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Fandom Marvel Universe (Closed)

Ned smirked slightly as he grabbed his stuff. "You know it's pointless to argue with that guy. Just let him go even if you are right," he said with a smile. They all knew Sheldon wasn't the type to admit when he was wrong. He was too arrogant for that and childish.

After bidding Andy and his mom goodbye the two left his house and started to walk towards Peter's apartment as it was closer to Andy's than Ned's place. "So how did last night really go?" he asked, "I'm guessing she was fairly drunk and just wanted you to come and hang out with her?" Ned hated to say it but he didn't trust Hailey at all though Peter probably already knew that. Why couldn't he just date a girl on their level? Why did he have to go after someone popular?
Loki crossed his arms slightly. He did have to admit that he was fairly arrogant but he was indeed wonderful to be around. Or at least he thought so. He was quiet though as he just settled for his usual eye roll. "Please you mean I'll find a plan while you steal it back," he said as he pushed himself off the wall.

"Where do you suggest we go now?" he asked with a raise of his brow. He didn't really think this far ahead because well...he didn't think they would make it this far. "Asgard and Alfheim are out of the question because I'm sure the Asgardians are crawling all over the place. Any other ideas?" he asked with a raise of his brow.
As Maeve was trying to ask Loki for any ideas he might have or plans, he just ignored the question entirely and turned it back on to her, making it again her job to figure it all out. She sighed a bit in annoyance "If I had known you were going to be this useless I wouldn't have freed you in the first place. So far the only thing I've gained by freeing you is a pain in my ass" she huffed as she rubbed her head a bit in frustration.

As he asked her where she thought they should go now, she crossed her arms over her chest "I'm about to suggest we go to Asgard so I can have you locked back up and off of my back" she huffed "But while Alfheim and Asgard are at peace, there is some tension between them, in particular with certain groups of elves. So it actually might not be such a terrible idea to go back there and hide. While they're sure to guess we might be there, since I'm from there, they wont be able to just go rampaging through it as they please."


Peter shrugged his shoulders a bit at Ned's comment 'You're right. I don't know why I waste my breath" he said with an amused shake of his head as he grabbing his things and headed out of Andy's house with Ned, saying goodbye to Andy and his mom after thanking her for the breakfast as well.

As he headed down the street with his friend, he wasn't surprised to hear Ned wanting more details about last night and asking about it. He nodded his head a bit in agreement "Yeah, she was definitely drunk....it was kind of weird since I don't really know how to handle that stuff. But yeah so I just walked her home. I think she wanted otherwise...but she was also really drunk, so I'm not really thinking too much about that" he commented.
Ned nodded as Peter spoke to him. Honestly he wouldn't have known how to react either. Drunk people did some dumb things. It was good that Peter was there to make sure nothing bad happened to Hailey. "You did the right thing, Peter," he said with a slight nod, "You were smart not to do anything else last night with her." He had heard about guys who take advantage of girls in their drunken state and well it never really turned out well for them.

He and Peter walked back to Peter's apartment. It wasn't too far away from Andy's and Ned's house was only down the street. "I'll catch up with you tomorrow ok?" he said with a smile, "Try to keep yourself and Hailey out of trouble until then. I'll text you after my homework is done." With that ned waved goodbye before heading to his house.
Loki just rolled his eyes in annoyance. Women could be the worst sometimes. Well all the time. "Oh please my company should be good enough," he said, "Besides without me you don't know any of this. If it were easy to figure out I would have done all of this myself. In other words, you would be the useless one."

"Fine," Loki said with a huff. He knew she was probably right though. They needed to head back to Alfheim. Though they were on good terms at the moment, Asgardians wouldn't just be able to just storm in and take whatever they wanted to search for them. "But I don't want to deal with children so find somewhere that I won't be bothered by them," he noted as he crossed his arms.
She shrugged her shoulders a bit "True, without you, yeah, I wouldn't know any of these. However, you haven't been any more useful than you were when you were locked up" she said as she crossed her arms, before pointing out "Everything I currently know, I learned from you while you were still locked up. So theoretically, it's so far looking as though I had no need to free you, as you've been little help in providing any further helpful information, about Thanos, or how you even became acquainted with him."

