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Fandom Marvel Universe (Closed)

Maeve rolled her eyes "Technically you're complaining about my complaining, so I'd shut up if I were you" she huffed in irritation. He was a lot more annoying when he wasn't locked up, that was for sure. Maeve looked back to those who were chasing after them, some on their own devices. She let Loki focus on driving while she focused on keeping anyone from getting to them.

She had her back turned to the mountains they were headed for when she heard Loki's comment "What? What are you-" she started to say as she turned around, before her eyes widened "Loki!!" she screamed as she ducked beneath the control panels. When they didn't hit anything though and came to a stop, she opened her eyes, blinking a bit as she looked around, recognizing they were no longer in Asgard. Turning to Loki, she just narrowed her eyes at him "You and I have very different ideas on what is fun" she huffed as she stood back up straight with a shake of her head.


Peter laid with Hailey for a while in the field on their picnic blanket that they had set up. He just closed his own eyes, and enjoyed the peace and silence. He had planned to let her rest a little longer before waking her up, if she didn't wake on her own, and suggesting they head back to the city so she could go home and properly sleep. But before he knew it, he himself had actually ended up falling asleep with both of his arms wrapped around her and cradling her in his arms gently.
Hailey stayed asleep for a while. In fact she didn't awake until the sun was back up in the sky. She rubbed her eyes slightly before taking a moment to remember where was was. That didn't take her though as she heard Peter's soft breathing behind her. They had stayed out all night and slept under the stars. That was kind of impressive.

She smiled slightly as she kissed Peter's cheek. She was about to say something to him when she heard his phone start ringing from the other side of the blanket. She looked over at it and saw that his aunt was calling. "...Oh boy," she said before looking down, "Peter wake up. Oh god your aunt is going to kill me."
Loki smirked when he heard her start to freak out. He pushed their speed as a few more transports entered the sky and began shooting at them. He didn't bother shooting back as he knew they wouldnt be able to follow them. He guided the mm safely through the invisible portals before chuckling slightly.

"Oh that's because you're a stick in the mud," he replied as he looked around Alfheim, "Now where am I going? This realm isn't really my area of expertise." He wasn't really excited to be on Alfheim as he found the place rather boring but he wouldn't say that out loud as this was her home.
Once in Alfheim and standing back up straight, she just glared at Loki's remark, huffing "You know, I liked you a lot more when you were locked up" she stated as she looked around to recognize where exactly they were. "Head north" she said, pointing in the direction that they needed to go.

As she directed him where to go, it started to get a lot colder the further they went in the direction. Glancing over at Loki, she smirked a bit "You might get a bit cold" she warned, not feeling bad for him at all. At first it was just the crisp air that dropped in temperature, and then snow started to appear on the ground. Eventually, they were entirely surrounded by what looked to be a city made of ice. When the temperature had dropped to a certain degrees, Maeve's skin changed into it's natural light blue shade of an ice elf.


Peter hadn't intended to fall asleep. He was just meaning to close his eyes for a few minutes and relax as he would let Hailey rest for a bit longer, since she had looked just so peaceful and calm while she was sleeping. He hadn't quite the heart to wake her up, not just yet anyways. Instead though, he ended up falling dead asleep for the rest of the night.

When he started to wake up the next morning, he shifted a bit when he heard Hailey talking to him and trying to wake him up. He grumbled a bit incoherently tiredly, slowly waking up as he brought a hand to his face, rubbing his face a bit to wake up "Hmm? What happened...?" he mumbled as he opened his eyes, blinking a few times at the brightness before his eyes snapped open wide as he realized it was morning, and he sat up quickly "Shit" he breathed, quickly grabbing his phone and cursing repeatedly under his breath as he saw how many missed calls he had and texts, all from his aunt "I'm so dead" he groaned.
Hailey backed up slightly when his eyes shot open. Her mother really didn't care if she stayed out all night, but Peter's aunt definitely cared. "Oh Peter, I'm so sorry," she said as she quickly got up and started to shove the stuff back into her car, "I'll take you back home and I'll try my best to assure her that you're fine, nothing happened, and we just lost track of time. She wasn't sure how understanding his aunt was going to be but she wasn't about to lie to her. Besides there was nothing they needed to lie about. They didn't do anything wrong.

