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Fandom Marvel: Next Generation

Nikolai Rogers

Nikolai ignored the comment about Armani, he wasn't entirely sure what had caused the bad blood between the two, but it was there. He smiled at her, putting his arms on the back on the bench, because he's a dude and for some reason they all do that.

"Yeah, I don't think I could get out of it if I tried." Nikolai laughed, "Mom would kill me if I missed it. I can hear it now." He smiled at the blonde girl. "I might steal you for a dance or two."

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Idun smiled and watched as Nikolai put his arm on the back of the bench. She knew it wasn't anything special but for some strange reason, she thought it was. Because to girls who are around the guy they like, everything means something. Idun sat back against the bench and looked at him, her arms folding over her chest.

"Yeah, thinking about it now, that was a dumb question. It is for your dad after all." she felt a bit embarrassed but it was alright. This was the most comfortable she felt around the eldest Rogers offspring and boy was she going to take it in as long as she could.

"Oh? And what if I decline? I mean after all, I do have a date since no one else asked me before." she said, raising a brow with a smirk on her face. She was trying to be flirty but she wasn't sure if it was working. Aside from her hero life, Idun wasn't much into dating or a love life in general so everything was new to her.


Yana Maximoff

Yana sat on the bench for some time, taking in the people coming and going before she spotted two sitting down her smile becoming wide.
"Nikolai?" Nikolai? She thought as she got up and started to walk towards them before she stopped. He looked like he was in the middle of a conversation and she didn't want to impose. Though she hadn't seen anyone from SHEILD in such a long time it saddened her. She stood there contemplating whether she speak now or wait till later.

Nikolai Rogers

Nikolai feigned hurt, "if you decline it might hurt my feelings." He grinned at her. He couldn't help but inch a little closer, subtly. He was fairly good with girls, he'd had some experience. Despite going into the Academy pretty early, he had quite the wild side. He made sure to have plenty of fun while he was growing up. He slowly moved his arm off the bench and onto her shoulders.

He noticed Yana, and waved lightly. Not wanting to be rude, despite enjoying his time with Idun. They had been in the Academy at the same time, and had met quite a few times at SHIELD HQ as kids.

@lonecoyote @Aio
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It worked! It actually worked! Idun had successfully flirted and she couldn't be more proud of herself. She dared to scoot just a tad closer to him but left enough distance. "Oh, I wouldn't want to hurt such a big guy like yourself's feelings. It'd make me feel bad!" She said back, letting out a laugh.

She looked over at a girl who wasn't too far from them and was staring at Nikolai. She bit the inside of her mouth and noted that the girl was brunette like Olivia. And she was really pretty. Idun bit her lip and smiled softly at the girl. Then she felt Nikolai move his hand to her shoulder and lift it up to wave to her.

"Friend of yours?"

@Eunoia @Aio

Yana Maximoff

Yana waved as she giggled skipping over to Nikolai. She was a rather odd girl but she seemed to relish in that fact. When she arrived over to them she went to give Nikolai a hug.
"It was meant to be a surprise but surprise I moved to San Besitos!" She waved her hands, like jazz hands, as she giggled. She looked over at Idun, her eyes sparkling. "Oooo you two on a date? She's a looker Nikolai I won't deny it!" She winked, never being the subtle one. She could feel she wasn't exactly welcomed at this moment in time but she pushed it away with a small giggle.

Yana's Outfit
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/a8a451830b23cb83fbbb3ae7c7d08e8a.jpg.f5f482336981797aecfbe601b67c8f00.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104823" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/a8a451830b23cb83fbbb3ae7c7d08e8a.jpg.f5f482336981797aecfbe601b67c8f00.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





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Nikolai Rogers

"You could say that," Nikolai replied to the blonde. "Her mom's the Scarlet Witch." He explained, knowing Idun would understand how the two knew each other.

"Seems like we're all here." He said to Yana. Chuckling lightly at her jazz hands. She had a fun personality. He looked at Idun out of the corner of his eyes, "yeah. She's a pretty one." He grinned. "How's the city treating you?"

