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Fandom Marvel: Next Generation

Armani Munroe

Armani started his day early, as he usually did. It was probably part of growing up in Xavier's Academy. He showered and dressed before fixing coffee and breakfast. He was a health nut and loved to cook. His breakfast was an elaborate breakfast burrito. After cleaning up he decided to leave. He lived on the outskirts of town so he decided to drive today.

He didn't even get into his car before stopping. A smoking horse with wings was coming towards him. Had Armani been a normal person this would have freaked him out, but seeing as he was far less than normal it didn't. He stepped out into the road and stopped the horse easily, thanks to his enhanced strength. He caught it off guard, but the part of him that was like his father calmed it again. He petted it lightly as he heard a female voice calling out a name. "Sounds like you're in trouble." He chuckled.

@lonecoyote (you opened up the best opportunity for me to actually use him tbh)


Olivia Stark


Olivia walked around for a while before finally deciding on stopping by the cafe from yesterday, she hadn't had breakfast yet so she thought she might eat there. It took her about ten minutes to walk from her apartment to the cafe and when she entered the burst of cool air was welcome. She walked up to the counter, the cafe surprisingly empty for breakfast time, and ordered a muffin. It was quickly delivered to her and she tsat down before looking around to see if she knew anyone. She quickly spotted Cassidy. Olivia didn't know the girl extremely well but their tech was very similar so she liked her. "Hey Cassidy!" She waved at the girl.


Blasius/Adam Laufeyson


Blasius drove to the library calmly, not really in a hurry to get there. He didn't go to the library often, but when he did he was generally there for a while. As he browsed around the books, he decided on mythology books to read. Of course they weren't Nordic mythology, since that was basically his life. But rather he studied the mythological cultures of the Greek, Romans, and even a bit of the Egyptians to pass his time. He slowly sipped on a Dr Pepper as he drank.


Alicia von Doom.


Alicia didn't have much to do that day, they were crashing the ball the next night and she had texted Destin the picture of her dress. After the news ended she clicked the tv off and left the house, tired of not doing anything already. If she was just going to walk around it would be better than just laying at home. She walked around for a while before settling on going to the park. It wasn't a big park, the one she went to, but it was nice. She sat on a bench and looked around, honestly her personal life wasn't much like a villain, though in critical situations she would side with the villains.
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Danica Rogers

Danica pulled her headphones out and sat on a bench. She noticed Alicia von Doom and froze. It was hard no to know who she was in the hero world. Danica hadn't known she lived in San Besitos. It was starting to shock her how many of the legacies did live in town.

The blonde wasn't sure what she should do at this point. She didn't know if Alicia would recognize her, but seeing as she didn't have the most private of lives, it would be hard not to. Everyone had seen Danica and Nikolai's pictures. They weren't sure why they even has aliases, they were pretty obvious.

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Idun came to a stop when she saw someone stop Alva for her. When she approached her horse, she put a hand on Alva's neck and took deep breaths. Sure she had enhanced stamina but keeping up with a horse was pretty rough.
"A-a-alva....do-don't ever do that again." she seethed out, looking up to see the pegasus blowing her lips out at her. Idun shook her head and looked at the guy who was petting Alva.

"Thanks for stopping her. I don't know what got into her. She knows better than to run to the city. I'll have to tell mother to make sure to train Odin's horses better." she said and glanced up at Alva who nipped at Idun's hair. Idun rolled her eyes before returning her attention back to the guy in front of her. "Oh, my apologies. I'm Idun Brunnhilde. I live in the mountains a few miles that way." she said and pointed behind herself. Then she remembered how easily he had stopped Alva. "May I ask if you are a super?"

Armani Munroe

"It's a pleasure, Miss Brunnhilde. Armani Munroe," he replied to the blonde. Asgardian, he'd heard about her from Danica. Apparently Nikolai had a thing for her. He smirked at the thought. "This is quite the horse you have here. Alva, is it?"

