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Fandom Marvel Universe (Closed)

Maeve listened to Loki skeptically as he implied how he had actually sent his army to earth knowing they would be able to handle it and take care of them and everything, and implying he was trying to help, when he became aware. She raised a brow as she stared at him skeptically "Are you trying to say that this person was, more-or-less, controlling your thoughts?" she asked, unsure if she could believe that. "And just who is 'he' anyways?"

She shook her head with uncertainty. Loki was only giving her so many more questions she now had unanswered, and if he was telling the truth, she needed the answer. Perhaps that's all he was trying to do, to get in her head and make her question things and worry. As he spoke of her needing his help to win, she shook her head "I'm not letting you out, Loki. Honestly, I'm not even sure if I have the ability to do so. Passing a book through is much different, and much smaller, than making a large enough space for you. But even if I could, I'm not letting you out." Thinking about what he said about even him not being able to hold it in his hand, she looked to him curiously "So, it's the physical touching of it that kills, not the process of extracting it from your scepter?"


Peter frowned a bit as he listened to Andy's reasoning, about how maybe that's what she expected was for him to try to sleep with her, because that's the kind of guys she usually dated and were with. He sighed a bit, shaking his head "But that's not me. I don't want to be popular. I don't want her to think I only want to sleep with her. I really like her, and I genuinely want to just date her.

When Peter suggested him sticking with his usual nerdy self, he nodded his head in agreement, much preferring that option. He glanced to Sheldon as he mentioned a list of good date options he'd come up with through his research, and he nodded his head lightly. He didn't think rock climbing would be good - not because he couldn't, but after last night, he'd found out Hailey was not a fan of heights "Yeah...maybe not that. Plus I don't think Hailey likes heights."
"You're welcome," Sheldon said, "Also I compiled a list of things to do should something go wrong. For her of course not necessarily for you." Ned shook his head slightly. "I say just take her to dinner somewhere," he said with a shrug, "I don't think you should do anything too crazy."

"I'd have to agree. Straying from your comfort zone probably isn't the best idea," Andy added, "No reason to make yourself more nervous than you need to be. Maybe ask her if she has anywhere in mind."
"Precisely," Loki replied with a shrug, "You can either choose to believe me or not but that's your choice not mine. What I'm telling you is the truth though." But after that he went quite. He needed to get out of here and he would trade that information for the titan who had enslaved his thoughts.

"Id like to tell you more. Really I would but I'm done feeding you information until I get something in return. All of that information is useless unless you know who you're hiding the stones from. So I suggest you think rather quickly and make a decision before I...forget the rest of what you need to hear."
Deciding on whether or not he was lying, Maeve couldn't help but feel he was telling the truth. He certainly was known for his lies and silver tongue, but what he was telling her...it was too outlandish for him to have just come up with it. She stared at him in thought for a few moments, before nodding slightly as she chose to believe him "I'll believe you for now. If it's confirmed somehow you are speaking the truth, perhaps then I'll consider. CONSIDER. Letting you out. If I can." she stated firmly.

As he refused to cough up any information she just smiled a bit, and shook her head "That's quite alright. It isn't useless at all. You've been quite a help, Loki, if you have indeed been speaking the truth. I don't need to know who to hide it from. I'll collect it myself and make sure no one gets their hands on. It matters not if I know whom it is" she spoke before stepping back a bit "Now this time, I really am leaving. I have quite a lot to do now, it seems. Do enjoy the book, I heard the author is quite brilliant" she smirked in amusement with herself, since the author was none other than herself. However, she had a different pen-name on the book, though it was an anagram of a pen-name from her real one. With that, Maeve headed to leave the dungeons once again.


He knew Sheldon was trying to be helpful, and he honestly really did appreciate that, however at the same time all these suggestions and options were throwing him off and made him even more unsure of what to do. He sighed a bit, before Ned suggested to just be simple and do dinner, and be himself. Dinner sounded like a good idea. But then came a whole new dilemma - what kind of food did she like? Did she have allergies?

He sighed a bit, rubbing the back of his neck a bit "Alright...thanks guys" he agreed lightly for their help before Aunt May was calling at them that breakfast was ready. Peter nodded to them "You guys go sit, I'll be out in a second" he said, letting them leave first and waiting until his door was closed before he got up, revealing his shirtless but bandaged chest where he grabbed a shirt to throw on before joining them all for breakfast.
Ned nodded slightly before turning and heading out with the rest of the guys. He was a little worried about all of this. Hailey could be playing him. Maybe she wasn't as nice as they thought. Maybe she was using Peter to get good grades. Peter was a good person but rarely did the popular kids just talk to good people let alone date them.

