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Fandom Marvel: Next Generation


Idun smiled softly at Amari, shaking her head and looking at him.
"I believe you've mentioned it a time before." she recalled and laughed softly, standing up and looking as everyone began to move out. She cleared her throat and looking at everyone. "There is an underground bunker at the gas station just a bit from here. I can make a barrier for us while we move, but I'll have to fly above everyone and we all need to stick close together. Got it? Let's go." she said and lead the way. The gas station wasn't something most knew that weren't associated with SHIELD.

Idun took off into the air, holding her hammer in the air and waiting for everyone to come out.

@Eunoia @Everyone literally


"Alright, don't get too ahead of yourself now. After the battle, we'll talk about you being a queen." he said with a chuckle, grabbing her thighs securely. He lifted her up and followed everyone out. He looked up at Idun and stood close to the end where she was.

"I'll stay here, so no one looks up your skirt." he said and looked up at her, a grin on his face. Idun, on the other hand, rolled her eyes and kicked her shoe off, throwing it at his head.

"Pig." she told him and Theo let it hit him.



Ugh. It wasn't a sentence; barely considered a word and more onomotopoeiac, but it was the best option to describe how he felt after sticking Theo with the sedative.

As he felt the muscles of his face move to open his eyelids, he realized he must have hit his head and gotten conked against the back of the floor or some debris. Judging from the distance that was between him and his former opponent as a blonde woman knelt down to help him, he guessed Theo had somehow shaken or thrown him back when he stuck him with the spiked ring....and apparently cocked him right across the side of his head, as he felt the left side of his face at the temple was a bit tender...he'd had worse. At least this answered the two questions he had; whether the tactic had worked and if the witch was all right. He saw her move forward....WITHOUT his shotgun, he noticed: he'd still have to go find it later.

Sounds of weeping and a soft, haunting lullaby filled with sorrow blanketed the room as he saw motion from his peripherals: others were now moving to help those who had been downed during the fight. A male of African descent placed his arm around a woman in half a suit of armor -no need to guess THAT relation- while the two blondes who were most likely brother and sister hugged.

He groaned as he felt a sharp pain in his side and head, the scent of blood close to his nostrils. He reached over to feel the left side of his torso, feeling a sticky wetness through the black dress shirt, followed by a stinging sensation. Theo's daggers. He must have pressed himself into them when he pushed the spike into his neck...probably cut the back of his head too on some debris when he went down as he felt the same sting when he tried to move. He remembered also the deranged man slamming his forehead right into his face; probably breaking his nose...which was why he was tasting blood as he licked his lips in response to the substance he felt over them

His emerald hues caught sight of the tall leggy blonde as she looked upon him with...gratitude?? She even said she owed him now. Gratitude was an experience Jonas hadn't had for a long time...and often it wasn't fond memories. But this one wanted to thank him for sparing Theo's life and taking him down...even wanted to heal him??

At that, Jonas held out his hand in protest, shaking his head lightly.

"No really I'm fine. Just a couple of flesh wounds you don't need to do-"

But it was too late. Almost the instant that Jonas began to speak the Asgardian warrior placed her hand on his head. Before he could finish his sentence it was over. The wounds were already eliminated; as though he had never been damaged.

"That," Jonas said with a defeated sigh, seeing there was no point in arguing with the offspring of a god.

He looked over to the daughter of the Scarlet Witch, nodding lightly in her direction as she saw to Theo's care along with the leggy blonde -Idun, if he was following along correctly- as she asked if he would be okay.

"He'll be fine; just groggy and tired for awhile. Stuck him with a pretty powerful sedative so wouldn't recommend he drive the carpool tomorro-." ...or nevermind: guess he knew what power or ability Theo had now since he was already up and hauling the witch away. Still, Jonas nodded lightly to Theo; that slightest of male nonverbals that could mean so many things, but that every male seemed to intuit the proper meaning based on context and facial cues. For Theo, it would be a look of respect...but also honesty. He regretted nothing he had done; indeed if it came down to him killing someone else, he would have had to put him down...and he would...but he wouldn't like it. And with that was the final message in the nod: gratitude to the fates and gods that all went as it did without any death.

It was then that he saw movement from his peripherals, drawing his eyes to the right side of his body. There, kneeling beside him was another blonde...probably Asgardian too given how elegant were her facial features. A part deep down within, where he would not admit existed, had to concede to the fact she was quite radiant.

A part deeper down to which he would acknowledge, found cause for fear for that very reason. Attachment was poison, he told himself: it was one reason why he kept alone. Everyone who got clo-....no. That was for another time.

Not now.

For now, Jonas would nod lightly, his hand reaching back behind his head as he felt the newly healed spot near his occipital bone: even the blood that had soaked into his hair seemed to have vanished.

