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Fandom Marvel: Next Generation

Asya Barnes

Asya went over the possible scenario of the battle outcome which she knew she shouldn't. The ride was quiet which cause Asya's mind to go to some rather unnerving places in her mind. She glanced over at Danica a couple of times at the start of the ride but stopped after awhile. She was gripping the wheel of the jet a bit too hard as they arrived at their destination.

Hoppin out of her seat and grabbing her staff as she headed out. Asya got in line right behind Idun, pressing a button to release her staff as she prepared herself. Feeling the electricity buzz through her body from her staff. The fog wasn't helping her by any means but she listened to Idun and tried to use it to her advantage. Clicking another button her staff two metal balls popped out from the bottom, rolling and disappearing into the fog. The only indication of her releasing them were the yells from within the fog and small sparks of electricity lighting up two figures in the distance.

@Team Idun...Mr. I'll make a man out of you.

Yana Maximoff

It was a quite ride to the battle, everyone looking ahead but never looking at the person across from them. Yana stared at where the jet curved for the longest time, saying a little prayer in her head as they came upon their location. She wasn't a religious person by any means but she saw this as the perfect time to pray to any ghostly power imaginable.

The sound of Danica's voice snapped her out of her daze, standing up to follow Idun out of the plane. She felt the energy start to swirl around her hand as she ran off into the fog. She heard Jonas yelling god knows what but she put his order on the back burner, trying to focus on the battle in front of her. She could feel the energy of a group of people within the white house but she didn't want to give an absolute that the elite was in there. For all she knew they were somewhere on the ground.

As soon as her feet touched the ground she sent out a wave of red energy throughout the white house lawn. With so much pent up energy, the energy she released was a little more than just a basic knockout, let's just say they would wake up really sore and dazed. Levitating herself off the ground so that she would have a better range of her powers. She was up above the clouds she had one thought that unsettled her but she tried to push it away.
Don't lose control...Don't turn dark. If she ever extended her powers she risked becoming unstable though hopefully today wouldn't be that day.

@Lemoncakes @MarvelousMadman @Dxfoe @Team Idun Who dun? Idun. (Bad Puns 101)
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"Ready for this?" Danica asked her brother. His nod sent the two into the fray. He may have been ready, but she was far less than ready. Being the leader of a team was something she hadn't expected to get back into. "Make sure you don't kill any of your own team!" She announced. "Use the fog to your advantage. Estrid, Blasius, use the new spells to heal any of the controlled that you can. Less bodies to fight will save our energy. Theo, honestly, just do your thing. Robin, find any shred of metal and use it to your advantage. Olivia, you've got an advantage over most of them."

She didn't have time to hear their answer as she threw her shield into one of the oncoming attackers. Saving Nikolai from what looked like a vine. She looked up to see a flyer, with a gun. Nikolai used his magnetic armband to call it to his wrist and nodded. Their parents had done this. Now it was their turn. Hopefully they had the same luck. She ran, launching herself onto the shield as he threw her up. Danica flipped herself to be facing down, above the flyer, using her gauntlet to electrocute them and send them to the ground.

She landed roughly, as she knew she would, rolling into action regardless. She didn't have time to check eyes before fighting back, kicking out, she took down the nearest bad guy. A punch to the temple left them unconscious. Probably not dead. Probably.
No time to think about that. She rose quickly, finding herself back to back with her brother. Switching the shield in between themselves. Fighting together like it was second nature. Her brute strength, his guns. They were the opposite of their parents.

Nikolai had long since shut his emotions off, waiting for any sign of the technopath. He had no intention of letting himself get in his own way. His shots were precise, and he had only taken out his pistols so far. He quickly replaced them with his own strength. Not wanting to use all of the bullets yet. There wasn't time for any error today.

Snapping necks had always looked a lot harder than it was. His fists seemed to work on their own, his kicks flying before he had truly processed the movement. Muscle memory kicking in and letting his body do the rest. Robin wasn't the only metal bender on the battlefield today. They were halfway through the lawn when Danica screamed. A metal pipe impaling her stomach.

"I'm fine." She choked out, snapping it off but not pulling it out. Keeping the bleeding down would be essential right now. She'd have it healed later. She'd have to cut the acrobatics until they had a spare minute to heal it though. Which really dampened her fighting style. She was a spider at heart. She shrugged it off, pulling out her gun and using it for the first time. She wasn't in pain, the adrenaline in her body was far too high for that.

"You're full of shit is what you are." Nikolai shook his head before turning back to business.

@lonecoyote @Aero @Lemoncakes TEAM DANICA LET'S FUCKING DO THIS SHIT.
Armani and Destin

The two young men stepped off the quinjet with fire in their eyes. They didn't have a long time to plan their assault, as they were quickly engulfed in battle. The Asgardian and the Wakandan exchanged curt nods before heading off their separate ways.

Destin heard someone ordering him around and furrowed his brow, "last I checked, Danica put Idun and I in charge." He scoffed. "Besides that, we don't exactly have time to use our powers for anything but the fight at hand." His attitude was more brash on the battlefield than normally, not that he was friendly off the field. Though, he had grown to appreciate each member of the ragtag team.

Magic flowed from his fingers, weaving through the enemies. Those who were controlled were beginning to be freed. Purple magic removed them from the field as quickly as was possible. One hand was saving those who were still salvageable, the other taking out those who weren't. Never one to miss a chance for flair, the fireworks spell had always been his favorite. Especially when it doubled as a distraction.

He wasn't fast enough to avoid getting hurt a couple of times. He was bleeding. A lot. His bones ached. When things slowed, he'd heal himself. No time for that now. Things were getting worse before they were getting better, honestly. He dropped the body whose neck he had just snapped.

Armani, on the other hand, was busying himself with the fog as much as with the fight itself. Distraction wasn't well put on the battlefield. He had been hurt. Incredibly. Adrenaline kept him from feeling it. Lightning made for quick takeouts, strength made for quiet takeouts. The intensity of the battle didn't surprise him. He had felt how many followers Exitium had when he was possessed.

He was surprised the Elites hadn't joined the fray yet. He thought too soon, as he saw them begin to come onto the field. "Incoming," he called out. He sent a wave of electricity towards the shadow girl, hoping to get her off the field first.

@lonecoyote @MarvelousMadman @Aio TEAM IDUN CRUSH IT.
Idun Brunnhilde

Idun watched as the others did what was needed of them from the battle. Idun didn't have time to shout orders because soon after she had knocked down one, another was coming right behind them. The sound of blades clashing and metal on metal came from her battles. She had already knocked out the ones behind her and pressed the white ball into them. Now they were harmless and knocked out on the ground. Others, weren't so lucky. Idun didn't mean to kill them, but it was only in a dire situation where she had to protect herself. It hurt her to kill these people who were only doing this because they were being controlled to but it had to be done.

Each kill wasn't easy for her. Each one of them tore away at her and ate her alive. She just wouldn't show it. Her eyes scanned the grounds as she kept pushing through. She had her hammer in her right hand and her sword in the other. She used her hammer as a shield and the sword as her weapon. Not every attack was blocked, however, some attacks came through and hit her. For instance, Idun could feel her leg and side burning from flames, scratches and blade marks along her body and so on. Thanks to her healing attributions, the attacks weren't so severe so she powered through them.