When he seemed to agree on going to Alfheim for the time being, as it would be easier to hide there, she nodded her head a bit as she headed back to where they left to the transport "Do you know how to get to Alfheim from Midgard? Or do I need to do that too?" she teased a bit with a smirk, and before long they had made it back to the transport as hopped onto it.


Hearing Ned encourage him and not be so suspicious of him being with Hailey for once, Peter smiled a bit at his friends encouragement and nodded his head a bit "Thanks Ned" he agreed as he continued to walk down the street with him. It didn't take long before they reached his apartment and he nodded to Ned when he was leaving "Yeah, see you tomorrow. Good luck on the rest of your homework" he waved as his friend turned and left, and Peter headed into his apartment.

The rest of the day had passed by relatively normally, nothing too exceptional happening, and Spider-man being pretty dormant since nothing too big was going on. He did have to focus on some actual work to get done too anyways, so that helped to keep him busy. Occasionally he would text Hailey throughout the day, while he finished up his homework.
Hailey had taken the day to just relax and not worry about anything. It took a while but she finally cured her headache. She lounged in her room and finished up some homework before texting Peter back a few times. She made dinner for her mom for whenever she came back and afterwards went up to her room to get some sleep.

The city of New York didn't really want that though. She turned on the police radio she had stolen to listen to see what was going on in the city only to hear that a bank robbery was in the works. She smirked slightly as she quickly got up and grabbed her suit. Finally some action. She slid on her mask before jumping out her window and heading towards the break in.
"Like I would have told you anything if I didn't know you were going to release me from that hellish prison. Besides without me you would have never gotten off Asgard. You'll learn to get along with me. I know it's hard because you're jealous of my intelligence but eventually you'll get used to it," Loki explained.

He rolled his eyes when she questioned him. "Oh please," he snapped, "Of course I do. I was going to rule it remember?" He started back to the transporter and called back to her. "And no you can't drive so don't bother asking."
She raised a brow at his argument he wouldn't have told her had he not known she'd release him "Really? That's quite an assumption you hoped on then. Considering everything you told me was before I even implied I might consider releasing you" she commented, before only rolling her eyes as he went on about her jealousy of his intelligence.

"For someone so intelligent, you don't seem to know a lot" she jabbed back at him a bit since he seemed to have no more information on Thanos or what to do about him. Nor did he respond to her question regarding how he knew Thanos in the first place. Shaking her head a bit, she just followed him onto the transport, and before she could say anything, the thought on her mind was shut down, and she pouted "Well, I suppose we'll have plenty of time while hiding for me to learn."


Peter had pretty much finished up most of his homework by the evening, but, being the smart and studious student he was, he decided to take some of this time to focus on studying a bit for his upcoming test that week. As he flipped through the pages of his textbook, he could hear the television in the living room where his Aunt was watching the news. He pretty much tuned it all out, until something caught his attention on it.

He picked his head up a bit in interest, hearing a report about a robbery and he got up from his desk, walking to the living room to listen in on what was going on. The news channels and stations were where he got the information to go out into the city as Spider-man and all, and as he was considering doing so, the cameraman and reporter suddenly went on excitedly about the Mirage having arrived. He smiled a bit to himself since he of course knew who it was.
Hailey hurried out into the night and quickly took down the robbers in the bank. The reporters and the crowd were excited to see her. She had disarmed the maniacs and turned them over to the police. The reporters quickly rushed over to her, shouting questions while others snapped her picture.

Hailey smiled through her mask before shaking her head. She didn't want to speak as many of the kids at school knew her voice and she could blow her cover. She stepped away and prepared to get out of there when she was struck hard and sent through the building. The people gasped and backed up quickly. Hailey winced and let out a groan as she pulled her head up to get a look at who had hit her. A blonde woman who looked to be about in her 30's smirked down at her.
"Please. You're like an open book," he said with a shake of his head, "You clearly were interested in me. You continued to use my brother to get to speak to me, and you never told him the truth about what was going on meaning you didn't feel guilty about it. Honestly you're a bit of a psychopath the more I think about it," Loki noted with a shake of his head, "But either way I knew you wouldn't leave me behind. I peaked your interest and you can't deny it."

