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Fandom Marvel: Next Generation

Blasius Adam Laufeyson

Blasius nodded and began to search his memory. He thought of when he visited his father in prison. Despite it being in Asgardian prison those were probably some of the best memories of his childhood. When he visited his father, which was more frequent of an occurrence when he got older, was the only time when he was truly himself in Asgard. Since most of the time they didn't want him to use or practice the magic that Loki specifically taught him. He then thought of how much he'd hurt Asya while under Exitum's control. It broke his heart that he was able to mess with her mind without any remorse. As he thought he did feel slightly different, his magic had a different feel to it as long as it was on his mind.

"I know full well the power of the heart in magic, I'm just not so used to having to use my own." Estrid said lightly as if it were the most innocent thing in the world. She thought over Destin's words, joy and sorrow. Joy was her mothers voice, sweetcakes in the sunshine, riding horses so fast that by the end they were both out of breath, the lullabies which filled her childhood, the time she cast her first successful spell. Sorrow, well sorrow was her mothers death, her brothers incarceration, the realization he wasn't coming back, and every sacrifice she had to make after that to survive.

Estrid began playing with some magic in her hand, just small wisps she kept weaving between her fingers as she focused on those memories and watched as they became brighter and bolder, a small smile appearing as she did so. But then she suddenly became aware of the other two in the room: one who - despite technically being innocent himself - still stood as a symbol of the man responsible for the greatest pain in her life, and the other who had somehow managed to take her even lower. Suddenly even the sweet memories seemed to sting and she closed her hand into a fist, the magic disappearing.

Don't focus on that. She could dwell on injustices later, what mattered now was that it had worked as long as she could keep the balance. "Well, if we only have to replicate that in the face of potential death and disaster what could possibly go wrong?" Estrid jested, for if there was one emotion she could hide it was fear and nothing worked better for that than laughter.

Destin Incantare

Destin nodded, "those of us who cast this are going to be one of the main breaking points of the attack. Once we take out those who are under control, there's that many less we have to fight. Nikolai, Theo, and you, Blasius, will have to tell us all details about their base of operations and how many of them there are." He was sort of thinking out loud at this point. "Could you tell how many were under his control?"

He shook his head. "Back to magic, this shouldn't be
too difficult. Just, stay focused. Don't let them get to you." He reiterated the obvious.

(sorry this took so long/is short)

@Lemoncakes @Dxfoe

Yana Maximoff

Yana watched as Theo started obtaining food from the freezer making her smile slightly. Waltzing over to him she plucked a burrito out of his clutch and chuckled as she waved it in his face.
" Just make sure after the mission your full of emotion cause we still need to discuss me being queen and I can't argue with a rock." She joked as she placed the burrito under her arm to look around.

This had to be one of the most high-stakes mission she ever had and she just realized how they were treating it like it was nothing. It bothered her really but at the same time, she couldn't really train without blowing something up and giving away their location. She knew Asya and Danica were probably working hard on their skills but as for the rest, it was like the mission wasn't all too big of a deal.

Danica Rogers

"Alright everyone, break's over. Back to the war." Danica called out over the intercom. "Meet me in the communications room with your A-Game." She played around with the screen until she brought up a 3D map of the White House above the center table. She spun it, looking at every possible interest. Security would be tight, he'd have every possible route blocked. They'd need to split up, a stealth member with each team. She thought about teams. She'd need others input before deciding on them. This was a team effort.

"I bet your glad your parents were such tactical geniuses right about now, aren't you?" Armani's voice joined her thoughts.

"Yeah, I was beginning to think that inheritance would never come in handy." The blonde responded, not looking away from the map, expanding it to fill the whole room and studying the layout. She waited for the others to come in before going any further into planning.

