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Fandom Marvel: Next Generation


Idun looked at Destin and laughed, shaking her head and bringing her legs up to her chest.
"So much for not being up for a little bit." she mocked and looked at him. She stretched her legs out and she was a bit sore but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. Plus, she was slowly healing back up thanks to that Asgardian god blood.

"Don't be so quick. I'm getting up."
she said with a laugh and stood up, straightening what was left of her dress. "Wait, I need my suite. I'm not going to Asgard like this. I look like a train wreck." she pointed to her outfit and it was too short and revealing. Her long legs didn't help the situation either. Idun stretched her legs and walked back downstairs, seeing the wreck and people cleaning up. She saw someone walking to her with her suite and she smiled. "Thank you and thank you all for your work. We greatly appreciate it." she said and disappeared into the bathroom and came back out in her suite. She made her way back upstairs and looked at Destin.

"Alright, let's go."
she said and messed with her hair, making her hair into two french braids on each side of her head. "Ready when you are, hot shot."

"Be well and be careful, all of you."
she told them all and looked at everyone in turn. "We'll get all the information we can and come back as soon as possible."

Danica Rogers

"Okay, be careful." Danica told the two.

"Sweetie, you should be more worried about yourselves. We're relatively safe in Asgard." Destin chuckled, ready to help Idun if she needed it. "Be careful, princess, you're boyfriend's sister is right there. Better to not call other boys hot. Save it for when we're alone." He grinned at her, clearly joking, mostly. Probably.

Danica shook her head and his antics and turned to the others. They were all a little worse for wear. Few of them were uninjured. Her time as a SHIELD instructor didn't prepare her for this. Her time in the field left half her team dead, but still didn't prepare her for this. She had somehow went into leadership drive, but right now, all she wanted was to sleep.



"Don't worry about us, Danica. We'll be fine. Promise. You guys just hold up this end until we get back." she said with a comforting smile even though on the inside she was afraid.

Idun looked over at Destin and clenched her jaw from embarrassment. The two only hung out every now and then when they had the time and she liked him but she didn't know if he liked her. Idun brought her arm back and smacked him in the arm. Hard.
"He's not my boyfriend. We're just friends. Besides, who said we were going to be alone? Better get used to that hand of yours. It'll be your best friend." she told him looking at Danica apologetically. Idun wouldn't normally make such a snarky comment but when the occasion called for it, she could deliver.

"Alright, let's go. The longer we stay here, the more time we waste finding a way to beat Exitium and get everyone back. You can fly, right?" she asked him, adjusting her helmet and skirt before walking out of the room and outside.

Destin Incantare

"Feisty." Destin snickered as they exited the building. "Fly? No. Flying is too much work. I prefer using magic, actually." He waved kid hand, creating a floating platform. Purple like the rest of his magic.

"I suggest you hitch a ride as well. Flying will only hurt you worse." He spoke in a less cocky tone. His calm demeanor showing through. He almost apologized to the girl for the way the day had gone, but decided against it. He was a villain by nature, and she was a hero. They were destined to be enemies, no matter how this event went.



Idun laughed softly and shook her head, putting her hammer on her side and her sword on her back. She tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear and nodded.
"Alrighty, then." she climbed onto the purple platform and sat down.

"I'm not standing the whole way." she told him and took her helmet off, setting it beside her and holding it. "After we finish with what information your mother has, I think we should see Odin and ask about what he knows."

Destin Incantare

"I don't blame you." Destin grinned, climbing on and raising his hands, sending the platform up and into the air. The trip there was relatively quick as he used more magic than usual. Which was slightly exhausting. He stepped down and held his hand out for her.

They were in his mother's study. He felt it would be easier to transport them there directly than to try and maneuver around, knowing he would be tired. There were a lot of books. He used the hand he wasn't helping her with to move them around. A purple stream moving through them, searching through for the one he needed. "This could take awhile."

His mother had hundreds of books. Spell books, history books, every kind of book one could imagine. She enjoyed mortal books, she was rather impressed with the way they explained things. She always said they were smarter than they seemed.