Hailey finished stuffing her things into her car before climbing in with Peter and driving him back to his apartment. She sped along the way though that wasn't unusual for her. Before long, she parked the car in the parking lot and hurried up to the apartment with Peter. She looked at him for a moment before gingerly knocking on the door, and then braced herself for the worst.
Loki snorted slightly as he got the transport moving in the right direction. Luckily Loki had been right in thinking that the Asgardians wouldn't follow them. They probably figured he had used his magic to get away though he knew it probably wouldn't be long before they figured out what was going on, so they couldn't stay on alfheim for too long.

He started to head north like she had proposed and soon the dropping temperatures yielded a surprisingly beautiful city made entirely of ice. He noticed that Maeve's skin color changed into a light blue color. "Blue is not your color," he teased as he continued to look for where Maeve had stashed the scepter, "Any other instructions you'd like to give me? We need to get out of this realm quickly before the Asgardians figure out how we managed to escape."
As the arrived in the icy cold section of Alfheim where the ice elves resided, she smiled a bit at her home. Hearing Loki's remark though about her color, she smirked a bit in amusement, but didn't say anything as she hopped off the transport and motioned for him to follow her. Hearing his next words she nodded her head a bit "I'm going to hang onto your scepter. Not that I don't trust you...but I don't trust you" she stated with a shrug of her shoulders as she lead him towards where she was keeping the scepter secure.

As they walked through the icy buildings, children played outside in the ice and snow, and one of their stray snowballs ended up flying and hitting Loki directly in the face. Maeve couldn't help but burst out laughing. When one of the kids noticed it hit someone though, he quickly ran over to apologize, before his eyes widened "Whoaaa, an outsider! An actual visitor!" he chimed excitedly and Maeve just smiled a bit as she glanced to Loki "Not many people come here, even some of the other elves don't usually come around" she said with a shrug of her shoulders "Alright kid, we're in a bit of a hurry sorry" she waved to the boy who seemed disappointed he couldn't talk with the foreigner.


Peter shook his head when Hailey apologized "No it's alright" he offered her a smile with the shake of his head "it's my fault, I should have called her or something. I didn't think I would fall asleep that long..." he sighed a bit as he got up and was helping her pack up her car with everything. Once everything was packed up, he got in the car with her "It's alright Hailey. Just drop me off and you can go home, it's better if I just handle my aunt myself. She's understanding though, once I tell her what happened everything will be okay."

As Hailey drove, he text his aunt to at least let her know he was okay *I'm on my way home now, I'm so sorry I'll explain* he text her, knowing that his aunt was more worried than anything. Once Hailey parked, he looked to her and smiled "Go home, it's okay. I can handle this" he said as he leaned in to kiss her lips softly once more "I had a great time. I'll text you later?" he said with a smile, before letting her leave, and he went up to his apartment and headed inside.
Hailey wanted to argue with Peter but she figured he knew best. I mean he had lived with his aunt for a while and she had only just met the woman so she was hardly in a position to say anything. She let out a slight sigh before nodding. "Fine, but just...if you need me to confirm anything I'll talk to her," she said. She was used to her friends parents wanting to hear what really happened from another source they didn't trust their own child, but then again, Peter wasn't a trouble maker so his aunt probably didn't have to worry.

She felt his lips touch her's gently and she kissed him back. She watched as he turned to go and head back into his apartment before getting in her car and heading for home. She arrived back at her house about 15 minutes later and walked into her house to find her mother on the couch with an empty bottle of wine next to her. She rolled her eyes and shook her head before going upstairs and showering.
Loki rolled his eyes slightly. "Of course you don't," he replied, "It's just without me all of the 9 realms would be destroyed without any type of warning. Not that big of a deal though so I can see why you don't trust me." His tone was caked in sarcasm of course but he didn't really seem to mind much.

