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Fandom Marvel: The Next Generation (Anyone Welcome)


Double Luck
Looking twenty five years in the future, a lot has changed among the avengers, X-men, and inhumans. Some of them have retired, switched sides, or even had children. These are the stories of the new generation of heroes...

Character creation:

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The bank robber held the detonator in one hand, and the cell phone in the other. He turned to smile at the five hostages wearing bomb vests before shouting to his associates. "You two, watch them. I just got off the phone with the cops. They know who's boss. Larry and Barry won't be too much longer down in the vault. That drill is state of the art...."

Joy snapped her shield to her back as she hid silently behind a well placed desk. She wouldn't be able to save the hostages and the bank alone...
Suddenly, a shield larger than hers flew past the man with the detonator as he ducked. He turned to yell at captain America, not realizing the shield was curving back towards him. Joy ran to him and took the detonator as her fathers sheild hit him square in the back. She then removed her shieldwith her other hand and then flung it, ricocheting off both of the men watching the hostages. 
Brian had been a few blocks down when the back robbery started and he was now running as fast as we could to get there. When he got there he popped in his ear buds and hit play on his wrist screen. He always liked a little battle music, he smiled as "Breaking the Law" started playing. He ran inside seeing Cap and Patriot pretty much having this under control Brian decided to head back to the vault to make sure it was safe. When he got there he saw the two men trying to drill into it and he didnt slow down as he shoulder checked one into the other sending them against the marble wall.
"Sup Brian!" Joy said as she saw him run past her. Captain America looked at her and smirked, "He can't hear you. He has his earbuds in."

She shook her head as she helped the hostages take the vests off. "Earbuds. You're so old."


Damien laughed, his voice could be heard through the streets. Why? Because it rang from his boombox of which he played atop of his car. "Move!" He yelled as the car crashed into the bank. He came crashing out of it, spinning as he hit the ground, bringing his blades out of his Pocket Dimension as he slit the arms of two bank robbers trying to escape. "DEADPOOL IN THE HOUSE BITCH!" he yelled with a large laugh. He stood up, before the two bank robbers could move, he shot them each in the leg, making them fall. "Whattup cap'n?" he asked with a carefree smile.

He checked the robbers for a pulse to make sure he hadn't killed them - something his father taught him- before walking over picking up the drill and breaking it in half. Brian picked up the crooks by their collars and dragged them out to the lobby. He tossed them near the other ones and tapped his wrist screen to turn off his music. "Hey Joy, hey Cap." he gave the two heros a wave before pulling out a pack of gum and tossing a piece in his mouth. " Weird running into you here, making a withdraw?" he says with a smile.
Steve chuckled at Brian before dusting off his hands "Well, I guess you kids have this taken care of." He said before saying his goodbyes and leaving.

"Deadpool!" Joy screamed. "Stop shooting and stabbing them! We only use the minimal force necessary." She turned to Brian. "Back me up here!"

"Nah." He laughed, removing his mask revealing his set silver hair, as well as glowing silver eyes. "Minumal force? I go maximum effort!" He laughed, lifting up his gun as he shot another robber, he was using some sort of cloaking device, about to leave but Damien stopped him. He walked up to him, lifting his gun to his head, and bringing out a coin. "Heads or tails." He said with a smile, but suddenly turned dead serious. "Pick. Or I pick for you."
"Whoa whoa there Deadpool shes right take it easy man." Brian says "Besides if you seriously mame or kill every low level criminal where does leave us. O ya that reminds me this drill they were using was pretty high tech especially for these scum eaters." Brian tossed the pieces of drilk over to joy. 

Damien shrugged, putting his gun away. "Psych!" he yelled, shooting the man anyways. He walked over to them, "What's that?"



Laura Kinney Howlett


health: 100%

mood: hot mess

outfit: click

tagged: all <3

The off duty female had arrived late and practically breathless. Adorned in casual wear, she also sported some mud on her baby-blue high waisted jeans with hair accessories of sticks and leaves.

She looked like as if she got lost in the forest.

Which wasn't entirely false.

She got lost in the forest, but on purpose. 

The short female yearned for adventure, plus it was her time off. But in the middle of sliding down a steep hill with a long, thick piece of bark she stripped from a trre, she got the news of  a bank robbery.

Thanks to her mutant father, she was able to hightail it to the bank, but not making it in time.

"Hey guys! What's up?" Laura smiled, but then arched an eyebrow when the scent of blood hit her nose. "Oh God. Not againnnn Deadpool! How many times do I have to say it-" She exclaimed. "You can make it less bloody if you cut from-" The emerald eyed female cut herself off, noting the look on Joys face.