@lonecoyote @Aio

Blasius Adam Laufeyson

Blasius chuckled, "Well that's about it." He smiled and was about to continue when the waitress came up to them, he ordered for both of them since he knew what she wanted and ordered tortellini for himself before turning back to her. "It was kinda hard never actually being able to see my father without his visual tricks, since he uses them in prison to look like he's okay but it worked. "


Idun looked at the girl and nodded, watching her as she approached them. She folded her arms in her lap and listened quietly at their exchange. When the girl addressed her, Idun stood up and shook her hand.
"I'm Idun Brunnhilde. Nice to meet you." she said with a smile and sat on the other end of the bench. When the girl called her pretty, she was a bit taken back but thanked her for the compliment. As for the date part, she let it slide since it boosted her compliment just a bit. But when Nikolai called her pretty she blushed a bit and looked at the girl.

"Won't you sit down?" she asked and patted the spot between her and Nikolai. She felt Keldr pulling at his leash and Idun bent down to pick the pup up. She sat him in her lap and kissed the top of his head as she waited for a reply.

@Eunoia @Aio

Yana Maximoff

"City life is hard! Though with everyone moving out of SHEILD it was super boring!" It was true. When everyone started moving to San Besitos things got really quiet back at SHEILD. Sure there were new trainee's but they all seemed to know something she didn't. Every time she walks into a crowded room it would fall silent. Overall if Yana stayed there any longer she would have gone crazy. When the blonde offered her a seat Yana started shaking her head."Can't. You two are on a date! I should go soon though I'm sure I'll see you both at the ball!" She missed having conversations like these where she didn't have to worry about why they seemed nervous or if someone was eavesdropping.


Asya Barnes

"Thanks." She said though he may take it she was thanking him for the food it was really for him trusting her enough to tell her these things about his past. "Sounds like my father but without the visual tricks." She smiled. "So help me god if someone finds out he's not okay. His image is his everything. He's afraid if someone finds out he has violent attacks almost every day that he'll be labeled a villain yet again." She sighed, she didn't want to say all the things she did but she felt like she owed it to Blasius because he was telling her the truth.


Blasius Adam Laufeyson

He listened carefully, "So he doesn't like the villain label?" He asked, "My father seems to revel in it. I think he likes being feared" The food was here now, this place had pretty quick service. He took a bite of his food and looked at her. Although she was talking about a sad/bad subject she still looked nice and beautiful for him to look at.

Asya Barnes

"Well when he was captured they did the classic brainwash on him...When Uncle Steve found him he believed everyone was against him." She trailed off as she sighed think about how her father would kill her if he heard this. "People don't remember him as a son, a friend, or even a father. All they can do is remember the bad things. Someone has to remember the good." She took a bite of food to shut herself up, looking up at Blasius, a soft blush appearing on her cheeks before she looked away. "Sorry." She muttered before taking another bite of food.


Blasius Adam Laufeyson

"It's fine, I was the one who brought it up." He said before getting quiet, and looking at the clock. He quickly realized how late it was, "I'm sorry for doing this to you again but I have to leave." He said pulling out his wallet and dropping the money for the food onto the table, he'd eaten there enough the staff knew it was the right amount. "I'll pick you up before the ball tomorrow" He smiled at her at waved quickly leaving the building. He didn't like to be out too late all the time so he could sleep a long time, and tomorrow probably would be an exception.

-last post till timeskip-

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Asya Barnes

Asya smiled and waved him good-bye.
"You better be or else I'm going to have to take my super hot boyfriend from Canada." She joked, laughing softly as he left. When he was gone Asya stayed there for some time. She really didn't feel like going home but knew she had to eventually. For someone who spent most of her time alone she hated to be alone. When there wasn't someone to occupy her thoughts she was left to think, her mind wandering to places she knew all to well and tried to avoid. When the restaurant started to close Asya paid and left a tip, giving them extra for allowing her to stay as long as she did. Out on the street she made her way home, ready to call it a night.

--Last Post for Asya--

Nikolai Rogers

"Yeah, I'll definitely be there." Nikolai smiled, "I'll see you there. We should catch up sometime after, too." He enjoyed her company. She had a light personality and was generally fun to be around. He grinned at her, preparing to slide back over to Idun when his phone beeped.

He looked at it and frowned. Danica needed him to come home, some kind of emergency with the plumbing. He sighed and looked at the two young women. "Unfortunately I'm going to have to leave too, Danica broke the house." He adjusted his beanie and stood up, "I'll see you both tomorrow?" It was both a question and a statement. He wished he could've recovered the date - was it a date? - but, that was the life of a superhero he guessed.