He was about say more but before he could a snowball landed right in his face. He growled slightly before he realized it was just a kid and he settled for a disapproving gaze instead of working a bit of his magic on the poor boy. "I can't imagine why," he replied when the boy told him that he didn't get many visitors. He was lucky enough to have Maeve step in so he wouldn't have to talk to him. "I hate children," he stated with a roll of his eyes before climbing back onto the transport.
Maeve couldn't help but giggle a bit with a shake of her head as she put a hand on Loki's arm to stop him when he grew angry at the child. She smirked a bit in amusement, glad he didn't act out against the child before she ushered the kid to go back to playing with his friends. Hearing his comment of hating children, she smirked a bit "Really? I thought you'd get along great with them, considering you are one" she teased.

Seeing him getting back on the transport, she raised a brow "That's useless for right now. You'll have to leave it here" she suggested, before motioning for him to get off and follow her. She headed into a building that then had an ice tunnel going underground. They followed it for a while before they arrived to an opening of what was like a room, and where she had the scepter securely held. In the center of the room looked like just a large block of ice, but when she melted it with her abilities, it had just been such a strong and thick piece of ice you couldn't see through it, and inside, lay the scepter.


Peter nodded a bit to Hailey with a smile when she said if needed to, that she would talk to his aunt to confirm any stories or anything. He thanked her, before letting her go off and head back home. He did the same, walking up to his apartment door and heading inside a bit cautiously. He was worried to confront his aunt, knowing he was about to get an earful. But he did really feel bad for causing her so much worry.

As he stepped inside, he heard his Aunt quickly rounding to the front where he stood, and as expected, giving him that earful of a lecture asking where he'd been, why he hadn't even sent her a single text or anything and how she had caused him so much worry and everything. "I'm really sorry, Aunt May. I meant to come home last night but I fell asleep" he tried to reason with her, before going in to explaining the whole story, and how nothing happened other than them falling asleep under the stars and everything.
Hailey took a shower and changed into more comfortable clothes before heading to her car to take the stuff out. She tossed the empty bag away from before putting the dirty blanket and her clothes into the wash. She hadn't heard from Peter yet. She hoped everything was ok. It was nice though that Peter had someone who cared about him that much. In fact, she didn't want to admit it but she was a bit jealous.

Ned had been trying to text Peter all morning but still didn't have an answer. He let out a slight sigh before shaking his head. Maybe the date didn't go well and that's why he was avoiding him. He grabbed his phone and called Peter's number before putting the phone to his ear, hoping Peter would pick up and tell him what had happened.
"I'm hardly a child," he replied with a roll of his eyes as he followed after her. He didn't really like the idea of her having the scepter to herself but then again if he tried to take it from her he could end up with problems. She could just decide to take him back to Asgard and convince Odin that he tricked her into releasing him and then kidnapped her to make it look like she was his accomplice. He couldn't risk that.

He watched as the scepter unfroze and tilted his head at it. Honestly he did miss wielding it. It was so much power to have at your finger tips and that honestly felt good to have. "So now where do we go?" he asked with a raise of his brow, "If that's all we need then I suggest we get moving. The longer we stay here the worse off we're going to be."
"Maybe not physically. But you certainly act like one" she commented with a smirk as she lead him through the underground ice tunnels and to where she had been keeping an eye on the scepter. "If needed, I'll let you use it. But for now I'm holding on to it" she said as she took the scepter from where she had been protecting it - and simultaneously trying to figure out how to separate and destroy the stone inside of it.

Listening to him sounding impatient to move on, she rolled her eyes a bit "I don't think it matters too much. Heimdel will be able to locate us wherever we go, so it hardly matters. We'll just have to keep on the move for a while" she said with a sigh "As for people who can help us...it's hard, considering to most you're an enemy. So thanks for being so helpful in that matter" she rolled her eyes sarcastically "Those in the avengers would be helpful right now. But I don't think they'd be so easy to convince to work with you."


As he had been talking to his Aunt for a while, it took him some time to get her to calm down and convince her he was really fine and everything, but eventually, she seemed to calm down and accept the answer Peter had given her, but she was still mad about it, which Peter didn't blame her for. She asked if he'd had breakfast yet, and when he replied he hadn't, they had a pretty quiet but calm meal.