@lonecoyote @Dxfoe @Aio @Lemoncakes @MarvelousMadman
Blasius Adam Laufeyson

Blasius quickly stood when he heard Danica's voice and began to head back to the communications room, hair still wet. Upon arrival he saw the large holographic display of the white house's blue prints. And he watched Danica and Armani exchange conversation before he took his place by the wall, not really saying much. He was definitely going to help but he was going to follow, listen to the plan, then maybe make his comments.

Alicia von Doom

Alicia quickly entered the com room, finding the others in there already, around the projection of the white house's layout. "Whats the plan?" She asked, she wasn't really one to take orders nor was she one to give them but if she had to she would. This wasn't her team so they would definitely not her own so they would definitely not take her orders, so she would be forced to listen to Danica.

Olivia Stark

Olivia sighed and walked into the communications room. She still didn't have her suits so she didn't really know what use she would be but she was there anyway. She watched as Danica stood as their leader, which she didn't mind. She hadn't inherited her fathers suborn persistence of the idea that he was perfect for leading the Avengers, or the Legacies in her case. She figured that was what their team name was, since the Avengers were basically retired and it would be a bit too much to take on their parents team name.

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Asya Barnes

Asya sauntered into the room, beads of sweat still present on her body from her workout. Crossing her arms as she looked around, listening to Danica drone on about her plan. She knew she should listen, and she would, but she would have to get used to taking orders from a Rogers. She made her way over to Blasius and smiled as she stood near him. His presence comforted her to some degree, wanting to ask if he was doing okay but knew now was not the time to talk. Asya only touched his arm lightly to acknowledge his presence before letting it fall to her side. She felt sick to her stomach just thinking about going into this battle blind but she knew she would have to get over it quick.


Yana Maximoff

Yana looked over to Theo as she heard Danica's voice on the speaker.
"Showtime." She said, giving her best jazz hands before chuckling. Truth be told she was nervous and it was obvious that her body language shifted to a more defensive state but she would try to hold her nonchalant act for as long as she could. She didn't want to be the doom and gloom knowing there was far too much to go around right now. She made her way down into the base, holding the door open for Theo before she limped off towards the room. Her foot was almost good as new, just a few more minutes and it would be. "Y'all ready to rumble?" Yana asked as she leaned on the door frame, looking in at the party that had gathered around Danica's map. She was happy knowing Danica had taken the roll of the leader knowing it was the best suit for her. She trusted Danica, and hoped the others would find trust for her as well.

@lonecoyote @Eunoia

Theo Williams

Theo looked up when the intercom began to fill the place with Danica's voice. He let out a huff, grabbing a few waters and throwing them into the bag before following Yana back to the bunker. He ran a hand through his hair as he jogged down the steps. He wasn't sure if he could handle not killing innocent people who were under the control that he was under. He knew that they were probably trying to stop themselves but couldn't. Being under Exitium's control was tough. He made you feel like you were nothing and he was everything. He made you feel weak and do things you definetly didn't want to do.

"What's the plan, Cap'n?" he asked as he entered the room, standing beside Yana and opening a water. He took a drink of the cool liquid and offered Yana one from the bag. True, he was nervous and ancy but he wasn't going to let it show. He kept his stoic look on his face, trying not to think about the 'what if's' and 'maybe's'. That's when he felt someone move him to the side and the scent of lavender coconut made him grin. He looked at the girl and hit her on the shoulder, pinching her cheek when she looked at him. "Well, well, well. Where've you been?" he asked her which earned him a glare and his hand being swiped away from her face.



Yana Maximoff

Yana went to grab from the bag when Theo offered her a water, but when a hand touched her back she tensed up. She did this with everyone, and she didn't mean to do so it was just instinct. When she looked to see who it was she smiled and moved out of the way. "Sorry Idun and I don't know what you did to my foot but I'm sure it will finish by the time of the battle by the rate we're going. Thank you so much for healing it." She give Idun a reassuring smile before she went back to grabbing a water unscrewing the cap and taking a quick sip before turning her attention to Danica. She was ready or she like to think she was. Though seeing Asya come in fresh from work out made her wonder.

