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Fandom Marvel: Next Generation

Alex looked at Theo with a lot more excitement, once he heard "Wilson." "I-I-I.. I'm Alex. Alex Shepherd. W-Well, my name is Alexander, but everyone calls me Alex," he said. He was trying to hide his excitement, but he never really could. He stuttered on his words, had a seemingly permanent smile, and was almost hopping. He looked around at the other people in the room. He seemed to be the youngest. Well, he looked the youngest. If he was put in a line with everyone else, and then made a person guess their ages without given any, Alex could most likely pass as a fourteen or fifteen year old. He wasn't really mad about it either. He didn't really care what age he looked, just what age he actually was.


Theo grinned at the kid and patted his shoulder.
"What's with the stuttering? I just got you into Cap'n Merica's ball and this is how you thank me? Jeez." Theo threw his arms up and walked to the punch bowl to get the drinks like he was originally meant to do.

"It's nice to meet you though, Alex. What brings you here?" he asked and grabbed two cups and began to pour the punch.

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Asya Barnes

Asya groaned as she reached for her alarm to turn it off. This was the first alarm she actually responded to all the other failing to wake her up. She didn't realise the time till she looked at her phone seeing she had 10 miss calls from her father.
"Crap." She muttered, rolling out of her bed as she made her way to the bathroom. Asya took her time getting ready knowing how her father would scold if she came to the Ball looking half-assed.

Wiping the steam away from the mirror, Asya looked at herself and pursed her lips. In her head, she was going through all the possible scenarios of what could happen, some good but most of them bad. Worst case scenario her father has one of his attacks, best case scenario he doesn't show up. She was hoping he wouldn't but then again she is his child, she can't tell him what to do.Putting on her makeup, she heard her phone buzz but she chose to ignore it, she was already going to be late she didn't need any distractions. After she did her makeup she attempted to do her hair burning her ear several times as she tried.

When she was done Asya put on her dress and walked around her apartment, waiting for Blasius to text her. She could feel butterflies in her stomach wanting nothing more than to cancel the whole thing. She decided to sit down, her pacing was just making it worse. She needed to calm down but it felt as though her anxiety was just the beginning.


Yana's Dress/Hair/Makeup
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/3ea04ac506b111ba571d7fc6fa87a39a.jpg.2d5cbcf7378e17b63d64957a8429b820.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105159" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/3ea04ac506b111ba571d7fc6fa87a39a.jpg.2d5cbcf7378e17b63d64957a8429b820.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/2ac68c03f2193eb7c111c350875480ec.jpg.5dec730e5ae69a2e6c6b8bca8cac3543.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105161" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/2ac68c03f2193eb7c111c350875480ec.jpg.5dec730e5ae69a2e6c6b8bca8cac3543.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin was about to feel hurt that the girl didn't remember her but then remembered she was in her true form. Robin facepalmed before replying. "Ich bin so was von blöd! I'm sorry, I forgot you met me in one of my disguises. It's me Robin, the one you met by the city with your horse." She changed her form to show Idun and then changed back to her original form. "Sorry for the confusion, I usually don't go out with my real skin tone to avoid being talked about. I see you're heading to the bathroom, I'll get out your way." @lonecoyote
"I don't really know what to say other than... I was invited," he told Theo, finally coming to his senses and realizing he shouldn't be nervous or anything. "So... what do we do here?" He asked. That was quite a strange question. Had this kid never been to a party, or a dance, or anything? The obvious answer to that, according to the question, was No. Alex went through quite a bit of his life in an orphanage, so he never really had any parties or dances.

Alex walked over to the large punch bowl, grabbed a cup and scooped up some punch, putting it into his cup. As he drank it, he looked around at all the people here. "Wow... so many superheroes here. I feel so... out of place," he told Theo.

Yana Maximoff

Yana giggled, covering her mouth with her hand as she listen to the two boys conversation.
"Don't go thinking all of them are like Captain America. Some of these heroes are a little rough around the edge if you get what I mean." She said walking past them to get herself a drink. She took a sip and then looked at the two. They seemed like an odd pair to be together but she wasn't going to question it. Perhaps she could have an actual conversation, if they didn't notice who she was first. For some reason whenever she brought up her mothers name it always left a bad taste in others mouths. It was humorous but unsettling at the same time.

Nikolai and Danica Rogers

"You okay?" Danica asked her brother. He seemed a little off his element.

"I'm so tired of being compared to them, Dani." Nikolai responded quietly. "Every time I talk to anyone they ask me something about it. Have I gotten better at this, have I done this, why didn't I get the shield. I'm so tired." He ran his hand over his face and sighed. "I'm going to go get some air to clear my head. I'll be back for our speech."