Later after helping clean up, he text Hailey now that things had calmed down. *Well I'm still alive. I swear sometimes my Aunt can be scarier than any villain* he joked as he text her, before moments later he was getting a call from Ned, and he picked it up, answering it "Hey Ned, what's up?"
Hailey laid back on her bed and switched on the tv as she waited to hear from Peter. She did her best to just relax, but it was hard to. She wondered what was going on. Should she have stayed and helped though he had told her he had it under control? Probably not. She would probably just make the situation worse. She looked down at her phone when she felt it vibrate and she smiled slightly before typing back to him. *I told you I would help you! Should have called in back up. The Mirage would have been there in seconds! I had fun last night Peter :) I hope you did too.*

Ned was rather surprised when he heard Peter pick up. "Oh hey...," he said before clearing his throat, "Hey I tried texting you a bunch of times this morning but you didn't pick up so I figured I would call you. Are you ok? How did it go with Hailey?" He was honestly preparing himself for the worst.
Loki rolled his eyes slightly. "Still don't trust me after everything?" he asked with a shake of his head, "Too bad. And here I thought we were actually becoming friends." Weren't they though? The pair were helping each other out. They certainly weren't enemies anymore so that was at least progress right?

He paused though when he heard her talk about the Avengers. "We are not bringing in mortals to help us," he scoffed with a shake of his head, "I could convince them to help us but they're worthless. We're going to have trouble dealing with this. They'll just be like gnats flying around waiting to be squashed by Thanos. They're not worth the time nor the energy. Trust me."
Maeve raised a brow as she looked over her shoulder at him "Friends?" she repeatedly curiously with a smile "That's funny. I didn't know you knew how to make friends" she grinned teasingly at the male. But she had to agree. As much shit and teasing she gave to him, and how she still didn't entirely trust him...she did really like him, and she considered him a friend. She didn't tell him that though, not wanting him to get too confident with her and try to pull something over on her.

As she brought up the Avengers, she rolled her eyes a bit at his comments regarding them "You just don't want to face the people who beat your sorry ass" she smirked at him as she started to head back out of the tunnel with him. She rolled her eyes as she continued on about how useless they were "Okay then, genius. Do you have any buddies that would be willing to help you and I out?" she responded.


Peter was already on the phone and talking to Ned by the time Serena had texted him back. He did pull his phone away momentarily to look at her response though, and smiled a bit while Ned was talking on the other line, though he would respond to her after the call, knowing that Ned likely wanted an in depth conversation of details and everything.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine. Great actually. The date went really well and....and I think she really likes me, Ned" he said with a smile as he talked to his best friend about it "We planned on dinner. But she had her own plans so she had actually surprised me. She planned a picnic for us and we ate dinner in a field outside of the city. I actually just got back this morning...Aunt May was pretty furious. We actually ended up falling asleep without meaning too there..." he trailed off, going on excitedly about his date and how well it had gone.
Ned listened to Peter and he was in complete shock as he listened. The date went well? Wow he wasn't expecting that. He didn't know Hailey very well but from what he did know he was surprised she didn't drag poor Peter to a bar or a party or something like that. In which case, he figured Peter would have been very uncomfortable.

"Oh wow," he said in shock as he listened. He was actually a bit surprised when Peter explained the date to him. Hailey came up with that? Huh maybe she wasn't so bad after all. But suddenly something dawned on Ned. "Woah woah wait. You spent the night with her?" he asked in total disbelief, "Wait what happened did you...sleep with her?" Last week Ned and Peter couldn't get a date with anyone for a simple dance now Peter was spending the night with hottest girl in school? How did that happen?
Loki scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Right silly me thinking you had the ability to make friends with anyone," he said with a roll of his eyes before looking over the scepter. He realized that she was right that he really didn't have any 'buddies' to call upon. The only childhood friends he had had all taken Thor's side so he couldn't really go running to them.

"They didn't kick anything," Loki snapped back at her with a shake of his head. He thought for a moment about what to do before letting out a sigh. "You want to bring the mortals into this? Fine," he snapped with a shake of his head, "Let's bring them into it. But if someone gets hurt or dies I don't want to hear about it. This was your choice not mine."
Maeve rolled her eyes a bit "Really, how original" she spoke sarcastically "Taking my own insult I just used on you and using it back on me. You're so clever" she teased the male with a shake of her head. However, them finding people to join with them and help was starting to become a serious issue. They could try and do this on their own...but they would likely, seriously, fail.