He stroked the horse a bit more and then smiled. "I suppose you could call me super, I prefer that over gifted or legacy." He laughed. "And you're Asgardian, no doubt. Can't find a human as pretty as you." He was smooth, no doubt. Especially when it came to getting under Nikolai's skin.

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Alicia von Doom


Alicia looked up from her phone to look around when she noticed Danica Rogers. How ironic, the girl whos father's party shes crashing was at the same park that she was, the day before she crashed the party. Alicia smiled, slightly mischeviously, as she stood up and walked across the park to were Danica was. "Hey Danica!" She called as she approached, greeting her as if they were old friends.

Asya Barnes

Asya sat in the coffee shop, looking down at the files she was given and sighed. Her "friend" had given her more than enough to go on before she left. She tucked the folders deep in her bag as she went on her way to the grocery store. She rarely if ever left the house but moving to San Besitos it seemed as though she found herself roaming the city more than she like. Asya thought to text Blasius but she decided not to infringe on his day.

@Dxfoe )


Idun smiled and nodded, putting the name and face in her memory. Armani, she liked that name. It sounded like some cool guy who designs clothes. She looked up at Alva and let out a sigh.
"That's correct. She was a gift from my mother and grandfather. She's still stubborn after all these years but I can't put all the blame on her." she ran her hand over Alva's shiny dark brown fur before looking back at Armani.

After his response about being a super, she laughed and nodded.
"Definitely, being known as a 'legacy' is the worst. Everyone always expects you to be just like who your parents are. I could never live up to my mother or even my father's name." she admitted, a hard thing for her to admit because she felt like she was letting her parents down. When he called her pretty and for being of Asguardian decent, she blushed a light pink color. "Why, thank you for the complement. You're not so bad yourself." she threw back, a smile of innocence for the remark. She may have grown up on Earth but since she was closest to her father, she still didn't quite have a grasp on all human things. She figured he knew she was Asguardian because of the mention of Odin or the fact that she was as tall as he was with blonde hair and blue eyes.



Blasius/Adam Laufeyson


Blasius sat reading for a while before he decided to check the time. He clicked the home button and watched it light up with the time. It was then he decided to text Asya. He hadn't talked to her at all that day so he thought he should since they were going to the ball together. He grabbed her phone and opened the messaging app, entering a message with Asya.

Adam: Hey, hows your day been?
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Asya Barnes

Asya felt the buzz in her back pocket and sighed thinking it was her father as she opened it. She was happy to find it was Blasius, opening the phone to read his text causing her to smile slightly before she text back.
Just fine, doing groceries. Boring things. How about yourself? She read the text over before she sent it. Walking into the grocery store she took out her list as she walked down the aisles. She found grocery shopping, as funny as it sounds, therapeutic. She liked walking down the aisles looking at the colorful displays and the various jars and boxes. It was somewhere where she could escape the outside world for a short time.

Armani Munroe

"She just wants to have some fun," Armani laughed. He could see why Nikolai would like her, if what Danica said was true. The young man was tempted to flirt with her more just to get under Nikolai's skin, but he decided against hurting her just to hurt him. "The word legacy just rubs me the wrong way." He shook his head, "just because I born like this doesn't mean I want to go out and save the world."

He smiled when she blushed, "no need to thank me for telling the truth." He was on a roll unfortunately. "Thank you, as well." He stroked the horse again. He had a deep affection for animals, his father had taught him all about animals growing up.


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•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin woke up around 10:00 am by her alarm clock. With a groan she put her hand in the air and started lifting the clock with her powers, then slung the clock against the wall. It didn't break because it was specially made clock by Stark made from vibranium stopping her from destroying by slamming it against walls. Stark made the clock only because he owed Xavier a favor after an Avengers incident and the X-men helped clean up. Robin groaned at the memory, since she offered to help out with the cleaning and her body ached for weeks. She finally got out of bed and set her alarm clock back onto the dresser.