Idun looked up at him and laughed. She sat there until they got to Asgard, which was relatively fast she might add. She saw his hand out for her and she took it, jumping down and putting her helmet back on. Idun walked behind him and watched, a her lips pursed.

"Are you doing ok? If you're getting tired, I could look by myself while you get your strength back up."
she told him and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. As they walked, she was looking at the books and was amazed at how many his mother has. Her own book collection looked like a newborn compared to this.

Destin Incantare

"I'll rest when I'm dead." Destin grinned at the girl. "It's quicker to just do it this way, I'll rest once I find the book." He watched the purple stream weave in and out of books. Internally he chastised his mother for not being more organized. He noticed the way the girl looked at the books.

"If you see any you like, feel free to borrow them." He offered. He didn't come here much, so the books were mostly just collecting dust. Though, he really should come and clean the place up. Maybe he would turn it into a bit of a second home. Well, should they manage to save his first home, that is.


"Children, I have a special mission for you." Exitium called, rising from his seat. They were currently in the White House, the entire staff locked in one of the conference rooms. Techna had successfully shut down the entire country's technical capabilities. He had bought some time. "Before our next strike, I'd like to leave the legacies some presents."

"Nikolai, Theo, Blasius." He called the three new recruits forward. "Shaman fully healed you, correct?" When the blonde boy nodded, he smiled. "Good, I'm glad to hear that. I'd like you to go pay your friends a visit. The Asgardians went home to get answers according to Gateway's intel. I'd like for you three to be there when they return.
After all of you go to their houses. Get any form of leverage you can."

He was ready to use anything against the legacies. He wanted them to be broken down. Destroyed. On their knees at his feet, begging him to show them mercy. He wanted to watch their worlds crumble around him. Why the legacies? Simply because there was no better leverage over their parents than those children. With them in his possession he would be able to take over the world.

"Gateway will transport you," Exitium instructed. "Gateway, Techna, I want you at the SHIELD base with our three new friends, as well. Pull them out if they need any help." He grinned at his followers. War had started. That pleased him. He was ready for the war, it was destined to be entertaining.

@lonecoyote @Dxfoe @Aio @anyone else who has/wants a villain


Dust stood behind Exitium as he gave orders to the others, watching their faces for any signs of struggle against Exitium's hold. She kept a particular eye on the new recruits knowing they were the most likely to try and break free. All the others lost hope long ago just like herself.
Nikolai, Theo, Blasius... Nikolai son of Captian America. Theo son of DeadPool. Blasius son of Loki. She learned this all from going through their memories, stumbling on things she rather she had not. She did this often when Exituim gave speeches, seeing he never really put her out for battle she would get a taste only from others memories, gaining the feeling of adrenaline coursing through her body.

She wondered if she should ask Exitium for a task but decided against it.
If he had one he would have given one to you already. She thought. She found herself in Theo's head deciding to go through his thoughts. She knew it was rude to snoop but she couldn't help it. She was bored and in need of something to do. It's not as if he notice, most people just brush it off not knowing what it was.


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Idun rolled her eyes at his answer.
"Guys." she said and tried to keep her pace behind him but caught sight of a few books on a shelf. She stopped in her tracks and looked at the books, her eyes scanning the side that was facing out to her. She grabbed for one of the books and looked at the cover. It was an ancient looking book that seemed like it was dated a couple hundred years ago. It was a diary of sorts.

Destin's voice snapped Idun into reality and she put the book back shaking her head.
"If I do that, we may never leave." she laughed out and put a hand in her pocket. "Thanks for the offer, let's just keep going." she said and walked beside him. "How can I help look for it?" she asked and looked up and down the rows of books. She hated not being of any help and especially because she wasn't sure what to look for.



Theo looked at Exitium and bowed slightly. On the inside he was fighting and yelling but on the outside he was neutral.
"To get into the Asgardian's home, the girl needs to go with me. The Asgardian has technology out of this world." he said, looking at Techna and smiling.

He was going to enjoy this, he already knew what he was going to do. What he was going to trash and how the place was going to look when he was done. A wild grin spread on his face and he looked at Gateway and then Exitium.
"I'd like to get going now. There's a lot of things that need to be done." he said, his voice ice cold.

