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Fandom Marvel: Next Generation

Asya Barnes

"Oh yeah. Sure." Asya said quickly as she fumbled to get her phone out of her pocket. She wasn't one for new technology finding it utterly confusing, handing him an old beat up flip phone with a smile. "Sorry new phone isn't in my budget, so you must deal with the constant button clicking." She watched him enter in his number, her mind drifting off to what she needed to do today. She didn't really do any hero stuff, nor did she do any Villian things either. Right now she was on stand by for information about agents that were part of her revenge plan but she wasn't expecting that news till a week from now.
Olivia watched Idun leave, not really saying much. She just kept looking at books. After she had said that Danica shouldn't spend all her time on hero stuff she realized that was one of the things her father and Thor had clashed on and probably something that her and Idun would clash with too. She hated how similar their morals and things were to their parents sometimes, she knew that Tony and Thors icy relationship would cause problems for her and Idun, not to mention the weird Nikolai thing.

Blasius quickly imputed his number and handed the phone back, "Its alright, it took me a while to be able to afford a new phone too" He smiled at her quirkiness. He could tell her mind was drifting to other things but he didn't know how to bring her back so he didn't say anything, instead his mind landed on the ball as he wondered what he was going to wear. He didn't have many fancy clothes.

Asya Barnes

When Blasius handed her back her phone it brought her back into reality, laughing softly before she sighed.
"I'm fine with this phone. Technology and I never seem to get along." She wanted to talk some more but she felt like she was holding him up. For what she didn't really know. Looking at her phone to make sure his number save she shut it and put it back into her pocket. Patting it in assurance before she spoke again. "So you need a ride anywhere or are you just walking around?" She was curious to know why the Son of Loki decided to come to San Besitos of all places.
Marley shifted uncomfortably as the Legacies in front of zir started looking at each other weirdly.

"Um, so I heard there's a Legacy ball of some sort. Any of you going?" Ze said nervously, trying to break the awkward silence. Though ze had never really considered zirself a Legacy, ze had always received invitations to Legacy social activities. Most of them ze had turned down to study for tests, or was just scared of going to a party.

(Sorry if this looks weird)
"I'm just walking" He said softly, "I don't really have anything to do today. What about you?" He asked her. He didn't have a job so he didn't have to do that, and when he wasn't helping anyone do anything good or bad his life was pretty dull, with nothing really to do.

"Yeah, I'm definitely going" She said, her dad was a big part of SHIELD or at least a well known part so she kind of had to go. "Are you guys going?" She asked, Nikolai and Marley. She had already had her dress picked out for the ball as well as her hair and make-up styles.

@Aio @Garnet
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"Well, um, I dunno. Depends if I have stuff to do and if I'm calm. Don't really want to get pissed at a party." Ze chuckled anxiously and trailed zir fingers through zir hair. Ze looked down at zir shoes.

"I mean if I do decide to go I have that suit I always wear. But it's old and most likely way out of fashion, and I really don't know half the people there and I'll probably just end up sitting in a corner playing Flappy Bird or...something... Darn, sorry, nervous rant. I'll stop now." Ze looked back at Olivia and smiled nervously again.

"Besides I haven't got a partner" Ze added, taking a sip of coffee.

Once Idun dropped Keldr off at home so he could play with Alva, she flew back over to the mall and landed in an alleyway. She dug her phone from her pocket and saw that she had an incoming call from her father. She took a deep breath and answered the phone as she stepped out from the shadows. "Hello?" she spoke first, knowing that he was there but still not good with technology.

"Hello? Idun? This is your father speaking."

"Yeah, dad, I know. I have caller I.D."

"Yes, well I was calling you to remind you about the ball in two days at SHIELD. I will be attending of course but won't be staying too long. Do you have an outfit already picked out?" he asked her and she could hear something in the background. Idun rolled her eyes and sighed, bringing her hair to the left side of her head as she walked and offered a smile to those who looked at her.

"Yes, dad, I do. Mom helped me pick it out last time she came over. Don't worry, Odin would approve of my dress and mom already did." she reassured him and laughed when a sigh escaped her father's lips.

"Alright, Idun. I've got to go see your mother. Bye." he said and with that hung up. Thor often checked in on Idun since her move to San Besitos two years ago. He trusted her and knew that she could take care of herself but she was his little girl.

