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Fandom Marvel: Next Generation

idek at this point i'm so lazy

Destin looked at Alicia with a smile. "Yeah, out of everyone here, I'm at least eighty-seven percent sure you're the only one who actually trusts me whole heartedly." He laughed a little. "I've also got some spells for you." His mind was racing with the possibilities for the battle. Truthfully, it was a suicide mission. But he was beyond the point of showing any form of doubt. His mother had taught him how to bluff, and he was really good at it.

Nikolai nodded and laid his discs on the table. "Alright, we'll be good then." He left her to focus and went to the armory. Sure, he had his mother's pistols, but he had a feeling they'd need more than that. He looked through it all. Danica joined him, choosing a vast amount of knives and one gun. She'd never been a fan of guns, so he knew this meant she was worried about the fight. "We'll be fine, Dani."

"Will we, Nik? Because I don't know." She talked quietly, not wanting any of the others to hear her. "This is beyond anything we've ever faced." She sighed, wrapping her arms around her brother. They hugged for awhile, not knowing if they'd ever hug again. Truthfully, Danica had her doubts. They wouldn't be able to save everyone, and that was terrifying to her. She couldn't stand the thought of losing any of the team, but there was no way everyone would make it out alive. None of them were that lucky. She let go and exited. "Everyone, get prepared for the battle. If you have any goodbyes, say them before we get there. There's no room for loose ends on a battlefield." She walked back out of the room, heading below to check out the quinjet. She had a few more goodbyes to say, but a part of her wasn't ready.

Armani watched his friend head below, and followed her down. "You're not okay, are you?" He asked. None of them were, but she had taken the leadership position, which was going to leave her feeling guilty for anyone who didn't make it home. "Thank you for showing me that being a hero is worth it sometimes." He smiled a little. "If I don't make it back, I can at least die knowing I did the right thing."

"Hey, don't talk like that." She said, looking at him. "But, thank you. For being my friend and everything you've done for me in the long run." She squeezed his hand.

"You'd be stupid to think we'll all make it out alive."

"I know." She sighed, giving him a hug. They went down to the quinjet together.

@Dxfoe specifically but @Every one basically.
Olivia Stark

In no time Olivia was done with her suit, and just waited for JARVIS to finish actually making it so she could make any modifications to any issues that probably weren't there. She's basically rebuilt it slightly faster and added a few electromagnetic pulse functions on the hand gun things, that hopefully were small and concentrated enough not to shut down her suit. She then turned to the electric disk that was on the table, and after looking it over she decided she shouldn't have any trouble converting it to an electromagnetic disk. Quickly she had JARVIS scan the disk for its blueprints, finishing in a few seconds. Once she was capable of looking at the blueprints she began to disassemble the disk, knowing that modifying it herself would be better than having JARVIS do it. It took longer than she would've liked to finish, but in the end she'd successfully converted it into an electromagnetic disk and created an extra set of blueprints for this one, saving them to JARVIS's database and having him make a few more of both types of disks for Nikolai, just in case. Once she was done she turned her attention back to the suit that was finished being assembled by JARVIS, she was glad that her father had probably been the one that got SHIELD to give the bunker JARVIS capabilities and the same building things capabilities as the two Starks garages did. She happily stepped into the suit and smiled as it closed around her, Ahh the perks of having the blueprints fit specifically to your measurements. She thought proudly as she stepped out of it, the suit fit perfectly. She then noticed JARVIS asking for color choices, since she hadn't decided. She decided to change it up slightly, doing black and blue instead of her normal silver and black rather than her usual red and black, following her fathers tradition of having a different coloration for each suit, even if it was slight. She grabbed the disks carefully and left her suit in the com room, deciding to bring the disks to him while it painted and come back later. It didn't take her long to find Nikolai, "Hey, I've got your disks" She said greeting him, "I made a few electromagnetic, those are the ones with blue accents, and a few electric, the yellow accented ones" She said, referring to the colored bolts and things that were the 'accents'.

should probably be more than one paragraph but naw. @Eunoia

Blasius Adam Laufeyson

Blasius nodded in agreement, though he didn't really know how he felt about that. They were acting like a real team, but not all of them were meant to be on each others team. Asya and Blasius themselves weren't fully accepted by shield, Destin and Alicia were actually considered evil/villains and Estrid hadn't really been known by any of the 'team' other than the asgardians. They were all legacies, but they were legacies of people that weren't on the same side. Blasius pushed the thought away, just feeling glad at the amount of trust that the legacies team seemed to have. Blasius knew that he trusted Asya but did he trust the others? Did they trust him? He was the son of Loki, the god of mischief, but once again he just shoved these thoughts aside, thinking he was just paranoid. He paced around the compound for a while before heading to the quinjet, summoning his armor and waiting by the wall for everyone to be ready, though he didn't know when they were leaving.