Loki rolled his eyes though when she spoke back to him. "I'm smarter than you know," he replied as he started the transporter up. He got it in the air before hitting a few buttons before taking off through the air towards the city of New York. He flew up to the Empire State Building and before they ran into the top they appeared on Alfheim.
Maeve scoffed a bit as he said how obvious it was that she was interested in him, and then going on to call her a psychopath, which just caused her to roll her eyes. She'd started to learn to not really listen and get offended by any offensive remark that Loki said. It would be too exhausting if she did, considering just about every word that came out of his mouth was offensive in some way or another.

"Oh, was it that obvious? Maybe it had to do with the fact I actually stated to you I was interested in you" she rolled her eyes "Some genius you are for figuring that out. A real sharpeye" she rolled her eyes as she spoke sarcastically. After getting on the transport with him and he was headed in the right direction, she relaxed back a bit "Maybe, but if that's so it's hard to tell" she huffed, before they soon arrived in Alfheim, and she directed him back towards the ice elves. It was more secluded there and there were a lot of places in the arctic surroundings to escape and hide off in if they were found.


Peter was watching the news, and smiled a bit as he watched Serena trying to excuse herself though while still appeasing the public who wanted her attention and everything. He knew he was right to decide that he didn't need to go help out or anything, he knew that Serena was perfectly capable of handling something like that herself. Plus, he didn't want her getting upset and complaining about being a damsel in distress for a second time.

As he was watching though, even after his aunt ended going to bed and told him to turn the tv off when he was finished, the news turned bad again. He frowned a bit when a woman came out of nowhere attacking Serena, and Peter watched nervously. His reflexes instantly told him to rush out to her side in case she needed the help, but he watched a minute more, as hard as it was for him to not do anything, to see if she could handle herself.
Hailey winced as she tried to pick herself up. She want use to getting thrown around like this. "Where do these guys come from?" she whispered to herself before forcing herself to get back to her feet. She was wobbly for a moment but finally she gained her balance. "Well that was rude," she said.

She set her hands ablaze as she waited for the woman to attack her again but she didn't. "Oh that's cute," the woman said in a thick Russian accent with a smirk on her lips before grabbing Hailey's throat tightly, "I'm going to have fun with that." Hailey struggled against her grip but eventually she managed to shoot the woman back, slamming her into a building across the street as the people applauded. Hailey readied herself for another attack but nothing could prepare her for what happened next. A blue beam of energy similar to her own hit her and set her flying back. She hit the ground and winced. "What the hell?" she whispered
"Yes but I could tell before then. You act so mysterious and I know it's all an act. You may have my brother fooled but honestly I believe you came in there with the unconscious intent to break me out of there. Besides fooling Thor isn't really much of an accomplishment," he said with a shrug.

He followed her directions back to the ice elves and needless to say he want overly excited to go out there again. The thought of people and worse, children, were all going to be there. Sitting there judging him from a far. They all knew who he was. By this time the whole galaxy probably figured he was the psychopath his father had portrayed him to be.
She rolled her eyes a bit as he just acted like he knew everything about her, and could read her mind before she herself even knew what she was doing "Sure sure. I get it, you're also a mind reader. Where do your talents end?" she droned on sarcastically, clearly not interested. "Thor is a good man, but he is an idiot" she sighed lightly with a shake of her head "It's unfortunate really. He means well but is too naive to make his own choices and make his own mind up" she commented, knowing Thor did a lot based off of his father - most of the time, anyways.

As they soon arrived in the ice and snow covered lands, Maeve directed him further past were most of the civilization of her clan where, and to where there were a bunch of glaciers "I was going to be nice and get you some warmer clothes, since you'll freeze before long in what you're currently wearing. But I don't care anymore" she stated as she hoped off the transporter once he landed it near the glaciers.


As Peter watched anxiously, he found he couldn't really just sit back anymore. Even if Serena had it under control, and she got mad at him for showing up, he'd rather show up to help her when she needed it, than not show up and something end up happening to her. Quickly turning the television off, he hurried into his room and dressed in his fitted suit, before quickly heading out of his window and through the streets, towards the location of Serena and the fight.

