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Fandom Marvel: Next Generation

Yana Maximoff

"I was to. Though I was hoping for you to meet my parents before we got this far in our relationship." It was all she could do but joke with him, the pain from her foot and the cuts were becoming unbearable. Yana stood there feeling the stinging, burning sensation from the cuts he was giving her. Shutting her eyes as she tried to block out the pain. "I'm so sorry Theo." She muttered as she lifted her head letting out a piercing scream. She just needed to knock him out, that's all she needed. Attempting to use her fear manipulation on him, the down side of using it was pulling up all of his unwanted fears and seeing them through his eyes.
Just let me in and we can end this. She thought as she tried entering his mind. She wanted it over as much as he did, she just hoped he would see that.




"Damn." Idun cursed under her breath as she landed, looking around to see everyone in such a disarray. She took a deep breath when she saw Gateway and Techna disappear. She didn't want them to get away but they did. She knew her attack at Gateway hurt him enough that he needed to be healed which was the purpose of the attack. She needed him injured enough so he couldn't transport the three away.

When Destin called for her, she went over to where Destin was and saw Danica. She looked just as bad as Idun had, if not worse, when she was electrocuted.
"Danica...." she breathed out and took her helmet off, setting it beside them. She ran a cool hand over her hot flesh and moved some hair from her face. "Stay with us, Danica. We will get them back. I promise." she said and put a hand on her head, doing some quick healing of her brain and the other on her heart so her body wouldn't shut down.

Then she heard it. She heard Nikolai's voice behind her. Once she knew that she had to fight, she looked at Destin and smiled.
"Make sure to get her heart beat and pulse are stable. Don't forget that there are others that are in need of healing. Once she is stable, please help the others. They kept this place up well while we were gone. I'll take care of Nikolai and help with the healing as soon as I can. Can you use what your mother left for you on everyone? We don't need anyone else to succumb Exitium's control." she told him and stood up, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I believe in you." she said with a pat on his back. "In both of you." she added, turning to Estrid with the same smile. Idun took a breath as she turned to look at Techna and Nikolai. The way she touched his hair and called him 'babe' bugged her enough that Idun wanted to punch her in the face but she refrained. Idun grinned when Nikolai reminded her of the dance he owed her. She put her hammer and sword on the ground, rolling her shoulders and standing tall. "What are you waiting for? Let's dance, babe." she imitated Techna, her confidence in herself not faltering just because of who her opponent was. When she truly looked at Nikolai, she saw Asya barely standing. "I'll finish this. Don't worry about it." she said to the girl, a light smile and nod on her face. Idun may have looked calm and collected but she was honestly not. She was a bit frightened but she couldn't shot it. Not with Danica hurt the way she was. Danica was their light and with her being injured someone needed to step up.



Theo heard another voice in his head. It was a female's voice. But it wasn't Idun or his mother. No, it was Yana. He smirked and closed his eyes.
How are you going to help me? I can't help myself. If you want to help me, get away from me and make sure I hurt no one else.

Back on the outside, he was continuing his torture to Yana. That is, until an all to familiar voice reached his ears. He stopped and looked to see the three Asgardian's.
"Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up." he said and put his daggers away, clapping his hands. "Don't take this the wrong way, but we're over. I think I just found my new baby mama." Theo grinned and pointed to Estrid, the newest Asgardian.

He waked over to them, seeing that Idun had found her partner to fight.
"You're still alive? Wonderful." he told Idun, shaking his head, clearly disappointed that she was breathing after what he put her through. "Oh well, I found someone new to play with. Whatcha say, girlie?" Theo asked, looking at the new blonde up and down with a dopey look on his face.

@Aio @Lemoncakes



Jonas lurched hard back to the door that served as his cover as first the explosive disc crashed and blew with a bang on the other side of the door, the shot following shortly after right when he recovered. By all rights there should have been a hole in his hand where he held the Glock...but the bullet had missed; ricocheted off the wall and planted itself in a light. He didn't understand, but he saw the young woman who the crazed gunman was harassing raise her hand, as if to stop the bullet. Based on what he had seen, both now and in his previous time alone, he surmised the girl was like...ah. it made sense now.

That was the daughter of the Scarlet Witch.

Now he understood why the facility was being attacked.

He had not the time to think anymore properly on tbe matter as a whirlwind of events occurred shortly afterward: one of them being an ACTUAL whirlwind of electricity as three new fighters seemed to materialize from no where just like the teleporter had done. From the looks of their movements and to whom they engaged, they were not in league with the 'porter or the technowitch. Good. He wasn't about to quote the enemy of my enemy here, but the extra bodies provided for more distractions, allowing him the ability to move in closer.