@Aio kinda

Alicia on Doom

Alicia nodded, she did trust Destin, though they were both villains most of the time, that meant apart from this odd situations they were generally on the same side. "What kind of spells?" She asked intrigued at the mention of them. Alicia had never used asgardian magic though she'd always wanted to. She also knew that Incantare family had some interesting magic affiliated with it. She hadn't summoned her armor yet, seeing no use for it so far since they weren't leaving yet.

Idun Brunnhilde and Theo Williams

"Awesome. We'll make a good team." Idun said and smiled at Yana, giving the girl's shoulder a light squeeze. She watched Theo and Yana's exchange and giggled, walking out behind Theo so Olivia could have the room.

"We'll talk about it when I see you again, Princess!" he yelled back at her with a grin and kept walking. She wasn't all that sure where she was going, but she decided to follow Theo to the weapons room. She didn't have to say anything to him when she walked beside him because he knew why she did it.

"We're going to be fine, Idun." he said as he picked up a bullets with different names on them. Some were flash bangs, some were stun bullets, some were freeze bullets etc etc.

"You never know, Theo. With so many enemies, we all can't make it out alive." she said as she leaned against a shelf stocked with numerous swords. She had a blank look on her face and was biting the inside of her mouth while looking at the floor. Theo let out a laugh and shook his head, turning to face her after grabbing two swords for himself.

"Hey, quite talking shit like that. Don't jinx us all before we go into battle. It's going to be alright. You're going to be alright. We're going to be alright." he said and pulled her into a hug. Idun let out a sigh and hugged him back, burying her face into his chest. Idun always knew that there was a reason she kept Theo around and this was it. Somehow, he could manage to make her feel better no matter what was bringing her down. She knew that with this battle, she wasn't guaranteed her life. Neither was he, no matter how regenerative his healing factor was.

Idun lifted her head and looked up at Theo who then looked down at her.
"If you end up dying, I'm taking your daggers back." she said with a small smile which caused Theo to let out a laugh. "I wouldn't have it any other way. Just make sure my old man doesn't get any of my stuff. Plus, if I get hurt severally, I get an excuse to kiss you." Theo joked and kissed her forehead before letting her go.

"OhMyGod Theo! No you don't!" Idun yelled at him as he walked to the other side of the room. She rolled her eyes and listened when Danica said to say her goodbyes. That's when it really hit her. Goodbye meant not seeing everyone for awhile or never again and knowing that made Idun's heart hurt. She had grown attached to the rag-tag group of legacies. None of them were the same and they had their falling outs but in a way it was like a dysfunctional family.

"No, no. We're going to make it. I'll see everyone again."
she told herself as she let out a rough sigh and left the room. Idun walked into a room that no one else was in and closed the door behind her. At this moment, she needed to think about things and just take a good look at herself and what she was fighting for.

@Eunoia (mentioned)
Nikolai and Destin

Nikolai smiled at Olivia, "alright, awesome. Thanks." He put them in his belt. He could envision the battle in his mind, his parents had taught him how. He spent a moment planning through it before looking at Olivia again. "I'm going after Techna myself, if you see her, get out of the way. We can't take any chances on the electromagnetic fields not working, they should, but things happen." He adjusted his wrist piece, a special magnet for Danica's shield, and strapped his disc launcher onto his belt as well. "If we don't make it back, I really appreciated your friendship and tech support." He smiled at her. The group was far from a team, but it felt like a family after the experiences they'd shared together.

Destin smirked at Alicia, "the fun kind, of course." His smirk grew as he pulled the book back out of his back pocket. He flipped to the offensive spells. His mother had taught him these first - despite how magic was usually taught. His skill in dangerous magic was impeccable. Then again, despite it so often being used as an insult, he was the son of one of the greats sorceresses in the nine realms. He started teaching her, a crash course at most. "The one that makes fireworks is my person favorite. Nothing like a bit of flair to an attack." He grinned. He noticed Idun walk into a separate room and shut the door, he wouldn't bother her, yet. He needed to teach her the healing spells, but it could wait. They all needed some time to prepare.

@Dxfoe @lonecoyote (mentioned)

Armani and Danica

Armani and Danica were busying themselves with checking out the quinjet. "I'll be able to pilot it, uncle Clint taught me, but I'll need a copilot." Danica said, sliding into the pilot's seat, breathing in the sense of familiarity. She already knew Armani wasn't up to the challenge. "Asya should be able to, I'll ask her." She stared out the window of the quinjet, and instead of the bunker wall she saw the White House. She saw it littered with bodies, covered in pain. The grass was red and flooded with blood. At the center of it all, the legacies stood. She shook her head violently, trying to get the image out of her thoughts. This time she saw Exitium's face.