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When Estrid walked into the communications room she was dressed in an outfit that far more suited a battle, trading silks for leather, and even her walk seemed to have changed from a slink to a stride. She wasn't phased by the technology, if anything it was an antiquated system, so instead Estrid immediately began to look over what the map showed. Well, in terms of buildings to infiltrate it definitely wasn't going to be easy: large with as many rooms as were to be expected. Then just add in the small matter of the murderous madman residing within along with his team of mind-controlled minions and you had a party. And to think Destin had promised me fun...



"Stealth more than likely won't be an option for this one...at least not for everyone."

Jonas spoke as he followed Estrid into the command center, having changed out of his jumpsuit and work clothes back to his leather motorcycle jacket, jeans and boots. He had the bandoliers of bullets strapped around his chest, with the pistols slung around on either side of his hips. The HYDRA rifle and shotgun, along with the grenades and a few other surprises, he had placed into the black duffle he carried in his right hand. He smelled lightly of gas and motor oil, with just a hint of cinnamon from the oatmeal he had earlier. He nodded lightly to Estrid, then to the others; a small gesture of acknowledging his part to play in this: to whatever end. Seems Robin hadn't gotten the message. He didn't blame her. Honestly he didn't really want to participate in something like this himself...but Armani had been on point when he said that this took precedence above all else: it was hard to figure out the answers to your own past when there was a high possibility that the person who held all the answers could be dead by tomorrow.

"Khal Drogo already knows we're coming. He's counting on it. Whether by stealth or by brute force, he'll be aware. When you're stuck with a trap, sometimes the best option is to spring it early."

You need a diversion. Allow the others time to take down Exitium's forces while the others draw him out.

...I was getting to that., thank you.

onas paused, looking over the model himself.

"We all saw what he did to the people on the feed. Any chance he kept survivors to force our surrender?" He asked to anyone who had a guess, though largely to Danica, Idun, and Armani.

@Eunoia @Aero @Lemoncakes @Aio @Dxfoe
Rose Gwynn

Rose flies into the communications room in her pajamas. Rose yawns. "I'm ...ready morning..... everyone..... I would like pancakes mr teddy bear..... yawn". Rose hits her head against the ceiling and wakes up a little more. Rose finds battle planning boring since the plans never go as planed which makes the planning a waste of time. Rose felt the difference in experience between this group and the few times she went on missions with the X-men but she doesn't feel worried. Rose slowly gets distracted with thoughts of how cute the guys and the girls are.

"So do we have a team color I should wear when go into battle?" Rose only asked that to lighten the mood in the room since everyone is too tense. Since Rose doesn't know the rest of team that well she knows she is not going to put in charge of a team and that her pink hair and wings are totally not suited for a stealth mission.

@Eunoia @everyone else
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Jonas was right, Exitium had essentially invited them over so stealth was only going to get them so far. Then again, what was there alternative? Just stroll up and knock on the door? Under different circumstances that was likely what she would have done but this was much bigger than a power move like that. But when he suggested that maybe some had survived the massacre, Estird wasn't so optimistic. "Obviously I cannot say for certain either way, but I wouldn't expect it. That video... it was more than just a message to you all, it was to the entire realm. He doesn't want a surrender, he wants everyone to watch him take this Earth and to know that no-one could save them.. not their leaders, not us." She couldn't say she understood him, but she'd made a habit of learning from all the men she'd encountered: their arrogance, their anger, anything that could be used against them. "Fearful subjects are submissive subjects. An old idea, but a well proven one."

All of them bc I'm lazy

Nikolai pulled his hair into a bun, smiling at Idun. He almost wanted to ignore the entire situation. The whole war. He didn't, instead he followed Idun back to the bunker, quietly. Lost in thought. They found Danica front and center, which he knew they would. As far as tactical intelligence, the two were high qualified for leadership. He stood in the back, letting her take the lead. They were practically twins when it came to how they thought tactically, he knew where she'd be going with that.