"Don't mention it. Thanks for the assist; couldn't have done it without you. I'm just glad you got the idea without me having to tell you; felt like I was just pressing my luck that you'd get my meaning so that I could stick him. So I owe you thanks as well. And yeah, I'm fine. Just a couple of flesh wounds that would've healed with some sutures and whiskey but your friend there seems to be the 'won't take no for an answer' type. Speaking of which....seems like we should be moving our of here."



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As he began to speak Estrid had only been half paying attention, whilst also keeping track of what was going on around them, but when he began talking of the finer details he had her full attention. He seemed to have no memory or awareness of the voice she had heard and now, thinking back on it without the pressure of the situation, that made sense. He.. it had said 'the boy' in reference to the one in front of her, why would he say that about himself? But if it wasn't him... who was it?

Instead of letting this all show, however, Estrid only smiled.
"There was an element of wishful thinking on my behalf which surely helped, I do hate to fight if I don't know for certain that I am to win. Besides, now you can put that whiskey to much better use." Looking over to Idun as she began rallying them to move, Estrid sighed and stood in one fluid movement. "You know her as well as I do, but I feel you're probably right with that assumption so you best get moving." She said, beginning to slowly walk over to the others.

@MarvelousMadman @lonecoyote
Blasius Adam Laufeyson

"Its fine" He said quietly, honestly glad she had electrocuted him, "If you hadn't I wouldn't be free from the hypnosis" Blasius smiled at Asya's blush. He still felt the pain from the electrocution but it was duller than it had been. He didn't know how long he was out but when he had awoken the fight was over and the asgardians were back so he assumed it was a while.


Yana Maximoff

Yana looked ahead as Theo walked, her eyes growing heavy with each step.
"Fine. We'll talk about it but I'm pretty sure I can convince you that I am a Queen." She joked, nestling her head in the nook of his neck and sighed. "This whole being shot thing makes you pretty tired. If you don't mind I think I might take a quick nap." She wouldn't take no for an answer as she shut her eyes, soon drifting off into sleep.


Asya Barnes

Asya looked at Blasius and smiled.
"Anything to help. Though seriously bread sticks. I am craving them. You sir have to take me back. No if ands or buts." She joked, she wanted to lighten the mood but knowing her lightening the mood wasn't one of her strong points. As they were walking Asya took a look around before leaning over to Blasius and whispering in his ear. "We're going to a secret SHEILD base, who would've thought." Truth be told she probably sounded super awkward by this point but she was trying to shake the nagging feeling that something still wasn't right. It was obvoius everything was, why couldn't her body know that already.

Blasius Adam Laufeyson

Blasius chuckled, "I know right?" He smiled a response, "I've only ever been to a shield facility to be asked about my father." He felt slightly uncomfortable going to a shield facility. They generally had the capabilities to lock him up like his father and he didn't want that. He had a feeling that Exitium's crew weren't done yet, the fight had been too short for that.

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Jonas chuckled mildly at her comment. Asgardian she may be, but she seemed to know the value of good liquor. He wasn't much of a drinker himself due to past experiences...but he did enjoy a glass of well made, quality whiskey. She wasn't lying: there were far better uses than helping in field dressing.

"A cap to Beijing beef from Mama Li's does sound better than cleaning wounds, I'll give you that." Jonas nodded, rising to his feet as he dusted himself off. Damn. Whatever this Asgardian healing was, if anyone found a way to produce it they'd make a killing. Already he was feeling better than before he had even entered the SHIELD facility. It seemed that ontop of healing the wounds, Idun's powers also had a slight revitalization effect: he could take an eight hour slumber after drinking a disgusting smoothie of nothing but all the superfoods chockful of fiber and he wouldn't feel this refreshed. Perhaps he should be the one to thank her.

"Sweetheart, aside from the fact that I know an Asgardian when I see one, I don't know you, her, or any of SHIELD'S top 20 under 30 to watch fron Adam or Eve."

He walked over back to where Yana had been when she threw the shotgun from his hands. Scouring the debris slightly behind about a few yards away, he found the Winchester halfway buried under some rubble, fishing it out as he brushed off the cement dust from the barrel, following after the others.

"But I came here for one thing...or rather one person...and while I do appreciate the assist back there I'm not leaving until I have that encounter."


He cocked the Winchester, walking forward to his target...the one who he had come to collect. The one who held the next piece to the puzzle. The one who had no idea she was even being hunted as he stopped short of the middle of the line where she was...helping to carry the downed child of Tony Stark as he looked down to her with determined emerald eyes.

"Robin Eisenhardt. We need to talk."

And you think the best method of expressing a desire for nonviolent discourse is right after you cocked a shotgun? Brilliant.


"....okay, I know in context how that looked but honestly I just want to talk!"


