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Fandom Marvel: Next Generation

Armani Munroe

"You too," he waved goodbye to the Asgardian before turning back to Robin. "What brings you to San Besitos?" He didn't trust her. Most of the X-Men legacies wouldn't trust her. It was hard to trust someone with parents like hers. True, she could be different, but he didn't know and that was the problem.

@Aero @lonecoyote

Destin Incartarte

Destin was walking today, so he was free to text without concern of running anyone over. He liked this girl, she didn't dance around the point. So many girls flirted around instead of just getting to it. He hated that.

It starts at 8, so I was thinking we could arrive late. Wanna grab something to eat beforehand?

He put his phone back in his pocket and ordered his coffee. He was a sucker for lattes, especially caramel. He loved sweet things.


Alicia von Doom

Alicia was quite a blunt person. She didn't understand why writers used metaphors or why girls got shy and secretive around boys of any kind. She stated what she wanted unless she was playing someone, manipulating them into doing what she pleased.

Sounds good, it better be at a nice place though, I'm not going to a McDonalds in my dress.

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•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin waved bye to the blonde girl as well even though she didn't know her name. "She seemed like a nice girl don't you think?" Robin said looking over at Armani smiling. She saw he was still on guard and rolled her eyes. "What? A girl like me can't take a road trip ever so often." Robin said with a smirk. "Besides I was invited to the S.H.E.I.L.D ball thing. So yeah, why are you here? Were you invited too?" She asked getting off her trash lid ride. @Eunoia
Destin Incartarte

Destin chuckled as he read her text. He took a drink of his coffee and walked to the book store down the street. He liked this one, she was interesting.

I was thinking more along the lines of Dairy Queen. ;)


Alicia von Doom

Alicia smiled and rolled her eyes at Destin's cheeky response.

At least their ice cream is better.

She quickly typed back.

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Being the morning person ze was, Marley was up at 5:00 am and changing into zir cycling gear. Ze took zir road bike and took to the road where only a couple of cars were driving. Ze managed to clear about 25 km before turning back and heading home. Ze took a short shower and changed into a knitted jumper and jeans. Kath and Nat were already up at the moment and was making omelettes.

Marley had an omelette, it was really good. Kathrine is an amazing cook. Ze finished zir omelette and grabbed the overdue books sitting on zir desk. Taking zir phone and wallet ze headed to the library.


Marley was just borrowing a German folk lore book for Natalie when ze came face to face with the son of Loki.

"Um, hello. Funny seeing you here, um, Adam." Ze stuttered, forcing a very nervous smile. Manipulative villains terrified zir, as they could use zir potentially destructive powers to hurt people. Ze still isn't comfortable being in the same room as the Scarlet Witch.

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Blasius/Adam Laufeyson

Blasius looked up from his phone and book when Marley spoke. "Hey." He smiled, he understood why she was stuttering with his fathers history of manipulation... his history with manipulation. Though he had no reason to do anything mean/manipulative to Marley so he wouldn't. "Yea, I'm just reading some mythology. What're you doing here?" He asked, he knew Marley was Banners child so he wouldn't have done anything to piss zir off anyway.

{I was so confused as to who ze/zir was until I realized that Marley is Banners child based off that post (I read the forum I just forgot) and it made so much more sense.
xD sorry}
Armani Munroe

Armani was a little surprised that the girl had been invited to the ball if he was being honest. "Yes, actually, I was." He replied. He didn't bring up going with Danica, nor did he respond to her comment about Idun. He did visibly relax though, but he was still cautious. She may be a good guy, but right now, he didn't know anything about her.


Destin Incartarte

Destin chuckled at the girl's response. At least she knew how to joke as well. He quickly typed a response before looking through the books.

You're not wrong. I'm actually thinking Italian.


Alicia von Doom

Alicia smiled, she liked italian food, and it was good that Destin was a joker, since Alicia was often sarcastic and cheeky.

Italian's good.