@lonecoyote @Aio

-last Nikolai post-

Yana Maximoff

Yana nodded "Of course! We should get everyone together. Soon though!" She looked at the two and smiled. She liked this, she liked seeing her old friends again and not have to talk to the oldies at SHEILD. The only way your could talk to them is if you ask them old "war" stories and that got boring pretty quick.

She decided she should be the first to leave since she did interrupt them. "I bid you lovely couple a good-bye." She said with a silly bow before straitening up. "See you at the ball Nikolai!" She said, waving at them both as she turned and walked away. Before she got to her apartment she hit a wave of nausea passing as quick as it came. She could put her finger on it but something was tipping the balance of good and evil and to her surprise she couldn't wait.

--Last Post for Yana--



Idun frowned slightly at the girl's decline but then was reminded of the ball and the fact Theo hadn't picked up his suite. She let out an inaudible sigh and smiled at the girl as she left. Then Nikolai's phone went off. Idun looked at him and when he looked at her she smiled.

"Yeah, totally. I've got to go pick up a suite anyway. It was nice to meet you." she told the girl whom she still didn't know had a name. She then turned to Nikolai and stood up, stretching and looking down at Keldr who was doing the same. "See ya later." she leaned in and gave him a sort of side hug with one arm before leaving to pick up Theo's suite.

{Last post for Idun.
EVER. jk}

@Eunoia @Aio
[border]RP Day Summary

April 8, 2016

  • I didn't read most of the posts
  • Armani met Idun and saw Robin
  • Idun asked Nikolai to hang
  • They did and then Yana came over (good)
  • Blasius/Adam and Asya also hung out
  • Danica broke the house
  • Theo ditched Idun
  • Nikolai got stabbed
  • Alicia and Destin flirted
  • Did I miss anything?

RP Day Start

April 9, 2016


  • The ball
  • Death probably(:

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Nikolai Rogers

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7bc192cb_NikolaiInstagram.jpg.a07dfb8e48761d2c86b3dc3c217c5184.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105085" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7bc192cb_NikolaiInstagram.jpg.a07dfb8e48761d2c86b3dc3c217c5184.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nikolai woke up late, as usual, to at least ten texts from his parents. He sighed and got up, not bothering to shower before eating breakfast. There were signs of Danica already having ate her breakfast. He fixed coffee to start, and then an omelette. Grudgingly he made his way to the shower. Something made him feel like he should have stayed in bed, but he couldn't figure out what was causing it.

Waiting for his hair to air dry, he played around on his phone. Checking Instagram and replying to texts from his parents. His shook his head at his dad's texts, they were so different from his mother's. Though, not too bad. He quickly dressed and pulled his hair into a bun before knocking on Danica's door. "I'm gonna go ahead and head out, Mom wants me to rehearse my speech. Are you done with your half?"

"Yeah! I've got it down, see you there Nik!" She called from the other side of the door.

"Be careful," he said. "I've got a weird feeling." He knew his sister had had one for awhile, she'd even taken their hero suits to the ball's location yesterday. He sighed as he climbed into his car and drove to the ball. He was about an hour early when he arrived, plenty of time to go over everything with his parents.

"Look at you!" Steve called, embracing his son. "You look great, I like your bun." His smile was still as bright as ever.

"Thanks, Dad."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/7cd77770c51b9cab9d0b804b6232ecce.jpg.1831076c07c786197f3fc4bf74521bb7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105089" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/7cd77770c51b9cab9d0b804b6232ecce.jpg.1831076c07c786197f3fc4bf74521bb7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Danica Rogers

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7bc113e5_DanicaInstagram.jpg.b1c28fd2cc0fda125a0ec9e740c7d7a5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105084" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7bc113e5_DanicaInstagram.jpg.b1c28fd2cc0fda125a0ec9e740c7d7a5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Danica woke up very early that morning, earlier than usual. She refused to skip her workout. She spent an extra twenty minutes in the shower, ensuring her skin was positively sparkling. She was glad she had grown her hair out so she could do something special with it today.