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"I'm serious Damien. If you shoot anyone else, I will arrest you." She said as she took the drill. "It's high tech but nothing new. They're just surprisingly well funded. I hope this isn't a new gang..."
"Hey Laura and besides pool being pool nothing much." Brian's face goes from a smile to a small frown "Ya I hope not to we already have to many to keep track of." He starts to tap on his wrist screen "I'll look into who sold these recently and see if I can find the seller, you can never be to careful."
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"Oh Joy~" He spoke with a smile, "You've arrested me at least ten times before, you know I will find a way out eventually~" He danced his way over to the clone, putting an arm around her. "Whattup Wolvie?" he asked, using the nickname he'd given her. He looked at Brian, "Oh! Can I come?"



Laura Kinney Howlett


health: 100%

mood: curious

outfit: click

tagged: all <3

Laura tilted her head as they spoke about a drill, eyeing it from her spot. Taking a quick sniff and scrunched her nose. "Whatever it is, it smells utterly terrible." She shook her head and kept her nose scrunched, as if it would rid of the smell. 

She unscrunched her nose when Deadpool 'danced' over. "I see you still don't know how to dance." She beamed innocently, looking up to the silver eyed man. "And I was just sledding with a piece of bark before I came-" But then Laura paused.

"Wait, go where? I wanna go!"

Joy rolled her eyes at Damien. "Brian, you could also question one of the perpetrators. You know, one of the ones Damien didn't shoot for no reason!" She said, before greeting the newcomer. "Hey Laura, we were just going to find out where they got the money for this drill..."
"There are prisons in Wakanda even you could not escape from, Mr Wilson. And it is only as a courtesy to Ms Rodgers that I do not place you there. For reasons quite unknown to me, she sees some good in you but if you proceed to act with such careless disregard for her instructions, I will ensure you never see the light of day again." @Mori-Jin said T'Chalca before walking up to Joy. @Navy

"Apologies for my lateness, I had to deal with a car jacking." He said, extending a bow. "Your father has filled me in on the situation." He looked around the bank and at the unconscious thugs before continuing. "I did not expect to see such a large gathering of heroes but it is a welcome sight nonetheless, my friends." He said offering a friendly smile to his fellow young heroes. @blep @Bmikeization "I can see that you have things under control here but may I offer any further assistance?" 
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Lacey found herself amidst the height of a bank robbery and hostage situation. Before she had any time to react, Captain America's wonderchild (as Lacey liked to call her) had already detained the criminals with the help of her wonderpals. 

How wonderfully righteous! Lacey walked through the hole in the wall, slow clapping. "Nice work! Next time, try to use the door." she announced sarcastically, kicking around rubble. She walked over to the hostages, who flinched in her presence. She just scowled and rolled her eyes, untying then and attempting to remove the bomb jackets.

@Navy @blep @Bmikeization @Mori-Jin 
Joy bowed in return. "Welcome, Prince T'Chalca. Thank you again for the shield." She said before placing it on her back. She gave an awkward smile and a wave to Lacey as she entered. In her mind, when a demigod from the DNA of the avengers most devious enemy joins you, you try not to screw it up. Joy was not confident in her ability to prevent exactly that.

 When the sound of sirens pulled up, Joy looked around at the General destruction and at how many heroes had arrived. She rose her voice to get everyone's attention. "Alright everyone, we are leaving! Does anyone have a place we could regroup at? Some place with.... a lot of space?"

@blep @Bmikeization @Mori-Jin @Flowër Powër  @Scatterbrain

(OOC: EVERYONE MAKE SURE YOURE FOLLOWING THIS PAGE; it will make it easier for you to receive notifications if people don't tag everyone)
"It was my privilege, Miss Rodgers. I am glad it is to your liking." He said with a smile. "We could use the Wakandan embassy. It has plenty of space and should meet all our needs. It is the least I can do." @Navy
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Lacey rolled her eyes as she finished removing the last bomb jacket. She turned back to Joy and watched her walk out. "What, leaving so soon? I was hoping we could stay at chat." she said sarcastically. "See you all at the embassy." And with that, Lacey teleported out onto the street, and then onto the room of a nearby building. She decided she would trail the guy to the Embassy.
"I can arrange transportation for all of you if you like?" @blep @Mori-Jin @Bmikeization @Flowër Powër   He said, following Joy @Navy out. He offered a nod to the policemen as he tapped the console on his kimoyo bracelet. "It will be here in moments." Just then a limousine pulled up just outside the bank. "Make yourselves comfortable. I will fly on ahead and prepare things for your arrival." He said before flying into the air and in the direction of the embassy. 
Joy smiled. "And this is why Falcon is my favorite." She climbed into the limousine after calling everyone else inside. "We are regrouping at the embassy. Brian... I'm pretty sure you can fit in here?" She said half joking.

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