Asya Barnes

Sounds riviting...now I must go there's a gradma trying to push in front of me. Asya sent the text to Blasius quickly before she had an ultimate stare down with the woman who tried to worm her way in front of her. This is how you could tell her apart from the other hero legacies. While they would let the lady in front, their reasoning being that she was a frail old lady but Asya didn't care. She was there first and no way was she letting some old crank get in her way. After their stare down the old lady gave up, with her nose held high she walked behind Asya. Asya was content with what had just happened, grabbing her groceries after she paid and walked out of the store.



Blasius/Adam Laufeyson

Blasius chuckled at the text, and quickly responded.

Banner's kid is trying to talk to me.

He sent, saying trying since Harley didn't seem to be very good at it since they were afraid of him. He wondered what Asya had done about the old lady. Probably just not let her cut in line but who knows. Adam normally would've either let them ahead of him or just went around them back to his spot.

Marley relaxed slightly at Adam's calm tone but reminded zirself not to let zir guard down. He was after all Loki's son.

"I'm borrowing a book for my roommate." Ze said. Ze took the opportunity to look at what he was reading while he chuckled at a text.

"Mythology, huh. Is everything in Norse mythology true? I was just wondering." Ze asked, shuffling on the spot.



Blasius/Adam Laufeyson

"As far as I can tell, most Norse mythology has at least some truth to it." He told her, "Some of it is spot on, some are twisted versions of the truth." He had read many books some of them he found amazing how much they knew, and sometimes he got angry at the authors since they took their customs or truth and used it in the wrong context. Another thing that amazed him was how much of the Asgardian magic the humans explained with science.



Asya Barnes

Asya looked down at her phone smiling at the text she made her way back to her apartment. She never met Marley but if it was Banner's kid she could only imagine.
Carful. Don't piss her of ;P P.S. The grandma situation is under control. Asya chuckled at the thought of Blasius stuck in a room with a child of Banner's. Pushing it aside when she arrived back home. It was a rather quick walk back to her apartment, dropping her things off before she headed back out.

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Blasius/Adam Laufeyson

Blasius chuckled at her response. Marley and Asya were both interesting in different ways. Asya was relatable interesting, he liked to see how she reacted differently than he did. On the other hand Marley was interesting way that she was scared of him, and that was curious since most people weren't. It was also different in the way that he liked Asya, while Marley he tolerated. After a second he responded with a smile,

I won't the original Banner is bad enough based on my fathers recounts, can't imagine how his kid is. P S. Good, don't want you to have hurt any old ladies.

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Idun arrived home with Alva and put her in the fenced in field that she had built. After putting Alva away and going inside, she made her way to the kitchen that opened up into the living room (her idea because it looked more spacious even though her mother thought the two rooms should be separated). She saw a piece of paper sitting on the cutting board with a knife holding it in place. Idun let out a sigh and took the knife out, putting it in the sink since it was dripping of orange juice. She picked the piece of paper up and knew it was from Theo. Her eyes skimmed over the letter and she looked up, trying to remember if he had already told her about this. When the memory wouldn't come back to her, she crumpled the paper and threw it away. The letter just said that he'd be out on a new mission and wouldn't be back until right before the ball. If he wasn't back in time for the ball, she should come find him because he may be lost or dead.

Idun knew better than to believe that since he basically couldn't die and he had an impeccable sense of direction.
"Now that means I'll be all alone until tomorrow. What am I supposed to do by myself?" she asked aloud, the sound of Keldr's paws trotting up to her filling the house. Idun looked down to see her wolf pup and she picked him up, bringing him to her chest and kissing his snout. "What do you want to do today, Keldr? Wanna go to the park?" she asked and felt his tail beat against her shirt and she nodded. "Go get your stuff and put it by my shoes while I go take a quick shower and then we'll go, ok?" she asked the pup and he licked her cheek before getting put down.