•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin felt really bad for the Stark girl, to have to go through all that pain. She watched Armani pick her up and take orders from Danica. 'Wow I'm actually remembering their names now.' Robin thought to herself as she stood up and dusted herself off. She actually paid attention to Danica this time, after the whole mind playing she realized how important it is for her to listen and help out if needed. 'Man how do heroes be heroes? It's a pain with all this responsibility crap.'

Robin followed everyone out to the secret S.H.E.I.L.D bunker until she heard someone call her name.

"Robin Eisenhardt. We need to talk."

Robin turned around and looked at the dirty blonde guy in front of her with a loaded shotgun. She stared at him for a while to see if she regonized him at all, but she didn't.
'Most likely a 'friend' of my parents.' Robin thought to herself as readied herself for a fight. She wasn't threatened by the gun, guessing that the bullets are most likely metal, but she was pretty weirded out he knew her name. "Really? So you just casually talk to people with a loaded shotgun huh?" Robin asked sarcastically, her eyes narrowing. She really didn't trust anyone after the whole Exitium event so a random guy coming up to her say they just wanted to talk seemed pretty suspicious. Plus, Robin really didn't have time the time or much energy to fight and just wanted to catch with the group, but she could tell this guy wouldn't go down without a fight. "Look I don't know who you are, or how the hell you know my name, but I'm pretty busy so you'll have to make this fast." @MarvelousMadman
Told you.

You stay out of this!!

"Again, not my intention to indicate hostilities and a noted mistake on my part...but given the same reasons you want to jet are the same as me going back to grab my Winchester in the first place I think you can understand why I did that. And honestly, you think after risking my ass to save you and the witch and whoever else your possessed friend was gonna go after that I'd turn around and shoot you in the face with over ten offspring of former Avengers and X-men...three of which are Asgardians?? I'll admit I might be arrogant, but No. One. Is that stupid."

As he spoke, he kept watch through his periphery at the others, wondering their intentions now thanks to his royal screw up at diplomacy just now. Jonas honestly hadn't meant to provide such a connotation; it was just his habit of having his weapons always at the ready in case something happened. Being on your own for years meant all you had to depend on was yourself...and that meant relying on constant vigilance...something that can and does easily turn into paranoia...especially given the unique set of circumstances that pieced together Jonas' life.

But that's why he came here. To find her. To find answers to the questions that plagued him. Furthering that all he wanted was information, he put the shotgun away in a side holster at his hip. He couldn't see the relation for Magneto in her...oh, Mystique was obvious...but up until she started talking, he couldn't see it. He turned his eyes to her, shimmering emerald as he gazed at her own. Despite the physical rejuvenation of Idun's powers, it didn't stave the mental fatigue that held him, nor the slight sign of...what was that....eagerness? Desperation? Hope?? Whatever it wss, it was gone in the blink of an eye before Robin could accurately read it.

"As for who I am, no one you need to remember. But if you want a name, call me Jonas, or Joe for short if you'd rather. And I'm not after you to hurt you, Robin. I'm after you because I need your help. Or rather, I need your mother's help. I need to get in contact with Raven. She's the only one who can tell me where to find someone called Moonstar."

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Armani Munroe

The others were all headed out already. Armani stepped in front of Robin. After everything that had happened, he had started trusting her again. "Look, Jonas, is it? If you haven't noticed, all forms of communication are down. There's a war going on, the other side has a technopath, she took out all forms of communication." He shifted Olivia in his arms, so she'd be more comfortable. "You can either wait out the war or help us win it. Either way, Robin won't be able to help you until we've taken them down."

He nodded for the other mutant to leave ahead of him. "If you try to hurt any of them, I'll end you. Make your choice quickly," he stated. A little harshly, but then again, he had that tone a lot. He carried Olivia out, talking to her, trying to get her to remember who she was. "You can do this Olivia, I promise."

Once they were all in the bunker he watched them all settle in and some of them collapse. Theo was carrying Yana, who was asleep. They all should sleep, really. Destin went back to finish healing Danica once he got Asya and Blasius settled. Nikolai sat beside them. Armani and the blonde exchanged a nod before he put Olivia down and sat with her.

@Dxfoe @Aero @Aio @lonecoyote @MarvelousMadman
[border]RP Day Summary

April 9

  • The day started on page 8
  • The ball happened and everyone looked pretty
  • Nikolai and Danica did their speech thing
  • Nikolai TRIED AND FAILED to dance with Idun
  • I mean no
  • Theo, Nikolai, and Blasius were controlled by him rip them
  • Destin and Idun went to Asgard
  • Destin and Estrid reunited
  • Estrid joined the squad
  • Theo killed Keldr :(
  • Theo's a dick when he's controlled, actually
  • Techna may or may not have developed a thing for Nikolai
  • Dust established a link between her mind and Blasius's mind
  • Idk there's so much
  • Nikolai almost killed Danica
  • Olivia is catatonic rn
  • Jonas showed up and helped take Theo down, that was fun
  • He's apparently looking for Robin
  • Armani intervened
  • IDK??????????
  • Exitium announced moving his plans up because he's pissed off
  • OH, the boys got healed, hell yeah
  • Did I miss anything? Let me know and I'll add it
  • Additionally: Idun wants to punch Techna

RP Day Start

April 10


  • Death. So much death. I'm sorry.
  • Honestly that's all probably.
  • OR maybe not.