Armani watched his friend and could tell she was stressed, but didn't bother her. He simply squeezed her shoulder and left her to herself. He saw Blasius and smiled a little, "hey man." He held out his hand as a form of a peace offering. "I know a few members of the team are villains' kids. I know you are too," he pondered how to put what he was going to say. "I can't imagine how it feels to be working with us, but I'm glad you are. Trust me, we're all glad for any help. None of us are thinking about our parents right now, except wishing we were safe with them." He hoped to offer some help to the other male, as he knew it had to be hard with people whose parents fought yours. Hell, he was working with Robin. He knew how hard it was to trust her, at first.

@Dxfoe @Aio (mentioned) @Aero (mentioned)
Olivia Stark

Olivia smiled, "I'm glad to be apart of our odd little group" She'd spent most of her life knowing the legacies, though they weren't really close friends until they all randomly moved to San Besitos. She was also glad to be their tech helper, she really loved working with technology like her father, and being able to fix and work on the other legacies tech was a dream. It was all so unique, even though she had the suit tech which was really unique. "I really hope we all come back."

Alicia von Doom

Alicia was keen to learn the Enchantresses magic, so she listened closely to Destin's teaching. She chuckled softly at his comments about the fireworks spell. Her father's magic had its limits to what she could learn since it was limited to what he knew, and because her father was her teacher she was limited to his magic. For that reason after she left Alicia always found new ways to learn more magic, so this really was something she's wanted to learn anyway. "Well of course, what's the point in magic if its not fun" She smiled, as she put the information into her mind and tried the spells.

Blasius Adam Laufeyson

"Hey" Blasius said in response to Armani, subconsciously tensing but quickly relaxed himself as the conversation continued. "I'm sure its hard for you guys too." He said sympathizing with the hero legacies as he had with the villain legacies, "I know some of our parents have done some horrible things yours." It was true, honestly the villains from the previous generation had done some horrible things. There was definitely a slight tension though it seemed like everyone was trying to ignore it.

@Eunoia for literally all of them xD
Danica Rogers

Danica waited awhile before calling everyone. Everyone had had time to prepare themselves. She played the possible trajectories of attack through her head multiple times. She spoke into an intercom, "everyone get to the quinjet, we're leaving in fifteen minutes. It's show time." She exited the cockpit and waited for everyone else to get there.

The ragtag group was about to walk into a war that none of them were fully prepared for. She could only hope that they lasted long enough to take out Exitium. She wasn't entirely sure they would.

@Dxfoe @Aio @lonecoyote @MarvelousMadman @Lemoncakes @Aero
•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin really didn't know what to do with the idea that she is about to rush into war with a bunch of people she barely knew, especially when half of them were goodies. "Well the Avengers did it and they turned out pretty decent, so why the hell not?" She mumbled to herself, chuckling at the thought as she was messing around with some scrap metal she found. Robin was slowly molding the metal into braclets she could wear for the battle just in case there is any metal in the battle.
'Exitium maybe an arrogant ass but he's smart.' With the thought of arrogant smart asses in her mind, Robin began thinking about her father and then her mother who is at home waiting for her daughter to come back from her short road trip. The mutant let out a sigh and started to make herself homesick with all the thoughts in her head. Robin felt a frown start to form on her lips, she shook her head and narrowed her eyes concentrating mostly on the metal in front of her, ignoring the many thoughts that ran through her mind.

By the time Danica called everyone, Robin had made two medium size metal bracelets, super glued two thin metal plates to her boots; to help her fly if necessary, metal knuckles that were already attached to her hands, and a metal flower because she was bored. She was ready, well she felt ready, honestly she had no idea what ready felt like since this is her first real mission were actual people can die and stuff. The blue woman looked at the flower to distract herself from being so nervous as well as made her way to the quinjet. Once she made it to the jet she first, bumped into the side of the opening. Hoping no one saw her clumsy mistake, she walked inside and took the first seat she saw on the left. Acting casual, Robin sat back in her chair brushing a few strands of hair behind her ear. Thinking the coast was clear, she looked back at her flower letting it float in her hand, twirling it around a times as she waited for the others to arrive.
Idun Brunnhilde and Theo Wilson

Idun heard Danica's voice come over the loud speaker and took one final look at herself in the mirror. She studied her features, said a little prayer, and composed herself for the battle that was to come. "Watch over me, Odin." she said and walked out, catching a glimpse of Destin with Alicia. She walked over to him and tapped his shoulder and gave him a small smile. "Sorry I wasn't here earlier. Mind teaching me a little something something on the way?" she asked, putting a hand on her hip and the other behind her back.

