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Fandom Marvel: Next Generation



Ironwoman's was shocked. She didn't know what to do as all of the villains and their friends turned villain disappeared. Slowly she flew to the ground and had her helmet retract, unsure of what to do next.



Doom would've gone after her if she thought she was still in the building. As soon as Dust was gone she rushed to Red Wiccan's side. She wasn't a medical doctor so she didn't know what to do and the phone lines were down so she couldn't call 911. "Damn it" She said looking around, at least she distracted the girl from getting anyone else.



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Alex rose up after awhile, in a great amount of shock. His eyes were wide, as he looked up at everyone, and he couldn't speak. Wh-What happened? All his speech was transferred to his thoughts. It was quite strange, he was trying to speak, but he couldn't. He coughed and stood up. Finally, as he stood up, he was able to speak. "Don't fight him. He won't fight us if we don't do the same. He doesn't want to kill us... yet, anyway. His words," he told them, finally learning not to attack Exitium.

@lonecoyote @Aero

Morrígan smirked as the villains left. She had put a tracker on Nikolai after electrocuting him. She'd know everywhere they went. Her moment of pride passed and she looked around at the hell around her. This was the largest amount of dead people she'd ever seen in one place. There were dozens of them. It made her feel sick.

She searched for her friends. She saw most of them in one piece. Hulkling was still green but someone was handling it, she hoped. She looked for Armani, finding him in the control room. "Armani, wake up." She shook him. "What happened?"

"He.. possessed me." The boy muttered. "Stole all the intel on the computer. Come on, we've got to help the others." He looked distraught.

"You okay?"

"I killed these people."

"No, he did. Come on." She lead the way out, finding her way over to Red Wiccan. Doom was there as well. "What's her status?" She asked, kneeling beside the girl.

@Dxfoe @Aio



Doom sighed and looked up at Morrígan. "She's catatonic I think" She said, Doom didn't know a ton about medical things. "The girl did something with her mind I know that but I don't know what. She was talking about memories though so it may be something with that" She sighed. Doom hated not knowing things. She didn't even particularly care about Red Wiccan but when she decides to be on someone's team she expects them to stay okay while she aids them. Speaking of teams Doom looked around the room for Destin. It was hard to see since she was low to the floor next to Red Wiccan and there was bodies everywhere but she still looked, feeling a sigh of relief when she saw him okay.



While still green, The Hulkling was simply standing in where Olivia had pushed zir. Ze was about to attack the strange metal person when ze noticed she had taken off her mask. Hulkling could recognize faces, voices and objects, but Marley had never seen the Ironwoman in person so the Hulkling would see her as an enemy. But now the villains had left and the brainwashed are back to normal and The Hulkling was not needed. A wave of exhaustion swept over zir. Ze sat down and began to feel dizzy and light headed, slowly shrinking back to zir human form, as did zir suit. Once ze regained consciousness, Marley felt a pang of pain as ze realised the wound had not fully healed. And then it dawned on zir.

"Oh my Gosh, the bullet." Ze muttered. Ze stood up and ran to Olivia but stumbled, exhaustion making her limbs feel jelly. Ze stood up again and slowly walked over to Olivia, holding her shoulder for support.

"Can I get a medic? I was shot in the back. Also I fear I may faint from exhaustion." Ze said to Olivia, trying to hold on to zir consciousness.




Ironwoman looked at the now human Marley with worry. "Uh yea of course.." She said not sure what to say in that situation.She had never really had to help a post-hulk Banner who'd been shot in the back. She wrapped her arm around Marley to give her some more support as she lead her toward the doors of the building where the medics were standing outside. She didn't know Marley too well but enough to consider her at least a friend, so to see her in pain, struggling against unconsciousness it worried her.

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Warlock and Morrígan

Warlock was healing those who needed it, when he spotted Red Wiccan on the floor. Morrígan and Radi were with Doom in front of her. He rushed over, "okay, what's the situation?"

"Catatonic," Radi responded. "Memory manipulation or something similar."

"On it," Warlock closed his eyes, running his hands above the girl's head, putting her into a deep sleep. "She'll wake up in about half an hour. We need to move her."

"We need to get everyone upstairs into the infirmary. You'll have to help heal everyone," Morrígan instructed. She noticed Ironwoman and Hulkling. She rushed over. "Get zir upstairs. Warlock is going to start on healing the injured." She grabbed the mic off the stage and talked into it. "Everyone, please move upstairs. We're going to check everyone for injuries and work on a game plan. If you're not injured, please assist the injured to the infirmary."