He peered over again to assess the situation after a bolt of lightning nearly struck him. The teleporter...he assumed his name was Gateway given he heard the other girl calling the crazed gunman Theo...and the technowitch were gone. Well, that was one victory at least; his shot seemed to have made the others reconsider their options and chosen to flee to lick their wounds. He had hoped it would either creat an opening for him to try and take out the teleporter when he went to fetch the girl, or just have them all leave....still, two less was better than all at once.

He assessed the threats still left: the largest of the two were the blonde kid in a fight with a female mercenary and the crazed gunman. Much as he'd like to try and secure both, the red witch was top priority: the female soldier seemed to be capable of holding her own against the blonde man...but the girl was in dire straits. He could fire another shot, but that would give him away completely...and he had a feeling this one wouldn't be as easy to shoot as the technowitch. What to do...what to do??

Well, it seemed his answer came shortly. Apparently the three new figures had set about to engage the remaining combatants...even more interesting is that the combatants almost seemed to have been waiting for them to show up. Whoever they were, he didn't care. It gave him the edge he needed.

You don't see me....you don't see me...you don't see me..

They will not see you.

The voice again. He didn't argue this time, exhaling once as he sprinted forward out the doorway, moving through the debris as he raced over to the injured witch. He moved deftly, without flaw...it was weird, but it really did seem like no one was paying attention to him. What WAS this??

All he knew was two things: his target was still secure and unmoving further out, and the witch needed medical attention. Holding the shotgun in his hand, still cocked in case his fortuitous luck didn't hold, he reached the witch, kneeling down as his deep emerald eyes looked her over, his shotgun aimed at Theo in case he turned around to face him several feet away.

"Can you move?" He asked in quiet firmness, hoping for a yes so that she could escape to safety...and then he could fetch his quarry.
Looking at the sight before her Estrid stalled for a moment. "This is all suitably hellish." She breathed, trying to take in as much as possible as quickly as she could. Destin disappeared from her side almost immediately, only telling her not to kill anyone before he did so. Well, it was reassuring he thought she'd be capable of that, let's see how it would hold up in practice.

But how was she to know who she should be fighting? It most situations working out who was under control wasn't too hard, but this was not one of them situations. The decision was made for her when a guy slightly taller than herself and with a certainly stronger looking physique turned his attention to her.
You're Asgardian, that counts for something. "Happily, though my previous playmates would probably suggest you look elsewhere... if they could." Estrid replied with a mischievous smile, easily hiding her doubt. Wisps of golden magic began to weave about her fingers as she steeled herself. Her normal reaction in situations such as these would be to try and get in his head but someone else was clearly occupying that space right now, that would have to be an option saved for a more desperate time.


Yana Maximoff

Yana's eyes flashed open as she felt a new presence beside her, spotting the gun aimed at Theo she made an attempt to reach for it. "No!" She yelled at the man she didn't know who he was but it was obvious he didn't know a think about this fight. "We don't shoot the enemy! They don't know what they're doing!" She went to reach for the gun again before she remembered something.
The bullets are metal. She reminded herself reaching towards before she felt it's pull. She swung her hand away as the gun followed in suit. It was probably a bad idea to take his gun away but at the moment in time she felt as if she made the best decision. "Before you go shoot someone make sure they are innocent." She knew she probably sounded like a total bitch but between the knife wounds and her foot being shot her adrenaline was high and she felt as though her head would explode. No you need to concentrate. She thought as she went back to try and infiltrate his mind. Theo let me use my fear manipulation on you. I know it's not enjoyable but it could knock you out. Help you regain control. She was causing to much stress to her body feeling as though her whole body was on fire but she needed to end this to end him. Everything was going to hell and their best fighter was down. This was the last attempt to end this.


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Theo grinned at the blonde and kept his weapons in their places. He was craving for some hand to hand combat and since this girl was his opponent, he was going to get what he wanted.
"I don't care about your previous play things, doll. It's you and me now. Unless..." he said and turned back to Yana to be met with a gun aimed at his head. "Hey! You got someone to replace me already? Now, that's cold." he called out to the guy and shook his head.

"If it makes you feel better, shoot me. I don't care. You're wasting your bullets."
he said and looked at Yana. "You can come play too. It'd be pretty awesome to see some girl on girl action." he laughed out and looked back at the girl in front of him. He noticed the golden magic lacing around her fingers and nodded. "Magic. This should be fun." he said and got in his stance, ready for whatever she threw at him. "Since I'm a gentleman, I'll let you go first."

You can't use your fear manipulation on me. If you do, things will only get worse. I'll turn into my true form. When I get too scared or feel like I'm actually about to die, my true self comes out. It's not pretty. Just make sure that doesn't happen. Please.

@Aio @Lemoncakes @MarvelousMadman


Jonas about lost it right there as he he stared incredulous at the witch as she tried frantically to grab at his shotgun...even moreso because it was the FIRST thing she did when consciousness struck her! Had everyone lost their damn minds?!