Theo looked up at the sound of Danica's voice and took a deep breath. He just finished grabbing what he needed and taking a leak because he wasn't going to get caught pissing himself in the middle of the battle. He walked out from the bunker and to where the quinjet was. Once there, he waited for the others. Well specifically two others. He hadn't said his goodbye to Yana yet and he wanted to make sure Idun was looking alright before the inevitable battle.

Destin Incantare

"Oh, there you are Idun." Destin looked up from the spell book. "I can give you a crash course on the way there. But it'll definitely be a crash course." He laughed a little, ushering the two girls towards the hanger. "Don't worry, we're gonna kick the douche's ass."

His icy exterior worked well to mask the dread he was was feeling. This was not what he had in mind when coming to Midgard. He hadn't planned on jumping in with a group of heroes and joining a battle against them. There was a part of him that wanted to abandon ship, but he didn't. He would stay and fight until the end. Or die trying.

@lonecoyote @Dxfoe
"Yes, yes, let's all go to the 'quinjet'... whatever that is." Estrid muttered quietly to herself, but just followed along in the general direction of the others, but on seeing what a quinjet actually was, she gave a small smile of approval. "That I can work with." It didn't get rid of the nervous energy filling every part of her though. She had never done anything like this, especially not on somebody else's terms with no planning whatsoever. Hel, only a couple of days ago she hadn't known this war existed, or the people she was about to fight alongside or against. She wasn't even sure what she was fighting for truly.. for Asgard? for Destin? She wasn't prepared to die for either of them, and she sure as Hel didn't plan on dying today.

(sorry for being so quiet, I promise I'm properly back now)

"She's not as bad as she looks," Jonas said as he came up the hangar right behind Estrid, giving a small smirk as he nodded to the others before looking back to the jet. "You may have a minor jostle or two when we're climing to cruising altitude, but she'll fly sure, guaranteed." He met their gaze for a moment, recalling the fact that these were Asgardians and Estrid, above all of them, was quite unfamiliar with mortal technology. He gave a light shrug as his eyes gazed back to her own; an analogy forming in his mind.

"Think of it like an enclosed chariot that can travel anywhere...only instead of being led by horses they're propelled by their own powersource. I've been around birds since I was eight. Trust me: if we have anything to fear, it's what awaits us over there, not on the way there."

He was about to say something else when a bit of movement caught his eye, turning over to his left as he caught sight of the other sharpshooter of the group.

"Hey Mercenary!!"

Jonas pulled two clips from the pockets of his motorcycle jacket, tossing them both over to Theo...who he had no doubt would catch them.

"Consider them a peace offering from before: the bullets are laced with Kurare: powerful stuff. Just get a fleshwound on the telepath and she'll go down like you did the other day: still alive."

Jonas had found the supply downstairs in one of the darker sections of the bunker. Sure enough, the kurare would be a suitable replacement for the sedative he lost when he stuck Theo back when he was being controlled. In some ways, the poison would be far more potent. Since they were looking to take their captives alive...well some of them, anyway....headshots and killshots would be largely eschewed for the first portion of the battle. As long as no vital organs or bloodvessels were hit, the victims would remain alive but incapacitated.

He gave a nod of good luck to the mercenary, then to the others before he boarded himself. Finding a seat beside Robin, he sat down and strapped in after laying the duffle full of weapons and equipment between his feet.

"For what it's worth," Jonas began after a moment of silence passed, "I didn't mean to threaten or intimidate you when we first met. I didn't know who you were or the crowd with which you ran...not entirely, anyway. All I wanted was for you to tell me where your mother was so that I could talk to her. I know I failed the first time to make a decent impression, so let me try ask again," Jonas turned, his deep, pensive hues of jade staring toward Robin's soft yellow pools of sight with a look of....vulnerability? No, no not quite. Transparency would be the more accurate word. Still, it was something more than the simple, single minded one goal gaze he gave her before when he foolishly cocked that shotgun.

"When we make it back, and you head for your parents to let them know you're all right and to make sure they're safe," he began, "will you let me escort you back so that I can talk to your mother? Honestly and truthfully all I want to do is talk. She's the only person who knows the location of a person who might tell me something about myself and these....these dreams I've been having."

