he listened to Maeve speak to the computer.

"He is in his lab currently, but he asked me to let you in along with the scepter and a good explaination as to why you needed it," he said. Tony headed up the stairs to meet with Maeve in the living room. "I thought we had an agreement. You get the psychopath and the tesseract and I get the scepter," Tony said as he poured himself a drink.
As she was let inside, she spared a glance over her shoulder at where she had left Loki before she headed inside. She didn't particularly like the idea of leaving him alone out of her sights, but she supposed she'd just have to trust him. Which was a very hard thing to do, even for her. She may believe in him more than anyone else right now, but that didn't mean she completely trusted him, he was after all, still a criminal.

As she headed inside and in the living room, she looked to Tony as he appeared up the stairs "Nice to see you again too" she rolled her eyes a bit at his complete skip of greetings and getting straight to the scepter. She shrugged her shoulder a bit "Well, it was more of an unwritten agreement, don't you think?" she said as she watched him get himself a drink "I will apologize for taking it without being able to inform you beforehand, however. At the time I thought it rather important to be done as soon as possible. You know, usual doom and gloom, the world is ending, kind of stuff. Except this time it could be all the worlds, not just yours. "


As Peter was texting Hailey back, he found himself at a loss, and completely confused. This is one of those many moments he had where he really wished he was better at understanding social cues and context better. Even after replying, he continued to read her text, trying to analyze it. He was brought out of his thoughts though when he heard Ned's voice, and blinked looking over at him "Oh, I thought you were asleep" he commented "Well, she..." he started, before he was cut of and distracted by another text.

He furrowed his brows in further confusion as he read the following text. Well, she certainly seemed drunk. And she still wanted him to go over to her *You want me to come over to Brooke's? I don't think that's a good idea, she really doesn't like me, remember?* he responded before glancing back to his best friend, confusion clearly spelled out all over his face "She um....she wants me to come over. Do you think....?"
Ned could tell that Peter was unsure whether or not he should go to meet with Hailey. He knew Peter was afraid of saying no because he didn't want to lose her but at the same time he did want to spend time with her. "I mean...think about it. It's late at night and she wants you to come see her. She probably wants to sleep with you," Ned explained. He really couldn't believe he had just said those words but that's what it looked like.

"I'm going to bed," Brooke giggled as she got up, "Don't invite him over." She left the room and Hailey rolled her eyes before going back to trying to text Peter. *She's going to bed so you don't have to see her! Pleaseeee?*
Tony took a sip of his whiskey as he listened to her and rolled his eyes. "Weird. In my experience and agreement as an agreement whether it's written or not. I should know better too. I am the businessman after all," he said as he crossed his arms.

Finally he shut up so he could listen to Maeve and what she had to say. It did interest him but at the same time he knew they were already in hot water for what had happened in New York. "Look Maeve. I know where you're coming from but we can't do this right now. The world is telling us that we need to settle down and let other people handle it. I'm sorry but I can't help you."

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