In his head, the Theo that was before Exitium was thinking heinous things to do. The deeper parts of him was fighting Exitium's control. Theo wasn't about to let this bastard take over his entire body. His entire being. He wasn't going to become a puppet. He needed to win back control of his body but the longer he fought, the stronger the control seemed to be. Theo was out of breath and had cuts and bruises all over his body. The darkness was winning and he hated it. It was at that moment that memories came flooding back to him. Memories of his childhood, of his past missions, and of his time in San Bestitos.

His memories made him remember graphic details about his missions. The memories normal people couldn't come close to having and staying sane. Memories of him driving a metal rod through multiple henchmen leaving them to look like a human kebab. The time he beheaded a powerful underboss and kicked his head around like a soccer ball. Most would see Theo as evil but that wasn't true. Theo did what he did what no one else would do. He did the dirty work and got all the blame but didn't mind it because at the end of the day, he was always welcomed home by a smiling blonde girl. A blonde girl that changed his life for the better. She opened his eyes and showed him compassion. She showed him unconditional love and warmth. She showed him so much and what did he do to repay her? Cook? Not blow up the house? She was so good to him even if he didn't deserve it. One may think that Theo was madly in love with her but he wasn't. Sure the two would kiss if he needed more life force or was feeling weak. But Theo didn't feel romantic feelings for her. He felt a sense of family with her. Like she was the mother figure he didn't have. She always kept him straight and kept him on the right path even when he tried to stray away from it.

Then his memories came back a bit stronger and he put a hand to his head. It was close to the feeling of when Exitium took control over him.
"I don't know what you want, but I swear on my life! I swear if you make me hurt Idun anymore, I will kill you! I will cut your head clean off your neck and use it as a hood ornament!" he yelled, his breathing uneven as he found some unknown strength to keep fighting the darkness.

@Aio @Eunoia

"Techna, go with Theo." The man instructed. "Dust, my dear, I'd like you to go in for the big attack as well. If any of them start to get an advantage, I'd like you to remove them from the equation. Stop them, that is, don't kill them." He smiled at her, petting her hair lightly.

"Gateway, begin transporting them." The boy immediately started doing his duty. Taking the kids where they needed to be. He had long since stopped fighting against the control, giving Exitium the freedom to focus more on the new children. The ones that were fighting still. Two of them were giving a lot more of a struggle. He respected their spunk.

@lonecoyote @Aio @Dxfoe

Alicia von Doom

{bit late but just random update on Alicia}

Alicia smiled as Destin left. Hopefully they would be able to get that dinner, though there was no clear way to tell how this war with Exitium and his elite would last. For all they knew they'd be defeated, or all turned over to his side with the mind control. That was the worst thing, she didn't want to have to be against the Asgardians.


Blasius blindly followed Exitium's orders, he didn't say anything however. He was being controlled less than the other two, since he was Asgardian he couldn't be completely controlled but he was hypnotized. Deep down, he was probably still there, not willing to suggest anything but still willing to do as he was told. He heard that he was going to ransack and search through the Legacies house and subconsciously his heart dropped. That meant Idun, his cousin's house, he didn't particularly like her but it still wasn't what he wanted to do. That also meant Asya's house, he really didn't want to ransack her house but he stood there, and awaited Gateway's transport.


"Where do you want me to go?" Shadow asked Exitium. She knew he was focused on the newly 'recruited' legacies. It would take a lot of work to get them to stop resisting their leaders mind control but everyone who was controlled gave in eventually. She didn't care who she went with. Either way she was in the field, going through a legacies home to find dirt on them, and that made her excited.

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Dust ripped herself from Theo's memories as Exitium spoke to her and patted her head, she smiled at him before turning back to Theo. Part of her want screaming for him not to give up but then again there was no reason to fight. They never stood a chance with Exitium and she wished they could see that. She could speak to the controlled if she wanted but most of them pushed her out not liking her in her head. She heard Theo's cries and knew Exitium most likely heard them as well. Dust thought to console him but he would most likely push her away as well. It doesn't hurt to try. She thought though now was hardly the time with the battle and all but she would drop a little message into his thoughts try and comfort him before she went to check on the others. They seemed more at peace with the whole situation which was weird to her but maybe they just had less tolerance than her.