She sighed a bit as she ran a hand through her hair "Well, we don't have to, they were just some possibilities" she said with a shrug of her shoulder as they made it back to the transport they had been riding on to get here to start with "I'm just not entirely sure who else we could ask that would be willing to risk their lives. I mean, the avengers already risk their lives, so I figured they'd be the easiest to convince to fight.


As Peter started explaining to Ned what exactly had happened and everything, Peter smiled to himself as he recalled the date. It had been incredible, and a lot of fun. He learned a few more details about Hailey that he hadn't known about before, not only personal history details but also more about her just as an individual, and more things that made her unique and not the average popular girl.

When Ned spoke up asking if he slept with her, Peter's eyes grew wide and his face flushed "W-what?! Ned! No!" he huffed out quickly, clearing his throat awkwardly "We were just laying on the picnic blanket, and she ended up falling asleep! I was going to wake her up but I ended up falling asleep too. Next thing I knew, I was waking up with the sun back in the sky" he quickly clarified with his friend.
Ned listened as Peter quickly shot down the notion before offering him another explanation. He wasn't sure if he should by it or not though. He spent the night with her and nothing happened? Come on that was almost unheard of in the high school world. Then again he had never known Peter to lie to him either. "Alright alright," he said with a shake of his head, "That's just what it sounded like to me."

He leaned back on his bed before speaking up again. "Well I'm glad it went well. I was worried that something bad had happened when you didn't answer my texts this morning. I thought maybe she stood you up last night or something and you weren't really in the mood to talk. Um...how's your aunt? I bet she was losing her mind when she couldn't find you."
"I had to at least insult you in away that your primitive mind could understand," Loki said back before crossing his arms. As much as he hated to involve the humans in all of this that may be what they needed to do. He took a deep breath and sighed. "Yes yes I get it you don't have any friends either so come on then let's go back to Earth and try to get them to help us out."

He didn't expect this to go well. In fact, he almost expected Thor to already be there trying to figure out of anyone had seen him, but maybe he would be wrong. In the best case scenario, Thor wouldn't be there and he would only have to deal with the avenger's wrath. "Do you have a way of getting off this rock?" he asked as he looked around. He wasn't familiar with the portals here. Only the ones on midgard and Asgard.
Maeve rolled her eyes at him but didn't say anything as she got back on the transport with him once they seemed to decide to head to Midgard and try and get the help of some of the avengers. "Alright. Midgard it is then" she said as she motioned for him to start the transport up again so she could direct him to how to get there. She rolled her eyes as he called her home a rock "Of course I know my own realm. You're not very fond of Alfheim, are you? Any particular reason?" she asked, keeping up a conversation with him while directing him to the Midgard portal.

"At least we hopefully wont have to worry about too much fighting in Midgard with the Avengers. I heard they've had a lot of heat on them lately for how much damage they cause whenever they're involved in a fight. So...hopefully we'll be able to do this with minimal violence" she commented.


Thankfully Peter seemed to clear up that misunderstanding pretty quickly with Ned, who seemed to believe him too. Well, which only made sense, since he was his best friend after all. But Peter also didn't want to be that guy that spread rumors or anything, or lied to his best friend about getting laid just to look cool for sleeping with the hot girl, because that wasn't what any of this was to him. He actually cared about Hailey, and wasn't interested in just sleeping with her.

Hearing him ask about his aunt, and having thought something went wrong when he didn't answer the texts or anything, Peter shook his head to himself "No no, I was just busy getting back and calming Aunt May down. She's alright though...I'm still in trouble but thankfully she's pretty understanding so, just a couple extra chores I'll have to pick up slack on and everything. But everything's okay."
Ned nodded as he listened to Peter. He was rather relieved. If Peter wouldn't have answered the phone Ned probably would have grabbed his things and started over towards Peter's apartment to see what was going with him. "Well that's awesome Peter," he said with a smile, "I'm really glad it went well. You sound really happy."