As Idun kept walking she noticed a store that was filled with shoes. She had yet to buy some shoes for her dress and she was always iffy about wearing heels since she was already so tall. She really didn't have anything else to do so she popped into the store.

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Nikolai Rogers

"Yeah, it's in dad's honor, I'm practically required at this point." He laughed, looking down as his phone beeped. Danica had finally found a dress. That was good, she had been stressing about that all week. "I better get going, I've gotta pick up my suit from the dry cleaner." Another text from Danica. "And get cat food for Sasha apparently. I'll see you both there, maybe?" He smiled, "oh, and Marly, don't worry about a date. I never have a date." He laughed.

He paid for his handful of books and waved goodbye to the other legacies. The blonde boy headed through town a little slowly, which he usually did. Nikolai enjoyed people watching and taking his time. His mother had instilled the walk don't run lifestyle a long time ago. Though, it didn't seem to work for his sister. His phone beeped again, this time it was his mother calling. "Hey mom."

"Hey sweetie, how's California?" Her familiar voice rang back.

"Pretty great actually. Same as the last thirty times you asked."

"Well, I was calling to let you know that we're going to be at the ball but we have to leave early or we'll miss our flight to DC." She explained, "but that doesn't mean you should leave. Do you have a date?"

"You know how you used to play matchmaker for dad? Yeah don't please." He chuckled before they exchanged their goodbyes and love yous. His mother had understood their move a year and a half ago, but really wanted her babies to come home. Her babies didn't want that.

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Asya Barnes

Asya sighed and shook her head. If she was going to this ball she wasn't going to make a big fuss about it. She already owned a dress that seemed acceptable in her mind, having it from one of her 'missions'.
"I already have everything for the Ball but I suppose you need a suit since I did kinda spring this on you." Asya laughed softly, though she was nervous. Not because she was worried people might see her with Blasius but because her Uncle might be there. How would she explain why her father wasn't present? Her father would kill her if she told her Uncle the truth. She would have to figure this out later.

Idun walked past aisles of tennis shoes and boots until she reached the heels section. Her eyes grazed over the selection of shoes that were presented before her. Some were small heels, some were tall skinny heels, and even tall thick heels. Her eyes wandered until they settled on a pair of sparkling black stilettos. Idun's fingers touched the sparkling gems as a small smile graced her lips. The shoes were so pretty and would add some color to her gold and white dress.

"I guess I could try them on." she said to herself and took a seat and removed her shoes and socks. She put the heel on and admired how it made her leg look. She nodded in approval before getting up, her balance a bit off and she stumbled but she regained herself. She took a breath and walked over to a nearby mirror. She admitted that the heels made her legs look incredible but now she was barely shorter than Nikolai and he was taller than she was. She turned her body and looked at herself some more. Then before she could make up her mind, her phone began to ring.

"Hey, Idun. Where are you? I'm boreddddddd." Theo whined over the phone causing Idun to sigh and shake her head.

"In the shoe store beside H&M and Baskin Robbins. Come tell me what you think about the shoes I'm wearing." she said and hung up, sliding her phone back into her back pocket.

As soon as he got off of the phone with Idun, he looked at the girl beside him.
"Thanks for the life force, sweet cheeks." he grinned at her and she looked at him a bit dazed in her current state. Theo patted her shoulder and stood up from the bench and began the walk to the shoe store. It wasn't too far from where he was sitting so it wasn't too bad all in all.

Theo walked into the store Idun had said she would be in. He spotted her rather quickly since her hair was so blonde that is was almost white and her height made her stand out like a sore thumb. He grinned when he got closer to her and examined her physique. For a girl who was taller than he was, she was one bad looking girl. She was different from other girls and Theo absolutely loved it. Plus the whole Asguardian thing was badass.

"You look good. You should get them." he said and saw her turn to look at him. She smiled when he complimented her before she looked back at in the mirror.

"They are lovely, aren't they? You don't think I'll be too tall? I feel like a giant." she pointed out and Theo laughed.

"You were a giant before the heels." this comment got Theo a punch in the shoulder which almost dislocated it. He let out a yell that caused everyone around them. Idun apologized for him and glared at him. "That was so rude." she said and Theo laughed. Sure his arm felt horrible but it wasn't too bad. Good thing he had regenerative healing. "Are they for the ball in a couple of days?" he asked her, recalling Thor calling the house about it and Valkyrie coming over to help Idun pick a dress.