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Danica Rogers

Danica woke up feeling better than she had in years. She stretched as she stood, and could have forgotten everything that had happened if she hadn't looked up and seen the mess of a group in the bunker with her. Nikolai had already gotten up, though she didn't know who else was up. He was making coffee.

She didn't bother him, instead going to the training room. She wrapped her fists, glad to have full control of her arm today. She threw punch after punch at the punching bag. All of her memories of the day before coming back to her. She tried to remain calm but she wanted to rip the damn bag in half. She closed her eyes, delivering another punch, sending the bag flying across the room into the wall.
Great, now there's a dent in the wall and a broken punching bag. She took a breath to calm herself and ran her hands through her hair.

Later, once everyone was awake, they'd plan a route of attack. They'd need to take the battle to him, to DC. That wasn't going to be particularly fun. Civilians were going to end up getting hurt. That was unsettling. She pulled her hair into a high, messy bun and started fixing the punching bag.

Asya Barnes

Asya awoke when she heard Danica bustling around. Rubbing her eyes as she looked around at the unfamiliar room. Finally she remembered where she was before getting up to check on Blasius. She vowed to never let him out of her sights again, going over to him, placing a hand on his chest making sure he was still breathing. She knew it was ridiculous to do so but right now she wasn't going to take any chances.

Grabbing her staff she went to the training room and spotted Danica. They were never really close growing up but with the circumstances it was better late than never. "I'm scared to know what the punching bag did to you." Asya joked as she sat down by one of the walls, going to work on the fried circuits of her staff. She wouldn't be using the electrical pulses anytime soon. Groaning when she saw the fried mess. "You wouldn't happen to know where they would keep any extra wires would you? Never really stepped foot in a SHEILD base since yesterday. "
and look where I got you now. She thought about the events of yesterday and wondered what she would be doing now if she never even went to the party in the first place. There were a bunch of what of questions floating around her head. Blasius wouldn't have been captured. She reminded herself, which was true if she hadn't invited Blasius he would have never been in this mess. All my fault. All my fault. She told herself but quickly pushed it from her thoughts. It was no time for self pity.



Danica Rogers

Danica laughed at Asya's comment. "Honestly, I think it was in the wrong place at the wrong time." She finally got the thing fixed and looked up. "The communications room seems like a good place to go. There should be repair wires there." She responded, nodding for the girl to follow her.

She searched through some of the drawers before finally finding what she was looking for, "here we go." She pulled out a repair kit. "This should do the trick, don't you think?" She smiled at her cousin. Honestly, they'd never been particularly close. But after both nearly dying yesterday, they were going to have a new kind of bond.



Idun felt a cold breeze come up her legs and travel up her back. Her blue eyes opened and she looked around her, letting out a yawn. She rubbed her eyes and licked her lips, seeing her hammer holding her down. She lifted her heavy hammer and sat it beside her.
"Why's it so cold?" she mumbled and stood up, seeing Theo still asleep she let him be. He had been through a lot and he needed his rest. Plus, he always slept in late. She saw he was propped against Yana, his head in her lap. She smiled and stood up, hearing people in the training room.

She looked around and saw bright blinking lights in a different room. She tilted her head and approached the doorway, looking inside and she smiled. Idun entered the communication room and sat down in a chair. Her fingers grazed the buttons and watched as the screens lit up. Being an Asgardian always had it's plus side. In this case, it was her advanced knowledge of technology that was a plus. She logged into the computer and began her magic. With her advanced knowledge of technology, she could be a hacker for a living. She was heavily focused on her task, seeing what she could do to tap into the White House surveillance system. She was so focused that she didn't hear Danica and Asya come it. Her fingers flew on the keyboard, never looking at her fingers as rows and rows of numbers and letters came to view.

@Aio [/font

You truly think this is wise??

Oh relax. I've been under hoods and vehicles for the better part of my life.

True, but none of them have been an actual Quinjet. And more importantly, you had done that kind of work with more sleep than you are now. Are you sure you don-

NO. I'm not going to have that damn dream again. Not here. Not with them here.