Before long he had arrived. He at first hid his presence so that he could intervene with surprise to the enemy, rather than them noticing and stopping him and anything he tried. Just as another blast was being created to send in Serena's direction, where she was already previously knocked down, he quickly shot a web at the enemy's feet, pulling them out from beneath her causing the blast to miss Serena, and having the person now hang upside-down by a web bound around their ankles "Now, that's not really a fair fight is it, knocking someone when they're already down?"
Hailey was about to generate a force field when the blast was redirected away from her. She looked up and saw Peter working his magic and tying the woman up, hanging her upside down by her feet. She winced as she climbed to her feet and steadied herself using the wall next to her. "Oh I've heard about you too," the woman said as she used one of her hands to cut herself free, "The Spider boy."

Hailey turned invisible as the woman started to take an interest in Peter. "Oh my dear boy you have no idea what you're up against," she said with a smirk on her lips, "But you have a little fight in you. I like that." A blue glow emanated from her hands and she started to bring her hand up to shoot Peter. "Then you're going to love me," Hailey said before appearing and wrapping her legs around the woman's neck and taking her down so the beam missed Peter. Suddenly though a black web shot around Peter holding him to the building. "Miss me, Parker?" a familiar voice asked as Jase hopped down in front of him.
"They don't," Loki said with a smirk on his lips. He could tell that Maeve was obviously being sarcastic but it still felt good to boast about himself. Besides if he didn't who was going to? "Please tell me you aren't just figuring out that my brother is brainless. I mean...its so obvious. My father has Thor wrapped around his finger. He likes Thor more than me because I know that he's wrong and I'm not afraid to call him out on it. Thor's just dumb enough to go along with whatever his father thinks because in his tiny mind, Odin can do no wrong."

Once Loki got going on Thor and his father, he could talk for hours upon hours on them. It was amazing how much he really hated them but he did have good reason for it. He glanced over at her and rose a brow in her direction. "You do know I'm a frost giant right?" he asked with a roll of his eyes, "I think I'll be ok in this weather."
She rolled her eyes as he agreed and responded to her sarcasm as if she hadn't been sarcastic. She just ignored him though as she changed the topic, briefly bringing up Thor. "Of course I'm not just realizing this. I was just making a comment, that's all" she said as she arrived in a crevice opening between the glaciers, big enough to slip inside. She went in first, so Loki could follow and know where to go. Inside, could be a maze of hollowed out spaces throughout the glaciers, where, someone who didn't know their way around them, it could certainly be dead and easily trapped or killed inside, considering how glaciers would melt. But Maeve knew her way around them and the safe areas, deeper inside the glacier like caves.

Hearing him remind her of what she was, she shrugged "Only partly. I don't know if that means you can fully take these temperatures or not" she said as she lead him through the caves. Some of the pathways she took were rather small, and she didn't realize how small they might be for someone who wasn't an elf. Not until she noticed Loki struggling a bit and she snickered a bit "Not so bad being my height now is it?" she smirked back at him, remembering how he made a jab at her height earlier regarding the transport.


As Peter had arrived at the scene, he quickly tied the woman up by her ankles, hanging her upside down before she was even aware of his presence there. He sighed a bit as she greeted him "It's spider-MAN. jeeze, how many times do I have to tell people that? you'd think people would know by now" he sighed with a shake of his head before he noticed the woman had gotten free of the binds, and his eyes widened a bit at the blast she was about to send towards him. "Hey, I think I'm supposed to be the one saying that" he intervened, watching her hands carefully.

He was prepared to dodge the attack however, but Hailey had intervened and stopped her. He smirked a bit watching them "See, told you it was you who didn't know-" he started but was suddenly cut off as he was pinned to the wall in black webbing, causing him to grunt a bit in surprise of the sudden attack, eyes darting over to the culprit "Jase?" he spoke in surprise, wondering what he was doing there....he'd thought they'd taken care of him and his abilities with that...thing, before.
Hailey landed on her feet but the woman sent a kick in her direction, sending her to the ground. She flipped herself back up before shooting the woman back. She sent a kick in her face while she was doing, leaving the woman's lip bleeding from the corner of her mouth. She looked down and noticed a symbol on one of her boots.