"Yeah they are. Hey, wanna be my date?" she asked him as she sat down to take her shoes off. Theo raised a brow at this and grinned. "What and Nikolai didn't ask you, princess?" he teased, knowing that she had a thing for the blonde. He saw Idun roll her eyes and shake her head.

"Nah, I didn't ask and left before one of us could bring it up. It's whatever, he probably wouldn't ask me anyway. Olivia was there too and you know guys have a thing for short dark haired girls. Plus she's super tech savvy and smart. I don't stand a chance." she said a tint of sadness in her voice. Theo gave her a small smile and put a hand on her knee. Idun looked at him and smiled back.

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. Of course I'll be your date. He doesn't know what he's missing." he reassured her which made her smile.

"Thanks, Theo."


•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin had been so busy nose buried in books she didn't realize the bookstore became so crowded with um, legacies she thinks they call themselves. Robin remembered reading about them in books back when she was still at the school.

"Made up of Avengers, Villians, Guardians of the Galaxy, and so on." She remembered her young self read to Professor Xavier. "Do you think I count as a legacy Uncle?" Robin had ask the professor. She remembered him chuckling and patting her head. "Of course you do little one." He said and Robin gave him a big smile.

She snapped out of the memory when she overheard many of them talk about some legacy ball they were going to. "That sounds dreadful..." She mumbled to herself then remembered she got invited as well. 'Crap I forgot my mom told me about my invitation...' Robin didn't buy any books which was sort of disappointing but now she needed to save up from a dress. "I probably should go since they actually invited someone like me... Especially with my parents and their history." She mumbled as she walked out of the bookstore and walked around the mall looking for the dress shop.

Regan Quill

Regan hid the ship she flew to California in an unseen area. She couldn't let anyone steal the ship, or she would be stuck on earth. She also didn't want to loose the ship because her father gave it to her. Regan was invited to the whacha-ma-call-it because she was a Guardian of the Galaxy and proud of it. Star Lady, to be exact. And honestly, she forgot what the dance-thingy was called, since she had never been to one.

Regan grabbed her red leather jacket and goggles. Yes, goggles. She wore them on top of her head to look "cooler". Regan opened the hatch of the ship and slid off. She quickly put up her hair into a messy ponytail, and set off. The first thing she needed to do was get a dress. She took out her earbuds and Ipod, shoved the earbuds in her ears, and listened to some music while looking around. Regan spotted what looked like a mall and jogged over. They probably have dresses there. Regan walked into the mall and tried to find some sort of dress shop.
Olivia shopped for a while before finally deciding on a few books. She check out and on her way out she turned and waved, "Bye Marley, don't worry, most of us don't have a partner." She smiled and walked out with her bag in hand, she got into her car and drove back to her small apartment. She had no idea what she was going to wear to the ball, and she didn't have time to decide before her father called.

"Hi Dad."

"Hey Olivia, your going to the SHIELD ball right?"

"Yes of course."

"Good, hows California?"

"It's fine dad."

"Good... do you have a date for the ball.."

She sighs as her father mentions a date, she guessed it was a thing that everyones parents did. "No dad, I have to get a dress now, bye" She heard him sigh on the other line, "Fine.. bye I'll see you in a few days." He finished before hanging up. It was true Olivia did need a new dress. I guess I'm going out again. She said turning around and leaving again to go to the dress shop.
Blasius laughed as well, "You're right I don't have a suit, what color is your dress." He asked, "We cant clash!" He added wiggling his eyebrows trying to make her laugh more. He could sense her nervousness though he didn't know why. He knew her Uncle had probably put a lot of pressure on her to be there.


Idun paid for the shoes and walked out with Theo beside her. The two were discussing the things Theo had bought and when she found out that he had bought a hover board, she was a bit upset.
"Are you serious, Theo? Those things are dangerous. I swear, you only buy things that have no use to us!" she explained, remembering when he bought four pairs of jeans that had a web so you could hold things in your lap while sitting on the floor.

"But think about it, Idun! I can't fly so I can hover board to get the baddie! It's freaking genius! GENIUS!" he yelled and threw his hands in all sorts of directions to prove his point. Idun rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"You can teleport, idiot. Remember? That's how you catch up so fast. Plus you have like super speed. I swear, you make no sense half the time." she told him and looked both ways before crossing the street. It wasn't necessary for her to do so because she could stop a car but who really had that sort of time? "It's still cool." he grumbled and folded his arms over his chest before remembering something.