He sat down with rest of the boys as Andy told Aunt Mae what they were doing there. She seemed to already know Hailey. She probably met her when she had come over to get homework help from Peter. "We still can't believe he landed someone like her," he added with a shake of his head. "He's so lucky."
Loki watched her carefully before shaking his head. He knew if she did manage to get ahold of that stone she would have it taken from her. Thanks was too powerful for her, but then again, he wasn't sure that he really wanted her to fail.

Though he didn't say anything more. If she wanted anything else she would come back and ask. He had done all he could for now. It wasn't his problem now. He just had to pray Thanos left him be. He was actually the only person Loki really feared. After the power he had shown him, anyone would be. "You are a fool to think you can protect that stone," he added as she left.
Maeve ignored Loki's warnings. She knew she couldn't just leave the stone to be taken, if the results would be that catastrophic. She would do her best to protect it, but foremost part of her job was to help protect Midgard. Which meant getting the stone away from the realm if possible, and especially, warning SHIELD about the possibility of a future threat coming their way.

After leaving Loki, Maeve of course spent a little more time with Thor and his parents who wanted to briefly talk to her as well, since, Thor had recently finished explaining to them about their ending the courtship and all. Because of that...Maeve didn't know when the next time she would be back would be. She wondered if perhaps she should have informed Loki, since her visits had become pretty regular. She shook the thought from her head, before eventually leaving Midgard, not informing Thor or Odin of the information she learned from Loki, since one, they might not believe it, and two, her visiting him was still unknown to the two, so that would raise a whole other problem. She just figured that despite the help Thor could be, she'd have to handle this one on her own.


Peter finished changing into something for the day, grabbing his phone and slipping it into his pocket as he headed to the table to meet and sit with everyone else for breakfast. As he had joined them though, he found they were all going on about his date he had with Hailey that they were helping him plan and everything and how lucky he was.

May was of course very happy and excited for her nephew, especially considering the fact that she liked Hailey, but she also gave Peter a look as she teased him about having not told her or anything about this date he had. He sighed with an embarrassed roll of his eyes "I only just found out last night. I didn't have time to tell you before these guys blurted it out" he said with a sigh.
The boys ate their breakfast with him as they continued to talk amongst each other about school, Hailey, and quite a few other topics. They didn't get to hang out outside school very often but when they did they tried to make the best of it.

Hailey awoke late the next morning. She winced slightly as she was a bit sore from the previous night's endeavors. She braided her hair back before checking her phone. She remembered that she had agreed to go out with Peter and her nerves started getting the best of her. What if things went badly and she and Peter couldn't stand to even look at each other?
Loki let out a sigh as she left. She didn't understand and he was hoping that she wouldn't have to. This was bigger than one avenger. This was going to require the 9 realms to band together. If his father wanted them all to get closer than he would have his wish, because that was the only way they were all going to survive.

Thor and his family spent a bit more time with Maeve before they eventually parted ways. His father had been quite angry with him but he did his best not to show it in front of Maeve. He now had no one to give the throne to as both sons had failed him.
Maeve had spent a little more time with Thor and his family, and even though they were no longer attempting a romantic relationship, Maeve did promise she would remain close and in touch. She did very much consider Thor a good friend after all of this, even if he couldn't hold an intellectually engaging conversation for any duration of time.

After leaving, Maeve headed to Midgard, since she now had things to take care of there. Mainly, Lokis scepter, and the stones inside it. She knew there had to be some way to destroy them, though if anyone knew, that was another question entirely in itself. For now, she would just keep it in her possession and protect it. And while it took some convincing and arguing, Maeve was able to convince Fury to relinquish custody of the scepter and give it over to her.


Peter continued to talk more relaxed with his friend and aunt, as the main talk about Hailey was mostly out of the way. A few questions would still be asked occassionaly about her, but nothing as embarrassing as them asking about them dating specifically. He managed to keep them from revisiting that subject of her in particular. He knew it was weird, and unimaginable to them. But they didn't know how the two of them began talking and really started to know each other.

Eventually as breakfast was clearing up and peter finished helping his aunt clean up after the meal, Peter had finally found the courage to text Hailey. Now that he'd asked her out, and they had the date, texting about it wasn't as mambas as calling, because this way she wouldn't be able to hear his voice and detect how nervous and uncool he really was. *Goodmorning, I hope you slept well* he sent first, before adding in a aseperate message after *I was wondering when you're free for that date?*
Hailey paused when she heard her phone go off and she took a deep breath. She brushed her hair back and read his text before sighing. Did she really want to do this? Yes yes she did. Sure Peter wasn't like most of the men she dated but that could be a good thing. None of her other relationships ever went anywhere and she actually felt like she could trust him.