"Long time no see," he said with a smirk before the black goo covered his face, "This stuff came back to me. Guess it likes me." He sent into Peter's cheek before looking down at the two women. Hailey clearly had the upper hand now. "Oh no no no," he said before shooting a black web at her and pinning her to the wall next to Peter, "Like Peter said. It's not nice to kick someone when they're down." Hailey struggle against the webbing but it was too strong. "They don't have it," Jase called down to the woman before smirking at the pair, "A shame too because I wanted to kill them. That'll have to be another day. With that he jumped down from the building side and disappeared with the woman.
"I'm just making sure," Loki said with a shrug, "I mean I knew you were dumb but not that dumb." He followed after her into a maze like structure. It was actually pretty clever of the ice elves to use this as their defense as they weren't known as particularly strong creatures. Maybe they were smarter than he gave them credit for.

Loki followed her through the maze though it quickly became apparent that perhaps being smaller would be beneficial for him. He muttered rather grumpily as he struggled to get through the small parts of the maze. "I can see why you people don't get visitors," he hissed to her as he didn't his best to follow her.
Maeve ignored his jab questioning her intelligence, like most other things, she'd gotten used to ignoring his words. As she lead him through the inside of the glaciers, she snickered a bit in amusement, actually finding a huge enjoyment out of watching him struggle and not really be able to find a way to help himself or verbally back himself up like he usually did. It was a rare moment, watching him struggle and grumble to himself, once she very much enjoyed.

"Oh please, not everyone lives here. It'd be far too dangerous to have an entire population inside of a glacier" she said as the pathway started to open up a bit more, before it was finally a larger open space "I found this place when I was younger, so I've kinda claimed it as mine" she said with a shrug of her shoulders. By younger, it was when her parents had abandoned her in the cold away from the majority population of the ice elves for her to learn to survive and learn her ice abilities, she'd actually fallen into the glacier by accident at the time.


Peter glared at Jase as he spoke how the thing had come back to him. They'd have to find a way to get it off again, and keep it off. But he still didn't even know what it was exactly, let alone how to keep it locked up. With all the things that had happened lately, the aliens, otherworldly beings like elves and Asgardians and everything...he wondered if the thing was even from earth. But at the same time, Earth had its phenomena as well and so he very well knew it was possible.

He watched as Hailey was soon pinned beside him to the wall with the webbing, before Jase used his own words against Hailey, causing Peter to roll his eyes "Oh come on, it's also unfair to outnumber someone" he huffed as he struggled against the webbing, ripping at it "Wait!" he called but the two had already disappeared by the time he had freed himself from the webbing. He cursed a bit under his breath, before turning to Hailey and helping free her from the black webbing.
Hailey glared at Jase as he slammed her against the wall next to Peter spun a thick web around her to hold her in place so they could get away. She watched as Peter ripped away the webbing. She hit the ground feet first before looking up at Peter. What had he meant that they didn't have 'it'. What was 'it'? She let out a sigh before shaking her head. "Why are all the psychopaths in New York? Why can't they be in like San Francisco and bother someone else?" she asked with a shake of her head.

Either way these nutjobs were now their responsibility. She grabbed Peter's arm and made both of them disappear before running back to her house. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw her mother still wasn't home as she climbed up into her window and left it open for Peter to climb in as well. She pulled off her mask and shook her head. "Do you know who that woman was?" she asked with a tilt of her head, "And how the hell did Jase get that thing back on him?"
Loki realized that Maeve had never really seen him in a weak moment. Of course he had weaknesses, he knew it, but he ddn't need everyone else to know that. He let out a quiet sigh as he did his best to maneuver through the maze. It wasn't easy but at least it was doable. It would have sucked even more to have to find another way around because he was too big to enter their little city. In fact, the more he thought about it, Thor may not be able to even get in this place. Maybe they were actually safe here.

"Oh," he said as he looked around. It wasn't that big but it would work out fine. "Well for once you actually did something useful," he said, "Well done." He could tell that it had been inhabited before probably by her if he had to guess. "So what we just stay here until you little mortal friend figures out how to destroy the infinity stone?" he asked as he turned to her. If that was the plan they could be here a while.
As she stood up straight once entering the more open area, she had actually changed the shape of the inside space so it was more hospitable, and was almost like the space of a small apartment, having a few rooms attached to the larger room they were currently in. There wasn't just ice either, there were more home-like things arranged around. Of course she could only change the shape and space inside that area to a certain extent, since if she made it too large or something it would cause the glacier to become weak and vulnerable, and possible collapse on them. But that thankfully wouldn't be the case.