"Actually," Danica started addressing Jonas and Estrid's statements, turning to Armani. "Stealth is something we'll all have." She smiled and he nodded, following her lead. "Armani can bring in a thick fog. At least long enough to get us in. As for survivors, I highly doubt it. Like she said, he wants a fight. Not a surrender." She stared at the display. "Knowing his arrogance, he'll be in the Oval Office." The man wanted the world on it's knees. What better place to watch that happen than the President's HQ? She looked around the room. She heard Yana say she was healing, that was good.

"He'll have security cameras, but a quick blast of magic should take them out." Destin stated. "Our first two targets should be the technopath and the psionic." He added. Those two would be the worst of them, they could change the current of the fight almost immediately. "And then the shadow chick, she's dangerous. We need her taken out." The Asgardian thought through the others.

"The teleporter," Armani said. "When he was possessing me I could tell which of the ones in the room were under his control. The teleporter is. If we free him, it'll give us an advantage." He explained. The two boys had both been screaming for help, along with Dust as well. Those screams were still haunting him.

Danica nodded, "what did you learn in Asgard?" She asked Destin and Idun. "And Olivia, how fast can you build a suit?"

"I've got some spells, mass spells for healing. Oh, and a warning. Make sure he's dead this time."

@Dxfoe @MarvelousMadman @lonecoyote @Aio @Lemoncakes

Idun Brunnhilde

Idun smiled at Yana and patted her shoulder, nodding.
"It's fine and that's good. I'm glad it's healing. It was just a little Asgardian love is all." she laughed out and turned her attention to everyone as they spoke. She nodded as she listened, fixing her hair into it's usual braids. As she braided she looked at the floor. "We can't say that he doesn't have anyone still. He likes to mess with our minds so we still have to keep in mind that he has at least one hostage. He surely doesn't want us to surrender. If at all, he wants us all dead. Well, some of us more than others." she said, referring to the other Asgardians specifically.

"The ones who are being controlled have fully blacked eyes. Remember that. If they do not have these colored eyes then they are following by will." she reminded Destin. "We can't save everyone but if we have the opportunity, we should take it. I know Exitium is out prime concern, but the ones under his control have no control of what they are doing. Like the ones he took from us. They're fighting just as hard as we are so if we can help them that will be a good thing." she spoke out, stepping forward and going over to Destin.

"Mind giving me a crash course in some spells?" she asked him when she was beside him, a small smile on her face. She then looked at Danica and Armani. "Odin shared his Odin force with me as well as gave me a way to heal and prevent further mind control." she said and looked to find Blasius. "I need to pass this along to you as well." she simply said, knowing that she and he were not on good terms because of her father locking his in prison. But at this moment none of that mattered. What mattered was getting rid of Exitium. "I think we should divide into teams. One Asgardian per team." she added, wrapping an arm around her waist and holding it in place with her other hand.

Idun looked at the map, looking at each room that the White House had. The place was huge and there was no doubt in her mind that by the time the battle was over, the place would be demolished.

"Oh, Hlín be with us." she spoke under her breath, her heart beating in her ears.

@Dxfoe @Lemoncakes @MarvelousMadman @Aio

Theo Williams

Theo listened to Yana and Idun before glancing his eyes to Danica and Armani. He stood there and listened to everyone's spill. What they thought, how they felt, and what they should do. He agreed with some of it while others not so much. At the mention of who they should break free of Exitium's control, Theo nodded at Dust's name. She tried to help him, even tried to ease his pain. But she couldn't do it because of how stubborn he was. He honestly wanted to help her. As for the rest, he could care left if they got a bullet to the head and fell over in front of him.

Then he heard Idun's piece. How she wanted to save them. At first he didn't agree. At all. They had no time to save that many people. Then she brought up how he,Nikolai, and Blasius were controlled. He knew the girl had a big heart and would rather save than kill, but the truth was, not everyone would make it out alive. That was just a fact they all had to deal with even though they really didn't want to hurt anyone.