"What the hell are you doi-" He never really got a chance to finish the question, as without warning he felt his weapon fly from his hands as she pulled her own back, falling to the ground several feet away as he looked in shock at his empty hands, then down at her as she stared at him with hard eyes. He heard her defense against for her actions...thougb really it was more an accusation against his own in trying to defend and protect her; yet this one had responded in such a way that not even Stockholm Syndrome would be an adequate explanation for such behavior.

He merely clenched his jaw, staring at her with more than mild annoyance. Honestly, this was why he didn't help people: they never saw his aid as anything but an annoyance or nuisance.

"So does a crack-addict, and yet if one pulls a gun on you or threatens to kill you or someone else, you put them down if you have no other choice!" He snapped back at her rather harshly. They didn't need this: the one called Theo could still turn around and finish what he started with either one of them. Luckily he still had his Glock, but unless it was to be a killshot or headshot, he doubted it would slow the man dow-...wait...slow....

That was it!

"Relax, Glinda," Jonas nodded lightly, rising from his crouched position as he turned to face the crazed warrior known as Theo, "I've got this now."

He hoped this would work.

"Get back and grab the shotgun where it landed. Keep it close in case anyone comes at you. Don't worry...I won't kill him...trust me." The weariness in Jonas' voice gave weight to his words, as though he had seen enough death in his life it was a constant companion; as though he was...haunted...by something...something dark.

Jonas pulled free from his pocket the smallest item in his equipment: the spiked ring with the powerful sedative. Placing it on his left hand, spike in, he looked beyond his new target to the stately woman who seemed to be confronting Theo. He stared at her, hoping perhaps there was a way she could silently hear him.

Get ready. Keep him focused on you. I'll buy you some time. After I hit, do whatever it is you're going to do.

What Jonas didn't know, however, was that the one called Estrid WOULD be able to hear him...through a force he did not yet understand.

Prepare yourself. Keep Theo focused on you. Time will be bought after the boy makes his move. Once he's clear, do whatever you have been waiting to do. Let us end this...before it gets any worse.



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Destin Incantare

"I'm fine." Danica breathed after a moment of his purple magic swirling around her. "Can you save my brother?" It was like her to ignore her own suffering for someone else.

"We're going to save him, you need rest." Destin responded.

"No, I have to help." She said, gasping when she tried to take a step.

"No, sit down. I'll handle this." He sat her against a wall. "I'll heal you when we're done." He squeezed her hand and then found his way to Asya. He hadn't found Alicia yet and it scared him.

"You've done a great job keeping the fort held down," he nodded towards the unconscious Blasius. "Your work?" He asked. "I'm seeing signs of electrocution. Just what he needed."

His purple magic swirled through the air as he healed her, chanting an incantation under his breath. "My mother was expecting this." He said when he was finished, "she left a spell that would prevent him from affecting you. Stay down, we've got this." He had a plan.


Nikolai Rogers

Nikolai circled the girl. "Is that jealousy I hear?" He smirked at her for imitating Techna. "Don't worry, you're still my favorite." His smirk turned into a grin as he ran towards her, jumping into a kick aimed at her stomach. He hoped to knock her back.

If I get close enough she can knock me out. Hopefully. Idun, please, please. You've got to help me.

It pained him to be fighting her. It really, really pained him to be fighting her. "You know, Theo visited your house earlier."

The moment Theo turned back to face the other two the playful face Estrid wore hardened for a moment as she looked at who he had turned his attention to. She caught the boys eye for the briefest of moments before Theo turned back to face her and her smirk returned. As he went on to antagonize her another voice appeared, seemingly surrounding her, which could only mean it was coming from her own mind, or planted there. Not a prospect that filled her with much happiness but not one she was going to argue with at this moment. It was easy to be asked to be the distraction when you weren't the one standing before the target but at this moment she'd play along - for now.

Estrid didn't know whether her manipulation or seduction would work with someone in this current state but in this instance a little overkill wasn't going to kill anybody. She laughed, a sweet sound at great contrast to the chaos surrounding them, and dipped her head before quickly looking back to Theo - a movement to disguise the nod at recognition from the request.
"A gentleman? What a shame, here I was thinking we would get to have some fun." Taking a couple of steps forward with a slight sway in her step, Estrid brought her hand up, the magic now beginning to form an orb. "But if you insist." Quickly forming a fist around the orb the magic seemed to fight against the force and escaped through the gaps between her fingers, forming a brief but bright flash. Without missing a beat she had the other orb beginning to spin around his head, blurring into a golden band. It was cheap and dirty fighting, if you could even call it that, but it was a distraction none the less. However she didn't plan on waiting for long, she didn't even think it would be useful for long, whoever they were going to have to take their shot quickly.

@lonecoyote @MarvelousMadman


It seemed to be the voice's favorite word, Jonas thought.

Now, while he's distracted with the magic. You know where to aim.