Don't forget. It's not your fault. None of this is your fault. If you fight him his hold only gets stronger. Trust me.

She spoke in his head her voice floating around till Gateway took her away. It would have to do. Hopefully he would get the message not to fight but she doubt it. He would ignore her like the rest.


Nikolai Rogers

Fight it you idiot.

No, you can't win. Just relax.

Fight it. Your sister needs you.

There was a constant fight in the young man's head. The outside, the part controlled by the man called Exitium, was ready to go to their shared home and destroy everything. He knew all of Danica's most precious objects. He knew how to hurt her the most. Sasha. Sasha would hurt her the most.

Gateway took him to their home and left him. He fought with himself. Staring at her room. The photo collage on the back of her door. Mostly made up of pictures of them. He ripped it off of the wall, internally screaming.

Danica was his biggest weakness. She was the person he loved most. She was the little sister he had fought for. He had grown up with. He could remember the first time he ever saved her. She was five and he was seven. They had snuck off and she had fallen into a hole. A deep one. Her little leg was broken and she couldn't get up. Nikolai had to pull her out and carry her back to their parents. She cried for an hour, and he cried with her.

He remembered her screaming his name as the inhuman stabbed him. He remembered waking up to her covered in the whole team's blood and crying. He remembered watching her carry the rest of the team out, even those who didn't make it. She never left anyone behind. He remembered breaking his hand when SHIELD reprimanded her for saving her team. He remembered shattering a window with a chair. He remembered the look on her face when she found out they'd both been pulled from the field and stuck in training duties at The Academy. He remembered hearing her crying in her room that night, the night he brought Sasha home to help her feel better.

Sasha. He thought, watching the cat run from the now destroyed bedroom. Don't you dare touch that cat. And for some reason, he didn't. He was free long enough to give the signal for Gateway to return, and he left. He left Sasha there, safe. Scared, but safe. None of the cat supplies had been damaged during his attack on the place. On the exterior, though, he planned to tell the girl that he had killed the cat. That would destroy her. Get her out of the fight.

Gateway took him to SHIELD then. They were to await the others before attacking.


"The Ironwoman, is that her name?" Exitium muttered, "yes, that's her. Destroy her tech, my child. We can't have her making more toys right now. We don't want that many guests on the list." He grinned at Shadow. He looked at Blasius, "your friend. Wintertide, is it? You receive the honors of doing her home."

He knew Gateway was going to take the children all to the different houses and then take the new recruits, Dust, and Techna to SHIELD. He was expecting them to destroy everyone, emotionally.

@Aio @Dxfoe


Gateway dropped them at the Asgardian's house. "Okay, pretty boy, what would you like me to do?" Techna asked him once Gateway was gone again, playing with her hair. She was ready to cause some mischief. It was one of her favorite activities. Especially when technology was involved.


No! Not Asya's house! Anywere but Asya's house! Blasius screamed protests as his body nodded and Gateway teleported him to the home of Asya Barnes aka Wintertide. At first the mental part of him, the him part of him was shocked. Blasius had never been inside of Asya's house, he really didn't know where to look for things. It hadn't been hard for Blasius to figure out that Exitium had sent him there because of his connection to Asya. The place was different than what he thought, though Blasius hadn't thought about it much. At first the small part of him that was in control tried to resist messing the place up too much, but after a few minutes he gave in, the control was too strong. Blasius began to search for anything that would ruin Asya emotionally. He looked everywhere, her closet, bathroom, couch cushions, behind pictures, in kitchen cupboards, even in the fridge, but he didn't know what he was looking for. After a while he suddenly remembered something, Her dad... No Blasius Adam Laufeyson don't show Exitium anything bad about her father. He fought with himself as he now started looking for specific documents about James Barnes. Eventually he found what he was looking for, insurance, bills, statements about nurses or something that were being highered and ones that were quitting because of the old Winter Soldiers 'episodes'. Perfect. Blasius thought, the controlled part taking over.