Danica squeezed his hand, "remember, I've got your back, bro." She smiled lightly before letting it go. Armani joined her again, putting his arm around her and handing her some punch.

"Everyone else is doing this, so I figured I would." He laughed, "your brother's girlfriend is with another guy and they're looking cozy."

"She's not his girlfriend, he just likes her. As for the guy, that's Theo." Danica explained. "That might be part of what's bothering him, though."

Nikolai was already outside before his sister's date had made it back to her side. Truthfully, a lot was bothering him. The feeling he couldn't shake was a large part of it. He needed something stronger than punch. But he refrained for his sister's sake. He didn't want to mess up their speech and embarrass her. Actually, embarrassing her would be great. Maybe he would do that after all.

Idun looked at the girl and smacked herself in the face.
"My deepest apologies! I thought I recognized those eyes but I wasn't sure! It's good to see you, Robin." she smiled at the girl. She truly felt bad for not remembering her name since she didn't want to seem like a prude. When Robin moved out of the way, Idun smiled and shook her head.

"I don't really have to go to the bathroom. Just need an excuse to get some air. Too many questions and people here. Would you like to join me?" she asked her, picking her dress up and going to the exit door. The feeling of the warm air made her relax more and she let out an audible sigh.


Theo looked at Alex and laughed.

"Kid, this is a ball. Find a cute girl and ask her to dance. Mingle a little." He told him and sipped on his punch. When a female voice joined the conversation, Theo raised a brow and looked at her.

She was a good looking female and she looked absolutely spectacular.

"And you think the Cap'n is the perfect example because he's Mr. All American? Please. Even Cap'n can be rough. Most of the heroes are rough around the edges at first if you're not one of them." he threw out, rolling his eyes as people looked at him and quickly looked away. His father may be considered as a "hero" but he was the kind of hero that killed for a living every single day and had no remorse about it.

"I don't believe we've met. What's your name, Beautiful?"

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Yana Maximoff

"Not saying he's a perfect example but Ole Cap is as good as they get, heard he almost lifted Thors hammer once upon a time." She smiled taking a sip of her drink. "Yana. Yana Maximoff, and no we haven't." She offered her hand for him to shake. Well isn't someone all high and mighty. She thought, the party started getting crowded and with the crowd came the sense something just wasn't right. Maybe it's the punch. Whether be the punch or something of another nature she was reveling in it. "And you two are?" They looked familiar but Yana was hopeless when it came to remembering.


Nikolai Rogers

Nikolai looked up when he heard the doors open again. Idun came out, she looked a little upset, he probably knew why. "Too many questions?" He asked, walking over to her. He knew the answer but felt like he should ask regardless.

"Or did you just get tired of boys falling on their knees begging you to be theirs?" He smiled at the blonde girl. He knew what she was probably feeling, and he wanted to help lift her spirits at least a little bit. It was rough being known only as your parents' child. He just wondered what it would take for all of them to be recognized as their own person.

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Olivia Stark

Olivia woke up for the fourth time, and debated hitting her snooze again before she looked at the time. She was late for the ball. She'd been up earlier but had fallen asleep again, due to her lack of sleep that night. She didn't know why she stayed up but she did. She quickly jumped out of her bed and ran into her bathroom to shower. She pulled on her long black and gold dress, and slipped on her tall golden heels. She blow dried her long wavy purple hair and checked the time, almost an hour late. Dads going to kill me! She thought as she pulled her hair into a nice bun, leaving a few strands of bangs out. She quickly ran out of her apartment, and arrived at the ball walking in quickly, trying to hide the fact that she was late from her dad.



#pretendinghesnotlate xD

Blasius Adam Laufeyson

Blasius woke to his alarm with plenty of time. He got up and took a nice shower, before ruffling his hair, not really doing much with it. He pulled on his black suit, and tied his teal tie around his neck nicely. He quickly grabbed a bite to eat before texting Asya. Hey, I'm on my way. He got into his car and drove to where he knew Asya was. He got her home quickly, and knocked on the door, waiting for her to open it.



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Asya Barnes

When she heard the buzzer Asya quickly got her things and headed down to answer the door.
"Finally." She joked as she opened the door, taking in his appearance and smiling. "Well Mr. Laufeyson you clean up well." She laughed closing the door behind her as she checked the time. She was nervous and it was apparent the way she acted. Smoothing her dress and checking herself in the outside window of her apartment. She felt like one slip up and everything could go wrong, it was only a matter of time.



