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Fandom Marvel: Next Generation

Blasius decided he would walk today. He had realized he was out of orange juice and had heard of an organic juice place in the city that he wanted to try. He made sure his shoes were tied before beginning his jog to the store. He knew that it was a bit weird to being wearing a long sleeve shirt in California but he didn't care, heat didn't really bother him much. Soon enough he reached the store and began to browse. He recognized Danica Rogers as soon as he walked in but he didn't acknowledge her. Like stated earlier, he didn't go out of his way to interact with the legacies.

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Marley Banner


The Sun was pouring into Marley's attic bedroom, beckoning zir to get off zir arse and see the world. Ze had fallen asleep on zir taut law textbook on page 357, in the middle of outlining for the next test. Nathan was sleeping curled up on zir lap breathing heavily. Yawning loudly, Marley put Nathan on zir bed and walked out zir bedroom. Glancing at the clock ze sighed in relief, thankful ze didn't sleep past lunch. Ze poured zirself a cup of water when a sudden wave of unease rolled over zir. The small house was usually quiet.

"Kathrine? Natalie? You still here?" Marley said with concern. Zir roommates maybe a bit too enthusiastic for zir taste but they were zir friends and ze felt an air of responsibility for them. Ze was putting zir cup into the sink when ze noticed a note on the fridge.

Dear Marl,

Out with friends, be back after lunch

Kath and Nat

P.S Do the bloody dishes you doof

Marley smiled and rolled zir eyes. The dish filled sink was letting off a slight stink, but ze was too tired to wash it. It was a lovely morning and the coffee shop was most likely open, besides ze needed the caffeine. Ze took zir keys, wallet and phone and ze headed out the door.


Grabbing a latte, Marley waved at Olivia Stark who was quietly finishing her drink and leaving. Bit unlike her. Ze got out the door and started walking home when the bookstore next door caught zir eye. Ze remembered one of the employees zir about a few new books being stocked up today.

"Dishes can wait" ze muttered to zirself and pushed open the door to be greeted with a whole group of Legacies.

"Uuuuuh, hi." ze said smiling with uncertainty.

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Idun Brunnhilde

Idun was glad she decided to go out today since it was a perfect California day. The sun was shining brightly and the palm trees always had something to them that Idun just loved. Her blonde hair was down in loose messy waves and she was feeling pretty great. That is, until she heard someone yell for help. She would have gone herself but she heard someone get there before her. Having super human hearing was a good thing at times, while at others it wasn't. That's when she saw who looked like her cousin Blasius jogging without a shirt. She hit her hand to her face and shook her head.

"For the love of! Really?" she asked aloud she shook her head. As much as she "adored" her cousin, she thought it would be best to not cross paths. That's when her eyes caught sight of the bookstore she absolutely adored without a doubt. Idun turned to face Theo who was a few feet behind her and trying to hit up a female. Again. She rolled her eyes and put a hand over her eyes so she could see him.

"I'm going in the bookstore, ok? Don't do anything idiotic and don't get in trouble." she yelled at Theo who only winked at her and nodded. Idun rolled her eyes and walked into the bookstore, the smell alone making her groan in pleasure. A smile graced her lips as she went to the section for Education books. She let her fingers grace the books as she walked past them, her eyes scanning to see which books she did not have in her collection. Idun was all about learning about everything and anything she could. She enjoyed small random facts that were silly and facts that were just interesting.

"Ooh, what's this one?" she asked herself, eyeing a book on the bottom shelf. Idun bent down and pulled the book out, running her fingers over the cover. The picture on the cover was of a map with the words, "What You're Really Meant to Do". She smiled to herself and sat down, finding herself reading the first few pages and humming softly.


Theo Wilson

Theo watched as Idun left and turned his attention back to the girl in front of him.
"So, as I was saying. Huh?" he raised a brow when the girl he was talking to was gone and he was left alone. Theo rolled his eyes and that's when he heard his stomach growl. He put a hand over his stomach and laughed a bit.