30 minutes passed and Idun was ready to take Keldr on a walk in the California weather. She saw that Keldr was waiting patiently by the door as she had asked him to. When she got to him, she put on his harness and leash. She stood up straight and opened the door, almost being pulled out by how eager Keldr was.
"Woah, Keldr!" she laughed out, grabbing her phone and unlocking it. She wondered who she'd text to see if they wanted to hang out since she was flying solo. "Who should I text, Keldr? Who do you want to see today?" she asked and didn't hear anything from him. She sighed and slid her phone back into her pocket.

"How about Nikolai? Think I should chance it?" she asked and Keldr wagged his tail and barked. "Ok, but if I get shot down, I'm blaming you." Idun pulled her phone back out and pulled up Nikolai's contact and sent him a quick text, hoping that Keldr had given her good advice. "Alright, send." she said and slid her phone into her pocket and looked down at her legs. Her legs made up 50% of her body and she hated it because it made finding jeans hard for her and shorts looked so short on her. Her legs weren't ugly or anything, they were just super long and she often felt self conscious about them. Her @Eunoia
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Nikolai Rogers

Nikolai was trailing a rich man who was dealing with Hydra. He'd already gotten ten names and figured out their meeting place. He wasn't going after them, no matter how much he wanted to. After the mission gone wrong when the siblings were teenagers SHIELD didn't send them on many tactical missions. He didn't blame Danica for it, she did what anyone would have done. It was the inhuman or ten agents.

His phone vibrated and he looked down at it. It was from Idun. He smiled as he read it. He quickly typed out a response before turning back to the man in front of him. He was waiting on someone, though he wasn't sure who. Until he saw a large man approaching.
Shit. The blonde didn't want to have to punch his way out of this one, but he would probably have to. "Is there a problem, sir?" He asked when the man got closer.

"My boss wants you out." He said.

Nikolai scrunched his brow, "well, I suppose I'll just leave then." The large, but still smaller than Nikolai, man escorted him out the door. There were other men out there. "So, this is how it's going to be?"

"You're a security breach." One of them said.

"You're choice, but it's a poor one." Nikolai smirked. The fight started from behind, the original one - dubbed Baldy in Nikolai's head - grabbed him. Eyepatch threw a punch, Nikolai took it. McJagger pulled a knife and Grandpa pulled out a metal pipe. "Oh, you're all making this so easy for me."

Nikolai flipped Baldy over his back, onto Eyepatch. Grandpa swung the metal pipe and Nikolai caught it and twisted the guys arm behind him. McJagger's knife went into Nikolai's side and he grunted before shoving Grandpa into him. He kept the pipe, knocking the four men out. "Great. Now I have to change." He shook his head and walked away, calling his report in. He sent Idun another text about being a little late, and teased her about spelling his name right. He called in his report before heading home to change.

"What the hell happened?!" Danica's voice rang through his ear rather quickly after entering the house.

"Got stabbed, move I'm gonna fix it up and then go meet Idun."

Danica stared at him. "Your priorities astound me." She sighed, helping him patch himself up.

He changed quickly.

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Asya Barnes

She looked down at the text from Blasius and smiled.
Hey the old lady had it coming. The stare down we had was the most intense stare down I think I ever had. Asya sent the text before closing her phone as her stomach grumbled, remember she hadn't eaten anything today but a granola bar. She looked around to see if there were any places to grab a bite deciding to head back to the coffee shop she sat in yesterday. She wondered if she should invite Blasius to eat with her though where she was going they didn't really have meals. Thinking about it she decided to just see if he was still talking to Marley and if he wanted to grab a bite. He is your date. You should thank him for putting up with you. She thought before sending him another text. Besides the old lady, still busy? I was gonna grab something to eat and wanted to see if you were up to join me. When she finally sent the text she thought about where they would eat if he was able to go. The coffee shop while nice, didn't really serve meals, and right now she felt like she could eat a cow.