Blasius Adam Laufeyson

Blasius smiled, "As do you Mrs.Barnes." He grinned. He straightened his tie and held his arm out for her to link with his. He knew the ball meant a lot to her father, so she was going to try to be as good as possible while they were there. Honestly he was slightly nervous, not only about meeting Asya's father at a nice event but also about going to a ball that he really wasn't invited to.​


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Asya Barnes

"Huh. What? Oh right right. Thanks." She smiled though she looked preoccupied. Linking arms with Blasius and sighed leaning into him to speak. "Thanks for not dropping. Truth be told I think your presence will help me be sane." She didn't want to place any pressure on Blasius seeing he could have declined anytime he wanted. She didn't even know if her father was coming, but not knowing made it worse.


Blasius Adam Laufeyson

He smiled, "Eh it gives me something to do." He jokes. Honestly Blasius wasn't sure if he wanted to go to the ball, but since it was Asya he was going to be happy about it. He lead her to his car and opened the door, letting her in before walking around and getting in the drivers seat. He drove to the location of the ball and parked, letting her out again since she was the one with the invite he had to wait for her.

Destin Incantare

Destin knocked on Alicia's door. He had a weird feeling they should skip food, he felt like they needed to be at the ball soon. He couldn't figure out why he felt like that, but he did. It happened sometimes. Part of his powers, he got premonitions. Just weird feelings. He'd never truly learned how to control them though. To fully understand them.


Olivia Stark

Olivia sighed as Tony approached her. "Your late." He said sounding disappointed, "Sorry dad, I missed my alarm" She said and frowned as he sighed. "I'm sorry! You used to do it all the time." She defended causing him to immediately back down. "Well at least you came in time for the speeches." Tony responded to her as he lead her further into the ball room.

Alicia von Doom

When Alicia heard the knock on the door, she walked over at a normal pace, her heels clicking on the floor. She quickly opened the door and smiled, "Nice suit" She greeted. She wanted to get to the ball quickly now, feeling if she didn't they were going to miss something.

Destin Incantare

"That dress looks even better on." Destin replied, smiling at her. He offered her his arm. "So, I was thinking we should skip food. It'll be more fun to crash the ball, anyway." He left out his bad feeling, not wanting to spook the girl. She could handle it, but he didn't want to be wrong and worry her for nothing. He opened the car door for her.

Alicia von Doom

Alicia smiled, and took his arm. "Alright" She said as she got into the car. Honestly she was fine with skipping dinner she wasn't feeling very hungry anyway. She looked at her watch and smiled, "The speeches should be starting soon."

Idun looked to see Nikolai outside and she smiled. She allowed the door to close and leaned against the side of the building. She laughed at what he said and shook her head.
"Actually the opposite. I had to escape all the rejection and no one wanting to talk to me! Can you believe that? I'm the daughter of two god's and no one has asked me anything! Not about my hammer, my sword, or my powers! I can't believe it!" she exclaimed, a hand being put on her waist. She knew what he meant and she also knew that he knew that he was right. It was non stop question after question about if she could live up to her parents names. She was so over it.

She looked up at the stars and smiled faintly.
"You know, sometimes I wish I could just live on Asgard. It's much more my style than Earth. I still get treated the same but up there what matters is who you are. My grandfather always pushed me to be the best I could be. He told me that no matter what, at the end of the day I was me. I wasn't daughter of Thor or daughter of Brunnhilde. I was Idun Brunnhilde and no one could change that. Being on Earth, it makes me question it." She looked over at him and pushed herself off from the wall to face him fully.

"Don't forget you said you'd dance with me tonight. I'm going to keep you up on that offer, alright? So don't disappoint me." she told him and reached for the door handle, opening the door to be met with the loud music from inside. There was a burning in the pit of her stomach that she didn't like. It was the burning she got when something bad was about to happen. She looked around the room and examined everyone, her hearing not being it's best since it was so loud and there were so many people. Even with her doubt, she rejoined the party but kept an eye out on people.


Asya Barnes

Asya hovered around the car as she watched the building. Every fiber of her being wanted to run far away from this place but she knew she was expected to make an appearance.
"Okay okay. Let's go." Asya said as she grabbed Blasius and walked with him towards the doors. The were immediately stopped due to Blasius's history, or so she assumed. "Didn't your parents ever teach you not to judge a book by its cover?" With this they let her through muttering soft apologies.