Her leadership came out full force. She was darting around the whole room, helping everyone she could.

@Aio @Garnet @Dxfoe
Alex looked over at the girl who spoke into the microphone. Upstairs. Got it. He thought as he took off the thing around his head. The damage had healed at a miraculous rate. It had not been fully healed, but it was about one fourth of the way. He picked up injured people and sped them upstairs, one by one. As he went back down to the stairs, he also walked over to Morrigan. "Okay. I can't help too much in healing, but I transported people. Anything else I can do?" He asked the girl, who seemed to be helping more people than he had. Dang it. Now I'm jealous. I can't do anything about their injuries. I'm basically a human transporter. That's all I'm good for, apparently. He thought. He didn't realize that until now. He can't do much with his speed to help these people, and he had a pain in his gut. An imaginary one, though, that hated the feeling of not being able to help. He started to think of just leaving, but what good would that do?

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Doom watched Warlock heal Red Wiccan and couldn't help but feel better when she heard that she'd wake up soon. Following instructions Doom picked up the girl, and began to follow Morrígan's directions up stairs. In hindsight it probably wasn't the best idea for her to be going into a SHIELD facility. She was still technically a minor nuisance to them most of the time, but she was helping so it was probably okay. Once upstairs she laid Red Wiccan on a hospital bed type thing in the infirmary before heading back downstairs for more instruction.




Ironwoman nodded and moved her course toward the stairs. She really didn't want to take an injured person up a flight up stairs, especially since the injury was in the back but she had to. She slowly led Marley up to the infirmary, glad her suit had a cooling feature. Ironwoman wasn't the most athletic/strong girl but she was fine in the suit for moving people. There were a lot of injured but she figured Hulking aka Marley Banner was quite important so she went ahead and lead her toward one of the beds with more equipment.



Eden looked at the male she healed, a weak smile on her face.

"Thanks, kid. You did good." she managed to say. Eden tried to stand but she was nauseous. Her head was light and the pain in her legs came back. All over, Eden ached. With all that happened and her legs leaking blood, she was past the point of being weak.

Eden took a minute to catch her breath. She sat on her bottom and ribbed the rest of her dress, just enough that it was long enough to cover what was needed. She tied the clothing around the wounds, causing them to push out more blood that she wasn't sure she had.
"Geeez..." she mumbled out, putting a hand to her head and grabbing her sword. She stabbed her sword into the ground and slowly stood up. She winced in pain but kept going. She needed to help everyone else who needed it.

Eden heard Morrígan tell everyone to go upstairs and she grinned. She found a spot on the wall and watched everyone slowly head up the stairs. She wasn't sure how she was going to get upstairs because if she moved too much, she'd re open her wounds worse than they were.

"Alright, got it." she said and used her sword as a crutch, slowly making her way to the stairs. "Can someone help me up these stairs?" she called out, hating that she had to ask for help instead of helping everyone. with the way she felt and as if she was going to explode, she needed to get some help herself.

@Nerdyy @Anyone willing and able
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"Hey," Radi approached Eden. "I've got you." He said, wrapping his arm around her to prop her up. The party had hurt all of them, but Eden looked a little more banged up than the rest of them. Psychologically speaking, the worst damage was divided between several of them. Especially her.

"I can carry you if it'd be easier on you?" He offered. Truthfully, he felt guilty for his powers hurting her. For hurting others. He felt worse than he'd felt in his life.

"And, I'm sorry." He finally said.


Morrígan smiled at the boy. "You did plenty just by helping with transporting. Go rest, you're wounded as well." She felt the twinge in her arm coming back. It just
had to be the arm her shield was on, didn't it?

She placed her shield back onto her back, and looked at Doom. "You're friends with Warlock, right? See if you can help him in any way. He's going to have a lot of people to heal. He'll probably need some assistance." She ran her hand through her hair, pulling it down from her updo.



Wintertide stood away from the others, her mind spinning as she tried to think. She looked over at the others as they surrounded Red Wiccan. She noticed the girl that hovered near Exitium during the fight and guessed it was her doing. It seemed she had escaped the worst of it having only minor scrapes and bruises from Blasius, mainly because she didn't fight as hard as she could of.

What was left of them was a sad sight. Between the dead, one in a catatonic state, and the rest wounded they weren't ready for what was in store. Asya felt kind of useless in this situation, most were Heros that were left and her only friend was taken from her. They needed to take action but Asya knew that would be a mistake if they took it so soon.

