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Fandom Marvel: Next Generation

Asya sighed looking up and down the path of the park before she shrugged. Don't get out much. Have a place in mind? For as long as Asya lives in San Besitos she could never find her way around. She hoped that a ladies had something in mind or else their text would have been for nothing. She didn't mind texting Blasius, in fact she enjoyed it but she felt like she may be taking up his time for some nonsense.

(It's fine I'm actually in class anyways so sorry for my responses if they don't make sense) @Dxfoe

Still too Lazy

Blasius Adam Laufeyson

Meet me at the coffee shop near the library, I'll walk you to an Italian place I know from there.

He smiled as he sent his response to her. Blasius liked talking to Asya she was interesting and she under stood him. Both of their parents not only had relations with heroes but they weren't the best relationships. Like evil brother, and turned evil best friend.

Nikolai Rogers

Nikolai smiled at her offer to heal it, "nah, I'm good. Where's the fun in being healed?" He laughed a little. "Don't worry, my humor's pretty warped too. I have a Russian assassin for a mother." He reached down to pet Keldr, letting the pup sniff his hand first. He rose and joined Idun in line. He wasn't super hungry, the whole getting stabbed thing really put a damper on a guy's appetite, ya know?

But he wasn't gonna let that stop him, he'd get some nachos. The line was a decent length, but nothing really phased the young hero. He laughed at her comment about messing up the house. "That sounds like a really bad habit." He thought about how Sasha did the same thing, which he found endearing. He hadn't really realized how pretty Idun was before. Well, he
had but it was being reinforced. He also really liked her legs. He had a thing for tall girls. "You look really nice," he decided to compliment her out loud instead of in his head.


Armani Munroe

"That's probably it," Armani nodded. She didn't seem threatening, but that didn't always mean anything. He smiled a little, "it's going pretty good. I'm not my parents' kid here. And yourself?" He was a friendly person, and it had been awhile since he had seen another mutant legacy. It was nice.

Asya smiled down at the text before she stood from her bench and started walking towards the coffee shop. she wondered where the restaurant was located, seeing she had never noticed it before. She wondered if people like Blasius even ate. He wouldn't be going with you if he didn't eat. Idiot. Right stupid question. In no time Asya stood between the library and coffee shop as she waited for Blasius.


Blasius Adam Laufeyson

Blasius walked to the coffee shop and began smiling when he saw Asya. "Hey!" He greeted her with a wave and a smile. He thought this might be fun, they were already friends but they hadn't talked much so it was going to be nice to actually talk with her again.


Alicia von Doom

Alicia put her phone into her pocket and began walking back toward her apartment, she didn't have much to do today so she figured she would just head home since she had nothing to do.

Asya Barnes

Asya waved Blasius over as she smiled, happy to see him again.
"Hey. So how was Banner's kid?" She smiled, she was actually intrigued that a hero legacy would even attempt to speak to someone such as Blasius. She wouls push herself off the wall so that she could follow Blasius to the restaurant, her stomach growling in the process.


Blasius Adam Laufeyson

Blasius smiled, "Scared." He said, "Marley seemed like she thought I was going to use my manipulation powers on them" He chuckled, at the thought of it. It didn't really bother him that the legacies saw him that way, he just did like that they tried to keep it a secret that they did. He smiled any way and began to lead Asya to the Italian restaurant.



Idun smiled when she saw him pet Keldr and Keldr took one sniff and nuzzled against his hand.
"It really is. Believe it or not, I've gotten much better." she told him with a soft giggle. She watched as the line moved a bit and moved up with it. She noticed how some of the people were looking at the two and whispering. Since she did have enhanced powers, she could hear what they were saying even though the people were whispering.

"Do you see how tall those two are? They're like models. And their both very attractive. I wonder if they're dating." she heard one female say to another which caused Idun to look up at Nikolai. They weren't wrong. Both of the blondes were rather tall and resembled models. Well at least Nikolai did. As for herself, she wasn't so sure but gladly took the compliment. She had zoned out with the thought of being a "thing" with Nikolai that she almost,
almost, missed his compliment. She felt her cheeks heat just a bit and she looked up at him, biting her lip slightly.

"Thank you. I like your hair like that. It looks good." she said and lifted her arm up to pull some of his blonde locks from behind his ear. His hair was soft and not course like her father's used to be. She heard someone clear their throat and saw the owner of the food truck smiling at the two.

"Hola, Ms. Iden! Qué te gustaría hoy?"

Idun smiled at the man and began to order, "Hola, Papi! Quiero cuatro tacos de pollo, un gran burrito de carne, y una coca cola grande. Por favor."

"Sí! Sí! Esta es su novio? Oh, Ms. Idun, buena elección!" he said and looked to Nikolai with a smile. Idun's face turned a brighter shade of red and she looked down at Keldr and dug in her purse for the money to keep her distracted.