She picked up her phone before texting him back. *Hey Peter! I slept wonderfully :) no abductions to report (but it's still early so that may change)! I'm free whenever. Are you doing anything tonight? If not I'd love to get dinner or something. Let me know :) * She sent the message over before going to shower off. She had gone to bed early last night because of all the craziness that she hadn't even thought to clean up last night.
Thor spent a bit more time with Maeve but soon she left. He was glad she had understood where he was coming. Now he just had to get his father off his back. He was curious though when he got word that she had just gotten Loki's scepter from fury. He wasn't sure what the elves were planning on doing with it but he told his father, Odin had him go to find out what was going on.

Thor spoke with Heimdel who agreed to send him to Alfheim where Maeve resided. Moments later he arrived. When he saw her he approached her and explained what he was doing there. "My father just wants to know...well why you have suddenly taken an interest in the scepter."
Maeve had taken the scepter from where Fury had it locked down and everything, with his permission of course. It took some convincing, but after informing him of what the scepter possibly held in it and everything, she had concluded with Fury that it should be guarded on a world more secure, and better prepared than Earth. She had taken it back to Alfheim, where she had it in a secure location, where she had been trying to figure out how to remove the stone from it carefully enough without too much risk.

She currently wasn't with it, when she was surprised to have a visit from Thor. She looked to him curiously, as he was blunt as ever and straight to the point. She raised a brow as she looked to him "Of course he does" she sighed a bit, refraining from rolling her eyes with Odin being as controlling as ever with anything. "Does Odin trust me that little? And you?" she asked as she raised a brow at Thor, knowing Odin was only concerned with anything that could be a threat, and he didn't trust other realms enough and their species, like herself, with wanting something powerful. Everything was a threat to him. "As my duty is to help protect Midgard, and once further discussing with Fury, we decided it was not safe on their realm. There is still little known about where and how Loki obtained the scepter, so until then, it's better protected away from the humans."


After texting Hailey and waiting for a response, Peter talked with his friends a bit more to distract himself and try and not worry about her response. Like the main worry being what if she responded saying how she didn't want to do the date anymore or something, and had been having second thoughts. He tried not to worry though as he talked with his friends more, since they had come over in the morning specifically to try and help him out and everything, so he spent a little more time with them and discussed possible date plans and all, before they eventually left.

Seeing the response, Peter smiled a bit at her slight joking tone in the text. That was a good sign, right? Right. Definitely. He assured himself this was a good idea, and things would go okay, as he responded with his plans he had for their date. *I'm not busy at all today. I was actually thinking of taking you to dinner too, so that works. Was there any particular place you wanted to go?* he asked, not minding picking but also wanting to be sure if she had an opinion or anything, that he heard it. He wanted to do everything he could to show her that she wasn't wrong for agreeing to a date with him...and hopefully would continue to want more than just one.
Hailey got out of the shower about 20 minutes later and got dressed for the day. She opened up her phone when she saw the text she smiled. She thought about it for a few minutes before finally texting him back. *I have an idea :) I'll come pick you up around 6. Is that ok with you?* she figured he was going to have questions but she was going to refuse to answer them. She wanted to try and surprise him. He was smarter than she was though. Was surprising him even possible?

She went down to the kitchen where her mother actually resided. "Oh hi mama," she said quietly before grabbing a few things from the fridge and the pantry. Her mother had a cup of coffee in her hand as she looked up at her daughter. "Why were you out so late last night?" she asked as she nodded towards the news that showed her with Spider-Man. Hailey looked at her mother before rolling her eyes. "I like the night life," she said rather sarcastically.
Thor rose a brow at her before shaking his head. "No I trust you," he replied, "I just dont understand why you took it. I thought we were going to leave it for Tony to study? That was one of the agreements that they had made. The scepter would stay on Midgard with shield and the Tesseract would be brought to Asgard for safe keeping. He doubted Tony knew about what was going on. Knowing the mortal he would have had a fit.

He felt that something wasn't right though regardless of what it really was. He wanted to ask though he doubted she would actually tell him the truth. She was keeping something from him. He just didn't know what. "Just talk to me. We are friends remember? Perhaps I can help?" he offered.
Maeve could understand Thor's curiosity, and smiled a bit when he mentioned Tony. "That's true, we were. But some knowledge I've been inclined to believe has changed and I was able to convince Fury this was a better decision for the time being" she vaguely explained, though knew Thor would likely have more questions. She wasn't being very direct in her answers, and even someone that wasn't incredibly smart like Thor would be able to pick up something was off.