Jonas nodded, steeling himself as he perceived the motion in his mind; seeing every step, every second. He had to be quick and agile; the reaction and focus on the distraction wouldn't last long. Exhaling, the young rogue rushed forward with all speed, holding out his hand as he brought it in clpse from the side in a firm slap to Theo's neck. He had placed all the sedative he had on the needle; more than enough to knock out a giant as he clasped his hands forward, seeking to clench around Theo's throat. If he succeeded, if the man didn't move, the spike would pierce into his carotid, making the sedative travel frighteningly fast through the bloodstream. Either way; hit or miss, the woman would be given a chance for a clean shot to do whatever she intended to do.

Now to see if his unusually graceful luck held out still....and if he could get away in time.

@lonecoyote @Lemoncakes

Alicia von Doom

Alicia hadn't really done much in the fight. She had moved Blasius further out of the way of the fighting so he wouldn't get injured or disoriented any further. She didn't really have any connections with any of the mind controlled legacies so she figured that meant they weren't interested in her, since they were mostly just going after their loved ones. She had seen Armani and Robin trying to pull Olivia out of her catatonic state, but since as far as she knew they both had some form of training with the X-men Xavier she didn't try to help unless she was asked. She didn't really know what to do with herself, so she just sat on the floor near Blasius's body, basically guarding him. She was wearing her dress still, not having had the motivation to summon her suit again. She couldn't help but feel slightly happier when the Asgardians returned, they were basically their only way to win this fight without too many casualties. Though she was silently glad that Destin was back, and that he'd missed most of the current battle. However she stayed where she was, not wanting to get in the way.



"Really now? Guess I'll have a mess to clean up when I get there, then." she said and watched him come at her. Idun took a breath and prepared herself for Nikolai's attack. She took the attack to her mid section, letting out a wince but staying strong. Her wound from earlier was still somewhat fresh and opened up slightly. Idun cold feel the dampness in her suite but ignored it, keeping her focus on the battle. She skidded backwards and fell but kept his weight from crushing her. She needed to snap him out of the control Exitium had on him. While he was close enough to her, she whispered in his ear hoping he could hear her even if he wasn't all there.

"I'm so sorry about this. It's my fault." she whispered, delivering a swift knee to his abdomen. She flipped their position and was now on top of him, her hands creating a bright white orb. When the orb itself was large enough, she let out a yell and pressed it into his chest. The orb wouldn't hurt him but instead feel like a state of Nirvana. A complete do-over with the past events. She closed his eyes and kissed his forehead, standing and looking at Danica. "He'll get better from here. Exitium no longer has control of him." she told her, feeling guilt wash over her for the blow she landed on him and for why he was picked by Exitium. She looked over at the fight between Estrid, Theo, and an unnamed guy. She watched what they did, watching Theo carefully.



Theo was getting himself pumped for the blows he was about to deliver to the girl. He was cracking his fists and bouncing on the balls of his feet.
"Sorry, love. I was taught to be a gentlemen." he said with a smirk and watched her every move. He wasn't exactly sure what she could do since this would be the first time he's encountered her. Being a mercenary, one develops a sixth sense. Theo was not an exception. He could alway feel if people were staring at him or if someone was behind him. He felt it here but ignored it, knowing that if push come to shove he would be prepared.

His eyes watched as a gold orb as it turned to a band. His brows furrowed and he was a bit taken back. This was the best she could do? It looked like a cheap magic trick. His eyes followed the band, waiting for it to attack. With his eyes trained on the magic, Theo wasn't prepared for what happened next. A sharp sting made itself present in his neck and he let out a loud yell, his hands coming off to pry the person away from him. Theo turned his head to look at the guy and head butted him, bringing an arm around to slam his fist into the side of his head.

"Fuck!" he yelled out, his vision blurring slightly as he began to stumble. His balance was off and he was falling to the ground. When he hit the ground, he landed face first which caused his nose to break. Idun was watching from a distance when it happened. She rushed over to his side, flipping him over and seeing the crushed bone. She winced and placed her hand on the nose, closing her eyes and popping it back in place.

"Can you heal him, Estrid?" she asked the other blonde. "If he starts to wake up, let me know. I need to tend to the other's wounds." she told her before looking at the guy. "Thank you for what you did. I owe you one. Now, come closer and let me heal you." Idun told him, putting her hair out of her face.

@Lemoncakes @MarvelousMadman

Nikolai and Danica Rogers

Nikolai groaned when her knee hit his abdomen. He listened to her voice and tried to fight her, but it was too late.
Thank you. He thought as he fell under. "I'm sorry," he managed to get out before falling completely under. He was finally free.