Shadow grinned, "Yes sir" She stated cynically before allowing Gateway to teleport her to Olivia Stark aka Ironwoman's apartment. It was nice, there was a lot of green. "Hello Mrs.Sta-" The computer system JARVIS started before realizing she wasn't Stark. "WARNI-" It began its alarm, she assumed would send a signal somewhere but never got to finish because she'd smashed the sensors and the main computer of the house. Shadow knew that wouldn't completely shut down the system since it was a program that was in everything the Stark family had, but it was a start. She also knew she had to work fast, the alarm was delayed but was still going to happen. She sunk into the Shadow Realm for an easy hiding place and began to slide around smashing all tech, not even just the important stuff. TVs, Microwaves, Ovens, Clocks, everything until she finally reached the entrance to her basement, it was in a closet for hiding or something. She jumped back into the physical plane and descended the stairs, grinning as she appeared in the garage. Cars, so many cars, but that wasn't the best thing, on the back wall was three display cases with Ironwoman's previous suits and in the center of the floor was her current one.
Perfect. About half an hour later she returned with a wicked smile on her face, she'd also brought souvenirs. With her she carried a piece, a foot or an arm or a headpiece of each of the iron armors she'd just sliced. "Done"

@Eunoia @Aio
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Theo's outer appearance was stone cold as he looked at Exitium. He was running through the game plan that he needed to complete destroying his and Idun's home. He made a list of all of the things the blonde held dear to her, making sure to eliminate them. The biggest out of all of them were her pets, Keldr and Alva. Those two meant the world to her and he knew exactly what he was going to do to them.

On the inside, Theo couldn't believe these thoughts. He knew if he harmed Keldr or Alva, Idun would be beyond devastated. He would feel so guilty for what he's done. He already felt so bad for everything he's done to her. He would have to do so much to get her forgiveness.

Don't forget. It's not your fault. None of this is your fault. If you fight him his hold only gets stronger. Trust me.

Theo heard these words and he shook his head. "So you gave up? I don't care who's fault it is, he's using my body to hurt someone I care deeply for. If you want something bad enough, you'll do whatever it takes and I plan to keep fighting, even it it kills me. You might have given up, but I won't! As long as Idun's alive, I won't give up." he yelled, his breathing hollow and his body on the verge of falling out.

On the outside, he grinned when Gateway delivered he and Techna. When Techna asked what she should do, he pointed upstairs.
"The second floor is a planetarium given to her by her mother and grandfather. It's a big machine basically. Have fun with it. There's some things in her bedroom as well. I'm not sure what, but have fun." he told her and kicked the door open, looking around the place. He heard the familiar barking of Keldr and looked down at the wolf pup who wagged his tail happily when he saw Theo.

Theo smiled and bent down, petting Keldr before in a split second he had the animal by the neck. Keldr was whining and gasping, trying to get away from him but Theo's strong hold had him there. Theo grinned at the animal and looked around, swinging him haphazardly. Theo pulled a gun out from a compartment and began to shoot everything up. He shot at everything in site and the things that didn't get shot, he went through and sliced them. He still had Keldr by the throat and by now, his cries were annoying Theo.

"Shut up, already, would ya?" he asked and shook the animal, receiving a coughing fit from the animal. Theo rolled his eyes and pulled his gun on Keldr, aiming for his head and pulling the trigger. All was quiet again and Theo grinned. He walked over to the kitchen and laid the limp body down on the counter. He smiled at his work and continued to destroy the house. He knew that that the house was almost indestructible, but he knew that he could mess it up. Hours later, Theo was finished with the inside of the house. The furniture was unrecognizable, food was thrown everywhere, blood (his own) was everywhere, and the home just looked like shit. Everything in there was shit. Unrecognizable, unreplaceable, shit. There were things she got from her parents and Asgard that she couldn't replace.