When he brought up the friend card, and to talk to him so he could help, she frowned a bit and sighed as she just looked at him, before glancing away in thought, considering to herself. She did still think Thor a friend. And very much did want his help, knowing she'd likely need it. "I have....come to learn that the scepter is more than an ordinary weapon. There's a possibility others may desire it's power and I simply want to be sure everything is done to prevent it from getting into the wrong hands" she said as she glanced back at him, trying to avoid admitting how she got this information, despite how vague and honestly suspicious it likely sounded to him. She just didn't know how he would react if he found out she had been visiting his brother, many times now.


Seeing the response from Hailey, Peter was a bit surprised, and confused. An idea? What exactly was she thinking? And at first he felt a little weird and uncomfortable that she was taking charge and making up what to do and everything. Which...he normally didn't mind, and was a bit contradictory with his previous intentions of wanted to make sure they did what she wanted to, and would enjoy. But at the same time...it being their first date and him having been the one to ask her out...he didn't know...should he be the one letting her take the lead in it? Or was this like a test, and he was supposed to?

As much as he wanted his best friend's advice, he didn't text Ned for information about this new development regarding the date. He had stressed about it enough involving him and asking for his help, so he decided he needed to make his own decisions and so he just responded in agreement to Hailey's text. "Sure, that sounds great. I can't wait :) * he responded back smiling to himself, before he quickly shook his head. No need to get overly excited about it and everything, especially when he didn't know how much Hailey herself was looking forward to it.
Hailey ignored her mother as she spoke about how reckless she was. She quickly started to make a few sandwiches, lemonade and a few other things. "You listening to me, Hailey?" she snapped at her daughter. Hailey looked at her mother before rolling her eyes and putting the stuff in a bag. "I'm going out. I'll be back later tonight. Try not to drink yourself to death while I'm gone."

She grabbed the bag and walked out of the room and headed for the garage. "Hailey!" her mother yelled as she followed after her but by the time she got out to the garage the car had already pulled out and started driving away. It wasn't long before she headed to Peter's apartment and knocked on his door.
Thor listened to her quietly as she told him what was going on. Well partly. She definitely was leaving some things out he just couldn't really figure out what. "I see," he said gently with a nod, "We fought Loki together you know. I protected you and you protected me. So when will you learn to trust me with your life like I've trusted you with mine?"

He crossed his arms as he rose a brow to her. "How did you find all of this out?" he asked with a tilt of his head, "I need to know so that I know what's coming. I can help you Maeve I just need you to let me." Why wasn't she being truthful with him? What was so bad that she had to hide from him?
Maeve frowned a bit when Thor spoke about their battles together, and sighed softly as he made her feel a bit guilty "I do trust you, Thor. I just....don't entirely trust your father" she spoke softly, not wanting to upset him by saying that "I know he has good intentions, and wants the best outcomes. But sometimes his best isn't the best for others even if he thinks it is" she explained softly.

As he further questioned her, as expected he asked how she knew this information, the little that she did tell him. She did want to tell him...she knew she needed all the help she could get, and she did trust Thor, but it was his father she didn't trust, if Thor were to report to him what she knew and had been doing. She shook her head a bit "Even I don't know what's coming. I..." she spoke before sighing heavily "If I were to tell you how I know, and what I've done.... you would have to swear that you wouldn't tell your father. Not yet anyways."


The rest of that morning and early afternoon, Peter was still thinking up things of what to do with Hailey on their date. He wasn't quite sure what she had meant when she said she had an idea, so he still made a whole plan of where to eat and what to do should her 'idea' not be anything that would be related to a date set up. He wasn't sure if her having an idea meant she had something she wanted to bring to the date for it, or something specific she wanted to do, either for the whole date, or part of it.

So he made sure he was prepared and had a whole plan. He'd found a really nice restaurant...though it was fancier than where he usually could afford to eat, he figured this was the kind of place she would go to on other dates she had in the past with the popular guys. When it was finally around six, he had made sure he dressed nice - not too much as to seem he was trying to overly hard, but also enough to show he cared to make an effort and make a good impression. Hearing the knock, he answered the door.
Hailey waited for a few moments before she finally heard the door open. "Hey Pet...," she paused when she saw him looking so nice and smiled at him, "I thought I told you I was going to handle it." She was dressed in nothing more than a shirt and a decent pair of leggings. She was used to all the fancy restaurants by now and she wanted to try something different.