Danica started crying again, "thank you, thank you." She inched over to her brother, every move hurting a little more. She situated herself beside him, holding his hand. Softly she sang the

their father sang to them when they were children. They had sang it to each other during times of suffering, and now was no different. The Irish Gaelic spilled from her lips like honey. She wasn't loud about it, just loud enough he'd be able to hear her. She hoped.
She watched Theo fall, and she was glad he was down as well. That would help the situation, maybe.


Armani Munroe

Armani heard Danica singing and listened for a moment. An old lullaby, he'd heard it before from her. "Hey, focus on her voice. If your own memories can't bring you back, let her voice do it. Find something real to bring you back." Xavier had taught them that when your mind was messed up, outside anchors might be the easiest ways to recover. Danica's soft voice could probably help her.



She waited, pacing, growing impatient and itching to go back. The part that was controlled by Exitium craved for revenge on the girl that had knocked her out. The other side was afraid, Exitium expected for them to win this battle and from what she had seen the Elites were being taken out, one by one they flooded back into their base. Shaman had finished healing, now she was waiting for Gateway to be done.If they wanted to win this she needed to go back, mess with their minds and cause them to be unstable, get back the ones from before.
No, leave them. They are our hope. Don't hurt them. Dust fought back the thoughts that flooded her mind. She wasn't a violent person by any means but the voices caused by Eexitium caused her hit the wall with her fist as she groaned. She couldn't lose herself. Not now. Please, not now.


Asya Barnes

Asya laid on her side her breaths becoming shallow as she tried to find something to focus on to keep her away.
Danica? Blasius? A voice came through her crowded thoughts which caused her to tear up. No matter what she had said before she was glad Danica was with her. Maybe she was wrong about the Rogers though she couldn't think about that now she just needed to focus. Focus. She warned herself. She could feel herself drifting away, screaming at herself mentally to keep awake. It may not have seemed that she had many external injuries but internal it was like a raging war. She coughed out some blood, laying on her side as she clutched her stomach.

Blasius...Blasius is he awake? Did he fight? Even with her injuries, she was concerned with how Blasius was doing. She didn't want to die knowing he was still in the clutched of Exitium. Dying? Is this what dying feels like? She joked with herself trying to get over the pain she felt inside. It wasn't a bad way to die, maybe SHEILD would do a memorial for her. The thought almost made her laugh, Bucky Barnes daughter having a memorial at SHEILD that would be the day. Sleep...Just sleep...You earned it. She told herself, it sounded so convincing and welcoming she felt she might take up the offer.


Yana Maximoff

Yana applied pressure to her foot to stop the bleeding as she watched the fight unfold. It was quicker than she thought it be, she was glad it was feeling her blood loss getting to her. Her head was woozy, leaning back against the wall to steady herself. Between the knife cuts and gunshot she could truly be the Red Wiccan with as much blood she was covered in. The thought made her chuckle though it was almost slurred as if her mind wasn't connected to her mouth.
"Hey...Is he okay? Will he be okay?" Yana asked as she looked at Theo from afar. That was a pretty hard fall it would mess anyone up. She groaned lifting her head up and pressing it against the wall, the cuts weren't getting to her but man did this gun shot hurt like a bitch. Gripping it tightly which did little but helped ease the pain a little bit.

@lonecoyote @MarvelousMadman
Destin Incantare

"Hey, hey, stay awake." Destin instructed, his purpled magic working faster as she seemed to be leaving him. He wasn't going to lose her, none of them, actually. He refused to let any of these people die now. His hand fell to her cheek, giving her enough strength to wake up. "Stay awake, no matter how beautiful that damned lullaby is."

He could hear the girl singing to her brother. It reminded him of his past. His mother had sang many lullabies to both him and Estrid. He had sang almost as many to Estrid as his mother did. He remembered the day Amora died. He had sang to Estrid that night, through his tears albeit.
You fucked up with her. He chastised himself again.

@Aio @Lemoncakes

"Dammit!" Exitium's voice echoed through the entirety of the White House. He had lost the legacies. They had proven to be more trouble than they were worth. He had hundreds of followers, yet he couldn't keep these three? Three of his most elite members had barely escaped, and were all damaged at that. "We're pushing the big bang up to tomorrow." His roaring voice called out, a practical growl at this point.

The man's anger was all to familiar. "Dust! Go with Gateway and Techna. You'll be retrieving our new guests." He demanded. "Shadow, Frost. I want you ready when they arrive in the secret bunker." He turned to his last elite. "Shaman, prepare yourself for your largest task yet. I will not stand for their blatant disrespect of me. They should have given up, then I wouldn't have had to make this so messy."

This plan was going to lead to a new world order. Whether the legacies tried to stop him or not.