"Oh right, food." he said and saw the coffee shop he and Idun went to across the street. Theo jogged across the street and opened the door. He saw some girls leaving whom he recognized before ordering some food for himself. When his food was ready, he grabbed it and decided to eat on the go. He walked outside and passed the bookstore, seeing a few people and scrunching his nose. Theo wasn't one for reading and he sure as hell wasn't going to start today. As he ate and walked, he wondered what he should do on the sunny day.

Once Blasius got to the store he grabbed the jacket that was tied around his waist and put it over his bare chest, he just didn't feel comfortable exersizing and ruining one of his shirts with his sweat. As he shopped he noticed his cousin Idun go into a book store through the window though he didn't acknowledge it.


When Marley entered the store and then Idun, Olivia turned around and waved. "Hi!" She said happily. "Whats up?" She was looking at a book about the history of technology of course but she allowed herself to be distracted since there were people she knew there.

Asya Barnes

Asya parked her motorcycle a few blocks away from the coffee shop. She didn't really have any plans but she didn't feel like sitting through that awkward conversation with Olivia any longer. Hopping off from her bike she felt like she should probably stretch her legs out. She always felt out of place whenever she was near the Rogers or any person with a Hero as a parent. They seemed to always be so confident in themselves as though nothing could strike them down. Sometimes she wishes she was like that as well but knowing it just wasn't possible. Their world was beyond her reach, something she could never obtain.

Nikolai Rogers

Nikolai had been lost in reading a book when Olivia approached. He wouldn't have noticed her if she hadn't spoke to him first, his mind lost in the words. It was an autobiography, and it was truly captivating. He looked up - er, down? - at her and smiled widely, "hey Olivia." It was always nice seeing a familiar face.

He noticed the other two legacies enter the room and nodded at them, "hey. This is a really popular place for legacies, isn't it?" He chuckled. It was a large town, but they all seemed drawn to similar places. Every time he went anywhere, he saw several of them. It was okay with him, he enjoyed seeing others like him.

Danica Rogers

Danica noticed Blasius, but didn't acknowledge him. She wasn't one to initiate things that were clearly not wanted. She didn't blame him for avoiding heroes' children, but she felt like he was a little lonely. She felt like she should try and start up a conversation, but he was gone before he had the chance. She shook her head and paid for her juice before heading out the door. She'd run it home and then go shopping again.

She decided to walk the long way, wanting the exercise. She wouldn't necessarily mind running into other legacies, but also didn't really want to run into anyone. She was kind of lost in her own mind. There was this feeling she couldn't shake, like something was wrong. Something was going to happen, she just knew it. She scrunched her brow and shook her head.

@Dxfoe @lonecoyote @Garnet
"I guess so." Olivia smiled, "Its a great bookstore." She added she had been there enough to know their selection was pretty ranged which was good. Most of the legacies hung out at places that were pretty similar since they were smaller places that not many people would recognize them as legacies at. Or at least that was why she went to the places she did. "What book're you reading?" She asked Nikolai.


Blasius walked into a coffee shop next to a bookstore that looked like it had a lot of hero legacies in it. He got his coffee to go quickly, it was just black coffee, he liked it that way though most didn't. He began to walk down the street, and he made it a few blocks before seeing Asya Barnes. She was technically a legacy but her father was on the blurred line between good and bad as well so he figured she was safe to talk to. He walked up behind her and soon enough next to her, "Hey." He said smiling, "I don't know if you remember me, I'm Adam" He said using his middle name.

Idun Brunnhilde

At first, Idun hadn't noticed that Olivia greeted her. She was too focused on getting another book to add to her collection. She wasn't sure what it was that made her realize that the brunette spoke to her but she looked up from the book and held her finger between the pages so she wouldn't loose her spot. Her bright blue eyes looked up from her seated position.
"Oh, hello Olivia!" Idun greeted her with a smile and stood up, straightening out her shirt. She looked over and realized that Nikolai was there too and immediately, Idun's face reddened slightly.