He felt his phone buzz next to his ear and he saw that he had a text from Andy. "Hey um do you want to go with me to Andy's tonight? I think the guys wants to just hang out and play some video games," he added on as he read the text, "We can order pizza and stuff like that if you're not busy." Ned was honestly worried that he was going to start losing Peter as a friend. What if he started hanging out with the popular kids soon and didn't have time for him anymore?
Loki climbed into the transport with her before rolling his eyes as well. "Of course I know my own realm," he said in rather mocking tone before starting up the transport, "No I'm not very fond of it because I know that's where you came from." That was a lie of course. He really didn't have anything against the elves. He had met with them once or twice along with Thor and they had never had a problem with him.

"Pity I kind of wanted to show off for them. I mean honestly they never saw the full extent of my power," he explained before the transport hummed to life and took off, "Now would you be so kind as to tell me where I'm going?" He wanted to get out of here before the Asgardians managed to catch up with him.
As he further mocked her and repeated her words she just smiled and shook her head in amusement "Aww, you flatter me Loki. Really, if I didn't know better I'd say you loved me" she joked with how mocking and sarcastic he constantly was with her. As much as they seemed to get on each others nerves, and acted like they hated each other, Maeve actually did enjoy Loki's company. He was unapologetic and didn't care what people thought of him, or at least acted like it anyways.

She rolled her eyes as he commented on wanting to show off "Well, you can show off all you want when we have to face Thanos. Because sooner or later he's going to come for the stone, regardless of where we are with it, or if we've managed to destroy it. I don't really think he'll be too fond of us when he finds out" she commented before glancing at the controls "You know, if you showed me how to drive it, you wouldn't have to nag about my directions."


Peter smiled a bit as he heard Ned's happy voice for him and he nodded his head in agreement "Yeah, I am. I think the date went really well, and we're still texting and everything...I think this could actually be something serious" he said with a smile as he thought about Hailey. He felt they had both had such a good time last night, and he really hoped they could continue on more dates, and have a serious relationship.

As he was thinking about her, he heard Ned mentioning going to Andy's. "Oh, yeah sure, that sounds fine" he agreed, thinking it would be nice to hang with them - if his aunt let him. "I'll have to check with my Aunt to make sure she'll still let me out of the apartment. But I'm sure it'll be no problem" he agreed.
Ned smiled widely and nodded. "Alright! Awesome," he said with a smile, "I'm going to head over there soon but if you want I can come by and walk to Andy's with you." That was probably the safest way to do it. Besides Peter had already scared his aunt to death once today, she didn't needed to be scared again.

He heard his phone start to beep and he pulled it from his ear. "Hey I gotta go. Andy is trying to call me. Um let me know if you want to go," he said, "If you do I'll come walk with you. Bye Peter." He hung up shortly after and began talking to Andy.
Loki listened to her nag to him about different things he couldn't help but roll his eyes. "O good why don't I teach you drive so you can nag to me about other things while you fly us around," he said sarcastically, "Besides in my own personal experience women make terrible drivers. His friend, Sif, had attempted to fly them a few times and well it never really ended in a smooth landing. This was the only transport they had and he wasn't about to wreck it.

His eyebrows rose when she mentioned that he actually loved her. "Oh you must be out of your mind," he scoffed, "I can hardly stand your presence. The end of the world would have to happen before I could ever love someone like you. Now kindly direct to where we're going because I would really like to avoid the Asgardians for as long as we can."
She scoffed a bit when he said he wouldn't teach her because women were terrible drivers "Thats sexist" she pouted with her arms crossed over her chest "I told you I'm a fast learner. You should teach me once the Asgardian's aren't as avidly looking for us" she said, giving in for now since they did need to focus on priorities right now. Sure the Asgardians would continue to look for them, but right now they were only looking as hard as they were because it all had just happened.

She laughed a bit at his comment of what it would take to love her, and she grinned "Well, it looks like that might be happening pretty soon so maybe you will" she teased him further, before directing him where they needed to go. Before long she directed him to where the portal was, and they had gone through it, appearing in Midgard.