At the downfall of another person, Idun took a quick breath and moved loose pieces of hair from her face. She wondered where the Elites were since they hadn't made their appearances just yet. She watched as another person, this time they shot arrows at her. She blocked the arrows with her sword and when not another came at her, she used her sword and launched it where the arrows came from. A loud, sharp cry filled the air and Idun saw where her sword was sticking out of a man's chest. She bit her lip and raced to go get it but was stopped by a shot of ice that hit in front of her and caused her to trip and fall on her face. This was followed by a chuckle as the person who came into sight revealed himself.

Idun looked up to see the familiar face of Frost standing over her. She gritted her teeth and stood up as quickly as she could. The weight of his foot to her side caused her to yelp out in pain as she now faced him, his arm turning to an ice blade as it had done at the ball. Idun furrowed her brows and shook her head.
"Not today, bastard." she said and blew a strong gust of wind at him, causing him to fly backwards. Frost hit the ground hard but got up, wiping some blood from his mouth and grinned at her. "Wanna play rough, cutie. I can play rough." he said with a grin, using his powers to propel him forward. Idun grinned and put her hammer away, deciding that she wanted to fight him with no weapons.

"Bring it, frosty. I can't wait to beat you."
she seethed out.

@Aio @MarvelousMadman


Theo Wilson

Theo exited the plane and pulled out his guns, a grin on his face as he cocked the guns and pulled his mask over his face. "Let's do this motherfuckers." he said and went head first into the battling scene. He grinned when a whip came at him and let it grab onto his forearm. When the whip pulled back, Theo went with the whip and when he saw the figure come into place. Theo grinned and aimed the gun at the person, pulling the trigger and grinning as blood splattered onto his mask.

The felt the whip's grip loosen and he brought the gun to his nose, inhaling the scent and chuckling.
"Nothing like the smell of fresh blood in the morning." he said and began to walk around shooting the others. Under the mask, his face was stone cold. He honestly enjoyed the killing. It didn't bother him one bit. Most saw this as a villainous but he really didn't care about what others thought about him. He was going to do whatever the hell he wanted to do and no one was going to stop him.

A rattling caught Theo off guard where he saw a woman's face looking at him. "Well hello there, hot stuff." he said, scratching the side of his head with his gun. He approached her and bowed.
"Why don't we be friends, my dear?" he asked. When the rattling came back, he watched as a tail emerged from the fog. Theo stood up and tilted his head a bit.

"What the hell?" he backed up as the women got closer to him and revealed that her body was actually a snake's body. "HOLY SHIT SHE'S A FUCKING SNAKE." he yelled, pulling his guns back out and immediately pointing them at her. The woman hissed and attacked him, latching onto his neck.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa mama. We just met and you're part snake. Sorry, but I'm seeing other people." he said and pointed his gun to her abdomen, pumping her full of his bullets. He felt her body go limp and lifted her off from him. Her fangs ripped through his skin and he let out a pained yell. "For fuck's sake!" he exclaimed and threw her body on the ground. He groaned and looked at her body, a grin on her face.

"Well, she had a nice rack. Shame she had to go and bite me. Oh well, it's a great thing that I'm immune to poisons." he said and cracked his knuckles, reloading his guns.

@Aero @Lemoncakes



[sue me, man; not exactly one for teamwork or taking orders on a usual basis, you understand! Just keep trying not to die, how's that?!]

These were the words that Jonas had meant to say to Destin as he heard the sorcerer's voice echo with dashes of a haughty and sarcastic tone. Apparently the sorcerer hadn't caught the fact that it was the rebel who had given the suggestion to focus on the teleporter and telepath first...but for the most part he was right: there wasn't enough time to focus on strategy at the immediate onset save for simply to keep the waves back.

Those were the words that Jonas had meant to say....but had not the time.

Onward and onward they came, and each one failed to answer the challenging bark of his Desert Eagles, succumbing to the metallic argument given by his bullets and falling in a crimson mess on the lawn. He was no fool: he knew his place wasn't the front lines. In a conflict where he fought alongside demigods, sorcerers and mutants, he knew to stay to the rear and act as support. He focused on those on whose attention Destin and Idun were not paid, as he took this a sign that unlike many of their compatriots they had elected for this fate long, long before the Quinjet even crossed into Virginia's airspace. He quickly switched his vision over to where Armani fought to keep up the cloak of fog, eyeing three of Exitium's agents coming at him.

One. Two. Three barks from the Eagles again. The agents had no response.


Jonas called out as he pulled the pin from one of the frags he kept in his bag, tossing it forward with a mighty hurl as he saw five armed agents try to come around in a Jeep to provide heavy coverfire for their duplicitous brothers.

Those were the words that Jonas had wanted to say, but was unable from the pain in his shoulder.


He knew his mistake the moment he felt the hot iron tear through his shoulder; he was just glad he was still able to hurl the grenade to its desired location. The reward would come moments later as the evening skies were lit aflame as the gas tank of the Jeep blew from the explosion of the frag, adding the smell of charred meat to the numerous odors that littered the battlefield. Jonas ducked down, gritting his teeth with a swear beneath his breath as he cursed the bastard that got off the lucky shot. He just grit his teeth and let his mind draw him back to the battle. The others were not stopping as wounded as they were; it would look pathetically weak both physically and morally for him to do any less.

He was far from a fan of death, but he was not so naive to think a life without taking another was possible in the life he had chosen. It was either him and his allies or them: there was no grey area at all. That was all he would think about it...that was all he would allow himself to think. He couldn't even think about the fact that one of his teammates was flying overhead in some violet energy who had taken out half of the combatants in a single burst other than to watch the targets and make sure none of them aimed upward.

For them to make it out of this; all of them had to play their role.

Another shot rang out as he stood, and again he cursed the bastard's luck as his torso burned. Thankfully the kevlar would keep it from being fatal...but that didn't make it hurt any less.

[We need to regroup! We need to press forward and advance on the White House while we still have an opening!]

These are the words Jonas wanted to say...but was denied that right by those who came next.

I told you, did I not?

You are the LAST person who needs to be talking right now!!

As he was about to open his mouth, he watched the horizon, seeing the group of individuals that sprang forward to engage the vanguard of Idun's team; striking them like a mountain breaks an oncoming wave. The Norse warrioress squared off with a young man, but Jonas' attention was turned toward the others as he holstered his pistols and pulled out the long range rifle. Checking the rounds lodged within the weapon's magazine, he held the weapon steady in his hands as he sought out his prey through the scope.

There he is.

It didn't take Jonas long to identify Gateway as he shifted back and forth through the fray, choosing a hit-and-run approach to his strikes when an opening came, but largely seemed to be holding back as support...for what, he knew not. This was the final battle, after all, wasn't it? What was more important than full scale onslaught to defend Exitium?

Unless the boy is his escape plan as a contingency.

Possible...but if so he wouldn't risk jeopardizing that by the off chance that his ride falls during battle. There's something else....doesn't matter now though; I've got him. Dead to rights.

Steady; you may only have one shot at this if he phases.

The rounds in the sniper rifle were laced with kurare; a fast acting nerve-toxin that would render one immobile in seconds but was guaranteed nonfatal in small doses not localized to major arteries or veins. Anything except a killshot was a guaranteed victory...and right now, as he lined up the shot to focus on the man's upper right torso near the shoulder girdle, he moved to pull the trigger, glad they would take one more piece off the board.