"But oh well there's no time to change," she said with a giggled before smirking, "Alright I've already been kidnapped once this week so now it's your turn. Tell your aunt you have to come with me."
Thor shook his head slightly with a raise of his brow. "Maeve, my father can be eccentric but he's not a dangerous man, especially to someone as wonderful as you," he said with a shake of his head. She was acting so oddly lately. "Honestly tell me what's happening," he said, "Besides you're not telling my father. You're telling me. There's a big difference."

He took a deep breath when she mentioned that she would tell him how she knew. He rose a brow to her but he finally relented. "Fine," be replied, "I swear it. Now tell me what's going on so I can help you." He more than likely wouldn't tell his father anything unless it was serious. He just needed to know what was going on.
Maeve listened to him and figured he would defend his father, but still was unsure if she could tell him. She trusted Thor, only she didn't trust him not to tell his father. "I never said he was dangerous. I know he means well, and in his heart he's doing what he thinks is best. But even you must agree that is not always the case in reality how things turn out." she explained before he clarified she was telling him, not his father "I know. But I know how close you are to Odin, so I worry you might tell him. Especially if he specifically sent you here to find information out" she said with a sigh.

She managed to get his word that he wouldn't tell Odin, not yet anyways, and she smiled a bit with a nod "Thank you" she spoke softly, before he was again asking her the questions he wanted the answers to. Sighing softly, she hesitated a moment before responding "I've spoken to Loki. A lot, actually" she said slowly as she looked to him, trying to read and interpret his face for his reaction to this news.


As he answered the door and he greeted her, he frowned a bit in confusion at her reaction to his clothes. Were they bad? Was it too obvious he was trying? Maybe he was trying too hard? Or...was he under dressed? As she said how she told him she'd handle it, he furrowed his brows a bit "I...I know, but I didn't really know what that meant, and so....I don't know..." he rambled as he cleared his throat a bit "I...haven't been on many dates" he awkwardly admitted. Or any, for that matter, really.

He blinked a bit when she mentioned how she was basically kidnapping him this time now, but couldn't help but smile in amusement "Really? I wonder if I'll get lucky to have spider-man save me this time" he joked before calling out to his Aunt that he was heading out, and it being a Saturday, she wasn't worried about him too much. With that, he headed out and followed her back to her car "So, where are you kidnapping me to, then?" he asked curiously as he got in.
Hailey giggled slightly as he spoke. She shook her head before taking his hand after he told his aunt."That's ok. I think that's what I like about you," she said with a smirk. She pulled him out of the apartment and hurried to her car. She started it up and shook her head. "Let's be honest I wouldn't count on Spider-Man this time. I hear he only saves fun, good looking blonde girls," she said with a smile.

She started up the car and started to shake her head. "Nope nope I can't tell you anything. With the limited experience I have with kidnapping, I have to say I've learned that you're not allowed to tell your kidnappee where they're going," she giggled with a smile on her face. She drove for a while before finally pulling up to an empty field far outside of the city. She parked the car and smiled at him. "What do you think?"
He shook his head. "Maeve just tell me," he said gently as he looked at her, "You can trust me and you know that." It had to be serious if she really did think he would ignore her request and bring his father into it. He didn't really know why to expect but he braced himself for the worst.

He looked at her with a stunned look on his face. Loki? How was she talking to him. "You can trust a word he says!" Thor scolded before turning away from her and shaking his head, "Maeve he's insane. He's probably just trying to get a ride out of you. That's how he is. He'll do and say anything to get his way. He doesn't care who he hurts. Why would you listen to him?"
Maeve sighed with a roll of her eyes as he instantly scolded her and started telling her all these things she'd heard countless times before about Loki. She crossed her arms over her chest as she looked to Thor "I'm aware he lies, Thor. I'm away he's very self-interested. That's all anyone knows about him. I've been visiting him when I can for months now, and I know that isn't all there is to him, despite what you and Odin say about him. He isn't insane, Thor. He's just very hurt, and lonely, though I'm sure he wouldn't admit it" she said with a shake of her head as he seemed to not even care about the danger she was implying about the scepter.

"Alright then. If what he says about the scepter is a lie, then can you tell me where he and who he got it from? Can you tell me how it works, and it's origins?" she asked with narrowed eyes, knowing Thor didn't have the answer "If you don't know, then how are we to know this too is a lie? If there's even the slightest chance of what Loki has told me has any morsel of truth to it....do you really want to risk catastrophe over your emotions?" She hadn't even gotten to telling him what Loki claimed of the future possibilities.