"How do we go about splitting into teams?" he asked, causing Idun to turn and look at him. "We are not going to be on a team together, Theo. I would be more concerned about you than the people I have to fight." she told him with her lips pursed. He nodded. That was probably the best idea. She'd be too worried about him and if anything hurt her, he'd get distracted. "Gotcha."

Blasius Adam Laufeyson

Blasius relaxed slightly at Asya's touch when she entered. As he was listening to the discussion, he quietly slipped his hand into Asya's. They all needed a little bit of comfort right now, he didn't know if she did but he knew that it would be nice to have someone that would be glad he survived this. As he listened in on their plan, Blasius suddenly remembered his telepathic conversations with Dust. "We should go after Dust first, the one that scrambles brains. She could take us all down in one blow" He added his input from the side of the room, hoping they'd heard her.

@Eunoia @Aio @lonecoyote @Lemoncakes @MarvelousMadman

Olivia Stark

Olivia listened quietly. Looking up when Danica mentioned her name, "If I have the right materials and access to JARVIS pretty quickly" She responded attentively, "JARVIS has the blueprints to all my suits and my fathers suits so I'd just need the capabilities." Her father had made sure that JARVIS held the blueprints in case their suits were destroyed or stolen so they could make new ones. They did however still have the original copies, a sort of memory, also an extra back up, in case JARVIS was somehow hacked. Though that was very unlikely.


Asya Barnes

Asya looked down at her and as Blasius intertwined his fingers with hers and smiled slightly before looking back up. Listening to his input and nodding before she put her input on Theo's question.
"Maybe two groups of five? It seems we've accumulated some folks after the fight so I'm unsure of how many of us there are. I do know we should have at least one Asgardian in each group." She shut her mouth saying all she needed as she watched Danica. She felt proud of Danica for taking the lead though she would never admit. These past few hours had proved that maybe they could have a close relationship if they tried. Maybe after the battle, if she was still alive, she and Danica could try and get to know one another.

Yana Maximoff

"So Mind Wench, Technopath, and the Creepy Shadow girl are top priority. Though who knows who he's put under control since then." Yana was a little more hesitant than she likes to admit when speaking about Dust. Though she wasn't too familiar with the others, having only fought with Dust and Theo, when he was under control. She looked down at her foot and smiled softly, now looking like just a bad scratch if anything. She be ready just like she planned.

@lonecoyote @Lemoncakes @MarvelousMadman @Dxfoe
My Children

Danica listened to everyone's opinions, and nodded. "JARVIS should be accessible from here, it might take some hacking, but he should be there." She responded, looking around the room. "Two teams works for me, anyone opposed? If we're doing two teams, I want two Asgardians on each team. Nikolai, you're with me, we work better together. Theo, you can be with us as well. Idun and Destin will lead the other team. No one needs to be with anyone that will affect their judgement."

Nikolai stepped closer to his sister, she was right. They'd trained together for their entire life, and after the incident they'd had their mother train them to suppress emotions during fights. They were better at it now. "We can all work out our teams together. Once we get the teams arranged, Olivia can have the room to build her suit."

Destin and Armani were quiet, they didn't have preferences really. Though, Destin wouldn't admit his relief to be separate from his sister. He looked at Alicia, "I want von Doom with me." He planned to teach her some of the spells his mother left. The offensive ones especially.

@Dxfoe @Lemoncakes @lonecoyote @MarvelousMadman @Aio

Idun Brunnhilde

Idun nodded at the decision Danica made. She let out a soft sigh and made her way back to the door frame. She looked at everyone and pursed her lips together.
"Alright, I want Yana with me." she said and walked out the door and grabbed her hammer and sword. She looked at her sword and saw her reflection in it.

"May I have the strength to live to the end, the wisdom to help others, and the peace of mind to keep him out of my head." she said and walked back into the room. She stood in the back and leaned against the wall , trying to think of a strategy. She knew what she had to do and that she wasn't going to be afraid to kill those elite bastards.