Peter smiled a bit and nodded "Alright yeah, no problem. I'll let you know what my aunt says" he said, before letting Ned go so he could talk to Andy, and he hung up the phone. He was sure his aunt would let him go, it might take some convincing, and probably some conditions would apply, but after talking to his Aunt a bit he did manage to convince her, and he let Ned know that he'd be able to go over and hang out.

After convincing his aunt and talking to Ned and letting him know, he finally got back to Hailey's text, *hey, sorry Ned called me for a bit. But yeah, I had a really great time too, it was a great date. Next time you'll have to let me pick something though* he said, indirectly asking for another date by implying he hoped for there to be a next time.
Ned was excited that Peter was going to be there. His worries seemed to slip out the window as Peter spoke. He got his things together, stuffed a bit of cash in his pocket so he could pay Andy's mom back for pizza before heading over to Peter's apartment. It wasn't too far of a walk. He actually walked by Andy's house to get to Peter's but he didn't mind the extra few minutes. He knocked on the door when he arrived.

Hailey watched a bit of TV on her bed before hearing her phone ping with a text. She looked down and smiled when she saw Peter's text. *Alright! I guess that's only fair lol. How is your aunt? Please tell me she's not too mad at you!* She still felt guilty for staying out all night. She heard her mother walking up the stairs and she was rather surprised as rarely did she ever come up to speak to her.
"No it's just the truth," Loki snapped as he started flying, "And I wouldn't hold your breath on that. I highly doubt you're worthy of controlling a transport." Loki liked being in control. It rarely ever happened in his life so he was going to take full advantage of it while he could.

He flew for a while before they finally found the portal. He went through it, bracing himself for what may be on the other end though he was pretty surprised. They appeared to be in some kind of farm land. "I don't understand how humans live like this. It would be so dreadfully boring," he said as he looked around.
She rolled her eyes as he seemed convinced females were terrible drivers "Maybe female asgardians. Have you ever seen a female elf driving before?" she countered with a smirk as she crossed her arms over her chest "I'm going to get you to show me how some time. Or I'll just hijack the ride anyways and without you having taught me how to drive it, risk us crashing or something" she said with a shrug of her shoulders.

As they eventually arrived in Midgard, Maeve looked around at the familiar farmlands, ignoring Loki's insulting comment as usual "We'll have to head to New York, that's where most of the avengers reside, or usually are, anyways" she said as she headed there with him before recalling something "Oh yeah, did you finish that book I gave you?" she asked curiously.


Peter smiled a bit when he saw Hailey's response to the text. She didn't say anything negative about the idea of another date, so that made him smile, and feel a bit hopeful that she really was interested in another one. He smiled to himself as he responded *She's alright. Just a few lectures and extra chores. Nothing I can't handle* he responded, and before long Ned had arrived so they could walk over to Andy's together.

As he walked with Ned, he talked a little bit more about the date with him, confiding in his best friend about everything that had happened now that they were in person, and it wasn't just over the phone, as well as going on about how it seemed like they were good to have more dates in the future too.
Ned was a bit surprised when Peter started to talk about a second date with her. Well of course that's what would happen. What else did he expect? Honestly he had anticipated the date going badly. He thought Peter would be his normal brainiac self and Hailey would possibly be her drunken self well those two didn't really go hand in hand. It wasn't long before they got to Andy's and he let them. "Hey guys," he said with a smile though when he held up his hand he had a cast that went to his upper forearm.

Hailey smiled slightly when she saw his text before seeing her mother enter her room. "Where did you go last night?" she asked as she crossed her arms. "Out?" she said with a shrug of her shoulders, "I went to dinner." But her mother didn't seem phased by the answer. "You went to dinner all night?" she asked with a raise of her brow, "I know you didn't come back last night Hailey." Hailey looked at her mother with an unamused gaze. "Maybe you just didn't notice," she said as she turned her attention back to her phone. *Ew chores x.x Well I'm glad you didn't get in too much trouble. What are you up to tonight?*
"I hardly think your heritage will make much a difference," he replied with a shake of his head, "I'd be surprised if you could even see over the wheel." He looked around Midgard to assess where they were. "You know I didn't really have time to finish your book because someone came and broke down my wall before I could. Pity though because I was enjoying it. Kind of."