@lonecoyote @Aio @Dxfoe


Dust flinched when she heard Exitium's voice, quickly nodding before going with Gateway and Techna.
Blasius? Blasius? You need to wake up you nee- She was cut short distracted by what Exitium was saying. This wasn't supposed to happen. None of this and on top of this her only connection to the others was Blasius and he was out cold. It was like everything that could go worse did and she didn't know what to do. She felt like screaming, unleashing all hell by destroying the memories of the Elite but that would only grant her death which is not something she was looking forward to. Meeting up with Gateway and Techna she waited for Gateway to transport them, mentally preparing herself for what was to come.


Asya Barnes

Asya looked over at Destin, grabbing onto him with what little strength she had. She could feel his magic working on her but right now she wasn't concerned about her health.
"You need to get Blasius out of here or someone does. We need to get them out. They'll come back just like they did now. We're already down so many people we can't lose more." Her voice sounded like a desperate cry and she hated herself for that. She didn't like sounding weak, deciding she sound that way because she spent way too much time with the legacies she was becoming all touchy feely.




Idun smiled at Danica and nodded.
"Always." She watched as Danica went to Nikolai's side. A small smile washed over her face when she listened to the song. She healed the guy and sat next to Theo, looking down at him. His eyes were closed and his chest was rising and falling calmly. She ran a hand through his hair before rubbing her thumb on his cheek. "Come back to me, Theo. Come back home." she mumbled, bringing his hand up to her mouth and kissing it. At this moment, everything was semi-peaceful.

"He'll be fine. He's just got to get healed. I guess I can do it." she said and formed the glowing white orb in her hands. She pressed it into his chest and waited for his eyes to open. In the meantime, she looked over at Yana. "How about you? Are you alright? I'll come to you." she said and laid Theo's hand on the ground, getting up and kneeling beside Yana. "He did a number on you, didn't he?" she asked, seeing the small cuts and the endless blood. Idun stood and grabbed bottles of water, pouring them on the cuts and running her hands over the cuts. Since they were small and not too deep it was easy to immediately heal them. Her foot was another story.

"I can't heal your foot all the way but I can take some of the pain away to where it feels like a piece of glass in your foot instead of a hole." she told her and cleaned the wound. She then made a dome around it and began to heal it, the hole closing up considerably. Idun smiled softly when the hole looked like she had stepped on a piece of glass. It was still deep but not as deep as it was. "There. That should help."

"I-Idun?" Idun's heart beat dropped and she turned slowly to see Theo's eyes looking at her with a smile on his face.



Theo felt the darkness in his body leave like the wind and a new sensation run over him. Peace, forgiveness, and warmth. These three woke Theo up from the deep sleep his inner self was in. He felt like a weight was lifted from his shoulders. Everything bad that had happened, he felt like it didn't happen at all and it was a bad dream. Then he saw someone whom he never thought he would have seen. Odin. Odin was in front of him. Theo looked at him quizzically. Odin raised a hand and explained what Idun had done to him. Then he explained what it would take to not fall under Exitium's rule again. He also mentioned to Theo to watch after her. Once he was done talking, Odin disappeared and Theo's eyes opened.

The first thing he noticed was that it was slightly chilly where he was and it smelled of burnt everything. Theo scrunched his nose and looked around, seeing others laying on the ground with people sitting next to them. Then it hit him. Idun wasn't beside him. He didn't see her anywhere around but he heard her voice. He looked for her and when he couldn't find her, he called for her.

The look on her face when she looked at him could cause anyone to get upset. She looked like a kid who was seeing someone they loved after too long. Her crystal blue eyes were now red and puffy. There were tears rolling down her face and her bottom lip was quivering.

"Hey, why are you crying? Aren't you glad to see me?" he asked her, his goofy grin still on his face. Idun nodded and basically threw herself at him, her head landing on his chest as her arms hugged his torso. She was sobbing at this point and had slurred words leaving her mouth. Theo wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head and rubbing her back.

"Hey now, stop crying and stop apologizing to me. It's not your fault. You saved me, again." he said softly picking her head from his chest and looking at her eyes. "I did so many horrible things. To hurt you. To hurt our friends. I didn't want to but I did it anyway. I'm sorry for what I've done. I'm so sorry. I never want to hurt you like that again." he said, his eyes feeling like they were about to burst with tears but he held them back. Idun smiled at him, and brought a hand to his head and ruffled his hair.

"I forgive you. I forgave you before it happened." she told him and got off of him, wiping her eyes and nose on the back of her hand. When he was sitting up, he gave her one more hug before looking over at who she had been treating. He smiled when he saw it was Yana. He stood and walked over to her, sitting beside her and letting out a deep breath. "I'm sorry for what I did. I want you to know that I never meant for it to happen. And thank you for trying to help me. I owe you one." he said and hugged her, placing a kiss on her temple.