Peter smiled a bit as she giggled - that was a good sign to the start of their date, right? The more she joked with him the more he was able to realize how he should probably try and relax a bit more, and he smiled at her as he held her hand back as he headed out of his apartment and to her car with her. "You think?" he quoted her teasingly slightly before he got in the car with her and she drove off.

He chuckled a bit when she commented how she couldn't tell him, based off of her experience, and that Spider-man wouldn't rescue him because he wasn't a hot blond chick. He smiled a bit in amusement "Well then, what about that Mirage girl? You think I'd be her type enough for her to feel worth saving?" he joked lightly as he looked out the window while she drove, trying to guess where they were going. As they only got further from the city, he grew more curious, and at a lack of a guess of where they were headed. As she parked at a large open field, he looked to her curiously "It's great...but what are we doing here?"
Hailey smirked and shook her head. "She might grace you with her presence but I don't know. I hear she's a pretty busy girl as well but maybe she could make a guest appearance," she said with a smile before climbing out of the car, "And this is our restaurant for the evening."

She opened her trunk and took out a blanket and laid it out a little ways away from where she parked before returning to her car and grabbing the bag of food out. "I made some sandwiches, lemonade, fruit, and two cupcakes. I hope that's ok."
Thor shook his head as she spoke. He didn't want to hear it. He had lived with his brother for many years and he knew what Loki was. He was manipulative and would do and say anything to get what he wanted. And Thor knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted out of that prison cell and he was trying to work through Maeve to get it.

"You weren't suppose to be with him! No one was supposed to see him. He's dangerous because he doesn't have to do anything to you to get what he wants. He has a silver tongue. He can talk you into whatever he wants and you won't even know that you're betraying your own self interest. You can listen to him and you can't see him anymore. Whatever he told you is a lie."
Maeve knew she was expecting Thor to be upset, but she herself was still growing slightly frustrated. "Are you not listening to me, Thor?!" she snapped a bit with a glare. "It's not just Midgard - which, need I remind you is the home realm of your human girlfriend. But it's the entire universe - all the realms Thor! Midgard, Alfheim, Asgard....and every single other one is at stake here if Loki's words are true." she spoke as he just continued to yell at her and not listen, stating how she couldn't listen to or see Loki anymore. "Loki doesn't deserve a life sentence, and certainly not one alone. He did terrible things. But he isn't a lost cause. Surely you must see this, Thor. He's your own brother for gods sake, does that mean nothing to you?!"

She shook her head as she tried to convince Thor to listen and just think for a moment - to think of something other than everything he already knew about Loki. "I know you wont trust his words and can't. I get it. But if you wont listen to him - then listen to me, Thor" she pleaded, not quite yelling back anymore "Loki started talking about these things before I really even asked - before I even thought there was anything more to worry about. I managed to get him to talk a bit more - sure, he wanted to try and bargain, but you know I wouldn't have that, so he clammed up. All I know is that there is a very real possibility the realms are in danger. And sure, I didn't believe him either at first, nor care to hear him. But after obtaining the scepter, so far his story is seeming to be genuine" she spoke "Taking some precautionary measures wont hurt anyone, Thor" she spoke softly "But if we do nothing, and what he speaks turns out to be truth....we'll have just left ourselves open for a whole lot more of trouble than what we possibly could have prevented. Don't you even care to hear what might happen?"


He smiled a bit as she joked Mirage might make a guest appearance, and Peter hadn't even realized it until this moment, but he found himself not all that nervous at all, and not stressed. He was enjoying her company and having a good time without having even had to stress over this date and every little thing he did or said. He was comfortable being himself around Hailey, and only felt further comfortable and encouraged to be himself by her carefree and joking atmosphere she brought.

As she had parked the car and he got out with her, he looked to her before curiously asking what they were doing there, before hearing her statement. His eyes momentarily widened a bit in surprise, before smiling as he watched her grabbing stuff from her trunk "Really..." he breathed, finding himself smiling in amusement as he went to the truck and helped pull some things out and carry them over to the blanket "I didn't really think you'd be the sit on the ground and eat type of girl" he commented honestly as he helped set the things up. And here he was all worried and ready to set up a nice expensive meal that he hardly could afford.
Hailey smiled slightly as he helped her bring things to the blanket and set them up. "Well then you have a lot to learn about me," she said before taking a seat on the blanket, "I like simple things too, Peter. I actually like those things better sometimes."