He figured out where to go before starting to head towards New York. He maneuvered quickly through a few cities, probably scaring the daylight out of some people but he didn't really care. "So are you asking all of them for their assistance or did you have one or two in mind?"
"Oh please, stop being such a bore with a stick up your ass. Live a little" she rolled her eyes at him before he commented on her height not being tall enough for it "Well maybe I could just use you as a stepping stool" she sneered back at him as he had made a jab at her height. It was probably true, considering the transporter was made for asgardians, where even the women averaged close to six feet, while Maeve was only an inch above five feet.

As he asked her who she had in mind, she thought for a moment "Well, the more the better. Especially if Thor decides to come after us and finds us. But we'll have to start with those that would be easier to convince....I'm thinking the younger ones. Honestly I don't think their strong enough, or old enough for something like this. But if we get them convinced, it'll help convince some others of the group."


Peter talked with Ned while they made their way to Andy's house, and he was already now trying to think of what to do for another date, a second date. He honestly didn't think he would get this far...he didn't think he'd even get a first date with her, let alone one that went so well. He knew the second one would be big though, because it was his turn to make a decision on the date plans, which he had be relieved of worrying about for the first one, anyways.

As they got to Andy's, which really wasn't all that far, Peter smiled to him "hey" he greeted, before his eyes fell on the cast, confused. He had just been over his house the previous morning, perfectly healthy, so what happened in such a short amount of time. As they stepped into the house, Peter asked "What happened to your arm?"
"Well I kind of tried to show off in front of a girl while skateboarding and well...let's just say it didn't go so well," he said as he looked at his arm before Sheldon poked his head out the door, "This is a travesty. He can't play video games with us tonight because it hurts his wrist." Andy shook his head as he looked back at Sheldon."So? We can just...watch a movie or something," he said with a shrug but Sheldon shook his head, "I was invited for a video game night, not a movie night." Andy was about to say something but instead just rolled his eyes slightly.

Her mother shook her head before speaking up. "I have had it with your disrespect, Hailey," she snapped as the young girl shook her head, "My disrespect? Sorry that half the time it's the truth. I bet you don't even remember last night so who knows. I could have been home and you wouldn't even know it."
He smirked slightly as she started to get riled up. So her height was the key to making her upset. Alright Loki could work with that. "I am trying to live a little. That's why I'm driving and you're not," he answered as they neared the city. It was much bigger than he remembered it being but then again he had only seen about 10 miles of it.

"Wait wait wait. Young ones? How young? I'm not a baby sitter and I already told you that I don't like kids," he clarified as he maneuvered through the city, "Besides if they aren't powerful enough they could end up getting themselves killed. I mean that doesn't really bother me but I doubt the other avengers will take kindly to that."
She huffed a bit as he argued him driving was him living, but she decided to give the driving issue a rest for now. They needed to focus on a plan and what they were going to do anyways, aside from just getting people on their side and willing to fight, they needed an actual plan of actions. Of which Maeve still didn't like the previous one Loki had suggested when she had been freeing him from his cell.

As she mentioned the younger ones she rolled her eyes a bit at his reminder of disliking kids, and saying the same thing she herself had just said. "Technically every human is a child to use, considering the lifespan differences" she reminded him "I don't think they should really fight either. But for now, they'll be easiest to convince, and the more of them we have on our side, the easier it will be to convince the older members of the avengers who might prove stronger. Then, once that's settled we can always send them off elsewhere where they wont get hurt."


Peter sighed a bit with a roll of his eyes "I thought we went over before how none of us are the athletic type" he shook his head as they all made their way into the house "Andy, the key to showing off, is showing off with something you know" he scolded the teen as they made their way into the living room, and Peter took a glance at his phone while the three of them were talking and discussing what to do for the night.

He noticed Hailey had texted him, and seeing her name on his screen he smiled a bit before responding *Yeah, I can handle it though. She still let me out for the night, surprisingly. I'm hanging with some friends. It's video game night...I'd invite you, but I get the feeling it's not really your thing. And kinda a guys night* he text her before his attention was being called back to the conversation between his friends.

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