The others, she'd figure it out when she got there.
"Hey, good luck out there, Theo. Don't stain the white house red." she said with a smirk knowing that once he started, it was almost hard to get him out that state of mind.

Idun saw the look Theo gave her and she couldn't help but to hit him in the shoulder.
"I swear, you're so perverted." she said and looked at Yana. "Ready to kick some bad guy butt with me?"

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Yana Maximoff

Yana smiled at Idun and nodded.
"As ready as I'll ever be." She chuckled at the way Idun treated Theo. Like some old married couple. She thought, waving Theo goodbye before she remembers something. Leaning out of the door frame she yelled down the hall. "Remember I am a Queen!" She had a silly smile on her face. She decided that what she had said would be appropriate last words if she never saw him again.

While it looked like Yana had high hopes for this mission, she knew it would be nearly impossible for everyone to come out unscathed. She stretched out her hands in front of her.
"Okay, let's do this." She smiled at Idun, happy she was on the same team as her. Her foot was healed and all she wanted to do was walk around, she just wanted to get this battle over with.

Estrid listened as they began to decide on the finer details of the upcoming battle, mainly who would work with who. "Well, I nearabout know all of you as little as the next so put me where you wish." It was true, she had nothing to lose and nothing to gain by being put in one group or the other. She wasn't even concerned that she was to be with Blasius as opposed to Destin: it would be easier to fight pretending she was still alone, and gods know you do not have to trust someone to be able to work alongside them. "As long as I can help in killing that bastard I'll be content." Estrid said with a smirk, crossing her arms. In terms of preparation she was limited, there was certainly not the time or resources to make any poisons, but throwing some magic around may make her feel better...

It's a suitable plan. Personally though, three or four teams would be better suited if stealth is the preferred medium for combat.

Much as he hated to admit it, Jonas had to agree with the voice.

"Even if Armani hits and covers us with the fog, chances are likely Drogo's gonna know it's us. The area's going to become a powderkeg of tension, just waiting for that first match to light. That means no hit and run. We blitz, and we blitz hard all the way to the end. If you want to go stealth, it seems a third or fourth team would be better suited: team one agitates and distracts. Team two comes in from the rear to hit them back and send them into shock, then team three and four specialize in taking out the specific targets like the teleporter and technopath from the shadows, then come back around to support team one and two when priorities are taken down." Jonas shrugged lightly as he looked over the three-dimensional map, looking over to the twins and Idun.

"But I'm good either way; stealth or force. If we go two teams though, Miss Stark is probably going to want to sit out until we take the technopath; otherwise we just give her an even bigger gun against us. The tricky one is going to be the damn teleporter. He can split our forces in a split second if he chooses."

Jonas flexed his fingers lightly, looking to Danica and Nikolai as they began to make decisions to split the group into assigned teams.

"If it helps with things, I think I can take the teleporter. I've got some flashbangs and fast ammo to stun or wound him. I'm betting I can find a sedative here similar to the one I used on Theo to coat the bullets. I'd clip him, but he'd go unconscious. Don't worry; I won't kill him unless there's no choice."

You have more than simple ammunition at your side.

Jonas mentally batted the other voice away, turning his green hues to the others, feeling their stares upon him...and he knew why.

"Look, I'm not like the rest of you. I'm not the son of some great hero or mutant. I'm not a legacy or continuation of anything. Hell, my dad was just a mechanic for the Air Force and my mom was a school teacher....but I'm a fighter, and I've never backed down from one; no matter who the asshat was. And you were right, Armani: if we don't do something now to stop this...if this isn't our top priority...then our daily agendas are going to be set by a tyrannical overlord for the rest of our lives. I think I speak for us all here when I say death would be a welcome change compared to that."

He smirked: a sly, slightly impish grin across his features like he was called at his bluff and he was holding four aces on the hand.