Robin did her usual necessities in the bathroom and walked back into the room to find an outfit for the morning. Once she found an outfit she put it on and pondered what to do today. 'Guess I could take a walk.' She thought to herself as she grabbed her purse and headed out the door. She walked down the stairs and out the door of her hotel looking around to see where to start walking. She noticed a city nearby and started walking to there. After about five minutes of walking Robin was bored and looked over to see a metal trash can. "How convenient..." She said with a smirk and grabbed the lid of the can. Robin walked onto the lid and lifted herself up into the air. She made her way to the city faster and more fun!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.d60aa618da34bea5e2b3eda693378238.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104232" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.d60aa618da34bea5e2b3eda693378238.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

At the entrance to the city she spotted a tall blonde girl and what looked like a horse that was smoking, with wings... 'Yeah that's pretty normal in my life.' She thought and went down closer to the ground to see who the girl was talking to. Robin hovered around trying not to draw attention to herself and glanced over to see the girl was talking to Armani! 'What's he doing here?' She thought. It had been a long while since she spotted a mutant legacy other than herself. Robin avoid eye contact with Armani so he won't see her yellow eyes and see through her disguise. 'Dad said no talking to the X-Men nooo talking.' @Eunoia



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Danica Rogers

Danica internally flinched with the girl called out her name.
Curse my parents for being so publicly known. Also Instagram for allowing me to have so many followers. Danica thought to herself before looking up at the girl. "Hi, Alicia." She was a little confused as to what the girl would actually want, but intrigued at the same time.



Blasius/Adam Laufeyson

Blasius smiled at his phone, seeing the message and read the message multiple times. He had almost forgot that most of them lived on their own (legacies) and they had to buy their own groceries, something he had to do soon as well. He hadn't gone shopping in a while, in fact it was a bit surprising he had enough food to make his breakfast that morning. He thought about how to respond before he sent his message.

Its been pretty normal, I'm just a the library reading.


Danica Rogers

Danica was curious as to why the girl mentioned the ball.
How does she even know about the ball? The blonde scrunched her brow. "Yeah, I'm going. Probably couldn't miss it if I wanted to." She responded lightly. She was definitely going to need to get home and changed soon. Nikolai had a bad habit of using all the hot water. "Any reason you're asking? I already have a date if that's what you're wanting." She laughed a little, insinuating it was a joke.
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Alicia von Doom

She laughed at the joke, "I was just wondering, I hear its going to be exquisite." She had to stop herself from gritting her teeth at the thought of going to the ball with one of the Rogers. Either one actually, she did 'roll both ways' but the Roger siblings definitely weren't for her. Especially since they were heroes, she was a villain.

Danica Rogers

"They usually are," Danica responded. "A little excessive usually. I have a feeling this one will look like the Fourth of July." She laughed lightly. Despite the other girl being a villain, Danica could easily hold a conversation with her. The blonde could easily get alone with just about anyone, though she didn't take any shit from anyone. She was her parents' daughter, after all. Her phone beeped and she sighed reading the text.


Idun laughed softly and fixed her hair, feeling the wind blow some of it in her face. She looked up at Alva who began to grow impatient with just standing there and not doing anything.
"Alright, Alva. We'll go home, ok? I'll even put you in the field so you can keep on running." she told her and walked over to Alva's side and slumped herself over her back. Alva let out a happy neigh and tapped her front hoof on the ground.

"Right? The word is annoying." she replied to his comment about being called a legacy. When he thanked her for the compliment she nodded and felt Alva turn her head and blow some air from her nostrils and shake her head. Idun looked to where Alva was looking and saw a female. Flying on a lid? Idun tilted her head and waved to the female. She wasn't sure who she was but her parents had always taught her to be kind to everyone and to include others.


Alicia von Doom

"Whats wrong?" She asked feigning concern. They could be friends if they wanted to but Alicia didn't really deem herself a very nice person. Honestly Alicia couldn't care less if the legacies liked her, she couldn't care less if the villains children liked her either. All she needed were allies, people that would come to her aid during battle or if she ever got caught. That was all.