Except he never did.

Moments before he was about to pull the trigger to the weapon, he felt it; that sensation that couldn't be explained through words. It was almost a sixth sense for Jonas as he found the scope moving over to the left, finding another target...a worse target than the one he had chosen.

It was more the target seemed to choose HIM.

His eyes found themselves drawn to the wickedly sadistic woman with a smile of perverse glee crossing her lips, face stained blood red against her flaxon locks that flowed wildly with each movement. Her blades were wet with blood as she appeared and vanished through the shadows back and forth, striking Armani across the shoulder, then vanishing to appear and kick Destin in the back...and then back again only to slice the throat of one of her own agents like an addict would rip open and snort a pouch of coke to levitate her toward that euphoric high.

That's when he smelled it. Blood; thick and rich as though it was before his own nostrils...only it wasn't.

He could smell it coming right from his hands.

A cold chill ran down his back as he dropped the rifle, daring himself to stare down as he saw his hands wet with blood; slowing crawling up his arms as he heard that noise in the background...the hard, strong thrum of the engine of a vehicle moving this way.

No! No, not here! Not now!!

Fear ran through his blood as he heard the noise grow closer; a heat crossing over his palms as he began to hear the wicked hiss that was soon accompanied by steam rising from his palms. The worst had happened.

He was having the dream again...and this time, it was while he was awake!


He felt the pulse within his blood quicken, the sound of the motorcycle drawing closer and closer.


Jonas, Jonas stay calm!

In the heart of conflict, science has explained that man has two responses to any given altercation: attack or flee. This was not just relegated to the exterior either. Indeed, many of the battles that occurred without first begin within...and within is exactly where Jonas decided to go. To run.

Jonas! Jonas don't focus on it! This is in your head; it only has power if you let it!

He felt helpless as he recalled all of the instances of the dream, and even worse upon recalling the results of its appearance: whenever it occurred, someone was not going to walk away.

He had always felt and wondered, now more than ever as he could almost feel the chill, feathery fingers of another presence upon him, pursuing him...would he be next??

He ran, ran forward as that sensation would not cease; pressing forward down the darkened corridors of his mind as he saw perhaps his only hope: a white room far in the distance as he exuded all of his mental power to reach that door, pressing through the opening as he turned around and shut it firmly with a heavy clang, sealing himself within that compartment of his mind as he breathed deeply. He heard the loud, bestial beating against the door as the ravenous force from without rammed against the barrier;trying to come in...but the door held. Heaving for breath, he moved down to sit and gather himself on the cool tile floor of the chamber. It wasn't very large; perhaps the size of two large prison cells together, but it would keep him safe.

And then he saw the ground....and his face went white.

Slowly, oozing out from the small gap between the miniscule opening of the door and the floor, was pooling blood. It leaked and oozed as though the space outside was mortally wounded and dying a slow death. Jonas forced himself back against the far wall as much as he could, knowing why the blood was there.

It was there for him.

More and more the blood grew as the puddle at the far end became a larger and growing pool, moving closer centimeter by centimeter...but what was truly frightening was what occurred once enough had pooled: slowly, Jonas began to see limbs form from the blood....limbs attached to bodies...and faces...wracked, agonizing, pleading faces that had once been men and woman and children as they stared with eyeless sockets right toward Jonas' position.And then...they began to talk.



Jonas...Jonas look at me! Listen to the sound of my voice. Look past them; they feed off of your fear; that's how they gather!

Even with such counsel at his disposal, Jonas backed against the corner even more, seeing faces of others he knew not, These were people he had never seen before...yet he had heard them. He had heard them deep in the mess of his subconscious during those horrible dreams...always saying the same thing.


NO!! No, please God, please, don't let this happen!!

Jonas please, try to focus! You can beat this! You just need to concentrate!! Fight back!


He hadn't noticed. The blood had invaded nearly the entire chamber now; pooling even down around the tips of his boots as the eerie constructs rose to full height, legless homunculi rising from the bloody wave as they gripped hold of the young man's wrists and shoulders, pulling him down.



Jonas, please! Listen to me! Focus on my voice; draw your attention nowhere else but me!

Their hold was ironclad; irresistible as their ethereal supplications for justice as they pulled the young man down into the now knee-deep pool of blood that flooded the small chamber. Struggling seemed to make the grip all the worse for Jonas, mirroring the effect of quicksand as he stared in horror up at the lifeless ceiling above, looking for any help that could reach him.


Jonas, hear me! Latch onto my voice like clasping a hand!

Further and further down the constructs drug their prize, their chosen aid, down into the murky warm sea of blood that now rose to his lips as Jonas frantically reached out with his hands to force himself back up out of the growing grip of the nameless entities that seemed deadset on bringing him to the bottom.


Jonas please, stay with me!! I promise you, if you just listen, I'll get you out! I'll get you o-

The familiar female voice he had heard within his mind would not be able to finish its promise, as right then the waves and the living horrors of crimson fluid would finally claim Jonas, pulling him down below the surface of the waves as everything went dark in the opaque liquid. Strangely though, the young man did not drown as he had thought he would, but instead seemed to find himself floating in a black abyss with no discernible end. There was no sign of his previous tormentors nor any inkling of the small chamber in which he had just left. Given the chill he felt within this void, had there been any stars about, he would have thought he had vanished into space.

He-hello?? Is anyone there???

Well this definitely wasn't space given the echo he heard from his own voice. Wherever he was though, there seemed to be no escape; no sign of life or sentience either. Vulnerability crept within him, and he felt a definite need to find something...anything that told him he wasn't alone.

He-hello?? Ar-are you there?? I'm sorry, okay?! I should have listened! Please, please just say something! Tell me what to do, I'll heed it this time, I swear! Just tell me you're still there!

She's not here, Jonas....

A voice would respond back from somewhere in the void; nameless, faceless. At first Jonas didn't recognize it; being a completely blank and unknown entity...but then it spoke again, in its true voice as a light seemed to rise from below....and Jonas



Jonas had become what it meant to fear; flooding every neuron of his brain as the entity came forward in the growing heat and light of the rising fire; its malice and domineering presence becoming more prevalent as Jonas beheld the face he prayed he would only see in his nightmares.


Jonas screamed as he felt the fiery grip of that vicious entity take hold of him, pulling him down in to the fire as everything turned black.

Back within the material plane, Jonas screamed in pain and utter fear with all of his being, then fell to the ground in the middle of the battle motionless. There was no sign of any mental cognition or thought within his mind. It was though he had been struck down dead.

@Eunoia @lonecoyote @Aio

Who gonna run this house?


Who gonna run this house?


Who gonna run this house?




Dust stood on the white house balcony, watching as chaos was unleashed. She couldn't help but smile as she filed through the minds of the battlefield, locating the legacies to latch onto their minds. She grabbed a hold of a few bending and twisting their memories to where their friends were enemies and enemies were friends. Though that was far too easy for her, letting their memories flow in and out of her as she distributed the memories among her captured. Hearing the screams of some whose memories were far more graphic than others, she laughed from above.