"But speaking of my dad's profession, if it helps, I was able to get us some transportation up and running. It's an older Quinjet without an automated system, but I figure the less gadgets the better we'll be against the technopath."

"Please, allow me the chance to show this arrogant wannabe Set a new definition of vengeance."

@Eunoia @lonecoyote @Aero @Lemoncakes @Dxfoe @Aio @Ilikepie

"While stealth is important, but you make a good point. Regardless of how we split he's gonna know it's us." Danica nodded, "I think two bigger teams will be best, just for the sake of strength in numbers. He's got an army and we've got a small group. Sure, we have some tricks up our sleeves, but we'll still be better off in numbers." She stared at the display. "We'll need to clear the entire place before heading to the oval office. Team one, you'll follow Nikolai and I through the front. Team two, you'll hit the back." She assigned teams, with careful consideration, and then looked around the room.

Nikolai looked at Jonas, "awesome. Thank you, we'll definitely be needing that." He ushered everyone to leave the room, as Olivia needed it now. He looked at her, "any chance you can turn my electric disc into an electromagnetic disc? Electromagnetic fields are Techna's weakness, and we'll need to get rid of her power fairly quickly. If you and I can get a field around the whole place, that'd be the best way to get rid of her threat."

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agh sorry for being inactive >.<

Olivia Stark

Olivia nodded quietly, basically agreeing with everything that was being said. She was just glad that once they were done talking she would be able to make herself a suit. Olivia also agreed whole heartedly with taking out the techno path first, she did not want to be left defenseless. As people started to file out she turned to Nikolai as he spoke to her, "I can do that" She smiled, her mind turning with ways she could make the suit have more electromagnetic features that would help, as well as ways to convert his electric disk. Once everyone had cleared out she took control of the computer system and had quickly hacked it to allow JARIVS and identified herself as Ms. Stark. In no time JARVIS had taken control of basically all the technology in the compound and was speaking to JARVIS through the computer as she explained the situation, which of course he already knew. Soon enough Olivia had opened the blueprints file and the simulation thing that she made her suit from and was making little tweaks to it so it would be more useful in this fight.


Alicia von Doom

Alicia listened contently to the whole discussion, smiling slightly when Destin singled her out as someone singled her out, though she wondered why. She was glad to be on his team, they both used magic so he could teach her his moms spells that would help, even though it was Asgardian she should still be able to use it. As people dispersed out of the room to allow Stark to build her new suit she made sure she was near Destin so she could talk to him, and ask why he chose her, she could learn any of the Asgardians magic if she wanted. "Hi" She said standing beside him, "You wanted me on your team?"


Blasius Adam Laufeyson

Blasius made no comments about the team placements. He was with Estrid on Danica and Nikolai's team and it didn't really bother him, though he didn't know how it would go being on Estrid's team. He was aware that they didn't particularly like him because of their parents history though he had no issues, probably because his father wasn't the one that was wronged. He was glad that he had Asya with him, since if he didn't have someone he probably wouldn't even be helping the legacies. He'd probably have just popped into Asgard and waited it out, but he was glad he could help out.

@Aio @lemon

Asya Barnes

Asya squeezed Blasius's hand as the teams were situated. She was rather relieved she was separated from Blasius, although she didn't have to she did worry about him ever since he was taken out of control of Exitium. With a sigh, Asya watched as everyone started to file out and Olivia started on her suit. This is the time when she felt like she could be completely useless, she didn't have super powers, and she gained few abilities from her father. Dear god, she was even amongst gods. Though she had this self-doubt it did not show in her actions. No emotion. Her father had told her time and time again. In this fight, she was going to follow her father's words. If they even saw a slight change in her face it could be all over.

She leaned into Blasius as she whispered in his ear.
"We're actually sounding more and more like an official team." She said before she gave his hand one last squeeze and started to head out. Honestly, Asya didn't know what to do with the time left, she thought to go see her team but she wasn't really up for it. So she stood outside the door of the communication room as she thought of what she should do in these last few minutes.

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