Jonas sighed as he gave the ratchet a quarter turn, popping the base panel of the jet near the wing to look at the fuel lines. After his tense discourse with Armani, the Panther cub, he had returned back to the facility to fetch his belongings from the men's room, then followed along behind the others to the gas station that served as cover for the covert SHIELD bunker Idun had mentioned earlier. He had thought for a moment to just go back; return back to his apartment and care for his dog, Banshee...hell if he wanted to, he could have still extracted Robin from the group and returned her to her parents: Raven or Magneto might even offer a reward for his service he thought....but no. No. He couldn't leave. If he wanted any shot of learning who he was, of the significance of the dreams and how to get rid of them...he had to see this through.

So Jonas stayed. He took watch voluntarily after a three hour doze, relieving Idun who had chosen to take first watch. He must have lapped through the facility five times in the remaining hours until Nicholai awoke. After seeing the fellow blonde man had no desire to return to bed, Jonas took his leave and headed downstairs to the small motorpool. If these crazy fools were going to go after the guy who sent the teleporter and the technowitch, they'd need transportation.

More importantly, he needed something to keep his mind focused...and being a greasemonkey was one of his earliest jobs back home in New England. His dad had been a mechanic for the Air Force, so Jonas got to see and listen to much of his dad's work. Tinkering was always a past time; as much a part of him as anything else. Jonas just didn't want to risk the chance of falling asleep...of letting his mind grow quiet and allow for the dream to catch him unawares. Sleep had become more of a long distance relationship for Jonas; never around long enough and when time might have been made there were always interruptions to keep it short or incomplete.

Ah, there it was. The fuel line had developed a crimp that pinched the fuel in and prevented it from reaching the engine. If he drained the fuel line dry and then heated the line, maybe he could either bend it back into place or just cut it and find a replacement.

He felt his stomach rumble lightly, but ignored it. Breakfast did sound good about now: an omelette, some waffles...even leftover Kung Pao from the previous night sounded good...but for right now he'd have to make due with the MRE's he found in the supply chamber or whatever food they had in the small mess.

Now, he thought to himself as he slid out from under the bird, wiping his hands with a shop rag he found in a toolbox...to find something like a barrel or vat to dump the gas into.

•Robin Eisenhardt•

'What is with these people and waking up early?' Robin thought to herself as she heard movement all around. She was in out of sleep for each time a person got up, Robin woke up, alert snd scared to see if it's Exitium and his mind puppet minions. Alas it was just the legacies waking up way too early for Robin's taste and she figured they were just doing their usual routine. Robin finally got up a few minutes after Asya, finally accepting the fact she will not be going back to sleep anytime soon.

Robin stood up and stretched her arms in the air and looked around the room at those still sleeping. She let out a sigh and walked around the sleeping legacies, heading towards the door out. Robin walked around the secret base looking around to see what everyone was doing. She passed the kitchen area and saw Danica's older brother making some coffee. Robin looked into another room seeing Idun play around with a screen with things on it she didn't know, and behind the Asgardian was Danica and Asya training. Robin was quite surprised how well these legacies were able to just get up and continue on doing their normal thing despite there is a crazy telekinetic man running around with powerful people trying to kill them. Then again, here she was walking around normally like nothing happened at all as well.
'I seems we're all not that different after all...'

Robin continued her way around the place looking left and right to see if she could spot anyone else. She tried her best to push the events from yesterday to the back of her mind, not wanting to think too much about their current situation until the next mission. She stopped by a room where she heard movement and peeked inside. Robin held back a groan when she saw it was the weird blonde guy from yesterday who wanted to see her mom for some reason. Robin tried to move away from the doorway before Jonas caught her peeking.
Estrid's night was a restless one, disorientating and fragmented. Most here were battle weary and needed sleep for more than just rest but for her the events had left her mind turning over and over, over memories old and new. And though there was no reason for anyone in this room to hurt her it didn't make sleeping in a room full of strangers any easier so sleep was snatched in short bursts before she woke and lay quietly until she fell asleep again. That gave her plenty of time to think over everything that had happened but by the time morning came she was more confused than ever as to how she ended up under a gas station.

Eventually she heard others begin to stir and move about the base, which made pretending to sleep seem futile. So Estrid sat up, ran her hands through her hair, and pulled her knees tight to her chest all while staying quiet so as not to wake any others. She wasn't intimidated by it all, she'd been in enough situations to learn how to adapt and act the part, but usually with more time to prepare herself - in every way - so this would be a true test of that self-ascribed skill. A war however, that was something entirely new, and she was no warrior.

"If you're looking for the mess hall for some food,"
Jonas called out right before Robin had thought she was able to escape without noticing, "it's back upstairs and second door on the right. However, since you found your way all the way down here, you already knew that."

Jonas pulled himself up from beneath the Quinjet, having changed to a SHIELD black jumpsuit he wore over his clothes to keep the oil and other vehicular fluids and particulates from smearing or staining his clothes. He wiped his hands with the shop rag, smearing gas and oil across the once pristine white shred of cloth.

"However, if don't want to walk back, there's some oatmeal and granola on the far table I was saving for myself. You're welcome to it; I'll eat later."

