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Fandom Marvel: Next Generation

Nikolai Rogers

Nikolai watched as Danica scored another strike, "what the hell? I'm offended." She was a much better bowler than he was, regardless of him being relatively good.

His sister shook her head. "I'm just generally better than you." She laughed and took her seat on the bench.

He grabbed his ball and walked over to throw his ball. "It's getting late, you know." It wasn't super late. But their routine every night was relatively the same. He rolled his ball, getting a strike as well. "What do you wanna do when we finish this round?"

"I don't know, probably head home. I need to go over a profile for my mission next week." She stood. "What do you think?"

"Sounds good, score your damn strike already." He laughed.

The game ended shortly after their conversation, Danica doing a happy dance when she won. Which, she usually did win. He let her have her dance and shook his head. "Dork." They both enjoyed their sibling times. Him especially. Growing up in SHIELD was difficult for the two of them. He became far more protective than he should have been, especially after the mission gone wrong a few years ago. He ruffled her hair affectionately, "come on. Let's get going."
Blasius laughed before he noticed Asya's expression at checking her phone, "Whats wrong?" He asked definitely sensing something, a change in her mood had occurred and he wanted to know why and who caused it.


Olivia had nothing to do, eventually her phone was almost dead so she plugged it in next to her and just laid on the floor. She was so bored, and strangely she didn't want to work in her workshop, she just needed something to do, some one to talk to.


Alicia walked down the street alone, her brown hair pulled into a loose bun as she walked. She was going to go to dinner or a movie or something, though she didn't really have a plan. She was just doing whatever she felt like as she went.
Destin Incantarte

One could say that San Besitos was the home of the legacies. They always seemed to find their way here. Including Destin Incantarte. Son of Amora the Enchantress. He knew that he wasn't the only Asgardian here, the children of two of his least favorite Asgardians were in the city as well. He walked the street slowly, watching everything as he passed. He wasn't in the mood to run into any of the legacies. Unless they were on the bad side of the line.

The young sorcerer decided to duck into a nearby night club to have some fun. He used a bit of his magic to get free drinks and watched the crowd around him. He couldn't shake the feeling something positively wicked was going to happen soon, and he loved the thought. He hoped it happened sooner, rather than later. The boy needed some excitement in his life.
Cassidy Lea Cho

Cassidy looked out the window of the dress store, it was around four or five o' clock. She went back to the cashier and handed her 2 hundred dolor bills and grabbed her bag, and headed into the crowded city. Getting into her car she sat there, not prepared for the SHEILD ball latter that day. She let out a sigh and put the key in the ignition, her mustang started with roar to the engine.

Maybe 30 minutes after driving, she had made a quick right hand turn and pulled into gated drive way, it opened slowly and she drove in. Slowly driving up to massive house, and pulled in front of the door and got out.
"MARKIS, I'm back." She said as the door shut behind her, she dropped her bag that held the dress and went into the living room, turning the tv on. "Police are baffled at the recent events, in California..... Later at nine, who is Iron-Spider....." She rolled her eyes and plopped on the couch, flipping through the channels.
As she walked she noticed a club that she'd never been to. She was there for a while before she realized there was someone there who seemed to be using magic to get things. She knew of most of the legacies of heroes that were in San Besitos, so this couldn't be any of them but yet he seemed like the son of someone. After a while she decided to approach him. "Hi," She said walking up behind him, "You are?" She felt like he may be a powerful ally when whatever the big dark event that everyone felt coming up happened.

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Destin Incantarte

Destiny turned when he heard the female voice. He quirked a brow. "That depends on who's asking." The girl clearly wasn't a hero, nor was she Asgardian. He had little to no use for most humans, but she quirked his curiosity. Most people didn't approach him. He gave off a certain aura of power that caused many to avoid him. Unless approached first.

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"Alicia von Doom" She said sort of matter-of-factly, "Your turn" This man sure was interesting he definitely was not a hero of any kind. He also seemed extremely powerful, a quality the von Doom family members valued very much.