As he commented her being useful for once, she rolled her eyes as she sat down "Oh yes, because me freeing you from that cell isn't useful for you at all" she replied sarcastically. "And that's one way to look at it. But while we're here we can also try and figure out a further, better plan to prepare against Thanos. If you ever want to chime in and suggest something, be my guest."


Peter freed Hailey from the binds of the webbing, and when she looked at him, he had just as equal of a look of confusion on his face. Not that either of them could exactly see each others faces really, but they both had the same thoughts on their mind and that much was noticeable. Before he could speak first, she asked the question on his mind first.

Shaking his head a bit in response "I thought you would know. It seemed she was after you" he pointed out, since she had attacked Hailey before Peter had even arrived at the scene. But it baffled him even more that Hailey seemed to not know the woman at all. As he followed her back to her place, he easily climbed up the wall with his sticky-like hands, and pulled himself in through the window before pulling his own mask off, sighing a bit. "Seems the thing is attached to him. Not just literally speaking. It found him again apparently, from what I understand."
"I've never seen her before in my life," she said as she crossed her arms. She had noted that the woman had a Russian accent. Perhaps she knew her family or maybe knew her from when she was a baby. Whatever had happened it was clear that she wanted something. Hailey just wasn't quite sure what.

She looked at Peter carefully and shook her head. It seemed like they had more questions than answers. She didn't even really know what to say. She took a seat on her bed and sighed. "Um...," she said with a shake of her head unsure of where to start, "They were after something. When they saw we didn't have it they left. What could they be looking for?" She thought about it for a few moments before leaning back on her bed and sighing. "Why can't everyone just be normal?" she asked as she started at the ceiling.
"Let's be realistic I could have figured out how to break out of there myself," he said as he looked around, "In fact that's what I was working on before you came busting in. So don't underestimate me." He tilted his head slightly when she mentioned Thanos. She wanted to try and defeat Thanos? He wasn't sure if that was such a good idea. Besides he knew Thanos had a few tricks up his sleeve, but it was going to be tough to anticipate them.

"I don't think you quite understand what we're up against here. Thor and I combined would be no match for him. Thor isn't strong enough nor am I smart enough to defeat him. So what exactly are you trying to purpose," he said gently with a shake of his head, "Thanos is nothing compared to what you saw in New York. It's going to be much worse. I believe our best bet is to destroy those infinity stones...if that's possible."
"That's not being realistic at all. Thor made sure there would be no way for you to get out of there - at least not by yourself. Hence also why you were likely denied visitors, since we all know you'd manipulate them to free you. However, let me be clear. Regardless of what you want to believe, that is not what happened with me" she stated firmly, watching him still standing there, "Well, make yourself comfortable. You look weird just standing there" she spoke as she watched him.

After mentioning wanting to stop Thanos, she rolled her eyes "Don't be an idiot. I didn't say let us just go take up arms against Thanos himself, now did I?" she huffed sarcastically "That's exactly what I've been saying, focus on destroying the stones. While Tony has one now to work on himself, that doesn't mean we should just sit back and hide out. I meant we should prepare against him, such as trying to locate the other stones so that should we learn how to destroy them, we can do so. Now we already know the tesseract is in Asgard, so there's one. Not including the one Tony now has, obviously."


When she said she'd never seen her before, he sighed a bit as he leaned back against the wall "Well she certainly seemed to know who you were. And me...but maybe that's just because we're in the news and stuff sometimes" he commented in thought, trying to figure out how the woman knew them and what she had been looking for. And then there was the issue of Jase, too. How and why was he connected to the woman?

Glancing to her when she spoke of wanting everyone to be normal, he chuckled softly "But then our jobs wouldn't be that much fun, now would they? Plus, if everyone was normal, that would include us as well" he pointed out as he crossed his arms over his chest "We need to figure out what they were looking for. And why Jase is with her."
Hailey shook her head slightly. "Maybe Jase told her?" she suggested with a shrug, "She didn't call me by name though and Jase knows who we are. Ugh..." She sat up and looked at him as he sat down on the floor. "True but sometimes I think that would be ok," she said with a slight smile, "I mean have ever really thought about just being...normal high school students? I mean it would be a lot easier to keep my grades up with out all these crazies running around."