Her brother left early, which was fine. She knew he couldn't stand Armani and didn't want him to be there when he picked her up. They both had weird feelings about the night, which was disheartening to say the least. She rolled her shoulders and put on her dress before fixing her hair and makeup. She went with neutrals to prevent taking away from the dress, she wore nude pumps and lipstick as well.

Flipping through her Instagram, Twitter and other social media to pass the time relaxed her nerves a little. She and Armani had planned on skipping food so she could arrive a little early and go over her speech with her brother, so he arrived that evening. "Well, don't you look great." He greeted.

"Why, thank you sir." She grinned. "You're looking rather dapper yourself." The two laughed and got in Armani's car. They arrived relatively early, but not nearly as early as her brother. She was engulfed in a hug by her parents pretty quickly.

"Can't breathe, help me." She choked out.

They released her and insisted upon pictures of their two children, a family picture (Armani graciously took that one) and a picture of Danica and Armani. "It's like the prom you never got to go to." Natasha gushed.

"Except, not at all." Danica laughed a little before going to run over the speech with her brother.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Jay-Ellis-Bleu-3.jpg.e7989f064411d4503b72bc9914260a1c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105088" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Jay-Ellis-Bleu-3.jpg.e7989f064411d4503b72bc9914260a1c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin woke up from the sound of her alarm and sighed as she turned it off. The day of the dreaded ball was upon her and she was not looking forward to it. Most of her day will be wasted around heroes in a place were one wrong mistake and they'll throw her into a prison. Robin got up after a minute or two of pondering whether to still go or not. She did her necessities for the morning and then put on her dress and accessories like her mini brown hat and gold hoopen earings. She also put on some black dress boots, not much of a fan of heels. Robin didn'the put on much makeup other then her usual mascara and eyeshadow but that was it. It'seems pretty hard to do anything else when your skin is blue. Once she was dressed and ready it was time to for everyone to arrive at the ball.

Robin drove to where the ball's location and parked. She walked up to the two S.H.E.I.L.D agents blocking the door waiting for entry. The two looked at her with suspicion and then one looked down at his list. "I'm guess you're Robin Eisenhardt?" He asked already knowing the answer by looking at her blue skin. Robin nodded and showed him her invitation just in case he didn't believe her. The agent nodded and then pulled out to braceletsee coated with plastic. He proceeded to place the bracelets on both of Robin'so wrists. Robin chuckled as she examined the newlyrics placed bracelets. "Let me guess, stops me from manipulating any kind of metal?" She said with a smirk. The agent rolled his eyes like the answer was obvious. "Of course, now you may proceed." He said and opened the door for her.

Robin walked in and looked around. The place was pretty fancy and filled with people, or legacies. She made her way to a wall away from people's view and ignoring all the snide comments on her way. 'Reason I didn't want to come here in the first place...' She thought to herself and leaned against the wall. @Anyone

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/il_570xN.459911006_7ur9.jpg.65733f09701d743a275e1c859464ad86.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105108" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/il_570xN.459911006_7ur9.jpg.65733f09701d743a275e1c859464ad86.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/PG.NWKALEIGH.JJ169A0.PZ.jpg.4743aa731dd5e5a43a75eaa7e1ba88ba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105109" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/PG.NWKALEIGH.JJ169A0.PZ.jpg.4743aa731dd5e5a43a75eaa7e1ba88ba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Idun woke up a bit later than usual because she wanted to have enough energy for tonight because with so many supers in one place, who knew what was going to happen. She went on with her morning routine and even her daily chores. As the time dwindled closer and closer to time for the ball, she began to get ready. While she was in the shower, she heard a knock on the door.
"I'll be done in a second, Theo! I'm washing my hair." she called out and heard the door open nonetheless. Idun rolled her eyes and opened the shower curtain. "Get out Theo or I will-" she stopped mid sentence and saw her mother looking at herself in the mirror.

"Or what, Idun? Tell your own mother to leave?" she asked her daughter with a smirk. Idun smiled brightly at her mother and closed the curtain and continued her routine. "How have you been, mother? It's been awhile." Idun asked and heard her mother going through her make-up.