{Translation: Hello, Ms. Idun! What do you want today?
Hello, Papi! I want four chicken tacos, a big beef burrito and a large coke. Please. Yes! Yes! Is this your boyfriend? Oh, Ms. Idun, good choice!}

Nikolai Rogers

Their proximity almost surprised him, but the clearing of a throat is what did surprise him. Luckily his parents and SHIELD had lead to him learning several languages; Gaelic; Russian; German; and, of course, Spanish. He didn't bother correcting the man, holding in a chuckle instead. "Sólo unos nachos y una coca cola, por favor." {translation: just some nachos and a coke, please.}

Nikolai paid for both of their food before she had the chance, "I've got it. Don't worry about it." He still wasn't entirely sure this was a date, but if it
was a date, he felt the need to pay. Regardless, he liked paying for meals when he was with someone else. He grinned at her red cheeks and adjusted his beanie.

The two were gaining attention from some passing civilians. Probably their height. Or, that at least half the country knew his face. He ignored them, which wasn't hard when he was with someone whose company he enjoyed.

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Asya Barnes

"Ooo scary." Asya teased as she followed beside him. She was happy to have met Blasius, she felt as though she could trust him, and her trust has never been easily gained by anyone. "So is this place going to be the legit Italien food or will I have to settle for knockoff American Italian?" She asked, nudging him jokingly as she laughed softly.


Blasius Adam Laufeyson

He chuckled at her question, "Its legit Italian food" He smiled. "The only American knock off food of anything I'll eat is knockoff American Mexican at Taco Bell." He smiled. He'd been going to the restaurant since he moved to the city so the people knew him rather well. They had strong accents but he could understand them. They were there in a few minutes and Blasius opened the door for Asya, "After you."


Asya Barnes

"Such a gentleman." Asya said as she chuckled to herself. She walked past him and into the restaurant feeling hungrier than she was before. The smell hit her first, such strong aroma's coming from the kitchen causing her to smile. "I guess this is pretty legit Blas- er Adam." She didn't know how comfortable he was with using his given name so she decided to use the one he went by. It felt strange calling him Adam but she pushed the thought aside as she looked around the restaurant.


Blasius Adam Laufeyson

"Thanks" he smiled at her, in private and over text he was fine with being called Blasius but in public he preferred Adam. He turned to the waitress lady and spoke clearly, "Hey Amelia can we get a table for two?" He asked and she nodded, quickly leading them to their table and handing them menus. It didn't take long for the waitress Amelia to bring the breadsticks that they automatically gave them. "I come here pretty often, its one of my favorite places" He told Asya.


Asya Barnes

"I don't know if thats good or bad." She joked as she smiled softly before breaking their eye contact to look down at her menu. "So what's good? I mean it all looks pretty amazing." Truth be told Asya would eat anything put down before her, it was almost sad. Her stomach growled yet again causing Asya to roll her eyes.


Blasius Adam Laufeyson

He chucked, "I've had and liked almost everything" He smiled, "Though personally I like the tortellini" He grinned, he'd never shared this restaurant with anyone. Blasius heard Asya's stomach growl and chuckled slightly, "If you want something fast however I'd have the fettuccini alfredo with chicken." He smiled at Asya and took a bread stick, tearing it in half and giving one half to Asya to hold her over until they get their food.


Asya Barnes

Asya looked at the bread and smiled as she took it, taking a bite feeling her stomach settle.
"Thanks." She said before closing her menu and nodding. "I guess I'll give the Fettuccini alfredo a try. Better be good or else." She winked before she giggled taking another bite of her bread stick sighing in content.


Blasius Adam Laufeyson

He smiled and ate his breadstick, "Trust me it is" He said with a grin and sat his menu down. "So what was your childhood like.
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Idun looked up when Nikolai said he'd pay.
"Are you sure? Oh, ok. Thanks." She told him and grabbed her food, walking with Nikolai to a bench and sitting down. She cut open the burrito and set it down for Keldr, giving him one of her tacos as well.

"Eat up." She told the pup who dug in. Idun smiled and crossed her legs before securing a taco in her hands. "How'd the mission go? I mean besides you letting your guard down and getting stabbed." She teased and took a bite of her food.

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Asya coughed a bit, almost choking on her bread stick when Blasius has asked her a question. Well doesn't he get right to the point. Asya was taken back when he asked the question wondering what her answer should be. The real truth or the story she told everyone to secure her fathers pride. He's your friend. Yeah but this is the first actual time we spoke. It was clear she was having a mental barrel in her head though she tried not to show it, giving him a smile as she sat up straiter. "You first. How about you? How was your childhood?" She wanted to see his answer so that she could decide which story she should tell him. She felt bad for holding the truth but it was worse with Blasius. She didn't want to ruin the trust they had built but the information she had about her father could ruin him.

Nikolai Rogers

Nikolai thanked the man before grabbing his food and walking with Idun. "Technically, I didn't let my guard down. Four against one just isn't a great ratio." He laughed, "the fight was actually pretty fun. The mission was easy, I got ten names of Hydra operatives and a meeting place." He liked missions, especially missions that let him fight.