She brushed her hair back as she opened the bag and set the food out. She had made turkey and cheese sandwiches and cut up a few strawberries and a bit of watermelon for the pair of them. "I'm really not much of a cook," she admitted with a smile, "But I'm working on it." She handed him a sandwich and a bottle of lemonade before getting one of each for herself.
"I can't believe you let him get in your head," he said wth a shake of his head as he turned away. He couldn't believe this. How could all of this be going on right under his nose and he didn't even notice? He felt so stupid at the moment. When he got back he was going to get the truth out of his brother. He wasn't about to listen to any of this without getting some confirmation that it was true.

"He's using you. You think you're special? That you're helping him? That he cares even the slightest bit about you? Please...the only one he cares about is my mother. You're not any different than the rest of us. He wants to play you and then when he's successful he wants to watch you crumble. I've seen it. I've experienced it. Now you can keep this scepter here but you're done speaking with him. I won't let this go any further. If you come back to speak with him again I will tell my father what's been happening and trust me when I say he won't treat this situation kindly."
Maeve glared at Thor's back as he turned away from her, still refusing to listen to a single word, to hear her out. And whats more he only continued to insult her strength and intelligence, assuming that she was weak and naive enough to let Loki just get into her head. "I did not" She snapped back at him, but found her strength in arguing as she listened to his words.

She clenched her fists angrily at her sides as her eyes fell to the ground as Thor continued to berate her, and tell her how much of a fool she was, going on about how she was nothing to Loki, she wasn't special and she meant nothing more than another foolish pawn for him to play with. She never thought herself special. She knew she had to be guarded around Loki to not let him fool her. But still hearing his words for some reason crushed Maeve, and she felt the tears burning up in her eyes. She usually wasn't an emotional person...she was typically pretty level headed, and composed. But hearing Thor's words, and him telling her she couldn't visit him again and he would expose her if she did, it crushed her...more than they probably should have.

The realization that she possibly couldn't see Loki again was painful. "So much for being able to trust you" she snapped bitterly at him as she turned her back to him, before he could turn back around and see her tears, and she walked away from him. She could see there was no reasoning with him, and feeling emotionally and morally crushed to rubble by nothing but Thor's words, she wanted nothing to due with his arrogance and self-confidence in himself at the moment, like him being wrong about all of this wasn't a possibility.


Peter smiled as he helped finish setting up the blanket with her, before nodding his head a bit "It seems I do. But I look forward to hopefully getting the chances to learn more about you, and know you more as than just Mirage, or the popular girl" he said with a smile before he moved to unbutton his nice button down shirt he had put on, expecting to be doing something fancy of the sorts. But seeing as she enjoyed a picnic, he undid it - since he was wearing a plain white t-shirt underneath it - and he set the button down shirt folded up to the corner of the blanket, before he moved to sit down across from her on the blanket with the food spread out between them.

As he looked to the food displayed out between them, he thanked her when she passed him his meal before smiling a bit at her comment about her cooking abilities. "It's alright, I'm not much of one either. So hey, look I guess we do actually have something in common" he joked a bit as he picked up his sandwich "But really, Hailey. This all looks really good. Honestly.....I'm glad to know you like this sort of thing too. I think this is a lot nicer than something really formal...its actually quite a relief" he admitted with a smile.
Hailey smiled and shook her head before taking a bit of her sandwich. "You know I never get to be myself around anyone but you," she admitted, "Everyone else seems to act like they already know me before they even say one word to me. But not you. You actually...act like you want to get to know me. I think you're the first boy who's ever tried to do that for me."

She took another bite of her sandwich before smiling at him. "Fancy things are alright but these places are just...better. I used to come here with my dad all the time and we would just spend hours drawing pictures and stuff," she said with a smile, "I was like 6 or so I think."
Thor shook his head and rubbed his face as he watched her walk away. She didn't get it. He was listening to her but he also knew his brother. He was relentless and do or anything to get his way. He didn't want to see her get hurt and if that meant getting her a bit emotional to protect her then he'd do it.

He wanted to apologize but he knew she wouldn't want to hear it so instead he headed back to Asgard. He told his mother as he trusted her the most but she already seemed to know. Or at least she knew the part about Maeve visiting Loki.
Maeve went back to where she lived, fed up with Thor's refusal to even hear her out. She understood where he was coming from, she knew that all Thor was familiar with from Loki were his deception and lies. But having spent time with him over the months she'd been visiting him now, she felt like there really was a different side to him. That she could see him a bit more clearly, and while he certainly did have that messed up side to him, she still felt there was good intentions and desires in him. Even if buried very, very far down. She felt she was able to discern his lies and truth, and to keep a level head and from him influencing her.