She started to think a bit more about what was going on. All of this was so confusing. "She had a symbol on her boot," she said as she got up and grabbed one of her notebooks. She turned to a blank sheet of paper before drawing on it. Hailey was actually a fairly good artist. She handed the drawing over to him, but it didn't really mean anything to her. It was the Hydra symbol. "Does that mean anything to you?" she asked with a tilt of her head.
He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You clearly don't understand how smart I truly am," he said before taking a seat. He had to admit that the place a little chilly but it wasn't too uncomfortable for him. "And I don't look weird," he said with a roll of his eyes, "You are so judgmental." Of course he should be the last person to talk about such a thing.

He looked to her and he had to admit that she was right. They couldn't just sit around on this frozen wasteland. "Well we know one stone is on Asgard," Loki said with a shrug, "Thor has it hidden there. I haven't heard of where the others may be hidden. Perhaps there is one in 6 of the 9 realms." He wasn't for sure but he figured someone had been smart enough to hide them in different locations so that no one would be able to easily find them.
She smirked a bit "Yes you do. You always look weird. You look like there's always something that's irritating you. Not an attractive look" she shrugged her shoulders with a smirk, before he commented she was judgemental "I'm judgemental? Really? The only one who didn't believe everything the Asgardians said about you just because it was the thing everyone thought?" she countered.

As he seemed to actually stop joking and think more seriously about the idea of locating the stones, and suggesting each may be on a different realm, it really wasn't all that bad of an idea. "Okay. So what, are we just going to search every inch of every realm? Mind you some of the realms are very...isolated to themselves. So it wouldn't be that easy for us to just stroll around on them. Especially me for example, if we were to go to Svartalfheim" she spoke, which brought something to mind "Wasn't there a war between the asgardians and dark elves over a stone or something? You think that could be one of them?"


"Jase could have told her" he agreed "but again, then that leads to how Jase knows her, what their connection is...and we still don't really know much about that thing that's attached to Jase either" he sighed a bit in frustration. It seemed the more they thought about this, the more that they didn't know, and it only frustrated Peter further that they were at a complete lack of answers.

"I don't know. Maybe for you....but for me....i feel like I can really be myself as spider-man. People don't look at spiderman as the scrawny, nerdy nobody in high school. All I've ever been was that nerdy normal kid up until several months ago....so for me, going back to just that life alone....my normal life wouldn't be as pleasant as yours" he said with a small smile, before she mentioned a symbol and sketched something out. He looked to it, furrowing his brows as he shook his head "no...I don't recognize it..."
Hailey smiled slightly when she looked over at Peter. It was sad to think that Peter felt he couldn't be himself in high school. Even in front of his own friends. She didn't know what she would do if that happened to her. He must feel so lost. She brushed her hair back and walked over to him before sitting next to him.

"I like you whether you're Spider-Man or not," she said as she put her head on his shoulder, "We are weird though. You have to admit that. I mean you climb on walls for god's sake. It's creepy." She smiled as she spoke. She was only teasing him of course. She actually found his powers very cool and a tad sexy at times.
"Trust me I only look like that when you're around," he said with a roll of his eyes, "You just bring the worst out of me." Loki shook his head as he leaned against the icy wall. "Just because you are smart enough to see through their lies doesn't mean you're not judgemental. It just means you're semi-competent."

Loki shook his head slightly. "Of course not," he snapped slightly, "there needs to be a better...way. You found the tesseract. How did you find the tesseract?" The other stones should be able to be found by the same methods.
She just rolled her eyes when he said she brought out the worst of him "No. You're just really unattractive all the time. You should really do something about that expression of yours - you look like your constantly in pain" she huffed as she propped her arms behind her head "Try smiling or something once in a while."

As he asked her how they'd found the tesseract, she thought for a moment "I think that group, SHIELD, used you scepter to locate it. But in the end Tony ended up figuring out where you would be with it. I don't know how they first found it" she explained before looking to him "By the way, I still want to know how you know Thanos, and your connection to him" she brought up again as he still had yet to further explain on that.