"Alright, now where's that horse?" he asked, smelling the air for the smoke. Within a few seconds, he found it. Theo took off to find Alva and found her grazing in the field. He shot at her and landed a shot in her leg. Alva let out a yell, taking off in the other direction. Theo thought to go after her but didn't. She'd fall over and die soon enough. "All right girly, I'm done!" he yelled and looked at what he's done, a giant grin on his face. On his head, he was wearing her grandfather's old battle helmet. There were dents in it but it was still good. The piece d'resistance was the gas he poured around the house and the lighter he was currently using to entertain himself.

@Eunoia @Aio
Destin Incantare

"Found it." Destin said after a minute. "If you want to go speak with Odin, I'll read through this." He told her as the book floated into his hand. He flipped through it, it was on all the Asgardian battles in Midgard. Exitium was one of the bigger ones, he shouldn't be too hard to find. Well, at least Destin hoped not.



The technopath had a blast with the planetarium. Asgardian technology gave her an energy boost when she was destroying them. She'd never felt more alive. At least, not since she joined Exitium. "Alright, hot stuff. Ooh, killed the dog. Nice touch. Let's go. Time to get to SHIELD. Your little Asgardian friend will love coming back to her friends emotionally devastated." She smirked and gave the signal for Gateway. He dropped them at SHIELD with Nikolai, where the three new recruits would attack, as soon as Blasius joined them.



Gateway started by picking up Shadow and returning her to the lair, then headed to get Blasius. He took the young Asgardian to SHIELD with the others. "Have fun," he declared as the three were now all present. "Don't kill anyone."

Nikolai and Danica Rogers

"Dust, do us a favor and take out some of them. Not my sister or cousin, definitely not them. We'll handle them. Take out Armani first. He'll try and help Danica." The young man spoke. "Blasius, my cousin is all yours. Theo, take your pick."

Nikolai screamed at himself internally. DON'T. He couldn't breathe, the thought of hurting his little sister was breaking his heart. The boy's suit was ripped, his hair falling out of the bun it was in. He looked like physical hell. The solid black of his eyes enough to give any normal person nightmares.

"Hello, little sister." He spoke, stepping into the room with the legacies. "I believe a rematch is in order."
No, please.

There was an eery silence in the room. It seemed clear that no one was in very good spirits. Danica rose, looking at him. He begged her to help him, but he knew she couldn't. And he couldn't help her. Despite all his attempts to stop himself, he still had the same abilities as his parents. He still had the power of the serum.

"Fine, I'll give you a rematch." The girl declared, putting her shield on her back. Her arm had been healed and she was more than ready for a fight.

"No cheating this time, or my friend Dust will have to disable you." He smirked at her, which prompted her to charge after him. Her fist flying beside her. He grabbed it, but she was expecting that and used her momentum to sling her knee up. He was expecting that, and tripped her, sending her to the ground. "We've been sparring for years, sweetie, I know all your moves."

"And I know yours," Danica spat back. She was angry, clearly. Which made this fight dangerous. Her emotions could easily get the best of her. She kicked his legs out from under him before flipping back up. "Nik, I don't want to hurt you."

"That's exactly what I want to do to you. I visited the house." He watched the color drain from her face, and it pleased him. He rose, preparing to strike her again. Emotionally this time. "Sasha sure was a pretty thing, wasn't she?"

She backed up, calming her nerves, swallowing the scream.
Remember what Mom taught you. She repeated to herself. Remember.

She put her shield down and ran forward, kicking him in the chest and using her hands to push herself onto her feet like her mother does. He didn't fall, but he almost did, she ran at him again, jumping onto his shoulders and flipping him, landing in the spider pose. She looked up to see him laughing on the floor.

"You learned a lot from your mother, didn't you?" He laughed out, "well, so did I." He threw an electric disc at her. He always kept one on him for times like these. He watched his sister writhe on the floor, refusing to make a sound, trying to steel her face. He chuckled at it. Internally he begged for mercy for her, pleaded with himself to stop. She didn't deserve this.

Just when he thought she was done for, she grabbed his leg and pulled him down. She struggled, but she got up. Her skin burned from the force of the electricity. There were other legacies in the room but none of them dared to make a move against him, knowing the Hell they'd pay if they hurt him. He may be trying to kill her, but Danica would protect him until she stopped breathing. That's what they did. It was their thing.