Though on the inside she was screaming, wanting the bloodshed to end and for her to be free but sadly she knew that what the future held for her after this was not ideal for anyone. Dust could feel the push of some minds as they tried to resist her but she knew in time they would give up, just like she had given up. Messing with the others minds left her in a very vulnerable state, her body froze where it stood and her eyes were wide open, looking through the minds of those she had captured. Though at this stage in her life she didn't care if she lived or died, just wishing to wake up from the nightmare she was forced to live in.

Yana Maximoff

Yana watched from above as everything unfolded before her. Everything was going downhill and they hadn't even found the Elites yet. It was nerve wracking not knowing what was going on. Her eyesight was of no use to her because of the fog as she shot balls of red energy into the unknown, hoping she wasn't attacking any of her fellow teammates.

All of a sudden she felt a hot burning sensation hit her back, causing her to scream out in pain as she fell from the sky back down to the ground. Her hands immediately went to her back but whatever had hit her she could not reach, clawing her back wishing for the agony to stop. Yana didn't now who had hit her but she knew not to waste her time trying to find the culprit.

She decided not to go back up into the sky, staying on the ground as she fought her way through the army of Exitium. She was too angry to care whether or not these people were under control, nor did she have the time to check. As soon as she put down one person another one would fill their place. She could feel her body start to give up but she pushed on, trying to get closer to the white house. That's when she felt her. Her touch was hard to forget and Yana immediately put up her defensive mind block. She wasn't going have her memories defiled, not again.

(Major writers block for Asya so I will post something for her later. Sorry.)

Healing wasn't the thing that was coming to Estrid's mind as they stepped out to face the hoard come to destroy them. Maybe that was ironic, she should know better than most the effect mind control had on others, but she never stayed to see the consequences. It was almost as if the universe was throwing that back in her face now, it definitely would be ironic if she were to die by the hand of victims of the power she abused. But that was definitely a moral crisis to be reviewed later, because if she thought about it too much now she would be too dead later.

She surrounded herself in the mist, and moved silently through the field. Targeting small groups Estrid would flood the area with the healing magic before withdrawing back into the mist, putting down those who stood in her way as gently as possible, collecting a number of hits of her own as she did so. It was working well enough until she was blindsided by a great force, knocking her straight to the ground. She had no time to think over how she had missed them because almost immediately they were on top of her, crushing her, and despite her attempts to fight back their hands were at her neck. Logically healing magic may have worked but she was past logic, and her pure instinct took over. Holding on tight to their forearms she stared intently and tried to push herself into their mind. It was never easy usually, but this was like nothing she'd felt before; their mind was a mess, chaos, screaming, and on top of it all she was voiceless.

Estrid persisted but she began to feel her grip weaken and vision blur. Moving as quickly as she could she quickly pulled the small dagger from her thigh and thrust it into his neck. As her attacker took his last breath she gasped and rolled him off her. She wanted nothing more than to disappear, let her body stop screaming at her, but this was far bigger than that now. Retrieving the dagger she pushed on, and went back to bitterly healing those who still fought, though now her face was decorated with blood red lips and red blood.

@Aero @lonecoyote
Nikolai Rogers

"I've got eyes on Techna." The blonde told his sister. "I'm going after her." He didn't wait for her response, simply rushed into battle and let his instincts lead the way. He pulled his pistol, aiming it at the girl. He didn't have a chance to pull the trigger before she turned to face him. A fully technological blaster pointed at him.

"Hey, baby. I missed you." She grinned. She thought she had won and he couldn't wait to prove otherwise.

He pulled out the electromagnetic discs and launched them her way. She let out a screech as they activated, the blaster dropping. It looked painful, her powers being dismantled like they were. She was holding her head at this point, crying. Nikolai would have felt bad if he had allowed himself. She fell to the ground, crawling over to the blaster and shooting it, it was shaky, and barely grazed his calf. He didn't flinch.

He aimed, though his hand was knocked by a gust of wind produced by one of the members of the other side. It wasn't a kill shot, but it was the best he could manage now. He had other things to handle.


Gateway gasped as the purple magic floated around him, freeing him from the hold Exitium had over him. "Thank you." He spoke loud enough, hoping the Asgardian boy would hear him. He saw the male nod, never stopping his magic. He took that as a good sign and fled. Seeking his only true friend, Techna. He found her, in a pool of blood.

She was crying. "Techna, please, come with me." He begged, attempting to lift her up.

"I can't. We don't have a life out there. Everyone has seen our faces. Exitium is our only home, you know that Gateway." She choked, blood still pouring out. She didn't fight his efforts to lift her.

"We'll find Shaman and he'll heal you."

"It's too late."

He didn't care, he teleported them off the field and to what he hoped was safety.
Shadow (by permission of the Game Master)

Gateway was gone; taking Techna in tow. They were down two more members.

Shadow could care less.

Cackling in mad glee as she moved through the throng of heroes and henchmen, the sadistic woman brandished her blades, striking out across the group before her eyes caught sight of the downed witch. Ah, so this was the one with which Dust had so much trouble. The blonde grinned as she looked over the bloodstain of Yana's back from where her first attack had struck her in the air...she did enjoy a moving target so. Moreover was the knowledge that this sorceress was perhaps the most dangerous of the group...and that meant dispatching her: expeditiously.

Her eyes locked upon her prey, Shadow would take a moment to gaze over her double blades as she kept Yana's struggling figure in her periphery. Acknowledging a twisted impulse deep within her, she brought the razor edge of the blade to her tongue, licking the warm humor of the body from the cold steel in a ritual she had indulged in many times before.

She tasted....fear. Not fear for her life; though there was that....but predominantly a fear for the loss of others. One especially. As the blood teased within her mouth like a fine merlot, swishing it back and forth to mix with her craving saliva, the young killer walked confidently forward; unseen and unnoticed as she stalked behind Yana, eager for a richer, deeper taste of that exquisite blood coursing through the gypsy's veins.

She walked forward; unimpeded by any of the other do-gooders as her presence was masked in her shadow-realm. Even as the Asgardian focused her energy on repairing those who had suffered much she walked right past her by mere centimeters and was halted not.

It didn't take her long to reach her destination. She was right behind the girl and the witch didn't even notice. Her mind was probably preoccupied with the incoming agents Exitium was sending to slow down the morally conscious fools. She knew that they wouldn't be enough; that this would result in a confrontation with him and the legacies eventually....

...well, all but this one.

Raising her daggers high to inflict maximum damage, she targeted the center of Yana's back; right where the lovely, beating heart was located. Smart money would have been to go in through the throat from behind to keep the woman from alerting the others...but this was winding down....and she wanted to have her fun.

She pulled back with her arms, ready to bring them down to sink her gorgeous blades deep into the soft pink meat of Yana's soon-to-be-corpse, ready to spring like the return end of a spring with all her might....


Everything within Shadow seized at that moment as she processed what just happened within the span of a few seconds. From somewhere behind her came a voice unlike anything she had ever known. It didn't even sound human...more like a blend of a human's voice with...something else. But more importantly, it was the name the voice had spoken.

Lily Adams. A name that no one knew; of a person that ceased to exist.

Her name.

Who...WHO would DARE know such a name??! Who would dare use such a name upon her?! Shock turned to anger...to insult and rage as she turned around in vengeful anger to confront the fool who was about to breathe for the last time. There, staring straight at her in a stance of poised aggression, stood the blonde biker boy from before that had given Techna such trouble back at the compound. His hands were tightly fisted as he stood nearly still; silent as death in a confrontational pose that merely made Shadow's ire rise at the asinine challenge.