Red Wiccan

Almost done...Almost. Red Wiccan thought feeling as though her false memories were coming to an end. The girl that she had fought was strong though she felt she might have been holding back. With that thought she was scared to think what her full power held. She felt her body relax but this only caused her to worry. She could feel her mind drifting but she didn't want to sleep. She was almost done, she was almost about to taste her freedom from her catatonic state.

@everyone I think​
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Eden smiled softly at Radi, shaking her head. "Just help me up the stairs and I'll be fine." she placed her sword back on her back and summoned her hammer, tying it to her hip as they walked.

"Hey, it wasn't your fault. That bastard's the one to blame." she told him and patted his back, her vision blurring slightly but she shook it off. Maybe he should carry her but then again just by herself she was 165 pounds and with her sword and hammer she was undoubtedly past a petite state. "Besides, I don't think you can carry me but thanks for the offer." she said with a slight laugh, looking around as everyone made their way to the stairs.

Seeing everyone in their current condition made Eden feel horrible. Horrible because she couldn't protect them all. If she was half the hero her parents were, it would have been much easier but she wasn't. She wasn't ready for this. Even with all of her training she wasn't prepared and it made her feel like she let everyone down.


Alloy was relieved as well as terrified when Exitium and his army vanished in mid air. She was happy to see the boy was up and moving like he totally didn't just get slammed into a wall. Alloy watched as everyone was doing their own thing trying to pitch in to help clean up everything and heal those who are still alive. She felt useless not being able to help with anything unless they need a magnet. When Captain America's daughter ordered eveyone upstairs, she couldn't do anything else but oblige since she's not going anywhere anytime soon. @Anyone who needs a magnet



Doom nodded as she was told to go help Warlock. She turned and returned to the infirmary to begin to help. She knew a small amount of healing magic but not too much so she could only help with minor injuries, which there were a lot of. She could tell Red Wiccan was getting slightly better though still unconscious. She walked up to Warlock, who she assumed was helping someone, "I see not all Asgardians are bad luck." She greeted referring to his healing the injured. "Who do you need me to heal?"


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"I'm too attractive to be bad luck, obviously." He chuckled. Looking around at everyone, he sighed. There were so many of them. "Put Marley under and then we can get to work on the bullet wound together. It'll take two of us to ensure there's no paralyzation." He ran his hand through his hair and looked at her, noticing Radi bring Eden in. "I've got to heal her pretty quickly, she's gonna be key to defeating Exitium. It just had to be Asgardians that can save the day, didn't it?" He laughed lightly.

"I'll be over to help with the bullet wound in just a minute." He said before heading to the other Asgardian.



"Hey, my father's the Black Panther, I can easily carry you." Radi laughed. He decided against it, helping her up the stairs instead - though, he did make sure to support most of her weight. He got her onto a bed and sat beside it, waiting for Warlock to finish with the other injured. "I'm not just sorry about what he did when he possessed me."

He rubbed his face and sighed. "The whole situation was brutal."

Warlock approached and looked at her, "well, shit." He ran his hand through his hair. "Bad guy's got it out for you, blondie." Luckily, his mother had trained him immensely with healing. "You, weather boy, I'm gonna need some water."

Radi conjured up some rain clouds. "Okay, on it."

The two boys worked to heal Eden of her injuries. "You're still gonna have some soreness. Don't be up too much for a little bit."



Morrígan waited for the last of them to get upstairs before making her way up there. She didn't go in the main room yet, instead pulling out her phone and calling her parents. It went straight to voicemail.
Cell service must be down. "Hey, Mom and Dad. It's Danica. I wish I didn't have to do this like this. I don't know when you'll get this message, sooner rather than later, I hope.

"Something bad happened. Some guy named Exitium showed up. He can control minds and possess people. He's got Nik." She took a breath. "I love both of you, and I'm sorry if things go badly. I'm going to try and fix this. We all are." She hung up before going into the main room. She looked around at the sad scene in front of her. The legacies were all still alive, but that was practically it. Some of the other agents were alive, but barely.

She tried the tv, to see if any of this was being broadcasted. Only one channel was coming through. The president was giving a speech, looking at it she noticed something was off with his eyes. They were solid white. "Well, that's not good." She muttered, turning it up and putting it on all the monitors.