Idun knew both Nikolai and Olivia from her father since their parents worked together. Heck, Idun practically was raised around the two. There was something about Nikolai though that made Idun nervous. Maybe it was his blonde hair and those eyes of his. Idun had to look away and clear her throat so she wouldn't be caught, "checking out" as Theo would say, Nikolai. She then turned to Olivia and looked down at her. Now that she looked at it, compared to herself, Olivia was a good foot shorter than her. It made Idun feel self conscious but that's how things were and she couldn't change it.

"Yeah, it's a g-great place isn't it?" she asked after Nikolai commented about them being there. Idun took a breath and placed her arms behind her back with her book in tow. She looked at Olivia or at other objects around them so her eyes weren't glued to Nikolai. The girl couldn't help staring at him. He was a fine specimen and taller than she was. HE WAS TALLER THAN SHE WAS which is something Idun struggled to find.


Asya Barnes

Asya quickly turned to look at the man who spoke to her realizing it was only Blasius. She chuckled softly when he used his name but decided not to comment on it.
"You introduced yourself by another name but yeah I remember. Funny seeing you here. How are you?" Truth be told she was happy to see him. She always felt comfortable around those who's parents were in the shadows. Her smile was actually genuine as well as her words, something which people did not often see. Though it made her slightly uneasy to see so many legacies, hero's and villains, so close together. Something has to have drawn them here. She thought but pushed the thought away not wishing to dwell on it.

"Nothing much actually, just browsing for new books." Marley said, a smile returning to zir face. Ze picked up the 'TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD' sequel that came out of absolute nowhere and turned it over to read the blurb. Nikolai and Idun walked in and started talking to Olivia.

"Morning Nikolai, Idun." Ze said looking up from zir book.

"I assume none of you are planning on getting a degree. Seriously, when are you going to put those brilliant minds of yours to use?" Ze said. Ze had always been

bugging the Legacies to go to Uni because of all the privileges and respect. If anything happened while superheroing, at least they would be recognised as scholars.
Olivia noticed Idun not exactly checking Nikolai out but she was glancing at him. She didn't know if he noticed, but y'know a girl notices these things. She couldn't lie Nikolai was attractive, she'd looked at him like that before. She hadn't really payed too much to him in 'that' way though unless someone mentioned it like his sister had earlier. "Are you guys here for anything specific?" She asked.


He chuckled, "Yea, I don't really go by that name much anymore." He said in response to her remembering him introducing himself as Blasius before. "I'm doing well, keeping out of the hero legacies way." He couldn't help but smile at his accomplishments. "And you?" He asked wondering how she was. He knew she was often uncomfortable around the hero legacies and pretty tense too.

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Asya Barnes

Asya chuckled and nodded as she spoke.
"Pretty much the same thing though I'm not as good as avoiding as you are." She knew why he hadn't run into any legacy. Knowing any legacy would rather die than share the air between a son of Loki's, though she wouldn't say that. She rather liked having Blasius around, knowing he repelled legacies as well as he seemed to be the only person she could talk to without wanting to run away.
Blasius knew the same things she did, his father had almost killed Tony and controlled some of the others. He had also brought an entire alien army to the world so it made since that his son, who'd grown up, raised practically by his father through the barrier on Asgard. "Yea I guess its a gift!" He said with a smile and a small chuckle, making a joke of his own lineage.
Nikolai Rogers

Nikolai could tell that Idun had looked longer than usual, but never mentioned it. He looked at Olivia, "it's called Unslut. It's really interesting. Danica harassed me relentlessly about reading it. You know her, feminism is her way of life. It's really interesting, if a little sad." He looked at Idun, "this is my favorite bookstore in town, actually."

He looked up when Marly mentioned getting a degree, "didn't you hear? I already got a degree." He snickered. He had quietly taken classes before he and Danica moved here. He had graduated a year early, with a degree in sociology. He wasn't sure what he was really going to be doing with it, but he liked the classes. The blonde had always been obsessed with the way people behaved.