"YOU!?" Shadow snarled her response with all the disgust that congregated within her being, "I don't know how you know that name, but it is the LAST. THING. You will EVER SAY!!"

All else was forgotten as she ran towards the upstart bastard; blending into the shadow realm as she soon became invisible again, shifting back and forth as she came upon his right side, her daggers thirsty for his arrogant blood.

All stopped. Rather, all was made to stop. Shadow stood amazed as she felt pressure against her wrist that held her from moving forward with the strike; pressure brought upon her from the biker's hand that had caught her. How?? How did he sense her presence?! No one. No one alive could sense her in the shadow realm!

Her thought process was interrupted as she had to take notice of a different stimulus affecting her: pain. Not only did she hear the hiss of burning flesh from his touch as he held her wrist, but she felt something...something she could not explain. It caused her to scream as she lashed out, freeing herself from his grip as she stabbed him through the arm, pulling away as she held only one of her daggers. Shadow was no stranger to pain; physical or emotional...but what she just felt was something...haunting. She examined her wrist, seeing the burn there on her flesh that left the mark where his fingers had touched her...but what was more disturbing was what she felt inside. Something...something seemed to have passed into the innermost part of her being and....seared her. She felt as though her very spirit sizzled though her body remained untouched.

"Iiiit issss the nammmeee....the name your parents Gloria and Theodore gave you. The name you forsook...when you murdered them in cold blood."

Shadow's face turned ghostly white as she stared at the man. What was going on?? How did he know these things? Shadow felt shivers travel up her spine at being laid in such a vulnerable state, gripping the handle of her dagger like the edge of a cliff below which lay a black and frightening abyss.

"How do you know that??"

As though finally acknowledging her presence, as his head had not moved up until this point, the biker known as Jonas Kent turned his head to the side, allowing Shadow to see his visage for the first time. His face held a stoic, angry stillness to it as he stared directly at her. Red...completely red eyes that seemed filled with dark blood stared almost blankly at her...yet she knew he could see her. She knew it was blood as well as trickles of the substance ran down his cheeks like an ominous imitation of the Virgin Mary as tears of life left stark trails across his features.

"Because it is THEIR blood that calls out to me....for yours."

Shadow's eyes went wide; her body tensing for action as she felt the intentions of this man for her. From somewhere close by, her nostrils could smell the foul scent of burning flesh. Quickly, as though to make an emphatic point, Jonas right arm raised up as though moved by another force, pointing an accusatory finger directly at her heart.


"You...you Lily Adams...for most of your adult life, you have fed your cravings on the blood of the innocent...starting with your parents. Their blood cries out, and it has an avenger: ME. My name is Vengeance. And Vengeance...has come...FOR YOU!!!"

Shadow watched in horror as somehow the blood within the man's eyes suddenly caught fire, making the trails of bloody tears that ran down his face blaze into tracks of flame that ran down beneath his chin. His face burned as flesh was eaten away little by little as an unholy wail of ethereal pain and lament screeched across the open field. The grass beneath him caught fire from the burning teardrops, spreading the devouring flame all across his body to engulf Jonas in the inferno. The fire grew white hot as it seemed to explode into the air; like a vent from Hell had opened across the surface of the Earth. As she listened, that wail turned into a cry of woe...to one of vehement rage.

Finally the fire subsided as it seemed pulled into itself at the center, and slowly an image began to emerge: someone was inside that hellish flame! It traveled deeper and deeper, as though the person was absorbing it, until nothing remained save...the unthinkable.

A figure that looked similar to Jonas' body type and height stood there in the midst of the scorched earth; black leather pants and jacket for garments...but it was not. Human. The jacket held large spiked pauldrons at the shoulders that were shaped in the image of demonic skulls, and the jacket was lined with jagged spikes more prone to cut and slice flesh like fishhooks than simply impale. Hands were replaced with...dark spiked gloves...but it wasn't his hands where she looked. There. Was. No. Head. Where there would be a human face to stare at, there was now just a perpetual fire burning from within the jacket that seemed to vent upwards. At its center was a floating demonic, malicious looking skull of black tinge with long front canines that extended down six inches. The eye sockets were brimming with living, burning flame that seemed independent of the vent in the jacket...and somehow...Shadow could feel those sockets of flame. Staring at her.

Free...free now for the first time in awhile, the creature gave a bellowing, inhuman war cry as the facial flame burned hot; giving little doubt to all who saw the truth of the frightening matter at hand.

The Ghost Rider had returned.

@Eunoia @lonecoyote @Aio @Aero
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Destin and Armani

The war cry startled and distracted the two young males. Armani had heard of the Ghost Rider, but he never thought he'd see him face to face. Distraction does not do well in the midst of battle. He didn't even feel the bullet. That is, until Destin had caught him as he fell.

"Fuck, mate, you can't just go around getting yourself shot." Destin declared. Suddenly very worried about his sister. "Come on, you just have to hold on for a little longer. We're gonna get you healed, just as soon as-" he was cut off by the need to defend both of them. That's when he saw the telepath on the balcony and reached his magic out. He needed to heal her to save the others.

The Munroe boy laughed a little. He couldn't feel any of the pain, his adrenaline was still pumping. "Man, I never thought I'd have to thank you for saving my ass."

"You can do it once I
have saved your ass." The only option was to transport them somewhere safe, he just didn't know where. Then it hit him. The quinjet. He used his magic to get them there, and then sent his sister a message.

"I'm not going to be able to help Idun defeat Exitium, you have to do this. You can do this."

@lonecoyote @Lemoncakes @Aio @Aero @MarvelousMadman
The fight was relentless. It felt as if for every one they put down two more took the place: it was exhausting, she was exhausted. Taking a moment she didn't have, Estrid paused for the chance to just breath. She didn't much know where the others were, or if any had yet died, or how much longer this could last. It could end now, you could just go. Disappear to Asgard, Vanaheim, or even the other side of this realm, far enough to leave this all behind. This wasn't her fight and she wasn't a fighter, so why should she?

I'm not going to be able to help Idun defeat Exitium, you have to do this. You can do this.

Estrid looked up, even though she knew he wasn't near. The cynical, doubting part of her reminded her it's meaning was empty - how could he know what she was able to do or not? - but it was the shock she needed to derail the thoughts of disappearing. She'd been running for so long, she wasn't running away today. She turned her gaze towards the White House and narrowed her eyes in determination.

Breaking out into a run, Estrid began to try and close the distance between her and the building itself. They were already down one Asgardian and if they didn't stop Exitium himself this would all be for nothing. However actually getting there was not so easy, as her sudden break for the White House naturally drew attention. Teleporting herself there was always an option but Estrid knew that she may have a potential benefit that the others didn't of being an unknown quantity what with only setting foot on this realm for the first time in the last couple of days. Maybe he already knew everything she could do somehow, but maybe he didn't and she intended to keep as much of what she could do as hidden as possible. Let him underestimate her.

So she ran, trying to keep a stream of healing magic ahead of her but also weaving and dodging any who tried to attack her, sending bursts of aggressive magic at any who got too close.