When they entered the building Asya had a quick look around and relaxed when she did not see her father but oh how life is not fair. A metal hand clamped down on her arm before a laugh filled the air.
"Joy." She muttered before turning around to hug her father. "I didn't know you were coming Dad! You should have called me." She said trying to sound happy. Her father Bucky laughed yet again at her words. "I did...10 times actually." Asya went quiet before she shrugged it off. "Phone must be broken." She did get his calls just never answered them. She saw her father looking at Blasius almost forgetting she never told him that she was bring a son of Loki into a SHEILD ball. "Oh dad this is Adam. Adam this is my father Bucky Barnes." Her father looked at Blasius skeptically as he extended his hand. "Nice to meet you son."

Destin Incantare

"Good, we'll get there at the perfect time then." Destin grinned, sliding into his seat and hitting the gas. He drove fast, not giving a shit about the speed limit. They got there right before the speeches were supposed to begin. He used his magic to get past the guards, "oh, we're on the list." He said, eyes glowing slightly. The guards' eyes glowed and they let him by, apologizing greatly. He offered Alicia his arm again. "Shall we join the people, dear?" He smiled his most charming smile at her.

Blasius Adam Laufeyson

Blasius gritted his teeth when the person at the door stopped them. If they weren't at a SHIELD ball he would've punched the guy. As Bucky approached Blasius felt himself tense up slightly though not much. As Asya introduced him as Adam he smiled and extended his hand as well, shaking Mr.Barnes's hand. "You too sir." He said with a smile.

Nikolai and Danica Rogers

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Nikolai replied to Idun, smiling a little. She had a lot of sense, and he appreciated it. It was always important in their world. He took a deep breath and entered the building again. Here we go, he thought.

Danica was waiting for him by the stage, "took you long enough." She whispered, ushering him up the stairs to the podium. She hated public speaking, but this was for their father. She could do it for them. "Hello, everyone. And thank you for joining us this evening."

"Words cannot express how happy we are to get to present our father with the prestigious SHIELD Excellence Award." Nikolai spoke next. They'd be taking turns talking, then their father would give a quick speech and most of the adults would be leaving to get back to Avengers Tower. Rumor had it Tony was throwing the
real party this year. "To most of you, he's Captain America. A hero, an Avenger."

"But to us, and to his friends, he's more than that. He's a wonderful father, a loving husband, and a generally great person. Steve Rogers is the embodiment of American excellence."

"He's spent his entire life fighting against bullies, and he'll never stop that. No matter how retired him and all his friends are."

"Everyone give him a round of applause."

Steve left his spot with Natasha and hugged both of his children on stage. They exited stage, standing with their mother, and watched his speech. It was short, endearing, and funny of course. Most of the "adults" left after that. Leaving the "kids" to mingle. Danica and Nikolai knew what that actually meant.

Things were going fairly well. Nikolai walked up to Idun, "I'm holding up my promise." He held his hand out and smiled at her.

Then, all hell broke loose, starting with total darkness.


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A single light lit the podium, highlighting the man standing at the mic. He had a small group behind him. "Hello, young heroes and, villains as it turns out." His smile was eery. Malicious. "Techna, please, illuminate the room." One of the girls behind him snapped and the lights came back on.

"Thank you, my dear." He sounded almost affectionate before turning back to the room full of supers. "I'll give you one chance to join me." He laughed, chuckled really. "I seem to have gotten ahead of myself. My name is Exitium. I have come to regain my world, which was stolen from me years ago. Centuries. Lifetimes, ago. You can join me, or you can fight me. You will die fighting, I assure you." His voice was deep, gravelly, terrifying. "I see we have Asgardian guests." His smiled became downright chilling, evil.

"Gateway, bring me the boys, the ones with the Asgardian girl." Exitium pointed at two boys with a tall blonde girl. The boy behind him disappeared, reappeared next to them, disappeared again, and reappeared on the stage. A small blonde girl let out a blood curdling scream and lunged, her dark skinned friend holding her back. Trying to calm her down.

"How exciting! We're already having fun, aren't we, my children?" The man grinned, turning to the two boys and putting his hands on their heads. His powers allowed him to know everything about them due to this. "Nikolai Rogers and Theo Wilson. Pleased to have you join my squadron. You both care deeply for the Asgardian, you'll serve me well." He stared them in the eyes.

The boys' eyes were black when Gateway released their bodies onto the stage. He turned to the crowd. "Him," Exitium pointed to a dark haired male. Gateway delivered him. "You're the son of Loki. The Asgardians imprisoned him." His hand on the boy's head told him everything he needed to know. He wouldn't need to control this one, just hypnotize him. He waved his finger in front of his face, "you want to join me. Don't you?" He was satisfied with what the response would be and turned back to the crowd again.

"Who's next, kids?" He clapped his hands together. A bullet flew past his shoulder, barely missing it. "Oh, wrong move, whoever that was." He turned to his followers. "Attack. Now."
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