Destin Incantarte

A von Doom in this town? Destin was surprised. He didn't let it show though, his face remaining stoic. "Destin Incantarte. It's a pleasure, Miss von Doom." He offered a slight smile. There was no way the girl knew who he was, his surname came from one of his mother's many aliases and wasn't common knowledge to most people, aside from some Asgardians.
Robin made her way through the shoes store and accessories without a problem. She didn't realize how late it was till she looked outside and it was night. "Better head back to the hotel." She mumbled and made her wait out the mall. Robin put her bags in the trunk of her car. She hopped into her car and drove off to her hotel.

Robin let out a small sigh as she carried her bags all the way to her room on the second floor.
'Elevators would be nice...' She thought to herself and opened the door to her room. Once in, she plopped the bags somewhere and shifted back into her usual blue self. Robin flopped down on her bed with a groan. "Now I'm bored..."
Upon hearing his name it only sparked Alicia's curiosity more, she didn't recognize the name. "What're you doing in San Besitos?" She asked curiously.


Blasius looked at his watch before she could respond, "Well I have to go home, gotta get some rest" He told Asya, "I'll see you tomorrow!" He waved as he turned and walked away, soon enough reaching his apartment.

Destin Incartarte

"What are any of us doing anywhere?" Destin asked, not wanting to give the girl anymore information than he felt necessary. She could be a powerful ally, but he wasn't sure he wanted an ally. Not unless the sky came crashing down at his feet. Allies meant attachment, attachment meant pain.
"Deep." Alicia said sarcastically. She could tell he was avoiding her question though since as a person who was identified as a 'villain' she had done the same many times so the tried not to pry. This guy obviously didn't want to tell her too much.

Asya Barnes

Asya waved at Blasius before he disappeared. She was greatful for his distraction but now that he was gone she needed to get some work done. Flipping her phone open she looked down at the text the nursing company had sent her and sighed.
We are very sorry to inform you Mrs.Barnes but due to recent complications we are not able to care for your father anymore. Please do understand that we do not take threats kindly and will have to terminate our contract with you. Thank you, Barbra McClemmens. After she finished reading the text she put her phone away and sighed. This was the tenth homestay nurse that had quit on them, it was becoming harder and harder to find someone who didn't mind her fathers outbursts. She decided to deal with it later, she needed to relax and get home. Hopping on her motorcycle she drove off, gaining the oddest feeling that the world had shifted. She couldn't tell what it was but something seemed off.

Blasius felt bad leaving Asya alone, something was clearly wrong, but he did have to get home. It was getting later and he was getting hungry as well as tired. So he made himself some dinner and then went to bed, rather earlier than normal actually though he was more tired than usual.

-last Blasius/Adam post until the timeskip-

Olivia, after a while of laying down, she didn't really know how long, she got up. She could've been laying there for minutes, or hours and she wouldn't know. She decided since she didn't have anything to do she would just go to bed, she quickly put on her white tank top and purple pajama shorts before climbing into her bed and dozing off.

-last Olivia post until the timeskip-
Destin Incartarte

Destin let out a light chuckle she was entertaining. He made a rash decision, "I'd love to see more of you. Do you have plans this weekend?" He was planning on crashing the SHIELD Ball and needed a date. She'd be the perfect one. "I'm crashing a ball, and I need a pretty girl for a plus one."

Crashing the ball sounded like a great plan, they technically couldn't do anything to her due to her fathers power. "Alright, I don't have any plans so I guess I'll go" She accepted the invitation. The heroes had always been kind of against the Dooms, and crashing their little ball that was being held in the original heroes honor appealed to her.

Destin Incartarte

"Sounds wonderful." A beep from his phone pulled him from their conversation. His brow scrunched at the text, a bit of an issue with some financial things. A quick bit of magic would fix that in no time at all, but it was frustrating none the less. He wrote his number on a napkin and handed it to her. "Send me a picture of your dress and I'll make sure it'll match my suit. I'm afraid I've got to get going though, a bit of trouble is brewing." He exited the club after handing her a free drink.