@MarvelousMadman @lonecoyote @Aio @Aero
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•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin heard Danica's orders, barely, and nodded to herself knowing no one saw her. She opened her hand up, revealing the bullets Jonas had given her and made them float in a circle above her hand. Robin took a deep breath before joining the rest in battle mentally preparing herself for anything. She saw a figure head toward her and readied herself for a fight. "Let's save the world Robin." The blue woman murmured to herself and awaited for the figure to show itself. Weirdly enough, as the figure approached, the figure quickly became more than one, almost like it was multiplying. "One, two, theee... Five?! Are you kidding me?" She huffed and the figures came into full view. It was a smirking man, looked around in his early twenties like herself. The other four figures were doubles of the guy and had the same expression. With a swift movement the doubles charged at Robin full speed.

Robin got over her shock factor as her expression grew serious. She dodged one of the right to her who tried to sock her in the side, but she ended up dodging right into another double who elbowed her in the gut causing her to gag a bit. Robin coughed as she shot one of the bullets into the double who elbowed her on the side of his stomach. He disappeared and the main guy dropped to his knees in pain. Robin got a glance of the guy as she dodged a few more blows. She noticed the guy held his side, which was the same side she hit the double. Also, the doubles attacks became slower.
'So, any fatal shot weakens them as well as the sorce. Man this makes my life WAY easier.' She thought as a smirk grew across her face. Robin didn't want to use up all her bullets so she used her bracelets to fend off the doubles until she sniffed out some metal. Her nose finally caught the scent of some steel. She manage to put some space between her and the doubles. Two of them stood in front of her ready to make their next move and the third one was coming at her left. The rebel used her powers to call forth the steel to her. To her aggravation, the third double came in while she was distracted, tackling her down.

The double got a few hits in, one hit was Robin's nose that soon started to bleed and the other hit were just hits trying to knock her out. With her lip now cut, a massive headache, and her nose bleeding still, Robin continued scrapping with the double on top of her. Finally she knocked him off by moving one of her bracelets up to cover her knuckles. The double disappeared and the main guy held his nose, yelping of pain. Blood was running down it and it was now broken.
'So broken bones work too and why didn't I just do that on the first place!' She thought, facepalming then cringing when she realized her face still hurt. Robin shook off the pain went back to concentrating on bring forth the steel she sensed while the other two doubles come at her once more.
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Idun Brunnhilde

Her blue eyes watched as Frost darted his way to her. She braced herself and felt the full force of his body hit hers. His entire weight plus the force from his attack sent the both of them flying. Idun gritted her teeth until her back slammed into a tree. She let out a loud yell and spread her arms out as if she was about to be crucified.

"Not so tough are you now, huh princess?" he smirked, sending a punch to her gut. Idun let out another yell and laid across his arm. "You never were the strongest one. You will never live up to your name, daughter of Thor." he said into her ear. Even his breath was ice cold. Idun blinked and looked at him, blood dripping down her neck.

"My name is Idun." she growled raising her arm above his head. Frost watched her motions and furrowed his brows. He turned to see her hammer flying to her aid. "Not today." he said and pulled himself away from her, his body turning to freeze the hammer in its spot. Idun grinned and stood up, balling her fist up and hitting him in the back of the head. She didn't stop there though. She kicked him in the back and continued to kick him in the side. "I will never be like my father." she seethed out, looking at his breathing form as he flinched in pain. "Because I am me." she said and stood up, wiping her mouth and going to her frozen hammer. Idun raised her leg and kicked at the ice, shattering and breaking it. She grabbed the handle of her hammer and flew up high into the sky. This way she had a much better view of the battle scene.

"I am done playing here. It's time to end this." she said and raised her hammer, speeding back down to the ground and slamming her hammer on the ground. Beneath her it was like the ground opened up and swallowed everyone around it. Idun looked up from her place as dirt sprinkled around her and got in her hair. She jumped out and looked around. "Go into the white house! Move!" she yelled out to her team. Idun had a stern look on her face as she walked to a wall of the giant house. With every person who tried to stop her, she swung her hammer at them and sent them flying. She was no longer going easy on them.

As the wall came into view better, she grabbed her hammer with both hands and smashed a giant hole into it. As the dust cleared, Idun stepped through and looked around her. She needed to find Exitium and end this.
"Now how do I navigate through this place?" she asked and stepped forward.

@Eunoia @Aio @Lemoncakes @MarvelousMadman (if I missed someone I'm sorry I can't remember who's on what team xD )
Shadow (Again by permission of the Gamemaster)

For what felt like an eternity Shadow stood there frozen as she gazed at the walking, sentient effigy which had malicious intent laden within those fiery sockets. Time seemed to stand still between them as Shadow felt something she hadn't in a long, long time: shock.

The Ghost Rider.

The Holy. Damned. Ghost Rider.

At least now it made sense. She'd heard stories of the demonic hunter from her time on the streets: an ethereal being that came alive when around those who had spilled the blood of the innocent. Supposedly the Rider was a demonic spirit who had some form of symbiotic/parasitic relationship with a man who had sold his soul or some such nonsense. While this was an age of living myths, superheroes, mutants and even demigods, Shadow had always drawn the line at the story of the Rider; figuring it more pageantry or embellishment than truth.

Not anymore. Now the creature was here; standing right before Shadow's very eyes in a blaze of white hot fire: it's intentions all but hidden from its very presence upon seeing Shadow.


She had not the time to think or react before five sentries took position around the Rider; all armed with assault rifles as the harsh, aggressive bark of the weapons sounded forth their unwelcoming volley of deadly metal toward the haunting figure. Well; it seemed the fodder Exitium insisted on acquiring had some usefulness after all. The air sucked in from the release of the grenades from the launchers at the base of the rifles; exploding on impact as the Rider was coated in flames and explosions of a different sort. Even still as the

incendiaries burst with their deadly contents the riddling of bullets never ceased as the determined sentries emptied their clips to the final ticks in a bold effort to put down the strange being before anything else happened.

"Youuuuu......have made your choicessss.....," the smoking mass hissed from the obfuscating cloud of debris and smoke around it.

Like a serpent striking out from the darkness came a long, spiked object that implanted itself with a sick, squishy thud into the lead sentry's chest. Before he could even give a cry or gasp in pain the long dark fiery chain jerked back its prey like the quick claws of a mantis shrimp, sending the man flying toward the cloud of smoke and debris. All watched as a force struck hard into the man's head as a fire could be seen through the cloud...and a heart wrenching cry of intense pain and shock filled the air around them before suddenly being impeded in its exclamation as a flame the shape of a man burst for a single second like an emission from an engine...and then all was quiet.

"Oh shi-AAGHHHH!!" The chain lashed out in an arc; crossing, cutting the air like a wicked claymore as Shadow saw it pass through the space where two of her men's necks had been. Had been being the key phrase. Their heads, no longer attached, fell backward in a bloodless lump as the flaming chain seemed to instantly cauterize the mortal wound as it occurred.

By now this sudden outburst of unholy defiance on her rule of her environment had started to awaken Shadow from her stupor of shock. Seeing her men...worthless as they were...erased one by one as the chain seemed to seek out its next target with a mind all its own..
.impeding her...authority...it roused a different and far more familiar emotion within the young killer as she gripped firm hold of her dagger: rage.