@lonecoyote @Lemoncakes


Asya Barnes

Asya was almost done with fixing her staff when she heard Danica on the speakers. Making a few tweaks before she headed off to the quinjet. Upon sight Asya fell in love with the jet, taking in the craftsmanship of the wings down to the screws, you could say she was one for planes. Without thinking she found herself inside the plane, a content smile on her face as she looked around. When Asya was little her father used to take her out all the time to learn how to fly but these past few years she wasn't able to get out as much as she liked. She knew it was a long shot for her to be able to fly this beauty, especially because she was not part of SHEILD but a girl can always dream.

Making her way to the cockpit as she dragged her hand against the metal walls. When she made it to the cockpit she was about to go inside before a chill ran down her spine.
What am I doing? She thought as she looked around, holding the hand she had dragged close to her chest. No way would they allow the child of Bucky Barnes to fly a SHEILD Plane. She started to become unsure of herself, well became unsure of the whole thing really. She couldn't understand what she was truly fighting for. Was it for her, her father, the people? And even if she was fighting for the people no one would believe that the Winter Soldier's kid tried to save the world. Did she even want to be a hero?

Yana Maximoff

Yana had run off as soon as the meeting was over. Exploring the halls of the bunker before being stopped by Danica's announcement. It was time for her to become serious, something she wasn't all to fond of doing. She saw the others congregate around the quinjet, spotting Theo and walking over to him as she stood beside him. She realized he was really the only one she had talked to since all this happened.She shrugged at the thought before looking over to Theo and Jonas, catching a snippet of their conversation. Yana rubbed her hands together, doing so showed only a bit of nervousness she had about this battle.

@lonecoyote @MarvelousMadman
Danica Rogers

Danica watched as all the group slowly made their way to the quinjet. All of them looked just about as prepared as she was. Barely. They didn't have much of a plan, she'd be the first to admit it. But that wasn't the point at this moment. A lot of them were getting settled in. She noticed Asya walking to the cockpit and grinned, following her.

"Wanna copilot?" She asked, leaning against the frame. It had been awhile since she had been in control of a quinjet, but Clint was one of the better pilots so she trusted her abilities.
It's just like riding a bike, once you learn, you never forget. He had told her the first time she went up. He trusted her, so she trusted herself.

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Idun Brunnhilde and Theo Wilson

"It's better than nothing. Thanks." she said and walked with the two to the quinjet. She didn't necessarily have any emotions on her face but a neutral one. Then, something popped into her head. "You two go on, I'll be right there." she said and began to jog back to where she had last seen him. She breathed a sigh of relief when she still saw him there.

"Hey, you coming or are you just going to stare at the weapons?" she laughed out, trying to lighten the mood but rubbing her arm awkwardly. She looked up at Nikolai for a few seconds before looking down and slipping her hand into his. She gave his hand a tug and looked back at him.

"C'mon. Can't let the others worry about where you are." she said with a soft smile.

Theo stood there rocking back and forth on his heels while he waited. That's when he heard someone call his name. Or well, something close enough to it. As soon as Theo turned his head to see who called him, he was met with two clips being thrown his way. Immediately, his hand shot up and he caught them, inspecting the contents before looking at the guy he very well referred to as "the bastard who shot my ass".

"So do exactly what you did to me and she'll go down? Cool shit. Thanks." he said and gave a nod and slight wave to the guy. He was aware that the bullets would come in handy. He was glad that he had something so that he wouldn't have to actually kill people. Well, not that he wasn't used to killing but whatever. You get the point.

"So, princess."
he said and looked over at Yana who positioned herself beside him. He grinned when he saw her rubbing her hands together. He guessed because she was nervous. So, he did a very Theo thing. He reached behind her and gave her a good pat on the bottom.

"Perk up. You'll do great out there. Plus, you're not alone. You've got Idun at least. She'll have your back for sure, ok?" he said with a chuckle and stepped in front of her, pulling her in and kissing the top of her head. He mumbled something into her hair and pulled away from her, smiling down at her.

"Good luck out there. I'll see you soon." and with that, Theo boarded the quinjet and sat in his respective seat by a window. He looked at the others who were already seated and nodded to them before looking out of the window.

@Eunoia @Aio @MarvelousMadman
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Asya Barnes

Asya wasn't one to scare easily but she jumped slightly from Danica's voice, most likely from the nerves. She quickly whipped around about to apologize to Danica for being somewhere she probably shouldn't be. Her mouth was opened slightly, realizing what Danica had said. Asya started to grin uncontrollably as she nodded.
"It would be an absolute honor." Looking back at the cockpit as she sighed. This could be the only time she be permitted to fly a SHEILD jet, she didn't want to forget.