At the sound of Exitium's yell, the young man jumped and let out a shaky breath. The legacies -all of them- proved that they could handle themselves. He wasn't sure what to make of it all but he felt angry. Now he had to do something even he didn't want to do. Sure he was evil but the boss' latest plan was pushing it. He nodded when given his orders and looked at Shadow. He held his hand out to her.
"Shall we go prepare the bunker for our guests?" he asked her, his voice as smooth as ice. He couldn't let it show that he was unsure of the plan but he also wasn't sure why he cared. He swore his entire allegiance to Exitium since he was the only one to care when he was left for dead.

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Destin Incantare and Nikolai Rogers

"Come on, love." Destin gently scooped the girl up, his magic still flowing around her. He carried her gently to Blasius, smiling softly at Alicia, who seemed to be guarding him.

He gently placed Asya next to her friend as his magic finished with her and moved to him. "We'll get out of here as soon as everyone's healed. Don't you worry."

He looked at Alicia and grabbed her hand, kissing it gently. "Glad to see I didn't bring you any bad luck." He was relieved to see her alive.

A raspier voice joined Danica's softer one. His continued when hers faltered from her tears. He finished the song since she was unable and his hand reached up to wipe her tears. "I'm so sorry." He whispered, the guilt he felt over her current state eating him alive.

He sat up to look at her. She looked awful. "No offense but you look like you died two years ago." He joked, trying to get her to stop crying. If she didn't stop he'd start.

She laughed through her tears and latched onto him. "You asshole." She responded affectionately. "Don't you ever fucking do that to me again."

"I'll try not to," he replied, rubbing her back as he held her against him. He looked over her shoulder at Idun and smiled at her. "Okay, little sis, you need to get healed a little more, I don't want to hurt you anymore." He said, releasing her and standing. She knew what he was doing and let him go.

He walked over to Idun and grabbed her shoulder, pulling her into an incredibly tight hug. "Words can't express how much I appreciate you beating my ass."

@Aio @Dxfoe @lonecoyote

Yana Maximoff

Yana looked over at Idun and Theo, smiling slightly through her pain. The must really love each other. She thought, though what surprised her was that she was even touched by it. Normally she would look away and shrug it off but their love was like something else. When Idun came to her and spoke Yana shrugged it off, though she couldn't really do much feeling to light headed to lift her head up and look at her.
"He's just lucky I let him off easy." She joked seeing it was the only thing she could do.

Yana felt the cool water run over her body and even though she told it not to her body still cringed as her cuts started to sting. She felt slightly better as Idun healed her, grateful for her help. When she went to work on her foot Yana wanted to protest, to stop her from pouring water over her foot. Yana bit her lip to stop herself from screaming but as soon as the pain came it disappeared under Idun's touch. While her foot still hurt it was less than before, causing her to look down at it in awe.
"Hey you have to teach me that trick one day."

When Theo awoke she felt relieved though the feeling felt foreign to her. Why should she care he was awake, he almost killed her for God sake. She watched as he comforted Idun, a smile crossing her lips before she looked away. It wasn't a time to gawk, looking around to see others embrace their loved one, she almost felt a twinge of jealousy but quickly dismissed the thought as Theo sat next to her.
"Hey forehead kissing is strictly a second date thing. Let's not get ahead of ourselves." She joked, though her cheeks flared a vibrant red. She cursed herself for being so silly after a simple kiss on the forehead. Reminding herself that there was no meaning behind it but that didn't mean she couldn't have fun with it.


Estrid held her ground as she saw Jonas rush forward and didn't for one moment drop her guard. Thankfully though whatever he did worked, whilst Theo fought back initially it didn't take long for him to come crashing down. It definitely seemed like the work of poison but there was no way she could know that for sure, especially due to how little she knew of Midgardians on the whole.

Looking about the room Estrid saw the fighting had finished leaving only the aftermath - something she rarely stayed around long enough to see. It suddenly struck her how much had happened, how different her life had been only a few hours ago, and she took what felt like the first real breath since she heard Destin's voice. When Idun rushed over and asked whether she would be able to heal Theo Estrid took a small step backwards.
"That's probably not a good idea, it's not something I've dedicated a lot of time to..." She knew it was foolish - when was healing ever anything but useful? - but it had never come naturally to her and only lead to frustration. Ignoring it had proven a lot easier.

The lullaby filled the now quiet room and Estrid bit her lip, looking down to avoid looking at Destin. Those were not memories she wanted at this moment, especially at this moment, considering all that had transpired. Partly due to looking for a distraction and partly due to genuine interest she turned her attention to Jonas. Having been freshly healed by Idun - after all Theo hadn't exactly gone down without a fight - Estrid went and knelt beside him.
"Thank you, both for the help and for taking the hit. Are you ok now?"


Idun smiled as she sat there, taking the new events into her head. Everyone was ok now. They were all together again. She watched Theo go to Yana and she stood up, dusting her skirt off and picking herself up emotionally. Her emotions were a little rocky but she regained herself.
"Is there anyone else that needs healing before we finally leave this hellhole? We shouldn't stay here much longer." she said, turning on her heels to be met with Nikolai's arms wrapping around her. She was shocked and tensed up a bit.