Jonas moved over to the nearer table, fetching a set of channel locks from the far corner as he seemed to be focused on his work; like if he didn't finish or just stopped what he was doing the world might well slip off its axis. From the glance she was allowed Robin could tell he hadn't slept much...it was probably his boots she heard traipsing back and forth during the night when the others were asleep. Grabbing the set, he slunk back down under the bird, moving back to the fuel line as he tried pinching back the crimp to loosen it.

"Then again, if you're not going to get something to eat for yourself, maybe you could make yourself useful and grab me a crescent wrench from the table or find a couple of large barrels or a vat so I can drain the fuel tanks."


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•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin sighed when Jonas started talking to her and walked into the room full of Quinjets. She noticed him in a S.H.I.E.L.D jumpsuit and realized she herself was still in her torn outfit from yesterday. Robin shifted her clothes into a jumpsuit as well and combed the tangled out of her hair with her fingers. She listened to him talk as she began wandering around the room full of metal things she could eaisly crush if she was ever bored. Once she got her tangles out, she rubbed her hand against some of the Quinjets and glanced over at Jonas. She noticed Jonas seemed pretty tired, even though she barely got any glimpse of him since he kept going underneath the wing of the Quinjet he was working on.

Robin looked over at the table that he talked about with oatmeal and granola. She wasn't really hungry yet and was going to eat once the majority of people were up or when everyone else was done eating. Robin let out a small sigh when he ended with barking out orders. She waved her hand and watched as the wrench flew across the air into her hand. Robin set it down next to him and then walked over and grabbed a nearby barrel. "Why do they even have these things?" She mumbled to herself and set the barrel near Jonas.
'Wait, why am I helping this guy?' @MarvelousMadman

"It's time." The man's voice echoed to his elites. They were all in the secret bunker along with their so called guests.

Techna nodded, closing her eyes and focusing all of her power. She'd never done something like this, he'd had to have Shaman boost her stamina. She gripped the cords leading to the satellite. Every TV in the world turned on to show his face. Every radio played his voice.

"Hello, children." He spoke, his voice chilling. "It's so great to finally be able to introduce myself." He gave everyone time to get settled in, as he knew they would be. "My name is Exitium, and I'm your new king."

The man smiled, a smile that would cause nightmares. "You don't believe me?" The camera zoomed out to show a large group of people on their knees with black bags over their heads. "I've brought your entire world to its knees. In front of me, your world's so called leaders. None of which have the power to stop me."

He nodded and his elites began removing the bags. "Say goodbye to your people." Several of them were sobbing. Some were steel faced. Others looked sick. "Now." He demanded his elites begin the slaughter, leading the pack by stabbing a blade through the president's chest.

He stared into the camera as his children killed the remaining leaders. "My dear legacies, I believe we have unfinished business." He spoke harshly, clearly angered by them. "I'll expect you'll arrive soon, and I'm ready for you. No amount of Asgardian magic will save you this time. I look forward to seeing you again."

"Oh, and happy early birthday, Miss Rogers."


Danica Rogers

"Fuck. Everyone! Get in the communications room." Danica called when Exitium's face took over the screen. The other legacies flooded the room. She watched the events unfold in horror. Her hand finding its way to her mouth when he killed the president.

"What does he mean? What the
fuck does that mean?" No one had time to answer before video feed took over the airspace again. London Bridge exploding, the Empire State Building falling, tragedies the world wasn't prepared for, flooding the screen. Country after country was shown, horrible things happening.

At the end, his voice. "Compliance, is the only way out of this alive."

Even Nikolai looked shaken at the end, despite his usual cool demeanor. Armani grabbed Danica's hand, squeezing it to help calm her. Destin, unsurprisingly seemed fine, though they all knew better.

@Dxfoe @lonecoyote @MarvelousMadman @Aio @Lemoncakes @Aero @anyone I forgot in my excitement

Asya Barnes

Asya followed Danica communications room, watching her go through the drawers before she turned around to her.
"Those look perfect." She said, taking them from her as she opened back up her staff. To take a look around. "That Techno Bitch really did a number on my baby." She joked, pulling out a tiny pair of wire cutters to assess the damage. She would make a snip here and there before replacing the wires. Twisting them together before she closed the panel to test it. When sparks started to come to life and she could feel the hum of the electricity she smiled. She turned it off quickly and shut it back down to its miniature size. Putting it away before she looked back to Danica. "Good as new." She looked over to catch a glimpse of Idun though she decided to say anything. It occurred to her she hadn't really spoken to the others, just Blasius and Danica. Not that it bothered her though she was never really known for her interaction anyways.