"How's your day been? Aside from Theo ditching you and all." He grinned. He was sure Theo had some sort of assignment, but that didn't stop him from teasing the girl.



Idun ate and nodded, putting a hand to her mouth and laughing at his situation.
"Well then I guess you did good then. Good job succeeding on your mission." she said and took a sip of her drink before taking another bite. She would have told him that she expected more out of him from who his parents were but then again, that was ignorant and no one liked to be compared to their parents. Heck, Idun knew that she hated being compared to her parents. Especially her father. Since her father was the great and powerful Thor, she was expected to be his equal but the truth of the matter was that she wasn't and she didn't expect to be. He had so much training under powerful people and she wanted to be her own hero. She wanted to be known for what she could do and not that she was her father but with breast.

At the mention of Theo, Idun rolled her eyes.
"It's been alright. I decided to take my horse on a run this morning and she came into town. I met two new people out of it though. One guy named Armani and a girl named Robin." she said and finished her taco.


Olivia Stark

Olivia checked the time. "Well I gotta go" She said before dropping her empty coffee in the trash can and walking out of the café. She'd been in there for a while drinking her coffee and being on her phone, so she decided she would go home now.

{Sorry Jinx I got tired of waiting and I wanna get my characters free for the impending time skip}

-last Olivia post till timeship-

Blasius Adam Laufeyson

"I don't really know how to describe it" His child hood was kind of weird so there wasn't any single word to say. "I grew up talking and interacting with my father through the magical barrier in the prison in Asgard and I didn't know my mother. He taught me his magic and things I occasionally came to Earth with my uncle Thor too. Honestly I liked it better here, I felt like my magic could do more impact than it could there. Good or bad. It took forever to convince Odin to let me stay on Earth." He rambled and blushed when he realized, "Sorry I'm rambling,"


Alicia von Doom

Alicia walked into her apartment and took off her blue over shirt, plopping onto her couch to watch TV for a while.

-last Alicia post till timeskip-
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Nikolai Rogers

"Thank you, I try." He laughed. He finished his nachos relatively quickly, as he usually did. He appreciated that she didn't compare him to his parents. He was so tired of hearing that. He wasn't as good of a spy as his mother and he wasn't as good of a soldier as his father. He didn't try to be. He wanted to be known as his own person instead of as his parents' child.

"You say horse like she's not a pegasus that's smoking." Nikolai laughed and shook his. "Armani?" Nikolai scrunched his brow. He couldn't stand him. The two boys had had a fair amount of run ins. He shook off his thoughts about him. "He's going to the ball with Danica. Are you gonna be there?" He changed the subject quickly. He wouldn't ask her to the ball, he had heard from Danica she was going with Theo, but he might ask her to dance while they were there.


Asya Barnes

"No, it's fine. I like listening to you telling me about yourself." While she was interested truth be told she was trying to distract him from asking her about her life. It was better unsaid than to tell him lies though she did have the option of telling him the truth. Taking another bread stick from the center, she nibbled on it as she looked at him. For some reason, she felt as though she needed to take a good look at him having a strange feeling that it might be the last time she see's him like this. Though ridiculous in her mind, she couldn't shake the feeling.


Yana Maximoff

Yana groaned as she looked down at her phone.
"So much for being an adult." Even though she was a grown adult SHEILD kept checking in with her to make sure she made it there safely. She knew they were worried but it just got old after time. She moved to San Besitos two days ago and she had already felt the power of many legacies. It frightened her at first not being able to determine the bad and the good but she tried paying no mind. She was here to have fun at that's exactly what she intended to do.

At SHEILD she was one of the few who did not have a parent currently working with SHEILD and for that the discipline they used on her wasn't like a parents. They never really could tell her what she could and could not do but Yana, for their sake, stayed within her boundaries. Though at heart she was wild, finding new ways to have crazy adventures inside SHEILD.

Walking from her apartment to the park. She was sad she hadn't seen anyone from SHEILD she knew that moved here but she knew she see them at the Ball if anything. In the park she wandered around before finding a bench and sitting down. Ever since she decided to move here SHEILD had temporarily taken her off of missions so she could get settled in but she was becoming restless. Her hands itching to use her powers. Yana sat on her hands to stop her from thinking about it, taking in the veiw with a sigh.



Idun nodded and finished her final taco, looking down and pouring some coke into Keldr's food tray. She watched as Keldr slowly drank from the tray. When he said something about Alva, she laughed.

"I forget that you've seen her. Yeah it was horrible." she said and looked at him. "Oh, so I'll see him there? Cool!" she said with a smile. When he asked about the ball, she nodded. "I'll be there. Are you gonna be there?" she returned the question. She wasn't expecting him to ask her to go, heck she already asked Theo to be her date since he didn't ask her.


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