Not waiting for her other two lackeys to fall before they served a use, Shadow again returned to what gave her her name; darting to the opposite side of the chain as she saw it swing wide to wrap around the last two of her meatshields. By now the cloud had fully fallen to reveal the Rider standing; skull blazing as his focus was on swinging the demonic chain to 'round up' the murderous souls that had tried to take it out.

That's when I take you out, Shadow thought to herself.

Dropping down as she slid across the scorched grass, Shadow kept her eyes upon her target as she readied her blade to strike dead in the heart of this unholy bastard. He wanted to be defiant; Shadow would teach him what it REALLY meant to be defiant!!

"You're call yourself vengeance, asshole?! I. AM. VENGEANCE!"

With all her weight and mass, Shadow plunged the dagger as deep into the body of the creature as she could; but she didn't stop there. Her rage still unsatisfied Shadow yanked the blade out and stabbed again. And again. And again. AND AGAIN. AND AGAIN. AND AGAIN!! She stabbed with every fiber of her being as though possessed by some sort of bloodlust: yearning, craving the sight of that precious life giving fluid and she wouldn't stop until she saw that first, sweet, drop.

There was victory! She felt the creature being pushed back from her momentum, increasing her stabs over and over again; determined to drive her whole hand through to the other side of the biker's torso as she felt her body burn from the exertion from each and every strike. Her hand began to burn...and at first she thought it nothing more than the burn of her muscles beginning to give way from her attack...but then she looked down...and to her horror, she made a discovery.

It wasn't because of exertion that her hand burned. It burned because her entire dagger blade had been melted to hot slag.


Shadow gasped as she felt the fierce gloved hand of the Rider take hold of her wrist once again, a yelp forcing from her lips at the sting of his touch as his grasp forced her to look up at the flaming visage.

"Look into my eyes....see the pain and suffering you have caused...the sorrow you have wrought...and know that this is your reward for your murderous soul."

Shadow struggled as she felt her head lifted up, staring straight into the flaming sockets of the Rider as they seemed to take a life all their own. Like the slit eyes of a serpent or the illuminescent orb of a deep sea angler, Shadow found herself horrifyingly mesmerized by their trance, pulled away from the realm of matter and flesh as she found herself in darkness.



Shadow turned, seeing two figures approaching her from the darkness; a man in his thirties with dirty blonde hair, and a woman in a green dress slightly younger than her partner. They stared toward Shadow with a look she knew well...for it was the look she had in her eyes...for them.

"Mom?? Dad?!" Shadow exclaimed, a look of indignation and anger coming across her face as she stared down the two figures that had once bitterly been her parents; figures she should not be able to see. "What are you doing here?! You're dead!!" Shadow spat angrily out at the two, a sneer crossing her face. She was right, as with a grin she saw the damaged and bloody clothes her parents still wore the day she slew them. She could even see the gaping holes within their torsos from where she had first stabbed them: her father through the heart, her mother across the neck...then into her gut in a reverse seppuku style.

"Yes, you did.." her father replied, moving closer to place his hand upon his daughter's face. At that moment, Shadow felt the same tinge of burning flesh like she had when she first touched the Rider; yelping out in intense, acute pain as she sought to escape from her father's touch...but couldn't.

"Dad, stop!! Please, you're hurting me!!"

"No, child," her father told her, pressing his hand more across her cheek as her mother placed her hands on Shadow's other cheek.

"You have chosen to hurt yourself," her mother replied in an almost blank tone; seemingly oblivious to her progeny's pain. She felt herself being pushed back as she tried to escape from the excruciating touches of their burning hands, yelling in pain as she looked around for an escape...ANY escape...

Oh dear Lord, she thought to herself as she gazed behind them.

Lumbering from the darkness like zombies from the Night of the Living Dead, she saw other figures approach into view that started to surround Shadow from all sides...and she knew every one of them: a woman who had annoyed her on a long bus ride...a Chinese delivery man who had arrived three minutes late with her order one Tuesday...her first boyfriend when she became bored with him...the daughter of a Canadian ambassador that had been her first contract....her first handler when she decided to get greedy and go into the killing business for herself...

All of them. All of them had died by her hand in cold blood.

"NO! No, get away! Get away from me!!"

She pushed back, moving further and further behind her and away from the amassing army of victims that continued to lurch toward her; arms outstretched to touch her...just like her parents. It was only then, as she saw a growing light from her periphery, that she chose to turn around as a single question entered her mind.

Where am I going??

Within a second she saw it: the darkness was turning to a narrowing corridor that became closer and closer...and at its end was an open door...a door which beyond there was nothing but dark, burning flame and the sight of all...ALL of her murderous deeds laid bare playing out like a bad joke with a DVR or security footage.

"NOOOOO!!!" She screamed, clawing forward as the pain of the hands was all but forgotten against the horror of that chamber.


"It's too late, Lilly," her mother said as she pushed forward, searing her daughter's neck. "You put yourself there."


Backward, backward, backward she felt herself slipping; her entire body burning alive with the searing touch as she fought; clawed, frantically shoved to escape the impenetrable wall of her victims as they herded her toward that door.

"NO! WAIT, PLEASE!! PLEASE WAIT!!" She screamed as she felt herself losing the battle; fire engulfing her as she was pushed beyond the door. Fingers clasped, grasped for the edge to pull herself out. One final cry was given as the door was pushed shut; a desperate hand that reached out for a moment seen....then pushed within the burning chamber as the door closed with a fateful clank of metal.


Back within the realm of the living, the Rider stared down at its captured mark; the body of Lilly Adams no longer inhabited as the last traces of life left the empty husk. Her eyes, once a shimmering blue, were now a charred black to mark the work of the Rider's most deadly tool: the Penance Stare.

"Vengeance...has been served," the ethereal voice stated.

Dropping the body like a sack of potatoes, the Rider moved forward; his work not done. The demon marched toward the White House, burning every sentry or guard in its path as it took the stance against vengeance as means to retaliate. They were far from innocent, anyways. And while their impunity was necessary for punishment, it was a greater, far more vile a target that kept the bounty hunter moving.

A target for which he had been searching....for a long time. A target...that legions cried out against as he neared the far wall close to the Oval Office, raising his hand as a blast of Hellfire struck defiantly against the man made wall; blasting it to bits as the hunter moved forward toward his prey.


@Eunoia @Aero @Lemoncakes @Aio @lonecoyote

(Sorry for the length; wanted to adequately present my interpretation of the Penance Stare)

Rogers Siblings

"Let's move." The blonde girl urged her team, ushering them across the field and into the building. Corpses riddled the battlefield. The injured outnumbered the safe. The healing spells had saved some, but not all of them. She couldn't think about that now. No innocent blood had been spilled as far as anyone knew.

She was the first in the building, her brother right behind her. They found Idun already there. "Idun, good. He's probably in the Oval Office, let's move. Dad brought us here last year, I know the way." All of it was one breath as she waved for everyone to follow her.

Nikolai checked over the teams, noticing the absence of two of their people. He didn't have time to mourn if they didn't make it, though it was more likely that they were simply holding back forces. At least, that's what he would tell himself as they navigated the White House. There were little to none of his army within the walls. He hadn't expected them to get here.

Danica slid under the legs of one of them, taking him down as she went. Nikolai delivered a swift kick to the temple, knocking him out. Although, there was the issue of his protective service. Ten members of his army. "Idun, Estrid, get in there and get rid of him. We'll be backing you from out here."