A thought popped into her head as she looked back at Danica.
Blasius. She had never told him a proper goodbye and she hoped it wasn't too late to do so. "Hey...ah. I'll be right back. Forgot to do something." Asya spoke in jumbled words as she ran out of the cockpit to find Blasius.

She found hi talking with Armani and stopped halfway, not knowing how important their conversation was. Slowly she would walk within hearing distance of Blasius and stopped, playing around with her sleeve as she looked down at the floor. What was she going to say? Goodbye? No that was too depressing. Asya bit the inside of her lip as she thought, this was going to be harder than she had anticipated.


Yana Maximoff

When Theo spoke she looked up at him, placing her hands by her side. She jumped at his touch and felt a giggle rising up in her chest but suppressed it. Opening her mouth to speak as he stood in front of her but didn't know what to say, closing it as he spoke. She thought she just say a simple goodbye but just saying goodbye didn't seem like enough.

She was happy when he spoke. Her cheeks going red as he pulled her in, feeling his lips graze her forehead. She felt the heat of his breath on the top of her head as he mumbled something she was unable to hear. It was all she could do to way him goodbye as he walked away. Sighing when he disappeared into the jet, deciding she should go over to her team to prepare. Her cheeks still red, she pressed the palms of her hand on her cheeks to cool them as she approached.

Nikolai actual love of my life Rogers

Clean shot. In the heart. No time for her to react. A quick death, painless. She'll be dead before she realizes. Nikolai looked up when he heard Idun's voice. "I didn't even realize I was still here." He chuckled. He didn't really know how long he had been standing there, he was going through all the possible outcomes of the battle. Planning, organizing his thoughts. His mind was racing. Her hand brought him comfort. He brushed her knuckles against his lips. Disrupt her powers. Pull the trigger.

He nodded, following her to the hanger. "You nervous?" He asked on the way down. Truthfully, he wasn't nervous. Not anymore. His mind was focused on nothing but taking out Exitium and his legions. He ran his free hand through his hair. He'd need to put it in a bun before they went into the field.
No room for error.

Idun Brunnhilde and Theo Wilson

Idun smiles softly at Nikolai, rubbing the pad of her thumb back and forth on his hand. "I figured." She looked forward as they walked. She was feeling much better than she was earlier. All of her doubt were pushed away and she was now very confident in herself.

"Hm? Oh. No. Not anymore. I'm fine now." She said and recounted the number of elites there were. Her main focus was Frost and Dust. Those two had a front row seat in killing those people and Frost had a special place in her heart. "You ok? Don't go getting yourself killed because you still owe me a dance." She reminded him, a small laugh coming from her.

Nikolai Rogers

"Good." He smiled at her. "I'm fine. You can't get rid of me that easily." He chuckled. Truthfully, he'd been cheating death for a lot longer than most people could. If he did die, he just hoped it was an honorable death. There was a part of him that was worried about Danica, but at the same time he knew she could take care of herself. He just had to let her.

"I should say the same to you," Nikolai stated. "Don't worry about anyone but yourself. We're a team, but don't get yourself killed to save someone else." He was worried that they wouldn't all make it back. At least not make it back the same as they were before. They were bound to change, war changed everyone. There wasn't any way for them to remain who they were after going into something like this. Some of the group had probably never experienced death, let alone killed someone.

Idun Brunnhilde

Idun laughed softly and looked up at him.
"I'll be fine. I'm a big girl." she said softly and took a deep breath. Was she going to do what he said? Absolutely not. She had always put others before herself and if it came down to it, she'd take a hit for anyone on her team.

She bit the inside of her cheek and looked straight ahead, seeing the quinjet come into view.
"No matter what happens",Idun began looking back up at Nikolai with a smile, "it's been fun." Idun reached up and kissed Nikolai's cheek, letting go of his hand and pulling away from him.

"See you on the other side." she saluted him as she walked off, knowing that if she stayed with him any longer than she would take forever and a lifetime to get to the quinjet. Idun boarded the quinjet and looked at everyone, nodding to them as she took a seat beside Yana. "Hey, you ok? You're face is all red." Idun stated and put the back of her hand to the girl's forehead.


Yana Maximoff

Yana felt herself cool down slightly as she sat in her designated seat, looking up as Idun approached.
"R-Red? Oh. Ha ha. I just ran here. Theo and I were saying our goodbyes and all that." She went into a fit of nervous laughter but quickly stopped. You're making a fool of yourself. She thought before taking her hands away from her cheeks, folding them on her lap.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous about this battle...Quite honestly, can say this is my first one. SHEILD never really let me in missions cause of how unpredictable my powers can be."
She thought for a moment and realized that what she had said could make people nervous. Quickly she spoke again to explain herself. "I mean I have better control now. It was hard for them to train me cause there weren't that many sorcerers with the same power set as I that were willing to teach." She bit her lip slightly as she looked up to Idun. To her Idun could be intimidating but she also slightly looked up to her, seeing how well she was taking the whole situation. Yana only wished she could look as calm as her right now.