-last post until time skip-
Alicia took the napkin and watched him walk away. She quickly added the number to her phone and left the club as well, shoving the napkin into her pocket. She briefly went to the dress store and found a nice, short, dark purple dress and bought it before going back to her apartment. She walked in and rounded the corner, dropping her jacket on one of the three chairs that were at her island counter and walked into her room. She quickly put on her shorts and tank top and went to bed, right after sending Destin the picture of her dress she'd taken in the store.

-last Alicia post before time skip-

RP Day Summary

April 7th, 2016

  • Lots of mingling
  • Introductory posts
  • Nikolai didn't get a date (loser)
  • Danica is going with Armani
  • Theo and Idun are going together
  • A lot of others didn't get dates but it's okay, only Nik is a loser
  • Asya and Blasius/Adam are going together
  • Alicia is going to crash it with Destin
  • I'm really bad at summaries, let me know if I missed anything

RP Day Start

April 8th, 2016


  • None
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Danica Rogers

Danica rose with the sun as usual, and she decided to skip her usual workout routine for a run instead. It would calm her nerves, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was coming. Call it paranoia, but she was usually right. Came from growing up in SHIELD. She'd been having nightmares again, so she wasn't really awake during her run. Almost falling a couple of times.
Get it together Danica, she thought to herself.

The blonde turned up her music, The Good the Bad and the Dirty blasting in her ears. She hummed along as she ran, trying to clear her head and wake up. Eventually stopping in the park to catch her breath. Even the daughter of Steve Rogers can lose her breath after all. She ran her hand through her loose hair and sighed.



Olivia Stark

Olivia rolled out of bed around 9:30. She hadn't set an alarm for that morning since she didn't have anything to do. She groaned as she pulled herself out from under the warmth of her comforter as JARVIS brought the lights up. She walked to her closet and slid the door open, grabbing a towel and that days outfit. She headed to the bathroom, and put her clothes on the sink before dropping the towel next to the shower and getting in. After about twenty minutes she was out of the shower dressed and ready for the day. Quickly she went to the green kitchen, poured herself some orange juice in a tumbler and left, with no idea where she was going.




Blasius/Adam Laufeyson

Blasius slid out of bed early and went into his closet, grabbing some clothes that worked as an outfit and also grabbed a towel. He quickly showered and changed in his bathroom before putting his pajamas in his laundry hamper. He walked into his small kitchen and opened his fridge to see what he had. Eventually he decided on making scrambled eggs for breakfast. He made them as he usually did, with cheese, pepper and bacon bits along with a glass of apple juice. He ate quickly before he scraped off his plate and put it in the dishwasher. He grabbed a jacket and left the house, heading to the library to read a bit.



Alicia von Doom

Alicia got up and turned on her lamps early, before showering and putting on her black jeans, a loose white tank and a jean jacket with black heels. She combed her hair quickly and pushed it all to one side of her neck in a few seconds. She wasn't really one to take too long getting ready. She walked to her kitchen and made herself a bagel before laying onto her couch and turning on the tv. Did anything interesting happen yesterday/last night? She thought as she turned on the news and watched it for a bit.


Asya Barnes

Asya woke with the sun in her eyes as she groaned. Sitting up in her bed still tired from the night before, she rolled over to check her phone making sure she hadn't missed an important call. Last night she had to go to her father house and make sure he was well enough to go to bed before she left. When she got to his house he was still in the middle of one episodes it was all she could do to get him to lay down.