"I've been well. Odin has been on my tail for awhile about the new recruits. I just don't have all the time in the world to train each and everyone of them myself." her mother told her, a hint of stress lacing her words. Idun listened to her mother and turned the shower off, wrapping herself in a towel and stepping out. She looked at her mother and gave her a smile, seeing how beautiful she looked in her dress and her hair. From the front it looked short but in the back her hair formed to a braid.

"Just be patient with him. You know how, Odin is. He's stuck in his old ways. Gotta give him a little time. Plus, he'll be a little more lenient on you if I ask him. Now, if you help me with my hair, I'll do your make-up."
she said with a grin, kissing her mother's cheek. Her mother nodded and the two began to get ready for the evening.

"Where's Theo? He's late." her mother said, her arms crossed over her chest. Idun smiled wearily at her mother.

"Just go on. Dad's probably waiting for you. I'll wait on Theo. We'll be there." she reassured her. Her mother was hesitant but nodded, kissing her daughter on the cheek and heading out.




"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!" Theo said to himself as he ran through the streets and on his way home. His latest mission lasted longer than he should have been. The guy he was supposed to kill just had multiple henchmen. The battle went on for a whole day and he was so spent that he passed out after he killed all of the people.

When he woke up, his arm was detached and his head hurt so bad. It wasn't until he got up and saw the blood pool he was laying in. Then he put two and two together. He had a gaping wound in the back of his head. His arm was also laying on the ground. He let out a loud groan and picked his arm up, holding it in place.

Suddenly, his phone began to rang and when he fished it out of his pocket he put it to his ear.

"THEO HAMAN WILSON, WHERE ARE YOU?! WE ARE LATE FOR THE BALL. REMEMBER? WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THERE." Idun yelled over the phone and all color from Theo's face was drained as he shifted into high gear with his arm in place.

"I'm sorry, Idun! I'm sorry! It's noy my fault! The guy I had to take out henchmen after henchmen and then my arm got blown off and I'm really sorry. I'm on my way home now." he said, panic settling in that if he didn't get home in the next few minutes the Asguardian female would definetly have his head.

Idun let out a growl and hung up, warning him that if he wasn't home in the next fifteen minutes then she was leaving without him and he would have to prepare himself for when she came home.

"Almost home, almost home." he chanted as the house came into view and right at the fifteen minute mark, he burst through the door. When he saw Idun, he lost his breath and smiled at her warmly.

"Wow, you look absolutely stunning." he said and Idun just stared at him.

"Don't stand there staring at me! You're covered in blood! Clean up and I'll hear you, ok?" she said, running a hand along her sides. Theo nodded and ran off to the bathroom, taking his shower as quickly and effectively as possible.

When he emerged, Idun saw how his arm had reattached itself and the would to the back of his head was almost completely healed. She allowed him to dry off and she went to healing him.

"It doesn't hurt too bad, right?" she asked as she watched her glowing hands work on his injuries.

Theo could feel his body accepting her help and reattaching itself.

When she was finished, Theo put on his suite and combed his hair back as well as put on some cologne. When he stepped out from his room, Idun smiled at him.

"You look great, Theo. Let's go." she said and grabbed onto his arm and he nodded.

"Well I've gotta look up to par with my date, don't I?" he asked and she rolled her eyes.



The two supers walked through the doors of SHIELD and were greeted upon arrival. Many looked at Theo with a skeptical eye while with Idun they almost adored. Idun greeted everyone and so did Theo. Theo threw compliments to all the people that approached them and even hit on some of the other females.

"Idun!" her father's voice boomed and saw as he came to them. Idun smiled hugely and broke away from Theo and hugged her father. Thor smiled greatly and kissed the side of her head, patting her back and pulling her away to look at her dress. "My, you are a beautiful woman." he said with a smile and Idun nodded.

"I get it from mother." she said and her father laughed.

"That you do." he said and looked over at her date. Thor's smile faded just a bit but he passed Idun along to her mother and grabbed Theo by his arm. He pulled Theo close to him and brought his ear close to him.

"I've got your suite and Idun's here behind the stage. So are her weapons and there's multiple ones for you by your suite. It's for later. There's supposed to be a show of the kids. But if anything happens, Idun knows how to summon her hammer and sword. Just keep an eye on everything. You never know." he said and patted Theo's back. Theo nodded and patted the Nordic god's back.