"Hey, if you go down with a knee to the gut, you need more training."she joked, trying not to let herself get overwhelmed. Her body relaxed and she hugged him back, a content smile on her face. When she pulled away, she stood on her tip toes and kissed his cheek, a smile on her face. Idun then turned around and faced everyone. She scanned the room and saw Amari with Olivia in his arms. She took a deep breath and walked over to him, kneeling down and putting a hand on his shoulder. "Do you think you can carry her out? We can't chance them coming back." she said, looking at Olivia who looked like she was in epileptic shock. She felt bad for her. No one deserved that kind of pain.



Theo smiled at Yana and let out a chuckle.
"Quirky little thing, aren't you? I like it." he asked and listened to Idun, watching her embrace with Nikolai. He was glad the male was alright because if he wasn't Idun would probably blame herself.

"She's right. We should go." he said and stood up, turning to look at Yana with a smile. He bent down in front of her, his back faced to her. "C'mon, princess. I'll carry you since it's my fault there was a hole in your foot. I won't take no for an answer." he said, looking back at her. It was the least he could do for her. He felt so much guilt for what he did. Plus, she was a looker if he didn't say so himself, so helping her would be a good thing for both of them.


Basically all of my mains

"Hey, no one ever trained me on how to fight while internally fighting myself. I had a lot going on." He chuckled in response, swiftly kissing her temple before she walked away. "I'm glad you made it out of this alive."

Nikolai walked to and scooped his sister up, "let's move baby sister." He was glad that Idun was taking charge, his sister was far too weak to do it currently, but she would have tried had no one else done it.

His sister scrunched her brow, "I'm like a year and a half younger than you." Danica responded.

"That reminds me, what do you want for your birthday?"

"For us to not be dead by then. Shut up." The siblings bickered quietly to themselves.

Armani watched them for a moment and sighed in relief, it was good to know they were both okay. Whatever had caused the rift between he and Nikolai was in the past now. They were all on the same team now. He looked up at Idun, "you don't know my dad's Black Panther, do you?" He chuckled lightly, standing and scooping the other girl up.

"Come on, Olivia, we're gonna move." He spoke softly. Xavier had done this when one of the students encountered the same problem. "Your name is Olivia Starks, your mother was Pepper Potts, and Tony Starks is your father."

Destin looked at the situation around him. They were moving now. "Okay, keep your balance steady." He spoke to Asya and Blasius, even though the other boy was unconscious. His purple magic spun around under them, creating a platform and lifting them up.

He held his hand out for Alicia. "Let me help you up."

@lonecoyote @Aio @Dxfoe
Blasius Adam Laufeyson

Blasius smiled at Asya, his eyes open. He'd regained consciousness after Destin had started to heal him, though it had been delayed, only fully waking when they were lifted. He chuckled painfully at Asya's comment about the bread sticks, "I'd be glad to take you again" he responded. He held one hand over hers, never wanting to hurt her again, and glad that he was no longer under Exitium's control. He remembered everything he did while under the control of their enemy and he hated it, attempting to block out those memories.

@Eunoia [/size]

Olivia Stark

Olivia listened to Armani's words and focused on Danica's song. It was a nice melody, and it did help, she was focusing on something outside of her own mind, she assumed that was why it helped more. If she searched for memories she'd just be going in deeper. She'd come out of it slightly but when the song ended the progress stopped. Olivia felt herself be scooped up by Armani, and listened to his voice. I am Olivia Stark, My mother was Pepper Potts, and my father is Tony Stark.. She repeated his words in her thoughts, it was helping, slowly she regained more and more of her control, eventually closing her eyes finally. Her mind was still a mess but at least it was better, she was mentally exhausted from having to work her mind so hard.



Shadow nodded, glad that the 'big bang' as Exitium had called it was pushed up. She couldn't wait to actually get to fight again. She heard him tell her and Frost to be ready for when they arrived in the bunker, so she did as she was told and waited for Frost to do the same.[/font]


Yana Maximoff

Yana looked at Theo and smiled. "Might as well but I'm no princess." She joked. "I see myself more as a queen of anything." Reaching for his back, she grabbed on and situated herself on his back. She started to grow tired but told herself to stay awake. It would be rude if she fell asleep , especially since she was being carried. She didn't want to seem ungrateful but the sweet sound of sleep seemed to be taking over though she was fighting hard to stay awake.


Asya Barnes

Asya's face grew red when Blasius spoke. He wasn't supposed to hear that but there was nothing she could do now, only to hold his hand and make sure he would be okay. "Sorry about the thing where I electrocuted you." She said, rubbing his hand slightly as if to try and sooth his pain. She didn't know what else to do but comfort him, feeling terrible for the pain he had gone through.


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