When the screen went black she could only assume it was because of Idun but even she knew better than that. As Exitium's face popped up Asya took a defensive pose, drawing out her staff quickly. She knew it was only an image but the mere sight of him made her adrenaline rise. She watched the leaders be slaughtered one by one, tho kept her face void of emotion. When the video finally ended she decided to speak after seeing Danica freak out. She kept her voice as calm as she could as she looked to Danica, her tone serious.
"We can forget about keeping the others alive. The whole world has seen their face on the screen. If we spare them then we'll look like we are siding with the enemy. They won't believe about the mind control, they'll only think that we're trying to cover for Exitium. I rather kill them then be killed." Her voice wavered at the end of her little speech, putting her staff away as she looked at the others sternly. Exitium called for war and she was going to bring it.

Yana Maximoff

Yana was awoken by Danica's yelling, rubbing her eyes as she pushed herself up.
"What the hell does she want now?" She grumbled, limping over to where the communication room was located. Her foot still hurt but it was better than before, slowly healing thanks to Idun. "What's all the...Oh." When her eyes met the screen, the color was drained from her face. This has to be a trick of the mind bitch. No way would they do something this risky. She thought, but she knew they would. Exitium was looking for power and he had found it. Without leaders to keep things in order things would quickly go into chaos. Genius. She thought though she cursed herself afterwards. His plan was well executed and she hated him for that. Why couldn't he be like any normal villain and have the brain the size of a pea?

"Oh god...oh god no." She whispered under her breath. For the first time, Yana was speechless, not knowing what to do or say. She could only cringe when Exitium said the word legacy, it sounded vile and crude when it came from his lips. People would start to blame them for this mess. It was inevitable. They did let this happen. For a group of legacies, they were pretty unorganized seeing they only fought together last night, their balance was off. They weren't the well-oiled machine she was hoping for but she hoped they could keep it together till this hell was over.

@lonecoyote @Dxfoe @Lemoncakes @Aero @MarvelousMadman
Blasius Adam Laufeyson

Blasuis slept on a bed near Asya, collapsing out of exhaustion almost as soon as they'd gotten there. He slept for a long time. Only waking to see just Olivia really still unconscious since she was slowly working her way out of the catatonic state she'd been put in. By the girl's occasional movement he could tell she was almost out of the state, though would probably have to sleep for a few hours that they didn't have to let her. He vaguely remembered Asya make sure he was still breathing when she awoke. He was probably about half asleep at that point, and saw no need of 'waking up', he was still tired at that time any way so he didn't bother. As Blasius slid out of his bed he ran a finger through his ruffled hair. He was still in his suit mostly, though his helmet had been taken off and he pulled off his cloak jacket thing and walked tiredly to the communications room.

Oh shit.. He thought as he heard what Exitium was saying and saw what he was doing. He recognized the president and a few of the other world leaders, eyes widening as they were killed. shit, shit, shit, Blasius couldn't help but feel guilty, world leaders were dying while they were 'safe' in a bunker at a Gas Station shouldn't they have thought to at least bring the president there too? "What do we do?" He asked to no one in particular. Mostly everyone was in the communications room.

@Eunoia @Aio @lonecoyote @Lemoncakes @Aero @MarvelousMadman

Alicia von Doom

Alicia stood near the wall, behind most of the others. She glanced at the doorway briefly when Blasius entered before turning her attention back to Exitium. She had managed to get a pair of pants that were like yoga pants, but more practical that went to about halfway down her calf and a green long sleeved shirt. She crossed her arms as she listened to Exitium and watched absent mindedly as he killed world leaders, spacing out before briefly panicking. Her own father was a world leader, as the leader of Latveria, her home country. She glued her eyes to the screen, searching for her father and to her disappointment not seeing him, before she realized Exitium probably couldn't have gotten to her father. He wasn't exactly a liked world leader, and he did have powers so she was sure he'd be fine, though there was still that worry in the back of her mind that he had been captured and it just hadn't been televised. As she looked around she observed everyone's reactions, some were angry, some were confused, some were comforting each other, though Destin was the only one that was rather indifferent. She was envious of this, her father had always taught her to try to be indifferent but she never could do it when it really came down to it. When Blasius quietly asked everyone what they should do. Alicia had no idea, she as raised to be a leader but that wasn't her in this situation, she wasn't used to being the hero.