"Hey, what are we going to do now?" Theo asked her. Idun shrugged as they passed a few stores. "I don't know. I've got my dress for the ball covered since two weeks ago. I mean you have to be an idiot to not have a dress for a function that's two days away, right (ouch, sorry guys)? I've got my shoes, I'm doing my hair and make-up, and then my nails still look good from the last time they were done. Wait-what about your suite? I know for a fact you don't have one. Does your father have one?" she asked, her vibrant blue eyes looking at him. Theo looked at her and began to laugh. Idun raised a brow and stopped walking, right in front of a dress shop (where literally everyone is flocking to. I picture a girl party with trying on dresses montage) and crossing her arms over her chest.

"What's so funny? I'm serious. You are NOT going in jeans and a nice shirt. This is a ball at SHIELD. Where my father will be. And his friends. And my mom." she explained slowly, hoping he would catch the hint that he needed a suite.

"Calm down, Idun. I get it. Why would my dad have a suite though? Have you seen the man? Sheesh. Let's go get a suite." he said and threw his hands in the air. Idun smiled to herself and nodded. "Good boy, Theo."

Armani Munroe

The sun was almost too bright today, but Armani didn't change it. It felt good on his skin. He was very cold natured, which is why he loved California so much. It was almost never cold in this part of the country. The day had already been fairly eventful, he had asked Danica Rogers to the SHIELD ball half an hour ago. He almost felt bad, since it mostly just to bug her brother. Though, he did enjoy the blonde girl's company. She was nothing like her brother.

Armani rolled his shoulders as he walked down the street. He wasn't really sure what to do today, but definitely wanted to do something. Maybe have some fun with the weather. No, that was too easy. He decided to stop into a diner to grab a bite, he'd figure out something else later.
Danica Rogers

"You've got to be kidding me. Armani Munroe?" Nikolai spat on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah, he's nice. We're friends, it's not a thing." Danica responded, paying for her dress. "Just chill. I'm allowed to go to the ball with whoever I want, I'm an adult." She thanked the cashier and headed out the door. "Look, I need to find some shoes. Just calm down, it's not my fault you don't have a date."

Her brother sighed and she could practically hear him pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm gonna go feed Sasha, do you wanna get some diner after you drop off your dress?"

"Yeah, sounds good. We could go bowling too, if you wanted." They agreed to that and got off the phone. She loved her brother but he was a bit of a worry wart. He was also way too protective of her. Just because he didn't like Armani didn't mean she couldn't be friends with him. She wasn't sure why the two boys didn't get along.

She figured she'd go with either nude or gold heels, but she wasn't sure yet. She'd figure it out as she went, like she usually did. The heels would help with the length issue, she hoped. Dresses were always too long on her.

Asya Barnes

Asya giggled at Blasius's silliness before she shrugged and looked down at her shoes.
"Probably going with black. Color and I just don't mix that well." There was actually a red dress Asya had in mind but she decided that she shouldn't wear it. At least, with black, she be less noticeable and the target on her back wouldn't be as visible as it already was.

Blasius smiled, "Alright then I'll have provide all the color." He smiled, "Hmm maybe rainbow or neon green?" He pondered jokingly while he laughed. He would actually prefer to wear his signature color, sort of like his fathers green except it was teal though he would wear whatever would look good with Asya's dress.


Olivia walked into the dress store and couldn't help but smile at all the beautiful dresses. She shopped for almost an hour before finding her dress, gold and black. She'd probably wear gold heels with it and have her hair curled more than normal and pulled up. Though she couldn't decide if she wanted to wear colored contacts or not. She thought blue or green would look good with it but she knew her father would probably disapprove. She knew how much he loved her natural look, she hadn't even told him her hair was purple.
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Robin made her way to the dress shop and looked around. "This place has everything..." She mumbled to herself and walked around rubbing the fabric of some dresses. After an hour she found a really nice brown dress and tried it on in the dressing room. Robin locked the door to her room, then shifting into her regular blue self. 'I look pretty great.' Robin thought to herself as she did a little twirl. When she was done, Robin shifted back into the same blonde girl as she was before. Robin bought the dress at the counter and then walked out of the store. "Now I guess I have to get shoes and accessories. Fun."