@ all of you fuckin' nerds.


As his ten protectors left his side, you could say that he was a little nervous. Not that he was afraid of them. He wasn't afraid of anyone, or anything. He watched as the Legacies attacked his small group of forces. They were all willful followers, so he didn't need to worry about them switching sides. He had lost so many of his followers already. He felt each one that left his control, and he felt each one that died. Whether they were or were not under his control.

As the Asgardian females entered the room he prepared himself for the fight. He knew what was coming before it ever hit, but he wouldn't go out without a fight. He drew his sword and swung, though the daughter of Thor blocked it with her shield. He let out a bit of a growl before continuing the fight. Hammer against sword, magic here and there. As long as he was fighting they couldn't use the one spell that would end it all. So he kept it up.

As his defense line continued to fall so did his strength. It was all derived by those around him, their strength drove him. His strength fell, and so did his willpower. Despite how hard he continued to try and fight. There was little to no use, he had lost too many men, and his strength had fallen too far. They were all gone, now, weren't they? Hope was gone now, wasn't it?

"You insolent brats." He spoke, holding his sword out. "You think you've won. You haven't. Your ancestors failed, and so will you. I'll return, like I always do." He swung his blade again, angrily, towards the one chanting the spell. She didn't falter as the other stepped in front of her with the shield. "You will fail. The Earth is

"We'll see about that." The daughter of Thor spoke again, pushing him back with the shield and moving out of the way as the other casted the final spell. A bright white light flowing from her hands. Her eyes, her mouth. His eyes turned white, his body began to crack. He didn't react. He knew. He had lost and there was no coming back from this. The great war for Earth was finally over. He was defeated.

"Run." The one who casted the spell said, and the Legacies almost didn't make it out before the explosion that came from his body. He was gone. Just like that. They had won.


@lonecoyote @Aero @Aio @Lemoncakes @MarvelousMadman


"Oh, come on, Idun! Why are you still mad at me?" Theo groaned out as he followed behind the blonde female. Idun looked back at Theo and glared at him. "Theo, you burnt down the whole house and killed my dog. I'm going to be mad at you for the rest of my life. And I'm immortal." she said and rolled her eyes. Currently she was rebuilding their home with the help of her father.

"Give him a break, Idun. He was under Exitium's control." her father spoke in as he hammered a few nails in. Idun looked at her father as she carried a tree, yes an actual tree, over to her father. She raised her brows at her father and sighed. "You're supposed to be on my side, dad. Not on his." she growled and wiped the sweat from her forehead. Since the battle was over and Idun found her home to be utterly destroyed and she knew it was because of Exitium and the control he had on Theo but she was still mad at Theo. She was tired and her wounds were still healing. The most notable one was the deep wound right under her eye and above her cheek bone. It was still kind of sore and swollen just a bit.

"Sweetheart, you looked flush. Go rest, you've been working hard for two days straight." her dad said and gave her an endearing look. Idun smiled at him and nodded, sitting on the tree she had just brought him. She sighed and closed her eyes for a brief moment before she felt someone poking her shoulder. "Theo, I swear if it's you I will hit you so hard you're brain will come out of your ass." she threatened and opened an eye to see Theo a good couple of yards away from her. He put his hands around his mouth and shouted to her from his "safe" distance.

"Are we still going to Danica's birthday party? I bought us new bathing suites."
he said and looked at her which made Idun's eyes bulge and put a hand on her hip. "I forgot about Danica's party! I knew I forgot about something." she said and put her other hand over her mouth. "Yes we're going. Come here and show me what you got." she said and motioned him forward to her. This made Theo smile as he came closer to her and pulled a @Eunoia @MarvelousMadman @Aio @Lemoncakes @Aero

(In case you literally didn't read it bc its long they went from Idun's to Danica and Nikolai's and Idun punched Theo in the face bc he plays too much.)
•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin finished packing the last of her things into her suitcase. She snapped her fingers making the locks on the case instantly close and then made her way to the window. The blue woman leaned on the wall as she looked out the window with a sigh and folded her arms. "I'm actually going to miss this place." Robin mumbled under her breath and stared out the window for a good amount of time, thinking about everything that had happen. She finally got her taste of being a hero and boy was it way too much work. Sure, being a villian like her father takes just as much worker but they don't hold back and kill anyone in their way. Heroes, they have to hold back that urge to kill and only kill if it is absolutely necessary.

Can't imagine how hard that must be.' Robin thought with a small frown. Along with that thought, aroused the vision she saw. Robin definitely decided to push that thought away since it has been popping up in her dreams more and more. 'Man, I'm not going to get sleep for a while. Meh, not too much less than usual I guess.' The blue girl then pushed all the thoughts of her eventful vaction to the side, not wanting to make herself any more depressing than she already is. The brunette thought of more happier thoughts to get herself in a good mood for the party she was invited to. "Oh crap! I was invited to a party!" Robin exclaimed and looked at time. Fortunately, she could be early if she got dressed that instant. Robin grabbed her suite putting it on as quickly as possible. She then put her hair up into a messy bun, and grabbed an off the shoulder white shirt along with some shorts so she wouldn't be walking around in just a suit.

Finally, after doing all her preparations Robin grabbed her case since she would be leaving right after the party to her dismay. Then, Robin transformed her skin into a normal pale skin tone so she wouldn't freak out any normal people that she passes. Looking back at the room one last time before closing the door and heading down to her car. Robin packed her case in the back and then jumped into the drivers seat. Robin started on her way to the Rogers'
house, a little bit excited. 'Well, I'll be heading to New York in a minute. Why not end it with a bang.'
Maybe she'd been underestimating Midgard all this time. The Midgardians were fragile and powerless, Estrid had presumed that would make them meak and timid but that was anything but the truth. She'd seen that in the fight against Exitium and she'd seen it since. After the battle she'd been too wired to sit and talk of consequences, she didn't want silence and contemplation but the furthest thing from it. Surely after such destruction and ruin though, Midgard would be stunned into silence. Estrid didn't even need to leave the country to find what she needed. Running on adrenaline and delirium she danced for hours with strangers as foreign music blared until, finally, exhaustion overcame her and she crashed into a deep sleep.

But after that, it was time to be smart. If she planned to stay any length of time she needed shelter, she needed money. Luckily for her convincing others to happily provide all that she needed was a particular skill of hers. Regardless of where you were, it was always the same: find a rich fool and exploit every weakness. Of course this was all made easier with the help of a little mind control.

So now Estrid lounged in a beautiful hotel suite looking down on the city below. She was drifting aimlessly with no real plans to return to Asgard but no attachment to Midgard either. However one thought which had been on her mind for the past couple of days since Exitium's fall had been an overheard conversation from before it. She didn't know what drove her to act on it; they were all strangers and owed nothing too each other. Then again, it wasn't really for them that she wanted to go.

Looking through the clothes she had brought using the card given to her by the aforementioned rich fool, Estrid smiled as her fingers brushed against the unfamiliar fabric. Pulling on the black bikini, she also stepped into some heeled sandals and a long black skirt. She almost appeared at the house right then, but a idea quickly occurred to her first. How rude it would be to turn up empty handed. Walking to the main area she plucked the unopened bottle of champagne from the fridge with a satisfied smirk. Then she went to the Rogers', invited or not. She never had been too good with rules.
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