"...there is no need to worry. All signals will be out for the next few days due to solar storms. This will affect phones, internet, radio, and television. We're working to increase our signals to keep you posted on what is going on." He was saying.

Morrígan muted it and addressed the whole group. "Exitium has infiltrated the white house. The nation is without media. Normal people would crawl into a hole and die at this point. We're not normal. We're going to fight." There were a few groans in response. "
After we've had time to heal. We're going to need to figure out what his plan is before we strike. And before we can figure that out, we're going to need to know who he is."

She clicked the TV off and approached Warlock and Eden. "Can you two go to Asgard together? Someone has to know something about him."

"My mother," Warlock responded. "Before she died, she told me about him I think. It's a vague memory, but the book would still be in her study. I don't think we should get all of Asgard involved, that might drive Exitium to a new level. We don't know what he's capable of."

@lonecoyote @basically everyone tbh she talked to everyone


Wintertide pulled up a chair and sat down watching as everything unfolded before her. Honestly, she didn't know what to think, between her and Danica they couldn't do much. They were only human and maybe a little bit better. She didn't want to be the Debbie Downer but she was thinking rationally, all hope that she once had was gone. "What about the goons that work for him? Danica. We can't harm them. They're under his control if we kill them or harm them severely then it's just like killing an innocent. If word gets out we did that then it's bye bye for superheroes. Exitium wouldn't be our only problem." She tapped her foot on the ground nervously, pulling down her mask to reveal her nose and mouth taking in a deep breath before letting it out.


Red Wiccan

Yes...Almost... Before she knew it Red Wiccan opened her eyes, though instead of a peaceful wake up she jerked awake still feeling the adrenaline from her fight with Dust. "No!" She screamed as red energy started to swirl around her hands, she was ready to blow the little mind manipulator off the face of the earth for what she had done to her. Her eyes narrow and her jaw clenched she was ready to take the building down with her. When her mind finally caught up, the red energy dispersed into nothing as she looked around wide-eyed. The fight was over and she lost big time. The mind manipulator really pulled all the stops. "Where that lil Mind Wench!" She yelled getting up from where she was ready to commence their fight once more.


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"We've got to figure out how to break them from his control." Morrígan responded to Wintertide. "But not all of them are under his control, I fought one of them and she was following him by choice." She ran her hand through her hair as Warlock healed her arm the rest of the way. "He has to have a weakness. He was defeated before, we'll defeat him again."

Warlock nodded, "we will. Once I'm done with healing the others I'll go to Asgard. My mother has plenty of tricks left." He left her and her newly healed arm to go to Marley Banner.

Morrígan saw Red Wiccan jump up and went over to her, "hey, calm down. She's gone." The blonde held her hands out. "They're all gone. We'll get them, but you can't hurt her. She's not in control of herself."


Red Wiccan

"She messed with my mind. If that's not a personal attack I don't know what is Morrigan." Red Wiccan growled, obviously she didn't care whether or not the girl was innocent. Attacking her mind was a call for war and that's exactly what she was hoping for. "I'm not gonna kill her just gonna return the favor. Least I can do." Clasping her hands together tightly as she tried to calm herself. They won't get much done if she fought with everyone on the team. Time for sacrifices. She thought letting out a sigh before she went to speak again. "Fine. I see your point, but how are we supposed to conquer if we're gonna have to make sure we're not hurting them?"





Doom nodded and turned to Marley. "You are the Gods aren't you?" She asked rhetorically, somewhat sarcastically answering why the Asgardians always had to save the day. She was still in her armor and she knew she should stay in it in case they came back but it wasn't the most comfortable, and though it enhanced her magic, it seemed to bounce healing magic back on her. That was part of the reason why the Dooms were known to have a slight healing factor, it was all magic not biological. She quickly summoned her clothes to replace her armor. Unfortunately she can only switch between her armor and her last outfit so she was in her dress. She approached Marley and set up the anesthesia and told her what she was going to do. "Stay calm please, I'm going to put you under so we can remove the bullet"

@Eunoia @Garnet

Rose Gwynn

Bubblegum Fairy

Rose arrived late and when she got there a shield agent outside told her to go home and what happened at the party is classified. "Classified... sounds interesting mind if I take a look inside?" "You are not allowed in there we are in a lockdown." "Yeah good luck stopping me and if you try to shoot at me I'm calling the X-men." Rose flies inside without the shield agent even attempting to stop her and once inside she notices the battle damage from the fight that happened earlier. "OMG I missed a battle against some random supervillain and since shield is locking down the building the bad guy got away".