"You look wonderful, darling. Truly, wonderful." her mother said and Idun smiled. "Thank you mother. You look wonderful too." she replied and kissed her cheek. Idun looked around and saw Nikolai, Danica, Armani, and Robin. She looked back at Theo and pulled him with her.



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Destin Incantare

Destin rolled out of bed relatively late, as far as his life went anyway. He sent Alicia a text, letting her know when he'd be there. He showered, ate a light breakfast and ran through his daily routines. The clock ticking in the back of his room driving him crazy. He ran his hand through his hair, pushing it back like he usually wears it.

He dressed quickly and climbed into his car. He had already gotten Alicia's address from her and planned to be there shortly to take her to dinner. Technically the ball had already started when he picked her up to eat. But he didn't mind. Why crash a ball at the beginning of it? Where was the fun in that.

Destin did the gentlemanly thing and got out and actually knocked on her door. He couldn't understand the way people just texted their dates to tell them they were outside. He planned on opening her car door as well, his mother had raised him to be a gentleman.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/fc398d628b8ec2799db439f53e5f53eb.jpg.3fb4001511e63ed9c751303a363b2868.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105138" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/fc398d628b8ec2799db439f53e5f53eb.jpg.3fb4001511e63ed9c751303a363b2868.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Alex sighed as he looked at his watch. It was almost time to arrive at SHIELD, and he was, in his opinion, very ready. He grabbed what he needed to (a ring and a fedora), thereby completing his outfit. The young boy stood up from his bed and disappeared, leaving a strange, white, paper-looking trail behind him. He was moving so fast, he wasn't invisible to the naked eye for more than approximately 2 milliseconds, although the trail made it more visible as to where his current area was, because it stayed in place for about 3 seconds before slowly disappearing at the end. Okay... SHIELD should be about.... "Here," he said, as he arrived at the door, with guards at the door.

"Um... Hello. My name is Alexander Shepherd, I'm here about the dance in The Captain's honor," he told them, expecting them to let him pass. He was unusually excited for this. Dances weren't usually his thing, but for some reason, this just made him so excited. Maybe it was because he got to meet real life superheroes? Who knows. Alex doesn't really consider himself to be a superhero; he just throws his speed off as if it's some toy. But now he was invited to a dance with a chance to meet heroes. People who save thousands of lives, just because they feel it's necessary. At this moment, including the length of the dance, he felt like a Man Among Gods.

•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin watched as more and more legacies started walking in. She rubbed her arm awkwardly seeing as some parents showed up as well. Robin started to feel homesick missing the times waking up to see her mom cook breakfast and on the occasion her father sitting at the table with his devious smile. Even though they are villians they both loved her dearly and that was good enough for her. Robin became lost in thought about her parents she stopped noticing the on going amount of dirty looks she was receiving. She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the whispers around her. "Why did they invite Magneto's child?" Someone said. "I dunno, she's like neutral or whatever but still I don't trust her." Another person said. "Who would trust her?! I mean she comes from two crazy villains who are always against the X-men!"

Robin let out a sigh. 'I knew I shouldn't have come...' She thought and started to walk out until she bumped into Idun and her date. "Oh jeez... Sorry!" Robin said and looked at who she ran into. "Oh Idun, hi. Sorry again for bumping into you..." She said. 'Out of all the people to run into, I bump into the girl with gods as parents! Just great.' Robin thought trying to hid her nervousness.

Idun was greeting everyone and taking pictures with others as they ll greeted her. Coming to events like these made her uncomfortable. Everyone always asked her about her recent missions, if she had mastered her hammer like her father had, or if her sword was as amazing as Dragonfang. All of it was too much and she began to get annoyed. She hated being compared to her parents.
"No, no. I have to go. My apologies. Yes, yes of course."

As she was turning to head to the bathroom, she bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" she quickly apologized, turning to the person she had bumped into. When she met the person's eyes, she flinched a bit. The girl in front of her was blue. BLUE. She furrowed her brows but put her thoughts behind her. She always gave people the benefit of the doubt. "I'm sorry, but have we met? I'm sure I'd remember someone of your skin tone." she smiled softly and looked at Theo.

"Theo, go get some punch, please." she said and Theo nodded. She put her hand on the girl's back to reassure her. She knew that these things could be hard. "Well, anyway, how are you tonight?"

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