But now, even despite all that Thor's words really stung. She was now second guessing herself, and her whole being. Was she really wrong? She knew Loki still had a way's to go before he was considered a good person, but to think that there was the possibility he was lying to her, every word...every hint of genuine emotion she swore she could see show through occasionally...were those lies too? And more than that, Maeve couldn't grasp why the possibility of all of this hurt her so much.

Thor was surprised to find out his mother even seemed to be aware, and what more, completely fine with Maeve's secret visits she'd been having with Loki all this time. She didn't understand how Frigga thought this was a good idea. He knew his mother cared deeply about Loki still, and still wanted to hope in him, but he thought it irresponsible of her to allow something like this...Loki only wanted to use people, and allowing Maeve to visit him only gave him another possibility to do that, and someone he could try and trick into helping him, even believing they wanted to help him.

After speaking with his mother, he stormed to the dungeons in anger at Loki's tricks. Even in prison, he was still up to his usual games and deceptions. As he walked up to his brothers cell, for the first time since Loki had even first been placed in there, he glared at him "Nothing is ever enough for you, is it?" he spoke as he looked at his brother.


Peter listened to her explain how she couldn't usually be herself with others, but with him she could be, and how he seemed to actually want to know her, and didn't assume things about her. He smiled a bit awkwardly "Well...I wouldn't give me that much credit. I mean don't get me wrong, I definitely really like this kind of date, and I do prefer wanting to get to know you more. And I'm really glad I have the chance to do that now" he said with a smile.

"But the thing is, before I didn't really know what to do. Like when we first started talking, I still assumed you were similar to what I'm used to with the other popular kids at school. I know you're they're you're friends and all but...you're different than them. You're a lot more understanding and open-minded than they are" he admitted, wanting to be upfront with her and honest. He was nervous, and yeah, he wanted to appear like a cool, smooth guy, impressing her. But at the same time he just wanted to be upfront, so he admitted how he initially had assumed things about her just because of her status and who she was at the school.
"See that's just it," she said with a shake of her head, "Everyone just assumes I'm one way. People always get scared and nervous around me when there's really no need to be. I don't really think I'm that intimidating but people just assume that I think I'm better than everyone else. Trust me. I know I'm not better than anyone else."

Not many people knew it but she was a rather insecure person. She drank a lot to hide all of that and well lucky for her she was pretty enough that the popular kids let them hang out with her. She could play the part but she didn't really like to. She really wanted to be like Peter and his friends. They didn't really care what people thought of them. They were just worried about the next test coming up.
Frigga tried to stop Thor when he walked away from her. She knew where he was going and if it wasn't for a shield protecting she would have scurried after him to protect both of her sons from one another. She hated to see them so divided but this was the way Odin had shaped them and there was little to nothing she could do about it now.

Loki looked up from his book before raising a brow. "Brother? What an I welcomed surprise," he said before setting his book to the side and crossing his arms, "I'd love to take credit for whatever you're angry about but I can't seeing as I haven't done anything but sit here and read like I'm supposed to. But enlighten me brother, what have I done that has enraged you so?" He just wanted to hear this so he could make fun of his brother later for being so stupid as to think that he could do anything to anger him while he was in prison.
As Thor had arrived at Loki's cell and glared at him, he rolled his eyes at his typical response "You're nothing but destructive Loki. Even locked in there that's all you are. Maeve may not understand that that's all you are but it's only because she's misguided by her own elven beliefs that she doesn't understand" he spoke, indicating how he was aware of her having been visiting him.

"Even in there you still continue to test my limits, brother. I've had enough of your childish games, and Maeve is not another victim for you to claim with your mind games" he stated firmly, struggling to contain his clear rage with his brother "Why?" he demanded with a glare "What have you said to her to make her think you could be anything more than the liar that you are?"


Peter smiled a bit as he looked to her and nodded "I know that now. I feel bad that I thought similarly that way as everyone else. But I know you're not like that now, and I'm really glad" he said with a smile. He knew that Ned was still indifferent about it, and unsure. Ned still felt uncomfortable around Hailey, and seemed to still think the girl was out to just use Peter and would only end up crushing his heart, and not even caring about it.

"I don't think you're intimidating" he assured he with a smile "I think it's just the people you hang out with are intimidating. But you're not" he said as he began to eat his food, enjoying it. It was simple - everything about this date was pretty basic and simple. But it felt like it was so much more than that, and he really enjoyed it "And I know it's just a sandwich, but this meal is really good" he said with a smile "You could have told me you wanted to do this, I would have been happy to help you prepare everything."

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