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Idun walked to the local park where many people were with their dogs. She was walking on the trail with Keldr and humming softly to herself. She was enjoying her day out in the sun with her pup. It was refreshing since she didn't get many days off. To be honest, she was surprised that she hadn't been called for anything for two days. It both made her worry and relieved. Worried because she feared that they had found someone better and relieved because unwinding was the best thing ever. Next to ice cream that is.

All of her sudden, her phone vibrated in her pocket and when Idun saw who it was, she literally screeched and did a happy dance. This caused everyone around her to stop and look at her. Idun let out and embarrassed laugh and apologized, opening the text and reading it. She and Keldr kept walking until they came upon a bench under a tree. So she could reply, she sat down on the bench and crossed one leg over the other.
"Keldr, you were right as always! He texted back and wants to have lunch!" she squealed which caused Keldr to bark at her. She giggled and texted Nikolai back. When she was done, she checked the time and saw that she had time before she was to meet Nikolai. So, she let Keldr play for awhile.

[/FONT] [FONT='Poiret One'] [/FONT][FONT='Poiret One'][SIZE=12px][COLOR=#000000]Hey Nickolai, it's Idun. I was just wondering if you had plans today. Theo ditched me so it's just Keldr and I until tomorrow. Wanna hang out? If you're busy too that's cool, I understand(: Just let me know!

I'm on a mission right now, trailing some idiot. You'd never believe how many times he's already given himself away. I'll be done around one if you still wanna hang? We could grab something to eat or something.
Oh, Good luck then! Lol well at least he's making it easier for you. Absolutely! Sounds like fun. How about lunch then we'll wing it from there? There's this little hole in the wall Mexican food truck downtown. It's sooooo good. I'll send you the address.

Her phone alarm went off at 12:35, signaling that she should start headed downtown. When she went to turn her alarm clock off, she saw that Nikolai had texted her again. She read it and replied back, telling him that it was totally alright if he was late, she might be too. Of course the last part was a lie, she didn't want to make him feel bad. As she and Keldr headed downtown, she admired the scenery and took in the rustic buildings. Idun's favorite part of any town she visited was always down town. The building and people who inhabited it were always unique and had so much culture to them. It was as if she was going back in time. She also enjoyed the way the building looked. Rustic anything made Idun fall in love with it, after all that's what the interior of her house was, and for a good reason. Once she made it to the food truck, she sat on a nearby bench and waited for Nikolai to arrive. "Don't embarrass me when he gets here, ok?" she asked and petted Keldr's head who looked up at her and panted.

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Nikolai Rogers

Nikolai smiled at the text and sent her a thumbs up. "Come on Dani, how much more gauze are you gonna use? I'm fine." He shook his head. "I've been stabbed before."

"It's my turn to be the worry wart, Nik." His sister responded, taping the last on the gauze. "It's stitched up, should be fine. We'll have to watch it, it's deep. You shouldn't have pulled the knife out, dumbass."

"I didn't. It went with McJagger." Nikolai shrugged, letting his hair out its bun and pulling his beanie on. "Go get a date or something."

"I don't have time for dating when I'm having to clean up after you." She sighed, sitting down on the couch and rubbing Sasha when the cat jumped into her lap. "Go have fun."

He Ruffles her hair and headed out the door. Normally he would've walked, but he was in a bit of pain so he drove. His car was a near match to his sister's, aside from its dark blue color with a white interior. He parked about a block from the food truck and headed towards it.

Nikolai was a fairly confident - alright, he's downright cocky - young man, but he was almost nervous. Probably because he wasn't entirely sure if it was a date or a hang out. He wasn't even sure if Idun was single, actually.
You're Nikolai Rogers, pull it together.

"Hey!" He waved when he saw her. "Sorry I'm late, I got stabbed and Danica played nurse." He laughed lightly. Normal people wouldn't find humor in getting literally stabbed, but, he wasn't a normal person.