He kicked out at her, but she managed to jump over his legs. He bounced to his feet. Kicking again. He used his legs a lot, like their father. He ran towards her, flipping in the air and shoving her down onto her face. He put his foot down on her back and heard her gasping for breath as he pushed down harder. "Nikolai, please." She choked out.

He pushed down one last time before pulling his foot back, "stay down." He said.

Danica obliged, but not in the way he expected. She flexed her hand, sending signals into her magnets for her shield. But Techna shut down the magnets before they could pull the shield all the way. She giggled putting her hand on his back, "sweetie. You're no match."

"Give up, Danica." He said, putting his foot on her back again.

His sister was crying, her cheek pressed against the floor. She hated this. She couldn't fight him anymore, she could barely move because of the burning on her body. She couldn't stand the way that tecnopath bitch had her hands on him. The way she was touching him and acting like he was her prized pet. She couldn't stand to fight him. What he had said about Sasha was haunting her. She could barely breathe, his foot was making it even harder.

@Aio @Dxfoe @lonecoyote


Dust looked at Nikolai and nodded as she got to work. When she located Armani's mind she quickly went through it trying to find his deepest darkest memories and pulling them to the surface.
Stay away from Idun and Danica. She reminded herself as she searched for other minds to link up with. Sometimes when they battled with such a large group she would link up with two to three others and scramble their memories together. It would take them weeks to months to figure out which memories were theirs and which memories were not, leaving them in a temporary catatonic state. Even if they had a psychic with them it would take at least a week to a few days. The mind was such a hard thing to build but such an easy thing to break it was almost hilarious to her.

Dust stood outside the room knowing full well if she was caught in the middle of someone's mind she could be harmed our if she broke away with any of their memories in her head she is stuck with them forever. She felt the panicked cries of the new recruits as they followed Exitium's orders. She wanted them to give up and not fight back but for the first time since being captured by Exitium, she felt as though she had some hope that it could all be over. Though it would never be that easy.

@Eunoia @Anyone who want their minds to be messed with

Asya Barnes

Asya jumped as she heard the doors to their room open seeing Nikolai in his battered state. She felt a twinge of sadness but she was to caught up in finding Blasius knowing he wouldn't be too far behind. She pulled out her guns from her holster, gripping them till her knuckles turned white. She felt like she was ready to confront Blasius but she knew in the back of her mind she wasn't ready to fight him, possibly hurt him. These thoughts annoyed her so much she wanted to scream.She never felt personally threatened to keep a distance from anyone who could possibly inhibit her work. Her house was kept bare, no personality present throughout her entire apartment.That's the way she liked it. Fewer people to expect things from her and fewer people she had to try and impress.


Yana Maximoff

Yana smiled as Exitium's army came through the doors though it wavered when she saw Nikolai and the pain in his eyes. She looked over at Danica and sighed.
It must be tough fighting your only sibling. She though before she reminded herself that the Mind Wench shouldn't be too far behind the rest. "Come out little Mind Bitch we have some things we need to sort out." She yelled out as red energy started to swirl around her hands. She was ready, this time, she wasn't going to let her mess with her head. Instead, she would return the favor.



Olivia Stark

Olivia sighed as she saw Exitium's elite approach. She'd literally just taken off her suit and didn't really wanna put it back on already. From what she could tell they weren't targeting her too much so she kinda just sank into the corner. She really didn't want to fight, so many people had been hurt already. It wasn't long before she felt a twinge in her brain, What the hell.. She thought confused before remembering what one of the enemies did to Red Wiccan. She cried out slightly as she felt what seemed like the memories of her teammates seep into her brain. The Rage and Pain of Marley when she was Hulked out, and the pain Red Wiccan had been in while she had this happen to her. No, don't give in so easily.. She thought trying to resist the mind scrambling. Olivia bit down on a scream as Doom's years of training against her father rather than with her father was added, she was getting all the bad parts of her teammates minds, and she nearly couldn't bear it.