After a quick shower Asya got dressed and headed out. She was running low on groceries and going to be late to a business meeting. Grabbing a granola bar and her water bottle she headed out going to meet a "friend" at the coffee shop for a bit. She decided to walk, leaving her motorcycle in the garage.

no slide
Asya's Outfit
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/43e86a638bf365c69a19d946632135d9.jpg.a026312542854fc353af7e122baa1704.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104140" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/43e86a638bf365c69a19d946632135d9.jpg.a026312542854fc353af7e122baa1704.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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The sun shone through Idun's curtains and hit the blonde right in the face. Her blue eyes flickered open and it took a few minutes for her to register that she needed to get up. She stretched in her bed and felt a warm presence beside her. She looked over and saw Keldr flopped onto his back with his legs in the air and tongue out. Idun smiled softly and scooped him into her arms, causing him to wake up. Keldr flipped himself and looked at her, a yawn coming from him. Idun smiled and brought him up to her face, kissing his face which caused him to move around and lick her back.

"Good morning, Keldr. What shall we do today?" she asked him and he let out a playful growl, wagging his tail. Idun laughed and wrestled with Keldr in the bed, burning a few minutes doing so. After they were done, Idun got out of bed and put on her workout clothes. Today she decided to take Alva out spend some time with her. After all, Alva was a horse of Odin that her mother delivered to her.


Idun looked at her outfit and smiled, looking back to her bed to see Keldr watching her.
"Alright, you can stay here and be lazy some more like Theo. I'll be back later. Don't use the bathroom in here." Keldr laid down and closed his eyes. Idun shook her head and walked outside and to where Alva was, opening the door and seeing that her pegasus was excited to see her. "Good morning, Alva! Are you ready to go workout with momma? Let's go!" Idun grinned and opened the gate that kept Alva inside. Alva let out a loud neigh and nuzzled her head against Idun's shoulder before taking off. Idun smiled and took a deep breath, taking off after her. Idun's most favorite workouts were with Alva. The way Alva moved and ran like it was the most natural thing in the world amazed her. Watching her muscles react and hearing her heavy breathing made Idun want to strive to be better. Running with Alva pushed Idun to her limits which she figured as a good thing because she knew being a hero could push her boundaries and she wanted to crush those boundaries. If her being exhausted was the reason she couldn't save a life, she'd have to get over it and this was the best way how.

"Alva! Wait, Alva! No no no no no!" Idun shouted as she saw Alva heading towards town. Usually the two ran through the mountains but sometimes they would run along the streets. But this time, Alva was nearing the city. Alva was not a destructive monster, it was just that she was a wild animal who looked like she was smoking. Plus, she has wings. That and the smoke would freak any normal human out. She had to stop Alva from running through the streets but she couldn't use her powers now, she was out in the open and if people knew she was a super kid she would never have a private life again.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.4088af332d5b016f720607f56cf8b0f2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104132" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.4088af332d5b016f720607f56cf8b0f2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cassidy Lea Cho

A faint, but distinct, ringing noise echoed through the dark room. "Mmm.... Turn it off...." She said sluggishly as it got loader and the currents in her room open by her computer. "Alright, alright..... I'm getting up." She sat up in her bed and stretched, looking around she slowly got up, walking over to her bathroom and looked into the mirror. 'Ugh, I look like I was sleeping in a hole!' She thought as the water clicked on in the shower, steaming the rather large bath room.

30 minutes later the water shut of, the sliding door opened and she stood there rapped in a towel. She dried off, brushed her hair, and dried it. She yawned and walked over to her closest and hit a button, a glass door opened and cloths rotated around. Landing on and outfit rather lazy but also put together. She slipped it on, and walked down to her mechanics/lab in the basement and flicked her computer up.
"Run a diagnostic test, check everything, the core, the communication, the security system, everything. I need to know if there's room for something." She blew up the computer and walked around, pulling and replacing programs, atoms, nano bots. "Alright, starting know..... 10%.....47%..... 68%......99%..... It's finished, everything seems fine, all function are running 100%." She nodded and clapped her hands, the light turned off and she turned to the door and walked to it, she said her password and the door opened.

(I'm really bad at trying to make it sound interesting! And I don't want it to run on, just say that know that she's in her car and is now at some coffee shop...)

@anyone right now....

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.e1d77c31b6d8274d2ad9c475b5c6854e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104133" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.e1d77c31b6d8274d2ad9c475b5c6854e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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