She pulls out her cell phone and tries to look information on what happened but she got no internet signal so put her phone back in her pocket. "They must be blocking the signal I think that's standard shield protocol during a lockdown". She flies into random rooms trying to find someone that can explain what happened. She eventually finds the medical room where the other legacies are waiting and getting medical treatment. "Hi can anyone explain what happened? I'm the superhero Bubblegum Fairy!!! I was supposed to be at the party some weird things that caused me to be late but that doesn't matter I'm here now."

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Ironwoman looked at the girl that called herself Bubblegum Fairy the superhero exasperated as her suit brought itself off of her and retracted into a briefcase like thing {like the one in Iron Man 2} and sighed. "Maybe if you had been here and fought like the rest of us you wouldn't need an explanation." She said salty. She was irritated, tired, and her head hurt slightly from when Blasius EMPed her suit and caused her to fall. After she said it she realized how rude it was and she sighed. "I'm so sorry" She rubbed her hand over her forehead. "My head hurts and I'm tired, just after the speeches this villain called Exitium came. He brainwashed The Winter Soldier, Reaper, and Blasius. They pretty much kicked our asses {is cursing allowed?} with his 'elite' and then teleported out leaving us here." She sighed, "Oh and Asgardians are the only ones immune to his powers" Olivia was now completely out of the suit, revealing the black yoga pants she'd worn under her dress and the gold top of her dress. She'd had the dress modified in case she needed to put on the suit so the black skirt came off.




Idun looked at Radi and smiled softly, putting a hand on his arm.
"Hey, it's not your fault. You had no control of what you were doing. Don't be so hard on yourself, ok?" she said and climbed up the steps. When they got to the room, she jumped up onto a flat surface and leaned against the wall, closing her eyes and letting out a groan.

"My body aches." she complained, opening her eyes a bit to see others hurting just like she was. She closed her eyes again and listened to everyone. When she heard another voice speak and felt the cold water on her thighs she let out a sigh of relief.

"Hah, seems like it, right? It's a good thing I can't die too easily." she laughed out. She sat there and let him heal her, her thoughts replaying from the events that happened. Her heart broke all over again. Watching the people she cared about doing things so uncharacteristically of themselves. The fact that Theo attacked her with eyes as dark as night with no emotion whatsoever. What hurt her even more is the split second that Theo's eyes turned back to normal and the look on his face was complete horror. The only word that came out of his mouth was, "Sorry".

At the sound of the male's voice, Idun opened her eyes and looked down at her legs. She smiled softly and nodded.
"Thanks, I appreciate it." she spoke softly and took a deep breath. Then she heard everyone begin to talk.

"I'll go to Asgard as well. Maybe Odin knows something that could be of use. As for not hurting them, we'll have to figure out which ones aren't under his control. I'm pretty sure if their eyes are pure black, they are being controlled. Other than that, they are doing it simply of their own free will. We need to take great caution with them. We don't have to cut them into pieces or stab them but we have to do what needs to be done. We can't not harm them and let them go about hurting the innocent. I would rather receive backlash for knocking one of them out then letting an innocent person die. We need to put the human race before ourselves." she said, looking around the room and trying to make a point. True, the media would have a field day with the heroes hurting those who weren't under Exitium's control but wouldn't one or two heroes getting injured far beyond that of a human be better than a human getting killed? It only made sense to her.

If it all came down to it, Idun would sacrifice herself for the well being of Earth and it's inhabitants. After all, that's what her parents taught her. Earth was a beautiful place with so much potential and so many threats against it. They needed someone to help watch out and Earth has given them so much. Her parents were ready to give their lives up so why shouldn't she? In all her life, she has met many wonderful people from legacies to humans. She has fought many battles and even faced rough criticism. She would do it all again though because knowing that others weren't ok around her would make her feel like a failure to both Earth and Asgard.

@Everyone basically @Eunoia
Destin Incantare

"I think I've got everyone taken care of here, we can go now, if you're ready to go." Destin ran his hand through his hair, a nervous habit that was getting worse. He turned to Alicia, "don't die while I'm gone. I'd still like to get that dinner with you." He smiled at her and then looked at Idun. "Alright, we need to get going."

Truthfully, the boy had no interest in going back to Asgard, but he was going to anyway. Midgard depended on it. He had long since decided this place was his home. He planned to save it, even if it meant going back to Asgard.


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