Asya Barnes

Asya chuckled
"A glorious gift." She stood there for a moment wondering what to do next before realizing what was happening this week. "Hey, heard of the SHEILD Ball?" She knew he probably had and like her probably never got an invitation to it. It was a conversation starter and she hadn't gone through the mail in some time, maybe just once she get a lucky ticket, and she knew exactly who she was going to bring.
"Really?" Olivia asked, she was unaware that Nikolai had a degree. "I didn't know that." She said before turning to Marly, "And for the record I have a degree in technology." She added just to make sure she wasn't the only legacy that had a degree officially. She also knew Danica's feminism thing, and honestly Olivia didn't care for it. She wasn't against feminism or for it she just had no opinions on it. She had already done her breaking of feminine standards since she managed to create her own suit and that was good enough for her.


He chuckled at her remark after his joke. When she mentioned the SHIELD ball he stopped laughing though. "Yeah I've heard of it. Not invited tho with my whole father thing, he never really 'reconciled' with SHIELD like Bucky did." He mentioned her father by first name, he didn't really care for formalities their parents were the famous ones, they were just their children.

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Idun Brunnhilde

Idun's attention was turned to Marley when ze spoke. Idun smiled warmly and shook her head.
"Good morning, Marley." she raised a brow and felt her book close behind her back, her arms crossing over her chest. "You sound like my father, Marley. He wants me to attend a college as well and get a degree in space science or psychology. Something else to do with my time. What're you up to though?" she laughs softly and shook her head. Idun did have an interest in college but she just wasn't sure if college was the right fit for her. How would she protect Earth and have time for school? What if an emergency on Asgard came up and she had to go? What excuse could she use for not showing up to class for two weeks?

When Olivia spoke, Idun's attention and grin wiped from her face.
"Oh nothing in particular, just a new book to add to my collection at home and read to Theo as a bedtime story. How about you? Or is it something with the latest technology?" she giggled and pushed some of her blonde locks behind her ear. When Nikolai looked at her and spoke, she held her composure well and nodded.

"It is a nice one. Not too many people pop into this one and it's not so big that you can get lost. It's simple and refreshing." she replied with a small smile. When she was finished, she metaphorically patted herself on the back for not stammering and sounding like a fool.

Olivia could tell Idun was into Nikolai, and she couldn't help but be slightly jealous. In her opinion Idun was much prettier, having a practically perfect Asgardian appearance, it fit with Nikolai's half-super-soldier-serum perfect appearance as well. Olivia however was the daughter of a drunk, a rich drunk but a drunk, regular, human. She constantly died her hair cause she didn't like the dark chocolate natural shade, as well as occasionally wearing colored contacts and if she could make her skin slightly lighter she would. She continued to look at the book she ha din her hand while she listened to their conversation on the side.

@Eunoia @lonecoyote
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Asya Barnes

Asya saw her comment struck a nerve with Blasius and sighed as he brought up her father 'reconcile'.
"If you wanna call it a 'reconcile'." She liked how he used her father's nickname finding it humorous although she tried not to laugh. "Anyways if I happen to get a pass you wanna come? I know my father would be furious if I didn't and I really can't stand the others in all their glory." She hoped he said yes but knew the complications between him and the legacies. She would understand if he said no, wishing to be in his shoes for a chance.
He smiled at her, "Sure, I guess if you're there it'll be less lame and biased against me." He liked talking to Asya. She kinda understood him, a legacy but not really since their parents had a dark history with SHIELD. He didn't know how close James Barnes had gotten with the heroes of SHIELD but if he really wanted his daughter at the ball he had to be pretty friendly with the organization.