Danica Rogers

The whole group had settled into the quinjet. Prepared for the war they didn't enlist in. Ready to die for a cause that was thrust upon them. The battle was neigh, and they had no choice but to carry on. Danica and Asya manned the cockpit, and it was a quiet flight. Stealth mode was on and Armani was creating a heavy fog to block their assault. "Looks like that was a waste of energy." Danica mumbled, on the ground below them, stood half of the army. Waiting for them. No sign of the elites or Exitium, yet.

She flipped the radio on. "My group, we're taking the West Lawn. Idun's group, you've got the East Lawn. We'll meet in the middle and storm the Oval Office." She spoke sternly, ready to go into the fray. Her nerves had cooled, and her confidence was up. She needed to keep herself restrained, an overabundance of strength wouldn't do her any good now. She'd have Nikolai, and that's what was important. They dropped the first group and then landed in the West Lawn and left the jet. They were far enough away that the army hadn't seen them yet.

"Everyone ready? Too bad if you're not. Let's go." She lead the way, through the fog and into the thicket. The first attack was from the other side. A blast of psionic energy that Danica barely dodged.

@lonecoyote @Aio @Lemoncakes @MarvelousMadman @Aero @Dxfoe
Idun Brunnhilde

Idun took a deep breath and gathered herself, learning some spells from Destin before the big fight. She went over the spells over and over again in her head. She looked around at everyone and smiled softly, her eyes looking out the window. She tried to keep her mind off of the negatives so instead she focused on the positives.

Idun looked down as the White House came into view. She took a deep breath and stood, picking up her sword and hammer and helmet. She equipped everything and looked at her team. She nodded to them and prepared herself for whatever outcome she was handed. When Danica mentioned that they would be deployed on the East lawn and meet in the middle, she nodded. Soon, a hatch was opening and Idun turned back to look at Danica's team. She saluted the blonde and looked at her team, signaling that it was time to move out.

Luckily, Danica had dropped them off to where the enemies couldn't see them. Idun looked around and carefully took steps.
"Alright everyone, here we go. Be ready for anything and no matter what, never give up." she said just enough for everyone to hear her. Idun was glad for the bursts of air that she was able to conjure from her mouth, it helped her see just where the targets were. "Use the fog to your advantage, just don't kill one of us." she said and saw a figure coming into view.

Right when Idun was about to throw a double bladed boomerang-like contraption when a shot of fire caught her off guard and she had to throw her hammer up to block it.
"Well shit." she mumbled and threw the weapon, hearing a shriek and other yelling. "There's no turning back now!"

@MarvelousMadman @Aio @Dxfoe
•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin stared long and hard into the eyes of Jonas. Not really having a choice to do so since he was talking to her and it would be rude not to look him directly, also he was talking about meeting her mother which is quite a serious topic to Robin. With that said, not only was the blue woman staring into the man's dull jade eyes, but listening to every word that came from his mouth. This was quite rare for Robin, for once listening to another person without zoning out or using her imagination to make the conversation more interesting. No, she listened to every syllable, every pronunciation for she believed that she should return the same seriousness, same dedication that this man gave her.

Once he was finished, before Robin could respond, Danica's voice boomed through the radio giving the instructions about the next step. Robin let out a sigh of exasperation, thinking to herself. 'We're already here? Amazing how fast time goes...' She prepared herself to head out and took one more glance at Jonas. Robin is unsure whether it was the look Jonas gave her or the gut feeling down inside her, but she gave him a thumbs up. "Fine, I shall let you escort me to see my mother when this is all over. I don't know why, but I have a feeling you're telling the truth... So don't prove me wrong." Was her final words before deporting with the rest of her team.

Robin felt a smile creep to her lips at her leader's statement and followed Danica through the fog which fascinated Robin. Unfortunately, she was unable to admire the fog due to the first attack that Robin dodged but it was quite a close call.