Peter lifted his head and looked to Hailey when he noticed her getting up, and watched her as she moved to sit down beside him. He was a bit surprised when she leaned against him to rest her head on his shoulder, but smiled a bit as he relaxed and of course didn't mind at all.

"Thank you" he spoke when she said how she liked him as Peter or Spider-man. It did mean a lot to him though. Since the only way they really started talking was through their powers, and him being Spider-man, he had worried that maybe that was the only thing about him that interested her. He chuckled softly when she commented about them being weird, and his abilities creepy "Well I'm used to being the weird one, so that's not much different for me" he smirked a bit.
Hailey smiled and kissed his cheek before giggling at his comment. "Oh come on peter you're not that weird. I mean you're smart, you're funny, you're pretty cute," she said with a smile as she lifted her head to look at him, "I think you just sell yourself too short sometimes."

She really did want Peter to be a bit more confident. He deserved to be yet he constantly shamed himself for not being like...Flash or any of his friends, but she thought he was fine the way he was. "Will you stay here tonight, Peter?" she asked before blushing as she looked over at him, "Not for anything like that...but just like we did the other night."
"I'm sitting in a ice cube with you," Loki commented with a roll of his eyes, "What in the the world could I possibly be happy about? I only smile when I'm happy. I don't need to smile when I have nothing to smile about."

Lokis mind started to think about where the other stones could be and how they could go about finding them. It shouldn't be that hard to find them. There had to be a pattern. There always was. Even when people didn't mean to there was a pattern. "I met him one day," he said simply not wanting to go into details, "We should have asked Tony to try and find where those other stones were."
Maeve rolled her eyes when he said how he couldn't be happy with her stuck in an ice cube "Oh please. Being around me should automatically be a reason to be happy" she joked as she looked over to him "Besides, I think you're secretly enjoying yourself. Even if you don't want to admit it" she said with a smirk, before deciding to be nice, and she got up, disappearing into one of the smaller adjoining rooms, before coming back with some fur-like blankets and tossing them to him "Even if your part frost giant, your part something else too, so you can't be entirely comfortable right now" she said before sitting back down on the couch she had reclined herself on.

When he at least finally acknowledged her question regarding him and Thanos, it still was an unsatisfying answer. But at least he replied with something about it. She sighed a bit "Well no shit you met him one day" she rolled her eyes sarcastically "How? And how did you come to work with him? You told me before how the attack on Midgard and all of that...it was all apart of Thanos' larger plans. Why would you help him? I know you said he influenced your mind or something....but I don't believe you're just that innocent" she crossed her arms.


Peter smiled a bit when she kissed his cheek, that boyish nervous smile coming on his lips as he faintly blushed. He listened as she started to go on and compliment him, not just on saying he wasn't weird, but a few other things too. He looked to her, smiling a bit "You...you think I'm cute?" he asked shyly.

When she was asking him to stay the night, he was a bit surprised, and instantly thought back to the other night about when he walked her drunk self home and her wanting him to stay. He wondered if it was for something similar...but when she clarified herself, he relaxed a bit, and smiled. He was about to agree, before realizing several things "My aunt...I don't know it'd be hard to convince her, even if I didn't say it was at a girls house or anything...the fact it's a school night...and so we have school in the morning..." he trailed off.
Hailey smiled as she looked up at him. "Of course I do," she said, "I like that I don't have to hide myself from you. You're not...judgemental like Brooke and the rest of them. And I like how smart you are. I think a big brain is amazingly sexy."

She paused though when he mentioned the part about his aunt. She didn't realize that other people had parents who actually cared enough to be at home for their children. "Will you ask her?" she asked gently, "Its ok if she says no. I just like being with you that's all."
"And you're part pain in the ass," he said with a roll of his eyes. Geez did she ever stop talking? It was like a marathon with her. It was almost getting ridiculous. Though Loki did often wonder what his other half was. He had tried to figure it out but to no avail."

"You talk way too much," he said with a roll of his eyes, "Now quiet I'm trying to think. Thanos and how I met him isn't important right now. Finding those infinity stones is the only thing that matters." In all honesty he just didn't want to talk about how he had met him.

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