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Eunoia said:
Armani Munroe

Armani was a little surprised that the girl had been invited to the ball if he was being honest. "Yes, actually, I was." He replied. He didn't bring up going with Danica, nor did he respond to her comment about Idun. He did visibly relax though, but he was still cautious. She may be a good guy, but right now, he didn't know anything about her.


Destin Incartarte

Destin chuckled at the girl's response. At least she knew how to joke as well. He quickly typed a response before looking through the books.

You're not wrong. I'm actually thinking Italian.

•Robin Eisenhardt•

"Yeah I know what you're thinking, how did a villian legacy like me get into a party for heroes." Robin said levitating the lid and twirling it around. "My answer is I honestly have no idea why they invited me. My guess is because of my ten years at Uncle Xavier's academy, I dunno heroes are weird." She shrugged and stared at the lid. "Soo how's it going?"
Aio said:

Asya Barnes

She looked down at the text from Blasius and smiled.
Hey the old lady had it coming. The stare down we had was the most intense stare down I think I ever had. Asya sent the text before closing her phone as her stomach grumbled, remember she hadn't eaten anything today but a granola bar. She looked around to see if there were any places to grab a bite deciding to head back to the coffee shop she sat in yesterday. She wondered if she should invite Blasius to eat with her though where she was going they didn't really have meals. Thinking about it she decided to just see if he was still talking to Marley and if he wanted to grab a bite. He is your date. You should thank him for putting up with you. She thought before sending him another text. Besides the old lady, still busy? I was gonna grab something to eat and wanted to see if you were up to join me. When she finally sent the text she thought about where they would eat if he was able to go. The coffee shop while nice, didn't really serve meals, and right now she felt like she could eat a cow.



Blasius/Adam Laufeyson

Blasius chuckled before returning to his book. He was starting to get hungry though he ignored it as he continues reading. When he receives the text from Asya it reminds him of his hunger, causes his stomach to randomly growl. He smiled and quickly responded.

Sure, where do you want to meet?

He sent the text quickly and closed the books, putting them under his arm as he stood. "I gotta go, bye Marley" He waved with his free hand as he went to the librarian and checked out the books. He put them in his bag that he'd taken with him and left the library.



Idun tapped away on her phone, sending out a few texts to some of the other SHIELD agents/employees about her next upcoming assignments. She was also being asked to be a mentor at the academy, one she went to back in the day. Of course she told them she would. All she'd be doing is teaching advanced hand to hand/weapon training. Something she found to come very naturally to her.

Keldr raised from his resting position on the ground and began to bark which caused the blonde to look up. When she did she saw Nikolai and waved back. When he told her that he got stabbed, she couldn't help but laugh a bit. She covered her mouth and looked up at him from her seated position.
"S-sorry, I have a weird sense of humor. I get it from my dad." she told him and stood up. She looked at his outfit and smiled. "If you want, I'll heal it for you. So it doesn't hurt or open up and you turn that white shirt of yours red." she said with a smile and felt Keldr pulling at his leash to sniff Nikolai. Idun walked up behind the small line that had already formed for the lunch hour.

"Thanks for coming and meeting me. I really appreciate it. I'm not good at staying alone by myself because I mess up the house when I get really bored."
she laughed a bit and looked back at him with a smile.


Asya Barnes

Asya looked down at her phone as it buzzed and sighed.
Where were they going to eat? She thought before she responded to Blasius's text. Feelin some Italian unless your picky or some food on the go. She read her text knowing she could come off bitchy sometimes. Sending it she looked around, finding that she had wandered into the park. She went to a nearby bench and sat down to wait for Blasius's response.

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Too lazy to find a gif

Blasius/Adam Laufeyson

Blasius smiled, some people were picky but he wasn't very picky at all. Italians good, theres a local Italian place that's nice, do you know where it is? He texted and sent it. The Italian place he had in mind was a few blocks away from the coffee shop and the book store.


Sorry its short I have like 12 rps to respond to.

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