@MarvelousMadman @Team Danica FTW

The look of intrigue and dedication was fully noticed by the rogue as Robin seemed to study his eyes; he had meant every word. Truthfully had this mission not gone the way it had and the damn base hadn't blown up he would have simply asked for her location and had been on his way. Mystique wasn't the one he was truly interested in; she was just the means to find the person who he believed could tell him about who he was and why these dreams still plagued him...and more importantly...why people wound up dead every time he had them. He had no ill will toward Darkholme or Eisenhardt, as he gazed over the metal flower and bracelets that seemed to have been formed from a solid piece of metal and deduced who Robin's father was, nor toward Robin herself. The whole matter of the shotgun and other items was on a worst case scenario only. He was no idiot: he had done his research on the character and behavior of the woman who went more by Mystique than Raven in her prime. and had factored in what kind of a force her child could be. Now after meeting her, staring into the inquisitive yellow hues that sought for any iota of malice or duplicity and finding none, he found her to be, at least at the moment, the complete antithesis of the character her mother had been in her....youth was an odd word to describe a shapeshifter; heyday perhaps? Robin, for her part, had several opportunities to escape and flee back from the battle and leave the others to fight Exitium...and yet here she stayed; fully prepared for whatever outcome was to meet them in the face of absolute danger and harm.

She may be the daughter of Mystique true...but remember...she is also Erik's kin...and he was an honorable man even if he was skewed in his vision to peace.

Also true....and she is very protective of her folks from the look in her eyes. She's aware how great a threat Exitium is not just to her, but to her parents as well.

Jonas was broken from his inner conversation as Danica's voice spoke up, informing the others to join their respective teams. He watched as Robin moved to join Dani and the others in the cockpit, then turn and address him once more. The rebel gave a light nod in thanks at the affirmative to his request, his heart lighting up in anticipation of finally learning the answer to the questions that kept so much sleep from his eyes and had forced him to live a life out of a duffle bag; always on the run.

He would live. Of that he had little doubt. It wasn't a question of statistics or ability for him: but of will. He had something waiting for him on the other side: that most elusive yet accessible of intangibles that for many rarely seemed to become manifest: hope.

"Here, take these," Jonas tossed a couple more clips of the Kurare coated bullets to Robin...even though he knew she didn't carry guns. "Not what you think. If your father is who I think he is, you won't need a gun for these. Aim for nonlethal shots, and they'll still go down...but still living. Your powers can also help Nikolai take out the Technopath and any of her traps. They said Magneto could almost 'smell' metal...identify it like a cook could identify ingredients on his tongue upon eating a fully cooked meal. Stay sharp, and I'll see you after this is over, Robin. Good luck."

With that, he gathered his things, giving one last wink toward the young shapeshifter, and headed out after Idun and the rest of the group as they dropped from the jet onto the East Lawn. The winds blew steadily as the fog provided them more than adequate cover...but he knew it couldn't last long.

With a bark of a pistol, he knew he was right.

"Cover!!" Jonas yelled as he lifted the Desert Eagle, blasting two shots back toward the direction of fire. He heard a groan of pain as two more guns came to life, blasting through the fog toward targets they couldn't see.

"Destin, Yana; reach out with your powers and try to locate the teleporter or the telepath! We need to take them out if the others stand a chance at bringing down the rest of the elite or Drogo himself!"

Worry not on the teleporter. Cause enough damage to the house, the owner is sure to send his dogs to drive off the intruders.

@Eunoia @Aio @lonecoyote @TEAM IDUN GOFORBROKE
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Estrid had allowed Jonas to, even if unintentionally, condescendingly explain the quinjet to her patiently. It didn't take too long for him to be get distracted thankfully but she still said her piece. "Oh, I'm well aware of the concept of transport. I just didn't expect yours to be quite so developed yet." With a satisfied smile she walked onto the quinjet and quickly settled into a seat. On all accounts she looked calm but the constant toying her with the ring on her finger suggested otherwise.

The journey passed in relative silence which Estrid was happy not to break. She idly played with small wisps of magic between her fingers, almost as a comfort measure, as she thought over all the information she had and every possible outcome. Destin had said they were more or less immune to his powers which meant they would be targets. It also meant that being captured was far less likely than being killed. In the past she had loudly claimed to rather die than live in a cage but when facing that possibility it was not such an easy choice. Gods, oh gods, she hoped it was not a decision she would have to make. To die instead of succumbing to the enemy would be a heroic act, but she was no hero...

But then there was no more time for thinking. She said no emotional farewell to Destin, that would do no good for either of them and everyone needed as few distractions as possible now. When it was their time she stood and took a breath to collect herself.
"Time to meet the bastard himself." Stepping out into the fog she was a couple of paces behind Danica when the psionic blast came flying towards them. Estrid quickly threw up a magic shield on that side which she then pushed outwards in a slicing arc. The fog was working both for and against them, she needed to try and sense out some of the hiding figures. Shame she'd only been on Midgard for less than a day. Focus.

@lonecoyote @Dxfoe @Aero what team? Danica!

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