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Asya Barnes

Asya smiled happy about his answer.
"Thanks. So if they miraculously remember me then I'll call you?" She said her voice rising into a question not really sure if she had his number. No wait she didn't possessing only three numbers and that was he fathers, Danica's and the pizza place around the corner from her house. You could say she was a simple girl but in truth she didn't really care to talk to others nor did they care to talk to her. The only reason she even be going to this ball was because her father was worried that even if they missed something minor SHEILD would put him on the watch list again.
"Yea sure, here give me your phone so I can put my number in it" He smiled. Truthfully Basius didn't have many numbers in his phone either, he had Iduns and a few stores and thats about all. He only had Iduns cause the only way Odin allowed him to live on Earth alone was if he was under the watch of Odins perfect sons daughter. Honestly he wanted to be able to go to the ball with Asya. Not just because he would be going with Asya but so all the heroes who exclude him because of Lokis crimes and have a bias against him would see him at their function since one they did invite brought him.
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Nikolai Rogers

"Yeah, I have a degree in sociology. I'm a nerd, I know." The blonde grinned. He could sense a weird string of female emotions going on, living with Danica and Natasha growing up helped him realize when things were happening around him. He was a little confused, but then again, he usually was. His degree in sociology didn't help him understand most people any better than he already did.

He looked at Idun, "college isn't for everyone, but it's fun. Danica won't go because she thinks it'll take away from her hero business." He was almost jealous at the mention of Theo, but he didn't know why. He was never the jealous type, and Idun certainly wasn't his girlfriend. Though, he had contemplated asking either of the two girls to the ball. He figured he'd end up going alone, girls intimidated him in a way. Mostly because most of the girls he knows were capable of killing him in split seconds.

Danica Rogers

Danica had rushed her juice home and was now walking the streets trying to find the perfect dress. Sure, she didn't have a date, but that didn't really matter to her. Okay, maybe a little. The blonde had never had the best of luck finding a boyfriend. She didn't have time, really. She was always waiting for "the right moment" which, in the end wasn't such a great plan. There was never a right time for a super hero. It just didn't work that way.

The young girl secretly dreamt of having what her parents had, but she ignored it and focused on the task at hand. A dress. Which was almost as hard as a mission. Shopping was difficult. Nothing ever fit quite the way she wanted it to. She didn't have her mother's figure, and she certainly didn't have height on her side. Not that she was particularly short. She just wasn't tall like her father and brother. Then again, her brother was kind of freakishly tall. She shook off her insecurities and went into one of the dress shops.
Olivia tried to ignore the tension that her and Idun were causing. She continued looking at books, not finding one that contained information that she didn't already know. She didn't know why she was so jealous she had never gotten like that before. It wasn't even like Nikolai and Idun were dating, nor were her and Nikolai. "Danica shouldn't make her whole life being a hero" She said absentmindedly, not realizing she had butted into the conversation. It was her honest opinion though, Olivia may have a habit of getting lost in her work but that was something that was constantly changing and it wasn't for anyone else she did it just for her. She knew from experience with her father, if you were a hero constantly for too long you would get burnt out.
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"I know, I don't think I could handle college only for the fact that I would be away too often." she said with a sad smile but quickly replaced it. Idun looked from Nikolai to Olivia and could feel something crawl up her back. It wasn't necessarily an object or bug but a feeling. She shuddered a bit and looked to the ground. When Olivia mentioned that Danica shouldn't make her whole life being a hero, she felt that hit a nerve for her. Idun knew that with Tony Stark being her father, phrases would spill from her mouth that would throw Idun off. It was just like her father and Mr. Stark before the two. Idun bit her lip and looked down at her brightly colored converse.

Then, a whining came from her bag. Idun's eyes widened and she opened her bag to reveal Keldr asleep and scratching at the inside of her bag. She totally forgot about him. Idun immediately felt horrible and put the book she was reading down and turned to face the two.
"Gotta run Keldr home. I totally forgot he was in my bag. I'll see you two later." she apologized to them and headed out. Instead of walking to her car, Idun walked to an ally where no one was and took off into the sky and headed straight for home.


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