Blasius grinned, knowing Nikolai's cousin meant Asya. At the same time however he mentally grimaced and wanted to scream. No! Don't make me fight her! He yelled into the back of his head, knowing that nobody except maybe Dust could hear him. It didn't take long however for the fluctuating hypnosis to take over again and shut off those thoughts, well they were quieter. He was still in his suit, however his cape was slightly ripped, it didn't look too bad since most of the materials were rather hard to rip since there was a lot of gold. However you could see in his face that he wasn't doing well, his eyes seemed to be fighting against each other, one accepting the black eye thing more than the other, his pupil spreading further in the left eye, almost all of his iris covered by the black. At the same time his right eye the pupil was only slightly bigger than normal and they were slightly bloodshot. He looked tired even though he'd only been controlled for a few hours, not physically tired, but mentally. He gripped his staff, he'd inherited it from his father since he was imprisoned. His hair was ruffled as he approached Asya, "We meet again," He hissed, "I suggest you don't resist this time, your father might have one of his episodes"


Armani Munroe

Armani felt the twinge in his mind as someone entered it. He had learned how to tell from Xavier. Though he didn't know how to deter it, except by finding the source. Nikolai stepped out and Armani tried to get up, but he was quickly becoming crippled by his memories. He didn't even know if all of them were his memories.

His time at Xavier's school. Fighting other mutants. Losing friends. He watched his best friend die again and again. He couldn't save her. It was his fault. It was all his fault.


Dust smiled as she felt them bend to her will. It was easier than she expected which made it easier for her to pull up their darkest memories. She heard Red Wiccan call out for her and shuddered slightly but kept in control of the minds. She didn't need to be distracted and her team hopefully had her back. Who was she kidding they all wanted a piece of the action. Most didn't even know the definition of team so she would have to fend for herself which would be harder than most would think.


Asya Barnes

Asya stared at Blasius as if she had seen a ghost.
"Blasius I know this isn't you and..." She trailed off when he brought up her father's 'episodes'. She felt tears come to her eyes but quickly pushed them back. This isn't Blasius. It's not him. She had to remind herself but it was becoming harder and harder to believe. "Do not bring up my father Blasius." She growled through her gritted teeth. Guns were no good here. Too many chances for them to hit someone else if he deflected the bullets. She holstered her guns and pulled out a metal staff. Holding it out in front of her as she pressed a button to extend it. It was mad out of the same material as her father's prosthetic arm, a birthday present from long ago. She felt her body settle more under the weight of the staff before she got ready to fight. "Let's just get this over with." Asya narrowed her eyes, telling herself that it was best to end it though all she wanted to do was grab him and shake him awake.


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Blasius grinned, he'd made the girl mad or at least uncomfortable. "Why not, sensitive subject" He loved the idea of getting into his head for a second, almost reveled in the fact that he had for a second before the real him butted in. I'm so sorry Asya! He cried, only to be shut down almost instantly. "I'm glad you agree we should finish this quickly." He grinned as he eyed her staff, different, but he could handle it. He had a suspicion that when it came to strength they may be similar when it came to ability, since he assumed Wintertide had the strength of her father. However even with the similar strength and speed he had magic, and in his mind that would win any day. "If I can't talk about your father, why don't I just imitate him" He hissed, using the illusion magic he'd learned from his father to 'shapeshift' into the form of James Barnes. He still had his staff though it wasn't needed since he was rather strong. He dropped the staff nearby and grinned, Now lets do this. He thought, the real Blasius not 'awake' anymore. He got into a combatish stance and grinned with the old Winter Soldier's face before stepping forward and throwing a punch followed by a left legged kick.


Asya Barnes

Asya was taken aback when Blasius shifted into her father, feeling his fist connect with her face before feeling hot blood trickle down from her nose. She had just enough time to deflect his kick with her staff.
"How dare you." She growled. She wasn't mad about the nose bleed rather she was furious that he would dare transform into her father. Gathering herself she ran towards him bringing her staff down to hit between his shoulder and neck, swinging her food around to try and connect with his side. She wanted to end the fight but at the same time she wanted it to go on for as long as she could. If she could hold him then maybe the real Blasius could fight through to her. She didn't know how strong Exitium's hold was on him but from the looks of it it wasn't as strong as the others and she would try and work that to her advantage.


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