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Cassidy Lea Cho

Cassidy sat in a chair as it slowly spines around, her suit standing in front of her. "MARKIS, what did the tests read?" She asked standing up, she moved her hand in the air as she dragged the graphics of the computer around. "All functions are running, along, it should be compatible with the new upgrades." As the computer like Jarvis spoke, she had taped on the suit profile and zoomed it in. "And what would happen if...." She brought up a battle program and put her suit in the program, just before she could do anything, her phone lit up like a Christmas tree. "Oh crap!" She said closing out of room wide computer, much like Tony's, she grabbed her bag and ran out of her lab.

A little while later she hopped out of her car and ran into the dress store, it takes her about 2 hours to pick out a black and white dress.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.f53e31d33f3b6987b79f947503f2ae74.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103937" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpg.f53e31d33f3b6987b79f947503f2ae74.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(The posts will get better as we progress, sorry for the out of place information.)



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Olivia saw Cassidy enter the dress store as she exited and figured it was best not to bother her, after all they were going in opposite directions. She hopped into her car and drove back to her apartment, putting the dress, still in its clear bag thing, in her closet and walking to her fridge to get a drink. She poured herself some grape juice before looking at her phone, she was bored so she decided she would just play some games on it.


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Asya Barnes

Asya giggled and nodded.
"I'm sure you would look good in anything." She half-joked before flipping her phone open and sighing. Reading the text she groaned before putting her phone away. She didn't feel like dealing with her fathers crap, especially not now. For once she felt as though she wasn't being judged and then her father had to come up and ruin it all.

Regan finally saw a shop that sold dresses. She hurried towards it, making sure not to run people over. As she entered, she immediately spotted a dress that she loved. Regan grabbed the dress and went to the changing room to try it on. When it fit perfectly, she bought the dress and headed out of the store so she could buy accessories and shoes. And maybe get her hair done. Maybe. Regan jumped a bit as she heard her phone ring. Probably her father. "Hi dad!" Regan greeted her father.

"Hey Reg! How have you been? Have you seen the news lately? The team just saved this planet that would have blown up. Someone found another power stone. But we still saved everybody! Don't worry about that!"

Regan sighed. Yup, her dad was like this. But it was cool. "I have been great! And yeah, I heard what happened. It's pretty cool! I mean, ANOTHER power stone! Well, see ya, dad- I mean STAR LORD." She heard her dad laugh on the other side of the phone. Regan emphasized the Star Lord part of that sentence. Just because her dad used to love to be called Star lord.

"Alright, fine, see ya, mini Star!" Her dad replied. He called her mini star. Yup! The usual. "Bye dad." Regan said and hung up. Okay, NOW she needed to find accessories. And shoes.

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Marley borrowed the book and headed home. Ze washed the dishes sitting in the sink whole finishing zir cup of coffee. Sitting on the sofa, ze started reading the book. But no matter how hard ze tried to concentrate on bringing the story to life in zir head, ze couldn't get zir mind off the Ball.

"I should go" Ze said thinking aloud and resting zir head on the arm rest. The ring of zir cell phone made zir jump. Ze picked it up and was greeted with a familiar voice.

"Morning, Marl. How are you doing?" The nervous voice of zir father came through the receiver. Ze smiled and chuckled, zir father rarely calls because of his work. It was usually zir mother that constantly checked in to make sure her baby was alright.

"Aw, morning dad. How nice of you to ask, I'm doing great. How's work?" Ze said, still smiling giddily.

"Uh, work is fine. Look Marl, I know you don't like socializing but your mother and I agree that you need to familiarize yourself with the Legacies. I'm not saying you should be one, but just in case something happens, they can be there for you. Okay, I'll get to the point. I'm sure you've heard of the Legacy Ball coming up. Yes? Well your mother and I want you to go and have fun or whatever young people do now. Have you got something to wear?" The unexpected reply left Marley speechless for a few seconds. Ze was hopping to talk with zir father about more...casual matters.

"Yeah, that suit I wore to mom's birthday. It's perfectly fine."

"Are you sure that one's okay? I could get Tony to buy you a new one, he does owe me favor."

"Then don't use the favor on something petty like a suit."

"Uh okay, well I've gotta go now..."

"Tell mum I said hi."

"Sure. Bye."


Marley sighed and put down zir phone. ZIr relationship with zir father had gotten progressively worse after the first time ze transformed. Nathan's loud meowing drew zir out of zir thoughts. Ze poured him some food and headed up stairs to look at the suit. It looked better than ze had remembered, that's...good.


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