Danica Rogers

"Oh, my cat's sick." Danica rose from the bench she was on, "I'm gonna have to go home and help my brother get her to the vet." She gave a light wave, "see you around, Alicia." She put her headphones in and ran back home. Actually, her brother had just texted her to tell her to go grocery shopping today, but she wasn't going to tell Alicia that. She got through the door and leaned on it before heading to the shower and getting ready for the rest of the day.

"Nik, couldn't you go to the store?" Danica called out.

"No, Dani, I can't. I have other things to do today." He came out of his room, already dressed with his hair in a bun.

"Like what?"

"I'm going into the field, gotta spy on some dude." He shrugged.

Danica furrowed her brow, "be careful."

"Yeah, I know. You too. Don't forget Sasha's treats." He said, ruffling her still damp hair and grabbing his stuff. Heading out after petting Sasha.

The blonde girl sighed before grabbing her bag and heading out. She rolled her shoulders, pulling on her beanie and sliding into her
car and heading into town.




Armani looked in the direction the girl in front of him waved at watched the girl. He knew who she was immediately. "Hello, Robin. Funny seeing you here." He called out to the girl. He looked back at Idun, "I'll let you get her home. She looks ready to go." He laughed. Even horses got impatient once in awhile.

His eyes shifted back to Robin. Even when her skin was disguised he knew who she was. Partially because she could control metal just like her father. He watched her to see if there was any sign of a threat. He knew how her parents were, there was always a chance that she would be like them.

@Aero @lonecoyote

Armani Munroe
•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin let out a sigh as she waved back at the girl and Armani. "Hi Armani, long time no see." She said and hovered her way to the two. Robin looked at the horse the blonde girl was holding. "Pretty wing smoke horse." She said smiling.

Robin felt Armani's gaze on her but she shrugged it off. She doesn't blame him for being cautious, I mean her parents were two of the most prime villians for the X-men. Robin still couldn't help but to let out a chuckle. @Eunoia

Alicia von Doom

Alicia waved and her smiled dropped when she was out of view. Her cats sick, whatever. Alicia guessed she probably just didn't want to talk to her any longer and she didn't blame her. She looked around at the park for a while before standing up and walking away from the park. It was at this point that she wished she'd brought her car, or worn shorter heels. She was bored and needed something to do, something fun. She decided to text Destin, he intrigued her enough she hoped it wouldn't be a waste.

You get your suit yet?

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Idun smiled at the two and noticed that Armani went a bit tense. She was on guard ready to fight if so needed. When the girl came over, she looked from her to Armani. "Thank you." she replied with a small smile. So the girl's name was Robin. She looked at Armani and hopped onto Alva, leaning forward and grabbing Alva's mane and looking down at Amari.

"It was nice meeting you, Armani. Maybe I'll see you around." she then turned to Robin. "Nice to meet you as well, Robin." she smiled and kicked her heels on Alva's side and took off, the smoke from Alva's body trailing behind them as if it were Halloween.

@Eunoia @Aero
Destin Incartarte

Beep, beep, beep. The sound invaded Destin's sleep. He groaned and slammed his hand against the alarm clock and rubbed his hand over his face. He pulled his phone over and looked at his messages. There was one from Alicia. He opened it up and texted her back.

Yes, it's rather nice. Though, it'll be nothing in comparison to your dress.

He smirked as he got up. His shower was quick and his getting ready was quicker. He ate cereal while watching the TV. There wasn't much on though. He decided to go to the coffee shop. Do I Wanna Know playing through his headphones. Maybe he'd run into one of his favorite Asgardians. It'd be fun to play with their heads.


mibnus the starbucks cup and the backpack lmao

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Alicia von Doom

The buzz from her phone on vibrate called Alicia's attention to her phone. She read the text, and couldn't help but crack a small smile before forcing it down again.

That's sweet, what time are you picking me up tomorrow.

She was most definitely not meeting him there, nor was she going to take him, it was a ball, she was going to force him to be a gentleman if she had to. She kept walking, her heels clicking on the concrete with every step she took.


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