Olivia Stark

By this point Olivia felt Armani lay her down and speak to her. She listened to him You can do it Olivia, I promise. She heard him say before falling into a deep sleep, allowing her brain to focus the rest of its energy on sorting out her mind. She stirred in her sleep later, as she distantly heard Exitium's voice on some sort of screen. She was used to hearing electronics and broadcasts so she could figure out that was how he was speaking to them. As she shifted she remembered her father's speeches on television as the owner of Stark Industries. She thought of this memory calmly before realizing she'd remembered something from her child hood and her own life. She'd actually remembered something. She slowly awoke, peeling her eyes open to find an empty room, that she recognized as a shield facility. She had been in enough SHIELD facilities to know one when she saw one. Most of her memories were still a bit fuzzy but for the most part she was better. As she pulled her hands through her hair that had fallen and was what she assumed to be a mess. She carelessly pulled her purple hair into a bun and walked into the communications room in time to see the Exitium say, in his chilling voice, "Happy early birthday, Miss Rogers" before killing the presidents and others. She also heard Blasius ask what to do but she was too confused to help, staying silent and just standing there, leaning against the door frame.
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Idun sat in the chair in the center of the room, her eyes scanning the screens. Then it happened. Exitium's face covered every screen. Idun sat there in horror, watching the events unfold in front of her. Her jaw dropped and she shrunk in the chair, her attention focused solely on the events unfolding in front of her. Idun watched as they took out the people and the things what were happening around the world. She couldn't imagine the emotions everyone was feeling in the room. She knew that she was in both pure shock and sick to her stomach. Tears began to run down her face.

"This is the worst. I'm going to be sick." she spoke softly. She stood and made her way past people and to the kitchen. It made her sick to her stomach how easily it was for them to kill those innocent people. It also broke her heart. There was no doubt in her mind that that was broadcasted all over the world. He called them out in front of the world. He knew how to make her angry, highly upset, and nautious all at the same time. Idun felt the contents in her stomach come up and she had to throw up in the trash. She felt a strong connection to the president (even though she met him once when she was younger) since he resembled Odin on her planet. Idun stood and wiped her mouth after a few minutes, leaning back against the counter and putting a hand around her waist and one in her hair. "What are we going to do?"

The daughter of the mightiest warriors from Asgard was confused and for the first time in a long time, she wasn't sure what to do. Her emotions were getting the better of her. She had spent her life trying to make sure the humans were alright. Now, she could only sit and watch as the people they put in power fell and there fellow people.
"So fucking messed up."


Theo's eyes opened at the sound of Danica's demanding voice, a loud groan coming from deep within his chest. He stood and let out a yawn, sluggishly making his way to the room everyone seemed to be in. When he entered, he saw Exitium's face on the screen and this woke the young man up. He stood up straight behind Yana, an arm slipping into his pocket.

When everything happened all at once, Theo's usually happy laid-back face turned to a stoic one. He was used to seeing people die because that's what he did for a living. This was different though. He didn't live broadcast his killings. He looked in front of him and heard Yana mumble something. He wasn't sure what it was but he put an arm around her and pulled her close to him. He wasn't sure why he did it, it just felt natural to him. He watched as Idun left, wanting to go after her but knowing she needed a second. Hell, they all needed a second. After all that happened, it made his blood boil.

"He's a real shit head. I want to cut his head off and put it on a flag pole." he said through gritted teeth.

@Aio @Aero @Dxfoe @Lemoncakes @MarvelousMadman


Frost stood there behind Exitium, waiting for his command. When he gave it to them, as much as he didn't want to, he turned his arm into an ice spike and looked at it. He took a breath and stabbed threw several of the leaders, his once lightly blue tinted arm now covered in a dark red warm color. He cringed at the sight and retracted his arm, slinging the blood off of him and to the floor. He was truly shocked by this and was screaming internally.

Danica Rogers

Danica watched Idun leave. A part of her wanting to leave to. She wanted to hide. She was scared. The daughter of two of the bravest people in the world was terrified. But she had no intention of laying down to die. She was going to fight.

"The whole world is blaming us. The whole world heard that message and they're blaming us." Danica spoke to the group, her nerves steeling. "We have to show them that we're going to save them. The entire world is reeling right now, some people think it's a sick joke, I'm sure." She wasn't sure what they were going to do, but she knew they had to do something. "But I guarantee everyone saw it. The way he talked, he had an audience other than us." Innocent people just died. The whole world saw it.

"We're going to fight. We're going to rip his fucking head off if it comes down to it." Danica had never been a fan of killing, she'd been downright opposed unless there were no other options, until now. She wanted all of their heads on platters. "We have to assume they have an army. We have to be ready."

She scanned the group. There weren't many of them. Truthfully, they were outnumbered, outmatched. It was a suicide mission. "If you get hurt, get back up. If you die, get the fuck back up. We've spent our lives in our parents shadows, now it's our turn." She looked at Destin. "What did you learn in Asgard?"

"My mom left some spells, that can protect us from his tricks and heal those who have been put under the spell on a wide range. They're difficult and they'll take a lot of our energy." He ran a hand through his hair. "But, we'll be able to at least knock out part of his army. The unwilling members, that is."

"Perfect. The rest, I want them taken down. Disarmed or killed, it's all the same at this point." She headed out of the room, "start getting ready. We're going to establish a plan in one hour." She knew everyone needed time. The punching bag was calling her name again.

@lonecoyote @Aio @Dxfoe @Lemoncakes @Aero

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